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1266412: ISBN: 0873531485 - Soviet Studies in the Psychology of Learning and Teaching Mathematics Volume 1: The Learning of Mathematical Concepts

1228564: ISBN: 0998258237 - Jeremy Moon : starlight hour

521054: ISBN: 0727700081 - Off-Shore Structures: Proceedings of the Conference Held in London, 7-8 October 1974

1307872: ISBN: 0853125643 - Corrosion and marine growth on offshore structures

566879: ISBN: 0121822281 - Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Part B: Cell Biology and Physiology. Methods in Enzymology, Volume 327

1235580: ISBN: 8487194648 - Tartessos: 25 anos despues 1968-1993: Jerez de la Frontera

1130755: ISBN: 1566771439 - Proceedings of the Symposium on Electrochemical Surface Science of Hydrogen Adsorption and Absorption (97-16)

623953: ISBN: 9036190126 - Socioeconomic Determinants Of Regional Mortality Differences In Europe (Population Studies)

1302783: ISBN: 0123846803 - Approximation of nonlinear evolution systems, Volume 164 (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)

373933: ISBN: 0070439613 - Standard Application of Electrical Details

635575: ISBN: 012153331X - Molecular Neurobiology. Endocrine Approaches. Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. Vol. 31

274125: ISBN: 0470274301 - Proceedings of the Symposium on System Theory. Microwave Research Institute Symposia Series, Volume 15. New York, N.Y., April 20, 21, 22, 1965

1265715: ISBN: 0471274380 - Proceddings of the Symposium on Computers and Automata New York, N.Y., April 13-15, 1971 Volume XXI

1255715: ISBN: 044441567X - Nuclear Methods in Mineral Exploration and Production. Developments in Economic Geology, No. 7

779167: ISBN: 0918062381 - Uranium Resource / Technology Seminar, Vol. 3: Proceedings (Colorado School of Mines, Golden March 10-12, 1980)

738608: ISBN: 1557862303 - International Financial Markets: Integration, Efficiency, and Expectations.

1188782: ISBN: 0471856436 - Chromium in the Natural and Human Environments. Wiley Series in Advances in Environmental Science and Technology

987674: ISBN: 0306425874 - Low-Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors (NATO ASI Science Series B: Physics)

1192851: ISBN: 8487408133 - Homenaje a Jeronimo Molina Garcia

357946: ISBN: 0861030354 - Electro-Optics/Laser International '80 UK

643978: ISBN: 0313204101 - Ideological Coalitions in Congress (Contributions in Political Science)

1019300: ISBN: 091592868X - Global Implications of Space Activities: Proceedings of a Conference, Aspen, Colorado, August 30-September 4, 1981 (AIAA Aerospace Assessment Series, Volume 9)

769480: ISBN: 0893914711 - Socializing the Human Computer Environment (Human Computer Interaction)

1282504: ISBN: 0387963065 - Homogenization and Effective Moduli of Materials and Media (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications)

1139106: ISBN: 0444430075 - Handbook of Polycyclic Hydrocarbons: Part B : Polycyclic Isomers and Heteroatom Analogs of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons (Physical Sciences Data #30)

652144: ISBN: 0803111916 - Computerization and Networking of Materials Data Bases (Astm Special Technical Publication 1017)

638037: ISBN: 1593112491 - Death and Delusion: A Freudian Analysis of Moral Terror

1316334: ISBN: 0801838428 - Psychology and Deterrence (Perspectives on Security)

1062065: ISBN: 8320429110 - Podstawy teorii obwodow. Tom III

748208: ISBN: 0444426388 - Polyvinyl Chloride Stabilization (Polymer science library, No. 4)

565879: ISBN: 9027707693 - Atmospheric Effects on Radar Target Identification and Imaging: Propagation Effects on the Non-Ionized Atmosphere on the Presentation

477806: ISBN: 0444420622 - Thermal Analysis, Vol. XII, Part B, Biochemical and Clinical Applications of Thermometric and Thermal Analysis

906644: ISBN: 3540610375 - Molecular Analysis of DNA Rearrangements in the Immune System (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 217)

