This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1243253: ISBN: 8876244719 - Il Rinascimento a Urbino. Fra' Carnevale e gli artisti del Palazzo di Federico
1301577: ISBN: 1611975816 - Passive Network Synthesis: An Approach to Classification
1228576: ISBN: 3981105028 - Johannes Kahrs: Men with Music
1083124: ISBN: 1611223547 - Clinical Dentistry (Dental Science, Materials and Technology)
676679: ISBN: 8876245839 - Martino: Un santo e la sua civilta nel racconto dell'arte
1316024: ISBN: 0470118814 - Connections: Patterns of Discovery
983600: ISBN: 1489949526 - Ceramic Acoustic Detectors
638467: ISBN: 0970976836 - Alex Brown
736514: ISBN: 0415206340 - All Change at Work? British Employment Relations 1980-98, Portrayed by the Workplace Industrial Relations Survey Series
1311390: ISBN: 0394474945 - The Autobiography Of Malcolm X
1291675: ISBN: 0971069298 - Ada
882895: ISBN: 0882599585 - Making faces: Self-portraits
1104821: ISBN: 0387751637 - A Missing Link in Cybernetics: Logic and Continuity (IFSR International Series on Systems Science and Engineering)
1062769: ISBN: 0444418636 - Magnetotelluric Sounding Method. Methods in Geochemistry & Geophysics #15
367923: ISBN: 0819439347 - Biomedical Optoacoustics II (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, Volume 2, No. 13)
574124: ISBN: 0387176985 - Dynamical Systems (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 287)
926569: ISBN: 3764337362 - Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control: A Report from Russia
494577: ISBN: 0820460419 - The Impact of Electronic Mail on Business Processes: And the Relevance of Proper English in This Context
1016929: ISBN: 1617192783 - Die Zeugnisse vom Christentum in slavischen "De bello judaico" des Josephus (Analecta Gorgiana, 554)
824249: ISBN: 0903904039 - Art Design Photo: Bibliography on Modern Art, Graphic Design, Photography
578080: ISBN: 378903570X - Das Generalsekretariat des Rates der EU (Schriftenreihe Europaisches Recht, Politik und Wirtschaft, Band 173)
1288284: ISBN: 9549717143 - Bulgarite: The Bulgarians (Bulgarian Edition)
1314623: ISBN: 0804724903 - Unruly Examples: On the Rhetoric of Exemplarity
741409: ISBN: 0855161108 - Ukrainian Russian Relations: An Unequal Partnership (Whitehall Paper)
634201: ISBN: 0323015514 - Year Book of Nuclear Medicine 2002
689082: ISBN: 1571461159 - Surveys in Differential Geometry, Vol. 9: Eigenvalues of Laplacians and Other Geometric Operators
1271579: ISBN: 3540042482 - Categories Cofibrees Additives et Complexe Cotangen Relatif. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 79
539416: ISBN: 0306371030 - Chemical Mutagens: Principles and Methods for their detection. Volume 3
239492: ISBN: 0786403012 - English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Business
691245: ISBN: 0252001176 - Year Book of the International Folk Music Council, Volume 1: 1969
684589: ISBN: 0881676845 - Prevention & Noninvasive Therapy of Atherosclerosis (Atherosclerosis Reviews)
1300743: ISBN: 147042889X - Functions With Disconnected Spectrum: Sampling, Interpolation, Translates (University Lecture Series) (University Lecture Series, 65)
565438: ISBN: 0868610097 - Race, Class and Rebellion in the South Pacific (Studies in Society)
480618: ISBN: 0894430300 - The Energy Source Book
565938: ISBN: 0819465607 - Nanoscale Imaging, Spectroscopy, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications IV
1201183: ISBN: 0691082472 - Lectures on Pseudo-Differential Operators: Regularity Theorems and Applications to Non-Elliptic Problems (Mathematical Notes)
