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1303262: ISBN: 0120406020 - Introduction to the Mathematics of Quasicrystals. Aperiodicity and Order, Volume 2

1298770: ISBN: 0120406039 - Extended Icosahedral Structures: Aperiodicity and Order 3

1069724: ISBN: 8876522816 - Doctrine Pontificale et Histoire: Pie XI Doctrine et action (1922-1939) (Studia Socialia) (French Edition)

604421: ISBN: 0878495266 - Theoretical Aspects of the Localized Corrosion of Metals (Materials Science Surveys)


1211211: ISBN: 0852745168 - Deep Levels in Semiconductors

868383: ISBN: 0444989307 - Complexes in Free-Radical Polymerization (Polymer Science Library 6)

1045863: ISBN: 8323850453 - Portret

1082505: ISBN: 0122246500 - Probability in Science and Engineering

1117624: ISBN: 8085268558 - Historical Sciences in the Czech Republic. Historica. Series Nova, 2

829785: ISBN: 0444988076 - Endurance of Mechanical Structures: Physical and Statistical Approaches (Developments in Civil Engineering, No. 29)

1156071: ISBN: 0444895434 - Fourth Czechoslovakian Symposium on Combinatorics, Graphs and Complexity. (Annals of Discrete Mathematics, Volume 51)

1299839: ISBN: 0444996109 - The Kinetics of Industrial Crystallization (Chemical Engineering Monographs, Vol 19)

1254901: ISBN: 0444989145 - Industrial Crystallization 87: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Bechyne, Czechoslovakia, September 21-25, 1987. Process Technology Proceedings, 6

1282294: ISBN: 9774246322 - Living Stones of Cairo

1284799: ISBN: 1420060236 - Structural Analysis: The Analytical Method

1163957: ISBN: 0824771915 - Heat Transfer Fluids and Systems for Process and Energy Applications (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)

1110601: ISBN: 9027713669 - Be STARS (International Astronomical Union Symposia)

1217503: ISBN: 0521393000 - Errors, Bias and Uncertainties in Astronomy

1215270: ISBN: 9978226702 - Todo Moderno-signf. Modernizacion Sierra Colombia

1300574: ISBN: 1470424088 - The Dynamical Mordell-lang Conjecture (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 210)

861133: ISBN: 3790214728 - Glaube und Vernunft im Denken des Nikolaus von Kues: Prolegomena zu einem Umriss seiner Auffassung (Trierer Cusanus lecture) (German Edition)

1289723: ISBN: 3662376687 - Philosophie: II. Existenzerhellung

1289724: ISBN: 3642985262 - Metaphysik (German Edition)

1036324: ISBN: 0312089473 - Voices for Change: South Africa's Other Whites

1313145: ISBN: 0471818410 - The nature and properties of engineering materials. Third Edition

863262: ISBN: 9027725888 - Applied Mathematics for Economics (Theory and Decision Library B)

414203: ISBN: 9062035884 - Kafka - Kolloquium Utrecht, Mai 1984

1297068: ISBN: 0253308607 - Are quanta real? A Galilean dialogue

958871: ISBN: 3891651058 - Jaume Plensa

1100826: ISBN: 9991330062 - Andorra Paisatges Oblidats

1088060: ISBN: 8450568323 - El Parlament de Catalunya (Catalan Edition)

1229777: ISBN: 8489860556 - Cinco pintores de la modernidad portuguesa : 1911-1965

1312446: ISBN: 3030133168 - Nonlinear Structural Dynamics and Damping (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 69)

1096047: ISBN: 2701000068 - Une affirmation raisonnee de Dieu. La Point Theologique 7

1024481: ISBN: 8439375832 - L'Esculapi, el retorn del deu : Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Barcelona del 27 d'octubre de 2007 al 17 de febrer de 2008

808753: ISBN: 8477533083 - Raquel Meller y su tiempo (Coleccion "Los aragoneses") (Spanish Edition)

