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479129: ISBN: 0841208352 - Ultrahigh Resolution Chromatography.

1136217: ISBN: 0954955757 - C International Photo Magazine: Issue 2 (Version Spanish/Japanese)

886535: ISBN: 1563470977 - 5th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization. A Collection of Technical Papers. September 7-9, 1994, Panama City Beach, FL. Part 1 and 2 (Two Volumes)

1077490: ISBN: 366215241X - Immobilized Biocatalysts Saccharomyces Yeasts Wastewater Treatment (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 29)

1044908: ISBN: 3211991417 - Helga Philipp: Poesie der Logik (Edition Angewandte) (German Edition)

960975: ISBN: 0023011505 - Principles of Statistical Decision Making

1299847: ISBN: 3540617876 - Combinatorial Theory

1186094: ISBN: 0387074635 - Kombinatorik (Hochschultext) (German Edition)

1315782: ISBN: 3540636986 - Proofs from THE BOOK

821647: ISBN: 3631590504 - Educational Inequalities in Europe (European Univserity Studies: Series Xxii Sociology / Europaische Hochschulschriften: Reihe Xxii Soziologie / Publications Universitaires Europeennes:)

239457: ISBN: 0786408065 - The Radical Insufficiency of Human Life The Poetry of R. de Castro and J.A. Silva

1068247: ISBN: 2707803251 - Claudel et l'Interlocuteur Invisible: Le drame de l'appel (French Edition)

654229: ISBN: 1896470491 - The Crown Life Canadian Collection: A Legacy for Regina

1211378: ISBN: 8843535323 - Museo d'Arti Applicate: Raccolta Precolombiana

1124531: ISBN: 2894151039 - Eulalie Duroche: De l'histoire a l'imaginaire

330863: ISBN: 0819417114 - Proceedings of Optical Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring. SPIE vol. 2365

1018133: ISBN: 9996741842 - Minimizing Energy Costs in Air Pollution Control Systems

1222120: ISBN: 9994630245 - A Specialty Conference on Atmospheric Deposition

1178319: ISBN: - Ireland of the Welcomes. Vols. 37 No. 2 - 72 No. 2, March/April 1988 - March/April 2023 (196 issues)

355708: ISBN: 0915299836 - Technoshifts. Meeting the Challenge of Technological Change

293837: ISBN: 093183712X - Thin Films. The Relationship of Structure to Properties. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings. Vol. 47

1273418: ISBN: 0824750586 - Catalytic Naphtha Reforming, Second Revised and Expanded (Chemical Industries)

1027878: ISBN: 0860546845 - Prehistoric Settlement and Subsistence in the Kaduna Valley, Nigeria. Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 37. BAR International Series 541

1222841: ISBN: 0120464802 - Metabolic Maps of Pesticides

1198234: ISBN: 9879048210 - Diversidad Cultural Argentina (Spanish Edition)

1288898: ISBN: 1483209474 - Tables of Laguerre Polynomials and Functions: Mathematical Tables Series, Vol. 39

1310148: ISBN: 0080099785 - Theory of Automatic Control

1082039: ISBN: 0444015760 - Oral AIDS: Manifestations, Safety Measures and Questions of Transmissibility - Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Oral AIDS, Montreal, Canada, 1-3 June, 1989

971502: ISBN: 0912045337 - Fundamentals of Reinforced Masonry Design

306201: ISBN: 9971509318 - High Temperature Superconductors. Xth Winter Meeting on Low Temperature Physics. Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity Volume 20

659477: ISBN: 8820211165 - Zuflucht auf Wilderruf. Deutsche Kunstler und Wissenschaftler in Italien. Refugio Precario. Artisti e intellettuale tedeschi in Italia, 1933-1945.

863099: ISBN: 3110285134 - Studien Zu Geschichte, Theologie Und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen Band 18

937168: ISBN: 3110217635 - Studien zur Philologie und zur Musikwissenschaft (German Edition)

566137: ISBN: 3525851219 - Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Fur das Jahr 2005

982136: ISBN: 3540528342 - Synthesis/Mechanism/Polymer Drugs (Advances in Polymer Science) (Vol 97)

796517: ISBN: 9140047709 - Der Vokalismus der Stammsilben in Johannes Marienwerders "Leben der heiligen Dorothea von Montau".

