This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
946151: ISBN: 0127521305 - Semiconductors & Semimetals: Very High Speed Integrated Circuits-Heterostructure, Vol. 30
441617: ISBN: 0127521291 - Very High Speed Integrated Circuits: Gallium Arsenide LSI. Semiconductors and Semimetals, Volume 29
1235816: ISBN: 0306110377 - Spectral Theory of Differential Operators: Self-Adjoint Differential Operators
1106463: ISBN: 9508892242 - Once @ 9:53
1233387: ISBN: 8571081425 - Einstein e o Brasil
877566: ISBN: 8878135356 - Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck e il Seicento dei Paesi Bassi
636669: ISBN: 9630580330 - Test Construction and Validation: Case Description of Constructing and Validating a Test of English for Teaching Purposes
1263833: ISBN: 0821842730 - Universality and Renormalization: From Stochastic Evolution to Renormalization of Quantum Fields (Fields Institute Communications)
1314400: ISBN: 0471877387 - Physics of Finance: Gauge Modelling in Non-Equilibrium Pricing
887295: ISBN: 3540575405 - Interactions of Pions and Antiprotons with Nuclei (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology Group I: Nuclear and Particle Physics. Volume 13 Production of Radionuclides at Intermediate Energies. Subvolume
1299512: ISBN: 9027703434 - Theoretical Concepts and Hypothetico-Inductive Inference (Synthese Library)
1031528: ISBN: 388979047X - Das joged bungbung: Eine musikalisch - historische Studie uber Unterhaltungsmusik und -tanz auf Bali (Beitrage zur Ethnomusikologie, Band 25). Two Volumes in One (German Edition)
1255339: ISBN: 0855016566 - Petroleum geology of the continental shelf of North-West Europe: Proceedings of the second Conference on Petroleum Geology of the Continental Shelf of North-West Europe
1019480: ISBN: 0879390379 - Fire Protection Administration
394354: ISBN: - Illinois Historical Journal. volumes 83; 86-99. (1990-1996)
1307829: ISBN: 0879950005 - IES lighting handbook;: The standard lighting guide Fifth Edition
394358: ISBN: - Illuminating Engineering Society Journal. volumes 20; 22-23; 25; 27-28. (1991-1999)
1315741: ISBN: 3540082484 - Cohomologie l-adique et Fonctions L: Seminaire de Geometrie Algebrique du Bois-Marie 1965-66, SGA 5 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 589) (French Edition)
1132525: ISBN: 9639540757 - Katonalevelek : az amerikai magyarok masodik generacioja az amerikai hadseregben a masodik vilaghaboru idejen 1942-1945 = Soldier letters : second generation American Hungarian soldiers in the
1279798: ISBN: 8998234505 - Cheongganjeong Pavilion, Goseong: The sound of the waves from the pavilion, the moonlight splendor from the peak
1310967: ISBN: 1851495789 - Inspired Jewelry
1313964: ISBN: 8897737293 - Multiple Exposures: Jewelry and Photography
1316464: ISBN: 3897902745 - GlassWear: Glass in Contemporary Jewelry
1220135: ISBN: 9684292333 - Mexico Historia De Un Pueblo Tomo 5
1279553: ISBN: 1876907630 - Industrial Spaces Vol 1 (International Spaces)
1109086: ISBN: 0470657278 - Progress in Polymer Science: v.8 (Progress in Polymer Science, Japan) (Vol 8)
1144372: ISBN: 0873395492 - Cost-Affordable Titanium: Symposium Dedicated to Professor Harvey Flower
888384: ISBN: 0444816135 - New Functionality Materials - B: Synthesis and Function Control of Biofunctionality Materials (New Functionality Materials, Vol B)
1029732: ISBN: 8186852808 - Beasts of Burden
1128858: ISBN: 2851084143 - Paris balades (French Edition)
1315168: ISBN: 0521885884 - Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences: An Introduction
1314995: ISBN: 0471463094 - Hedge Funds: Definitive Strategies and Techniques
682066: ISBN: 186058327X - International Conference on Mail Technology: Evolution to e-Revolution. IMechE Conference Transactions, 2001-6.
798613: ISBN: 0521612217 - FIDE 2004 National Reports (3 Volume Set)
580966: ISBN: 0444419160 - Catalysis by Zeolites. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Volume 5
613308: ISBN: 341601247X - Harold Pinters Dramentechnik. Gestalterische Mittel im Kontext des Gesamtwerks.
