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275560: ISBN: 0566054809 - The Impact of Working Hours and Other Factors on Production and Employment

293847: ISBN: 0404559042 - A Study of Expenditures and Service in Physical Education. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 904

1309815: ISBN: 0697067602 - Precise Numerical Analysis/Book and Disc, IBM PC

1200346: ISBN: 9085867673 - Rubens's St. Andrew "de los Flamencos" Altarpiece Enframed by a Spanish-Flemish Community

1295159: ISBN: 0989980537 - Bordering the Imaginary: Art from the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and their Diasporas

1316177: ISBN: 0470256982 - Operational Risk Management: A Case Study Approach to Effective Planning and Response

644061: ISBN: - Linguistics and Education. Volumes 1-6

643015: ISBN: - Library and Information Science Research. Volumes 5-16

1316848: ISBN: 0521534291 - Complex Variables. Introduction and Applications. Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. Second edition

1307296: ISBN: 0898711746 - Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transform (SIAM Studies in Applied Mathematics, No. 4)

366861: ISBN: 0669080152 - Project Decision Making in the Public Sector

897919: ISBN: 1898298068 - Molecular biology of haematopoiesis. Volume. 3


1243825: ISBN: 0201024314 - Introduction to Differential Geometry

1277466: ISBN: 3540515984 - Variational and Finite Element Methods: A Symbolic Computation Approach

850783: ISBN: 0819403687 - Selected Papers on Optical Fibers in Medicine (SPIE Milestone Series Vol. MS11HC) (S P I E Milestone Series)

1307245: ISBN: 0300020716 - Selected Papers of Abraham Robinson, Volume 1: Model Theory and Algebra

580215: ISBN: 1574770721 - Options for Remote Monitoring and Control of Small Drinking Water Facilities

1266728: ISBN: 0804704937 - Selected Papers in Statistics and Probability. Edited by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

1175879: ISBN: 354020265X - Innovations in Intelligent Systems. Design, Management and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing

1275804: ISBN: 0393955869 - BLSS, the Berkeley Interactive Statistical System

1160471: ISBN: 0120383616 - Homogeneous Nucleation Theory. The Pretransition Theory of Vapor Condensation. Supplement I, Advances in Theoretical Chemistry

1254878: ISBN: 0841235171 - Supercritical Fluids. Extraction and Pollution Prevention. ACS Symposium Series 670.

1298684: ISBN: 0942344065 - On Morphodynamics. Selected Papers by Ralph Abraham on Models for Pattern Formation Processes, Morphogenesis, and Self-Organizing Systems Showing the Evolution of the Complex Dynamical Systems Concept over a Fifteen Year Period. The Science Frontier Exp

1298683: ISBN: 0942344073 - Complex Dynamical Systems. The Science Frontier Express Series

1308011: ISBN: 0201408406 - Foundations of Mechanics

297843: ISBN: 9031600024 - UT Videam. Contribution to an Understanding of Linguistics. For Pieter Verburg on the occasion of his 70th birthday

353909: ISBN: 0803950381 - The Logic of Organizations

946597: ISBN: 0891580298 - The Changing Economics of World Energy

1276047: ISBN: 0002615010 - The Makepeace Experiment

1191257: ISBN: 0849393558 - Ultrasound in Liquid and Solid Metals

1222835: ISBN: 0471379158 - Pyridine and its Derivatives. Supplement, Part Three (Volume 14)

337572: ISBN: 1852331674 - Business Information Systems - BIS '99

1186221: ISBN: 1566408105 - The Roots of Jazz-1995 Calendar

1313280: ISBN: 0916458881 - A Prayer for the Government: Ukrainians and Jews in Revolutionary Times, 1917-1920 (Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies)

1130506: ISBN: 0412076608 - Coulometric Analysis

1315890: ISBN: 0521021758 - The B-Book: Assigning Programs to Meanings

1244878: ISBN: 3957632935 - The film will always be you

1244871: ISBN: 0958486093 - End of the World

1203022: ISBN: 148996374X - Semiconducting II-VI, IV-VI, and V-VI Compounds

1308363: ISBN: 3540136940 - Multiphase Migration of Organic Compounds in a Porous Medium: A Mathematical Model (Lecture Notes in Engineering, 8)

