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572548: ISBN: 0816906157 - Current and Potential Future Industrial Practices for Reducing and Controlling Volatile Organic Compounds

410645: ISBN: 0820303372 - Polish politics in transition: The camp of national unity and the struggle for power, 1935-1939

542551: ISBN: 0762312971 - Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 23

1310801: ISBN: 0471819794 - Black Carbon in the Environment: Properties and distribution (Environmental Science & Technology)

948597: ISBN: 0306368072 - Methods in Membrane Biology, Volume 7

1069225: ISBN: 2890881059 - Pour s'aimer toujours - Moyens concrets d'assurer une relation amoureuse durable

741410: ISBN: 0855161604 - Anglo-German Relations in Security and Defence, Taking Stock (Rusi Whitehall Paper Series 1996,)

987847: ISBN: 0824710541 - Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. Volume 5

989220: ISBN: 0824761723 - Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. Volume 7

703068: ISBN: - The League of Nations

819574: ISBN: 0398053049 - Professionals and Their Work in the Family Divorce Court

1316546: ISBN: 0070598835 - Algebraic Topology

1298738: ISBN: 0821812297 - Twisted Polynomial Hyperalgebras (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)

969747: ISBN: 0476005515 - Ian Scott. The Model Series Paintings, 1996-2004

914029: ISBN: 0901673587 - Coming Soon...

678729: ISBN: 0811826074 - The Hebrew Alphabet Stamp Kit

1200296: ISBN: 1561494801 - Edward Hopper 1996

1311486: ISBN: 3540969195 - Polynomials (Problem Books in Mathematics)

1104583: ISBN: 089852394X - Blade Coating Defect Terminology

1296518: ISBN: 0691652147 - Integration

1306904: ISBN: 0691095825 - Order-Preserving Maps and Integration Processes. (AM-31) (Annals of Mathematics Studies)

1187783: ISBN: 0892800526 - Movements in Stillness: The Still-Life Paintings of Edgar Soberon

611381: ISBN: 0398029660 - Drug resistance in antimicrobial therapy (American lecture series, publication no. 923. A monograph in the Bannerstone division of American lectures in living chemistry)

1313870: ISBN: 0865542015 - Fiction Distorting Fact: The Prison Life

649592: ISBN: 3527307087 - IUPAC 10th International Symposium on Macromolecule-Metal Complexes (MMC-10, Moscow) held in Moscow-Kostroma-Moscow, Russia May 18-23, 2003.

1283460: ISBN: 1163581208 - The Alchemical Writings of Edward Kelly

780317: ISBN: 0841203334 - Antihypertensive agents: A symposium sponsored by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry at the 169th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, Penn., April 8, 1975 (ACS symposium series ; 27)

918957: ISBN: 0080230253 - Addiction Research and Treatment: Converging Trends : Proceedings of the First Annual Coatesville-Jefferson Conference on Addiction

1304403: ISBN: 1891480049 - The Ushers

1288044: ISBN: 0966566262 - Of Pigs and Spiders. With an introduction by A. B. Frater

505953: ISBN: - Discovery: A Monthly Popular Journal of Knowledge. vols. 4-13, 1923-1932

874287: ISBN: 0727730991 - Reservoir Engineering: Guidelines for Practice

565953: ISBN: 0323021182 - Year Book of Surgery 2005

368055: ISBN: 0323015492 - The Year Book of Surgery 2001

842078: ISBN: 0824782887 - Irritant Contact Dermatitis (Basic and Clinical Dermatology)

741278: ISBN: 0871696673 - Recurrent themes and sequences in North American Indian-European culture contact (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Volume 66, Part 7)

806278: ISBN: 1932066012 - Retirement Insecurity: The Income Shortfalls Awaiting the Soon-to-Retire

1306599: ISBN: 0691084556 - Predicative Arithmetic (Mathematical Notes, No 32)

1315691: ISBN: 0534255183 - An Introduction to Stochastic Processes

383668: ISBN: 0262080176 - Experiments on a Simulated Underdeveloped Economy : Development Plans and Balance of Payments Policies

