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1222089: ISBN: 0444886117 - Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds: Heterocyclic Compounds (RODD'S CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS 2ND EDITION SUPPLEMENT)
1222097: ISBN: 0444428216 - Supplements to the 2nd Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds: Heterocyclic Compounds (RODD'S CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS 2ND EDITION SUPPLEMENT)
1222321: ISBN: 0444873996 - Supplements to the 2nd Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds : Volume IV, Heterocyclic Compounds: Part K: Six-Membered Heterocyclic Compounds Containing two or more Hetero-Atoms, one or more of which are from Groups II,III, IV, V or VII of the
1106781: ISBN: 0444429891 - Supplements to the 2nd Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds: Aromatic Compounds Part H: Polycarbocyclic Compounds with more than Thirteen Atoms in the Fused-ring System (RODD'S CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS 2ND EDITION SUPPLEMENT)
1106315: ISBN: 0444422692 - Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds (RODD'S CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS 2ND EDITION SUPPLEMENT) Volume III: Aromatic Compounds Part F and Part G
1274019: ISBN: 0444421831 - Supplements to the Second Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Volume 1: Aliphatic Compounds Part Fg (RODD'S CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS 2ND EDITION SUPPLEMENT)
1273079: ISBN: 0444422366 - Supplements to the 2nd EDITION of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Volume I, Part E
1273058: ISBN: 0444420177 - Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Volume III Aromatic Compunds Supplements to the Second Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Part B: Benzoquinones and Related Compunds
1012306: ISBN: 0444420886 - Supplements to the 2nd Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Volume 3: Aromatic Compounds (Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds 2nd Edition Supplement)
481599: ISBN: 0815405081 - Mid-East: World Center. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Science of Culture Series Volume VII
1226700: ISBN: 8401376157 - Lucia (Spanish Edition)
316890: ISBN: 0070942285 - Profit from Figures. A Manager's Guide to Statistical Methods
1247776: ISBN: 3540116028 - Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equations: Proceedings of a Meeting held at Oberwolfach, Germany, Jan. 31 - Feb. 5, 1982 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 953) (English and German Edition)
1247545: ISBN: 3540051872 - Konvergenz Von Differenzenverfahren Fur Lineare Und Nichtlineare Anfangswertaufgaben (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 159) (German Edition)
1128372: ISBN: 8886712332 - XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences : Forli (Italia) 8-14 September 1996 / 6 The Upper Palaeolithic Colloquium XI The Late Aurignacian XII The Origin of the Gravettian
838829: ISBN: 0891162534 - Biological Monitoring and Surveillance of Workers Exposed to Chemicals
1306069: ISBN: 3540128913 - Algebraic K-Theory, Number Theory, Geometry and Analysis: Proceedings of the International Conference held at Bielefeld, Federal Republic of Germany, ... in Mathematics)
541104: ISBN: 0412377306 - Computer Vision and Image Processing (UNICOM Applied Information Technology Reports)
1303838: ISBN: 0134889339 - An Introduction to the Laplace Transform and the Z Transform
1314657: ISBN: 0226971457 - The Journey to the West (English and Chinese Edition)
1314463: ISBN: 0226971465 - The Journey to the West, Volume Two (2)
1314462: ISBN: 0226971473 - The Journey to the West, Volume Three
457628: ISBN: 0815184166 - Advances in Vascular Surgery, Volume 7
1261902: ISBN: 0720002079 - Augustus John: Studies for Compositions
