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681037: ISBN: 1605662488 - Information Communication Technologies and Globalization of Retailing Applications
1055289: ISBN: 3341002421 - Systemanalyse und mehrkriterielle Entscheidung
893275: ISBN: 0074633422 - Derivatives Markets in India (Invest India-Tata McGraw-Hill Series)
893144: ISBN: 9062341055 - Medical Anthropology in African Newspapers. An Annotated Facsimile Edition from the Third World
1315869: ISBN: 1584880368 - Nonlinear Differential Equations (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series)
801456: ISBN: 1571816925 - Learning Fields, 2 Current Policies And Practices In European Social Anthropology Education (The Easa Series)
797663: ISBN: 0863802486 - Water Industry Systems: Modelling and Optimization Applications, volume one (Water Engineering and Management Series, 3-4)
1316182: ISBN: 0415631475 - European Prudential Banking Regulation and Supervision (Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law)
1299684: ISBN: 0471791687 - Nonlinear Systems: Parameter Analysis and Design
1315415: ISBN: 0471276278 - The Laser Doppler Technique
1285588: ISBN: 0884389383 - Don Quijote (1894-1970): A selective annotated bibliography (North Carolina studies in the Romance languages and literatures)
1304065: ISBN: 1597800716 - Balefires
1148809: ISBN: 3540936963 - Ge Organogermanium Compounds: Part 4: Compounds with Germanium-Hydrogen Bonds (Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th edition)
300842: ISBN: - Shakspeare and His Times; including The Biography of the Poet; etc.
1312074: ISBN: 0226162265 - Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography
864532: ISBN: 0070178275 - Molecular processes on solid surfaces
1313259: ISBN: 0521274222 - Solitons. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 85
911597: ISBN: 3802529049 - Seidenstrasse
1309779: ISBN: 1491460830 - The Science of Baseball with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Library: The Science of Sports with Max Axiom)
1292548: ISBN: 0819161314 - Chiefdoms in the Americas
1304866: ISBN: 0691079021 - Advances in Game Theory (Annals of Mathematics Studies, Number 52)
1281596: ISBN: 0691079366 - Contributions to the Theory of Games, Vol. III (Annals of Mathematics Studies 39)
1315454: ISBN: 0306450305 - Stability of Superconductors (Selected Topics in Superconductivity)
961144: ISBN: 3803110289 - Intellektuelle: Konterrevolutionare oder Proleten? (Sozialistisches Jahrbuch, 3) (German Edition)
1291484: ISBN: 0826448755 - Slavery Obscured: The Social History of the Slave Trade in an English Provincial Port (The Black Atlantic)
1316282: ISBN: 9027719624 - The Chemistry of Weathering (Nato Science Series C: Mathematical and Physics Science, Volume 149)
1272970: ISBN: 0195061705 - Oil and Gas Forecasting: Reflections of a Petroleum Geologist (International Association for Mathematical Geology Studies in Mathematical Geology, 2)
1106833: ISBN: 9024724546 - Two Achehnese Poems: Hikajat Ranto and Hikajat Teungku Di Meuke (Biblioteca Indonesica 20)
935878: ISBN: 3894123583 - Human Disease: From Genetic Causes to Biomedical Effects
574077: ISBN: 3445022755 - Geschichtete Stichprobenverfahren. Optimierung der Schichtgrezen und Stichprobenumfange. Mathematical Systems in Economics 79.
1315893: ISBN: 0199654700 - Skillful Coping: Essays on the phenomenology of everyday perception and action
1229243: ISBN: 2713203694 - Les Kayapo du nord (etat de para, Bresil) - contribution a l (FONDS DES ANNEES 60)
973496: ISBN: 3885068834 - Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker zur Einfuhrung (German Edition)
910797: ISBN: 354062032X - Glycoscience: Synthesis of Substrate Analogs and Mimetics (Topics in Current Chemistry) (Vol 187)
1222848: ISBN: 3540620338 - Glycoscience: Synthesis of Oligosaccharides and Glycoconjugates (Topics in Current Chemistry) (Vol 186)
1271723: ISBN: 0791804518 - Drilling Technology Symposium 1990: Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 14-18, 1990 (Pd (Series), Vol. 27.)