292748: ISBN: 0250975165 - Disposal of Sewage and other Water-Borne Wastes
1251968: ISBN: 3865600964 - Pictor Laureatus Imi Knoebel Zu Ehren Werke Von 1966 Bis 2006
1263163: ISBN: 3932081005 - Imi Knoebel: Jena Bilder (Minerva, Jenaer Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte Band 3) (German Edition)
702551: ISBN: 8489152934 - 14 Jornadas Estatales DEAC Museos. 14th DEAC Museums National Seminar: Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno-CAAM, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 7-8-9-10 Noviembre 2006
684880: ISBN: 0122432509 - Recent Research in Molecular Beams: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Otto Stern on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
1307145: ISBN: 0876612133 - The Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The Athenian Agora Volume XIII
717427: ISBN: 0387572643 - Static Analysis: Third International Workshop, Wsa '93, Padova, Italy, September 1993 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 724)
1208445: ISBN: 8423935213 - "El dezir a las syete virtudes" y otros poemas (Clasicos castellanos)
1056531: ISBN: 1887664637 - Silver Screams Legends Series: Bela Lugosi
861485: ISBN: 3110088924 - Practical Aspects of Modern High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Proceedings, December 7-8, 1981, Berlin (West)
854520: ISBN: 1605660868 - Selected Readings on Information Technology and Business Systems Management (Premier Reference Source)
1254011: ISBN: 3926527641 - Sarkis. Der Besuch. Das Gesprach. Die Erwartung. Le voyage. Le soleil. L'obscurite
978893: ISBN: 3897095017 - Shakespeare Jahrbuch. Band 137 / 2001
1186103: ISBN: 9971500213 - Symbolic and Algebraic Computation by Computers - Proceedings of the Second International Symposium (World Scientific Computer Science 2)
1197131: ISBN: 1416288082 - National Baseball Hall of Fame 2012 Box/Daily (calendar)
1288685: ISBN: 0792392205 - Digital Speech Processing: Speech Coding, Synthesis and Recognition (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 155)
377318: ISBN: 0412378108 - Software Quality and Reliability. Tools and Methods. UNICOM Applied Information Technology Reports, Volume 6
1141433: ISBN: 9754791023 - La Cuisine Turque
1251868: ISBN: 0080135455 - Analytical Applications of Ion Exchangers
652135: ISBN: 0306431599 - Metallization and Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces (NATO Science Series: B: Physics V. 195)
1312180: ISBN: 0841230617 - Allelopathy: Organisms, Processes, and Applications (ACS Symposium Series 582)
394692: ISBN: - International Journal of Social Education. volumes 7-8; 10-16. (1992-2001)
251525: ISBN: - Dreiser Newsletter. vols. 1-3, 5, 11, 13-15, 17 (1970-1986)
798053: ISBN: 0195656067 - Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Current Methods and Future Directions
1316160: ISBN: 1420085921 - Handbook of Natural Language Processing (Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition) Second Edition
282385: ISBN: 0898060400 - Gainsharing. A Collection of Papers
1311534: ISBN: 0962002208 - Combustion technology manual. Fifth edition
1146378: ISBN: 0827033028 - El Puente De Las Palabras: Homenaje a David Lagmanovich (Serie cultural)
1077909: ISBN: 3805343663 - Weltsichten: Blick uber den Tellerrand! (German Edition)
1307033: ISBN: 0828403090 - Quest: An Autobiography (AMS/Chelsea Publication)
1284416: ISBN: 9810233612 - Hadron Colliders At the Highest Energy and Luminosity
396664: ISBN: 0855393009 - Program optimization (Infotech state of the art report)
1314730: ISBN: 0190679115 - The Vulnerability of Integrity in Early Confucian Thought
1314280: ISBN: 0199924910 - The Dysfunction of Ritual in Early Confucianism (Oxford Ritual Studies)
610606: ISBN: 0892081139 - Electrophotography Fourth International Conference
1288356: ISBN: 093178428X - Notes on Sound Absorption Technology
623362: ISBN: - American Humor. An Interdisciplinary Newsletter. (Volumes 5-9)
865020: ISBN: 9012022452 - Fotografie in Nederland 1839-1920 (Dutch Edition)
791435: ISBN: 9173460257 - Die Bezeichnungen fur "gross--klein," "lang--kurz" im Altschwedischen (Nordistica Gothoburgensia) (German Edition)
