This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1312499: ISBN: 3031629248 - Quantum Information in the Nanoelectronic World
1305641: ISBN: 0821812688 - Finite and Infinite Primes for Rings and Fields. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Number 68
1227614: ISBN: 081730469X - Personality and the Cultural Construction of Society: Papers in Honor of Melford E. Spiro
754219: ISBN: 3540617574 - Macroeconomic Policy and Public Choice. Study Edition
805098: ISBN: 187691811X - Economics. TEE Study Guide. Sixth Edition.
679145: ISBN: 0898594340 - Cognition and Instruction
1083258: ISBN: 3769100166 - Wachstums- und Beschaftigungseffekte der Mundgesundheitswirtschaft: Ergebnisse einer gesundheitsokonomischen Trendanalyse bis 2030 (Materialienreihe Band 33)
588418: ISBN: 0803998627 - Social Change, Political Change and Public Policy (Sage professional papers in contemporary political sociology ; no. 06-019)
1307875: ISBN: 066989219X - Pollution in the electric power industry: its control and costs
1155653: ISBN: 1552468925 - Realms of Conjecture
811761: ISBN: 0944183263 - Legal Aspects of Preventive, Rehabilitative and Recreational Exercise Programs, fourth edition
1129839: ISBN: 0124759696 - Neutron Scattering, Volume 23B (Methods in Experimental Physics)
704872: ISBN: 0126041504 - Calculus of Variations and Control Theory. Proceedings of a Symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 22-24, 1976 (Publication of the Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin--Madi
1211671: ISBN: 0845151371 - Dietary restriction and aging: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Effects of Dietary Restriction on Aging and Disease in Germfree and Conventional Lobund-Wistar Rats, held in Notre Dame, Indiana March 27-29, 1988 (Progress in clinical and biological re
673423: ISBN: 8572414851 - Terapia de Estrategias para Combater a Bulimia Nervosa
1311099: ISBN: 0444419063 - Design of Industrial Catalysts (Chemical engineering monographs; v. 11)
837855: ISBN: 0861271211 - Explorations in Knowledge. An international journal in the Philosophy of Science. Volume 1, Numbers 1 and 2
742305: ISBN: 9999779670 - The Fifteenth Century. In memoriam: J. W. Robinson (1935-1986). Acta, Vol. XII
874252: ISBN: 072773007X - Computer Integrated Planning and Design for Construction
776283: ISBN: 0719541808 - Interpreters of Science: History of the Association for Science Education
778720: ISBN: 0404637531 - Continuum: Problems in French Literature from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment : Poetics of Exposition & Libertinage and the Art of Writing 1
561529: ISBN: 0398036551 - The use of alternative modes for communication in psychotherapy: The computer, the book, the telephone, the television, the tape recorder
1003530: ISBN: 0956797733 - Following Cubism 1910-1925. Salon: Art + Design 2014. The Park Avenue Armory, Ny Booth C3
582800: ISBN: 087663823X - Collective bargaining and manpower utilization in big city governments (Conservation of human resources series)
1023458: ISBN: 0910992983 - Motor Crash Guide Reference Manual
724236: ISBN: 0802048285 - Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs: 1994
1229802: ISBN: 1930230214 - Art of Substance
1253993: ISBN: 0520007611 - Livingstone's Missionary Correspondence, 1841-1856
755423: ISBN: 0631171630 - Faith and Identity: Christian Political Experience (Studies in Church History: Subsidia 6)
1086160: ISBN: 2760123561 - Blanche
680059: ISBN: 0773400087 - Heart Transplants & Other Misappropriations
1315912: ISBN: 0387970401 - Factorization and Primality Testing (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
1315755: ISBN: 0521666465 - Proofs and Confirmations: The Story of the Alternating-Sign Matrix Conjecture (Spectrum)
1259949: ISBN: 0471196304 - Monte Carlo Methods in Chemical Physics. Advances in Chemical Physics, V. 105
1307065: ISBN: 0914098179 - Lectures on Character Theory (Mathematics Lecture Series, No 8)
720144: ISBN: 0802084117 - Governance in the 21st Century / Gouvernance Au 21e Siecle (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada / Memoires de la Societe royale du Canada)