640693: ISBN: 3504411902 - Law against restraints of competition: Text and commentary in German and English
1033662: ISBN: 0275286363 - Latin American Political Parties
805880: ISBN: 3892049165 - Fostering Youth Employment: Current Situation and Best Practices (International Reform Monitor: Special Issue 2006)
859796: ISBN: 1141443600 - Japan'S Accession to the Community of Nations
460041: ISBN: 3908440114 - Geodetic Mobile Solar Spectrometer. (Geodatisch-geophysikalische Arbeiten in der Schweiz, Achtundsechzigster Band, Volume 68)
755834: ISBN: 0485150077 - Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham in the Library of University College, London second edition
790137: ISBN: 0814317731 - An Epistemology for the Language Sciences
1195290: ISBN: 0779937953 - Two Studies in Romantic Reviewing Volume One: Edinburgh Reviewers and the English Tradition. The Reviewing of Walter Scott's Poetry: 1805-1817
1223611: ISBN: 0816048568 - Math on File Geometry (Facts on File Math Library)
1097645: ISBN: 3540501746 - Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of the Special Year Held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1986-87. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1342
1019961: ISBN: 1455771279 - Obstetric Emergencies. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, March 2013, Volume 40, Number 1
1309554: ISBN: 0520056159 - Theoretical Logic in Sociology: Vol. 4. The Modern Reconstruction of Classical Thought: Talcott Parsons
1305861: ISBN: 3540085289 - Odd Order Group Actions and Witt Classification of Innerproducts (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 625)
1224055: ISBN: 0803994370 - Culture and Development: Cultural Patterns in Areas of Uneven Development
960580: ISBN: 9992050705 - Tribals, Rehabilitation & Development
479534: ISBN: 0471568473 - Gamete Interaction: Prospects for Immunocontraception
1275453: ISBN: 0306458284 - Inverse Problems, Tomography, and Image Processing (Microdevices)
672571: ISBN: 0805720200 - Vasile Alecsandri
641361: ISBN: 1889948039 - Tatyana Nazarenko: Transition
673872: ISBN: 0412844303 - Testing of Communicating Systems: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 11th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (IWTCS'98) August 31-September 2, 1998, Tomsk, Russia
1222554: ISBN: 3642893295 - Einfachste Grundbegriffe der Topologie. Mit Einem Geleitwort von David Hilbert
1313278: ISBN: 0786400625 - Flight from Novaa Salow: Autobiography of a Ukrainian Who Escaped Starvation in the 1930s Under the Russians and Then Suffered Nazi Enslavement
907084: ISBN: 0791807932 - Air Toxic Reduction and Combustion Modeling (FACT 15)
1175624: ISBN: 394164436X - Alexej Meschtschanow - The Birth Of The Hygienic
1168934: ISBN: 9057821672 - Cladocera: Family Ilyocryptidae (Branchiopoda: Cladocera: Anomopoda)
921116: ISBN: 8322002874 - Palaeogeography and Lithology of the Vendian and Cambrian of the Western East-European Platform. Contribution of the Soviet-Polish Working Group on the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary Problem
1142417: ISBN: 0998875511 - Alexis Smith: Hello Hollywood
1228808: ISBN: 9155421660 - Dualism and hierarchy in lowland South America: Trajectories of indigenous social organization (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology 9)
1040481: ISBN: 1467586080 - Piloto. Sculpture
1203038: ISBN: 0120499010 - Semiconductors Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy. Volume 1
1263353: ISBN: 0720402123 - Currents in Hadron Physics
1311081: ISBN: 0471987603 - General Aspects of the Chemistry of Radicals