1278124: ISBN: 0894480359 - The Linear Reactivity Model for Nuclear Fuel Management
512169: ISBN: 0691093148 - Differential Fertility in Central India
1226121: ISBN: 0944473954 - Journal of the Early Book Society, Volume Twelve (Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscrip)
1288523: ISBN: 1555231284 - From the Depths of Despair
1301100: ISBN: 1589800044 - Century Of Acadian Culture, The Development Of A Cajun Community, A: Erath (1899-1999)
1013657: ISBN: 9060019237 - Nederlandse elites in beeld: Rekrutering, samenhang en verandering (Dutch Edition)
1307910: ISBN: 0720416124 - Tidal Computations: In Rivers and Coastal Waters
896426: ISBN: 0444811834 - Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins: Workshop Proceedings (International Congress 881)
480492: ISBN: 3540411208 - Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing : IPDPS 2000 Workshop, JSSPP 2000, Cancun, Mexico, May 1, 2000 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1911)
1186910: ISBN: 0195062701 - Scanning Force Microscopy: With Applications to Electric, Magnetic, and Atomic Forces (Oxford Series on Optical Sciences)
1288521: ISBN: 0809280310 - New hope for problem drinkers
570235: ISBN: 0543910962 - Babolain.
316803: ISBN: 0872633489 - CAD/CAM for Production Tooling
1311240: ISBN: 0887409784 - Georg Jensen: A Tradition of Splendid Silver (Schiffer Book for Collectors)
919908: ISBN: 3540425403 - Environmental Geochemistry in Tropical and Subtropical Environments (Environmental Science and Engineering / Environmental Science)
1293431: ISBN: 3031410920 - Positron Profilometry: Probing Material Depths for Enhanced Understanding (SpringerBriefs in Materials)
1306707: ISBN: 0613924118 - A Discipline of Programming
336864: ISBN: 0444502289 - SDL '99 The Next Millennium
979637: ISBN: 1114696064 - The Cauchy-Goursat Problem
1069018: ISBN: 0776641522 - Les amours de Pistion et de Fortunie (Collection Les Isles fortunees 2) (French Edition)
946548: ISBN: 0899510922 - Point Counter Point. Two Views of 20th-Century Latin American Art. Two Volumes in One
1083480: ISBN: 0796901163 - Statistical graphics (Report WS-30)
1309518: ISBN: 9810212933 - COMBINATORIAL GROUP TESTING AND ITS APPLICATIONS (Series on Applied Mathematics, 3)
1277518: ISBN: 0387238298 - Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization: Supplement Volume B
1292776: ISBN: 3031306651 - Gamma Ray Imaging: Technology and Applications
1314613: ISBN: 1439839425 - Data Mining and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
1293398: ISBN: 9819933293 - Nanotechnology in Construction for Circular Economy: Proceedings of NICOM7, 31 October 02 November, 2022, Melbourne, Australia (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 356)
1287677: ISBN: 9812381139 - Statistical Physics of Crystals and Liquids. A Guide to Highly Accurate Equations of State
596400: ISBN: 0866210016 - Medical Product Liability: A Comprehensive Guide and Sourcebook (Health care economics and technology series)
448913: ISBN: 0802054412 - The Stoic strain in American literature: Essays in honour of Marston LaFrance
590169: ISBN: 9509843113 - Tiempos de Rebelion, 1870-1873.