1058404: ISBN: 082478927X - Digital Image Processing Methods (Optical Engineering)

1315722: ISBN: 0961392126 - Visual Explanations. Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative

1315721: ISBN: 0961392118 - Envisioning Information

1290462: ISBN: 0913692107 - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, President Van Buren & Brom

741025: ISBN: 0262181037 - Biomedical Innovation (Health and Public Policy)

244382: ISBN: - American Journal of Science. Series III: vols. 4-50, lacking vols. 22-23, 31, 34, & 43

645602: ISBN: 1578867665 - A School by Every Other Name: Culture X and Public Education

504791: ISBN: 0433290404 - Art and the full prosthesis

675771: ISBN: 1590336178 - Focus on Terrorism, Volume 6

702489: ISBN: - A new machine for concentrating Minnesota wash ores, (The University of Minnesota. Minnesota school of mines. Experiment station. Bulletin, No. 6)

595176: ISBN: 9992374616 - Synthesis and Properties of New Catalysts: Utilization of Novel Materials Components and Synthetic Techniques: Extended Abstracts 24

65830: ISBN: 1111152918 - Language Learning: The Individual and the Process. International Journal of American Linguistics, Volume 32, Number 1, Part II

678120: ISBN: 0773465758 - The Magazine Sources for Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays, and Poetical Mr. Addison: (London 1794-1797, Volume 27) (Studies in British & American Magazines)

669910: ISBN: 0819437794 - Photonics for Space Environments, VII. Proceedings of SPIE, 31 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA

431216: ISBN: 083695369X - Cooperation in New England

569328: ISBN: 1432683098 - If Love Were King And Other Poems

819815: ISBN: 9221029115 - Workforce Reductions in Undertakings Policies and Measures for the Protection of Redundant Workers in Seven Industrialized Market Economy Countries

392704: ISBN: 0404702252 - A Vindication of Providence, Or, a True Estimate of Human Life (Second Edition, 1728). The Augustan Reprint Society, Publication Number 225-226

1132909: ISBN: 3639230736 - The Rejection of Natural Science Approaches to Psychotherapy: Philosophical Issues

271032: ISBN: 0444874283 - Design Methodologies for VLSI and Computer Architecture

1308815: ISBN: 0415369886 - The Nubian Past

1310459: ISBN: 0750691859 - Interfacial Transport Processes and Rheology (Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Chemical Engineering)

944541: ISBN: 0833710028 - Bibliography of the History of Agriculture in the United States

368250: ISBN: 0470217561 - Building Knowledge-Based Systems towards a Methodology

245612: ISBN: 1573580600 - The Wrath of Almighty God. Edited by Don Kistler

1310590: ISBN: 0872013227 - Handbook of Geothermal Energy

874241: ISBN: 0727720988 - Civil Engineering Insurance & Bonding (Engineering Management (London, England).)

352647: ISBN: 9810227396 - Analogue Imprecision in MLP Training. Progress in Neural Processing, Volume 4

1288857: ISBN: 0521097177 - Integration and Harmonic Analysis on Compact Groups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 8)

1307323: ISBN: 0387905138 - A Formal Background to Mathematics 2a: A Critical Approach to Elementary Analysis (Universitext)

1307091: ISBN: 3540905138 - A Formal Background to Mathematics: A Critical Approach to Elementary Analysis. 2b

1306898: ISBN: 038790431X - A Formal Background to Mathematics: Logic, Sets and Numbers (Universitext)

1307295: ISBN: 354090431X - A Formal Background to Higher Mathematics: Logic, Sets and Numbers

1250265: ISBN: 0030620007 - Fourier Series: A Modern Introduction. Volume 1 (Athena)

1305461: ISBN: 0387904123 - Fourier Series, a Modern Introduction, Volume 1 (Springer Advanced Texts in Life Sciences)

499953: ISBN: - The Colorado Editor and the Inter-Mountain Press. Volumes 5 through 8

