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Page 62:     J. Calvin Giddings et al. - Advances in Chromatography, Vol. 15 - J.F.T. Pittman, O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.D. Wood, J. M. Alexander - Numerical Analysis of Forming Processes (Wiley Series in Numerical Methods in Engineering)

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585404: ISBN: 0824765001 - Advances in Chromatography, Vol. 15

1259755: ISBN: 0873710312 - Sewage Organisms: A Color Atlas

1229838: ISBN: 0387905774 - Applications of Centre Manifold Theory (Applied Mathematical Sciences 35)

834166: ISBN: 9041113096 - Annuaire European 1997 / European Yearbook 1997, Vol. XLV

519536: ISBN: 0387100407 - The Cytochemical Bioassay of Polypeptide Hormones (Monographs on endocrinology ; v. 17)

1192923: ISBN: 0909519005 - Revolution from within: A contemporary theory of social change

899218: ISBN: 3540064109 - Coordinative Interactions. (Structure and Bonding 15)

899272: ISBN: 3540075917 - Spectra and Chemical Interactions (Structure and Bonding 26)

1026840: ISBN: 3540061622 - Structure and Bonding, Volume 14: Inorganic Chemistry.

789837: ISBN: 0471226653 - PERSPECTIVES IN STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY, Volume I (1).

375240: ISBN: 0873391217 - Modelling of Material Behavior and Design

651812: ISBN: 9810205392 - 20th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. Thessaloniki, Greece, August 6-10, 1990. THREE VOLUME SET

574993: ISBN: 0387515135 - Third Component of Complement: Chemistry and Biology (Current Topics in Microbiology & Immunology, Volume 153)

620613: ISBN: 0250403226 - Ion. Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental Pollutants. Volume 2.

625277: ISBN: 0891187731 - Erosion and Productivity of Soil Containing Rock Fragments: Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-5 and S-6 of the Soil Science Society of America in Anaheim, California, 28 Nov.-3 Dec. 1982 (SSSA Special Publication 13)

678463: ISBN: 1901978052 - Calcium Metabolism: Comparative Endocrinology

652671: ISBN: 0877627398 - Electrorheological Fluids; Proceedings of the Second International Conference on ER Fluids sponsored by Department of Materials Engineering, North Carolina state University and Lord Corporation, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA August 7-9, 1989

461230: ISBN: 0080126650 - Services for the Chemical Industry

1311746: ISBN: 0122090608 - Dynamical Systems and Cellular Automata

1310341: ISBN: 012209350X - Latin Squares and Their Applications

1276921: ISBN: 3774924848 - Cultural beginnings: Approaches to understanding early hominid life-ways in the African savanna (Monographien)

1136185: ISBN: 0306406462 - Recent Developments in Condensed Matter Physics Vol. 1 : Invited Papers

686733: ISBN: 0937707228 - Minnesota Lectures on Clusters of Galaxies and Large Scale Structures

985368: ISBN: 0894135155 - Continuous Auditing: Potential for Internal Auditors

814949: ISBN: 0534173438 - A Guide to Calculus T/L II: A Program for Doing and Learning Calculus

929332: ISBN: 3886033635 - Influence of Molecular Biology on Drug Discovery. Roche Sympsium, Tokyo, April 1989

686660: ISBN: 0582033349 - Elements of Stability in Viscoelastic Fluids (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series)

508880: ISBN: 9290201304 - Crisis Admission Units and Emergency Psychiatric Services: Report on a study (Public Health in Europe 11)

813579: ISBN: 0398022100 - English speech for foreign physicians, scientists, students

1224933: ISBN: 0080118429 - Progress in Ceramic Science: v. 4

862347: ISBN: 0306413485 - Gene Expression in Normal and Transformed Cells (Materials Science Research)

1253413: ISBN: 0470201398 - Intelligent Systems: The Unprecedented Opportunity

1236580: ISBN: 0802075819 - From Arm's Length to Hands-On: The Formative Years of Ontario's Public Service, 1867-1940 (Ontario Historical Studies Series)

