This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
344514: ISBN: 0160016916 - Pacific Security toward the Year 2000: The 1987 Pacific Symposium
1003385: ISBN: 9729257094 - Portugal das origens a epoca romana (Portuguese Edition)
1309251: ISBN: 3775748490 - Frank Horvat: Side Walk
549053: ISBN: 0669045594 - Major Transitions in the Human Life Cycle
461552: ISBN: 9992750855 - MACLAS Latin American Essays. Volume V. Selected Papers Presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies
843658: ISBN: 0912646268 - Inquiry and Reality: Discourse in Pragmatic Synthesis
557402: ISBN: 0398046662 - Geriatric Psychopharmacotherapy: Optimal Technique
829356: ISBN: 0890044937 - Neuropsychiatric manifestations of physical disease in the elderly
1258898: ISBN: 029908440X - The thalamus and basal telencephalon of the cat: A cytoarchitectonic atlas with stereotaxic Coordinates
937145: ISBN: 8835501997 - L'America Prima di Colombo. Ritratto di un continente alla vigilia della scoperta
819946: ISBN: 008024940X - The Development of Responsiveness to Steroid Hormones (Advances in the Biosciences 25)
806644: ISBN: 3540876391 - Phosphorus-Centered Radicals, Radicals Centered on Other Heteroatoms, Organic Radical Ions (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional ... - New Series / Molecules and Radicals)
1295029: ISBN: 8495736020 - El Libro Conplido En Los Iudizios de Las Estrellas Partes 6 a8. Traduccion hecha en la corte de Alfonso el Sabio
480141: ISBN: 0841206015 - Catalytic Aspects of Metal Phosphine Complexes. Advances in Chemistry Series. 196
239547: ISBN: 0786407212 - The Literary Imagination of Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Women An Assessment of a Writing Community
1261800: ISBN: 848026585X - Carta(s). EconomiÂa libidinal de la transicion (Spanish Edition)
836690: ISBN: 9684294328 - Las Raices del Futuro: La Problematica Mundial y las Misiones de la Unesco
642776: ISBN: 0080323006 - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Volume 14
642726: ISBN: 0080336671 - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Volume 16
751776: ISBN: 0948460253 - Anne Dunn: Early Paintings and Drawings, 1949-1968
874243: ISBN: 0727730959 - Environmental Law for the Construction Industry, 2nd edition
1314212: ISBN: 8837051182 - Bulgari (Italian Edition)
1009843: ISBN: 6077782386 - APRENDA A HABLAR MAYO
1312464: ISBN: 3031449584 - Introduction to Muon Spin Spectroscopy: Applications to Solid State and Material Sciences (Lecture Notes in Physics, 961)
480888: ISBN: 884220076X - Tesori d'Arte Dei Musei Diocesani
1316564: ISBN: 0471049344 - Advanced Calculus and Its Applications to the Engineering and Physical Sciences
404906: ISBN: 0444889647 - CAD Accelerators
1289106: ISBN: 0521485738 - A Primer of Nonlinear Analysis (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 34)
1316034: ISBN: 0830829032 - Commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians (Ancient Christian Texts)
1315247: ISBN: 0830829040 - Commentaries on Galatians--Philemon (Ancient Christian Texts)
733381: ISBN: 0306438968 - Chemical Carcinogenesis, Volume 2: Modulating Factors
1052860: ISBN: 9061533627 - Modigliani Desconocido: Testimonios, documentos y dibujos ineditos de la antigua coleccion de Paul Alexandre
1310753: ISBN: 173977552X - Tete
924072: ISBN: 3540550909 - Polymer Synthesis, Oxidation Processes (Advances in Polymer Science 102)
1311237: ISBN: 847392424X - La Joyeria en la Corte Durante el Reinado de Felipe V e Isabel de Farnesio
970012: ISBN: 0735400679 - Hadron Spectroscopy. Ninth International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy. Protvino, Russia, 25 August - 1 September 2001. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 619
1271128: ISBN: 0444851291 - Diffraction and Imaging Techniques in Material Science: Imaging and Diffraction Techniques volume 2. Second edition
385351: ISBN: 0123430607 - The Elements of System Design
1266570: ISBN: 0821816241 - Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society for the year 1971. Volume 24