942478: ISBN: 0405045034 - Jesse Buel, Agricultural Reformer. Selections from his Writings

1169695: ISBN: 0961166207 - Built To Haul Sugar Beets: The Great Western Railway Co. Edited and Illustrated by Hendrik Vandenberg

314811: ISBN: 3540760687 - UK Parallel '96. Proceedings of the BCS PPSG Annual Conference, 3-5 July 1996

264257: ISBN: 029139728X - Major Advances in Parallel Processing

463995: ISBN: 0932325769 - Jessica Dunne: Paintings and Prints

1292089: ISBN: 0984680926 - Downtown: A View of the Lower East Side

675768: ISBN: 0595294758 - Peacebringers

545653: ISBN: 0295986565 - Noyses, sounds, and sweet aires: Music in Early Modern England

1140302: ISBN: 1013483340 - A History of Tamil Literature. The Heritage of India Series

902776: ISBN: 8450543738 - Relaciones Artisticas Entre Portugal y Espana (Portuguese Edition)

1216236: ISBN: 9588051622 - Cultura Y Region

1169853: ISBN: 9681619641 - El Liberismo Mexicano en Pocas Paginas: Caracterizacion y Vigencia

995669: ISBN: 8493386006 - El espiritu de Donana

1301632: ISBN: 0387955437 - Smooth Manifolds and Observables. Graduate Texts in Mathematics 220

1303936: ISBN: 0841203741 - Cellulose chemistry and technology: A symposium (ACS symposium series; 48)

1310761: ISBN: 8774523120 - Etruria, Volume 1

1267061: ISBN: 0415146046 - Transforming Cities: New Spatial Divisions and Social Tranformation

1316684: ISBN: 0521843715 - Weather Derivative Valuation. The Meteorological, Statistical, Financial and Mathematical Foundations

952914: ISBN: 9971503506 - Workshop on Skyrmions and Anomalies: Krakow, Poland 20-24 February 1987

372732: ISBN: - Biocycle. vols. 30-34, 36-38

869162: ISBN: 7532546896 - Journal of the Dunhuang and Turfan Studies (Volume 10 ) (Paperback)

1227743: ISBN: 3039115502 - Phraseology in Corpus-Based Translation Studies (New Trends in Translation Studies 1)

403706: ISBN: 981020888X - Probability and Statistics: Proceedings of the Special Program at Nankai Institute of Mathematics (Nankai Series in Pure, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics)

1225191: ISBN: 7119079794 - Selected Works of Jiang Zemin volume French Version (French Edition)

388287: ISBN: 0792386469 - Formal Methods for Protocol Engineering and Distributed Systems (International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 28)

1307001: ISBN: 0273087207 - Computation, Computability, Similarity and Duality (Research Notes in Theoretical Computer Science)

277502: ISBN: 1880721007 - Guatemala Philately. 1971-1990 Issues & Special Studies.

1283006: ISBN: 0817641696 - Parametric Statistical Change Point Analysis

1301890: ISBN: 3540796975 - Computer Network Security: Theory and Practice

1312494: ISBN: 303143739X - Heat Conduction

906863: ISBN: 9978770518 - Una gran marea cultural en el noroeste de Sudamerica (Publicaciones del Museo Jacinto Jijon y Caamano) (Spanish Edition)

580212: ISBN: 1574770705 - Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessments for Research & Developments Laboratories

1194230: ISBN: 1566408121 - Jill's Dogs 1995 Calendar

1312749: ISBN: 0894683144 - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1880-1938

766025: ISBN: 1840148772 - Size Matters: The Health Insurance Market for Small Firms

788359: ISBN: 0710213379 - Women and Recession (Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices)

860612: ISBN: 1615461833 - Victims of Addictions

1186009: ISBN: 1902040058 - Chinese Jade : An Exhibition For Sale . 15th June - 30th June 1998

708687: ISBN: 0944183190 - Victory at the training table: A guide to sports nutrition

470911: ISBN: 0872630609 - Radiation Curing a Discussion of Advantages Features and Applications