1293210: ISBN: 3031407504 - IT Applications for Sustainable Living (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

1307081: ISBN: 0387966005 - Complexity in Information Theory

1300751: ISBN: 069706753X - Computer Simulation of Dynamic Systems

1019949: ISBN: 915543472X - African Art. An Aesthetic Inquiry (Aesthetica Upsaliensia, 6)

1260778: ISBN: 8880163515 - Intorno a Poussin. Ideale classico e epopea barocca tra Parigi e Roma

380229: ISBN: - Cellular Immunology. vols. 1-72

380230: ISBN: - Cellular Immunology. vols. 1-71, lacking vol. 65

393142: ISBN: - Computer Vision and Image Understanding. vols. 25, 27-29, 31-36, 41-42, 45-46, 50, 61, 65-69, 72-80

393459: ISBN: - Journal of Algebra. vols. 2-3, 5-15, 17-21 (1965-1970)

389961: ISBN: - Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology. vols. 55-56, 58-78

1052895: ISBN: 3727818026 - Freiburger Geschichtsblatter 93-2016

375176: ISBN: - Bulletin de l'Academie de Medecine. Series II: vols. 10-13, 17-22, 25-64, 66-74, 77-79, 81, 82, 89-98, 101-106, 108-123, 130-131, 133-139, 141

326933: ISBN: - Fondation Eugene Piot: Monuments et Memoires, etc. Vols. 49-58

612398: ISBN: - Dacia: Revue d'Archaeologie et d'Histoire Ancienne. Vols. 23-26, 28-29 (1979-1982)

309358: ISBN: 0792332040 - Mechatronic Design in Textile Engineering. NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences, Volume 279

1130768: ISBN: 3838364961 - Sodium Amide-Sodium Tetrahydridoborate System: A Potential Hydrogen Storage Material

940143: ISBN: 8821810313 - Lectio Brevis. Anno Accademico 2009-2010. Memorie Serie IX, Volume XXVI, Fascicolo 3

873072: ISBN: 8821808807 - Archaeometry in Europe in the Third Millennium : Convegno Internazionale, Roma, 29-30 Marzo 2001. (Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare "Beniamino Segre" ; n. 105)

871871: ISBN: 884951574X - Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti (Classe di Lettere, Filosofia e Belle Arti. Volume LXXXIV. Anno Accademico CCLXXIX)

1297709: ISBN: 3540129154 - Quantum Probability and Applications to the Quantum Theory of Irreversible Processes: Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Villa ... 1982 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1055)

1263839: ISBN: 3540419284 - Quantum Theory and Its Stochastic Limit

1255904: ISBN: 354018919X - Quantum Probability and Applications III: Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, FRG, January 25-31, 1987 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1303)

1063777: ISBN: 1607260786 - Guide to Occupational Exposure Values

1102254: ISBN: 3211812342 - A Theory of Elasticity with Microstructure for Directionally Reinforced Composites. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures, No. 167

1189995: ISBN: 9024734282 - Solid mechanics research for quantitative non-destructive evaluation. Proceedings of the ONR Symposium on Solid Mechanics Research for QNDE, ... Evanston, IL, September 18-20, 1985

913731: ISBN: 3931768724 - EDVARD MUNCH. Die Graphik im Berliner Kupferstichkabinett

1176235: ISBN: 0929590058 - Jane Stanley, her life and work

1026454: ISBN: 8885918611 - Liturgie, ethique et peuple de Dieu : conferences... by Achille M Triacca Liturgie, ethique et peuple de Dieu : conferences Saint-Serge, XXXVIIe Semaine d'etudes liturgiques, Paris, 26-29 juin 1990

1301601: ISBN: 0471963380 - Switching Theory, Architectures and Performance in Broadband ATM Networks

846909: ISBN: 0895730391 - Transition Metal Chemistry: Current Problems of General, Biological and Catalytical Relevance

973461: ISBN: 3379003409 - Zeitverkurzer. Deutsche Anekdoten aus funf Jahrhunderten

400826: ISBN: 0444897801 - Computational Systems Analysis 1992: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation August 25-28, 1992, Berlin, G

1314105: ISBN: 019503743X - The Nature of Explanation

1068622: ISBN: 0970727828 - What Were You Thinking?