1185640: ISBN: 1450703925 - Creating a New Craft Culture: American Craft Council Conference 2009
427224: ISBN: - Excursion Routes and Fares via C & O Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Season 1883
445176: ISBN: - Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research. vols. 59-60, 62 (1993-1996)
393443: ISBN: - Journal of Advertising. vols. 1-2, 5-6, 9, 11-12, 14-18, 20-32 (1972-2003)
121289: ISBN: - American Academy of Dermatology. Journal. Volume 6 through 28 (1982-1993) lacks v. 12
693665: ISBN: 0883142333 - Academy Papers - Synthesizing and Transmitting Knowledge: Research and Its Application. 53rd Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, April 20-22, 1982 [The Academy Papers no. 16]
385808: ISBN: - Issues in Accounting Education. Volumes 1-12 (1986-1997)
394793: ISBN: - Issues in Accounting Education
1068976: ISBN: 2880462231 - The Book, Vol. I: Addy
384751: ISBN: - Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the American Antiquarian Society. New Series: vols. 4-6, 9-10
644038: ISBN: - LIfelong Learning. The Adult Years. Volumes 1-7
795453: ISBN: 026251091X - AAAI-96: Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
121299: ISBN: - American Association for Cancer Research. Proceedings. Volumes 20-22, 24-27, 29, 30, 32, 34-42 (1979-2001)
642980: ISBN: - Laboratory Animal Science. Volumes 17-48, lacking vols. 37, 46
394191: ISBN: - Hepatology. volumes 5-8; 11-20; 23-27. (1985-1998)
393275: ISBN: - Criminal Justice and Behavior. vols. 1-5, 7, 10-12, 14, 17
1266084: ISBN: 1878174320 - AAVSO: Manual for Visual Observing of Variable Stars
545684: ISBN: 0428148158 - Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Presented at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting, held in the city of Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 12, 13, 14 & 15, 1843
1309392: ISBN: 9995133156 - Rules for Building and Classing: Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1985
385627: ISBN: - Catholic Psychological Record. vols. 1-6
329943: ISBN: 1574980483 - Proceedings of Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories THREE VOLUMES with CD. UNITECR '97 Worldwide Congress
329868: ISBN: 1574980173 - Advanced Synthesis and Processing Of Composites and Advanced Ceramics II. Ceramic Transactions Volume 79
1093422: ISBN: 1574980483 - Proceedings of Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories THREE VOLUMES with CD
1276614: ISBN: 0841201110 - Flow Through Porous Media
393452: ISBN: - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. vols. 1-13, 15-16, 18-38 (1953-1990)
1305553: ISBN: 0841207658 - Initiation of Polymerization: Based on a Symposium (Acs Symposium Series, 212)
372731: ISBN: - Bioconjugate Chemistry. vols. 1-10
644103: ISBN: - Macromolecules. Volumes 1-36, lacking volume 18. (1968-2003)
380186: ISBN: - Chemical Research in Toxicology. vols. 3-11
394838: ISBN: - Journal of Chiropractic. volumes 15-16; 18-20; 22-23; 25-26. (1978-1989)
760242: ISBN: 0120097281 - Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 28
644083: ISBN: - Lower Extremity. Journal of the American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics and Medicine. Volumes 1 and 2
1284980: ISBN: 0870311115 - Concrete Slabs on Ground
437103: ISBN: - Transactions of the American Crystallographic Association. Vols. 1-11, 13-20, 1965-1984
488929: ISBN: - The Doctors Talk It Over: A Series of Radio Programs Broadcast to the Medical Profession, etc. Vols. 1-6
1083625: ISBN: 0910074550 - Future of Dentistry:, Today's Vision: Tomorrow's Reality
375090: ISBN: - Bioinorganic Chemistry. vols. 1-4, 6, 8-9
1101200: ISBN: 0872011119 - Pollution Control Technology for Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Operations (Advances in Filtration and Separation Technology)
394026: ISBN: - Fisheries. volumes 2; 4-6; 8; 13-15; 22-23. (1977-1998)
810878: ISBN: - Folklore & Folk Life in Virginia. volumes 1-4. (1979-1988)
422669: ISBN: 1103644254 - The American Friends' Peace Conference held at Philadelphia. Twelfth Month 12th, 13th and 14th, 1901.