1213789: ISBN: 1876646497 - The Origins of the Alp. A Marxist Analylsis

632274: ISBN: 0404622240 - The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography- n.s. 19 for 1993, Part I, Sections I-IV (Eighteenth Century: a Current Bibliography New Series)

649496: ISBN: 0404622291 - The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, n.s. Volume 27 for 2001 (Eighteenth Century: a Current Bibliography New Series)

493868: ISBN: 0404621945 - The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography. n.s. 19-for 1993. Part 2, Sections 5-6

496859: ISBN: 0404621945 - The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography. (n.s.19-for 1993, Part II, Sections V-VI)

1316087: ISBN: 0750670622 - The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design (EDN Series for Design Engineers)

1263807: ISBN: 0123853427 - Integrable Systems in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics. Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 19

970101: ISBN: 8473920139 - La Espiritualidad Romano-Visigoda y Muzarabe (Coleccion "Espirituales Espanoles") (Spanish Edition)

1033938: ISBN: 1841711721 - El analisis de la relacion forma - contenido de los conjuntos ceramicos del yacimiento arqueologico del Cerro de la Encina (Granada, Espana). BAR International Series 927

1033955: ISBN: 1841713414 - El Pensamiento Europeo y el Concepto de Celtibero: 1821 - 1939. BAR International Series 1160

888830: ISBN: 8479088621 - El paisaje de la neolitizacion / The Neolithic landscape: Arte Rupestre, Poblamiento Y Mundo Funerario En Las Comarcas Centro-meridionales Valencianas ... Funerary World in Centra (Spanish Edition)

1071838: ISBN: 9810240546 - Inteligent Agent Technology: Systems, Methodologies, and Tools

681210: ISBN: 0975475509 - Don't Ever Quit - The Jimmy Spencer Story

843244: ISBN: 188013408X - The 1990 General Elections in Haiti

893375: ISBN: 0984268502 - The Twenty Trillion Dollar Chinese Paper Trick

950081: ISBN: 1558130012 - Beyond Recrimination: Perspectives on U.S.- Taiwan Trade Tensions

1009844: ISBN: 7508525922 - Eternal Mountain: Selected Tibetan Stories

1200670: ISBN: 2225548684 - Les Methodes Directes en Theorie des Equations Elliptiques

1302675: ISBN: 0444997547 - Mathematical Theory of Elastic and Elasto Plastic Bodies: An Introduction (Studies in Applied Mechanics 3)

1300740: ISBN: 1470436965 - Representations of Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups and Related Topics (713) (Contemporary Mathematics)

1300749: ISBN: 0821811991 - Recent Developments in Quantum Affine Algebras and Related Topics: Representations of Affine and Quantum Affine Algebras and Their Applications, North ... May 21-24, 1998 (Contemporary Mathematics 248)

963276: ISBN: 0444887946 - Hyphenated Techniques in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction. Journal of Chromatography Library, Volume 53

1080199: ISBN: 0819497398 - Computer-Aided Cancer Detection and Diagnosis: Recent Advances

1264803: ISBN: 9860019894 - The Movement of the Bamboo Stool: A Memorial Exhibition of Lii Jiin-shiow

1302377: ISBN: 0486469344 - Abstract and Concrete Categories: The Joy of Cats (Dover Books on Mathematics)

717346: ISBN: 3540602461 - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1995: 20th International Symposium, MFCS'95, Prague, Czech Republic, August 28 - September 1, 1995. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

808776: ISBN: 0934888183 - H2o

1292097: ISBN: 0578402629 - Alice Adams: Woven Forms and Post Minimal Sculpture, 1959-1973

973981: ISBN: 0901072540 - Goodnight, Morning

717392: ISBN: 3540560394 - Database Theory - ICDT '92: 4th International Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 14-16, 1992. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 646)

1212187: ISBN: 3980201880 - Verruckt

383953: ISBN: 3800941392 - Operating Systems: Bridging the Gap Between Hardware and User

715685: ISBN: 0820405191 - Subjektive Aesthetik (New Studies in Aesthetics, Vol 1)