916425: ISBN: 9171000895 - Samlingarna: Gavor Och Kop, 1971-1975 (Moderna museets utstallningskatalog, nr. 134.)

1311417: ISBN: 1889741078 - The Art of Dean Mitchell

1284920: ISBN: 0415431956 - Plate Buckling in Bridges and Other Structures

1312314: ISBN: 3030254356 - Investigating Radicalization Trends: Case Studies in Europe and Asia (Security Informatics and Law Enforcement)

854481: ISBN: 1605663441 - Systems Analysis and Design for Advanced Modeling Methods: Best Practices (Advances in Database Research) (Premier Reference Source)

479477: ISBN: 3718648911 - Nonlinear Optical Diagnostics of Laser Excited Semiconductor Surfaces. Laser Science and Technology Volume 2

1309785: ISBN: 0883188511 - Optics of Femtosecond Laser Pulses

457712: ISBN: 0444505709 - Progress in Transplantation. (International Congress Series 1216)

1284356: ISBN: 0120474506 - Scintillation Counters in High Energy Physics

1315899: ISBN: 0821813838 - Simplicial Dynamical Systems. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Number 667

1211552: ISBN: 0821822845 - Hopf Bifurcation in the Two Locus Genetic Model. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Number 284

991881: ISBN: 1508936579 - Fundamentals Of Labour: English

1246445: ISBN: 3926982411 - Operation Beutekunst. Die Verlagerung deutscher Kulturguter in die Sowjetunion nach 1945. Zusammengestellt nach bisher unveroffentlichten ... Nationalmuseums (German Edition)

933334: ISBN: 4772210245 - Achievement in Composites in Japan and the United States

1264805: ISBN: 4906536344 - Chiaroscuro Woodcuts from the Frits Lugt Collection in Paris.

321496: ISBN: 0444879196 - Teletraffic Issues in an Advanced Information Society. Parts 1 & 2. North-Holland Studies in Telecommunication, Volume 5

1291952: ISBN: 1138166901 - Perspectives on Feminist Political Thought in European History: From the Middle Ages to the Present

1257633: ISBN: 2868837123 - Physique mesoscopique des electrons et des photons (SAVOIRS ACTUELS) (French Edition)

479484: ISBN: 0387509143 - Intelligent CAD Systems II: Implementational Issues

1307237: ISBN: 0471611638 - Elements of Computer Algebra With Applications

892877: ISBN: 1558991492 - Hierarchically Structured Materials. Symposium held December 2-6, 1991, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Volume 255

1202180: ISBN: 0387973648 - Nonstandard Methods in Fixed Point Theory

908327: ISBN: 0387567739 - GTPases in Biology I (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 108/I)

1286796: ISBN: 0792328558 - Problems and Methods of Optimal Control (Mathematics and Its Applications, 286)

1126877: ISBN: 0196471605 - Studies in Law. Scripta Hierosolymitana Volume V

531331: ISBN: 097339045X - Shifting Gears: Transforming Public Policy

710564: ISBN: 077107204X - Storm Warning 2

1141060: ISBN: 0700717293 - Economic Development in Saudi Arabia (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)

1261290: ISBN: 0938784013 - Ouch!! My Ego's Hurting

403398: ISBN: 1567501559 - Inheritance Theory: An Artificial Intelligence Approach

920672: ISBN: 0398033803 - The Epidemiology of Human Mycotic Diseases

1315343: ISBN: 3330018461 - New Method to Improve Mining of Multi-Class Imbalanced Data

1315493: ISBN: 012055450X - Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

612256: ISBN: 3527307001 - Metal- and Metalloid-Containing Macromolecules: 39th IUPAC Congress, Ottawa, Canada (Macromolecular Symposia)