678838: ISBN: 0912048867 - Culturgrams: The Nations Around Us. Volume 1: The Americas and Europe
624091: ISBN: 3825807525 - Intergovernmental Organisations and Security Sector Reform
751110: ISBN: 0880991801 - Lessons for Welfare Reform: An Analysis of the Afdc Caseload and Past Welfare-To-Work Programs
771243: ISBN: 0125641087 - METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY,VOLUME 8, Volume 8
971876: ISBN: 0125641206 - Methods in Cell Biology. Volume XX
841644: ISBN: 3775701931 - Einfamilienhauser: Neueste Tendenzen in einer Architektur des Ubergangs
802016: ISBN: 0415942799 - Bioterrorism, volume two: Public Health, Law Enforcement and Minority Issues: Bioterrorism: The History of a Crisis in American Society
1296946: ISBN: 0387966919 - Natural Language Generation Systems
1087561: ISBN: 0470124105 - Studies in optimization
800220: ISBN: 0710617208 - Jane's Major Warships, 1997, Vol. 2
652936: ISBN: 0945558139 - David Moreno: Beneath the skin : October 1-November 10, 1991, University Galleries, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
863417: ISBN: 0313248567 - The Flacks of Washington: Government Information and the Public Agenda (Contributions in Political Science 137)
624735: ISBN: 0802089267 - Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs: 1998 (Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs)
729000: ISBN: 1573317403 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1140, Environmental Challenges in the Pacific Basin
985104: ISBN: 0894134531 - Auditing International Entities: A Practical Guide to Objectives, Risks, and Reporting. The IIARF Handbook Series
1315761: ISBN: 1771401613 - Multi-Landy: The Killer Defense Versus One Notrump
667547: ISBN: 0962376418 - Works on Paper: David Olivant (Art from Britain Series, No. 1)
691902: ISBN: 0894350218 - A guide to EDP performance management: Systems development, computer performance, operations
1277470: ISBN: 0901223824 - Key papers on surface-acoustic-wave passive interdigital devices (IEE reprint series)
1253427: ISBN: 0792391446 - Neural Networks and Speech Processing. The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 130
1193820: ISBN: 0944904920 - Low-Expansion Materials. Ceramic Transactions Volume 52
785761: ISBN: 0748404589 - Innovations In GIS (Gis Series, No. 3)
789340: ISBN: 0710063350 - Neighbours and Nationals in an African City Ward
865373: ISBN: 0415039142 - Conservation Today: Conservation in Britain since 1975
898710: ISBN: 1569540217 - Bibliography of Latin and Ibero-Romance suffixation (Bibliographic series)
1316746: ISBN: 0521002893 - A User's Guide to Measure Theoretic Probability (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics)
1302368: ISBN: 9027711429 - Introduction to Montague Semantics (Synthese Language Library)
1054338: ISBN: 0944389023 - The Photoelectric Photometry Handbook II
795194: ISBN: 0686747623 - Microcomputers in Social Research (Sociological Methods and Research, Vol 9, Issue 4)
835741: ISBN: 0939252104 - Han Shu Biography of Yang Xiong (53 B.C. to A.D. 18) (Occasional Paper Series No. 14))
1301851: ISBN: 0387947612 - Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24)
573873: ISBN: 0306413477 - Advances in Materials Characterization (Materials Science Research, Volume 15)
1313677: ISBN: 1844650553 - Understanding Phenomenology
803680: ISBN: 1853177342 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical Diagnosis and Management
604995: ISBN: 073910859X - Critical Cosmology: On Nations and Globalization (Out Sources)
567986: ISBN: 0853891753 - The Conceptualisation and explanation of processes of social change. The Queen's University Papers in Social Anthropology Volume 3
1229980: ISBN: 8494868993 - David Rodriguez Caballero: Alchemy in Motion, February 05-March 02, 2019
523600: ISBN: 0894436228 - Family Stress (The Family Therapy Collections, Volume 22)
392620: ISBN: 0912338598 - Management's Hidden Enemy--And What Can Be Done About It
723775: ISBN: 0415223547 - Towards Recovery in Pacific Asia (Esrc Pacific Asia Programme (Series).)