1103075: ISBN: 9171008705 - Transformations - Six Artists from Sweden
1291291: ISBN: 3540136460 - Boundary Integral Equation Analyses of Singular, Potential, and Biharmonic Problems (Lecture Notes in Engineering, 7)
1286821: ISBN: 1562522159 - The Boundary Element Method for Solving Improperly Posed Problems (Topics in Engineering, Volume 19)
1316197: ISBN: 0860107167 - Directional Drilling (Petroleum Engineering and Development Studies, Volume 2)
680894: ISBN: 1933019468 - Information Combining (Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory 3:3, 2006)
933528: ISBN: 3825832554 - Ratsel um das Furstengrab von Palenque in Mexiko
779128: ISBN: 0841238332 - Advanced Materials for Membrane Separations (Acs Symposium Series, Volume 876)
874198: ISBN: 072772083X - The Practice of Soil Reinforcing in Europe
1067403: ISBN: 1780670141 - This is Warhol
610097: ISBN: 0120337010 - Advances in Plant Pathology, Volume 1
982133: ISBN: 0120337053 - Advances in Plant Pathology, volume 5
982130: ISBN: 0120337045 - Advances in Plant Pathology, Volume 4
1237989: ISBN: 904203209X - The Jukebox in the Garden: Ecocriticism and American Popular Music Since 1960. (Nature, Culture and Literature, 7)
910888: ISBN: 3861082063 - Zwolf Wind und Drei Feuerstein. Vom Leben in Altmexiko, seiner Zerstorung und Neuentdeckung. Ausstellung in der Eutiner Landesbibliothek, 30. Oktober 1992 bis 26. Februar 1993 (German Edition)
1305607: ISBN: 3805300824 - Der thebanische Sagenkreis und andere griechische Sagen in der etruskischen Kunst.
1246763: ISBN: 3879096813 - Edvard Munch in Chemnitz
1015868: ISBN: 9177981774 - Till bords: Vardagsmoral och Festprestige I Det Sydsvenska Bondesamhallet
714180: ISBN: 8774213482 - Graekenlands forhistoriske kulturer 2. Minoisk og tidlig Mykensk Kultur. - 1982. - 411 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. + Kt.-Beil.
1022014: ISBN: 8585676434 - Espaco & Doenca: Um olhar sobre o Amazonas (Portuguese Edition)
857337: ISBN: 1898702594 - Inclusive Security, Sustainable Peace: A Toolkit for Advocacy and Action
821691: ISBN: 3368009923 - Santa Cecilia
954332: ISBN: 0120038331 - Cross-Section Data. Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 33
267760: ISBN: 0444703276 - Telecommunication Technologies. Japan Annual Reviews in Electronics, Computers & Telecommunications Volume 23
273028: ISBN: 0444875654 - Telecommunication Technologies. Japan Annual Reviews in Electronics, Computers & Telecommunications, Volume 14
1018135: ISBN: 0853343934 - Hydrostatic Extrusion. Theory and Applications
913535: ISBN: 0471046760 - Bacterial Outer Membranes. Biogenesis and Functions
455658: ISBN: 3766836455 - Insel Almanach auf das Goethe Jahr 1932
635140: ISBN: 1552641627 - Compliance and Risk Management for International Business Activities. Sanctions, Antiboycott and Foreign Corrupt Practices Compliance. Papers Delivered at Insight Conference held on November 8-9, 1999.
1310414: ISBN: 8843578316 - Frondose arcate. Il Colosseo prima dell'archeologia
683480: ISBN: 3899637046 - Shakespeare-Inszenierungen in Korea seit 1970
995914: ISBN: 8424504534 - Los Miskitos
512407: ISBN: - Dacia: Revue d'Archeologie et d'Histoire Ancienne. New Series: vols. 38-39
743468: ISBN: 2726100171 - Approximation et methodes iteratives de resolution d'inequations variationnelles et de problemes non lineaires (Cahier - IRIA 12)
721773: ISBN: 3590156414 - Sprachwandel und Sprachgeschichtsschreibung (Sprache der Gegenwart) (German Edition)
1235858: ISBN: 0716702487 - Natural Resources of the Soviet Union: Their Use and Renewal
476142: ISBN: - Revue Internationale d'Histoire de la Banque. vols. 1-2, 4-6, 8-15. (1968-1977)
1034216: ISBN: 2903633606 - Compression cycles for environmentally acceptable refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump Systems
868390: ISBN: 9973944119 - Les Relations tuniso-italiennes dans le contexte du protectorat: Tunis les 12 et 13 mars 1999 (Colloques internationaux) (French Edition)
1056451: ISBN: 2718904291 - Cahier 4 de l'Institut Superieur de Pastorale Catechetique: Dimension culturelle de la catechese