1312529: ISBN: 3031659287 - Security Framework and Defense Mechanisms for IoT Reactive Jamming Attacks (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 548)

906682: ISBN: 0306419343 - Industrial Aspects of Biochemistry and Genetics (NATO Asi Series A:87)

1096131: ISBN: 2895078858 - Autopsie d'un debat avorte

1315823: ISBN: 0826461468 - Theoretical Writings (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)

1315810: ISBN: 0826494706 - Logics of Worlds (Being and Event, 2)

468407: ISBN: 2200214375 - l'Economie Francaise, 1914-1945 (Collection Cursus. Serie "Histoire")

1095049: ISBN: 2884131566 - De Fil en Aiguille

515389: ISBN: 2890185486 - Ritournelle

840983: ISBN: 2717716572 - Les Grands du dessin: Quatre siecles d'art italien a travers les fac-similes de la "Biblioteca di disegni" : Bibliotheque nationale, 1982 (French Edition)

1250230: ISBN: 3540058036 - Symmetric Hilbert spaces and related topics: Infinitely divisible positive definite functions, continuous products and tensor products, Gaussian and Poissonian Stochastic Processes, Number 261

1017566: ISBN: 1874512000 - Max Ernst. The Sculpture

640031: ISBN: 380551834X - Differentiated Lymphocyte Functions. Progress in Allergy, Volume 28

1003470: ISBN: 2869581440 - Le Neolithique De Chypre: Actes Du Colloque International, Nicosie 17-19 Mai 2001

1085225: ISBN: 2600036768 - la Litterature Facetieuse sous Louis XIII, 1610-1643: Une bibliographie critique (Histoire des Idees et Critique Litteraire, Vol. 296)

1144954: ISBN: 2970060140 - Ces Merveilleux Petits Chemins de fer Suisses

498956: ISBN: 2907757210 - Interieur ville: 7/9, rue Schoelcher, Paris

1117694: ISBN: 2240002220 - La photographie dans l'art du XXe siecle: Avec 24 diapositives

1115662: ISBN: 2865451534 - Alain Sechas, El pacificador

1070456: ISBN: 2760404048 - Vive la Liberte!

720742: ISBN: 2020045419 - La societe invisible: Regards 1974-1976 (French Edition)

1010370: ISBN: 2912939011 - Logique du cadre : Precedents et consequences de la neo avant-garde

558361: ISBN: 1557980411 - AIDS: Abstracts of the Psychological & Behavioral Literature, 1983-1988 (Bibliographies in Psychology, No. 2)

268312: ISBN: 0899509045 - Terrorism and the News Media. A Selected, Annotated Bibliography

1104615: ISBN: 0415412943 - Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional Approaches (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

514754: ISBN: 0876300530 - The Outpatient Patient: Consumer and Client (POCA Perspectives, No. 4)

1310238: ISBN: 0521286549 - A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers

437284: ISBN: 0918456118 - A Bibliography for the Study of African Politics. Two Volumes (Archival and bibliographic series)

376593: ISBN: 0918222192 - Candace & Other Stories

564376: ISBN: 4946443584 - Dynamics of gauge fields: TMU-Yale Symposium, proceedings of TMU-Yale Symposium on the Occasion of TMU's 50th anniversary held on December 13-15, 1999 at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

1228469: ISBN: 881724600X - I cibi dal mare (Cucina)

970991: ISBN: 0704418991 - Actas del XII Congreso de la Asociacion Internacional de Hispanistas. 21-26 de agosto de 1995, Birmingham. Tomo VII. Estudios Hispanoamericanos II (Spanish Edition)

398780: ISBN: 040729550X - Modern Trends in Human Genetics 1

1312946: ISBN: 0387907882 - The Geometry of Discrete Groups (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 91)

1203927: ISBN: 1908999217 - Contemporary Cases in Sport: Contemporary Cases Volume One

1164112: ISBN: 1908999497 - Revenue Management for Hospitality and Tourism

1267849: ISBN: 0131652745 - Computer Solutions of Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems (Prentice-Hall series in computational mathematics)