1313697: ISBN: 0521479304 - World, Mind, and Ethics: Essays on the Ethical Philosophy of Bernard Williams

717672: ISBN: 1857540034 - Charles Lamb 1775-1834: Charles Lamb & Elia (Fyfield Books)

695622: ISBN: 0198255098 - The Application of the European Convention on Human Rights, Second Edition

800905: ISBN: 072010551X - Calendar of the Papers of Charles Thomas Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1862-1868, in Lambeth Palace Library

1088920: ISBN: 906191695X - Water for the Future: Water Resources Developments in Perspective. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water for the Future/Rome/6-11 April 1987

851658: ISBN: 0444700986 - Modelling of Biomedical Systems. IMACS Transactions on Scientific Computation - 85 Volume V

968093: ISBN: 0849355524 - Spectroscopy in Biochemistry Volume II

388562: ISBN: 0387124330 - Dynamic Aspects of Language Processing: Focus and Presupposition (Springer Series in Language and Communication, Volume 16)

1305137: ISBN: 3540058737 - Mechanics of Solids: Volume I: The Experimental Foundations of Solid Mechanics (Handbuch der Physik Encyclopedia of Physics via/1)

1260536: ISBN: 0677126808 - Solid State Physics Volume 1: Electrons in Metals. The Simon Fraser University Lectures

1295920: ISBN: 0198511051 - Physical Properties of Crystals: Their Representation by Tensors and Matrices

1123424: ISBN: 0677056702 - Differential Galois Theory (Mathematics and Its Applications)

954397: ISBN: 0387187847 - The Structure of Surfaces II. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS II), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 22 - 25, 1987

641208: ISBN: 044486735X - Insulating Films on Semiconductors

1121233: ISBN: 2250006091 - Pour la Celebration de l'Eucharistie: Dossier de l'Equipe Liturgique, Annee A

727419: ISBN: 0821803654 - Mathematical Quantum Theory I: Field Theory and Many-Body Theory (Crm Proceedings and Lecture Notes) (v. 1)

535467: ISBN: 0470993723 - Intercellular Junctions and Synapses. Receptors and Recognition Series B Volume 2

1271513: ISBN: 1560721103 - Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 18-Th International School of Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Gdansk-Sobieszewo, 3-8 September 1

664596: ISBN: 9068316079 - Actualite de la pensee medievale. Recueil d'articles. (Philosophes Medievaux, Tome 31)

588486: ISBN: 9995044382 - Impediments to Analysis. ASTM Special Technical Publication 708

1255521: ISBN: 007066840X - Project Evaluation in the Chemical Process Industries

769122: ISBN: 038798996X - Measuring Risk in Complex Stochastic Systems. Lectures Notes in Statistics 147

826460: ISBN: 0444856293 - Marine Turtles in the Comoro Archipelago (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd.Natuurkunde)

1255319: ISBN: 0387162569 - Aerogels (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol 6)

1155449: ISBN: 920149176X - The Chemical Thermodynamics of Actinide Elements and Compounds Part 2: The Actinide Aqueous Ions

1305015: ISBN: 354064962X - Progress in Polyimide Chemistry I (Advances in Polymer Science, No. 140)

1003776: ISBN: 0677003854 - Shock and Detonation Waves. John Gamble Kirkwood Collected Works (Documents on Modern Physics)

590585: ISBN: 3778511432 - Advances in capillary chromatography (Chromatographic methods)

884497: ISBN: 0444014160 - Anesthesia and sedation by continuous infusion: Proceedings of a symposium, May 31-June 1, 1991

1039712: ISBN: 8492052945 - Hydrogeology of Hard Rocks Some Experiences from Iberian Peninsula and Bohemian Massif

1309967: ISBN: 0902016016 - Essays in Statistical Science. Papers in Honor of P. A. P. Moran

945874: ISBN: 0902016024 - Essays in Time Series and Allied Processes. Papers in honour of E. J. Hannan. Journal of Applied Probability, Special Volume 23A (1986)