1022900: ISBN: 8460629627 - Museo De Zaragoza. 150 Anos De Historia

707406: ISBN: 8488951078 - Alfonso: Cronista sentimental de Asturias (Spanish Edition)

1170750: ISBN: 9972425126 - El hombre y los Andes: Homenaje a Franklin Pease G.Y (3 Volumes)

557493: ISBN: 9972925773 - Peru: El problema agrario en debate. Sepia XI

1215758: ISBN: 9942093141 - El paraiso en venta: Desarrollo, Etnicidad y Ambientalismo en la Frontera sur del Yasuni (Amazonia Ecuatoriana)

1148256: ISBN: 1605662062 - Handbook of Research on Personal Autonomy Technologies and Disability Informatics (1 vol)

979177: ISBN: 8448254813 - Familia De Estanislao Granzow : J. Sorolla

1292088: ISBN: 8481542008 - La quiebra de lo moderno: Margaret Palmer y el arte español durante la guerra civil

1253651: ISBN: 8484800202 - Ninos de Murillo 12 de Septiembre - 9 de Diciembre de 2001

1205744: ISBN: 8478464336 - Catalogo Monumental de Castilla y Leon: Bienes Inmuebles Declarados. Primera Parte I

1029858: ISBN: 9568890203 - Resident Evil

1315211: ISBN: 1137371668 - An Option Greeks Primer: Building Intuition with Delta Hedging and Monte Carlo Simulation using Excel (Global Financial Markets)

1094450: ISBN: 2753520925 - Carrefour Stieglitz: Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle

1202983: ISBN: 2378960115 - Jay DeFeo: The Ripple Effect

1290544: ISBN: - Gnosis Magazine. A journal of the western inner traditions. Numbers 1-45, 1986-1997

1298044: ISBN: 1568810067 - The Queen of Mathematics: A Historically Motivated Guide to Number Theory

802170: ISBN: 0120045206 - ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF BEHAVIOR V 20, Volume 20

802165: ISBN: 0120045125 - ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF BEHAVIOR V 12, Volume 12 (v. 12)

572617: ISBN: 0812107136 - Recreational Service for the Aging

1182463: ISBN: 0805800212 - Preoperative Events: Their Effects on Behavior Following Brain Damage (Comparative Cognition and Neuroscience)

1295587: ISBN: 1931482004 - Destroyers: The superlative magic of Troy Hooser

1274764: ISBN: 0883183544 - Physics and Chemistry of Porous Media-II (Aip Conference Proceedings 154)

1295806: ISBN: 1911635557 - Hotel Housekeeping Management: Changing trends and developments

1295805: ISBN: 1911635549 - Hotel Housekeeping Management: Changing trends and developments

1208243: ISBN: 0485195259 - Conflict and Solidarity in a Guianese Plantation (LSE)

1245571: ISBN: 2914659032 - Fables

1315840: ISBN: 0803983999 - Symbolic Exchange and Death (Theory, Culture & Society)

1315837: ISBN: 0914386069 - The Mirror of Production

931934: ISBN: 1884300146 - The L.A. Story

1004141: ISBN: 2204041769 - La Formation dans les Instituts Religieux. Directives de la Congregation pour les instituts de vie consacree et les societes de vie aposotlique

1049096: ISBN: 2862605166 - Passes recomposes. Champs et chantiers de l'Histoire (French Edition)

541055: ISBN: 0121233731 - Molecular Cytology. Volume 2, Cell Interactions

541056: ISBN: 0121233723 - Molecular Cytology. Volume 1: The Cell Cycle

636007: ISBN: 2890185095 - Vigile

1074299: ISBN: 1014462487 - The Eternal Struggle

719068: ISBN: 2020069210 - L'ancienne comedie (French Edition)

1214614: ISBN: 2906160067 - Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique superieur ancien en Europe: Rupture et transitions, examen critique des documents archeologiques

972119: ISBN: - De sacramentali sive auriculari Latinorum confessione disputatio

1308759: ISBN: 0442291930 - Logical construction of programs. (L.C.P.) =: Les procedures de traitment et leurs donnes