397011: ISBN: 9971508796 - Second International Workshop on Physics and Applications of Amorphous Semiconductors: Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Devices, Torino, Italy, 1988
779219: ISBN: 9999698239 - Treaties and Agreements of the Indian Tribes of the Great Lakes Region
756299: ISBN: 0852970536 - The Financing of Long-term Development: International Banking Summer School Proceedings
567033: ISBN: 1424401143 - Oceans 2006 (IEEE Conference Proceedings) Volumes 1 - 4
1298366: ISBN: 0780344936 - Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Radar Conference: Radarcon '98, Challenges in Radar Systems and Solutions, May 11-14, 1998, Dallas, Texas
722933: ISBN: 0769527205 - 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (Focs 2006) (IEEE Conference Proceedings)
731769: ISBN: 5965102267 - Proceedings of the International Conference "Days on Diffraction 2006"
1099044: ISBN: 0780302362 - IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 1992/92Ch3073-4
820902: ISBN: 1424430925 - 4th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations (Itng 2007), two volumes
676968: ISBN: 0769514774 - Data Compression Conference, DCC 2002, April 2-4, 2002, Snowbird, Utah
1256773: ISBN: 0818624574 - 1991 International Workshop on Defect and Fault Tolerence on Vlsi Systems/91Th0395-4
1284080: ISBN: 1509026002 - A Third of a Century of Lightwave Technology: January 1983 - April 2016
394446: ISBN: - Institute of Environmental Sciences Journal. volumes 33-36, 40, 42 (1990-1999)
252087: ISBN: - Malacologia. vols. 6-7, 10 (1967/68-1970)
252495: ISBN: - Mathematics of Operations Research. vols. 8-9, 11, 14-18 (1983-1993)
394451: ISBN: - Institute of Measurement & Control Transactions. volumes 19-20. (1997-1998)
1107258: ISBN: 377742613X - Cathedrals for Garbage: Winfried Baumann
650970: ISBN: - Navigation. Journal of the Institute of Navigation. Volumes 19-40 lacking volume 25 and volume 34#1
578922: ISBN: 0471907251 - IP standards for petroleum and its products. Part 1, Methods for analysis and testing. TWO VOLUMES
631552: ISBN: 0854981144 - Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds: 1974 (Institute of Physics Conference, No 24)
589114: ISBN: 0852951175 - The Control of Sulphur and Other Gaseous Emissions. 3rd international symposium. The Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series No. 57
399222: ISBN: 0080287735 - Design '82 (EFCE publication series No. 22, Event No. 265)
1152670: ISBN: 0852951108 - Alternatives to distillation: A symposium organised by the North Western Branch of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (I. of Chem. E. Symposium series ; no. 54)
470933: ISBN: 0727700790 - Corrosion in Civil Engineering: Proceedings of the Conference Held in London, 21-22 February 1979
892170: ISBN: 0727700243 - Ground Treatment by Deep Compaction: Symposium Papers
874152: ISBN: 0727725211 - Concrete Industrial Ground Floors: Design and Practice Guide (ICE design and practice guides)
885404: ISBN: 0727716646 - The New Engineering Contract 10 volumes
874298: ISBN: 0727735004 - Thomas Telford: 250 Years of Inspiration
874295: ISBN: 0727700618 - Traffic Data Collection
874284: ISBN: 0727719920 - Trident Facilities: Proceedings of the Conference Organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers, Held in London on 14 April 1994
874271: ISBN: 0727729454 - The Millennium Link
874314: ISBN: 0727727265 - Sustainable Construction
264212: ISBN: 0852962460 - First European Conference on Integrated Optics
905789: ISBN: 0852966288 - Second International Conference on the Reliability of Transmission and Distribution Equipment': 29-31 March 1995 (I E E Conference Publication 406)
954579: ISBN: 0852962061 - Third International Conference on Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications. 10 - 14 September 1979
954580: ISBN: 0852962487 - International Conference on Thyristor and Variable Static Equipment for ac and dc Transmission, 30 November - 3 December 1981
498957: ISBN: 0852961898 - Colloquium on Electronic Filters, Tuesday 20th June 1978, venue, IEE, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL :organised by The Institution of Electrical Engineers Professional Group Committee E10