642647: ISBN: 3805576218 - Nucleotide and Protein Expansions and Human Disease (Reprint of Cytogenetic and Genome Research 2003, No. 1-4, 100)

1311201: ISBN: 3926959460 - Activity Coefficients at Infinite Dilution C1 - C9. DECHEMA Chemistry Data Series, Vol. IX, Part 3

1311197: ISBN: 3926959479 - Activity Coefficients At Infinite Dilution Pt. 4. C10 - C 36 with O2S and H2O, Chemistry data series, Volume 9, Part 4

1308261: ISBN: 3921567335 - Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data Collection: Aqueous-Organic Systems Supplement 1. Chemistry Data Series, Volume 1, Part 1-A.

678446: ISBN: 9810249357 - Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics, Cotonou, Republic of Benin, 28 Oct.-2 Nov., 2001.

658098: ISBN: 9251032807 - Ice in Fisheries (FAO Fisheries Technical Papers, No. 331)

695791: ISBN: 3540108564 - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1981: 10th Symposium Strbske Pleso, Czechoslovakia, August 31- September 4, 1981. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (v. 118)

711326: ISBN: 9062034993 - Die Bruckenpachter- und die Turmwachterepisode im "Trierer Floyris" und in der "Version aristocratique" des altfranzosischen Florisromans (Amsterdamer ... zur Sprache und Literatur) (German Edition)

978502: ISBN: 1114702692 - Non-Uniform Random Numbers

531234: ISBN: 012033710X - Advances in Plant Pathology, Volume 10

1077017: ISBN: 0855017112 - Current Topics in Mass Spectrometry and Chemical Kinetics: Proceedings of the Symposium in Honour of Professor Allan Maccoll on the Occasion of His Retirement from University College London in 1981

391676: ISBN: 0444009043 - Defect Properties and Processing of High-Technology Nonmetallic Materials (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 24)

1088000: ISBN: 9028827625 - De Nederlandse Elektrische Tram in Oude Ansichten

1309675: ISBN: 0486601366 - The Dynamical Theory of Gases. Fourth edition

975036: ISBN: 1483170683 - Radiation damage in graphite, (International series of monographs in nuclear energy)

1152321: ISBN: 0821823450 - The B-Conjecture: Characterization of Chevalley Groups (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, No. 345)

387077: ISBN: 0198565305 - Modern Radio Science 1996

1164912: ISBN: 9062994474 - The History of Ophthalmology : Ophthalmology in the German Speaking Countries in the 20th Century

699735: ISBN: 0845100912 - Membranes in growth and development: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biological Membranes, June 15-19, 1981, Crans-sur-Sierre, Switzerland (Progress in clinical and biological research)

360831: ISBN: 0387537791 - Virtual Distortion Method. Lecture Notes in Engineering, Volume 65

753666: ISBN: 0080123597 - Spectral Properties of Discorded Chains and Lattices (International series of monographs in natural philosophy, Volume 16)

1119430: ISBN: 0914452509 - Applying Pesticides: Management - Application - Safety

522311: ISBN: 9042911905 - Seuen Maniren Van Minnen van Beatrijs Van Nazareth: Het Mystieke Proces En Mystagogische Implicaties. Deel I & II. Miscellanea Neerlandica XXVIII

979020: ISBN: 0815508980 - Electrodeposition Processes, Equipment, and Compositions. Chemical Technology Review No. 206

1303993: ISBN: 0123742501 - Mathematics in Physics and Engineering (Pure and Applied Physics, Volume 6)

554283: ISBN: 0835704637 - Applied oceanography: Mining, energy, and management (Monograph publishing : Sponsor series)

1118032: ISBN: 3805562071 - Genetics of Streptococci, Enterococci & Lactococci (Developments in Biological Standardization, No. 85)

329953: ISBN: 157498005X - Science, Technology, and Commercialization of Powder Synthesis and Shape Forming Processes. Ceramic Transactions Volume 62