393129: ISBN: - Contemporary Psychology. vols. 2-3, 5-22, 24, 29-43

402338: ISBN: 0914278029 - Shake a spear with me, John Berryman: New poems and a play

844003: ISBN: 0841224560 - Catalysis in Polymer Synthesis (Acs Symposium Series 496)

541549: ISBN: 0313283613 - Planning Second Generation Automated Library Systems. The Greenwood Library Management Collection

423421: ISBN: 3510651170 - System Und Phylogenie Der Lebewesen. Band 1: Physikalische, Chemische und Biologische Evolution

1260149: ISBN: 0471816663 - Atlas of selected oil and gas reservoir rocks from North America: A color guidebook to the petrology of selected oil and gas reservoir rocks from the United States and Canada

1236160: ISBN: 0677013302 - Singularities of Smooth Maps

834868: ISBN: 9514709276 - Information technology and structural change in local cultures: Finland's contribution to the European Joint Study of UNESCO on the Role of Communication ... the Finnish National Commission for Unesco no. 39)

398949: ISBN: 0792396812 - High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications

1139070: ISBN: 0821816063 - Differential Geometry and Calculus of Variations (American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 1, Volume 6)

1311070: ISBN: 0828530696 - Mathematical Analysis (Advanced Topics). Part 1: General Functional Series and Their Application

1273987: ISBN: 0849337836 - Optical Constants of Inorganic Glasses (The CRC Press Laser and Optical Science and Technology)

1302344: ISBN: 9991705562 - Higher Geometry

553098: ISBN: 8489303371 - En las fronteras del mercado: Economia politica del campesinado en el Peru (Serie Analisis economico)

645673: ISBN: 9507551131 - Fray Mamerto Esquiu (1826-1883): Cronica de una celestial esperanza (Coleccion Grandes figuras del catolicismo en la Argentina)

1310622: ISBN: 1108823416 - Computer Age Statistical Inference, Student Edition: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs, Series Number 6)

1314342: ISBN: 1107149894 - Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs, Series Number 5)

1213161: ISBN: 0828532915 - Physics and Geometry of Disorder. Percolation Theory

1105733: ISBN: 0306477513 - Semiconductor Nanocrystals: From Basic Principles to Applications (Nanostructure Science and Technology)

1268586: ISBN: 0195024591 - Educational Development

678737: ISBN: 3515079416 - Unbegrenzte Moglichkeiten: Amerikanisierung in Deutschland und Frankreich (1900-1933) (Transatlantische Historische Studien (THS)) (German Edition)

1229109: ISBN: 0884101754 - Health Cost Management and Medical Practice Patterns (Industry and Health Care, Vol.2)

1311366: ISBN: 3030712494 - Lessons in Enumerative Combinatorics (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 290)

1287956: ISBN: 0198517505 - An Introduction to the Liquid State. Second edition (Oxford Series on Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter 7)

1315184: ISBN: 0367877848 - Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Design (Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks)

349545: ISBN: 090500552X - British Sporting and Animal Drawings c.1500-1850. Sport in Art and Books

970462: ISBN: 3258036152 - Der Ursprung der Erziehungsziele in der Lehre von Plato, Aristoteles und Neill. Eine philosophische Orientierungshilfe in der Kulturproblematik (German Edition)

1314521: ISBN: 0387402675 - Maximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation: Volume II: Regression (Springer Series in Statistics)

1309666: ISBN: 0521317150 - Stopping Time Techniques for Analysts and Probabilists (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 100)

1316045: ISBN: 0791455467 - How the World Became a Stage: Presence, Theatricality, and the Question of Modernity

1312798: ISBN: 0521077346 - Convexity (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, No. 47)

46495: ISBN: 0576722634 - Pontificium Doctum, seu, Vitae, res gestae, obitus, aliaque scitu ac memoratu digna summorum pontificum Romanorum

717421: ISBN: 354059132X - Recent Trends in Data Type Specification: 10th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types Joint with the 5th COMPASS Workshop, S. Margherita, Italy, ... Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 906)

1264728: ISBN: 887694348X - Alessandria: Citta militare nel 17. secolo

987877: ISBN: 884352352X - Storie di viaggiatori italiani. Le Americhe.

