This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
402801: ISBN: 038716927X - Specification of a CAD*I Neutral File for Solids: Version 2.1. Research Reports ESPRIT Project 322, CAD Interfaces (CAD*1), Volume 1
1139571: ISBN: 0961996927 - The Calamitous Conflict: Guerrilla Warfare During the Civil War (Calamitous Conflict)
939682: ISBN: 0791814580 - Adaptive Structures and Composite Materials: Analysis and Application. 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, November 6-11, 1994. AD - Vol. 45, MD - Vol. 54
651726: ISBN: 0444876804 - Performance '84: Models of Computer System Performance. Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Models of Computer System Performance, Paris, France, 19-21 December, 1984
1278239: ISBN: 0677019009 - Physics of Sound in the Sea: Part II Reverberation--Reflection of Sound from Submarine and Surface Vessels Part III Reflection of Sound from Submarines and Surface Vessels
1311226: ISBN: 3897902842 - Kevin Coates: A Hidden Alchemy - Goldsmithing: Jewels and Tablepieces
663222: ISBN: 0387111913 - Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors: Proceedings, Linz, Austria 1991 (Lecture Notes in Physics)
664993: ISBN: 0198286570 - Later Phases of the Family Cycle: Demographic Aspects (International Studies in Demography)
588172: ISBN: 0405053894 - Humanity in the City (Middle East Collection)
1155458: ISBN: 0960999205 - Plasticity of metals at finite strain: Theory, experiment, and computation : proceedings of research workshop held at Stanford University, July 29, 30, July 1, 1981
1252542: ISBN: 0306304902 - Yield Point Phenomena in Metals and Alloys
783692: ISBN: 074840421X - Differentially Expressed Genes In Plants: A Bench Manual
424948: ISBN: 9065506799 - Een Wereld Van Kennis: Bloemlezing uit de Middelnederlandse Artesliteratuur
464948: ISBN: 9024723191 - Geschiedenis van de techniek : 22 teksten over geschiedenis van de techniek
1074669: ISBN: 0080239412 - Polymeric Amines and Ammonium Salts: Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers Presented at the International Symposium on Polymeric Amines and Ammonium Salts, Ghent, Belgium, 24-26 September 1979
1057713: ISBN: 0788021869 - The Amazing Power of the Holy Spirit
677110: ISBN: 0944110010 - Renaissance into Baroque: Italian Master Drawings by the Zuccari, 1550-1600
1230066: ISBN: 8532800386 - Xamanismo no Brasil: Novas perspectivas (Portuguese Edition)
636690: ISBN: 5887212292 - English - Russian Dictionary on Computer Systems & Information Technologies
1118987: ISBN: 0521275520 - Surveys in Combinatorics: Invited Papers for the Ninth British Combinatorial Conference 1983 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
538036: ISBN: 0070726957 - Magnetic Resonance Angiography: A Practical Approach
1242781: ISBN: 0387048952 - Nuclear Electronics
1291250: ISBN: 3540042644 - Mechanics of Generalized Continua: Proceedings of the IUTAM-Symposium on The Generalized Cosserat Continuum and the Continuum Theory of Dislocations ... and Stuttgart (Germany) (IUTAM Symposia)
917669: ISBN: 9024734762 - Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Maryland, June 2-7, 1985
483695: ISBN: 0382190351 - Crash Cushions of Waste Materials. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report No. 157
960543: ISBN: 030640690X - Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 3
597929: ISBN: 0720484847 - Perspectives on Analytic Philosophy (Verhandelingen Der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wete)
874262: ISBN: 0727729853 - Investigation and Management of Soft Rock Cliffs
817029: ISBN: 3883551007 - Residual Stresses in Science and Technology Volume 2
847747: ISBN: 0387190406 - Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology II (Topics in Current Chemistry 147)
597672: ISBN: 3110095629 - Insulin: Like Growth Factors Somatomedins: Basic Chemistry. Biology, Clinical Importance
531645: ISBN: 9067640913 - New Polymeric Materials: Reactive Processing and Physical Properties
657871: ISBN: 925101194X - Markets for frozen small pelagic fish
621016: ISBN: 0444108882 - Immunization with Hormones in Reproduction Research
454049: ISBN: 978121273X - Combat with Parasites: An Uneasy Encounter. An Inaugural Lecture delivered at the University of Ibadan on Thursday, 10 January, 1980
400025: ISBN: 008020922X - Physics in Industry
349853: ISBN: 9810202814 - Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Sound. Poznan, Poland. September 25-27, 1990.
