This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1316053: ISBN: 0060416017 - Classical Abstract Algebra
624755: ISBN: 1578862663 - Connecting with Adolescents in School
489560: ISBN: 9728186304 - Cronicas de Pimenta e de Canela
588716: ISBN: 0898387981 - Guide to Reprocessing of Hemodialyzers.
1184099: ISBN: 0841202214 - Toughness and Brittleness of Plastics (Advances in chemistry series)
1077592: ISBN: 1909726206 - Passing the ARCP: Successful Portfolio-Based Learning
1164667: ISBN: 191015864X - Low Carbon Mobility Transitions
281673: ISBN: 0135164281 - Knowledge Systems Design
1288752: ISBN: 052125468X - Nonlinear Waves
1316812: ISBN: 1584885750 - Integral Transforms and Their Applications, Second Edition
1239396: ISBN: 0273086480 - Advances in Nonlinear Waves Volume II. Research Notes in Mathematics 111
1314569: ISBN: 3540762663 - Visual Explorations in Finance: with Self-Organizing Maps (Springer Finance)
854436: ISBN: 1615208615 - Telementoring in the K-12 Classroom: Online Communication Technologies for Learning
1311187: ISBN: 0300181140 - The Jewelry and Metalwork of Marie Zimmermann
450658: ISBN: 8071854026 - Popirani Holocaustu: Silici Utok na Pravdu a Pamet
678792: ISBN: 0805818960 - Research on Classroom Ecologies: Implications for Inclusion of Children With Learning Disabilities
1300965: ISBN: 0976136406 - Restoring the Glen Echo Park Carousel
505146: ISBN: 1879105098 - The Voice Advantage
652996: ISBN: 0929597125 - The Lois Beurman Torf Collection for the University of Massachusetts
516948: ISBN: 0977768600 - Jack Tworkov: Early Paintings and Drawings
541595: ISBN: 1566070775 - Global Network Security: Threats and Countermeasures
376827: ISBN: 0927695650 - OSI: An International Standard for Open Systems
863581: ISBN: 0915057514 - Call of the Wild: A Sportman's Life
900799: ISBN: 1573317845 - Oxidative / Nitrosative Stress and Disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1203
586009: ISBN: 3515076387 - Rheinhessische Flurnamen. aus dem onomasiologischen Feld 'Hugel, Anhohe, kleinere Bodenerhebung'. Abhandlungen der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Jahrgang 1999, Nr. 10
1109819: ISBN: 0895734079 - Microwave Processing and Engineering (Ellis Horwood Food Science and Technology Series)
277130: ISBN: - The Deccan Geographer: Journal of the Deccan Geographical Society. volumes 7-11 (1969-1973)
1127159: ISBN: 3527102221 - Elektrochemische Energiegewinnung B128 (DECHEMA Monographien) (German Edition)
542364: ISBN: 1904541151 - Administration Yearbook & Diary 2005. 39th Edition
1060269: ISBN: 2204054674 - Conduire une action pastorale
1164038: ISBN: 0471187682 - Transition Metal Hydrides
1311992: ISBN: 0802075835 - New Beginnings: Early Modern Philosophy and Postmodern Thought
1300614: ISBN: 0253203716 - Frontiers in Semiotics
1158921: ISBN: 0912190108 - Ecumenical directory of retreat and conference centers
1213225: ISBN: 0582462118 - Rock-forming minerals: Vol. 3 : sheet silicates
1261322: ISBN: 1930416164 - Jay DeFeo: Ingredients of alchemy, before and after the rose : March 14-May 4, 2002
1069022: ISBN: 2718903104 - Les chretiens dans la societe: Le mystere du salut dans sa traduction sociale (Le Christianisme et la foi chretienne) (French Edition)
1315831: ISBN: 0300017499 - Defrancis: Annotated Quotations from Chairman Mao
1255282: ISBN: 0122079507 - Transition metal complexes of cyclic polyolefins (Organometallic chemistry)
1252273: ISBN: 3642034586 - Foundations and Applications of Security Analysis: Joint Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5511)
896403: ISBN: 0198563752 - Electromagnetic Compatibility
712834: ISBN: 3764350865 - Industrial Building: Radical (English and German Edition)
1114387: ISBN: 3798507775 - Trends in Colloid and Interface Science II (Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science)
1245516: ISBN: 0444869409 - Physics of Amphiphiles: Micelles, Vesicles and Microemulsions : Proceedings of the International School of Physics, Enrico Fermi, Course Xc
1146186: ISBN: 0252062221 - Tuned In: Television in American Life. Photographs
1304265: ISBN: 091637467X - Red Arrow. The First Hundred Years, 1848-1948. Interurbans Special 96
1315391: ISBN: 047168029X - Optimal Statistical Decisions
1292955: ISBN: 3031392817 - Probing Earth's Deep Interior using Space Observations Synergistically (Space Sciences Series of ISSI, 85)
1118717: ISBN: 3945180163 - BEOBACHTUNG (Observation)
589976: ISBN: 8322918445 - Antynomie rozumu z dziejow filosofii niemieckiej XVIII i XIX wieku.