422670: ISBN: 1103644254 - The American Friends' Peace Conference held at Philadelphia. Twelfth Month 12th, 13th and 14th, 1901.
678951: ISBN: 1584859148 - The American Girls Trading Card Mini Albums with Other (American Girls Collection Sidelines)
678848: ISBN: 159369928X - Addy Mini Doll (American Girl)
678849: ISBN: 1584854707 - Kit Mini Doll (American Girl)
908660: ISBN: 1931107289 - Preparing for Mass Casualties. A Sourcebook for Health Care Professionals
394175: ISBN: - Heart Disease & Stroke. volumes 1-3. (1992-1994)
394327: ISBN: - Hypertension. volumes 1-23. (1979-1994)
445858: ISBN: - The Social Studies (EARLIER: Historical Outlook). vols. 78-82, 84-86, 88-90 (1987-1999 passim)
393502: ISBN: - Journal of Applied Physics (Formerly: Physics). vols. 8; 12, 14; 15, 21, 28-31, 33; 35-37, 56-60, 62, 64-65, 71-76
472223: ISBN: 999357998X - AIAA AAS Astrodynamics Conference: A Collection of Technical Papers
472238: ISBN: 9993656062 - AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference: A Collection of Technical Papers Hilton Head August 10-12, 1992. TWO VOLUMES
472256: ISBN: 9997619110 - AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference: A Collection of Technical Papers Monterey, California August 17-19, 1987
393209: ISBN: - Bioscience (formerly: AIBS Bulletin). Vols. 2-5, 7-8, 10-43 (1952-1993)
1083512: ISBN: 0816904901 - Ammonia Plant Safety and Related Facilities, Volume 29: A Continuation of the Series Safety in Air and Ammoniaplants
1255289: ISBN: 0816908761 - AIChE Equipment Testing Procedure - Centrifugal Pumps (Newtonian Liquids): A Guide to Performance Evaluation (A Guide to Performance Evluation) Third Edition
1104957: ISBN: 0816901732 - Aichemi Modular Instruction: Series D, Thermodynamics, Volume 1: Introduction to Thermodynamic Concepts, the Energy Balance, Volumetric Properties of Fluids and Heats of Reaction
1114320: ISBN: 0816904944 - Food Emulsion and Foams: Theory and Practice (Aiche Symposium Series)
394517: ISBN: - International Executive. volumes 35; 39. (1993-1997)
252096: ISBN: - Management Review. vols. 12, 26-27, 32, 37-45, 47-58, 60-65, 68, 70, 73-78 (1923-1989)
301143: ISBN: 0821801031 - Reviews in Partial Differential Equations, 1980-86
1291181: ISBN: 1399868543 - Selected Translations In Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Volume 1
460064: ISBN: 0821801279 - Reviews in Complex Analysis, 1980-1986. Four Volumes
393675: ISBN: - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. vols. 28-39
644063: ISBN: - Lipids. Volumes 12-35, lacking volume 28
393204: ISBN: - Biopolymers. Vols. 6-48 (1968-1998)
393203: ISBN: - Biopolymers. Vols. 1-10
262844: ISBN: - Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions. vols. 5, 7-10
278684: ISBN: 0935406662 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing Systems Seminar Proceedings April 24-26, 1985 New Orleans, LA
505039: ISBN: 0890421013 - Psychotherapy Research: Methodological & Efficacy Issues
394274: ISBN: - Hospital & Community Psychiatry. volumes 32-35; 38; 41-48. (1981-1997)
393375: ISBN: - Current Directions in Psychological Science. vols. 1-8
644114: ISBN: - Magnesium and Trace Elements. Volumes 4 - 10 (1985-1992)
254431: ISBN: - Metallurgical Transactions. Section A. vols. 1-5, 7-13, 15-23 (1970-1992)
254432: ISBN: - Metallurgical Transactions. Section B. vols. 6-11, 13-24 (1975-1993)
1307796: ISBN: 0871700093 - Metals Handbook, Properties and Selection: Stainless Steels, Tool Materials and Special-Purpose Metals, Volume 3, 9th Edition