407544: ISBN: 9024728061 - Information science in action: System design (NATO ASI series. Series E, Applied sciences, No. 59) Volume I
795594: ISBN: 1841840386 - Diabetes Annual 2002
1124116: ISBN: 0136784917 - Power Systems Stability Handbook
943029: ISBN: 0121064107 - Economic Aspects: Fisheries and Culture, The Biology of Crustacea Volume 10
682638: ISBN: 1855780445 - Neuropeptide Gene Expression (Frontiers in Neurobiology,)
741303: ISBN: 0669810185 - New perspectives in urban transportation research,
737398: ISBN: 3211829067 - User Modeling: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference UM 97 Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy, June 2-5, 1997 (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences 383)
941684: ISBN: 0791835758 - Damage Initiation and Prediction in Composites, Sandwich Structures and Thermal Barrier Coatings. presented at the 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 11 - 16, 2001, New York, New York. AD - Vol. 66
955910: ISBN: 0867845082 - Contributions of Mathematical Analysis to the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
508952: ISBN: 0802056016 - Galdos and His Critics (University of Toronto Romance Series)
633341: ISBN: 0879225459 - Recent Progress in Hormone Research Volume 57: Reproductive Hormones & Human Health
493895: ISBN: 0121820025 - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 102, Hormone Action, Part G: Calmodulin & Calcium-Binding Proteins
599127: ISBN: 0121820394 - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 139: Cellular Regulators, Part A: Calcium and Calmodulin-Binding Proteins
1308873: ISBN: 0812695348 - Expressing the World: Skepticism, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger
1293284: ISBN: 3031292251 - Immunotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer
1285298: ISBN: 0471079847 - Raman Spectroscopy in Biology: Principles and Applications
1303351: ISBN: 9971950146 - Unity of Forces in the Universe (2 Volume Set)
475536: ISBN: - The Dramatist. A Journal of Dramatology. Vols. 2#1-2; 3#2-3; 5#1; 6#1 (1910-1914)
1304831: ISBN: 1880448300 - Conscience of the Beagle
1297551: ISBN: 0821869981 - Applied Integral Transforms (CRM Monograph Series, Volume 2)
1241680: ISBN: 3836428318 - Public Health and Disasters- The Relationship Between Pregnancy Outcomes and Hurricane Andrew
1202533: ISBN: 3540509178 - Analysis and Continuum Mechanics: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to J. Serrin on His Sixtieth Birthday
1102541: ISBN: 8020002049 - Vybrane metody statisticke analyzy dat (Czech Edition)
1178892: ISBN: 0387914366 - Computational Aspects of Model Choice (Contributions to Statistics)
671094: ISBN: 1410798399 - Harmony and Contrast: The Female Impact - A Story - Book I
1085789: ISBN: 220401222X - Priere Vivante
1051834: ISBN: 0444411135 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 5: Evaluation of Bioelectrical Data from Brain, Nerve and Muscel II, Part B: EEG Topography
1051826: ISBN: 0444413863 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 16: Electromyography, Part A: Nervous and Muscular Evoked Potentials
1051832: ISBN: 0444414843 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 7: Physiological Correlates of EEG, Part C: Effect of Drugs on the EEG
1051835: ISBN: 044441116X - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 5: Evaluation of Bioelectrical Data from Brain, Nerve and Muscle II, Part A: Frequency and Correlation Analysis
1051831: ISBN: 0444411321 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 8: Electrical Reactions of the Brain and Complementary Methods of Evaluation, Part B: Complementary Electrophysiological Techniques
1051830: ISBN: 0444410023 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 9: Somatic Sensation
1051827: ISBN: 0444414134 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 12: Clinical EEG, II