1224994: ISBN: 8488942044 - Entre el feudalismo y el Islam: Umar Ibn Hafsun en los historiadores, en las fuentes y en la historia (Coleccion MartiÌ?nez de Mazas) (Spanish Edition)

1267216: ISBN: 0136317715 - Real-Time Signal Processing: Design and Implemen- Tation of Signal Processing Systems

1311392: ISBN: 0988894548 - Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, Series V

574450: ISBN: 0815509340 - Destruction and Disposal of PCBs by Thermal and Non-Thermal Methods.

1305519: ISBN: 0688032869 - Wife of Light

1303021: ISBN: 0387156100 - Sampled-Data Control Systems. Analysis and Synthesis, Robust System Design

865364: ISBN: 0974365610 - Three Sides to a Sheet of Paper: How Prints Communicate, Represent, and Transform (1482-2002)

418433: ISBN: 1581139543 - Multimodal Interface. Sixth International Conference, ICMI '04

534079: ISBN: 1595932909 - Assets 2006. The Eighth International ACM Sigaccess Conference on Computers & Accessibility, Oct 23-25, 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA

534080: ISBN: 1595935436 - CASES 2006: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems 2006.

534084: ISBN: 1595933433 - SenSys '06. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2006. Boulder, Colorado, USA.

542577: ISBN: 1581138547 - Proceedings of the 2004 Multimedia and Security Workshop, Magdeburg, Germany, September 20-21, 2004: Mm&sec'04

709612: ISBN: 0201322315 - Object Technology, Naturally: Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, October 5-9, 1997 : Oopsla'97 Atlanta : Conference Proceedings

1282194: ISBN: 0820113131 - Darkness Discovered (Satans Stratagems)

1033801: ISBN: 999254614X - Ne'epyahu, Juehegua ha Juehegua'y: Guarani (Spanish Edition)

392996: ISBN: - Balliere's Clinical Rheumatology. Vols. 2-7

870979: ISBN: 2735502929 - Villes d'eaux: historie du thermalisme

1245012: ISBN: 1911282921 - A History of Photography at the University of Notre Dame: 2 volume set

1057205: ISBN: 2850970530 - Un Clerge Parallele?: Etude socio-juridique de l'activite des laics dans l'Eglise catholique en France et aux Pays-Bas (Recherches Institutionnelles, 20. Droit et eglises) (French Edition)

1293850: ISBN: 0374961646 - The Black Death and Rural Northamptonshire Under the Commonwealth (Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History, Vol. 5)

854727: ISBN: 1605660647 - Cases on Managing E-Services (Premier Reference Source)

1036038: ISBN: 1609606078 - Developing Technologies in E-Services, Self-Services, and Mobile Communication: New Concepts

823241: ISBN: 9652222518 - ha-Oman ki-demut be-tsiyure alilah: Deyoknaot atsmiyim shel omanim mi-Merkaz Italyah ba-meot ha-14 veha-15 (Hebrew Edition) (The Artist as a Character in Narrative Paintings: Self-Portraits from the 14th and 15th centuries in Central Italy)

1315524: ISBN: 0521119227 - Algebraic Theories: A Categorical Introduction to General Algebra (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Series Number 184)

805761: ISBN: 0874042860 - Jose Cisneros: Immigrant Artist (Southwestern Studies)

1251405: ISBN: 0470003782 - Strange Particles

1313996: ISBN: 111885800X - The Liquidity Risk Management Guide: From Policy to Pitfalls (The Wiley Finance Series)