672350: ISBN: 1931948208 - Schemata of Forgiveness for Democracy in Congo-Kinshasa

1093331: ISBN: 3540036075 - Completions of Categories: Seminar Lectures Given 1966 in Zurich (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)

1245468: ISBN: 3540663673 - Integer Optimization by Local Search: A Domain-Independent Approach (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1637)

1179746: ISBN: 3540082441 - Extreme Games and their Solutions. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 145

1020593: ISBN: x - Daybreak

272429: ISBN: 187910900X - The Power of Multimedia. A Guide to Interactive Techology in Education and Business

1287877: ISBN: 0821851152 - Linear Functional Analysis

505080: ISBN: 0871691582 - The Roman Catholic Church in England, 1780-1850: A study in internal politics (Memoirs)

1207343: ISBN: 0996890556 - Canter & Crawl: The Glass Sculpture of Joan Danziger

1309657: ISBN: 0374266360 - Slouching Towards Bethlehem

633193: ISBN: 1864650540 - Delusions of Grandeur: A Family's Story of Love and Struggle

709223: ISBN: 0919627684 - Watershed Collection

640616: ISBN: 838914509X - Accidents of Memory

721217: ISBN: 0920549012 - Road Dances

1309959: ISBN: 0125874456 - Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England

1245774: ISBN: 0963781758 - Joan Livingstone: membranes, margins, disruptions

854377: ISBN: 0911369007 - Delayed Neurotoxicity. Proceedings of the Delayed Neurotoxicity Workshop presented June 27-30, 1982 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

484647: ISBN: 0309083915 - Education and Delinquency: Summary of a Workshop

545735: ISBN: 077480047X - Alan Crawley and contemporary verse

894819: ISBN: 097739672X - Joan Moment. Aerial Luminations

1227974: ISBN: 8447710831 - L'Exemple dels jueus. El catalanisme d'esquerres i la seva visio del poble jueu, del sionisme i del conflicte a Palestina (1928-1936)

1305973: ISBN: 0824027116 - Attic White-Ground. Its Development on Shapes Other Than Lekythoi (Outstanding dissertations in the fine arts)

1224539: ISBN: 8495166089 - L'Obra de Joan Coromines: Cicle D'Estudi i Homenatge

239528: ISBN: 0786404434 - Children's Museums An American Guidebook

516316: ISBN: 0820498629 - Perspektiven Fur Europa - Eine Neue Offnung? Perspectives of Europe - the New Opening?

673926: ISBN: 0820419044 - Mademoiselle De Scudery and the Looking-Glass Self (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, Volume 7)

1314216: ISBN: 0887402941 - Jewelry of the Stars: Creations from Joseff of Hollywood

1172925: ISBN: 2705673601 - Bach autrement

1104698: ISBN: 3540128077 - Physics of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon I: Structure, Preparation, and Devices (Topics in Applied Physics 55)

964995: ISBN: 0444850309 - Approximation of Vector Valued Functions. North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 25. Notas de Matematica (61)

1228573: ISBN: 3935567138 - Johannes Kahrs: Down 'n Out

1285985: ISBN: 9722712977 - Critica IV: contistas, novelistas e outros prosadores contemporaneos, 1942-1979 (Temas portugueses)

798989: ISBN: 9722712543 - Razao e Ciencia em Antonio Sergio

916358: ISBN: 9728560230 - Joao Tabarra: Representacao Portuguesa a XXV Bienal de Sao Paulo = Joao Tabarra: Portuguese Representation at the XXV Biennial of Sao Paulo

1215703: ISBN: 9728662009 - Les premiers hommes modernes de la Peninsule Iberique: Actes du Colloque de la Commission VIII de l'UISPP. Trabalhos de Arqueologia 17

1016495: ISBN: 9726728738 - O Zea mays e a expansao portuguesa

792014: ISBN: 0415272092 - Multiphase Bioreactor Design

973614: ISBN: 8475845797 - Historia Critica y Documentada del Cine Independiente en Espana. 1955-1975 (Spanish Edition)