1130767: ISBN: 1874376174 - Why Do Multi-Physics Analysis
1040141: ISBN: 0919597211 - The World Was Her Classroom
1002072: ISBN: 1904855091 - Hardships and Survival in Rural West Africa: A Case Study of a Ghanaian Community
429070: ISBN: 1860570763 - The Role of Universities in the Modern Economy
1315318: ISBN: 0486474410 - Nonlinear Functional Analysis
574568: ISBN: 0824772504 - Reducing the Carcinogenic Risks in Industry. Occupational Safety and Health. Volume 9
1012173: ISBN: 0896034178 - Adhesion Protein Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology 96)
1069458: ISBN: 2872990038 - Charles Peguy: L'Esperance d'un Salut Universel
1314567: ISBN: 069115287X - Structural Macroeconometrics: Second Edition
1191193: ISBN: 9024722365 - The Low Countries History Yearbook 1979: Acta Historiae Neerlandicae
386194: ISBN: 0720405416 - Simulation of Systems
1220761: ISBN: 0937088005 - This blessed land
1023355: ISBN: 8473171098 - Argentina y Conqvista del Rio de la Plata
1288057: ISBN: 1587671387 - Dark Delicacies: Original Tales of Terror and the Macabre
990124: ISBN: 8476351070 - Catalogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliografico Espanol. Siglo XVII, Cap - Cz.
398476: ISBN: 0387820361 - Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Volume 2. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Courses and Lectures, No. 304
1058414: ISBN: 0444703721 - Satellite Integrated Communications Networks. Proceedings of the Third Tirrenia International Workshop on Digital Communications Tirrenia, Italy, 14-16 September 1987
349801: ISBN: 044482328X - Mobile and Personal Communications
1293517: ISBN: 1593339569 - Manuscrits Syriaque Conserve dans la Bibliotheque des Maronites d'Alep: (Syrie) (Georgias Eastern Christian Studies) (French Edition)
1304108: ISBN: 1616559772 - The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal
1047804: ISBN: 9685208654 - The Judgement of the Eyes
315510: ISBN: 0444705228 - Systems with Learning and Memory Abilities
1310718: ISBN: 0470206004 - Double Layer and Electrode Kinetics
1228549: ISBN: 1909932639 - Amor Mundi: The Collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman
1021900: ISBN: 0860545970 - Capileira, Village Andolalous un habitat montagnard a toits plats: Maison de l'Orient mediterraneen (C.N.R.S. - universite Lumiere - Lyon 2), Lyon, France (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International 466) (Archaeological Series no. 4)
436296: ISBN: 0833708120 - Repertoire Analytique et Chronologique de la Correspondance de Guillaume Bude.