350187: ISBN: 0852961189 - Conference on Lightning and the Distribution System. 17-18 January 1974
1315100: ISBN: 0852983808 - Limiting noise from pumps, fans, and compressors: Conference sponsored [i.e. organized] by the Fluid Machinery Group of the Institution of Mechanical ... Mech. E. conference publications ; 1977-10)
552850: ISBN: 9972261387 - Folklore, Cultura, E Identidad. Ponencias. XVII Congreso Nacional Y VI Congreso Internacional de Folklore. "Mildred Merino de Zela", Lima 2004
1218765: ISBN: 8489303223 - El Retablo ayacuchano: Un arte de los Andes : [exposicion organizada en el Museo Nacional de Antropologia y Arqueologia 10 noviembre--10 diciembre 1992] (Spanish Edition)
1011300: ISBN: 9992617098 - Plan de manejo : zona arqueologica de Copan, 2005
704987: ISBN: - Boletin Indigenista. (Volumes 3-21)
916972: ISBN: 6074843562 - Memoria de trabajo : coordinacion nacional de Museos y exposiciones, 2007-2012
954982: ISBN: 1556175043 - Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation in the Power Industry (Power Instrumentation Symposium//Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation in the Power Industry 37: Proceedings)
954961: ISBN: 1556174624 - Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation in the Power Industry: Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Power Instrumentation Symposium (Power ... in the Power Industry: Proceedings 36)
1025165: ISBN: 1556175078 - International Telemetering Conference. ITC/USA/'94. October 17-20, 1994. Volume XXX
572563: ISBN: 0876648960 - Proway Lan Industrial Data Highway: Ansi-Isa Standard S72.01 (Standards & Practices for Instrumentation & Control)
394460: ISBN: - Intech. volumes 34-35; 37-38; 41; 47. (1986-2000)
1310751: ISBN: 0876643071 - Centrifugal compressor operation and control: Tutorial papers presented by the Education Committee, October 11-14, 1976, Houston, Texas, held in Conjunction with the 31st annual ISA conference and exhibit
1315597: ISBN: 0471035688 - The 8080/8085 Microprocessor Book
150049: ISBN: - Revista Interamericana Review. vols. 1-22 (1971-1992)
578742: ISBN: 0379002612 - Inter-American System: Its Development and Strengthening
1186145: ISBN: 0879170301 - Bibliography of selected statistical sources of the American nations: A guide to the principal statistical materials of the 22 American nations, ... de los organismos de estadiÃ???stica
393520: ISBN: - Cyprus Review: A Journal of Social, Economic and Political Issues. vols. 1-3, 5, 7-14, 17 (1989-2005)
394572: ISBN: - International Journal of Commerce & Management. volumes 2-3; 6; 8. (1992-1998)
394643: ISBN: - International Journal of Law & Psychiatry. volumes 1-4. (1978-1981)
394220: ISBN: - Histopathology. volumes 1-13. (1977-1988)
394531: ISBN: - International Journal for Housing Science & Its Applications. volumes 5; 12; 15-17; 19-20. (1981-1996)
644102: ISBN: - Machine vision and applications. Volumes 1 - 6, lacking vol. 2 (1988-1993)
1009122: ISBN: 3805540272 - Standardization and Control of Biologicals Produced by Recombinant DNA Technology (Developments in Biologicals 59)
394615: ISBN: - International Journal of Hospitality Managment. volumes 3-21. (1984-2002)
394496: ISBN: - Intervirology. volumes 6; 9-14; 16; 19-22; 39-41; 43. (1976-2000)
394672: ISBN: - International Journal of Pancreatology. volumes 8-11; 13-22. (1991-1997)
1264751: ISBN: 0950297232 - IPH yearbook = IPH-Jahrbuch = Annuaire IPH. vol. 7, 1988
462879: ISBN: 3510540085 - International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Proceedings: Congress in Canada 1974. Volume 19 Parts 1,2,3,4 (4 volumes) . Edited for the Association by V. Sladecek
462878: ISBN: 3510540042 - International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Proceedings: Volume 18. Congress in USSR 1971. Edited for the Association by V. Sladecek.
1159344: ISBN: 3510650948 - Proceedings of the fifth Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium Volume I
649399: ISBN: 1583811788 - Young Neutron Stars and Their Environments: Proceedings of the 218th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held...