960863: ISBN: 084934364X - Chemical Kinetics Of Small Organic Radicals. Volume III, Reactions of Special Radicals
961866: ISBN: 0849343631 - Chemical Kinetics Of Small Organic Radicals. Volume II: Correlation and Calculation Methods
959360: ISBN: 0849343658 - Chemical Kinetics Of Small Organic Radicals. Volume IV: Reactions in Special Systems
436213: ISBN: 3876500222 - Bergischer Bilderbogen
644921: ISBN: 8489034273 - Johnny Roqueta. 1982-2008. Tanto Tiempo Pa Esto
1104551: ISBN: 2020057379 - Bolivie
695107: ISBN: 038757235X - Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems: International Symposium, Disco '93 Gmunden, Austria, September 15-17, 1993 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 429)
999404: ISBN: 848102001X - Elefantes, Ciervos y Ovicaprinos. Economia y aprovechamiento del medio en la Prehistoria de Espana y Portugal (Spanish Edition)
1202284: ISBN: 3945180228 - Alfredo Aceto: Azure
950054: ISBN: 3463007134 - El Dorado : Die Suche Nach Dem Goldland ; Sechs Kapitel Einer Abenteuerlichen Chronik
589590: ISBN: 0836903439 - Studies in Anglo-French History: During the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Essay Index Reprint Series
1287596: ISBN: 0871691566 - War as Advertised: The Four Minute Men and America's Crusade 1917-1918 (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society)
1286868: ISBN: 0962154180 - Hudson-Bergen Light Rail: New Jersey's New Interurban Electric Railway
1254975: ISBN: 3892613354 - La Gente Diminuta en el Gran Arte
1085212: ISBN: 376104609X - Politische Avantgarde 1830-1840: Eine Dokumentation zum "Jungen Deutschland". Two Volumes
580234: ISBN: 0935470905 - Radiation Damage in DNA: Structure/Function Relationships at Early Times
1076086: ISBN: 2221022408 - La Crise nous Revele
1306174: ISBN: 3540036121 - Calculus in Vector Spaces without Norm (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Volume 30)
1308255: ISBN: 0387944818 - Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations with Mathematica: An Integrated Multimedia Approach
1315930: ISBN: 0387982329 - Solutions Manual: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations with Mathematica
547261: ISBN: - Geographische Zeitschrift. volumes 64-73, 75, 76, 78-86
1299770: ISBN: 0677059396 - Microwave Nondestructive Testing Methods
1284889: ISBN: 156396306X - Discovery of Weak Neutral Currents: The Weak Interaction Before and After: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Santa Monica, CA, February 1993 (AIP Conference Proceedings (Numbered))
1292805: ISBN: 0804717303 - The Governance of Late Medieval England, 1272-1461 (Governance of England, 3)
628060: ISBN: 1414084056 - Deep Intuition: Dreams of Life, Victory, and Love
1182098: ISBN: 9027725942 - Selected Scientific Papers of Alfred Lande
896965: ISBN: 8450026083 - Actas del I Congreso de Historia de Andalucia, diciembre de 1976 (Coleccion mayor) DOS TOMOS!
603621: ISBN: 0669055557 - Electronic-Message Transfer and Its Implications
818202: ISBN: 0379003678 - The Reuther-Meany foreign policy dispute: Union leaders and members view world affairs
580315: ISBN: 0935470441 - Biological Interaction of Inhaled Mineral Fibers and Cigarette Smoke
1314001: ISBN: 0471909718 - A Diary on Information Theory (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics - Applied Probability and Statistics Section)
1272519: ISBN: 9978040145 - Viajes por las Selvas del Ecuador: y exploracion del Rio Putumayo
1096969: ISBN: 3901188215 - Syriac dialogue 2: Second Non-official Consultation on Dialogue Within the Syriac Tradition
359425: ISBN: 0444701370 - Off-Line Programming of Industrial Robots.