934300: ISBN: 1456765736 - Fall Into Darkness: Prequel to Veil of Time
914845: ISBN: 1452042292 - Veil of Time
1316119: ISBN: 0816616019 - The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque
1315838: ISBN: 0816614369 - Kant's Critical Philosophy: The Doctrine of the Faculties
1305599: ISBN: 3803019001 - Attische Giebelskulpturen und Akrotere des funften Jahrhunderts (Tubinger Studien zur Archaologie und Kunstgeschichte) (German Edition)
1256122: ISBN: 8493809306 - Cants a la natura
1033980: ISBN: 0860549623 - Elites y organizacion de la religion en las provincias romanas de la Betica y las Mauritanias: sacerdotes y sacerdocios. BAR International Series 724
980199: ISBN: 981238765X - The First 60 Years of Nonlinear Analysis of Jean Mawhin
1095401: ISBN: 0387914897 - Fuzzy Optimization: Recent Advances (Studies in Fuzziness)
1312179: ISBN: 3540127364 - Measuring Techniques in Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows: Symposium, Nancy, France July 5-8, 1983
1057771: ISBN: 2920460110 - Delia Tetreault en Son Temps: Lettres Vol. I.
1196818: ISBN: 0312101481 - Tattoo: The Exotic Art of Skin Decoration
216911: ISBN: 0833708198 - Le Cabinet des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imperiale. FOUR VOLUMES
1306499: ISBN: 9602042591 - The Parthenon Frieze: Problems, Challenges, Interpretations
891356: ISBN: 887185005X - Manierismo marginale. Architetture ai piedi delle Alpi nel secondo Cinquecento (Punto di vista) (Italian Edition)
999502: ISBN: 3540062874 - Seminaire de Probabilites VII. Universite de Strasbourg. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 321
1282298: ISBN: 2705614109 - Probabilites et potentiel Volume 3: Theorie discrete du potentiel. Chap. IX a XI. (HR.HORS COLLEC.) (French Edition)
1192971: ISBN: 3926987081 - Hopf-Verzweigung in Systemen mit Symmetrie und deren numerische Behandlung (Wissenschaftliche Beitrage aus europaischen Hochschulen, Reihe 11, Mathematik, Band 1) (German Edition)
1108003: ISBN: 0934185018 - River of Tears: The Politics of Black Women's Health
1266934: ISBN: 0817300309 - Red Against Blue: The Liberal Party in Colombian Politics, 1863 - 1899 (Library of Alabama Classics)
1223176: ISBN: 1844076679 - Globesity: A Planet Out of Control?
1293735: ISBN: 2708007769 - La recherche historique en archives du Moyen age
1006481: ISBN: 3515056300 - Gelenkte Ekstase: Die kulturelle Dimension der halluzinogenen Droge Caji der Yebamasa-Indianer des mittleren Rio Piraparana (Kolumbien) (ACTA Humboldtiana) (German Edition)
1109092: ISBN: 3540093125 - Biochemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry 83)
1281438: ISBN: 2213022690 - Rassurer et proteger: Le sentiment de securite dans l'Occident d'autrefois
1271362: ISBN: 0789011948 - Substance Abuse Issues Among Families in Diverse Populations
967244: ISBN: 0122088808 - Analysis of Global Expansion Methods: Weakly Asymptotically Diagonal Systems (Computational Mathematics and Applications)
1307339: ISBN: 0521357969 - Computational Methods for Integral Equations
904141: ISBN: 354056442X - Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke II (v. 2)
1314996: ISBN: 111953738X - Introduction to Private Equity, Debt and Real Assets: From Venture Capital to LBO, Senior to Distressed Debt, Immaterial to Fixed Assets (Wiley Finance) Third Edition
1314999: ISBN: 1119381002 - Asset Allocation and Private Markets: A Guide to Investing with Private Equity, Private Debt, and Private Real Assets (Wiley Finance)
1214659: ISBN: 2930495022 - Neanderthals in Europe [Jan 01, 2006] Otte
1250026: ISBN: 3540550046 - Mathematical Methods for Hydrodynamic Limits (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1501)
1264936: ISBN: 3540521186 - Bifurcations and Catastrophes: Geometry of Solutions to Nonlinear Problems (Universitext)
1302681: ISBN: 0841239703 - Frontiers in Modern Carbohydrate Chemistry (ACS Symposium Series 960)
1191810: ISBN: 9029048956 - Verzamelde verhalen (Dutch Edition)
1304123: ISBN: 0961153806 - Japan by Rail. Published As a Supplement to Electric Railways of Japan
998428: ISBN: 9802223964 - Hispanoamerica IV. Historia General de America, 14
1310762: ISBN: 6188007836 - Archaic Colors
1310767: ISBN: 9609159605 - Paria lithos: Parian quarries, marble and workshops of sculpture