1110627: ISBN: 1583811486 - Planetary Nebulae: Their Evolution and Role in the Universe Proceedings of the 209th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held at Canberra, Australia, 19-23 November 2001, IAU Symposium Volume 209
1109809: ISBN: 9201113757 - Origin and Fate of Chemical Residues in Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (Panel Proceedings)
1107778: ISBN: 9200110789 - Isotopes in Biological Dinitrogen Fixation (Panel proceedings series)
1158396: ISBN: 011960325X - Electrons in Crystalline Solids. Lectures presented at an international course at Trieste from 10 January to 15 April 1972
1155561: ISBN: 9201252757 - Reference Methods for Marine Radioactivity Studies: Pt. 2 (Technical Report Series 169)
1155633: ISBN: 9200502784 - Design, Construction and Operating Experience of Demonstration Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (IAEA Proceedings Series)
1192885: ISBN: 9201004931 - Improved Cement Solidification of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Wastes (Technical Reports Series 350 (International Atomic Energy Agency))
867499: ISBN: 9200501885 - Nuclear Power Performance and Safety, Volume 2: Achievements in Construction and Operation (International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series)
868754: ISBN: 9201592752 - Nuclear Power Planning Study for Bangladesh
867498: ISBN: 9200500889 - Nuclear Power Performance and Safety, Volume 1: Performance, Overview and Prospects (International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series)
867497: ISBN: 9200505880 - Nuclear Power Performance and Safety, Volume 6: Indexes and Lists (International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series)
867496: ISBN: 9200502881 - Nuclear Power Performance and Safety, Volume 3: Safety and International Co-operation (International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series)
867495: ISBN: 9200504884 - Nuclear Power Performance and Safety, Volume 5: Nuclear Fuel Cycle (International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series)
867343: ISBN: 9201005075 - Radiation Processing: Environmental Applications
867342: ISBN: 0119603446 - Isotope Tracer Studies of Chemical Residues in Food and the Agricultural Environment (Panel Proceedings)
966659: ISBN: 0119603225 - Measurement of Short-Range Radiations. Technical Reports Series No. 150
1257030: ISBN: 9201410794 - Evaluation of uranium resources: Proceedings of an advisory group meeting (Panel proceedings series)
868762: ISBN: 9201042094 - Design Features to Achieve Defence in Depth in Small and Medium Sized Reactors (IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-2.2)
251481: ISBN: - Communications of the International Brecht Society. vols. 13, 16, 21-22 (1984-1993)
803329: ISBN: 1433005409 - Canada Business and Investment Opportunities Yearbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)
803328: ISBN: 0739744542 - Tuvalu Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)
802876: ISBN: 1433048310 - Syria Customs, Trade Regulations and Procedures Handbook, second edition (World Strategic and Business Information Library)
1251347: ISBN: 0838636438 - Jewish Philosophy and the Academy
394530: ISBN: - International Journal for Development Technology. volumes 1-4. (1983-1986)
566109: ISBN: 0873267044 - The Municipal Year Book 2006 (Municipal Year Book)
1254178: ISBN: 0387116273 - Avian Navigation International Symposium on Avian Navigation Held at Tirrenia: International Symposium on Avian Navigation (Isan), Held at Tirrenia ... 11-14, 1981 (Proceedings in Life Sciences)
1310693: ISBN: 0930403479 - Dynamics of Explosions (Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics, Volume 114)
391188: ISBN: - Communication Theory. Volumes 1-9
1114960: ISBN: 087339089X - Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming: Proceedings of an International Conference on Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming
1284508: ISBN: 082180295X - Second International Conference on Algebra: Dedicated to the Memory of A.I. Shirshov : Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Algebra, ... Barnaul, Russua (Contemporary Mathematics)
902978: ISBN: 0444903038 - Biology of Relaxin and Its Role in the Human: Proceedings (International Congress Series)
1257667: ISBN: 0947711279 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multi-Phase Flow
1297683: ISBN: 0387111794 - Representations of Algebras: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Representations of Algebras, Held in Puebla, Mexico, August 4-8, 1980 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 903)
386731: ISBN: 0852963394 - Secure Communication Systems/Second International Conference, 27-28 October 1986 (I E E Conference Publication)
568953: ISBN: 1565551788 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Simulation and Multimedia in Engineering Education: 2000 Western Multiconference San Diego, California January ... Hotel (Simulation Series, V. 32, No. 1)
594921: ISBN: 0080234437 - State-Of-The-Art of Ecological Modelling: Proceedings of the Conference on Ecological Modelling, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28 August-2 September 1978 (Environmental Sciences and Applications, V. 7)
1198230: ISBN: 1574771221 - Wetlands and Remediation II: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wetlands & Remediation : Burlington, Vermont, September 5-6, 2001
1079432: ISBN: 0444825428 - Advances in Maxillofacial Imaging: Selected Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology and the ... Congress and (International Congress Series)
1264746: ISBN: 8787918846 - IPH yearbook = IPH-Jahrbuch = Papers of the International Congress of Paper Historians 17. In Hagen, Germany, 27. May - 2. June 1984, Volume 5
1264747: ISBN: 8787918803 - IPH yearbook = IPH-Jahrbuch = Annuaire IPH. vol. 6, 1986
557633: ISBN: 0729406954 - Transactions of the Second International Congress on the Enlightenment. (Compte rendu du deuxieme Congres International sur le Siecle des Lumieres.)