653981: ISBN: 1870280474 - Alan Green: Small paintings, November 4-December 17, 1994

1313360: ISBN: 0126288704 - Mathematical Problem Solving

787805: ISBN: 0521205948 - Psychology and the Political Experience

799597: ISBN: 0198538480 - Algorithmic Learning (Graduate Texts in Computer Science, No 2)

1308398: ISBN: 084123230X - Flow-Induced Structure in Polymers (ACS Symposium Series 597)

627416: ISBN: 0898432111 - Competing Visions: The Nonprofit Sector in the Twenty-First Century (Nonprofit Sector Research Fund Dialogue Series)

679106: ISBN: 0275961516 - From Politics Past to Politics Future: An Integrated Analysis of Current and Emergent Paradigms

1214441: ISBN: 0938909576 - In Quest of Mineral Wealth. Aboriginal and Colonial Mining and Metallurgy in Spanish America. Geoscience and Man, Vol. 33

1208866: ISBN: 8582270623 - "e porque muitos juraram para trair"

681147: ISBN: 0913113107 - In Vitro Toxicology: Approaches to Validation (Alternative Methods in Toxicology Series, Vol 5)

682237: ISBN: 0913113239 - In Vitro Toxicology: New Directions (Alternative Methods in Toxicology Series, Vol 7)

579379: ISBN: 9991900497 - Product Safety Evaluation (Alternative Methods in Toxicology Series, Vol 1)

844484: ISBN: 0913113034 - Acute Toxicity Testing: Alternative Approaches (Alternative Methods in Toxicology Series 2)

675646: ISBN: 0913113549 - In Vitro Toxicology: Mechanisims and New Technology (Alternative Methods in Toxicology-8)

675416: ISBN: 0913113166 - Progress in in Vitro Toxicology (Alternative Methods in Toxicology Series, Vol 6)

384021: ISBN: 0850123232 - Database Management Systems: A Technical Review

735876: ISBN: 0955016002 - Cambridge

442963: ISBN: 0913499587 - Organ Handbook, 1991. OHS National Convention Baltimore, Maryland 8-13 July 1991

442964: ISBN: 0913499595 - Organ Handbook, 1992. OHS National Convention Central Maine 17-22 August 1992

442965: ISBN: 0913499617 - Organ Handbook, 1994. OHS National Convention Connecticut 19-25 June 1994

442967: ISBN: 0913499633 - Organ Handbook, 1996. OHS National Convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 30 June - 6 July 1996

442966: ISBN: 0913499625 - Organ Handbook, 1995. OHS National Convention Lower Michigan 6-12 August 1995

680106: ISBN: 3718655713 - Exploiting Biotechnology

629796: ISBN: 078038170X - Computers in Cardiology Conference Proceedings Sept 21-24, 2003, Thessaloniki Chalkidiki, Greece.

563837: ISBN: 0815512686 - Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Biological Treatment, Wet Air Oxidation, Chemical Fixation, Chemical Oxidation

1280800: ISBN: 1882865049 - NINGYO : Antique Japanese Dolls from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rosen

902736: ISBN: 0050016288 - Educational Finance. Its sources and uses in the United Kingdom

299646: ISBN: 0444869069 - Fronts, Interfaces and Patterns. Proceedings of the Third Annual International Conference of the Center for Nonlinear Studies Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA May 2-6, 1983

861951: ISBN: 0120207753 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 75

861947: ISBN: 0120207834 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 83

864308: ISBN: 0120207591 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 59

861731: ISBN: 0120207702 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 70

862390: ISBN: 0120207648 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 64

584287: ISBN: 0120207605 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 60

584289: ISBN: 0120206293 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 29

1250329: ISBN: 0120207567 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 56

864421: ISBN: 0120207613 - Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 61

883383: ISBN: 0120207532 - ADVANCES IN HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, Volume 53

925815: ISBN: 0120206358 - Advances in Hetrocyclic Chemistry, Volume 35

1303948: ISBN: 0934732019 - Chicago Surface Lines, an Illustrated History: Supplement to the First and Second Editions