924169: ISBN: 3540036326 - Organometallic Compounds. Methods of Synthesis Physical Constants and Chemical Reactions. Volume I, Compounds of Transition Metals. Covering the Literature from 1937 to 1964. Second Edition
922110: ISBN: 3540049851 - Formula Index to the second edition of Volumes i to III (Organometallic Compounds, Formula Index A-Z, 3 Volumes)
1312404: ISBN: 303155017X - Case Studies in the Virtual Physical Chemistry Laboratory (Physical Chemistry in Action)
1313967: ISBN: 0966938283 - Jesse Monongya: Opal Bears and Lapis Skies (American Indian Master Jewelers)
1109109: ISBN: 0306421100 - Microdomains in Polymer Solutions (New ICMI Study Series) (Vol 30)
1303840: ISBN: 0841226962 - Colloid-Polymer Interactions: Particulate, Amphiphilic, and Biological Surfaces (ACS Symposium Series 532)
1289284: ISBN: 9027721475 - Sobolev Spaces of Infinite Order and Differential Equations
907714: ISBN: 0470209488 - The Rabbit in contemporary immunological research (Monographs and surveys in the biosciences)
955477: ISBN: 0065016785 - Middle and Secondary Math. Integrating Computers in Your Classroom
1241635: ISBN: 0398035075 - Fundamentals of sensorineural auditory pathology
1083620: ISBN: 0677507305 - Reaction Transition States: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Societe de Chimie physique Paris 20th to 24th September 1970
1158227: ISBN: 2858021260 - Olombelona. Essai sur l'existence personnelle et collective a Madagascar (French Edition)
1069478: ISBN: 2728910391 - Marie (French Edition)
1050531: ISBN: 2213016895 - Eglise, la jeunesse se renouvelle: Dossier (Des chretiens/esperer) (French Edition)
1046553: ISBN: 0954598040 - Wastelands
1028902: ISBN: 2858503095 - Non-lieux (French Edition)
1243263: ISBN: 1930743610 - Dubuffet Basquiat - Personal Histories
589178: ISBN: 0863410235 - Distributed Computing Systems Programme
1290370: ISBN: 0911382070 - Nebraska Birds: Breeding Status and Distribution
1172910: ISBN: 087436115X - Power maps: comparative politics of constitutions
973140: ISBN: 0847673758 - New limits on European agriculture: Politics and the common agricultural policy (An Atlantic Institute for International Affairs research volume)
1124363: ISBN: 0122229037 - Intra- and Intermolecular Interactions, Radiation Effects in DNA Cells, and Repair Mechanisms (Physico-Chemical Properties of Nucleic Acids, Vol. 3)
1171655: ISBN: 2852651246 - Le cercle de kaolin: Boson et inities en terre anyi, Cote-d'Ivoire (Memoires de l'Institut d'ethnologie xxxii) (French Edition)
1077942: ISBN: 0883854589 - Mathematical Scientists at Work, second edition
280916: ISBN: 0470203307 - Parallel Array Processing
1073214: ISBN: 2222023548 - Tell-Mureybet (Syrie, IXo-VIIo millenaires): Etude archeozoologique et problemes d'ecologie humaine. Travaux de l'Equipe de Recherche 166 du C.N.R.S. I - les niveaux I-XVII (fouilles van Loon) et la phase IV (fouilles Cauvin) (French Edition)
1126195: ISBN: 2712200586 - Je souleverai le monde, deuxieme edition (Ressourcement 16) (French Edition)
250595: ISBN: 0833709399 - Etudes d'Histoire Financiere et Monetaire
1278687: ISBN: 0833740806 - Diderot: L'homme et l'ecrivain
1166784: ISBN: 0919890725 - Zembla's Rocks
1314093: ISBN: 0471814725 - Modern Mathematical Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
1289280: ISBN: 0824775708 - Iterative Aggregation Theory: Mathematical Methods of Coordinating Detailed and Aggregate Problems in Large Control Systems (Pure & Applied Mathematics) (English and Russian Edition)
681712: ISBN: 0595259340 - Monkey Do: Or the Myth of Biff
938023: ISBN: 3540138978 - Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XII, 1982 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1097) (French and English Edition)
1098499: ISBN: 0817636579 - Probability in Banach Spaces, 8: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference (Progress in Probability)
998547: ISBN: 5020383570 - Marks protiv SSSR: Kriticheskie Interpretatsii Sovetskogo Istoricheskogo Opyta v Neomarksizme
1101190: ISBN: 0841208158 - Chemical and Catalytic Reactor Modeling (Acs Symposium Series)
1252159: ISBN: 1890751197 - Inadvertent Arson: Paintings and Drawings By Patrick Duegaw
1216193: ISBN: 0584103360 - Whisper Louise: Edward VII and Mrs. Creswell
274039: ISBN: 0122233255 - Intermediate-Level Image Processing
1277352: ISBN: 0122233204 - Languages and Architectures for Image Processing
1230888: ISBN: 9812382313 - 2001: A Spacetime Odyssey, Procs of the Inaugural Conf of the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics
1315974: ISBN: 0199252742 - Plutarch's Lives: Exploring Virtue and Vice
392296: ISBN: 0135161541 - Knowledge-Based Systems. Applications in Administrative Government
1316802: ISBN: 1584884517 - Transform Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations (Symbolic & Numeric Computation). Second edition
530900: ISBN: 0815509227 - Treatment, Recovery, and Disposal Processes for Radioactive Wastes. Recent advances
1307287: ISBN: 3540571000 - Random Iterative Models (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability, 34)
574260: ISBN: - La Bedolliere & R. Bourdier: Nicolas Ier: Histoire de la Guerre d'Orient. Cinquieme Serie Illustree par Janet-Lange ornee d'une Carte des Positions des Armees Alliees Devant Sebastopol.