648857: ISBN: 0970530919 - The PC Easy Reader : Because You are NOT a Dummy or an Idiot!
467595: ISBN: 080160074X - The Hip: Proceedings of the 11th Open Scientific Meeting of the Hip Society, 1983
1250311: ISBN: 0160498287 - Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, Volume XXI: Near East Region, Arabian Peninsula
1266249: ISBN: 016048300X - Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, Volume IX: International Development and Economic Defense Policy; Commodities
409176: ISBN: 0126349509 - Crop resources: Proceedings of the 17th annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, the University of Illinois, Urbana, June 13-17, 1976
517004: ISBN: 1933399031 - Pairings II. Discovered Dialogues in Postwar Abstraction
1203052: ISBN: 3540162666 - Electromagnetic Induction Phenomena. Springer Series in Electrophysics 16
625132: ISBN: - American Photo. Volumes One and Two (vol. 1#1-6; 2#1-6) (1990-1991)
1287076: ISBN: 1934874035 - Salmonid Spawning Habitat in Rivers: Physical Controls, Biological Responses, and Approaches to Remediation
1266719: ISBN: 0125893205 - Recent Advances in Statistics: Papers in Honor of Herman Chernoff on His Sixtieth Birthday
1240056: ISBN: 0080167780 - Engineering electromagnetics (Pergamon unified engineering series)
1302689: ISBN: 0080262856 - Chemistry and Geochemistry of Solutions at High Temperatures and Pressures (Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Volumes 13 & 14)
559052: ISBN: 0815781040 - Higher Civil Service
1008154: ISBN: 0988321017 - Reservoir - James Hyde : March 21 - April 14, 2013, Freedman Gallery, Center for the Arts, Albright College, Reading Pennsylvania
1068912: ISBN: 0912296542 - Winslow Homer and the New England Poets. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Volume 89, Part 2
571105: ISBN: 8474859050 - Immigration in Europe: Issues, Policies and Case Studies
766322: ISBN: 096942745X - Parts of a World
863480: ISBN: 0226388484 - The Broken Hoe: Cultural Reconfiguration in Biase Southeast Nigeria
1085116: ISBN: 0387509526 - Assessment of Inhalation Hazards: Integration and Extrapolation Using Diverse Data (ILSI Monographs)
373859: ISBN: 3540676856 - Computer Vision - ECCV 2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1842
453418: ISBN: 0520245350 - Dynamics of Regulatory Change: How Globalization Affects National Regulatory Policies
782824: ISBN: 0895580950 - Forest, Prairie, Plains: Native American Art from the Chandler-Pohrt Collection
863725: ISBN: 0873714199 - Back Injury Prevention Handbook
519575: ISBN: 0772904995 - Ontario Universities: Access, Operations, and Funding (Ontario Economic Council Special Research Report)
1311493: ISBN: 0821804502 - Groups and Symmetry: A Guide to Discovering Mathematics (Mathematical World, Vol. 5)
1315234: ISBN: 0821804510 - Knots and Surfaces. A Guide to Discovering Mathematics. Mathematical World, Volume 6
1315237: ISBN: 013793811X - Differential Geometry. A Geometric Introduction. Instructor's Manual (isbn 013793811X)
1316041: ISBN: 0135787823 - A First Course in Fourier Analysis
681842: ISBN: 0412618001 - Current Practice in Critical Illness: Volume II
1004649: ISBN: 0730000850 - Worm In The Bud. Case Study of the Pesticide Controversy
679276: ISBN: 0275953777 - Network Exchange Theory
1024422: ISBN: 1441945407 - Advances in Applied Mathematics and Global Optimization. In Honor of Gilbert Strang (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, 17)
654904: ISBN: 0691093539 - Fertility Differences in a Modernizing Country. A Survey of Lebanese Couples.