1051825: ISBN: 0444411755 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 16: Electromyography, Part B: Neuromuscular Diseases
1051824: ISBN: 0444414606 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 15: Clinical EEG, V, Part C: Metabolic, Endocrine and Toxic Diseases
1051823: ISBN: 0444410716 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 15: Clinical EEG, V, Part B: Hereditary, Congenital and Perinatal Diseases
1051836: ISBN: 0444414185 - Handbook of Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 4: Evaluation of Bioelectrical Data from Brain, Nerve and Muscle 1, Part A: Sampling, Conversion & Measurement of Bioelectrical Phenomena
1051837: ISBN: 0444412883 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 3: Techniques and Methods of Data Acquisition of EEG and EMG, Part C: Traditional Methods of Examination in Clinical EEG
1051846: ISBN: 0444414827 - Handbook of Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 15: Clinical EEG V, Part A: Infections and Inflammatory Reactions, Allergy and Allergic Reactions; Degenerative Diseases
1051845: ISBN: 0444414223 - Handbook of Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 2: Electrical Activity from the Neuron to the EEG and EMG, Part A: Morphological Basis of EEG Mechanisms
1051842: ISBN: 0444411151 - Handbook of Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 14: Clinical EEG IV, Part B, Traumatic Disorders
1051840: ISBN: 0444412573 - Handbook of Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 2: Electrical Activity from the Neutron to the EEG and EMG, Part B: Basic Neurophysiology of Neuronal and Glial Potentials
1051838: ISBN: 0444414789 - Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 3: Techniques and Methods of Data Acquisition of EEG and EMG, Part A: Acquistion of Bioelectrical Data
1050751: ISBN: 2358800848 - Modigliani. DADA no. 208
1282502: ISBN: 9971501864 - Introductory Differential Geometry for Physicists
858497: ISBN: 9171002596 - Watteau i Nationalmuseum (Nationalmusei utstallningskatalog) (Swedish Edition)
787349: ISBN: 0415139325 - Natural Environmental Change (Routledge Introductions to Environment)
919864: ISBN: 3571091779 - Lectures on Space Physics 1. Cosmic Rays and Space Biophysics
804946: ISBN: 3571091787 - Lectures on Space Physics 2. Sun and Interplanetary Medium, Relativistic Astrophysics.
865102: ISBN: 8788138100 - Methodology and Clinical Applications of Ion Selective Electrodes. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of European Working Group on Ion Selective Electodes, Held At the Kalastajatorppa Hotel, Helsinki, Finland, June 25-28, 1985: Volume 7
1209374: ISBN: 3498038427 - Philosophielexikon: Personen und Begriffe der abendlandischen Philosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
876311: ISBN: 3261046848 - Indian Villages between Tradition and Transformation: An Empirical Investigation into the Effects of Innovation on Socio-Economic, Agricultural and Socio-Cultural Change in Two South Indian Villages (European University Studies)
1065572: ISBN: 3775521089 - Gutenberg-Preis der Stadt Mainz und der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft verliehen an Lotte Hellinga-Querido, London, am 24. Juni 1989 (Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, No. 108) (German Edition)
252062: ISBN: - Macromolecular Reviews. Vols. 4-6, 8-11, 13-16, 18 (1968-1985)
908499: ISBN: 3925952225 - Die Hohenzollern
1313662: ISBN: 0791406547 - Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy IV: Aristotle's Ethics
1315028: ISBN: 0199855579 - A Philosophy to Live By: Engaging Iris Murdoch
658187: ISBN: 8870628426 - La Collezione Casuccini: Storia della collezione ceramica ellenistica (Monumenta antiqua Etruriae) (Italian Edition)
933137: ISBN: 0415162386 - Economics of Structural and Technological Change
480851: ISBN: 8815006249 - Innovazioni tecnologiche e struttura produttiva. La posizione dell'Italia.