1306385: ISBN: 0131956515 - Currents in the Theory of Computing (Prentice-Hall series in automatic computation)
469469: ISBN: 3810800929 - Bilanzen und Balancen: Aufsatze zur internat. Finanz u. internat. Politik (German Edition)
469458: ISBN: 3802202996 - Die Zukunft der Stromversorgung
1262440: ISBN: 8882510425 - In terra di miracoli. I primi 500 anni della Chiesa rontese e il Santuario della Madonna dei Tre Fiumi in Mugello
1278918: ISBN: 8474912202 - Las relaciones literarias entre Espana e Iberoamerica: XXIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana : Madrid, 25-29 de junio de 1984 (Spanish Edition)
871348: ISBN: 8888550895 - Proceedings Volume III: 39th International Congress on the History of Medicine: September, 5-10, 2004 Bari-metaponto, Italy = Actes: 39eme International D'histoire De La Medecine (Scienze della salute)
871349: ISBN: 8888550666 - 39th International Congress on the History of Medicine = 39ieme Congres International D'histoire De La Medecine = 39° Congresso Internazionale Di Storia Della Medicina. Volume 2 (Scienze della salute. Volume 2)
837590: ISBN: 9685806772 - Taxa anthropologica de Mexico en el marco mesoamericano (Antropologia fisica) (Spanish Edition)
1227975: ISBN: 8588782111 - Einstein: o Viajante da Relatividade na America do Sul
1269776: ISBN: 3791716794 - Lebenslust Und Frommigkeit: Kurfurst Carl Theodor (1724-1799) Zwischen Barock Und Aufklarung: Handbuch Und Ausstellungskatalog
1284107: ISBN: 9004104178 - Polyhistor: Studies in the History and Historiography of Ancient Philosophy : Presented to Jaap Mansfeld on His Sixtieth Birthday (Philosophia Antiqua)
568594: ISBN: 0714656941 - Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Detente
728666: ISBN: 0415194458 - The Political Economy of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics)
1257338: ISBN: 2905143096 - Reservoir Engineering of Fractured Reservoirs . Fundamental and Practical Aspects
632972: ISBN: 3540404554 - Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 16th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2003, Loughborough, UK June 23-26, 2003 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Comput
801788: ISBN: 0879934778 - Myocardial Repolarization: From Gene to Bedside
1310092: ISBN: 0126208506 - Solar energy engineering
1284444: ISBN: 9971502607 - HIGH ENERGY ELECTRON-POSITRON PHYSICS (Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics)
896154: ISBN: 1573317187 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1139, Drug Addiction: Research Frontiers and Treatment Advances
1310000: ISBN: 9774244761 - The Arab Contribution to Islamic Art: From the Seventh to the Fifteenth Centuries
989093: ISBN: 1853122513 - Static and Dynamic Fracture Mechanics
1306168: ISBN: 3319243357 - Maximum Principles and Geometric Applications (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
975369: ISBN: 0803902859 - 12: Monetary Reform and World Inflation. The Washington Papers, Volume I
1184589: ISBN: 1858988667 - International Finance. Two Volumes (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics)
1227290: ISBN: 8485197283 - Privilegios otorgados a la ciudad de Alicante. Edicion facsimil de la primera parte del manuscrito Arm. 5, lib. 48 del Archivo Municipal de Alicante
1312916: ISBN: 0891908595 - Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
806461: ISBN: 0398013470 - Constancy and IQ Change: A Clinical View of Relationships Between Tested Intelligence&Personality
679291: ISBN: 0805810978 - From Learning Theory to Connectionist Theory: Essays in Honor of William K. Estes, Volume I; From Learning Processes to Cognitive Processes
628888: ISBN: 0899504264 - Leadership in the Library/Information Profession: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Symposium of the Graduate Alumni and Faculty of the Rutgers School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, 8 April 1988