415754: ISBN: 0391024639 - Strindbergian Drama: Themes and Structure

1312456: ISBN: 9819706173 - Second-Order Photogalvanic Photocurrents in 2D Materials (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

1124285: ISBN: 2762120861 - Au Service de la Mission: Des Ministeres varies et Solidaires

1126200: ISBN: 2204050350 - Directoire pour l'application des principes et des normes sur l'oecumenisme


712244: ISBN: 354051659X - CSL'88: 2nd Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Duisburg, FRG, October 3-7, 1988. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 385)

716588: ISBN: 3540569928 - Computer Science Logic: 6th Workshop, CSL'92, San Miniato, Italy, September 28 - October 2, 1992. Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 702)

716561: ISBN: 3540527532 - CSL '89: 3rd Workshop on Computer Science Logic. Kaiserslautern, FRG, October 2-6, 1989. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 440)

394705: ISBN: - International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. volumes 6-10; 12; 14-17. (1990-2001)

779953: ISBN: - Technik-Worterbuch. Umweltschutztechnik. Mit etwa 14 000 Wortstellen. second edition

1219721: ISBN: 3922362141 - 40 Years After German Geography Developments, Trends and Prospects 1952-1992

1308805: ISBN: 9061916798 - Morphodynamics Wadden Sea

1172486: ISBN: 3540561803 - Relativistic Gravity Research: With Emphasis on Experiments and Observations (Lecture Notes in Physics 410)

1111315: ISBN: 0080122906 - Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems

592125: ISBN: 0387172793 - Structure, Dynamics and Function of Biomolecules. The First EBSA Workshop. A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium. Springer Series in Biophysics Vol. 1

1105671: ISBN: 0815509987 - Evaluation of Remedial Action Unit Operations at Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites (Pollution Technology Review)

273750: ISBN: 0444425675 - Human-Computer Dialogue Design. Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics, 2

978308: ISBN: 3540578676 - Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. 9th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types Joint with the 4th COMPASS Workshop, Caldes de ... Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 785)

1174624: ISBN: 2850253278 - Faire un Pas

689117: ISBN: 0933273940 - Encyclopaedia Iranica, Volume 13, Fascicle 6: Iraq v. Safavid Period - Isfahan VIII Qajar Period

1291267: ISBN: 9652210129 - Masada III: the Yigael Yadin excavations 1963-1965 : final reports. The buildings : stratigraphy and architecture

1116265: ISBN: 3923922140 - Pol

1302350: ISBN: 3458327606 - Gedichte (insel taschenbuch) (Taschenbuch) von Hartwig Schultz (Herausgeber), Joseph von Eichendorff (Autor) (German Edition)

949608: ISBN: 0444003231 - Advances in Inorganic Biochemistry, 1

911336: ISBN: 3527304746 - Macromolecular Symposia, 184. Polymer Spectroscopy

963958: ISBN: 3540049460 - Theorie der homogenen Produktionsfunktion. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 22 (German Edition)

591238: ISBN: 3492020666 - Spracherwerb und linguistische Theorien: Texte zur Sprache des Kindes

510585: ISBN: 0444428925 - Defect Recognition and Image Processing in III-V Compounds, II: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Defect Recognition and Image Processing ... 27-29, 1987 (Materials science monographs)

1267709: ISBN: 0930450531 - Advances in Abandoned Settlement Analysis: Application to Prehistoric Anthrosols in Colombia, South America

453322: ISBN: 044481390X - Frontiers in Muscle Research: Myogenesis, Muscle Contraction and Muscle Dystrophy : Proceedings of the Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium on Frontiers in Muscle Research, Tokyo, 15-19 July, 1990

847060: ISBN: 9060780779 - Geschiedenis der vaderlandsche Schilderkunst. Four Volumes in Two Bindings