1264126: ISBN: 0792361156 - Finslerian Geometries - A Meeting of Minds (FUNDAMENTAL THEORIES OF PHYSICS Volume 109) (Fundamental Theories of Physics, 109)
1227666: ISBN: 8485094131 - Llibre del repartiment de Valencia (Catalan Edition)
970613: ISBN: 8472022625 - Vint-i-cinc anys d'estudis sobre la llengua i la literatura catalanes, 1950-1975 (Biblioteca Serra d'or ; 4) (Catalan Edition)
378253: ISBN: 3540631410 - CONCUR '97: Concurrency Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1243
1233351: ISBN: 8476092261 - Historia del Laboratori Municipal de Barcelona : de Ferran a Turro
1312839: ISBN: 052135885X - Trigonometric Series. Second edition (v. 1 & 2). (Cambridge Mathematical Library)
1192928: ISBN: 0071264760 - Teaching Expository Writing: Genre Practices and Thinking Skills
680770: ISBN: 1573311022 - Phagocytes: Biology, Physiology, Pathology, and Pharmacotherapeutics (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences)
1192450: ISBN: 3662441713 - Supersymmetry After the Higgs Discovery
282933: ISBN: 0792305744 - The Lifetime of a Durable Good. An Economic Psychological Approach. Theory and Decision Library Series A: Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, Volume 12
1313135: ISBN: 3540004181 - Colloid Chemistry II (Topics in Current Chemistry, 227)
982951: ISBN: 2862340227 - Hatlakova
678330: ISBN: 0865776415 - Minimally Invasive Therapy of the Brain
1201012: ISBN: 2856290175 - Critical points and nonlinear variational problems. Supplement au Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France. Memoire (nouvelle serie) no. 49
977688: ISBN: 3990120816 - Gegen die Diktierte Aktualitat. Wolfgang Rihm und die Schweiz
1232020: ISBN: 8474900409 - El arte rupestre del Levante espanol
1127940: ISBN: 8886712286 - The colloquia of the 13th International congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences: Art in the palaeolithic and mesolithic 8 Colloguium XV: The Prolem of the Transiton Between Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Art Colloquium XVI: Universality and Regi
1219092: ISBN: 9972102831 - Peru -- diez mil anos de domesticacion
1087203: ISBN: 8450582938 - El Sistema Politico de la Constitucion Espanola de 1837 (Monografias)
854432: ISBN: 1615207651 - Pervasive and Smart Technologies for Healthcare: Ubiquitous Methodologies and Tools
969160: ISBN: 8470130587 - Antiguos Tratados De Paces Y Alianzas Entre Algunos Reyes De Aragon Y Diferentes Principes Infieles De Asia Y Africa, Desde El Siglo XIII Hasta El XV
1089835: ISBN: 840007775X - Villancicos Aragoneses del Siglo XVII de Una a Ocho Voces (Monumentos de la Musica Espanola, 55)
876524: ISBN: 9727720625 - Talhe Da Pedra No Neolitico Antigo Do Macico Calcario Das Serras D'aire E Candeeiros (Estremadura Portuguesa) : Um Primeiro Modelo Tecnologico E Tipologico (Textos monograficos; 2)
1152605: ISBN: 8493008052 - La construccio del territori Metropolita. Morfogen
1271846: ISBN: 0821838296 - Polynomial Identities and Asymptotic Methods (American Mathematical Society Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 122)
939423: ISBN: 8821810275 - Stendhal e Pietro Bonaparte. Atti Della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Memorie Serie IX - Volume XXVI - Fascicolo 2
1185962: ISBN: 968361969X - Memoria baldia: Los tojolabales y las fincas : testimonios (Spanish Edition)
1252598: ISBN: 9727580068 - Crowning Glory. Images of the Virgin in the Arts of Portugal
424920: ISBN: 9726624932 - Dicionario critico: Texto integral de 1960, com um prologo de 1983 (Obras de Antonio Jose Saraiva)
424924: ISBN: 9726623227 - Ser ou nao ser arte : estudos e ensaios de metaliteratura
400420: ISBN: 0792302265 - Supercomputer Algorithms for Reactivity, Dynamics and Kinetics of Small Molecules (Nato Asi Series C : Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 277)
596094: ISBN: 0792335031 - Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease: Vascular and Organ Protection (Medical Science Symposia Series, Volume 8)