1207971: ISBN: 3552059288 - Diktatoren im Kino: Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin
1206689: ISBN: 1320574424 - DEMI: Searching For The Light
1095592: ISBN: 0817628150 - Amphora: Festschrift for Hans Wussing on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (English, French, German and Italian Edition)
1267830: ISBN: 0821800418 - Applied Cryptology, Cryptographic Protocols, and Computer Security Models (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 29)
1030815: ISBN: 3515068880 - Verwandtschaft und Sozialitat bei den Jenu Kurumba: Vom Arbeiten, vom Teilen und von (Un)gleichheit in einer sudindischen Sammler- und Jagergesellschaft (Beitrage zur Sudasienforschung Sudasien - Institut Universitat Heidelberg, 173) (German Edition)
290041: ISBN: 0719026792 - Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences
277942: ISBN: 0719026792 - Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences
1314814: ISBN: 0896850374 - Southern Pacific Bay Area Steam
1315187: ISBN: 0521448328 - Exploring Affect: The Selected Writings of Silvan S. Tomkins (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
1069566: ISBN: 2728903565 - Un portail pour le ciel
1192846: ISBN: 8389499460 - Obrazy Hinduizmu: Kultura I Religia Oczami Radzputow I Pasterzy (Polish Edition)
1136075: ISBN: 3764350253 - Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics: International Conference in Blossin (Germany), May 17 - 21, 1993 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
1119511: ISBN: 3764362197 - Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory: PDE2000 Conference in Clausthal, Germany (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
1135610: ISBN: 1854142771 - Spread of London's Underground
1106456: ISBN: 9061911192 - Geotextiles Geomembranes & Related Products. 1: Steep slopes and walls, etc. 2: Canals, reservoirs and dams, etc. 3: Opening ceremony, late papers, etc. THREE VOLUMES
903025: ISBN: 0444808663 - Tumor Immunology: Mechanisms Diagnosis Therapy (Research Monographs in Immunology, Volume 11)
1298777: ISBN: 9971950588 - Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics
1316126: ISBN: 0521484464 - The Amateur Strategist: Intuitive Deterrence Theories and the Politics of the Nuclear Arms Race (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology)
459384: ISBN: 8716086058 - Depot Neuroleptic Treatment in Schizophrenia. Two Double-Blind Trials with Cis (Z)-Clopenthixol Decanoate and a Discontinuation Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Supplementum 279
1314281: ISBN: 0674056094 - The Dynamics of Masters Literature: Early Chinese Thought from Confucius to Han Feizi (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series)
1281118: ISBN: 0821828290 - Theorie der Endlichen und Unendlichen Graphen. Kombinatorische Topologie der Streckenkomplexe
355672: ISBN: 0387500375 - Advanced Computing Concepts and Techniques in Control Engineering. NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Science, Volume 47
1295041: ISBN: 1598742604 - Rethinking Agriculture: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives (One World Archaeology) (Volume 51)
1078934: ISBN: 270230365X - Mariage: Approches pastorales (French Edition)
855524: ISBN: 2760525570 - L'organisation communautaire en CSSS: service public, participation et citoyennete
428638: ISBN: 0522850219 - Insects and Diseases of Australian Potato Crops
543446: ISBN: 0470212780 - Practical waste treatment and disposal
466694: ISBN: 260400061X - Technology: A Key Factor for Regional Development (Thema)
1285324: ISBN: 388345639X - Le Non-Etre : Deux Etudes Sur Le Sophiste De Platon - International Plato Studies Volume 6
689999: ISBN: 1558993673 - Statistical Mechanics in Physics and Biology: Symposium Held December 2-5, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings)
1216515: ISBN: 1873617208 - Mas alla del Silencio: Las fronteras de genero en los Andes. Parentesco y genero en los Andes Tomo I
1156458: ISBN: 2708405624 - Le calendrier chretien
342042: ISBN: 3540567100 - Control Technology in Elementary Education. NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Volume 116
1083034: ISBN: 2204040304 - Le Mariage, un sacrement pour les croyants?