1286800: ISBN: 3540160655 - Trajectory Spaces, Generalized Functions and Unbounded Operators (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1162)

592689: ISBN: 0122337506 - Leukocyte Membrane Determinants Regulating Immune Reactivity

1312352: ISBN: 0300093292 - Anne Vallayer Coster: Painter to the Court of Marie Antoinette

717424: ISBN: 0387572082 - Concur'93: 4th International Conference on Concurrency Theory Hildesheim, Germany, August 23-26, 1993 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 715)

1299852: ISBN: 3039114719 - The ways of aristotle: Aristotelian Phronesis, Aristotelian Philosophy of Dialogue, and Action Research (Studien Zur Berufs- Und Weiterbildung - Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education)

632315: ISBN: 0894535269 - Texts of Documents. Administration of George Washington, 1789-1797. 4th Congress, 2nd Session, Volume 35: February 22, 1797 - March 3, 1797. National State Papers of the United States 1789-1817

632314: ISBN: 0894535250 - Texts of Documents. Administration of George Washington, 1789-1797. 4th Congress, 2nd Session, Volume 34: January 19, 1797 - February 21, 1797. National State Papers of the United States 1789-1817

819768: ISBN: 1599101270 - Ancient Near Eastern Hell: visions, Tours and Descriptions of the Infernal Otherworld

819736: ISBN: 1599101289 - Hindu Hell: Visions, Tours and Descriptions of the Infernal Otherworld

1093381: ISBN: 0692805575 - Splotch

1005938: ISBN: 0988311070 - Traveling Into View

803308: ISBN: 0900610859 - International Television & Video Almanac (International Television and Video Almanac)

691567: ISBN: 1858991218 - Poole Harbour Littoral 2000: The Holton Lee Project (Bournemouth University, School of Conservation Sciences research report)

1039701: ISBN: 3925212914 - Degas. Klassik und Experiment: [erscheint anlasslich der Ausstellung Degas. Klassik und Experiment, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 8.11.2014 - 1.2.2015]

1303432: ISBN: 0828402698 - Analytic Function Theory Volume I

1308450: ISBN: 0898715849 - Accuracy and Reliability in Scientific Computing (Software, Environments, Tools)

386139: ISBN: 0470215380 - A Program Architecture for Improved Maintainability in Software Engineering

1263689: ISBN: 044488808X - The Standard Model Higgs Boson: Selections and Comments (Current Physics)

1299047: ISBN: 9027709157 - Reality and Experience: Four Philosophical Essays (Vienna Circle Collection, Volume 12)

269813: ISBN: 0122341074 - VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science, Volume 7

1272884: ISBN: 0122341155 - Vlsi Electronics Microstructure Science: Vlsi Metallization

1263868: ISBN: 069112826X - The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 10: The Berlin Years: Correspondence, May-December 1920, and Supplementary Correspondence, 1909-1920. ... (Collected Papers of Albert Einstein) (v. 10)

1305567: ISBN: 3540507779 - Introduction to Polymer Physics

1234826: ISBN: 0895030837 - Focus on Alcohol

592681: ISBN: 084120960X - Coulombic Interactions in Macromolecular Systems. ACS Symposium Series. 302

1222348: ISBN: 0841206988 - Perfluorinated Ionomer Membranes. Developed in advance of the Topical Workshop on Perfluorinated Ionomer Membranes, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, February 23-26, 1982. ACS Symposium Series, 180

1306335: ISBN: 0898599563 - Social and Moral Values: Individual and Societal Perspectives

1299150: ISBN: 0691083819 - Three-Dimensional Link Theory and Invariants of Plane Curve Singularities. (AM-110) (Annals of Mathematics Studies)

1247917: ISBN: 0691023530 - Riemannian Geometry

1139852: ISBN: 0821812963 - Intrinsic Measures On Complex Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings (memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 96)

1276618: ISBN: 0824760492 - Lipid Bilayers and Antibiotics, (Membranes, Volume 2)

1276540: ISBN: 0824711718 - Macroscopic systems and models, (Membranes, v. 1)