596093: ISBN: 0792350235 - Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease: Strategies of Prevention of Coronoary Heart Disease, Cardiac Failure (Medical Science Symposia Series, Volume 12)
1262619: ISBN: 0915408201 - I Never Wanted Fame (Ally Press Translation Series #2)
1100908: ISBN: 8479432888 - Los Limites de las Libertades de Expresion e Informacion en el Estado Social y Democratico de Drecho
975410: ISBN: 0582234360 - Nonlinear Variational Problems and Partial Differential Equations (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 320)
1240768: ISBN: 8882151093 - Lo sguardo degli angeli: Verrocchio, Leonardo e il "Battesimo di Cristo" (Italian Edition)
873766: ISBN: 9723604957 - O Culto. dos antepassados em Macau
1290262: ISBN: 8846733010 - Antonio Possenti: di corsa: [Museo della Grafica, Palazzo Lanfranchi, Pisa, 19 maggio-3 giugno 2012]
675411: ISBN: 8847000718 - Cardiac Arrhythmias, 1999, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (Venice, October 5-8, 1999), Lectures and Structured Symposia
974022: ISBN: 8424148142 - Leon en Color (Spanish Edition)
912117: ISBN: 9729593892 - O Rosto Da Mascara. A Auto-representacao Na Arte Portuguesa
1314263: ISBN: 0271005408 - Dimensions of Moral Creativity: Paradigms, Principles, and Ideals
974193: ISBN: 8485371119 - 300 Primeras Paginas
707357: ISBN: 9723709791 - Historias em ponto de contar. Sobre desnhos de Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso
995552: ISBN: 8472322823 - Relatos y dialogos de los matacos: Seguidos de una gramatica de su lengua (Coleccion Amerindia)
982175: ISBN: 8474810183 - Actas del II Coloquio sobre Lenguas y Culturas Prerromanas de la Peninsula Iberica (Tubingen, 17-19 Junio 1976) (Acta Salmanticensia Filosofia y Letras, 113)
1298395: ISBN: 9602203587 - Pseudo-Relatvistic Physics
436193: ISBN: 0712906592 - Robert Greene, 1558-1592: A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Early Editions in English (to 1640) (Pall Mall Bibliographies; no. 4)
1281789: ISBN: 0120596504 - International Conference on Differential Equations
1305876: ISBN: 0444410821 - Theory of Distributions (Modern analytic and computational methods in science and mathematics)
403330: ISBN: 3540633588 - Hybrid Systems IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1273
733117: ISBN: 0946821771 - 22nd European Microwave Conference 1992. Conference Proceedings, Volumes 1 and 2.
1267487: ISBN: 0814202217 - Theoretical problems of geography
982146: ISBN: 3540105506 - Luminescence (Advances in Polymer Science 40)
1230293: ISBN: 3854150601 - Siegfried Anzinger: Austria Biennale di Venezia 1988 (Italian Edition)
1275194: ISBN: 0818621230 - Computer Algorithms: Key Search Strategies (Ieee Computer Society Press Technology Series)
1302378: ISBN: 0387528709 - State Space Modeling of Time Series. Second edition
1302189: ISBN: 3540528709 - State Space Modeling of Time Series (Universitext) Second edition
972395: ISBN: 4769350279 - Acronym Dictionary of New Technology
1314086: ISBN: 0521191491 - Econophysics and Companies: Statistical Life and Death in Complex Business Networks
1223847: ISBN: 8476580274 - INTRODUCCION A LA HISTORIA ORAL (Autores, textos y temas de antropologia) (Spanish Edition)
1232896: ISBN: 8571082901 - Quem Somos Nos - Os Wari Encontram Os Brancos
882304: ISBN: 8486845335 - Arqueologia y antropologia cultural de la margen derecha de la ria de Pontevedra (Spanish Edition)
1315980: ISBN: 0805811591 - Neural Networks for Knowledge Representation and Inference
1310167: ISBN: 0871701456 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
773175: ISBN: 9810241321 - Yang-Baxter Systems, Nonlinear Models and Their Applications: Proceedings of the Apctp-Nankai Symposium
1313650: ISBN: 9401758484 - Analytic Philosophy of Language and the Geisteswissenschaften (Foundations of Language Supplementary Series)
891123: ISBN: 1558990798 - Plasma Processing and Synthesis of Materials III: Volume 190 (MRS Proceedings)