1023356: ISBN: 2708400193 - Pour une archeologie du paysage: Une communaute agraire secrete et organise son territoire : Bassy et alentours (Haute-Savoie et Ain) (French Edition)
1192586: ISBN: 0443086249 - Complex Craniofacial Problems: A Guide to Analysis and Treatment
1278852: ISBN: 0090782518 - Entropy and Low Temperature Physics
1252547: ISBN: 026351787X - Glow discharge material processing (M&B monographs, ME/5)
1262546: ISBN: 904814678X - Lightlike Submanifolds of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds and Applications (Mathematics and Its Applications, 364)
117894: ISBN: 0814200117 - A Concordance of the Chanson de Roland
1246796: ISBN: 0317407872 - The Music Box Treaty
511216: ISBN: 271520292X - Positions francaises, chronique de l'annee 1939.
978214: ISBN: 3540108858 - Trends in Information Processing Systems. 3rd Conference of the European Cooperation in Informatics, Munich, October 20-22, 1981. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 123
1293173: ISBN: 0444818138 - Surface Science. The First Thirty Years
967392: ISBN: 0870950304 - Pacific Electric Railway. A Pictorial Album of Electric Railroading
1085061: ISBN: 0306410672 - Laser Processing and Analysis of Materials.
1288760: ISBN: 0387121560 - Structure of Complex Turbulent Shear Flow
482866: ISBN: 0470224800 - Oxidation of Petrochemicals: Chemistry and Technology.
1210149: ISBN: 0226689816 - Pre-Columbian Art (Chicago Visual Library)
1262823: ISBN: 075030376X - Electronic Inventions and Discoveries: Electronics from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Present Day Fourth Edition
1315608: ISBN: 0674910761 - Truth and Other Enigmas
1315505: ISBN: 0471433349 - Abstract Algebra. Third edition
1079806: ISBN: 289006283X - Le sort de la culture (Collection Positions Philosophiques) (French Edition)
981999: ISBN: 9812561692 - Equadiff 2003. International Conference on Differential Equations, Hasselt, Belgium, 22 - 26 July 2003
1307179: ISBN: 0890053170 - The Greeks and Their Eastern Neighbours
1215887: ISBN: 0824053435 - Modern Geography (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities)
1270870: ISBN: 1402000197 - Geography: Discipline, Profession and Subject since 1870: An International Survey (GeoJournal Library, 62)
913995: ISBN: 0803906463 - India in Transition (Washington Papers Volume III)
1266556: ISBN: 0852790058 - Committee Decisions with Complementary Valuation
842926: ISBN: 0852984014 - Advances in Tribology
1307834: ISBN: 0050016369 - COAL AND COAL-BEARING STRATA.
972272: ISBN: 088410737X - Financing Health Care. Competition Versus Regulation. The Papers and Proceedings of the Sixth Private Sector Conference March 23 and 24, 1981
1310878: ISBN: 0712900152 - Bibliography of Glass. ( From the earliest records to 1940.) Compiled by the late George Sang Duncan Edited by Violet Dimbleby. ...