720174: ISBN: 0919349838 - For Montreal (Essay Series 4)

711366: ISBN: 0919813488 - The W.O. Mitchell Papers: An Inventory of the Archive at the University of Calgary Libraries (Canadian archival inventory series, No. 2)

723965: ISBN: 2600033637 - Les Contribuables parisiens a la fin de la guerre de Cent Ans, les roles d'impot de 1421, 1423 et 1438

871309: ISBN: 2859560491 - Et Si on Allait Faire Un Tour Jusqu'a La Pointe? : Ou Dix Ans D'histoire Des Francais En Vacances Et En Voyage

1049058: ISBN: 2890772543 - Bon poids, bon coeur au quotidien. De l'epicerie a la table: conseilset recettes

1138654: ISBN: 0865593000 - The Old Masters Society: Treasures of European Art at the Art Institute of Chicago

1009493: ISBN: 2951152604 - La Poste Vieille a Pezens (Aude): De L'enceinte Neolithqiue a La Bastide D'alzan

857588: ISBN: 2711834239 - Veronese: Une dame venitienne dite la Belle Nani (Collection Solo) (French Edition)

918318: ISBN: 271182098X - Bordeaux, Musee des Beaux-Arts. Peinture italienne, XVe - XIXe siecles. Inventaire des collections publiques francaises (French Edition)

1110379: ISBN: - Conferences de Notre-Dame de Quebec. Premiere serie. Avent et careme de 1848-49

1306712: ISBN: 0444413162 - Groundwater Pollution: Theory, Methodology, Modelling, and Practical Rules (Developments in Water Science ; 4)

1306795: ISBN: 0682488011 - The ninth decade: Secret plans for the coming Communist takeovers

1004207: ISBN: 2712208048 - Notre pere tome 6 - la priere du ciel

1309084: ISBN: 0879078235 - Bernard of Clairvaux: Studies Presented to Dom Jean Leclercq (Cistercian Studies : No 23)

1309131: ISBN: 981021555X - Quantum Groups, Integrable Models and Statistical Systems: 1992 Cap/Nserc Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics : Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 13-18

701547: ISBN: 044487058X - Signal Processing, Volume One. Les Houches, Session XLV, 12 Aout-6 Septembre 1985

1035282: ISBN: 2259188702 - Hummocks: Relief de memoire. Alaska Tchoukotka siberienne (French Edition)

1069261: ISBN: 2853010015 - A la Rencontre du Christ Jesus: Precis d'Eschatologie Chretienne

1211018: ISBN: 082181690X - Topological Degree Methods in Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems (Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 40)

870881: ISBN: 2020090872 - Le guide du lycee: A l'usage des eleves, de leurs parents et de leurs professeurs (French Edition)

1264792: ISBN: 8886701403 - Saper credere in architettura : trentun domande a Jean Nouvel

1131250: ISBN: 2890390594 - L'Evangile au naturel

801728: ISBN: 2234003687 - Le village a l'heure de la tele (French Edition)

840106: ISBN: 0821822896 - Computer-Assisted Proof of Universality for Area-Preserving Maps (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 289)

1306429: ISBN: 0444104291 - Spectral theory and complex analysis (North-Holland mathematics studies)

1296590: ISBN: 0470265213 - Attention and Performance VII

986154: ISBN: 2855398118 - Arts Asiatiques. Tome XXX, 1974

678704: ISBN: 2707316881 - Des Hommes Illustres (French Edition)

678423: ISBN: 2707316857 - Sur La Scene Comme Au Ciel (French Edition)

745128: ISBN: 0824060229 - An Old Spelling Edition of Hugh Kelly's Comedy The School for Wives.