977515: ISBN: 354061057X - Advances in Database Technology - EDBT '96. 5th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Avignon, France, March 25-29 1996, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1057)
1261977: ISBN: 2268034348 - L'Annonciation dans tous ses etats
891487: ISBN: 9051993064 - Pain Mechanisms and Management, (Stand Alone)
1009727: ISBN: 0802068316 - Emptying Their Nets. Small Capital and Rural Industrialization in the Nova Scotia Fishing Industry
1314819: ISBN: 0195113675 - Pattern Matching Algorithms
409923: ISBN: 0391024299 - Le Neveu De Rameau and the Praise of Folly: Literary Cognates. Salzburg Studies in English Literature Elizabethan & Renaissance Studies, No. 80
985624: ISBN: 0894132148 - Working With the Audit Committee (Internal Audit Briefings)
482120: ISBN: 9990323593 - In Dodoland
1223174: ISBN: 0773461515 - The Need for Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Impact Assessment: The Case of Ghana (African Studies)
1299614: ISBN: 0674990056 - Appian: Roman History, Vol. III, The Civil Wars, Books 1-3.26 (Loeb Classical Library No. 4)
1143465: ISBN: 0574227105 - The Process of Group Communication. Second Edition
238712: ISBN: 0786403659 - Journalistic Advocates and Muckrakers: Three Centuries of Crusading Writers
393568: ISBN: - Biological Conservation. vols. 1-9
1262377: ISBN: 8887243093 - Le analisi di laboratorio applicate ai beni artistici policromi
1208685: ISBN: 3928090216 - Miotte
830977: ISBN: 1936401843 - Passion = Success: How to be the best at your current job - or how to get the job you really want - all starts with the passion in you!
1066212: ISBN: 8876520503 - La Preghiera e Il Lavoro Apostolico Nelle Missioni: Relazioni e comunicazioni lette nella Sezione di Missiologia del Congresso Internazionale IV Centenario della Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, 14-17 Ottobre 1953. Analecta Gregoriana, Vol. LXXII, Seri
1316009: ISBN: 1479274976 - Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels: St. Matthew
1062046: ISBN: 8320429706 - Wyklady z algorytmow ewolucyjnych. Wydanie drugie
631112: ISBN: 1931948402 - Desafio y Convencion: Imagenes de La Mujer Surena En Lilliam Hellman
310327: ISBN: 0750308567 - Compound Semiconductors 2001. Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 170
972047: ISBN: 3662278898 - An Index and Other Useful Information (Lecture Notes in Physics 1-222)
1109786: ISBN: 0824701429 - Structure and Properties of Multiphase Polymeric Materials (Plastics Engineering)
1306993: ISBN: 3211813128 - Foundations of the Mathematical Theory of Structures. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures, No. 121
708214: ISBN: 8487184472 - Arte japones en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
1035872: ISBN: 8570440766 - Festas: Mascaras do Tempo: Entrudo, Mascarada e Frevo no Carnaval do Recife (Portuguese Edition)
1193096: ISBN: 8485094204 - Nuestras Fiestas = Nostres Festes (Spanish Edition)
1290940: ISBN: 0521224691 - Analog Signal Processing and Instrumentation
1212205: ISBN: 0139133682 - Theories of abstract automata (Prentice-Hall series in automatic computation)
1314481: ISBN: 0120590603 - Arrows, Structures, and Functors: The Categorical Imperative
1021892: ISBN: 1841710512 - Les structures de l'habitat rural protohistorique dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et le nord-ouest de la France (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International 847)
1032632: ISBN: 1841710857 - Une Approache Des Enclos Du Nord De La Bretagne: Analyse Et Comparaison Des Sites Protohistoriques (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International 885)
1286802: ISBN: 0306441853 - Visual Form: Analysis and Recognition
677052: ISBN: 1588680533 - Emergence of the Multi-Party System in the Russian Federation: Problems and Prospects
1311403: ISBN: 0997435909 - Waxing The Gospel - Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph
614081: ISBN: 0120735504 - Developments in Steroid Histochemistry
678292: ISBN: 0861161920 - Destiny: A Man of Two World Wars
1179670: ISBN: 8445328093 - Murguia e o Arquivo do Reino de Galicia.