1306263: ISBN: 9602140348 - The Parthenon West Frieze: A Study of Cleaning Methods. Also written as Meletee apokatastaseoos tou Parthenoonos. Tom. 7, Meletee katharismou, etc.
623563: ISBN: 0471122319 - Measurement of Physical Properties. Part 1 Some Special Properties. Techniques of Metals Research vol. VI Part 1
1310379: ISBN: 0792311949 - Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy
841856: ISBN: 9024733030 - Polymeric Biomaterials (NATO Science Series E: no. 106)
767648: ISBN: 9042905328 - Abu'Isaal-Warraq, Yahya'Adi. De l'incarnation. Ar. 47. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium)
1291218: ISBN: 902771374X - Solar Magnetohydrodynamics
1310949: ISBN: 0824089529 - Trade Catalogues at Winterthur: A Guide to the Literature of Merchandising, 1750-1980
1310881: ISBN: 0912724617 - Guide to the Winterthur Library: The Joseph Downs Collection and the Winterthur Archives
681352: ISBN: 0792313933 - Chemistry and Properties of Biomolecular Systems (Topics in Molecular Organization and Engineering, Volume 8)
483719: ISBN: 019855415X - The Chemist in Industry. Volume 1: Fine Chemicals for Polymers. (Oxford Chemistry Series)
1302445: ISBN: 0961166215 - Trolley Cars of Fort Collins
409741: ISBN: 089203100X - Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Without Neurologic Deficit (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Monograph)
863906: ISBN: 0444891226 - Analysis of Substances in the Gaseous Phase. Wilson & Wilson's Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Volume XXVIII
650467: ISBN: 0471821101 - Atlas of Mass Spectral Data. THREE VOLUME SET. Volume One: Molecular Weight- 16.0313 to 142.0089. Volume Two: Molecular Weight- 142.0185 to 213.2456. Volume Three: Molecular Weight- 213.8629 to 702.7981.
1294874: ISBN: 0883854511 - The Last Problem. Introduction and notes by Underwood Dudley
1306920: ISBN: 0521357322 - Metric Spaces (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 57)
1307255: ISBN: 1441928146 - Lectures on the Theory of Algebraic Numbers (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
536474: ISBN: 0836906276 - All of a Piece: New Essays (Essay Index Reprint Series)
1312156: ISBN: 3540529462 - NMR at Very High Field (NMR Basic Principles and Progress 25)
672164: ISBN: 012017619X - Advances in Genetics V. 19
1268720: ISBN: 0444895442 - Progress in Optics : Volume XXX
1268695: ISBN: 0444889515 - Progress in Optics, Vol. 29
1267850: ISBN: 0444105719 - Progress in Optics Volume 12
1268723: ISBN: 044485309X - Progress in Optics, Volume XVII (17)
1268708: ISBN: 0444505687 - Progress in Optics : Volume 41
1253175: ISBN: 0444533354 - Progress in Optics. Volume 3
400085: ISBN: 9027706247 - Chemical and Biological Applications of Relaxation Spectrometry. NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series. Part C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume 18
518717: ISBN: 079233664X - Frontiers of Chemical Dynamics (NATO Science Series C:)
1312369: ISBN: 0660857359 - The Morton G. Neumann Family Collection: Selected Works, Volume II, Text (National Gallery of Art, Washington)
1295602: ISBN: 1879394030 - Pawn Artistry
1295601: ISBN: 1879394049 - End Game Artistry
1307838: ISBN: 087339173X - Superalloy 718, 625 & Various Derivatives
1135915: ISBN: 0387545360 - Nonlinear Waves in Inhomogeneous and Hereditary Media (Research Reports in Physics)
815693: ISBN: 0125253524 - Microwave Power Engineering: v. 2
764600: ISBN: 0444899987 - Macroeconomic Analysis of Environmental Policy
1291233: ISBN: 0471061204 - Concepts of communication: interpersonal, intrapersonal, and mathematical (University of California. Engineering and physical sciences extension series)