1008343: ISBN: 3643118333 - Salmon Macrins Gedichtsammlungen Von 1537 : Edition Mit Wortindex

1018802: ISBN: 8871760999 - Crisi Financiarie, Liquidita e Sistema Monetario Internazionale

659223: ISBN: 2863320297 - New Particle Production: Proceedings of the XIXth Rencontre de Moriond, 1984, Volume Two

806793: ISBN: 0252727061 - Whats Its Name

1066254: ISBN: 2712211170 - Notre vie ensemble: Une biographie sous forme de correspondance (French Edition)

1066052: ISBN: 2215004339 - Vivre une alliance dans les foyers de l'arche

1069756: ISBN: 2227425490 - La Penitence et la reconciliation dans la mission de l'Eglise. Synode des eveques, Rome 1983. "Documents d'Eglise" (French Edition)

1283622: ISBN: 0134938186 - An Introduction to Queueing Networks

1063757: ISBN: 2204021407 - Le livre de la Charite

796267: ISBN: 2920123009 - Melanges d'etudes anciennes offerts a Maurice Lebel (French Edition)

872499: ISBN: 291344007X - Coup d'Oeil sur les Jardins de l'Histoire du XVe au XXe Siecle

716584: ISBN: 3540516875 - Distributed Algorithms: 3rd International Workshop, Nice, France, September 26-28, 1989. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 392)

872610: ISBN: 1616922613 - Second Language Distance Learning and Teaching: Theoretical Perspectives and Didactic Ergonomics

991000: ISBN: 3451179504 - Faszination in Stein. Die schoensten Fossilien in Farbe

676857: ISBN: 2212116195 - La lecon de peinture

780559: ISBN: 2764604564 - Fenetres sur la Justice

797555: ISBN: 2825201022 - Situation de Blaise Cendrars

1047675: ISBN: 5894800420 - Baronov-Rossine

1157402: ISBN: 2852681927 - Les Temoins de Jehovah

539887: ISBN: 2222047773 - L'Europe de la diversite: La dynamique des identites regionales (CNRS sociologie)

537982: ISBN: 0444806466 - The Mode of Action of Immunosuppressive Agents. Research Monographs in Immunology, Volume 9. Second Edition, Revised

1068365: ISBN: 0914357255 - A Dialogue About Recent American and European Photography: Exhibition

1261314: ISBN: 2850566632 - Paul gauguin (MONOGRAPHIE BIOGRAPHIE SOMOGY)

1073005: ISBN: 2891291204 - Il aura les yeux bleus pour l'eternite

1070563: ISBN: 2890072681 - Qui est l'Eglise? Volume III: L'Eglise, peuple de Dieu

1055250: ISBN: 2894202121 - emmanuel dieu avec nous annee a

1055092: ISBN: 2894201885 - Le Coeur Transperce: Existence quotidienne et liturgie dominicale Annee C (French Edition)

1060002: ISBN: 2080112422 - Tresors Publics: 20 ans de creation dans les Fonds regionaux d'art contemporain

1192925: ISBN: 2763785360 - Proces du philosophisme revolutionnaire et retour des Lumieres: des lendemains de thermidor a la restauration

1126171: ISBN: 2204011762 - La Primaute de l'Eglise de Pierre et de Paul: Remarques d'un Protestant (Cahiers Oecumeniques 10)

595409: ISBN: 9685827028 - Goya

1037868: ISBN: 2732421421 - Image du Nouveau Monde en France

1135496: ISBN: 2843943264 - Les Deconvenues De Promethee: La longue marche vers l'energie thermonucleaire

893346: ISBN: 2865451151 - Jean-Louis Schoellkopf

990677: ISBN: 2909242013 - Eskimomasken aus Alaska

733351: ISBN: 291325201X - Carnet saharien: 25 annees de photographie, d'emotion et d'aventures (French Edition)

545917: ISBN: 2890054756 - Eros et Thanatos sous l'Oeil des Nouveaux Clercs

782309: ISBN: 9053491481 - l'Egyptomanie a l'Epreuve de l'Archeologie: Actes du Colloque Internationale Organise au Musee du Louvre, etc., 1994.