1024798: ISBN: 847405060X - Archivo Municipal de Sevilla: Catalogo de la seccion 16.a : diversos (Spanish Edition)
1239219: ISBN: 8440465025 - Surf-zone Hydrodynamics
922692: ISBN: 9589523226 - Die Geheimnisse von El Dorado, Kolumbien, Fotos: Juan Mayr, Aus dem Spanischen von Marianne & Enrique Wallenberg
1310105: ISBN: 012059790X - Internal Combustion Engines (Combustion Treatise Series)
523994: ISBN: 0398041075 - Language assessment instruments: Infancy through adulthood
1305991: ISBN: 0408389508 - Water purification by ion exchange
263758: ISBN: 2841051374 - Patrick Mimran, Partage des Correspondances. Babel TV
276098: ISBN: 0387547126 - Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 549
481654: ISBN: 0470272783 - Current Trends in Optics
1314081: ISBN: 0226025985 - The Human Condition, 2nd Edition
1305506: ISBN: 0394510216 - Sister Wolf
1305507: ISBN: 0283987316 - Sister Wolf
1123920: ISBN: 0885022254 - L'Eglise dans le monde d'aujourd'hui: Presentation pedagogique de la constitution pastorale Gaudium et spes (French Edition)
1043943: ISBN: 0885021851 - Les positions ethniques, linguistiques et religieuses des canadiens francais a la suite du recensement de 1971 (French Edition)
1316342: ISBN: 0849389380 - Practical Handbook of Spreadsheet Curves and Geometric Constructions
1228867: ISBN: 8400088069 - El darwinismo en Iberoamerica: Bolivia y Mexico (Spanish Edition)
1075439: ISBN: 2890067327 - Le roman quebecois de 1944 a 1965: Symptomes du colonialisme et signes de liberation: essai (Collection Centre de Recherche en Litterature Quebecoise) (French Edition)
681377: ISBN: 1590332520 - The Tobacco Industry Wheezing or Breezing?
482465: ISBN: 0662135016 - Computerized Catalogue of Herbarium Specimens of Salix in the Southeastern United States.
463704: ISBN: 0881652393 - Exchange-Rate Regimes for a Small Economy in a Multi-Country World
1240697: ISBN: 3662460416 - An Exploration of Dynamical Systems and Chaos: Completely Revised and Enlarged Second Edition
1312504: ISBN: 3031602293 - Portable Low-Field MRI Scanners: Hardware, Imaging Methods, and Applications (Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering)
1277409: ISBN: 1851662111 - Stochastic Structural Dynamics: Progress in Theory and Applications
1310993: ISBN: 3540432701 - Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1785)
1280559: ISBN: 8482667920 - el manuscrito andalusi hacia una denominacion de origen
1226378: ISBN: 8400082125 - Arabismo y traduccion : entrevistas con J.M. Forneas, J. Cortes, M. Cruz Hernandez, J. Vernet, L. Martinez, P. Martinez Montavez, M.L. Serrano: ... e Islamicos: Monografias) (Spanish Edition)
680061: ISBN: 0792350782 - In Fascination of Fluid Dynamics: A Symposium in Honour of Leen van Wijngaarden (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications)
1260930: ISBN: 9089319964 - Ricardo Brey: Adrift
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