522151: ISBN: 0917617738 - Trends and Traditions in Latin American and Caribbean History: Papers of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials.
1192965: ISBN: 286847103X - La sculpture dans l'ouest, de l'age du fer a jours. (Arts de l'ouest)
857306: ISBN: 3932036166 - Denise Green : Affinities with Joseph Beuys, Before and After September 11. A Retrospective
811762: ISBN: 0944183131 - Guidelines for Professional Practice in Athletic Training
621286: ISBN: 1887334890 - Usage and Usability Assessment: Library Practices and Concerns (Council on Library and Information Resources: Tools for Practitioners)
1217264: ISBN: 9990587876 - Entre los muertos, los diablos y el desarrollo en los Andes: De campos opuestos a territorios en comun
1195902: ISBN: 0387954716 - Nonlinear Estimation and Classification (Lecture Notes in Statistics (171))
990932: ISBN: 6077788090 - Entre El Mundo Rural Y El Trabajo Industrial : Estudio De La Cultura Laboral En Un Aserradero De La Sierra Tarahumara
1083457: ISBN: 8829908312 - Atlas of Porcelain Restorations
1312010: ISBN: 3658432020 - Characterizing Multiparticle Entanglement Using the Schmidt Decomposition of Operators (BestMasters)
707953: ISBN: 8790029143 - Mennesker og Guder : Nye fund fra det gamle Kina.
913515: ISBN: 0444893733 - Health Care in the EC Member States. Health Policy Monographs, Vol. 1
1297165: ISBN: 0865591032 - From America's Studio. The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Two Exhibitions of Works by Alumni. 125th Anniversary Celebration
652528: ISBN: 9041122222 - Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, Volume 25, 2003
867678: ISBN: 2922685802 - Les Fermieres Obsedees
725276: ISBN: 0920763138 - Sounding the Iceberg: An Essay on Canadian Historical Novels
725363: ISBN: 1550222503 - A World Under Sentence: John Richardson and the Interior
809156: ISBN: 0935716432 - Lord John Ten
708621: ISBN: 590348901X - Dennis Hopper v Emitazhe : Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh, 21 iiu-25 avgusta 2007 goda
606816: ISBN: 189276928X - Looking Beneath the Surface of Agricultural Safety and Health
1182917: ISBN: 0977601609 - Perceptions: Bay Area Photography, 1945-1960
390118: ISBN: 0792308174 - Labor, employment, and agricultural development in West Asia and North Africa
390073: ISBN: 0792306880 - Labor and rainfed agriculture in West Asia and North Africa
1209653: ISBN: 0669077887 - International Financial Flows: A Statistical Handbook
1307813: ISBN: 0784405115 - New Technological and Design Developments in Deep Foundations: Proceedings of Sessions of Geo-Denver 2000, August 5-8, 2000, Denver, Colorado (Geotechnical Special Publication)
1306068: ISBN: 3540119663 - Algebraic K-Theory. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Oberwolfach, June 1980: Part 2 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 967)
1223627: ISBN: 0521338395 - English Industrial Cities of the Nineteenth Century: A Social Geography (Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography, Series Number 4)
1158795: ISBN: 1559380454 - Research in Race and Ethnic Relations: A Research Annual: 6 (Research in Race & Ethnic Relations)
605178: ISBN: 3540058567 - Conference on Harmonic Analysis, College Park, Maryland, 1971. Lecture notes in mathematics 266
597785: ISBN: 087730002X - The Gynecologic Consideration of the Sexual Act and an Appendix with an Account of Denslow Lewis Pioneer Advocate of Public Sexual Education and Venereal Prophylaxis
1059231: ISBN: 9400761864 - Soil as World Heritage
630774: ISBN: 0891165991 - Future Energy Production Systems: Heat and Mass Transfer Processes. VOLUME TWO. A publication of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, Belgrade.