1314649: ISBN: 0195336011 - Ritual and Its Consequences: An Essay on the Limits of Sincerity

748573: ISBN: 0889620954 - The Communist States in the Era of Detente

1294432: ISBN: 0931988047 - 8080 Programming for Logic Design

1262298: ISBN: 9630107333 - The problems of contents didactics and aesthetics of modern museum exhibitions

1316184: ISBN: 0470034963 - Handbook of Asset and Liability Management: From Models to Optimal Return Strategies

1110085: ISBN: 3540541977 - Herbicide Resistance _ Brassinosteroids, Gibberellins, Plant Growth Regulators (Chemistry of Plant Protection)

1143351: ISBN: 0898380383 - Productivity Analysis at the Organizational Level (Studies in Productivity Analysis)

1150600: ISBN: 0387607382 - Electronic Commerce. Current Research Issues and Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1028)

1023585: ISBN: 0730520757 - New South Wales rainforests: The nomination for the world heritage list

1109100: ISBN: 354010805X - Organic Chemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry 97)

1259764: ISBN: 0120440806 - Chemical and Biological Generation of Excited States

875701: ISBN: 3201008575 - Farah and Southwestern Afghanistan. (Historical and Political Gazetteer of Afghanistan, Volume 2)

1297976: ISBN: 9027714592 - Theory of Mathematical Structures

478469: ISBN: 0836931920 - Amouretta Landscape and Other Stories (1922)

1314422: ISBN: 0826411843 - The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. Tenth Anniversary Edition

1286760: ISBN: 0674204034 - Diary of Charles Francis Adams, Volume 7 & 8: June 1836 - February 1840 (Adams Papers)

1290230: ISBN: 0877227845 - Metaphysics of Self and World: Toward a Humanistic Philosophy

1299511: ISBN: 902770631X - The Logic of Conditionals: An Application of Probability to Deductive Logic (Synthese Library, 86)

1076471: ISBN: 0942614208 - The Arvin Gottlieb Collection: Painters of Taos and Santa Fe

1316426: ISBN: 0226005240 - Stable Homotopy and Generalized Homology;Chicago Lectures in Mathematics

1307382: ISBN: 0691082065 - Infinite Loop Spaces. Hermann Weyl Lectures, The Institute for Advanced Study (Annals of Mathematics Studies, 90)

298903: ISBN: 0404003540 - New England's Prospect: 1933. American Geographical Society Special Publication No. 16

1296548: ISBN: 0806139811 - Class and Race in the Frontier Army: Military Life in the West, 1870-1890

297825: ISBN: 0837163730 - Workers and Industrical Change. A Case Study of Labor Mobility. Cornell Studies in Industrial and Labor Relations, Volume 8

478556: ISBN: 0306437112 - Optical Fibres and Sources for Communications

1190167: ISBN: 0534063306 - Measure Theory and Probability (The Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Mathematics Series)

924580: ISBN: 0850660157 - The Properties of Liquid Metals. Proceedings of an International Conference held at Brookhaven...Applied Physics

1243131: ISBN: 1138601098 - Communications/Media/Geographies (Routledge Studies in Human Geography)

473824: ISBN: 0939738058 - The Rampaging Herd: A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on Men and Events in the Cattle Industry

1295980: ISBN: 0939738066 - Six-Guns and Saddle Leather: A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on Western Outlaws and Gunmen

1308036: ISBN: 1443730548 - Electromagnetic Theory

293858: ISBN: 0405054173 - Population, Land Values and Government

1310691: ISBN: 0471148733 - Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. Sixth edition

1284744: ISBN: 0521286581 - Introduction to Field Theory Second Edition

1315795: ISBN: 1580531695 - Ew 101: A First Course in Electronic Warfare (Artech House Radar Library (Hardcover))

1213379: ISBN: 9968899240 - Denominaciones y retroscopias = Denominations and retroscopies

1294496: ISBN: 3540086625 - Topological Vector Spaces. The Theory Without Convexity Conditions. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 639