389964: ISBN: - Clinical Microbiology Reviews. vols. 3-5, 8-9
252471: ISBN: - Materials Evaluation. vols. 18-28, 30, 33-34, 36-37, 42, 47 (1960-1989)
473593: ISBN: 0318132206 - Interlaboratory Testing Techniques. (Chemical Division Technical Supplement)
913783: ISBN: 0803160283 - Adhesion or Cold Welding of Materials in Space Environments. A symposium presented at a meeting of Committee E-21 on Space Simulation... 1 - 2 May, 1967. ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 431
1311797: ISBN: 080310457X - Astm Standards on Precision and Bias for Various Applications Second Edition
1312142: ISBN: 0803100701 - Energy dispersion X-ray analysis: X-ray and electron probe analysis (ASTM special technical publication 485)
1135058: ISBN: 0803159625 - Symposium on Non-Newtonian Viscometry
679746: ISBN: 1585280364 - AHFS DI Bioterrorism Resource Manual
626428: ISBN: - The American Society Legion of Honor Magazine. volumes 1-25
393492: ISBN: - Journal of Animal Science. vols. 1-59 lacks v. 10
394818: ISBN: - Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. volumes 13; 16-17; 20-24; 29. (1987-2003)
393281: ISBN: - Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Journal. vols. 18-19, 21-28, 30-33, 37-40
940309: ISBN: 0791847616 - Proceedings of the ASME Multifunctional Nanocomposites International Conference, 2006
1192860: ISBN: 0791806898 - Lubrication Technology for Advanced Engines: An Assessment of Industrial Needs (CRTD- Vol. 26))
877312: ISBN: 0791806588 - Risk-Based Inspection: Development of Guidelines: Light Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant Components, Volume 2 Part 1
877313: ISBN: 0791812340 - Risk-Based Inspection-Development of Guidelines: Light Water Reactor (Lwr) Nuclear Power Plant Components (CRTD Center for Research and Technology Development) (v. 2 Pt. 2)
941591: ISBN: 0791814262 - Processing, Design and Performance of Composite Materials 1994 (MD 52)
941594: ISBN: 0791814548 - Failure Mechanics in Advanced Polymeric Composites (AMD 196)
1311357: ISBN: 0791809749 - Gas-Solid Flows 1993
887298: ISBN: 0791810275 - Aerospace Structures 1993: Nonlinear Dynamics and System Response - ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 28-December 3, 1993 (AD 33)
883533: ISBN: 0791810798 - Cross-Flow Induced Vibration of Cylinder Arrays. 1992 International Symposium on Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise, Volume 2 (PVP-Vol. 242)
883520: ISBN: 0791810801 - Flow-Structure and Flow-Sound Interactions. 1992 International Symposium on Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise, Volume 3 (NCA-Vol. 13)
1274691: ISBN: 0791804852 - Fundamentals of Natural Convection: Presented at Aiaa/Asme Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference June 18-20, 1990 Seattle Washington (Proceedings of the Asme Heat Transfer Division)
894400: ISBN: 0791808386 - Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Power Generation-1991- Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991. Sponsored by The Advanced Energy Systems Division, ASME. AES-Vol. 23
1193094: ISBN: 9996213471 - Mixed convection heat transfer : presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Miami Beach, Florida, November 17-22, 1985
1123704: ISBN: 0791804941 - Heuristics of Thermal Anemometry/Fed Vol 97/H00602: Presented at the 1990 Spring Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division Held in Conjunction With 1990 Forum of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (Fed (Series), V. 97.)