1221196: ISBN: 0871706563 - Copper: Its Trade, Manufacture, Use, and Envionmental Status
1137365: ISBN: 9051990901 - Intelligent Networks--The Path to Global Networking: Proceedings of the International Council for Computer Communication Intelligent Networks Conference, Tampa, Florida, May 4-6, 1992
893567: ISBN: 9290120320 - Illicit traffic of cultural property in Latin America = Le Trafic Illicite Des Biens Culturels En Amerique Latine
1272986: ISBN: 1573870099 - Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences: Deutsch, English, Espanol, Francais, Italiano, Russkij. Second Edition
372738: ISBN: - Bioessays. vols. 12, 14-15, 17-18
403494: ISBN: 0444880097 - Math/Chem/Comp 1988: Proceedings of an International Course and Conference on the Interfaces Between Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Science, Du (Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 63)
917557: ISBN: 9991050280 - International Court of Justice: Yearbook 1989-1990/No 44/Sales No Icj/591
373701: ISBN: 0892260076 - The Search for Absolute Values in a Changing World
426590: ISBN: 9290980060 - New applications of membrane processes (International Dairy Federation special issue No. 9201)
777323: ISBN: 0895738627 - Electrophoresis '88: Sixth Meeting of the International Electrophoresis Society, 4th-7th July 1988, Copenhagen, proceedings
621445: ISBN: 9264136185 - Global Energy: The Changing Outlook (International Energy Agency)
638705: ISBN: 1931695229 - Annual Reviews of Communications Volume 56
394596: ISBN: - International Journal of Epidemiology. volumes 13; 16; 20-21; 23-26; 29 (1984-1997)
253512: ISBN: - Mechanism & Machine Theory. vols. 5, 17, 19-20, 26-32 (1970-1997)
713657: ISBN: 0080220150 - Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology 1977: Symposium Proceedings
1311206: ISBN: 9067640298 - Mathematical Geology and Geological Information: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 20
1311085: ISBN: 9067640328 - Origin and History of Marginal and Inland Seas: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 23
1310697: ISBN: 9067640158 - Geology of Ocean Basins: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 6
1310687: ISBN: 9067640182 - Petrology: Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 9
1310457: ISBN: 9067640212 - Metallogenesis and Mineral Ore Deposits: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 12
1310088: ISBN: 9067640220 - Oil and Gas Fields: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 13
1310588: ISBN: 9067640131 - Sedimentology: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 4
1260127: ISBN: 906764014X - Precambrian Geology: Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress -- Invited Papers, Volume 5
394606: ISBN: - International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. volumes 3; 5-9; 11. (1993-2001)
674059: ISBN: 9189098978 - Democracy at the Local Level: A Guide for the South Caucasus
580358: ISBN: 1574771124 - Natural Attenuation of Environmental Contaminants: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium : San Diego, California, June 4-7, ... in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium)
574827: ISBN: 1899825401 - Towards a Sustainable Paper Cycle
864226: ISBN: 1843698005 - Wagging the Dragon's Tail: Emerging Practices in Participatory Poverty Reduction in China (Participatory Learning and Action)62
394486: ISBN: - Intermedia. volumes 11-13; 15-19. (1983-1991)
1096604: ISBN: 1563472511 - Proceedings of the thirty-ninth colloquium on the law of outer space
1308852: ISBN: 0080305377 - Underwater Welding
1307800: ISBN: 0080359000 - Stress Relieving Heat Treatments of Welded Steel Constructions. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-7 July 1987 under the auspices of the International Institute of Welding / Les Traitements Thermiques de Relaxation de
973937: ISBN: 999615016X - Refractory Materials for Steelmaking
1203050: ISBN: 0444891064 - Electromagnetic Forces and Applications: Proceedings of the Third International Isem Symposium on the Application of Electromagnetic Forces Sendai, ... in Applied Electromagnetics in Material, 1)
894401: ISBN: 0791808238 - Recent Innovations and Experience With Plant Monitoring and Utility Operations. presented at the 1991 International Joint Power Generation Conference. October 6-10, 1991. San Diego, California. sponsored by The Committee on Utility Operations, The Power
394548: ISBN: - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. volumes 2-3. (1988-1989)
394713: ISBN: - International Journal of Transport Economics. volumes 12-17; 19. (1985-1992)
917758: ISBN: 9221001512 - Trade Union Situation in Burma: Report of a Mission from the International Labour Office.