1033187: ISBN: 8571649200 - A Outra Margem do Ocidente (Portuguese Edition)

1270317: ISBN: 0412110407 - Introduction to Optimization Methods (Chapman and Hall Mathematics Series)

876385: ISBN: 1879886332 - Point of view: Landscapes From the Addison Collection: October 16 through December 20, 1992: Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts

530079: ISBN: 1258524759 - Parts and Prices for Model F1 Addressograph

510985: ISBN: 0090886208 - Nigerian Administration and its Political Setting

888455: ISBN: 1468188895 - The Insignificant Facete

943176: ISBN: 8448204867 - Dibujos Valencianos Del Siglo XVII

390931: ISBN: 0815324634 - New Game, New Rules: Jobs, Corporate America, and the Information Age (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor)

893632: ISBN: 0872626407 - Parallel and Distributed Processing in Structural Engineering: Proceedings of a Session

1048376: ISBN: 8461270924 - Ciencia & esencia: cuadernos de conservacion y tecnologia del arte = Science & essence: conservation and arte technology notebooks

1271555: ISBN: 0821836765 - Recent Developments in Algebraic Topology: Conference to Celebrate Sam Gitler's 70th Birthday, Algebraic Topology, December 3-6, 2003, San Miguel Allende, Mexico (Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 407)

972492: ISBN: 8180430979 - India and Her Diaspora in the South Pacific

1217326: ISBN: 0120442736 - Dynamical Collision Theory and Its Applications

803681: ISBN: 9057026112 - Sports Medicine for Coaches and Athletes: Baseball (Vol. 2)

711477: ISBN: 9652783048 - Focus on the Collection: Henry Moore

372735: ISBN: - Biodrugs. vols. 7, 9-10 (1997-1998)

1183214: ISBN: 0962119423 - Gift of Grief

1306580: ISBN: 3540553088 - Primality Testing and Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1512)

948386: ISBN: 0306420767 - Tetrahedrally-Bonded Amorphous Semiconductors (Institute for Amorphous Studies Series)

915598: ISBN: 3527299025 - Advanced Polymeric Materials. Macromolecular Symposia, Volume 142

1316649: ISBN: 0817639519 - A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails. Statistical Techniques and Applications

1310398: ISBN: 0917001214 - Moroles Granite Sculpture

958247: ISBN: 3486642529 - One Hundred Years after the Discovery of Radioactivity

671659: ISBN: 0160512166 - Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics, March 31, 2002

1033164: ISBN: 1617192635 - Die Uberlieferung der Griechischen Apologeten des 2 Jahrhunderts in der alten Kirche und im Mittelalter (Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature, 2)

1030472: ISBN: 1607242729 - Die Hellenisierung des Semitischen Monotheismus (Analecta Gorgiana, 179)

1016930: ISBN: 161719283X - Drei wenig beachtete Cyprianische Schirften und die "Acta Pauli" (Analecta Gorgiana, 555)

1017610: ISBN: 1617192686 - Der pseudocyprianische Tractat De Aleatoribus die alteste lateinische-christliche Scrift, ein Werk des romischen Bischofs Victor II (saec[ulum] II (Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature 13)

1306444: ISBN: 3805312458 - Bautechnik der Antike: Internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 15.-17. Februar 1990 (Diskussionen zur archaologischen Bauforschung) (German Edition)

1268457: ISBN: 0920698522 - Letters from Cuba: Simple Living with Vintage Cars Old Trains and Friendly People

743499: ISBN: 3486226592 - Betriebswirtschaftliche Optimierung. Einfuhrung in die quantitative Betriebswirtschaftslehre. 4., durchgesehene Auflage

825908: ISBN: 9706940146 - Cronicas de los viajeros de la ciudad

675773: ISBN: 9703207987 - La Dificil Construccion De Una Utopia / The Difficult Building Of A Utopia (Spanish Edition)

1281500: ISBN: 0120443708 - Stochastic systems, Volume 169 (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)