1315923: ISBN: 0674741137 - Quantum Mechanics and Experience
1205982: ISBN: 0195206169 - The Method of Paired Comparisons. Second Edition, Revised
1304961: ISBN: 0852642490 - Theory of Competing Risks (Griffin's Statistical Monographs and Courses : No. 39)
269749: ISBN: 0444864539 - The Computer Package STATCAT Source Programs and User Manual
884836: ISBN: 3540561927 - Second Generation Expert Systems
985179: ISBN: 0894134310 - Data warehousing and data mining: Opportunities for internal auditors
378274: ISBN: 3540648968 - Concur '98: Concurrency Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1466
994903: ISBN: 0838501168 - Atlas of Eye Surgery and Related Anatomy
1314360: ISBN: 0199998167 - Mortgage Valuation Models: Embedded Options, Risk, and Uncertainty (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis)
921991: ISBN: 0863801463 - Legumes: The Australian Experience. The Botany, Ecology and Agriculture of Indigenous and Immigrant Legumes
1309062: ISBN: 019517321X - Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works
1300636: ISBN: 0805765484 - Blaise Pascal (Twayne's World Authors Series)
1114318: ISBN: 0080126669 - Manufactured Carbon
1005829: ISBN: 090901003X - Traditional arts of Pacific Island women
1316622: ISBN: 0130416479 - Real Analysis With Real Applications
1230307: ISBN: 091040710X - Past/Future/Present: Contemporary Brazilian Art
318120: ISBN: 9810217692 - Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronics Systems
949331: ISBN: 1855671441 - Telecommunications and Politics: The Decentralized Alternative
1156687: ISBN: 0952254522 - The annals of Skelington Bones, number one: The case of the phantom paperhanger of Bug Hare Hall
1156688: ISBN: 0952254549 - The Annals of Skelington Bones Spook Detective Number Two: The Spectral Passenger of Swarthy Halt
530932: ISBN: 0878497862 - Defects in Semiconductors: Icds-19 (Materials Science Forum Series Volumes 258-263)
907343: ISBN: 0854042520 - Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 36 (Specialist Periodical Reports)
902956: ISBN: 085404227X - Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins (SPR Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins (RSC)) Volume 31
902941: ISBN: 0854042172 - Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins (SPR Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins (RSC)) Volume 29
902940: ISBN: 0854042229 - Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins (SPR Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins (RSC))
1144387: ISBN: 0902799746 - Food Contact Safety of Packaging Materials (Pira Reviews of Packaging)
1312163: ISBN: 0122060709 - Turbulence phenomena;: An introduction to the eddy transfer of momentum, mass, and heat, particularly at interfaces
942927: ISBN: 0879694122 - Strategies for Physical Mapping Volume 4 (Genome Analysis)
1234619: ISBN: 0709908164 - Alcohol problems and alcohol control in Europe
1291573: ISBN: 1930675518 - Behind the Essenes: History and Ideology in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Brown Judaic Studies)
337563: ISBN: 013471749X - Intelligent Information Systems: Progress and Prospects
920172: ISBN: 077103542X - Robertson Davies. For Your Eye Alone. Letters, 1976-1995
1300981: ISBN: 0520022785 - The Gospel and the land: Early Christianity and Jewish territorial doctrine
1298586: ISBN: 1848211031 - Nano and Micromachining
511932: ISBN: 0709907001 - Establishing a Geriatric Service
1314696: ISBN: 1604978082 - The Classic of Changes in Cultural Context: A Textual Archaeology of the Yi Jing (Cambria Sinophone World)
689922: ISBN: 0841205361 - Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System: Based on a Symposium sponsored by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry, at the 175th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, 13-16, 1978 (ACS symposium series ; 118)