1163414: ISBN: 0907036058 - Southern Survey
593938: ISBN: 0802033792 - Unemployment and Labour Force Behaviour of Young People: Evidence from Canada and Ontario.
642808: ISBN: 0080314899 - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics: Mesons, Isobars, Quarks and Nuclear Excitations. Proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 6-18 April 1983. (Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics Volume 11)
642793: ISBN: 008031743X - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Volume 13: Nuclear and Subnuclear Degrees of Freedom and Lepton Nucleus Scattering. Proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 8-20 April 1984.
642778: ISBN: 0080315003 - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Volume Twelve
406372: ISBN: 0080300367 - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Volume 9: Collective Bands in Nuclei
1138118: ISBN: 0892321539 - Studies in Symbolic Interaction. Volume 3
1316431: ISBN: 0138817898 - System Simulation With Digital Computer
458053: ISBN: 0391026445 - The Madia of Bhamragad. Foreword by C. von Furer-Haimendorf.
1260269: ISBN: 144155372X - Chief Complaints: Surgery and Dilemmas in Health Care
1135090: ISBN: 3906437175 - Design Z 2005 (isbn 3906437175 )
1063783: ISBN: 9715520731 - Joined by History
1084610: ISBN: 1563860147 - Osseointegrated Implant: A Manual
1291763: ISBN: 0931011337 - HP 48S/SX Graphics
322430: ISBN: 044489120X - Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures. Volume B: Proceedings
1191496: ISBN: 9026435215 - Kroniek van Dr. F. A. Snellaert 1809-1872: In opdracht van het Snellaert-Comite samengesteld (Dutch Edition)
1114378: ISBN: 0115121889 - Industrial Corrosion Monitoring
853464: ISBN: 3886090396 - Kleinplastik Deutschland Frankreich Deutsche Plastik 19 Jahrhundert Katalog der Originalabgusse Heft 10/11
1293096: ISBN: 9819934621 - Advances in Robust Control and Applications (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 474)
921170: ISBN: 0471958603 - Wind Blown Sediments in the Quaternary Record. Quaternary Proceedings, Number 4
503893: ISBN: 086592077X - Refugees (World Issues)
692731: ISBN: 3764309717 - Formal methods in policy formulation: The application of Bayesian decision analysis to the screening, structuring, optimisation and implementation of policies within Complex Organizations (Interdisciplinary systems research ; 49)
522798: ISBN: 0122399501 - Computers in Laboratory Medicine
681275: ISBN: 0865429766 - Top Tips in Primary Care Management
1301172: ISBN: 0521059941 - The Equatorie of Planetis
985881: ISBN: 0894135627 - Auditing Security and Controls of Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP Professional
1128303: ISBN: 0263517128 - Metal Air Batteries (Chemical Engineering Monographs)
666416: ISBN: 187321555X - Derek Roberts: New Paintings
709555: ISBN: 0198771924 - Monetarism and the Labour Market (The Library of Political Economy)
1302793: ISBN: 0867842024 - Basic Theory of One-Parameter Semigroups
1229259: ISBN: 8532608663 - No coracao da Amazonia: Jurua, o rio que chora (Portuguese Edition)
1307858: ISBN: 0250403838 - Biochemical indicators of subsurface pollution
764098: ISBN: 0845137107 - Adenosine Receptors (Receptor Biochemistry and Methodology, Vol. 11)
589898: ISBN: 9062990924 - Recent Advances in Uveitis.