888657: ISBN: 0791811107 - Design For Manufacture. Life Cycle Costs While Improving Time to Market and Product Quality. presented at The Winter Annual Meeting of the American ... Anaheim, California, November 8-13, 1992
1055346: ISBN: 847426829X - Ayuda, Mercado y Buen Gobierno: Los Lenguajes del Desarrollo en Africa en el Cambio de Milenio
1217643: ISBN: 9972510859 - LOS VELOS Y LAS PIELES. Cuerpo, genero y reordenamiento social en el Peru republicano (Lima, 1822-1872)
1033960: ISBN: 0944029477 - Peacewatch / Policywatch Anthology 2000: Scattered Pieces, Shattered Peace
1219094: ISBN: 9568239022 - Plantas que comemos
998384: ISBN: 6077713295 - Dinamicas Culturales. Religiones y migracion en Oaxaca
1314195: ISBN: 0198504004 - Quantum Dynamical Systems
982449: ISBN: 9806397142 - Guia al Archivo Arquidiocesano de Caracas
998137: ISBN: 0915171457 - Making Sense: 5 Installations on Sensations. Katonah Museum of Art in the Sculpture Garden, May 12 - September 29, 1996
479532: ISBN: 0815196199 - The Year Book of Gastroenterology. A Medical-Surgical Approach
401392: ISBN: 9971508648 - Third Course on Ultrasonic Signal Processing. Oct 20-30, 1988 Erice Italy
1316762: ISBN: 0120502569 - Problems in Real Analysis: A Workbook with Solutions
688438: ISBN: 0896297020 - Food Policy Reforms in Central Asia: Setting the Research Priorities
802130: ISBN: 0745007562 - Agrifacts: A Handbook of Uk and Eec Agricultural and Food Statistics, fourth edition
681372: ISBN: 0754612449 - The Structure and Determinants of Wage Relativities: Evidence from Australia
514564: ISBN: 1887040226 - Telling Our Own Stories: Florida's Family Photographs
1142505: ISBN: 1891122045 - Allegories of Strife: The Diptychs of Alison Weld, 1990-2005: Springfield Museum of Art, March 4-April 29, 2006
514565: ISBN: 1887040218 - Some Things
781068: ISBN: 0942051157 - Alison Wilding, April 1-22, 1989
1240368: ISBN: 0850661978 - Complex Variable Method for Linear Multivariable Feedback System
784462: ISBN: 0521076943 - The Monopolies Commission in Action (University of Cambridge Department of Applied Economics Occasional Papers: 21; Studies in Comparative Politics)
1245823: ISBN: 8480039744 - Los surrealistas en el exilio y los inicios de la escuela de Nueva York (French and English Edition)
1303727: ISBN: 9650506446 - Aliya
1221420: ISBN: 0080180612 - Metal Vapours in Flames (International Series of Monographs in Natural Philosophy, Volume 103)
680948: ISBN: 1933019433 - MESH PARAMETERIZATION METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS (Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision)
1052483: ISBN: 1567200729 - The Emerging High-Tech Consumer: A Market Profile and Marketing Strategy Implications
450259: ISBN: 0884107507 - Standards Relating to Corrections Administration. (Institute of Judicial Administration, American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Standards Project)
868569: ISBN: 0873711904 - Acidic Deposition: Sulphur and Nitrogen Oxides
696641: ISBN: 0802071937 - Business Taxation in Ontario (Ontario Fair Tax Commission Research Program)
1010198: ISBN: 0469643005 - The Eagle's Nest
760261: ISBN: 0709946732 - Race and Health Policy
1282468: ISBN: 1563962039 - Oceanography and Acoustics: Prediction and Propagation Models (Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing)
1309368: ISBN: 0471044954 - Photoacoustics and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
1314302: ISBN: 1557290695 - The Guodian Laozi: Proceedings of the International Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998 (Early China Special Monograph Series) (English and Chinese Edition)