1032030: ISBN: 0444750215 - The Rare Earths in Modern Science and Technology, 1983. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Tallahassee, FL, U. S. A., April 18 - 21, 1983 (Volume II)

1309385: ISBN: 1560490004 - Value Engineering for the Practitioner

1277476: ISBN: 0387102892 - The Role of coherent structures in modelling turbulence and mixing: Proceedings of the international conference, Madrid, Spain, June 25-27, 1980 (Lecture notes in physics)

1070890: ISBN: 0879330864 - Nonlinear Systems. Stability Analysis (Benchmark Papers in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 16)

1307013: ISBN: 0685992098 - Nonlinear System Analysis and Synthesis, Volume 1: Fundamental Principles

936407: ISBN: 0878497692 - Impact Response and Dynamic Failure of Composites and Laminate Materials. Part 1: Impact Damage and Ballistic Impact. Part 2: Strain-Rate Effect, Energy Absorption and Modelling. Two Volumes

1287820: ISBN: 0879516879 - Neurotica: The Darkest Art of J. K. Potter

466875: ISBN: 0853349398 - Industrial Effluent Treatment. Volume 2: Air and Noise

586803: ISBN: 0080348181 - Process Optimisation: A Three-Day Symposium Organised by the Midlands Branch of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and Held at the University of Nottingham: Instiution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series No. 100

702598: ISBN: - Categorial Structure Theory

383936: ISBN: 9051990022 - Developments Using Occam

720997: ISBN: 0521282926 - Stochastic Methods of Operations Research. Translated by A. Schmidt

1257137: ISBN: 9971500027 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Phonon Physics, August 26-31, 1985, Budapest, Hungary

578832: ISBN: 0444425292 - Physics of solid surfaces, 1984: Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Surface Physics, Smolenice Castle, Czechoslovakia, 3-7 September 1984 (Studies in surface science and catalysis)

1299376: ISBN: 082181561X - Probabilistic Methods in the Theory of Numbers (Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Volume 11)

792062: ISBN: 8437055032 - La Ilustratcion y Las Ciencias Para una historia de la Objetividad

1152491: ISBN: 8430099816 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces: September 26-30, 1983, Madrid, Spain. Invited Speakers' Volume: Surface Science, etc.

1290723: ISBN: 0444701443 - Patterns and waves: Qualitative analysis of nonlinear differential equations (Studies in mathematics and its applications 18)

796496: ISBN: 3540054227 - Symposium on the Theory of Numerical Analysis: Held in Dundee/Scotland, September 15-23, 1970 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 193)

1214645: ISBN: 2225800804 - L'Outil de pierre prehistorique

890979: ISBN: 0791808777 - Automated Modeling. 1991. Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991. DSC-Vol. 34

680078: ISBN: 1853125024 - Ecosystems and Sustainable Development - Advances in Ecological Sciences Vol 1

1313481: ISBN: 0306412454 - Soot in Combustion Systems and Its Toxic Properties (NATO Conference Series VI, Materials Science, Volume 7)

1307359: ISBN: 0521246652 - Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 7

1252194: ISBN: 0198553412 - Electrical Aspects of Combustion

985596: ISBN: 0891023445 - Shakespeare Studies: An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism, and Reviews, Vol. 18

389342: ISBN: 0824761820 - Control of air pollution sources (Chemical Processing and Engineering, Volume 7)

390371: ISBN: 067705520X - Poly (N-vinylcarbazole) (Polymer monographs, Volume 6)

1299832: ISBN: 0198505140 - ICIAM 99: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Industrial & Applied Mathematics, Edinburgh

1089599: ISBN: 0121038025 - Surface Physics of Materials. Volume II

1045777: ISBN: 8489512337 - Mitos, Dioses, Heroes en el Mediterraneo Antiguo (Clave Historical 15)

526607: ISBN: 1558992677 - Dynamics in Small Confining Systems II: Symposium Held November 28-December 1, 1994, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A (Materials Research Society Symposium, Volume 366)

869759: ISBN: 0824786149 - In-vitro Toxicity Testing: Applications to Safety Evaluation