1098447: ISBN: 2227310286 - On ne meurt pas seul (French Edition)
1050761: ISBN: - A Mediterranean cruise: being a series of letters, describing the experiences of an excursion party on a trip around the Mediterranean Sea
1316019: ISBN: 0415389577 - Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, The Work of Mourning & the New International (Routledge Classics)
1156290: ISBN: 3642453201 - Language, Culture, Computation: Computing - Theory and Technology: Essays Dedicated to Yaacov Choueka on the Occasion of His 75 Birthday, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
889877: ISBN: 0273088335 - Mundane Reasoning by Parallel Constraint Satisfaction (Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
1174940: ISBN: 0915171619 - The Human Comedy. Portraits by Red Grooms
980064: ISBN: 089391102X - Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume IV
1306534: ISBN: 2906053309 - Les grands ateliers d'architecture dans le monde egeen du VIe siecle av. J.-C. - actes du colloque d'Istambul, 23-25 mai 1991
358690: ISBN: 0893860034 - Implementation of Computer Procedures and Stress-Strain Laws in Geotechnical Engineering. (In Two Volumes)
1189413: ISBN: 0898381770 - Modelling and Application of Stochastic Processes
1062698: ISBN: 2718901233 - Paroles pour une esperance: Symphonie de nos attentes
973447: ISBN: 2867264022 - L'effet Godard (French Edition)
903310: ISBN: 2711601897 - "Cogito 75". Meditations. Metaphysiques, Volume 4. Philosophie Et Informatique (French Edition)
1314562: ISBN: 1736451596 - Ipo Your Spac !: The Step-By-Step Guide to Finance Your Special Purpose Acquisition Company (1) (SPACOLOGY)
1299057: ISBN: 0262540134 - Lectures on Elementary Particles and Quantum Field Theory. 1970 Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics, Volume 1
1261005: ISBN: 0262540150 - Lectures On Elementary Particles and Quantum Field Theory: 1970 Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics Volume 2
574027: ISBN: 3885510111 - 1986 Programs of Desha County Historical Society, Published Spring, 1987, Volume XIII
321477: ISBN: 0819404462 - Optics in Agriculture. SPIE Proceedings Volume 1379
890221: ISBN: 0791805190 - Concurrent Engineering of Mechanical Systems (De Series (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Design Engineering Division 2))
1018796: ISBN: 0816903689 - Small-large scale experimental data and analysis : experimental results for series IV tests analysis and program summary : progress report
1018166: ISBN: 0816903697 - Small-large scale experimental data and analysis : analysis of DIERS phase III blowdown tests : progress report
1015841: ISBN: 0816903875 - Small-large scale experimental data and analysis : equipment design and pretest analysis for series I tests: progress report
1015842: ISBN: 0816903654 - Small/large scale experimental data and analysis : experimental results for series I tests : progress report.
947504: ISBN: 0471950157 - The Crystal as a Supramolecular Entity. Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry, Volume 2
670467: ISBN: 1241666873 - Notes sur l'Americanisme. Quelques-unes de ses Lacunes en 1900
1241646: ISBN: 3805526261 - Auditory Evoked Potentials in Man. Psychopharmacology Correlates of Evoked Potentials (Progress in Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 2)
1311506: ISBN: 1611974658 - MATLAB Guide, Third Edition
1302365: ISBN: 0122120507 - Feedback Systems: Input-Output Properties
1069380: ISBN: 2867051533 - Memoires d'un faiseur de livres: Entretiens et correspondances avec Thierry Paquot (aout 1991) (French Edition)
941908: ISBN: 087023109X - Jacob and the Angel. An Essay in Sociologies of Religion
590265: ISBN: 0841209294 - The Electronic Laboratory. Tutorials and Case Histories in Laboratory Automation
590243: ISBN: 088318947X - High Brightness Beams for Advanced Accelerator Applications. Particles and Fields Series. 47
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