1298075: ISBN: 0821875779 - Analytic Number Theory: Exploring the Anatomy of Integers (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 134)

1040986: ISBN: 2701011418 - L'Alsace (Dictionnaire du monde religieux dans la France contemporaine)

917416: ISBN: 8498444039 - Retratos : Obras Maestras, Centre Pompidou

1047627: ISBN: 2865630226 - Catalogue du Fonds Ancien de la Bibliotheque de l'Institut d'Etudes Hispaniques de Paris. Publications de la Sorbonne, Serie Documents 33 (Temoins de l'Espagne, Serie Historique 10) (French Edition)

1257617: ISBN: 2858930333 - Textes pour Emmanuel Levinas (Collection Surfaces) (French Edition)

564090: ISBN: 0861963970 - Aid for Cinematographic and Audio-visual Production in Europe

1310396: ISBN: 905349359X - Bamana: Art of Existence in Mali

1218223: ISBN: 9972623297 - Los Andes y el reto del espacio mundo. Homenaje a Olivier Dollfus

975307: ISBN: 0748408606 - Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis: GISDATA 9

748581: ISBN: 0802084966 - Ecological Education in Everyday Life: ALPHA 2000

1124520: ISBN: 2204023396 - la reconciliation et la penitence dans la mission de l'eglise aujourd'hui

1068568: ISBN: 276211702X - En quoi l'Eglise doit-elle changer?

1270497: ISBN: 0241903882 - Loser Wins (Les Sequestres d'Altona). A Play in Five Acts

1314078: ISBN: 0671867806 - Being and Nothingness

673862: ISBN: 905199494X - Molecular Mechanisms of Transcellular Signalling: From Membrane Receptors to Transcription Factors (NATO Asi)

857309: ISBN: 2901422128 - Les Metiers de l'art: Formation, tradition, restauration, creation : [exposition], Musee des arts decoratifs, Paris, 1980 (French Edition)

1066588: ISBN: 8821504859 - Lezionario Feriale Emmaus (2 volumes)

820231: ISBN: 2858503079 - Jean-Pierre Bertrand: Musee national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Galeries contemporaines, 28 mai-19 aout 1985 (French Edition)

1067328: ISBN: 2020029499 - Etudes Teilhardiennes, Numero 4/5. Science et Phenomenologie de la Vie

1159646: ISBN: 2701013070 - Pour une histoire religieuse de l'experience litteraire tome 3 (French Edition)

695786: ISBN: 3540159762 - Rewriting Techniques and Applications: Dijon, France, May 20-22, 1985 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

1206060: ISBN: 2856290310 - Noninvariant Base Change Identities. Memoires de la Societe Mathematique de France, Nouvelle Serie, Numero 61

467616: ISBN: 2110006870 - Profil economique de la France

782466: ISBN: 2894851030 - La grande saga des genes

920192: ISBN: 2868471315 - Dans le sillage de Colomb. l'Europe du Ponant et la decouverte du Nouveau Monde, 1450-1650. Actes du Colloque International, Universite Rennes 2 : ... 1992 (French Edition)

688298: ISBN: 2760305899 - La Gouvernance Linguistique: le Canada en Perspective. Sous la direction de Jean Pierre Wallot. Collection Amerique Francaise No. 11

1307224: ISBN: 8876811524 - Jean Hoüel. Voyage a Siracusa. Le antichità della città e del suo territorio nel 1777. Catalogo della mostra (Siracusa, 8 maggio-8 giugno 2003)

868401: ISBN: 2859390162 - Recherches Sur le Monde Hispanique au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle

1104535: ISBN: 2227425636 - Sur l'economie: La parole au peuple de Dieu (Documents d'Eglise) (French Edition)

1034104: ISBN: 213051684X - Politique et histoire en Allemagne au XIXe siecle. Critique de la pensee politique des historiens allemands

1108085: ISBN: 9727542824 - Razoes de Saude Poder e Administracao do Corpo: Vacinas, Alimentos, Medicamentos (Portuguese Edition)

1068219: ISBN: 2725612942 - A l'Ecole de la Poesie (Actualite Pedagogique) (French Edition)