1032550: ISBN: 1841719250 - Contribution des materiaux lithiques dans la chronologie du Neolithique ancien et moyen en France et dans les regions limitrophes = Contribution of Lithics to Early and Middle Neolithic Chronology in France and Neighbouring Regions. BAR International Se
1280145: ISBN: 0903190060 - The tradition of life: Romanian essays in spirituality and theology; (Studies supplementary to Sobornost)
326528: ISBN: 0120505509 - Heteroatom Ring Systems and Polymers
906646: ISBN: 3540564284 - Methods in Asthmology
1091155: ISBN: 2213015848 - De la pierre a l'etoile (French Edition)
1295661: ISBN: 0965470423 - Traditional Okinawan Karate: Vol 2 (Traditional Okinawan Karate: Vol 2 Intermediate Uechi-ryu)
1309016: ISBN: 0824710363 - Electroanalytical Chemistry: v. 2: A Series of Advances
428585: ISBN: 0877628009 - Changing Food Technology 3: Food Technology : A View of the Future
723267: ISBN: 0836416716 - Indian Urbanization and Planning: Vehicles of Modernization
678191: ISBN: 1840148004 - Regional Development and Planning for the 21st Century: New Priorities, New Philosophies
474876: ISBN: 0805363602 - Enzymes and Immobilized Cells in Biotechnology (Biotechnology Series, Vol 6)
1250172: ISBN: 0120026562 - Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 54 (Advances in Applied Microbiology)
1114328: ISBN: 082472514X - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements: Organic Section, Vol. 14- Acyclic Aliphatic Halides, Alicyclic Halides, Halogenated Aromatic Carbocycles, Halogenated Heterocycles, Halonium Ions
1203735: ISBN: 0824725115 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements: Organic Section. Volume XI: Hydrocarbons, Hydroxy Compounds
1157591: ISBN: 0824761359 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Vol. 2: As, B, Cu, Nb, O, Re, Ta, Tc
1151327: ISBN: 0824725069 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Vol. 6
864208: ISBN: 0824725042 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Volume IV: Au, F, Po, S, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Tl
845611: ISBN: 0824725190 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Volume IX, Part B. Bi Cr Hf U Zr Alkali Metals
693585: ISBN: 082471041X - Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances: Volume 5
1255324: ISBN: 0824725131 - Organometallic Compounds, Nitro Compounds, Nitroso Compounds, Azo, Azoxy, and Diazocompounds, Compounds with Three or More Nitrogen Atoms in a Chain, ... of Electrochemistry of the Elements)
1309714: ISBN: 0824779940 - Electroanalytical Chemistry. Volume 16
1309408: ISBN: 0824710371 - Electroanalytical Chemistry: Volume 3: A Series of Advances
1308855: ISBN: 0824776461 - Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances, Volume 15
975826: ISBN: 0824761375 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements. Volume III: Co, Ni, P
986224: ISBN: 0824765427 - Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances, Vol. 11
1309401: ISBN: 082471038X - Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 4
455445: ISBN: 0824727193 - Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, Vol. 22 Supplement 1
538853: ISBN: 0731554205 - Human Face of Security: Asia-Pacific Perspectives (Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence)
578578: ISBN: 0884107213 - The Benefits of health and safety regulation
697996: ISBN: 9812561447 - Advances In Engineering Mechanics Reflections And Outlooks: In Honor Of Theodore Y-T Wu
741693: ISBN: 0878210911 - Essays from the North American review
1299817: ISBN: 0121822427 - Ribonucleases: Part A: Functional Roles and Mechanisms of Action. Methods in Enzymology, Volume 341
973015: ISBN: 0748604782 - Africa Bibliography 1991. Works Published on Africa in 1991
1242084: ISBN: 0711008833 - The Western since 1948
1130944: ISBN: 0824765699 - Physical Structure of the Amorphous State
480060: ISBN: 0853747067 - A Leading Role for Midwives? Evaluation of Midwifery Group Practice Development Projects.