504805: ISBN: 0122237501 - Mechanisms of Cataract Formation in the Human Lens
1266504: ISBN: 0754672263 - In the Shadows of the Tropics: Climate, Race and Biopower in Nineteenth Century Ceylon (Re-Materialising Cultural Geography)
1314132: ISBN: 0764328972 - Jewels of Passion: Costume Jewelry Masterpieces
650414: ISBN: 0444881042 - Management of R&D and Engineering (Studies in Management Science and Systems #20)
1247581: ISBN: 0387097406 - Numerical Analysis: Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, June 26-29, 1979
1313069: ISBN: 0471608475 - Linear Operators. Part II: Spectral Theory, Self Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space
1313211: ISBN: 0471608467 - Linear Operators. Part III, Spectral Operators
1233728: ISBN: 0582253829 - Extending Modules (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series)
1313559: ISBN: 9061912253 - Numerical Models in Geomechanics: International Symposium, Zurich, 13-17 September, 1982
356738: ISBN: 0387070532 - Structure and Bonding Volume 20. Biochemistry
356742: ISBN: 0387073647 - Structure and Bonding Volume 24. Photoelectron Spectroscopy
356733: ISBN: 0387058303 - Structure and Bonding Volume 11 (Biochemistry)
356734: ISBN: 0387059016 - Structure and Bonding Volume 12 . Progress in Theory
1313176: ISBN: 0801411157 - X-Ray Analysis and the Structure of Organic Molecules
899269: ISBN: 0387077537 - Electrons in Oxygen and Sulphur-Containing Ligands (Structure and Bonding, Vol 28)
136013: ISBN: 0833702750 - Biennial Reports of the Treasurer and Secretary of the Dunlap Society
1203796: ISBN: 0899551335 - Origin of Thermoremanent Magnetization
1316357: ISBN: 0062317024 - Catullus' Bedspread: The Life of Rome's Most Erotic Poet
1261676: ISBN: 0387940847 - Shock Induced Transitions and Phase Structures in General Media. The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 52
1310182: ISBN: 0962451304 - The Slice: Information With an Attitude
1257315: ISBN: 9027707472 - Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic: Invited Papers from the Fifth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic held at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, May 13?16, 1975. Episteme 2
1013746: ISBN: 3540501479 - The Mathematics of Blunt Body Sampling. Lecture Notes in Engineering 38
1103385: ISBN: 0841221979 - The Science of Global Change: The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment (Acs Symposium Series)
1237245: ISBN: 1555811493 - Cell-Cell Signaling in Bacteria
844564: ISBN: 0846301105 - Wound Healing. A MEDCOM Update for the 70s.
1188321: ISBN: 190328001X - Rough Set Data Analysis: A Road to Non-invasive Knowledge (Methodos Primers)
1027131: ISBN: 9004061924 - Van Pier tot Vliet: 117 jaar Haags openbaar vervoer in foto's 1864-1981 (Dutch Edition)
986968: ISBN: 9004041923 - Lijnen van Gisteren. 100 jaar Amsterdams openbaar vervoer in foto's 1875-1975
1036538: ISBN: 184171786X - La malacofaune de sites mesolithiques et neolithiques de la facade atlantique de la France (British Archaeological Reports British Series 1571)
871630: ISBN: 354009721X - Algebraic Topology, Aarhus 1978: Proceedings of a Symposium held at Aarhus, Denmark, August 7-12, 1978 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 763)
1016236: ISBN: 1466579765 - Environmentally Friendly Syntheses Using Ionic Liquids. Sustainability: Contributions through Science and Technology
1309135: ISBN: 0268025940 - Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture (ND Erasmus Institute Books)
1309348: ISBN: 0268026165 - The Quest of the Absolute: Birth and Decline of European Romanticism
1187900: ISBN: 0387171789 - Supercomputer Simulations in Chemistry. Proceedings of the Symposium on Supercomputer Simulations in Chemistry, held in Montreal August 25-27, 1985, sponsored by IBM -Kingston and IBM-Canada. Lecture Notes in Chemistry 44