1139573: ISBN: 0961996951 - The Calamitous Conflict: An Attempt to Learn Why
1144125: ISBN: 1402007205 - Principles and Methods for Accelerated Catalyst Design and Testing (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
803001: ISBN: 9066057521 - Proceedings of the First ISHS Workshop on Water Relations of Grapevines. Stuttgart, Germany, 11-13 May, 1998. (Acta Horticulturae, Number 493)
673118: ISBN: 008044122X - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM6): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, 23-28 June 2002, San Juan, Puerto Rico VOLUME TWO ONLY
763830: ISBN: 0850661900 - Disease and Urbanization (Symposia)
1223196: ISBN: 9061930715 - Biogeography and Ecology in South-America. (Monographiae Biologicae 19)
1305686: ISBN: 0124862500 - Stochastic Calculus and Stochastic Models (Probability & Mathematical Statistics Monograph)
519150: ISBN: 0306416654 - Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science. Volume 5
1305896: ISBN: 0471874884 - Theoretical Mechanics
498218: ISBN: 0471083879 - Peptides, Polypeptides and Proteins
1040918: ISBN: 2020031159 - Mission industrielle ou pretres-ouvriers?
730587: ISBN: 0802015239 - Earth Sciences in Canada: A Centennial Appraisal and Forecast (Royal Society of Canada Special)
1286476: ISBN: 1590730232 - Railfan (Rail Fan) for Life: The Photography of Harold Carstens
754189: ISBN: 0792321278 - Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere (NATO Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume 387)
780102: ISBN: 0120176238 - ADVANCES IN GENETICS VOLUME 23
388247: ISBN: 0863412149 - Winning Through Retreat (IEE Management of Technology Series, Volume 12
930098: ISBN: 3540653740 - Antiepileptic Drugs. Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Volume 138)
1309063: ISBN: 0199265933 - The Holocaust and the Postmodern
317580: ISBN: 038717253X - Advanced Manufacturing Systems
595807: ISBN: 0824763963 - Psychotherapeutic drugs. Volume 2, part 1: Principles
1214807: ISBN: 0471583871 - The Mobility and Diffusion of Ions in Gases (Wiley Series in Plasma Physics)
861025: ISBN: 030633903X - Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Vol. 1
1265894: ISBN: 0873322835 - The Corporate Imagination: How Big Companies Make Mistakes
570494: ISBN: 0877160317 - Hyperon Resonances - 70
1308853: ISBN: 0306400790 - Ocean Wave Climate
951657: ISBN: 012227850X - Modeling Change in Prehistoric Subsistence Economies
1212556: ISBN: 0917956583 - Archaeological Field Research in the Upper Mantaro, Peru, 1982-1983: Investigations of Inca Expansion and Economic Change. Monograph XXVIII
995682: ISBN: 0819108782 - Joy in Exile. Ciro Alegria's Narrative Art
347009: ISBN: 0122277368 - The Internet in 3D: Information, Images and Interaction
1315698: ISBN: 0521195330 - Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World
317279: ISBN: 0932376258 - Nine Steps to Effective EDP Loss Control
1096414: ISBN: 2890075524 - Albert Camus, ou, L'homme a la recherche d'une morale (Recherches) (French Edition)
393380: ISBN: - Beyond Number (Formerly: Communication). vols. 1-7, 9-13 (1978-1992)
391185: ISBN: - Communication Quarterly (Formerly: Today's Speech). vols. 1-42 (1953-1994)
393290: ISBN: - Communication Quarterly (Formerly: Today's Speech). vols. 1-36
393291: ISBN: - Communication Quarterly (Formerly: Today's Speech). vols. 2-3, 5-11, 14-17, 19-26, 34
350583: ISBN: 0890060142 - Gallium Arsenide Microwave Bulk and Transit-Time Devices
592609: ISBN: 999541693X - New Directions in Molecular Luminescence
666207: ISBN: 0669869910 - Teacher and paraprofessional work productivity: A public school cost effectiveness study