1313002: ISBN: 0120443759 - Nonlinear Stochastic Operator Equations

1033475: ISBN: 1556192460 - The Acquisition of Mauritian Creole (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders)

898625: ISBN: 3805560346 - Selective Immunosuppression: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications (Chemical Immunology and Allergy) (v. 60)

1302163: ISBN: 0804745285 - Metaphysics: Concept and Problems

1242614: ISBN: 2902808003 - Vapeur ... pour des trains (French Edition)

981219: ISBN: 9074694136 - Paul Joostens 1889 - 1960 [manuscripts - essays]

980028: ISBN: 8492579374 - La misma imagen a traves de los dias. Socius II

742984: ISBN: 0720610028 - The Making of the Professional Actor

1134998: ISBN: 0122197402 - Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis Using Discrete Sources

967656: ISBN: 0956911617 - The Touch of the Oracle. Michael Petry. Works 2003/12

701036: ISBN: 0391010271 - Choice, class, and conflict: A study of Southern Nigerian factory workers (Humanities studies in African political economy)

1296421: ISBN: 0952370700 - Art of Daoyin

602183: ISBN: 0867290110 - Electronic Document Delivery: The Artemis Concept (Communications Library)

717412: ISBN: 3540561889 - Distributed Algorithms: 6th International Workshop, WDAG '92, Haifa, Israel, November 2-4, 1992. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 647)

745396: ISBN: 3908440211 - Trajectory determination and analysis in sports by satellite and inertial navigation (Geodatisch-geophysikalische Arbeiten in der Schweiz, Volume 77)

456872: ISBN: 0444819177 - Pediatric Dermatology: The World's Reality in the Children's Skin. International Congress Series 1073

883526: ISBN: 3540568794 - Laser Techniques and Applications in Fluid Mechanics. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-23 July, 1992

1179656: ISBN: 9683698085 - La restauracion de la ceramica olmeca de San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Veracruz: Teoria y practica

1157128: ISBN: 8820313448 - Cronologia, Cronografia e Calendario Perpetu. Quinta Edizione

1004416: ISBN: 8880661809 - Diritti Umani. Riflessioni e Prospettive Antropologiche

1033775: ISBN: 1441947817 - Coalition Formation and Social Choice. een wetenschappelijke proeve op het gebied van de sociale wetenschappen, in het bijzonder de politicologie. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Katholieke Universiteit van Nijmegen, volgens

1305257: ISBN: 0713120029 - The Acridines Their Preparation Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties and Uses. Second edition

1008886: ISBN: 2249611297 - trois femmes devant le seigneur

1008883: ISBN: 224961122X - Jean le discours d'adieu. Tome I: meditations sur les chapitres 13 - 14 de l'Evangile selon Saint Jean

1008882: ISBN: 2249611270 - Jean le Discours d'Adieu. Tome II: meditations sur les chapitres 15 - 17 de l'Evangile selon Saint Jean (French Edition)

793994: ISBN: 0412710900 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support: The Practical Approach, second edition

1224877: ISBN: 0125142501 - Generalized Inverses and Applications (Publication No. 32 of the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin--Madison)

1144421: ISBN: 1932078819 - Recent Advances in Textile Composites: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Textile Composites, October 13-15, 2008 (TEXCOMP9)

479095: ISBN: 0120444208 - Problems in Nutrition Research Today

971756: ISBN: 9657625017 - The Permit Regime: Human Rights Violations in West Bank Areas Known As the "Seam Zone"

1310736: ISBN: 3786124817 - Ionische Altare: Formen und Varianten einer Architekturgattung aus Insel- und Ostionien. Archaologische Forschungen, Bd. 21

1315793: ISBN: 0674991613 - Aeschylus II: Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, Eumenides, Fragments (Loeb Classical Library #146)

1007251: ISBN: 8778510163 - Solvsnoren : Egns-, Slaegts- Og Samfundsskildring Fra Hundborg I Thy 1912-1942