253523: ISBN: - Medical & Pediatric Oncology. vols. 19-28, 31 (1991-1998)

615481: ISBN: 0849365716 - Microspheres: Medical and Biological Applications

744165: ISBN: 0415234905 - Transcending Transaction: The Search for Self-Generating Markets (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)

942124: ISBN: 0724702555 - Urban Housing Policy in Papua New Guinea. Monograph, 8

1314578: ISBN: 8126554932 - Kendalls Advanced Theory Of Statistics Sixth Edition Volume 1: Distribution Theory

1309723: ISBN: 080312483X - Oxidative Behavior of Materials by Thermal Analytical Techniques (Astm Special Technical Publication// Stp 1326)

1306942: ISBN: 0130391158 - Applications of Digital Signal Processing

371123: ISBN: 0133219100 - Flow Modelling In Industrial Processes

622888: ISBN: 0816905444 - Advances in Fluidized Systems (Aiche Symposium Series)

601857: ISBN: 0669036374 - Performance administration: Improved responsiveness and effectiveness in public service

711368: ISBN: 0702212415 - New devil: New parish (Paperback poets : 2d series)

656874: ISBN: 0900918101 - Child Labour in South Africa: A General Review (Child labour series)

1291157: ISBN: 093214604X - Space-Time Information Processing

531237: ISBN: 0470200588 - Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology 8

396751: ISBN: 0853123721 - Topics In Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology, Volume 6

1283773: ISBN: 1870326180 - Operation Vantage: British Military Intervention in Kuwait, 1961

752893: ISBN: 0902594370 - Positive Approach to the International Economic Order. Part 2: The Non-Trade Issues (British-North American Committee. Publications, Bd-24)

1229598: ISBN: 9879028422 - La Morada de La Vida (Spanish Edition)

717130: ISBN: 1857543149 - Enigmas and Arrivals: An Anthology of Commonwealth Writing

1166126: ISBN: 0878401059 - Bilingulism and Language Contact

1297665: ISBN: 0878401202 - Languages and Linguistics: The Interdependence of Theory, Data, and Application (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, 1985

1192843: ISBN: 9684963335 - Nayiu xindeku nuu Ndaa Vico Nu'u: Tutua Ka'anxi kuenda sakuni sa sandaa ini nayiu Nuu Dau. Los habitantes del Lugar de las nubes: una minima presentacion de creencias mixtecas

284698: ISBN: 9810215304 - Trends and Developments in Ordinary Differential Equations

1305215: ISBN: 0471816353 - Graph Theory with Applications to Algorithms and Computer Science

1116451: ISBN: 9810218559 - Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications: 1-5 June 1993, Beijing

940870: ISBN: 8821810224 - Censimento Critico dei Manoscritti Plautini. II, Le Biblioteche Italiane. Atti Della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Memorie Serie IX, Volume XXVI, Fascicolo 1

1244521: ISBN: 0822317680 - New Science, New World

1188115: ISBN: 9051993757 - Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (II), (Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics)

1308816: ISBN: 0198854439 - The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology (Oxford Handbooks)

907419: ISBN: 3527283323 - Lipases: Structure, Mechanism and Genetic Engineering (G B F Monographs 16)

1143089: ISBN: 8477821224 - Reencontrar Tarragona (Spanish Edition)

1210164: ISBN: 2200212127 - Les Espagnols dans le Mexique colonial: Histoire d'une acculturation (Cahiers des annales) (French Edition)

1079434: ISBN: 9991170685 - Impressions a Textbook for Selection of Materials and Techniques

1027138: ISBN: 9020114409 - Tussen strand en waterland (Dutch Edition)

825706: ISBN: 0816500754 - Progressions and Other Poems

762769: ISBN: 0677025106 - Theory and Applications of Statistical Wave-period Processing (3 Volumes)

1302235: ISBN: 1124055150 - Modern higher algebra

1235952: ISBN: 0683052063 - Companion guide to surgical diagnosis

1246545: ISBN: 0127521143 - Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 14: Lasers, Junctions, Transport