467540: ISBN: 0443029024 - Mechanisms of Viral Leukaemogenesis (Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research ; V. 1)

1112198: ISBN: 0412012618 - The Applications of Ferroelectric Polymers

1313843: ISBN: 087062136X - Seeking the Elephant, 1849: James Mason Hutchings' Journal of His Overland Trek to California, Including His Voyage to America, 1848, and Letters Fro

1303913: ISBN: 3540114599 - Real-Space Renormalization (Topics in Current Physics 30)


1159983: ISBN: 0262631059 - Kinematics of Robot Manipulators

716628: ISBN: 0387544445 - Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming: 3rd International Symposium, Plilp '91 Passau, Germany, August 26-28, 1991 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 528)

869766: ISBN: 1566771404 - Electrode Materials and Processes for Energy Conversion & Storage (Proceedings / Electrochemical Society 97-13)

697273: ISBN: 0080203493 - Progress in solid state chemistry, Volume 11

1297048: ISBN: 9027710260 - Transformational Syntax and Model Theoretic Semantics: A Case Study in Modern Irish (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy)

665090: ISBN: 0792369017 - Text Therapeutics

1300660: ISBN: 0387989838 - Geometric Design of Linkages (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics)

714559: ISBN: 0920110541 - Esox nobilior non esox Lucius (Fiddlehead poetry books)

714565: ISBN: 0920806589 - Insel (Penumbra Press poetry series)

651993: ISBN: 1851664637 - NUMETA 90 Numerical Methods in Engineering: Theory and Applications, Vol. One. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering: Theory and Applications (NUMETA 90), 7-11 January, 1990, University College of Swansea,

1115951: ISBN: 0080292232 - Pesticide Chemistry: Human Welfare and the Environment, Volume 2: Natural Products

400257: ISBN: 0444700390 - Reliability technology: Theory & applications

1308426: ISBN: 0471076961 - Electronic Properties of Polymers

474004: ISBN: 0043302459 - Employment Policies in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis

940823: ISBN: 0121241076 - Essays in Chemistry, Vol. 7

1306254: ISBN: 0416496709 - Greek Geometric Pottery: A Survey of Ten Local Styles and Their Chronology

1311166: ISBN: 0471905402 - Molecular Potential Energy Functions

975571: ISBN: 0471690929 - Advances in Photochemistry. Volume 9

920925: ISBN: 084120506X - Polymerization Reactors and Processes. Based on a symposium sponsored by the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, October 5-6, 1978. ACS Symposium Series, 104

606638: ISBN: 0312503199 - The Macroeconomic Mix in the Industrialized World

537995: ISBN: 0443047162 - Cystic Fibrosis (British Medical Bulletin, Volume 48, No. 4)

1082599: ISBN: 0306456508 - Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Volume 31

1103330: ISBN: 0306376504 - Modern aspects of electrochemistry, No. 10

1250275: ISBN: 0306402750 - Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry, Volume 1: The Double Layer

732693: ISBN: - Estados y Naciones en Los Andes. Volumen I & II. TWO VOLUMES (Historia Andina, 11)

1296078: ISBN: 0195201620 - Symmetry in Physics Vol. 2: Further Applications

1010815: ISBN: 9029301066 - Transvaal-Batswana Kiezen Voor de Moderne Wereld

1158359: ISBN: 0444416528 - Thermally stimulated processes in solids: New prospects : proceedings of the international workshop on thermally stimulated processes in solids, Montpellier, June 22-25, 1976

400452: ISBN: 0080253008 - Coordination Chemistry - Twenty One: Twenty-First International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Toulouse, France 1980 (IUPAC symposium series)

801340: ISBN: 0435825739 - The Social Consequences of Conviction (Cambridge Study in Criminology)

712234: ISBN: 0387516654 - Epia 89: 4th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon. Portugal, September 26-29, 1989 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 390)

368120: ISBN: 0387543058 - Truth maintenance systems: ECAI-90 workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, August 6, 1990 : proceedings (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 515)