1316348: ISBN: 0195069188 - An Introduction to Molecular Orbitals

1098221: ISBN: 2900301734 - America: Images d'un continent du XVe au XXe siecle: cartes, livres, estampes: exposition, Musee municipal de Saint-Die, 23 mai-30 aout, 1987 (French Edition)

937552: ISBN: 9505030819 - Politica y Derechos Humanos

675938: ISBN: 8484700895 - De noche se duerme! (Spanish Edition)

1074360: ISBN: 2890391213 - Le Passage du Temps

1074433: ISBN: 2226037187 - Offrande

1306291: ISBN: 0299106209 - Ancient Anatolia: Aspects of Change and Cultural Development : Essays in Honor of Machteld J. Mellink (Wisconsin studies in classics)

898635: ISBN: 0387518320 - Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology

791421: ISBN: 9027209952 - Pragmatics: An Annotated Bibliography (Library and Information Sources in Linguistics Series, No 4)

1305183: ISBN: 0810941678 - Starlight on the Rails

1150939: ISBN: 1590053729 - Coney Island

1019298: ISBN: 082183553X - Shock-Wave Solutions Of The Einstein Equations With Perfect Fluid Sources: Existence And Consistency By A Locally Inertial Glimm Scheme (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society No. 813)

1150940: ISBN: 1590051955 - Habitat 7

1310632: ISBN: 0692183957 - The Iron Feather A Corporate History Of The Western Pacific and Sacramento Northern Railroads

1313867: ISBN: 0912172282 - Robert E. Lee

844268: ISBN: 0944398715 - Principles for the Selection of Doses in Chronic Rodent Bioassays

1312746: ISBN: 0300043082 - The Rothschild Canticles: Art and Mysticism in Flanders and the Rhineland circa 1300 (Yale Publications in the History of Art)

1316490: ISBN: 0470407778 - The Strategic Treasurer: A Partnership for Corporate Growth

281552: ISBN: 0123822556 - Expert Database Systems. A.P.I.C. Series, No. 39

1287049: ISBN: 0984624775 - Southern Pacific Painting and Lettering Guide 1913 to 1996

754950: ISBN: 0801814510 - Economic Integration in Central America: Empirical Investigations

1308746: ISBN: 1558492119 - Surviving Literary Suicide

715238: ISBN: 0120176521 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 52

715264: ISBN: 0120176556 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 55

817897: ISBN: 0120176491 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 49

715257: ISBN: 0120176343 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 34

715242: ISBN: 0120176475 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 47

715240: ISBN: 0120176335 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 33

715255: ISBN: 0120176408 - Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 20-39, Volume 40 (Advances in Genetics)

715256: ISBN: 0120176416 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 41

715258: ISBN: 012017636X - Advances in Genetics, Volume 36

715260: ISBN: 0120176386 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 38

715220: ISBN: 0120176327 - Advances in Genetics, Volume 32

673334: ISBN: 0819198277 - Forging an East Asian Foreign Policy

1240875: ISBN: 0415919266 - The History of Judaism in America: Transplantations, Transformations and Reconciliations (American Jewish History, Volume 5, Part 1)

1182871: ISBN: 1945725125 - Light Work Annual 2019. Contact sheet (Syracuse, N.Y.), 202

1275264: ISBN: 0830690697 - The fifth generation: The future of computer technology

441123: ISBN: 0818665378 - Monitoring and Debugging of Distributed Real-Time Systems

756630: ISBN: 0881320722 - United States-Canada Free Trade: An Evaluation of the Agreement (Policy Analyses in International Economics, No. 24)

510169: ISBN: 0884101096 - Progress in Mental Health Information Systems: Computer Applications

580261: ISBN: 1574770896 - Wetlands & Remediation: An International Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 16-17, 1999

414932: ISBN: 0893701394 - Literary Voices, No 1

1209043: ISBN: 0977225542 - Jeffrey Mongrain

1300402: ISBN: 0826321690 - Salado (Amerind Foundation New World Studies 4)

566187: ISBN: 0030637511 - Cohesion and Dissent in Eastern Europe (Foreign policy issues)

