Le Sacrifice du Corps Mystique

Chanoine Eugene Masure / Paris: Desclee de Brouwer & Cie 1950
206 pp., rebound in maroon cloth (hardcover), minor library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion ojj

Item #: 1311530


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L'Histoire d'Angleterre. Deux tomes. Illustre de 83 gravures dessinees sur bois

Guizot / Paris: Hachette 1887
2 vols., 637 + 785 pp., contemporary red quarter leather & marbled boards (hardcovers), bindings worn, minor library markings, else text clean & bindings tight. Volumes Included: 2

Subject/Keywords: great britain ojj

Item #: 1310781


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Manrese: Les Exercices Spirituels de Saint Ignace mis a la Portee de tous les Fideles

H. Pinard de la Boullaye / Beauchesne et ses Fils 1956
This is the 1956 printing; xxxiv, 443 pp., paperback, some chipping to spine else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: ojj roman catholicism theology

Item #: 1306981


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Semaines des Intellectuels Catholiques. 1948-1955, 1957-1963

Semaines des Intellectuels Catholiques / Paris: Librairie Atheme Fayard 1948
15 vols., bound, ex library, else text clean & bindings tight. Volumes Included: 15

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion ojj bak wideaisle

Item #: 1301468

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China Missionary Bulletin / Mission Bulletin. Volumes 5 to 11 (1953-1959)

Morgan J. Vittengl, editor / Hong Kong: Mission Bulletin 1953
vols. 5-11, bound, ex library, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 7

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion ojj bak wideaisle

Item #: 1301467

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La Mariologia di San Tommaso. Studi Mariani II

Gabriele M. Roschini / Roma: Angelo Belardetti 1950
311 pp, rebound in blue cloth (hardcover), minor library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion mariology ojj

Item #: 1300020

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La Madonna del Santissimo Sacramento. Relazioni tra l'Eucaristia e la Madonna. Studi Mariani 7

Gabriele M. Roschini / Roma: Angelo Belardetti 1953
82 pp, rebound in blue cloth (hardcover), minor library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion mariology ojj

Item #: 1300019


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Notre Nord-Ouest Provincial. Etude sur la vallee de l'Ottawa. Accompagnee de cartes geographiques [with] Colonisation le Nord par B. A. T. De Montigny

G. A. Nantel, B. A. T. De Montigny / Montreal: Eusebe Senecal & Fils 1887
first edition; 99 pp., 2 large folding maps, 161, [1] pp.; contemporary black cloth & leather backstrip (hardcover), ex library; the first map has a few closed tears near the stub, the second is tattered, has a few clear tape repairs and is split at a few folds. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: canada geography ojj

Item #: 1295048


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A New World War "The Bolshevist War". Published on the occasion of the Sixth Conference of the International Council of the International Entente against the Third International

International Entente against the Third International, International Entente against the Third International / Geneva: Permanent Bureau of the International Entente Against the Third 1929
64 pp., plates; rebound in green cloth (hardcover), minor library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: anticommunism communism ojj soviet

Item #: 1295277


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La Fede della Chiesa Nascente. Secondo i Monumenti dell'Arte Funeraria Antica. Collezione "Amici Delle Catacombe"

Giuseppe Wilpert / Citta del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana 1938
335 pp., paperback, some fading to spine and covers, light wear to cover edges else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: archaeology, biography, church history roman catholicism ojj

Item #: 1294495


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Revue Illustree de l'Exposition Missionnaire Vaticane. Publication Officielle. December 1924 to December 1925

Roman Catholic Church / Bergamo: Istituto d'Arti Grafiche 1924
folio, 840 pp., contemporary quarter leather & marbled boards, minor library markigns, covers worn, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion missionary history ojj

Item #: 1289641


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Albert Laberge. Sa vie et son oeuvre. Visage des Lettres Canadiennes, IV

Brunet, Jacques / Editions de l'Universite d'Ottawa 1969
176 pp., Paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: canada literary criticism ojj

Item #: 1285160


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Circulaire au Clerge. 4ieme Serie, Nos. 1-63, 1886-1892

Archdiocese of Ottawa / Archeveche d'Ottawa / Archdiocese of Ottawa / Archeveche dâ??Ottawa 1886
approx. 300 pages total; each circular in the original self wrappers, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion canada ojj

Item #: 1264082


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Circulaire au Clerge Vol. II Nos. 1-18, 24, 26-41 1934-1940

Archdiocese of Ottawa / Archeveche dâ??Ottawa / Archdiocese of Ottawa / Archeveche dâ??Ottawa 1934
approx. 300 pages total, each circular in the original self wrappers, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion canada ojj

Item #: 1264081


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Le verbe et la voix: La manifestation vocale dans le culte en France au XVIIe siecle (Theologie historique 106) (French Edition)

Brulin, Monique / Beauchesne 1998
506 pp., Paperback, hardcover, ex library, small indentation to base of spine else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 2701013755
Subject/Keywords: ojj church history music theology

Item #: 1264328


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Semaine a Quatre Roman

Laurent Tremblay / Les Editions Oblates 1956
90 pp., Paperback, minor library markings, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: ojj

Item #: 1244859


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Corso di diritto romano. Formazione e sviluppo del diritto romano dalle XII tavole a Giustiniano. Parte II: Dalla lex Aebutia a Giustiniano Ius Novum

Salvatore Riccobono / Milano: A. Giuffre 1933
xv, 734 pp., rebound in black cloth & leather backstrip, minor library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion ojj

Item #: 1244792


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Le Cantique Spirituel de Saint Jean de la Croix, Docteur de l'Eglise. Notes Historiques Texte Critique Version Francaise

Philippe Chevalier moine de Solesmes / Desclee de Brouwer & Cie. 1930
769 pp., rebound in brown cloth & leather backstrip, edges rubbed, minor library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion ojj

Item #: 1244790


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Commentarium in codicem Iuris Canonici Liber Secundus: De Personis (Canones 108-144)

B. Ojetti / Rome: Universitatis Gregorianae 1930
178 pp., rebound in brown cloth & leather backstrip (hardcover), minor library markings, else text clean & binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion canon law ojj

Item #: 1244789


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Corpus Marianum Patristicum III. Scriptores Orientales qui a Concilio Nicaeno usque ad Concilium Ephesenum Fuerunt

Sergius Alvarez Campos / Ediciones Aldecoa 1970
453 pp., Paperback, minor library markings, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: roman catholic religion council of nicene ojj

Item #: 1244782


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