943451: ISBN: 9728325711 - The Portuguese in the 16th Century World: Areas and Products

837424: ISBN: 9701800230 - Homenaje al profesor Ticul Alvarez (Coleccion Cientifica) (Spanish Edition)

972228: ISBN: 0942260228 - Romances Tradicionales de Castilla y Leon

1214610: ISBN: 284137064X - Le Paleolithique inferieur et moyen en Espagne

1088882: ISBN: 8479434465 - La politica de aguas en Espana: un laberinto juridico-parlamentario. Cuadernos del Congreso de los Diputados, 6

1219199: ISBN: 956243043X - Quipu, Contar Anudando En El Imperio Inka =: Quipu, Knotting Account in the Inka Empire: Exposicion, Julio 2003 - Abril 2004 / [Textos Por Gary Urton] (Spanish Edition)

1273879: ISBN: 9709000268 - Biodiversidad del estado de Tabasco/ Biodiversity of the Tobacco State (Spanish Edition)

1003400: ISBN: 970654187X - La Revuelta Por La Democracia: Pueblos Indios, Politica y Poder En Mexico

1316559: ISBN: 0387978046 - Applied Multivariate Data Analysis Volume II: Categorical and Multivariate Methods (Springer Texts in Statistics)

780180: ISBN: 2890059499 - Une ecole pour le monde, une ecole pour tout le monde l'education quebecoise dans le contexte de la mondialisation

1204387: ISBN: 3939818054 - Mathematisierung der Natur : Streitgesprache in den wissenschaftlichen Sitzungen der Versammlung der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 10. Dezember 2004 und 27. Mai 2005

496869: ISBN: 0820465577 - Passions Without a Tongue: Dramatisations of the Body in Robert Browning's Poetry (Neue Studien Zur Anglistik Und Amerikanistik, Bd. 89)

1264264: ISBN: 3777466905 - Heinrich Der Lowe Und Seine Zeit: Band 3: Nachleben. Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum

1232958: ISBN: 388660408X - Indianerpolitik in Venezuela Ansatze zur Mitsprache der Betroffenen?

965679: ISBN: 3453060202 - Gestapo: Instrument des Terrors

1304990: ISBN: 3540503676 - Physical Property Prediction in Organic Chemistry: Proceedings of the Beilstein Workshop, 16–20th May, 1988, Schloss Korb, Italy

1224073: ISBN: 2130421024 - Les Representations sociales (Sociologie d'aujourd'hui) (French Edition)

563843: ISBN: 0815510829 - Atmospheric Tracer Technology and Applications

928777: ISBN: 0892300434 - Hallucinogens (Publication of the Do It Now Foundation--Institute for Chemi)

712521: ISBN: 1896647308 - Open Road West

1303967: ISBN: 0984624759 - Southern Pacific Lines across Texas and Louisiana, 1934-61 (T&NO)

1310179: ISBN: x - Crossbearer. A memoir of faith

1266529: ISBN: 0201078902 - Information, Uncertainty, Complexity

1305330: ISBN: 0831070927 - The Search for Steam. A Cavalcade of Smoky Action in Steam by the Greatest Railroad Photographers

1304179: ISBN: 0961236612 - Katy Power. Locomotives and Trains of the Missouri - Kansas - Texas Railroad, 1912-1985

803659: ISBN: 0815319355 - Accounting and Auditing of Small Businesses (Garland Studies in Entrepreneurship)

1288456: ISBN: 0920030084 - Mr. God, I'm Sorry

699769: ISBN: 0977642208 - Sacred Conflicts: Plays From the Religious Arts Festival

1304089: ISBN: 1892284553 - Triple Feature

1288060: ISBN: 1881475085 - Writer of the Purple Rage

864008: ISBN: 1560025220 - Golden Wild Cats

788639: ISBN: 0813374693 - Brain Structure, Learning and Memory (AAAS selected symposium 105)

847749: ISBN: 3527264787 - Biophysical Aspects (Molecular structure & energetics)v. 4