1311925: ISBN: 0791809706 - Engineering Applications & Large Eddy Simulations 1993: Presented at the Fluids Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., June 20-24, 1993 (Fed; Vol. 162)
1135609: ISBN: 9995853159 - Multi-Dimensional Fluid Transients (Fed-Volume 18)
895098: ISBN: 0791808866 - Structural Acoustics (Nca 12, AMD 128)
892327: ISBN: 0791804321 - Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials and Structures Using Vibration and Acoustic Techniques: Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American ... December 10-15, 1989 (Nde (Series), Vol. 6.)
586047: ISBN: - The Trading Post: Journal of the American Society of MIlitary Insignia Collectors. vols. 52#4; 53#1-4; 54#1-4
393132: ISBN: - Contemporary Sociology. vols. 1-13 (1972-1984)
393390: ISBN: - Current Index to Statistics. vols. 12-18
174467: ISBN: - Proceedings of the American Statistical Association. vols. 28-34 (1928-34)
394402: ISBN: - Indian Journal of American Studies. volumes 7-9; 11; 19;
445403: ISBN: - Bell Telephone Quarterly. vols. 1-13, 15-18 (1922-1939)
1013411: ISBN: 0883182041 - Proceedings of the Vacuum Metallurgy Conference, 19-22 June 1972, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1255342: ISBN: 0900983868 - Pneumotransport 4: Fourth International Conference on the Pneumatic Transport of Solids in Pipes : held at the Highlands Inn Hotel, Carmel-by-the Sea, California, U.S.A., June 26-28, 1978
507409: ISBN: 8473170652 - The Two Hesperias: Literary studies in honor of Joseph G. Fucilla on the occasion of his 80th birthday (Studia humanitatis)
1179680: ISBN: 0997945443 - Patrick Wilson
1177187: ISBN: 0721204589 - New Atlantis. The Secret of the Sphinx
1314622: ISBN: 0824808258 - The Art of Rulership: A Study in Ancient Chinese Political Thought
1301852: ISBN: 0120567555 - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Engineering Volume 2 (Mathematics in Science and Engineering 18)
983028: ISBN: 2859491376 - Portraits de chefs (French Edition)
918154: ISBN: 8498444101 - Luces De Bohemia: Artistas, Gitanos Y La Definicion Del Mundo Moderno
983599: ISBN: 2704805091 - Les Reseaux Action de la France Combattante (French Edition)
1075011: ISBN: 2130478107 - Hannah Arendt, politique et evenement (Philosophies) (French Edition)
1259921: ISBN: 044441942X - Nondestructive activation analysis: With nuclear reactors and radioactive neutron sources (Studies in analytical chemistry)
1307169: ISBN: 0810906384 - Art of the Ancient Near East
1314542: ISBN: 3642040837 - Permutation Complexity in Dynamical Systems: Ordinal Patterns, Permutation Entropy and All That (Springer Series in Synergetics)
1069480: ISBN: 2204017175 - Le chretien devant le refus de la mort: Essai sur la resurrection (Cogitatio fidei) (French Edition)
1127934: ISBN: 8886712049 - Theoretical and methodological problems (Series Colloquia 1) XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Forli Italia 8/14 September 1996 Colloquium I: The Debate on Function and Meaning in Prehistoric Archaeology Procssual Ver
1292984: ISBN: 9654061562 - Salvage Excavations at the Early Bronze Age Site of Qiryat Ata (IAA Reports No 18)
1310441: ISBN: 0500970769 - Contemporary Art Colombia
1306514: ISBN: 0898675618 - Mixing in Coagulation and Flocculation
519009: ISBN: 0873393007 - Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming 1995: Proceedings of a Conference on Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming, Sponsored by the Tms Shaping and Forming Committee, Held at the TMS Annual
837551: ISBN: 0914904051 - Selected Papers of the Commission on Education for Health Administration, Volume II
1221839: ISBN: 0816906777 - Ammonia Plant Safety and Related Facilities, Volume 35
1049695: ISBN: 0939994682 - Mexico: Torture With Impunity
1285397: ISBN: 8450081807 - Carta arqueologica de Los Alcores (Sevilla) (Publicaciones de la Excma. Diputacion Provincial de Sevilla) (Spanish Edition)
1226344: ISBN: 3319263463 - Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 317)
1205709: ISBN: 846005831X - Bibliografia de Francisco Ayala (Bibliotheca Hispana Novissima 4)
988246: ISBN: 8470392557 - Analisi de cinco comedia (Teatro espanol de la postguerra).