393215: ISBN: - Biotechniques. Vols. 4-23
1315998: ISBN: 0520205073 - The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204-1760 (Comparative Studies on Muslim Societies)
1206707: ISBN: 0965581934 - Small & Beautiful: The Issue of Scale
1230442: ISBN: 030641127X - Homotopy Methods and Global Convergence (NATO Conference Series, Volume 13)
1285398: ISBN: 088844060X - Quaestiones super libro elenchorum (Studies and Texts 60)
897805: ISBN: 3540048677 - Selecta Mathematica II: Turing-Maschinen und berechenbare Funktionen I, II, III. Aufzahlbarkeit. Entscheidungsproblem und Dominospiele. ... (Heidelberger Taschenbucher) (German Edition)
1300294: ISBN: 0387974970 - Numbers (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 123)
1067370: ISBN: 0751402427 - New Methods of Polymer Synthesis: Volume 2
1252851: ISBN: 311004451X - Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaologie Erster Band: A - Bepaste (German Edition)
947193: ISBN: 3815430135 - Physics of Nonideal Plasmas. Teubner-Texte zur Physik, Band 26
1198270: ISBN: 0972621806 - Ebendorf. The Jewelry of Robert Ebendorf. A Retrospective of Forty Years
934040: ISBN: 3486482211 - Die Ostbeziehungen der Europaischen Gemeinschaft: Von nationalstaatlicher Politik zu gemeinsamer Verantwortung (Schriften des Forschungsinstituts der ... Politik e.V., Bonn) (German Edition)
764589: ISBN: 3515077294 - Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II Amtliche Schriften, Abteilung 4: Johann Friedrich Bottgers Tatigkeit am Dresdner Hof (German Edition)
803912: ISBN: 3476000982 - Reimsprecherkunst im Spatmittelalter: Eine Untersuchung der Teichnerreden
691447: ISBN: 377581308X - Beitrage zur Hase'schen Familiengeschichte (German Edition) Band I
977175: ISBN: 3931567508 - Atlantische Expansion Und Maritime Indienfahrt im 16. Jahrhundert. Kleine Beitrage zur Europaischen Uberseegeschichte Heft 13
1312131: ISBN: 3540182268 - Electrochemistry II (Topics in Current Chemistry 143)
1168527: ISBN: 3319310615 - IUTAM: A Short History Second Edition
1315686: ISBN: 1558605959 - Swarm Intelligence (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Evolutionary Computation)
1137373: ISBN: 0792336798 - Low Dimensional Structures Prepared by Epitaxial Growth or Regrowth on Patterned Substrates (Nato Science Series E:)
1296724: ISBN: 902770161X - Nominalistic Systems (Synthese Library, 30)
1266651: ISBN: 0817634754 - Probability in Banach Spaces 7: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference (Progress in Probability)
970187: ISBN: 3528082070 - Physikalisches. Taschenbuch
1302677: ISBN: 0841210144 - Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds (ACS Advances in Chemistry 217)
284507: ISBN: 0444854495 - Practice in Software Adaption and Maintenance
344743: ISBN: 0444877517 - Trends in Ergonomics/Human Factors II
1313860: ISBN: 0963590162 - The 1854 Oregon Trail Diary of Winfield Scott Ebey (Emigrant Trails Historical Studies Series)
973197: ISBN: 0253376459 - Pakistan--Energy Planning in a Strategic Vortex
1310651: ISBN: 1455731994 - Fluoroplastics, Volume 1: Non-Melt Processible Fluoropolymers - The Definitive User's Guide and Data Book (Plastics Design Library)
1113767: ISBN: 1545615438 - The Power of Faith
379255: ISBN: 9027715858 - Photovoltaic Power Generation: Series C (Solar Energy R & D in the European Community. Series C, Photovoltaic Power Generation, V. 3)
1127844: ISBN: 8842220264 - Eroi. Catalogo della mostra (Torino, 19 maggio-9 ottobre 2011) Ediz. inglese
1123530: ISBN: 2204043842 - La Primaute romaine dans la communion des Eglises
570664: ISBN: 0750301686 - Insulating Films on Semiconductors 1991, Proceedings from the 7th Biennial European Conference.