1183056: ISBN: 3527264779 - Molecular Structure and Energetics Volume 3: Studies of Organic Molecules

1263264: ISBN: 0122203151 - Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena Volume 15

673945: ISBN: 0387120149 - Molecular Collision Dynamics. Topics in Current Physics, Volume 33

586555: ISBN: 0306443473 - Synthetic Microstructures in Biological Research

1310872: ISBN: 0486411796 - Matrix Theory

494446: ISBN: 2890185168 - Labyrinthe 5

953053: ISBN: 0932627471 - Occupational Exposure, Toxic Properties and Work Practice Guideline for Fiber Glass

861756: ISBN: 1588613445 - M53 CD - Geology & Geophysics of Continental Margins. AAPG Memoir 53. Proceedings of the M.T. Halbouty Continental Margins Conference

1308976: ISBN: 0891813322 - Geology and Geophysics of Continental Margins (AAPG Memoir 53)

797115: ISBN: 9023217497 - Liber Amicorum Weijnen: Een bundel opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. A. Weijnen bij zijn zeventigste verjaardag (Dutch Edition)

955514: ISBN: 0250406055 - Biotechnology in Industry. Selected Applications and Unit Operations

1194059: ISBN: 9515553512 - A Spectrum of Statistical Thought: Essays in Statistical Theory, Economics and Population Genetics in Honour of Johan Fellman

698312: ISBN: 8772413727 - Peace Problems: Some Case Studies (Prio Monographs ; 9)

1298028: ISBN: 0937073296 - A Manual of Intensional Logic, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes)

493296: ISBN: 311005924X - Johann Christoph Gottsched Ausgewahlte Werke. Herausgegeben von P. M. Mitchell. Siebenter Band, Erster Teil

46494: ISBN: 0576722014 - Commentaria, Ioannis Cochlael, etc.

919561: ISBN: 0895796929 - Claudine von Villa Bella. Piano-Vocal Score. Piano reduction by Robert Meikle. Recent Researches in the Music of the Classical Era, 79P

464365: ISBN: 0714614009 - England and Wales (Library of Industrial Classics, No. 19)

1070970: ISBN: 3570050718 - Praktische Darstellung aller Operationen der Zahnarzneikunst: Nebst Anwendung der Instrumente derselben, zu Vorlesungen fur Studirende und zum Gebrauch der Provincial- und Regiments- Wundarzte uberhaupte: Desgleichen fur jeden Privatmann und fur ganze

402745: ISBN: - Die Theorie der Relativen Bewegungen

1113264: ISBN: 0126297509 - Operator Inequalities (Mathematics in Science and Engineering vol. 147)

1301610: ISBN: 0691043426 - Early Verse Drama and Prose Plays (Goethe: The Collected Works, Vol. 7)

1272904: ISBN: 0933909128 - West-East Divan

1264809: ISBN: 9639115371 - Fem jelzes, nemzetkozo szobraszati kiallitas = Metal signal, international exhibition of sculpture : Mucsarnok, Budapest

782678: ISBN: 1869582837 - Broken English

1062240: ISBN: 340203140X - Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters : fur die Zeit von 1150-1350 / Anonyme Predigten, Bibliotheken A bis N. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Band XLIII Heft 8)

942404: ISBN: 3781402487 - Flugblatt Und Zeitung: Ein Wegweiser Durch Das Gedruckte Tagesschrifttum Band 2 Von 1848 Bis Zur Gegenwart

969169: ISBN: 3873974215 - Munchener Beethoven-Studien

503208: ISBN: 0912024690 - Galliculus, Gesamtausgabe (Galliculus, Gesamtausgabe)

1209707: ISBN: 0792340892 - Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Hydrology, Geology and Ecology (Water Science and Technology Library)

712201: ISBN: 3515026509 - Die altesten Statuten der Universitat Mainz (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Universitat Mainz) (German Edition)

1315696: ISBN: 111844714X - Data Mining and Business Analytics with R

681391: ISBN: 0412113910 - Myocardial Injury: Laboratory Diagnosis

950473: ISBN: 3826213157 - Christoph Kolumbus Die Entdeckung der Neuen Welt

1038153: ISBN: 3429032385 - Kirchliche Buchbestande als Quelle der Kulturgeschichte (Veroffentlichungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholisch - Theologischer Bibliotheken, Band 5)

1003972: ISBN: - In Prophetam Jeremiam, & ejusdem Lamentationes commentarius. In quo præter novam versionem, ordine et distincte proponuntur...