484183: ISBN: 0404514936 - The House Committee on Foreign Affairs

484184: ISBN: 0404514936 - The House Committee on Foreign Affairs

885247: ISBN: 089785974X - Simulator Training of Nuclear Reactor Operators

393849: ISBN: - Einstein Quarterly. volumes 4; 6-7. (1997-2000)

1256818: ISBN: 3530873691 - Mein Weltbild

847759: ISBN: 9810223536 - Magnetic Neutron Scattering: Proceeding of the Third Summer School on Neutron Scattering : Zuoz, Switzerland 20-26 August 1995

1034247: ISBN: 3875844807 - Geschichte des Schlosses zu Berlin, 2 Bde. in 3 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.1, Die kurfürstliche Zeit bis zum Jahre 1698, 2 Tl.-Bde.

505272: ISBN: 0887365272 - Acid rain: A bibliography of Canadian Federal and Provincial Government Documents

508982: ISBN: 0833737511 - L'influence francaise dans la poesie burlesque en Angleterre entre 1660 et 1700 (Burt Franklin research & source works series, 690. Essays in literature and criticism, 127)

980286: ISBN: 3150076595 - Reclams Literatur Kalender 1996. XLII. Jahrgang (German Edition)

702532: ISBN: - Theoretische Festkorperphysik, Band 1

1247366: ISBN: 389323229X - Mathesis rationis: Festschrift fur Heinrich Schepers (German Edition)

1140072: ISBN: 0674235509 - The Economy of Cyprus

716603: ISBN: 0387542337 - Automata, Languages and Programming: Icalp '91-18th International Colloquium Madrid, Spain, July 8-12, 1991 Proceedings (I C a L P//Automata, Languages, and Programming 510)

648491: ISBN: 0810845946 - Practical Advice for Principals

1316212: ISBN: 0442276613 - Continental rifts (Benchmark papers in geology)

1018593: ISBN: 8820707802 - Ritratto del colonizzato e del colonizzatore

701887: ISBN: - A dictionary of international affairs

1311554: ISBN: 0387722076 - Probability: Vol. 2. Third edition (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)

870128: ISBN: 0881670839 - Toxicity Testing: New Approaches and Applications in Human Risk Assessment

782726: ISBN: 0824769082 - Organic Photochemistry, Vol. 4

516509: ISBN: 0398031495 - Childhood Deprivation

684586: ISBN: 3768900657 - Festschrift fur Detlev W. Schumann zum 70 Geburtstag. Mit Beitragen von Schulern, Freunden und Kollegen

985662: ISBN: 0885360362 - Decouverte et bapteme de l'Amerique

518957: ISBN: 0849364051 - Organization and Replication of Viral DNA

466868: ISBN: 0881731374 - Lighting Efficiency Applications. Second Edition

786536: ISBN: 9023212096 - Accentuation in Dutch: An experimental linguistic study

754905: ISBN: 0807812382 - Gross State Product and Productivity in the Southeast

979014: ISBN: 3905328151 - Albert Walder Fotografien

685662: ISBN: 081550733X - Fire and Flame Retardant Polymers: Recent Developments (Chemical Technology Review, 122)

569809: ISBN: 0815507585 - Industrial Wastewater Cleanup: Recent Developments (Pollution technology review, no. 57)

525499: ISBN: 1550811177 - On-Stage and Off-Stage: English Canadian Drama in Discourse

1120579: ISBN: 2823109579 - Le destin de l'europe: L'Europe de Rome et de Charlemagne.-L'Anarchie Europeenne et l'Expansion Occidental.-La Revolution Francaise et les Nationalites.-Apogee de l'Europe.-La Crise Europeenne.-Solidarite des Peuples d'Europe.