1053850: ISBN: 0901223883 - Real-Time Computing in Patient Management (Chartridge Symposium Series)

329869: ISBN: 0944904807 - Advances In Ceramic-Matrix Composites II. Ceramic Transactions Volume 46

522907: ISBN: 0944904807 - Advances In Ceramic-Matrix Composites II. Ceramic Transactions Volume 46

391649: ISBN: 0471916501 - Drought Tolerance in Winter Cereals

599421: ISBN: 0442086059 - Chemical Physics of Semiconductors

1252530: ISBN: 0126756503 - Crystal Chemistry and Semiconduction in Transition Metal Binary Compounds

567560: ISBN: 1550024868 - A Man and His Words

1060718: ISBN: 0892360291 - Stamnoi: An Exhibition at the J. Paul Getty Museum

409489: ISBN: 1861430779 - Broadside Black Letter Ballads Printed in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Chiefly in the Possession of J. Payne Collier. Illustrated by Original Woodcuts.

920761: ISBN: 0137229011 - Proceedings of the Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. July 21-28, 1984. San Francisco California U.S.A. Post Conference Volume

1062777: ISBN: 0677055900 - Instabilities in MOS Devices. Electrocomponent Science Monographs, Volume One

1299102: ISBN: 0521568803 - Quantum Chromodynamics and the Pomeron (Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics)

941490: ISBN: 2846820902 - L'Amour l'Automne (Travers III)

400316: ISBN: 0713135719 - Electronic Processor Systems

1226832: ISBN: 0824764102 - Stability of Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications (Lecture Notes in Pure & Applied Mathematics)

1013897: ISBN: 8571100217 - Dicionario do Renascimento Italiano

781819: ISBN: 0904387674 - Crown and Local Communities-In England and France in the Fifteenth Century

990501: ISBN: 0125159501 - Handbook of Microbiological Investigations for Laboratory Animal Health

1085331: ISBN: 0125215460 - Methods in Microbiology, Volume 6B

1149463: ISBN: 8481387703 - Libro de Resumenes del XIII Encuentro de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA 2012)

1302456: ISBN: 0921871058 - Montreal Streetcars Volume 1

1278224: ISBN: 0408704411 - Pattern recognition techniques

797614: ISBN: 009088860X - The geography of state policies (Hutchinson university library: Geography)

1016277: ISBN: 8480580283 - Aproximacion a la prehistoria de San Fernando. Un modelo de poblamiento periferico en la Banda Atlantica de Cadiz (Spanish Edition)

1257023: ISBN: 2040108025 - Exercices d'electricite

676735: ISBN: 1401078818 - The 6 Step Healthy Heart Program: A Practical Guide to Heart Disease Prevention

530893: ISBN: 038716684X - New Trends in Allergy II

401830: ISBN: 1573310441 - Nonlinear Signal and Image Analysis (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 808)

1301164: ISBN: 0677401302 - Lectures on Electrodynamics (Documents on Modern Physics)

1305011: ISBN: 3540649239 - Branched Polymers I (Advances in Polymer Science, 142)

1266165: ISBN: 0677143206 - Progress of Cybernetics: v. 2: Conference Proceedings, 1969

1266164: ISBN: 0677143109 - Progress of Cybernetics, Vol. 1: Main Papers, The Meaning of Cybernetics, Neuro- and Biocybernetics

675990: ISBN: 0762306092 - Arafat's Palestinian State and JIPTA: The Best Hope for Lasting Peace in the Middle East

1309184: ISBN: 1563962918 - High-energy Solar Phenomena - a New Era of Spacecraft Measurements: Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, March 1993 (AIP Conference Proceedings, 294)

681105: ISBN: 1855780399 - Proteolysis and Protein Turnover (Portland Press Proceeding Series, Vol 6)

1133401: ISBN: 047021404X - CAD CAM OF DIES

542347: ISBN: 8175140585 - Small and Medium Enterprise

766946: ISBN: 0674849302 - Studies in Radiotherapeutics

1312961: ISBN: - Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio, Volume II: Geology and Palaeontology, Part I: Geology