1191235: ISBN: 9028901329 - Hugo Claus (Monografieen over Vlaamse letterkunde) (Dutch Edition)
1208799: ISBN: 8485984285 - Petite histoire de Picasso (Spanish Edition)
970751: ISBN: 0521302714 - Latin America and the World Recession
1273362: ISBN: 2710804816 - Thermal Phenomena in Sedimentary Basins
1051436: ISBN: 0776102052 - Quel avenir?: Les enjeux de la manipulation de l'homme (Collection Quelle?) (French Edition)
1040929: ISBN: 2701012457 - Histoire religieuse: Histoire globale, histoire ouverte : melanges offerts a Jacques Gadille (Bibliotheque Beauchesne) (French Edition)
1312320: ISBN: 303043706X - Natural Disasters and Climate Change: Innovative Solutions in Financial Risk Management (SpringerBriefs in Economics)
1024570: ISBN: 0892325054 - Research in Philosophy and Technology (Research in Philosophy & Technology 7)
340986: ISBN: 0471934704 - Compositional Data Objects. The IMC/IMCL Reference Manual
1314546: ISBN: 1118129857 - Professional Automated Trading: Theory and Practice
1062076: ISBN: 089838284X - Coordination of Distributed Problem Solvers (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
1297680: ISBN: 0792305116 - Phenomenology and Beyond: The Self and Its Language (Contributions to Phenomenology, 3)
1053983: ISBN: 2845862490 - A la rencontre des Kapsiki du Nord Cameroun: Regard d'un missionnaire d'apres Vatican II (1961-1980) (French Edition)
957705: ISBN: 0824761936 - Vibrational Spectra and Structure. A Series of Advances, Volume 2
1201580: ISBN: 0444413804 - Vibrational Spectra and Structure: A Series of Advances, Vol. 4
956886: ISBN: 0444414371 - Vibrational Spectra and Structure. A Series of Advances. Volume 5
954079: ISBN: 0444427228 - Vibrational Spectra and Structure: A Series in Advances, Vol. 15
1316149: ISBN: 0230238858 - Macroeconometrics and Time Series Analysis (The New Palgrave Economics Collection)
1207000: ISBN: 846005652X - Catalogo de los documentos privados en pergamino del Archivo de la Catedral de Orense, 888-1554 (Instituto de Estudios Orensanos Padre Feijoo)
270264: ISBN: 0471923826 - Winning the Marketing War. A Practical Guide to Competitive Advantage
1279190: ISBN: 0821850423 - Particle Systems Random Media and Large Deviations (Contemporary Mathematics Volume 41)
1316834: ISBN: 0521867568 - Elementary Probability for Applications
1311360: ISBN: 3540531777 - Turbulent Shear Flows 7: Selected Papers from the Seventh International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Stanford University, USA, August 21â23, 1989
1254195: ISBN: 9754703108 - Facing the challenge: Turkish automobile, steel, and clothing industries' responses to the post-Fordist restructuring
588660: ISBN: 0435342657 - Studies in Australian Geography
790555: ISBN: 9056995863 - Recent Advances in Polymer Chemical Physics: Contributions of the Russian Academy of Science
1111409: ISBN: 3540569707 - Responsive Gels: Volume Transitions II (Advances in Polymer Science 110)
1305016: ISBN: 3540567917 - Responsive Gels: Volume Transitions 1 (Advances in Polymer Science, 109)
1089172: ISBN: 058515600X - The Montana Cree: A Study in Religious Persistence
1290663: ISBN: 0821818635 - Simplicial Methods and Interpretations of Triple Cohomology (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
1096735: ISBN: 0444886559 - Small Peptides: Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Studies (Pharmacochemistry Library, Volume 19)
969050: ISBN: 0892326476 - Asia-Pacific Economies: Promises and Challenges. Research in International Business and Finance. A Research Annual. Volume 6, Part B
327371: ISBN: 0849358205 - DNA Systematics. Volume I: Evolution
885333: ISBN: 2858025762 - totalitarisme sans etat essai d'anthropologie politique a partir d'un village burkinabe
1315006: ISBN: 1461355796 - Self-Awareness & Causal Attribution: A Dual Systems Theory