792713: ISBN: 0415939526 - Key Indicators of the Labour Market 2001-2002
939750: ISBN: 0275230007 - Law and Public Enterprise. Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development
404592: ISBN: 0720407346 - Practical measurement for improving efficiency. 3 volume set
902814: ISBN: 081761804X - Metallothionein II: Proceedings of the Second International Meetings on Metallothionein and Other Low Molecular Weight Metal-Binding Proteins. Experientia Supplementum, Volume 52
394365: ISBN: - International Monetary Survey. volumes 25-31. (1996-2002)
947864: ISBN: 1859090591 - Motown Gold: MIDI Arrangements of Eight of the Greatest Golden Hits of Motown. The Standard MIDI File Collection. Fully Orchestrated Arrangements
650980: ISBN: - Neural Networks. The Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society. Volumes 1-13 (1988-2000)
798930: ISBN: 1880653222 - Proceedings of the 6th International Offshore & Polar Engineering Conference, 1996 (4 Volumes)
394684: ISBN: - International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. volumes 3-10. (1984-1991)
727519: ISBN: 025040057X - Pollution Engineering Techniques: An Overview Introduction to the Problem
394554: ISBN: - International Journal of Bio-Chromatography. volumes 2-3. (1996-1997)
1203874: ISBN: 9810219172 - From Supersymmetry to the Origin of Space-Time: Proceedings of the International School of Subnuclear Physics (SUBNUCLEAR SERIES)
883327: ISBN: 0387510605 - Modern Synthetic Methods, 1989: Biotransformations in Organic Synthesis/Enantioselective Catalysis With Metal Complexes/Aluminosilicates in Organic S (DISCONTINUED (Modern Synthetic Methods))
745369: ISBN: 0804708428 - Recent Developments in Shock Tube Research: Proceedings of the International Shock Tube Symposium, 9th, Stanford University
393526: ISBN: - Cytometry: Journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. vols. 1-21
393527: ISBN: - Cytometry: Journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. vols. 4-42 (lacks 14, 19-20, 22, 24, 26-30, 34-34, 38) (1983-2000)
954453: ISBN: 1556175493 - Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation in the Power Industry: Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Power Instrumentation Symposium (5th Annual Isa/Epri ... in the Power Industry: Proceedings)
394536: ISBN: - International Journal for Quality in Health Care. volumes 6-8; 12. (1994-2000)
394689: ISBN: - International Journal of Rock Mechanics. volumes 20-24; 30; 34. (1983-1997)
644115: ISBN: - Magnesium Research. Volumes 6-16, lacking volume 8 (1993-2003)
252070: ISBN: - Magnesium Research. vols. 6-7, 9-11 (1993-1998)
650937: ISBN: - Natural Hazards. Volumes 5-10
394787: ISBN: - Isokinetics & Exercise Science. volumes 2-3; 5-6. (1992-1996)
393728: ISBN: - Developmental & Comparative Immunology. volumes 1-10 (1977-1986)
253514: ISBN: - Mechanisms of Development. vols. 36-45, 49-53, 61-65, 67, 69-70 (1992-1998)
394607: ISBN: - International Journal of Gynecological Pathology. volumes 1-3; 8-13. (1982-1994)
642965: ISBN: - Kidney International. Volumes 1-54 lacking vols, 45-46
650984: ISBN: - Neuroendocrinology. Volumes 1-63, lacking volumes 32, 41 (1967-1996)
567053: ISBN: 0877033528 - International Space Year in the Pacific Basin (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Volume 77)
1083554: ISBN: 842601285X - ISI83: Cronica del 44o Periodo de Sesiones, Madrid, Septiembre 1983
1286518: ISBN: 091323575X - Creel and Angler Surveys in Fisheries Management: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop on Creel and Angler Surveys in Fisheries (American Fisheries Society Symposium, 12)
895097: ISBN: 0080360904 - International Symposium on Advanced Structural Materials
904878: ISBN: 0845151592 - Advances and Controversies in Thalassemia Therapy: Bone Marrow Transplantation and Other Approaches (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volume 309)
1286812: ISBN: 0898712785 - Fourth International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations
1159337: ISBN: 9993361364 - International Symposium on Hydrometeorology June 13-17, 1982 Denver Colorado
580238: ISBN: 1574770101 - Biological Unit Processes for Hazardous Waste Treatment (Bioremediation 3(9))
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