1078537: ISBN: 2262007691 - Jerusalem: Capitale de la memoire
1287913: ISBN: 0960465871 - Emma Amos: Paintings and prints 1982-92 : an exhibition
816075: ISBN: 6079513854 - Evalua y Decide. Evaluaciones 2008
1285326: ISBN: 9027713243 - Non-Relativistic Quantum Dynamics (Mathematical Physics Studies, 2)
1301583: ISBN: 0821819585 - Geometry and Topology in Dynamics: Ams Special Session on Topology in Dynamics, Held in Winston-Salem, Nc, October 9-10, 1998, Ams-Awm Special Session ... Dynamics, Held in (Contemporary Mathematics 246)
1294493: ISBN: 0821851004 - Categories in Computer Science and Logic: Proceedings of the Ams-Ims-Siam Joint Summer Research Conference Held June 14-20, 1987. Contemporary Mathematics Volume 92
1219183: ISBN: 0821809253 - Applications of Curves over Finite Fields: 1997 Ams-Ims-Siam Joint Summer Research Conference on Applications of Curves over Finite Fields, July ... Seattle (Contemporary Mathematics 245)
297299: ISBN: 9062036066 - Miscellanea Slavica. To Honour the Memory of Jan M. Meijer
1048163: ISBN: 213045027X - Israel et Palestine: Territoires sans frontieres (Politique d'aujourd'hui) (French Edition)
1311851: ISBN: 3031613368 - Topological Methods for Delay and Ordinary Differential Equations: With Applications to Continuum Mechanics (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, 51)
786133: ISBN: 0979011213 - Off-Site
1208730: ISBN: 1890949019 - Wild/Life or The Impossibility of Mistaking Nature for Culture, April 26-July 26, 1998
642180: ISBN: 185411168X - Burning the Bracken: Fifteen Years of Poetry from Seren
705876: ISBN: 1605662283 - Social Computing in Homeland Security: Disaster Promulgation and Response (Premier Reference Source)
974684: ISBN: 9810208634 - Collision Processes of Ion, Positron, Electron and Photon Beams with Matter. Proceedings of the Latin American School of Physics. Caxambu, MG, Brazil, 4 - 24 August 1991
1150539: ISBN: 9502906888 - Testimonios de los Ultimos Ranqueles: Textos Originales con Traduccion y notas Linguistico-Etnograficas
1261906: ISBN: 8484805123 - Historia del museo de arte moderno. (vol. 1)
975627: ISBN: 0792331974 - Stochastic Analysis and Applications in Physics
1227741: ISBN: 9724016129 - Darwin em Portugal. Filosofia, historia. engenharia social [1865 1914]
898571: ISBN: 8575110748 - Literatura e Comparativismo
1007155: ISBN: 858572546X - Alem dos Territorios. Para um Dialogo entre a Etnologia Indigena, os Estudos Rurais e os Estudos Urbanos (Portuguese Edition)
1066743: ISBN: 9588040310 - La Busqueda del Equilibrio: Los Uwa y La Defensa de su Territorio Sagrado En Tiempos Coloniales. Biblioteca de Historia Nacional, Volumen CLX (Spanish Edition)
1231646: ISBN: 8869230473 - Tradurre un Classico Della Scienza Traduzioni e ritraduzioni dell'Origin of Species di Charles Darwin in Francia, Italia e Spagna
524330: ISBN: 8585689544 - Atividade Verbal: Processo de Diferenca e Integracao Entre Fala e escrita
289993: ISBN: 1883592089 - Scars. Pleasure + Sacrifice. Argentina, Colombia Video Creation, New York, 1994. Video Installments and Video Screening
1212178: ISBN: 9968899259 - La Ilustracion del Pacifico : Moises Barrios
1243338: ISBN: 1409442594 - The New American Suburb: Poverty, Race and the Economic Crisis
1289745: ISBN: 0387940421 - The Special Theory of Relativity: A Mathematical Exposition (Universitext)
1235304: ISBN: 9751711312 - Metal vessels
1295609: ISBN: 0520081250 - Aristotle on the Goals and Exactness of Ethics
319401: ISBN: 2130355137 - Les Balkans, 1945-1960. La prise du pouvoir