1296771: ISBN: 9814307467 - Number Theory: An Elementary Introduction Through Diophantine Problems (Monographs in Number Theory)
1014999: ISBN: 285919102X - Un enfant en exil: Une consultation ethnopsychiatrique en milieu scolaire (Bibliotheque d'ethnopsychiatrie) (French Edition)
1207152: ISBN: 0471974196 - Infrared Vibration-Rotation Spectroscopy: From Free Radicals to the Infrared Sky
1158298: ISBN: 1560728108 - Photon: Old Problems in Light of New Ideas (Contemporary Fundamental Physics)
1284235: ISBN: 1560727187 - Photon and Poincare Group, Contemporary Fundamental Physics Series
889749: ISBN: 0444421696 - Mechanics of Material Behavior. The Daniel C. Drucker Anniversary Volume. Studies in Applied Mechanics 6
1170526: ISBN: 0719034744 - Mathematical Approaches to Brain Functioning Diagnostics (Proceedings in Nonlinear Science)
1190619: ISBN: 0824082761 - Reaction and Accommodation: The United States Supreme Court and Political Conflict
1246019: ISBN: - Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution
1210242: ISBN: 038796472X - Stability of Time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Stability of Time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows ... Hampton, Virginia (ICASE NASA LaRC Series)
1305544: ISBN: 0122259505 - Chelating Agents and Metal Chelates
1212869: ISBN: 0884010066 - Fire, earth, and water: Sculpture from the Land Collection of Mesoamerican Art : [exhibited at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California ... 1976, Seattle Art Museum, April-June, 1976]
1025100: ISBN: 0884010066 - Fire, earth, and water: Sculpture from the Land Collection of Mesoamerican Art: [exhibited at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California ... 1976, Seattle Art Museum, April-June, 1976]
975980: ISBN: 0306106787 - Actual Contact Area Between Touching Surfaces
1221841: ISBN: 0816908036 - Ammonia Plant Safety & Related Facilities (AMMONIA PLANT SAFETY (AND RELATED FACILITIES))
1017636: ISBN: 146320082X - Ural-Altaic Studies: Scientific Journal
355035: ISBN: 3540609830 - Extensions of Logic Programming. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1050
1299984: ISBN: 3540089551 - Shape Theory. An Introduction. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 688
1188064: ISBN: 0855010924 - An introduction to liquid scintillation counting
1106787: ISBN: 0717108597 - Pastoral Guide to Canon Law
960858: ISBN: 0815509243 - Handbook of Industrial Residues. Volume 1: Industries and Management Options. Volume 2: Treatment Technology. Two Volumes in One
523714: ISBN: 0394550692 - Human Resource Planning: Tested Practices of Five Major U. S. and Canadian Companies. A Case Study Reference Guide
1316833: ISBN: 144716394X - An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series). Second edition
1120233: ISBN: 0989918521 - Real Estate: Dwelling in Contemporary Art
1303116: ISBN: 0486453510 - Mathematical Conversations: Multicolor Problems, Problems in the Theory of Numbers, and Random Walks (Dover Books on Mathematics)
1290574: ISBN: 0415399645 - Sport and American Society: Exceptionalism, Insularity, Imperialism (Sport in the Global Society)
474632: ISBN: 0412020815 - Engineering Polymers
1079556: ISBN: 3718650401 - The Theory of Quantum Nondegenerate Liquids. Volume 14, Part 3. Physics Reviews (Soviet Scientific Review/ Section A )
1064163: ISBN: 0706510887 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere. Results of Researches of the International Geophysical Projects, Collection of Articles, No. 16
1277310: ISBN: 0470219106 - Methods of Singular Integral Equations (Pitman Monographs & Surveys in Pure & Applied Mathematics 60)
948985: ISBN: 0444854614 - Physics of the Earth's Interior. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi". Course LXXVIII. Italian Physical Society
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