1262818: ISBN: 9810205953 - Polymers Near Surfaces: Conformation Properties and Relation to Critical Phenomena

1262610: ISBN: 0771030630 - I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors

386972: ISBN: 0773401393 - Lyrische und Satirische Elemente in Roy Campbells Dichtung (Salzburg Studies in English Literature, #46)

1253655: ISBN: 0821847309 - Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics)

1251404: ISBN: 0122363027 - Glasses, Enamels, Slags (Silicate Science, Volume II)

1252228: ISBN: 0122363019 - Silicate Science Volume 1 Silicate Structures

1282804: ISBN: 9810206305 - Membranes and Other Extendons: Classical and Quanthum Mechanics of Extended Geometrical Objects (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics 39)

1175919: ISBN: 4990523857 - Eizo Nishio: Sculptures & Drawings 2011-2014

1175898: ISBN: 4990523849 - Eizo Nishio: Wall/Sculpture, 24 Layered Cubes

1175904: ISBN: 4990523822 - Eizo Nishio: Drawings 2011-2012

1175911: ISBN: 4990523873 - Eizo Nishio: Paintings. Square and Long Rectangle

1199786: ISBN: 4990523865 - Eizo Nishio: Paintings

1289720: ISBN: 4990523806 - Eizo Nishio: Drawings 2017

1175905: ISBN: 499052389X - Eizo Nishio: Sculptures 2015-2017

1182816: ISBN: 4909594108 - Eizo Nishio: Sculptures & Drawings 2017-2019

1312558: ISBN: 9819993539 - Two Phase Separation in the T-Junction

820936: ISBN: 3631586809 - Formal Studies in Slavic Linguistics (Linguistik International)

897987: ISBN: 0444810269 - Surfactant and the Respiratory Tract: Proceedings of the 15th Fernstrom Foundation Symposium 'Surfactant and the Respiratory Tract', Held in Lund

911572: ISBN: 0295964324 - The Maremont Collection of Pre-Columbian Art

1276272: ISBN: 3766701053 - Venedig, Wien und die Osmanen. Umbruch in Sudosteuropa 1645-1700

797603: ISBN: 386135389X - Von der "Entwickelungsmechanik" zur Entwicklungsbiologie (Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie Band 10)

965680: ISBN: 3518118048 - Militarkritik (Neue Folge Band 804)

1278693: ISBN: 9155409296 - The End of a Legend: Ellen Glasgow's History of Southern Women

1018741: ISBN: 3926216476 - Bridewealth, women and reproduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: A theoretical overview (Mundus Reihe Ethnologie 48)

1263360: ISBN: 9810203535 - The Oskar Klein Memorial Lectures. Volume I: Lectures by C.N. Yang and S. Weinberg with translated reprints by O. Klein

1117910: ISBN: 3805568800 - Neural Mechanisms of Salivary Gland Secretion (Frontiers of Oral Biology, Volume 11)

1303899: ISBN: 184407854X - Handbook of Bioenergy Crops: A Complete Reference to Species, Development and Applications (Routledge Studies in Bioenergy)

1312411: ISBN: 3031561430 - Next Generation Wireless Communication: Advances in Optical, mm-Wave, and THz Technologies (Signals and Communication Technology)

1179641: ISBN: 9686191151 - El Greco - La Magdalena Penitente

565840: ISBN: 0030219868 - Capital Investment in the Middle East. The Use of Surplus Funds for Regional Development.