952613: ISBN: 0877553335 - Nafta and Trade Liberalization in the Americas
1035880: ISBN: 9508690399 - La Momia de Cerro Gualicho (Spanish Edition)
1316271: ISBN: 0306421402 - Advanced Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
624758: ISBN: 3110083043 - Von der Liberalisierungs- zur Wettbewerbspolitik: Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik zwischen Industrielandern nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
903572: ISBN: 0879694297 - Cellular Receptors for Animal Viruses (Monograph; No. 28) (Cold Spring Harbor Monograph)
816621: ISBN: 3406028373 - Eheschliessung und Werbung in der Kudrun (Munchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters) (German Edition)
1308516: ISBN: 0080092489 - Hydrodynamics of Oceans and Atmospheres
967214: ISBN: 3825500233 - Hermann von Helmholtz: Vortrage eines Heidelberger Symposiums anlasslich des einhundertsten Todestages (Neuere Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte) (German Edition)
1306026: ISBN: 0937976032 - Application of Absorption to Wastewater Treatment
795267: ISBN: 3631584024 - Efficient Enforcement of Truth-telling in the Grandfathering Process of an Emmissions Trading Scheme (Kollektive Entscheidungen, Wirtschaftspolitik Und Offentliche Finanzen 15)
888432: ISBN: 0471524581 - Heat Transfer Reviews. 1976-1986
1225384: ISBN: 094491604X - Filters and Power Conditioning (Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 4)
1313533: ISBN: 354018385X - Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology I (Topics in Current Chemistry)
1050697: ISBN: 3767204703 - Von Delacroix bis Munch. Kunstlergraphik im 19ten Jahrhundert
344968: ISBN: 3055013379 - Geometrical Problems of Image Processing. Research in Informatics, Volume 4
850955: ISBN: 1894884116 - Eckhart Tolle - INDIA 2002 - Day Three: The Power of Not Knowing
1218090: ISBN: 3540034072 - Studies in Non-Linear Stability Theory (Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy, Volume 6)
1307297: ISBN: 0444104380 - Matched Asymptotic Expansions and Singular Perturbations. North-Holland Mathematic Studies 6
1133515: ISBN: 3540049053 - Seminaire Pierre Lelong (Analyse). Annee 1969: Institut Henri Poincare, Paris (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) (French Edition)
1265058: ISBN: 3540152156 - Computer Methods and Borel Summability Applied to Feigenbaum's Equation. Lecture Notes in Physics, 227
276553: ISBN: 0444884009 - Advanced Neural Computers
1226838: ISBN: 3540187243 - Neural Computers (NATO ASI Series / Computer and Systems Sciences)
968013: ISBN: 3540562184 - Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology, Volume 7
1009299: ISBN: 3540623973 - Mechanisms of Transcription (Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology, Vol. 11)
1008684: ISBN: 3540552383 - Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology (v. 6)
1012165: ISBN: 354052407X - Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology 4 (v. 4)
1012158: ISBN: 0387531211 - Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology: Volume 5
369663: ISBN: - Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale. vols. 13-19
783787: ISBN: 2760301206 - Translator's Bibliography (Cahiers De Traductologie)
1032322: ISBN: 2855395046 - travaux et perspectives de l'ecole francaise d'extreme-orient en son 75eme anniversaire (Publications Hors Serie de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