1252639: ISBN: 9040094055 - Zimmer Frei Nederland-Duitsland na 1945

1206555: ISBN: - Fourier Integral Operators with Complex Phase Functions

1313577: ISBN: 3642403735 - Bank Management and Control: Strategy, Capital and Risk Management (Management for Professionals)

702775: ISBN: - De Scriptura Sacra, de Deo & Persona Christi in Tomo Primo [et] Loci Theologici. Cum pro adstruenda Veritate, tumpro destruenda quorumvis Contradicentium Falsitate, per theses nervose, solide & copiose explican, etc. Tomus I, II, III.

1241826: ISBN: 1440828733 - American Indian Culture [2 volumes]: From Counting Coup to Wampum (Cultures of the American Mosaic)

906617: ISBN: 3805578105 - Prevention of Allergy and Allergic Asthma (Chemical Immunology and Allergy, Volume 84)

1274743: ISBN: 0387535950 - Advances in Turbulence 3: Proceedings of the 3rd European Turbulence Conference, Stockholm, July 3-6, 1990

1217559: ISBN: 9171530169 - More blessed to give: A Pentecostal mission to Bolivia in anthropological perspective (Stockholm studies in social anthropology)

1297668: ISBN: 0415025885 - Ontological Investigations: An Inquiry into the Categories of Nature, Man, and Society

295837: ISBN: 9173460508 - Some Aspects of the Vocabulary of Learned and Scientific English. ACTA Universitatis Gothoburgensis Gothenburgh Studies in English No. 42

1092734: ISBN: 0931288282 - Basic Method in Biological X-Ray Microanalysis

1308256: ISBN: 0824786815 - Petroleum Processing Handbook

600713: ISBN: 0390475076 - Vesicoureteral reflux and pyelonephritis

543665: ISBN: 0835713253 - Structured systems and their performance improvement through vertical migration (Computer science)

1267131: ISBN: 0748613188 - American Space/American Place: Geographies of the Contemporary United States

399664: ISBN: 0835916170 - Electrical and Electronic Safety

845241: ISBN: 0306412802 - Photoimmunology

982639: ISBN: 0801805333 - Economic Aid and International Cost Sharing

1296573: ISBN: 0126790809 - Evaluation of Diagnostic Systems: Methods from Signal Detection Theory (Academic Press Series in Cognition and Perception)

515005: ISBN: 0880480904 - Our Patients' Future in a Changing World

650371: ISBN: 0136054374 - Multimedia: Technology and Applications (Ellis Horwood Books in Information Technology)

1231716: ISBN: 3540043896 - Einsteins Vision: Wie steht es heute mit Einsteins Vision, alles als Geometrie aufzufassen?

644355: ISBN: 041281000X - ATM for Service Providers (BT Telecommunications Series)

731653: ISBN: 0838321054 - Walter De la Mare: An Exploration

488773: ISBN: 084481007X - Modern Biology and Its Human Implications

737971: ISBN: 0708300588 - The House of Commons, 1906-1911. An Analysis of its Economic and Social Character

1096888: ISBN: 2700700287 - L'histoire de John Bull: The History of John Bull

1256245: ISBN: 0716703378 - Magic without Magic. Edited by John R. Klauder

632227: ISBN: 079183736X - 2004 Proceedings of the 12th Annual North American Waste to Energy Conference

757398: ISBN: 0938420100 - Maryland Heritage: Five Baltimore Institutions Celebrate the Bicentennial

1155866: ISBN: 0750692154 - Characterization of Materials

1227074: ISBN: 0819179078 - Christianity in Oceania: Ethnographic Perspectives (ASAO Monograph, No. 12)

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