892177: ISBN: 0872625028 - Structural Design, Cementitious Products and Case Histories: Proceedings of Three Sessions Sponsored by the Structural Division and the Michigan Sec
1300268: ISBN: 9810202563 - Quantum Coherence
1151828: ISBN: 0878495258 - Metallic Glasses: Production, Properties and Applications (Materials Science Surveys)
854726: ISBN: 1616928956 - Certification and Security in Health-Related Web Applications: Concepts and Solutions (Premier Refernce Source)
891201: ISBN: 2713217822 - Le Tonnerre N'Habite Plus ICI. Culture de la marginalite chez les Indiens teenek (Mexique) (French Edition)
1225499: ISBN: 3540061878 - Recent Advances in Topological Dynamics: Proceedings of the Conference on Topological Dynamics, Held at Yale University 1972, in Honor of Gustav ... his Retirement (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 318)
1316673: ISBN: 0521575575 - Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
639313: ISBN: 1593440448 - The Future For Our Small Streams And Rivers. Froth Formation And Natural Purification. Practical Policy Proposal.
709061: ISBN: 1600472567 - The City Starry Lace: A Cognitive Center of the Universe
1066228: ISBN: 2890528081 - L'Archipel Identitaire: Recueil d'Entretiens sur l'Identite Culturelle (French Edition)
655052: ISBN: 2905970014 - Pecheurs de Terre-Neuve: recit d'un ancien pecheur
1252680: ISBN: 9812776060 - Geometric Control and Nonsmooth Analysis: In Honor of the 73rd Birthday of H Hermes and of the 71st Birthday of R T Rockafellar (Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences)
480910: ISBN: 8880861646 - Chiara e il Secondo Ordine: Il Fenomeno Francescano Femminile nel Salento. Atti del Convegno di Studi in Occasione dell'VIII Centenario della Nascita di Santa Chiara. Nardo, 12-13 novembre 1993
392769: ISBN: - The Catholic Crusoe; Adventures of Owen Evans, navy surgeon's mate, Set Ashore on a Desolate Island in the Caribbean Seas, A.D. 1739, given from the original MS. by Rev. W. H. Anderon, M.A. FOURTH EDITION
1110870: ISBN: 8748001872 - Stenaldereksperimenter i Lejre: Bopladsernes indretning = Stone age experiments in Lejre : internal organization of the settlements (Working Papers The National Museum of Denmark 8)
1007241: ISBN: 9197191507 - Fran Havre Till El Nar Sparvagnen I Goteborg Blev Elektrisk En Historik Over Hur Det Gick Till Nar Sparvagen Elektrifierades for 100 Ar Sedan
1015869: ISBN: 9140305112 - Sommargaster och Bofasta : Kulturmote och Motsattningar Vid Bohuskusten
1154247: ISBN: 9188846407 - Matthew Buckingham. Messages from the Unseen
1252161: ISBN: 9163144344 - Family matter
1016493: ISBN: 9177981162 - Mera an mat
1026298: ISBN: 8290241429 - I Praksis OG PA Samlerferd
1019365: ISBN: 3540135960 - Analytical Chemistry Progress (Topics in Current Chemistry 126)
1109087: ISBN: 354010920X - Cosmo- and Geochemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry 99)
911546: ISBN: 3201014265 - Schrift und Buch im alten Mexiko (German Edition)
1310454: ISBN: 0471026352 - Analysis and Design of Pneumatic Systems
1289925: ISBN: 0385308256 - Jagger Unauthorized
1000524: ISBN: 1588110818 - Actualization: Linguistic Change in Progress. Papers from a workshop held at the 14th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Vancouver, ... 1999 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 219)
480919: ISBN: 0198563507 - Modern Radio Science 1990. International Union of Radio Science
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