760977: ISBN: 0080244688 - Environment and Energy
1315956: ISBN: 0471491926 - Reservoir Stimulation. Third edition
570432: ISBN: 0850586585 - Asia/Pacific and the Environment: Investing in the Future
392001: ISBN: 0444883436 - Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification, IX
1185618: ISBN: 0735413134 - XXVI International conference on neutrino physics and astrophysics : Neutrino 2014
1261526: ISBN: 1930743122 - Kienholz, The Hoerengracht
1291665: ISBN: 1951449088 - Ed Ruscha Paintings
1000853: ISBN: 5824317720 - Grazhdanskaia, Etnicheskaia i Regional'naia Identichnost'
1255109: ISBN: 012505405X - Chemical and Biochemical Applications of Lasers (v. 5)
999315: ISBN: 5020063886 - Problems of phonetics IV Collected papers / Problemy fonetiki IV Sbornik statey
1116595: ISBN: 8323300135 - Advances in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology (Archeologia Interregionalis)
1279580: ISBN: 0974376396 - An Introduction to Evedence-based Design
907030: ISBN: 0815509790 - Environmental Control for Pulp and Paper Mills (Pollution Technology Review 108)
661355: ISBN: 9171004459 - Eddie Figge: "sok balans!" : malningar och "papper" 1991 = look for balance : paintings and paperworks 1991 (Nationalmusei utstallningskatalog) (Swedish Edition)
1278007: ISBN: 6056504301 - Picture the World - Burhan Dogancay As Photographer
1220200: ISBN: 9028604200 - Isovector Methods for Equations of Balance: With Programs for Computer Assistance in Operator Calculations and an Exposition of Practical Topics of the Exterior Calculus (Mechanics: Analysis 5)
1276812: ISBN: 9810209339 - Transformation Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
904074: ISBN: 0471838721 - The Cell in Contact: Adhesions and Junctions as Morphogenetic Determinants (The Neurosciences Institute publications series)
1285410: ISBN: 9004017267 - Plato's Seventh Letter (Philosophia Antiqua 14)
800178: ISBN: 0070495173 - New Product Decisions: An Analytical Approach
630112: ISBN: 0566051826 - New Roles for Old Cities. Anglo American Policy Perspective on Declining Urban Regions
1282479: ISBN: 1563960699 - Organic Molecular Crystals: Interacton Localization, and Transport Phenomena
679198: ISBN: 8431652047 - Relatos de terror / Tales of Terror (Spanish Edition)
463313: ISBN: 0905062167 - Edgar Hubert: 1906-1985
843960: ISBN: 3540527818 - Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, Neubrandenburg, German Democratic Republic, August 23-27, 1989 (Springer Proceedings in Physics)
845230: ISBN: 3540527818 - Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, Neubrandenburg, German Democratic Republic, August 23-27, 1989 (Springer Proceedings in Physics)
783170: ISBN: 012432004X - Lymphokines (v. 4)
783175: ISBN: 0124320074 - Lymphokines (v. 7)
782541: ISBN: 0124320031 - Lymphokines (v. 3)
782540: ISBN: 0124320015 - Lymphokine Reports, Vol. 1 (v. 1)
680483: ISBN: 0833731769 - Thomas Otway
1316080: ISBN: 0674060776 - The Historical Books: Douay-Rheims Translation (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library). Volume 2, Part B
1316081: ISBN: 0674996674 - The Historical Books: Douay-Rheims Translation (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library). Volume 2, Part A
1110329: ISBN: 0816902356 - Advanced Control and Modeling Techniques
1110330: ISBN: 0816902089 - Volume 3: Design of Sampled Data Series (Computer) Control Systems A: Process Control
1101647: ISBN: 0816901767 - Feedback Controller Synthesis (Alchemy Modular Instruction V002)