858282: ISBN: 091305433X - The Musician

744621: ISBN: 0718510585 - Civitas Capitals of Roman Britain

755028: ISBN: 9028601244 - Multinational Enterprises (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies)

1194477: ISBN: 3540193847 - Vibration and Coupling of Continuous Systems: Asymptotic Methods

906348: ISBN: 3888780322 - Benzodiazepine in Anasthesie und Intensivmedizin. Workshop in Lubeck-Travemunde, 27.-28. September 1985

805385: ISBN: 0702232653 - The Engine Room of Government: The Qld Premier's Department

1303325: ISBN: 0821805932 - Knotted Surfaces and Their Diagrams (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 55)

509734: ISBN: 0972090401 - Solid Impressions

966431: ISBN: 044498870X - Magnetic Resonance And Related Phenomena. Proceedings of the XXIV Congress Ampere, Poznan, 29 August - 3 September 1988

418787: ISBN: 0802020917 - Federalism and policy development: The case of adult occupational training in Ontario

1039779: ISBN: 2917582170 - Que Votre Regne Arrive

533918: ISBN: 0901429015 - Conveyor belting research: A monograph on the work carried out on conveyor belting at the Mining Research Establishments of the National Coal Board during the period 1950-1966,

1179933: ISBN: 0821835424 - Mutually Catalytic Super Branching Random Walks: Large Finite Systems And Renormalization Analysis (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, No. 809)

947546: ISBN: 8839208933 - Il corteo trionfale di Carlo V. Un capitolo del rinascimento nelle collezioni roveresche

511449: ISBN: 9026506783 - Commitment to Committed: Treatment as Interaction in a Forensic Mental Hospital

1310160: ISBN: 0070628068 - Heat Exchangers. Theory and Practice

484229: ISBN: 0960909400 - Monoclonal Antibodies in Drug Development: Proceedings of the First John Jacob Abel Symposium on Drug Development

1012061: ISBN: 0444988378 - Radionuclide X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis With Environmental Applications. Wilson & Wilson's Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Volume XXVI

1193486: ISBN: 2863320149 - New flavours: Proceedings of the Second Moriond Workshop, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, January 24-30, 1982

722843: ISBN: 1583811567 - Solar Polarization 3: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 30 September--4 October, 2002 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series vol. 307)

1091868: ISBN: 0853344019 - Developments in Polymer Characterization-5

1302979: ISBN: 0387964037 - The Geometrical Work of Girard Desargues (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

619380: ISBN: 0748400478 - Vasculature as a Target for Anti-Cancer Therapy. Proceedings of the 16th L. H. Gray Conference Held at Unversity of Manchester Institute of Science and etc.

716579: ISBN: 0387555854 - Ada: Moving Towards 2000 : 11th Ada-Europe International Conference Zandvoort, the Netherlands, June 1-5, 1992 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 603)

859473: ISBN: 0444996915 - Gas and Liquid Analyzers. Wilson & Wilson's Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Volume XVII

682171: ISBN: 0080300294 - Progress in Materials Science, Volume 27

726808: ISBN: 0080271472 - Chalmers anniversary volume. Progress in Materials Science

699959: ISBN: 0387179437 - PARLE: Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, Volume One: Parallel Architectures Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 15-19, 1987 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

699960: ISBN: 0387179453 - PARLE: Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, Volume Two: Parallel Languages Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 15-19, 1987 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

421301: ISBN: 038753931X - Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 489

1314305: ISBN: 0442026501 - Principles of Electron Tubes. Including Grid - Controlled Tubes, Microwave Tubes, and Gas Tubes (The Bell Telephone Laboratories Series)

1185321: ISBN: 3540054421 - Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar V. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 195

895571: ISBN: 0791810860 - Damage mechanics and localization: Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, California, November 8-13, 1992 (AMD 142)

674029: ISBN: 0702156930 - Micro-Economics: A Southern African Perspective

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