1066426: ISBN: 0853348081 - Adhesion 3
1293954: ISBN: 9401047340 - Computer Simulation in Chemical Physics (Nato Science Series C:, 397)
1088366: ISBN: 0809556049 - Disturbing Muses
1014643: ISBN: 1558996141 - Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science IV: Volume 678 (MRS Proceedings)
1237102: ISBN: 0710079494 - Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, Vol. 2: The Eleatics and Pluralists
1268659: ISBN: 0137164238 - Problems for a computer-oriented calculus course,: With an appendix on elementary FORTRAN programming
480063: ISBN: 8489144109 - El Arte en la Caja de Ahorros de Vitoria y Alava / Araba eta Gassteizko Aurrezki Kutxan Artea
1061777: ISBN: 2020540029 - Therese d'Avila (French Edition)
1292861: ISBN: 0902087231 - Hugh Alley's Caveat: The markets of London in 1598 : Folger Ms V.a. 318 (London Topographical Society publication)
1039042: ISBN: 3889790240 - O aboio: Der Gesang der Vaqueiros im Nordosten Brasiliens Teil 1 (Beitrage zur Ethnomusikologie 14) (German Edition)
272293: ISBN: 9971505797 - Fundamental and Applicative Aspects of Disordered Magnetism
1255107: ISBN: 0470024658 - Topics in Stereochemistry, Volume 1
1255245: ISBN: 0471024708 - Topics in Stereochemistry, Volume 6
1255250: ISBN: 0470024666 - Topics in Stereochemistry. Volume 2
1109131: ISBN: 0997775602 - Ground floor : a Biennial Exhibition of New Art from Chicago September 4 - November 6, 2016
332813: ISBN: 0208016198 - Titles of English Books. (And of Foreign Books Printed in England). An Alphabetical Finding-List by Title of Books Published under the Author's Name, Pseudonym or Initials. Volume 1: 1475-1640
1265885: ISBN: 0631150323 - Right Principles
1277842: ISBN: 3540312072 - Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei at all Scales (Lecture Notes in Physics, 693)
1231979: ISBN: 8488324030 - El resurgimiento de la lengua hebrea en al-Andalus (Espana judia) (Spanish Edition)
1067072: ISBN: 0470025174 - Block Copolymers.
1310132: ISBN: 1496845811 - Making Music: The Banjo in a Southern Appalachian County (American Made Music Series)
872920: ISBN: 0851988989 - Microbial Diversity and Ecosystem Function
1246187: ISBN: 1589661095 - Renewing Christian Ethics: The Catholic Tradition
480108: ISBN: 0275240401 - Nationality Group Survival in Multi-Ethnic States. Shifting Support Patterns in the Soviet Baltic Region.
434969: ISBN: 0810804565 - Reviewing of Reference Books: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Selected Announcement, Review and Index Media in Their Coverage of Reference Books
1307307: ISBN: 9687917016 - Plateria novohispana: Museo Nacional del Virreinato, Tepotzotlan
1015368: ISBN: 8489512299 - Segobriga y su conjunto arqueologico (Spanish Edition)
1205742: ISBN: 8471545241 - Gallaecia Scandinavica (Ensaio)
1190150: ISBN: 3540522557 - Neural Networks
1297731: ISBN: 0791468895 - Nietzsche And Paradox
405530: ISBN: 0937073857 - Linguistic Individuals (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes, 31)
1047632: ISBN: 8473410319 - Coleccion de Documentos Referentes a la Escuadra de Operaciones de las Antillas. Hombres, Hechos e Ideas (Spanish Edition)
1293270: ISBN: 3031349687 - Cyber Malware: Offensive and Defensive Systems (Security Informatics and Law Enforcement)
1184973: ISBN: 1406308153 - The Savage
1119539: ISBN: 8882465268 - Gli anni difficili
975386: ISBN: 3251100416 - Der Rabe. Magazin fur jede Art von Literatur (Rabe 41)
1160951: ISBN: 0471903671 - Weighted Sobolev Spaces
702759: ISBN: - Die Kafer von Nordtirol. Faunistisches Verzeichnis der aus dem Gebiete bisher bekannt gewordenen Koleopteren
1293273: ISBN: 3031382889 - Spectral Measures and Dynamics: Typical Behaviors (Latin American Mathematics Series)
1315096: ISBN: 0470170204 - The Probabilistic Method
898720: ISBN: 846041910X - Villamediana. Second Edition
1223035: ISBN: 1935623206 - Monitoring Biodiversity: Lessons from a Trans-Andean Megaproject (English and Spanish Edition)
630876: ISBN: 9502500326 - La presidencia de Alvear (Las Presidencias radicales)
1209338: ISBN: 8424934776 - Obras Completas, IV: Estudios y ensayos sobre literatura: literatura contemporanea
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