1261246: ISBN: 0792358007 - Topological Effects in Quantum Mechanics (Fundamental Theories of Physics, 107)

948313: ISBN: 1560720638 - Physical Methods in Chemistry

1312449: ISBN: 3031672097 - A New Lotka-Volterra Model of Competition With Strategic Aggression: Civil Wars When Strategy Comes Into Play (Frontiers in Mathematics)

875772: ISBN: 3907010507 - Mit Pikasso macht man Kasso. Kunst und Kunstwelt im Comic. Herausgegeben von Cuno Affolter, Urs Hangartner, Martin Heller. Museum fur Gestaltung Zurich, 23. Mai-22. Juli 1990.

1049341: ISBN: 1583813233 - At The Edge Of The Universe: Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys: Proceedings of a Meeting Held at Sintra, Portugal, 9-13 October 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 380

1266202: ISBN: 1681730316 - Answering Queries Using Views (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management)

494352: ISBN: - The Proceedings of the African Classical Associations. Volumes 1-10, 1958-1967

1237293: ISBN: 0821409425 - Differential Equations and Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Differential Equations Columbus. TWO VOLUMES

886903: ISBN: 9283506618 - Special Course on Skin Friction Drag Reduction (AGARD REPORT 786)

1118476: ISBN: 0387123261 - Stochastic Processes Formalism and Applications. Proceedings of the Winter School held at the University of Hyderabad, India, December 15-24, 1982. Lecture Notes in Physics 184

1077491: ISBN: 3662150352 - Microbial Bioproducts (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology) (Volume 41)

1105667: ISBN: 3110095580 - Principles of Recepterology

945829: ISBN: 9810214375 - Contributions in Numerical Mathematics. World Scientific Series in Applicable Analysis, Volume 2

1302241: ISBN: 0521802504 - Fixed Point Theory and Applications (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 141)

1297566: ISBN: 0387791450 - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: With Special Functions, Fourier Series, and Boundary Value Problems (Universitext)

1314106: ISBN: 1118203135 - Capital Structure Decisions: Evaluating Risk and Uncertainty

1246068: ISBN: 0882060732 - An introduction to philosophy: The siblinghood of humanity

331388: ISBN: 0669046574 - Comparing the Work Attitudes of Women and Men

1241206: ISBN: 0792343433 - Philosophy of Mathematics Today (Episteme, 22)

1297789: ISBN: 9027711372 - Modern Logic - A Survey: Historical, Philosophical and Mathematical Aspects of Modern Logic and its Applications (Synthese Library, 149)

1158775: ISBN: 9027714584 - Cloud Dynamics: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Third General Assembly of IAMAP, Hamburg, West Germany, 17-28 August, 1981 (Advances in Earth and Planetary Sciences)

1315399: ISBN: 331954764X - Outlier Ensembles. An Introduction

1315326: ISBN: 3319296574 - Recommender Systems: The Textbook

1044044: ISBN: 0080362117 - Specialty Polymers & Polymer Processing, The Synthesis, Characterization, Reactions & Applications of Polymers. Volume 7: Specialty Polymers & Polymer Processing

1222861: ISBN: 0849356415 - Controlled Release Technologies: Methods, Theory, and Applications: Volume I

582841: ISBN: 8589785068 - Amelia Toledo: as Naturezas do Artificio

916371: ISBN: 8588728036 - Geracao Da Virada: 10+1: Os Anos Recentes Da Arte Brasileira: Exposicao 7 Outubro - 26 Novembre 2006 = the Turn Generation 10 + 1: Brazilian Art in Recent Years: Exhibition 7 October - 26 November 2006

1114521: ISBN: 9171925996 - Arkeologi i Sverige 1981

1245735: ISBN: 9639279838 - Colour Matters

479073: ISBN: 0865316228 - International Minerals. A National Perspective. AAAS Selected Symposium, No. 90

1267032: ISBN: 0226010511 - Place and Politics in Modern Italy (Volume 243) (University of Chicago Geography Research Papers)

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