With the Northampton Territorials in Egypt and Palestine

F. J. Walkey / Northampton: W. H. Holloway 1918
24 pp., original decorated paper wrappers, spine guillotined, minor library markings, else good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: middle east zni world war I palestine great britain

Item #: 1312951


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The Invention of Ancient Israel: The Silencing of Palestinian History

Whitelam, Keith W. / Routledge 1996
292 pp., hardcover, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 041510758X
Subject/Keywords: fbf palestine israel middle east

Item #: 1312394


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Pracht und Geheimnis. Kleidung und Schmuck aus Palastina und Jordanien. Katalog der Sammlung Widad Kawar ... (Ethnologica, Neue Folge, Band 13)

Volger, Gisela, et al., eds. / KOln: Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1991
432 pp., hardcover, fine. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 3923158157
Subject/Keywords: Palestine, Jordan, dress, clothing, jewelry, decorative jcj jewelry

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Item #: 1311192


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The Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. In four volumes

Carl Ritter. William L. Gage, translator / NY: D. Appleton & Co. 1866
first American edition; 4 volumes, xiv, 451 + v, 418 + viii, 396 + vii, 410 pp., frontis. in the first volume; original gilt & blind stamped blue cloth, masonic book plate to the front paste down of each volume, spines frayed, else very good. Volumes Included: 4

Subject/Keywords: middle east israel palestine sam15

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Item #: 1283424

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Peace in the Near East: The Palestinian Imperative

Joseph D. Ben-Dak, George E. Assousa / Muscatine: The Stanley Foundation 1974
24, [2] (maps) pp., paperback, like new. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: israel palestine sbk

Item #: 1162963


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The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Vols. XXV-XXVIII for 1945-1949.Explorations in Eastern Palestine, IV. Part II: Pottery Notes and Plates.

Glueck, Nelson. / New Haven: American Schools of Oriental Research, 1951
Part 2 only; quarto, [2], 425-711 pp. (pagination continuous with Part 1) including 163 plates, folding map on pocket at end; library markings but near very good in original quarter cloth. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology, Palestine

Item #: 650684


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That's How It Is With Us...: The Life and Selected Works of Shim'on Sam Smaragd.

Molly Lyons Bar-David / Youth Hechalutz Dept. 1952
292 pp., good in good dj, hardcover. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Judaica, Jew, Palestine, Israel, Youth Aliya

Item #: 487384


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Verlassen, nicht vergessen. Das heilige Land und die deutsch-evangelische Liebesarbeit. Zum funfzigjahrigen Jubelfest des Jerusalems-Vereins von Pastor Pflanz. ...

Pflanz, Pastor. (i.e. Pflanz, Richard) / Neu-Ruppin: Verlag des Jerusalems-Vereins zu Berlin, 1903
Mit einem Vorwort von Graf von Bieten-Schwerin. Mit 75 Abbildungen, first edition; viii, 238, [2] pp., the illustrations are in text; text browning but not fragile and else very good in original pictorial cloth. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Palestine, missions

Item #: 468072


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Das neue Palastina, volkswirtschaftliche Studien.

Pinner, Felix. / Berlin: Rudolf Mosse, 1926
83, [1], [2] pp, library markings, spine trimmed with no loss of text but a few letters gone from front cover of paper wrappers, general age toning, now entirely disbound. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Palestine, economic history

Item #: 391414


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Palastina und seine Kultur in funf Jahrtausenden, nach den neuesten Ausgrabungen und Forschungen dargestellt.

Thomsen, Peter. / Leipzig: J. C. Hinrich'sche Buchhandlung 1931
Dritte, vollig neubearbeitete Auflage; 120 pp., 16 plates, issued as Der alte Orient, Band 30; original cloth soiled and a well traveled volume with American library markings, an Islamic book plate, and Chinese chops, still a sound copy. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Palestine, antiquities

Item #: 630983


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Um die Regierungsform in Palastina

Machover, J. M. / Wien 1937
237 pp., quarto, self wrappers, text browned & brittle, good working or digitizing copy. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: Israel Palestine Middle East

Item #: 625067


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