Come Dance With Me. A book and a record.

Anne Landry, Betty Walberg / James H. Heineman 1916
56 pp. + record album, hardcover, faint age toning to endpapers, else like new. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: jcm juvenile literature music art

Item #: 1319446


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Come Dance With Me

Landry, Anne And Walberg, Nancy / Heineman 1964
first edition, large quarto, original pictorial full-color paper covered boards, like new with 78 rpm phonograph record in pocket,. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: juvenile literature music art jcm oversize

Item #: 1319445


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The Sportsman-Detective

Mansfield Scott / Edward J. Clode 1930
first edition, 319 pp., Original black stamped green cloth (Hardcover), lacks the jacket, else very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: ice hockey detective fiction jcm

Item #: 1304561


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The Betrayal

Helen Pitkin Schertz / New Orleans 1913
*this is the 1913 FIRST PRINTING* 11 pp., original printed string-tied paper wrappers, corners chipped, good only. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: poetry jcm

Item #: 1158629


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Catalogue and Price List of Polished Brass Furniture Trimmings. Manufactured by Enoch Robinson...Boston, Mass. 1888.

[Enoch Robinson] / Color Graphics Press 2017
[24] pp., profusely illustrated faithfully produced facsimile reprint, oblong quarto, paperback, like new. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: home furnishings technology business jcm

Item #: 1147743


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A Colouring Book of Birds and Beasts in the British Museum

Judy Rudoe, ed. / London: British Museum Publications Limited 1977
first edition, 16 pp., oblong quarto, profusely illustrated with line drawings for crayoning, text lightly tanned, overall good-very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: art juvenalia jcm

Item #: 1146405


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Medina's Bostwick: Volume I: Substantive and Adjective...Forms, etc. Volume 2: Surrogate's Practice Appeals, etc. Fifth Edition

[Harold B. Medina] / NY: Matthew Bender 1970
two volumes, 1764 pp., hardcovers, very good. Volumes Included: 2

Subject/Keywords: jcm american law jurisprudence

Item #: 1146399


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Campesinos y senores en los siglos xiv y XV (Tomo VI), Castilla La Mancha Y America

n/a / Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha 1988
84 pp., Paperback, minor library markings, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8477880069
Subject/Keywords: jcm medieval spain

Item #: 1140870


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I Congreso de Historia de Castilla-La Mancha. Tomo 5, Musulmanes y Cristianos: La implantacion del feudalismo

Castilla-La Mancha. Junta de Comunidades / Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha 1988
327 pp., Paperback, minor library markings, else text clean and binding tight. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8477880050
Subject/Keywords: jcm religion islam christianity

Item #: 1128549


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Allan H. Hunter, Elizabeth W. Hunter / Los Angeles: 1951
first edition, 23, [1] pp., two halftones from photos, portraits of the authors, original paper covers slightly creased or frayed, top right corner of text bumped or dog eared, else good+. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: poetry biography jcm

Item #: 1136924


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Distinguished Men of Modern Times. In Four Volumes.

Anon / London: Charles Knight & Co. 1838
four volumes, thick 12mo, original gilt stamped cloth (hard covers) slightly frayed mainly at spines, bookplate, published in "The Library of Entertaining Knowledge," good. Volumes Included: 4

Subject/Keywords: biography history jcm

Item #: 1135836


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Mange Slags Folk

Kristine Heiede / Poul Kristensens Forlag 1994
98 pp., Paperback, very good. Volumes Included: 1

ISBN: 8778510058
Subject/Keywords: jcm

Item #: 1134453


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American Fly Tyer. Volumes 8#1-2, 4; 9#4 (1985-1987 passim)

Dick Stewart, ed. / Intervale: Northland Press, Inc. 1985
first edition, volumes 8 numbers 1, 2, 4; 9 number 4, all complete issues in original pictorial paper covers with printed paper outer mailers intact, 64 pages each, quarto, illustrated, very good-fine. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: fishing equipment business history recreation jcm

Item #: 1132200


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The Performance Register of the American Guernsey Cattle Club. Volumes 6 to 16 (1952-1962)

N/A. / Reynoldsburg: The American Guernsey Cattle Club 1941
volumes 6-16 in eleven bindings, a uninterrupted run of "Sire List" and "Female List", large & thick quartos, original cloth (hard covers), very good. Volumes Included: 11

Subject/Keywords: ranching cattle industry bovine genealogy business history jcm big sets

Item #: 1100035

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Kunstsammlungen der Stadt Dusseldorf

Th. Garny, foreword / Dusseldorf 1975
32 pp., large octavo, thoroughly illustrated with examples of art & crafts predominantly from medieval Germany, original decorated paper covers, very good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: art aesthetics folk crafts museology jcm

Item #: 1131061


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Research: The Seventh of Printing and Advertising Clinics Sponsored by General Printing Ink Corporation. February 20, 1941

Walter S. Landis, Elmo Roper, William F. Talbot / NY: General Printing Ink Corporation 1941
first edition, 39 pp., quarto, original stapled paper covers, good+. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: printing chemistry jcm

Item #: 1130050


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Keystone Almanac for 1840; Being Bissextile, or Leap Year; Containing 366 Days, And the Sixty-Fourth of American Independence

N/A. / Philadelphia: William W. Walker 1839
first edition, 18 leaves, thirteen woodcuts, original paper covers repaired with paper tape at spine, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: american social history current events agriculture commerce jcm

Item #: 1126951


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Uncle Sam's Large Almanac, for 1839; Being the Third after Bissextile, or Leap Year; Containing 365 Day, And the Sixty-third Year of American Independence.

N/A. / Philadelphia: Wm. M. Walker 1838
first edition, 18 leaves, quarto, 13 woodcut vignettes & woodcut of the New Philadelphia Bank, minor tears & creased mostly limited to margins, text darkened, overall good (Drake #12125). Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: jcm current events americana humor

Item #: 1126246


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Dissertation sur les moyens dont on s'est servi, & dont on se sert presentement pour arreter les Hemorragies causees par l'ouverture des Veines & des Arteres dans les Playes

Petit. / Paris: Academie Royale, etc. 1732
first separate printing, extracted from "Memoirs de l'Academie Royale," 1732, pp 31-50, quarto, later plain paper covers, good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: health medicine hematology jcm

Item #: 1124856


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Farmers' and Mechanics Almanack, for 1840.

Charles Frederick Egelman / Philadelphia: Published by George W. Metz & Son 1839
first edition, [36] pp., small worm hold in pp. 32-36 with slight loss of text, some pages very slightly dog eared, text tanned, overall still good. Volumes Included: 1

Subject/Keywords: almanacs calendars meteorology jcm

Item #: 1123952


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