681973: ISBN: 0942979761 - Two Pink Horses: A Novel

1308862: ISBN: 0334029236 - Grammar and Grace: Reformations of Aquinas and Wittgenstein

949004: ISBN: 3211825584 - Nonlinear Waves in Solids. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. Courses and Lectures, No. 341

1288372: ISBN: 0582023408 - Nonlinear Wave Motion (Pitman Monographs & Surveys in Pure & Applied Mathematics 43)

1255362: ISBN: 0273085093 - Asymptotic methods in nonlinear wave theory (Applicable mathematics series)

1315798: ISBN: 0226395820 - The Logic of Decision. Second Edition

7431: ISBN: 0854550208 - Chess in the Mirror. A study of theatrical Cubism in Francis Warner's Requiem and its Maquettes

1316661: ISBN: 0198503687 - Theory of Probability. Third edition (Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences)

352772: ISBN: 9998064791 - Understanding the Japanese Industrial Challenge: From Automobiles to Software

1314732: ISBN: 0253216230 - The New Kierkegaard (Studies in Continental Thought)

1227153: ISBN: 3934774172 - Theresienstadt, a Guide

673876: ISBN: 8971417358 - Building a Northeast Asian Community Volume Two: Economic Cooperation and the Role of Jeju Island. Peace Studies Series

729117: ISBN: 897141734X - Building a Northeast Asian Community, Vol. 1: Toward Peace and Prosperity

1229050: ISBN: 0826007252 - Titanium: Its Occurrence, Chemistry and Technology. Second Edition

790253: ISBN: 9067651540 - Structuralisme En Transformationeel Generatieve Grammatica (Geschiedenis Van De Taalkunde, No 5)

1265514: ISBN: 9078110015 - Heaven Tomorrow

915463: ISBN: 0723601380 - Natulan (Ibenzmethyzin)

1135556: ISBN: 3540620001 - Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters. With a Glimpse at Experiments

897907: ISBN: 3211826203 - New Trends in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Alzheimer's Disease (Key Topics in Brain Research)

576208: ISBN: 915544735X - Catalysis by Theta-Class Glutathione Transferases. Substrate Binding, Product Formation, and Product Release. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 543

1104218: ISBN: 079231817X - Physics and Chemistry of Finite Systems: From Clusters to Crystals. Volume 2 (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Science)

952546: ISBN: 0306426064 - Physics and Chemistry of Small Clusters

1238279: ISBN: 365825713X - Das ist kein Wald, Ihr Pappnasen. Zur sozialen Konstruktion von Wald: Perspektiven von Landschaftstheorie und Landschaftspraxis (RaumFragen: Stadt Region Landschaft) (German Edition)

1280555: ISBN: 0295961376 - Images of a Changing World: Japanese Prints of the Twentieth Century

1275254: ISBN: 0444421920 - Mechanics of granular materials: New models and constitutive relations : proceedings of the U.S./Japan Seminar on New Models and Constitutive ... 23-27, 1982 (Studies in applied mechanics)

1070363: ISBN: 0444705236 - Micromechanics of Granular Materials. Proceedings of the U.S./Japan Seminar on the Micromechanics of Granular Materials, Sendai-Zao, Japan, October 26-30, 1987. Studies in Applied Mechanics, 20

368389: ISBN: 0470208589 - Digital Computer Principles

1093567: ISBN: 0387102043 - Properties of Polymer Unpertubed Dimensions of Stereoregular Polymers; Reinforcement of Rubber by Carbon Black; Transformations of Phenolic Antioxidants (Advances in Polymer Science 36)

612145: ISBN: 0080176976 - Phosphorus in Fresh Water and the Marine Environment. Progress in Water Technology Volume 2

876215: ISBN: 0874260345 - Profiles of creative political leaders: American statesmen who were great writers

238068: ISBN: 084202817X - Climbing up to Glory: A Short History of African Americans during the Civil War and Reconstruction

1310323: ISBN: 0387978550 - AXIOM: The Scientific Computation System

766580: ISBN: 0898221137 - Kaddish

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