1101430: ISBN: 0816902402 - Instrumentation and Control Applications (Aichemi Series A: Process Control. Vol. 5)
166814: ISBN: 0833709968 - Edward Loomis Davenport: A biography
1268498: ISBN: 009098790X - Reason in theory and practice (Hutchinson university library; philosophy)
1266554: ISBN: 0674195256 - Decision Making Under Uncertainty: The Case of State-Dependent Preference
733835: ISBN: 0969077254 - Canadian Papers in Rural History Volume VI
1283309: ISBN: 9004186786 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Volume XXV (2009)
726282: ISBN: 0971312001 - Asking the Right Questions (A Colloquium Celebrating the 50th Anniversary)
949959: ISBN: 0943057000 - U.S. ASEAN relations: Prospects for the 1990s, March 31-April 2, 1986, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : report, proceedings of a conference
1305462: ISBN: 003072175X - Applications of Model Theory to Algebra, Analysis and Probability
1275754: ISBN: 0471914452 - Introduction to Fine Ceramics: Applications in Engineering
977722: ISBN: 3901953361 - Land am Stein. Roman
1003454: ISBN: 9701857798 - Refugiados De Guatemala En Mexico
802464: ISBN: 003061709X - Italian Entrepreneurs - rearguard of progress
1296648: ISBN: - A Pomander of Verse
1044849: ISBN: 2890399273 - Les yeux dans le ciel: Poemes d'amour et prieres
1006033: ISBN: 2252015969 - Musique et Theatre dans Les Pays Rhenans: La Musique Mesuree a l'Antique en Allemagne (Etudes Et Commentaires) VOLUME ONE!
910270: ISBN: 3927506028 - Eyn Warhafftig erschrocklich Histori von der Bewrischen uffrur /so sich durch Martin Luthers leer in Teutscher nation /Anno M. D. XXV. erhebt /und leyder noch nit gar erloschen ist
1159487: ISBN: 2710804832 - Caribbean Geodynamics
1159468: ISBN: 2710803968 - Sea Climatology / Climatologie de la Mer. International Conference 1979 (Institut Francais Du Petrole Publications)
1284458: ISBN: 0883183048 - Physics of High Energy Particle Accelerators: S L A C Summer School, 1982 (Aip Conference Proceedings)
1302634: ISBN: 0122142500 - Flow through porous media
1158929: ISBN: 8984797146 - White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2013 (English Edition)
905417: ISBN: 1573318531 - Annals Meeting Reports, Advances. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1236
905299: ISBN: 1573318558 - Annals Meeting Reports. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1242
901017: ISBN: 1573318353 - Pharmaceutical Science to Improve the Human Condition: Prix Galien 2010. Winners and Finalist Candidates of the Prix Galien USA, International, and Pro Bono Humanitarian Awards 2010. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1222
905297: ISBN: 1573318752 - Animal Models: Their Value in Predicting Drug Efficacy and Toxicity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1245
900801: ISBN: 157331837X - Annals Meeting Reports. NYSCF Fifth Annual Translational Stem Cell Research Conference. Behavioral Epigenetics, Second Annual Pepducin Science Symposium. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1226
837686: ISBN: 887058268X - Argenti "Colombiani" Nella Galleria Nazionale Di Palazzo Spinola
678822: ISBN: 097771053X - You've Got Tail - AUDIO CD
822406: ISBN: 0272796573 - Mobility and Function in Proteins and Nucleic Acids (Ciba Foundation Symposium)
992032: ISBN: 8577152316 - Naqueles Morros, Depois da Chuva. O jogo do Diabolo
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