1316349: ISBN: 0674003179 - Time and Chance

1316626: ISBN: 0387922970 - Bayesian Computation with R . Second edition

909151: ISBN: 0881673757 - Biotechnology in Clinical Medicine/1841

717204: ISBN: 3540632204 - Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 8th Annual Symposium, CPM 97, Aarhus, Denmark, June/July 1997. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science v. 1264)

824708: ISBN: 8520908020 - O sequestro dia a dia (Portuguese Edition)


1229217: ISBN: 3037191562 - Higher-Dimensional Generalized Manifolds: Surgery and Constructions (EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics)

751349: ISBN: 8887193126 - Chi ha paura del lupo cattivo? : sulle origini dell'Europa

917013: ISBN: 9187214563 - Alberto Giacometti: Skulpturer Teckningar, Malningar

758253: ISBN: 0521402441 - European Financial Integration


1016221: ISBN: 8843016253 - Antropologia della citta

1283195: ISBN: 2910055906 - Grisailles: Miquel Barcelo

926306: ISBN: 0813204984 - Socio-Economic Change in Latin America (The Proceedings of the Latin American Institute conducted at The Catholic University of America,...1969 and 1969.)

657709: ISBN: 0720406447 - Genetics, environment, and intelligence

1168920: ISBN: 6078368540 - Nueva Espana Insolita: Imaginario y Peculiaridad en el Mundo Novohispano

707990: ISBN: 8496701077 - Taller de Gary Hill y George Quasha marzo de 2006 (Cuadernos de la Catedra Juan Gris)

1138660: ISBN: 8573201126 - A Progenie Brasileira de uma Fachada da Renascenca. The Brazilian Progeny of a Renaissance Facade

1305010: ISBN: 3540422498 - Degradable Aliphatic Polyesters (Advances in Polymer Science, 157)

910400: ISBN: 3857393270 - Molecular Architecture for Degradable Polymers: Molecular Design of Polymeric Materials of Tomorrow. Macromolecular Symposia 130

1266769: ISBN: 0387159983 - Stochastic processes, mathematics and physics: Proceedings of the 1st BiBos-Symposium, held in Bielefeld, West Germany, September 10-15, 1984 (Lecture notes in mathematics 1158)

948981: ISBN: 0387171665 - Stochastic Processes in Classical and Quantum Systems. Proceedings of the 1st Ascona-Como International Conference, Held in Ascona,Ticino (Switzerland),June 24-29,1985. Lecture Notes in Physics 262

1310670: ISBN: 3540769544 - Mathematical Theory of Feynman Path Integrals: An Introduction (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 523) Second Edition

1294730: ISBN: 091865422X - Journeys Through Western Rail History. Colorado Rail Annual No. 22. A Journal of Railroad History in the Rocky Mountain West

617950: ISBN: 0841203881 - Solvent Spun Rayon, Modified Cellulose Fibers and Derivatives. A Symposium sponsored by the Cellulose, Paper, and Textile Division at the 173rd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, La., March 21-23, 1977: ACS Symposium Series 58

1305232: ISBN: 0849345529 - Heterocyclic N-oxides

1313305: ISBN: 0933999151 - The Platonic Doctrines of Albinus

1016861: ISBN: 3453415388 - Der Stil der 50er Jahre. Mobel und ambiente

1017016: ISBN: 3453415396 - Der Stil der 50er Jahre. Design und Kunsthandwerk

1091731: ISBN: 8486763533 - El Diseno de los 80

1302703: ISBN: 0387985700 - Introduction to Large Truncated Toeplitz Matrices (Universitext)

690923: ISBN: 3540035958 - Halbexakte Homotopiefunktoren. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 12

1205200: ISBN: 0892800380 - Faith and Humanism: Engravings and Woodcuts by Albrecht Durer

844034: ISBN: 344313016X - Geomagnetics: Selected Examples and Case Histories (Geoexploration Monographs Series 1)

1126691: ISBN: 3921618096 - Magdalenien-Inventare vom Petersfels: Siedlungsarchaologische Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1974-1976 (Tubinger Monographien zur Urgeschichte) (German Edition)

383511: ISBN: 0817625755 - Numerical Treatment of Eigenvalue Problems. Volume 5

1305153: ISBN: 0231083629 - Enterprise Denied: Origins of the Decline of American Railroads, 1897-1917

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