244837: ISBN: 0899509770 - Egypt and Libya from Inside, 1969-1976. The Qaddafi Revolution and the Eventual Break in Relations, by the Former Egyptian Ambassador to Libya

281195: ISBN: 0312027761 - International Trade

1314554: ISBN: 1484253485 - Deep Learning Pipeline: Building a Deep Learning Model with TensorFlow

1306878: ISBN: 3540090037 - Learning Systems: Decision, Simulation, and Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 9)

1143340: ISBN: 0444875492 - The infrastructure of an information society: Proceedings of the First International Information Conference in Egypt, Cairo, 13-15 December, 1982

1312077: ISBN: 303159200X - Silicon Components and Processes Self Study: Integrated High-Voltage Transistors and Passive Components

1312076: ISBN: 3031591844 - Silicon Components and Processes Self Study: Properties of Silicon Crystals and PN Junctions

1312085: ISBN: 3031591925 - Silicon Components and Processes Self Study: Field-Effect Transistors

1312075: ISBN: 3031592182 - Silicon Components and Processes Self Study: Unit Processes and Process Integration

335460: ISBN: 9774242165 - Women, Water, and Sanitation: Household Water Use in Two Egyptian Villages. Cairo Papers in Social Science, Volume 12, Monograph 2, Summer 1989. Social Research Center Research Series No. 1

507897: ISBN: 0080323839 - Handbook of Behavioural Medicine for Women (General Psychology Series)

761559: ISBN: 0887480373 - New generations. Part 2

678901: ISBN: 0127320806 - Schizophrenia: A Life-Course Developmental Perspective (Personality, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy (Academic Pr))

284478: ISBN: 0819132675 - Blacks on White Campuses

1313586: ISBN: 0471349925 - Survival Models and Data Analysis

1282453: ISBN: 088318799X - Elementary Inelastic Radiation-Induced Processes (Translation)

1302646: ISBN: 0387230599 - An Introduction to Difference Equations (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics). Third edition

1226339: ISBN: 9400716044 - Honore Fabri and the Concept of Impetus: A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 288)

1032503: ISBN: - Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. Volume II. New Series, Volume VII

283625: ISBN: 1855541440 - Computer Security Handbook

1265690: ISBN: 0919212824 - Historical facts

722297: ISBN: 8884553199 - Acta graduum academicorum. Ab anno 1526 ad annum 1537. Tome 3, part 2. (Fonti per la storia dell'Universita di Padova, 3)

1008831: ISBN: 0819470724 - Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits X. Proceedings of SPIE. 21 - 23 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA. Volume 6897

1308576: ISBN: 0879078901 - From Cloister to Classroom Monastic and Scholastic Approaches to Truth: The Spirituality of Western Christendom III (Cistercian Studies Series)

1316112: ISBN: 0472080946 - Political Elites in Modern Societies: Empirical Research and Democratic Theory (The Distinguished Senior Faculty Lecture)

1079420: ISBN: 0433000538 - Dentition And Dental Care Volume 3 (CLINICAL DENTISTRY IN HEALTH & DISEASE)

714594: ISBN: 0888780028 - Angel

1314372: ISBN: 0471354260 - Economic Value Management: Applications and Techniques

1293818: ISBN: 0374961611 - The estates of the archbishop and chapter of Saint-Andre of Bordeaux under English rule: One hundred years of poor law administration in a Warwickshire village,

535506: ISBN: 1881035085 - Macromolecular Synthesis Volume 13

1001440: ISBN: 0852963823 - Third International Conference on Image Processing and Its Applications, 18 - 20 July 1989 (Conference Publication Number 307)

680031: ISBN: 156395110X - Immunomodulatory Effects of Blood Transfusion

1309235: ISBN: 3642200885 - A Short Journey from Quarks to the Universe (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

1291843: ISBN: 044486055X - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Sequential and Weak Solutions. North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 44. Notas de Matematica (73)

1306447: ISBN: 884355235X - Santuari della Magna Grecia in Calabria (I Greci in Occidente) (Italian Edition)

546940: ISBN: 0226450422 - Neurohumoral Maintenance of Immune Homeostatis

1291148: ISBN: 0306109727 - A Thin Wing in a Compressible Flow

1307498: ISBN: 9170811695 - Treasuries at Delphi: An Architectural Study (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology & Literature, Pocket-Book, 160)

1164879: ISBN: 1911396382 - Sustainable Value Creation in Hospitality: Guests on Earth

1136213: ISBN: 0954955765 - C International Photo Magazine 03

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