1306500: ISBN: 0853342261 - Weathering of Polymers
335441: ISBN: 0884100472 - Human Diversity: Its Causes and Social Significance. The Proceedings of a Series of Seminars Sponsored by the Committee on Human Diversity of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1973-1974
899434: ISBN: 0933699271 - Stephanie Brody Lederman: October 7-November 13, 1992
939754: ISBN: 0791816095 - Mechanical Behavior of Advanced Materials. MD - Vol. 84
937757: ISBN: 9991635246 - Tutorial: The Security of Data in Networks
1242058: ISBN: 9996650693 - They Moved the Millions: A Brief History of Passenger Cars of Americas Most Heavily Travelled
1296705: ISBN: 1558600337 - Representations of Commonsense Knowledge (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Representation and Reasoning)
961749: ISBN: 0444704302 - Computational Fluid Dynamics. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Sydney, Australia, August 1987
1300945: ISBN: - An International Community on the St. Croix (1604-1930)
1247640: ISBN: 0874190282 - Hinsdale of Hiram: The life of Burke Aaron Hinsdale, pioneer educator, 1837-1900
1296531: ISBN: 1570038635 - A Southern Sportsman: The Hunting Memoirs of Henry Edwards Davis
1315563: ISBN: 0444401555 - Petroleum Microbiology
1234724: ISBN: 0335155839 - Exchange (Concepts in the Social Sciences)
1295765: ISBN: 1429275928 - Introduction to Applied Partial Differential Equations
1315299: ISBN: 0964812401 - Handbook of Auger Electron Spectroscopy: A Reference Book of Standard Data for Identification and Interpretation of Auger Electron Spectroscopy Data. Third edition
1255667: ISBN: 9995145332 - Handbook of Auger Electron Spectroscopy: A Reference Book of Standard Data for Identification and Interpretation of Auger Electron Spectroscopy Data. Second Edition
904110: ISBN: 082478815X - Cystic Fibrosis (Lung Biology in Health and Disease, Volume 64)
586118: ISBN: 0833009532 - Studying First-Strike Stability with Knowledge-Based Models of Human Decisionmaking.
1295087: ISBN: 0852243960 - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 7
1295085: ISBN: 0852244940 - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 8
1295829: ISBN: 0852240007 - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands Volume 2
969773: ISBN: 1422375870 - The Colonial Virginia Satirist. Mid-Eighteenth Century Commentaries on Politics, Religion and Society. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge. New Series, Volume 57, Part 1, 1967
318411: ISBN: 0884740862 - Stress and the Organization
1276362: ISBN: 079230571X - Paleolimnology and the Reconstruction of Ancient Environments: Paleolimnology Proceedings of the XII INQUA Congress
1293071: ISBN: 0404548180 - Hong Kong in Its Geographical Setting
1203108: ISBN: 9401052484 - Interactive Dynamics of Convection and Solidification (Nato Science Series E: 219)
1229266: ISBN: 0939521423 - Land Rights and Indigenous People: The Role of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
641528: ISBN: 047026795X - The Management Function in International Banking.
1255884: ISBN: 9024712963 - Peirce's Epistemology
1011576: ISBN: 0387072268 - Theoretical inorganic chemistry (Topics in current chemistry 56)
1035538: ISBN: 1871314119 - British archaeological reports: Past, present, and future : proceedings of a conference held in Oxford in June 1994 to mark the twentieth anniversary of BAR
1140163: ISBN: 0854047549 - Advances in Additives for Water-Based Coatings
1259953: ISBN: 0080308767 - Progress in Surface Science. Volume 12
1259947: ISBN: 0080291287 - Progress in Surface Science. Volume 10
1215600: ISBN: 0879330899 - Data compression (Benchmark papers in electrical engineering and computer science ; 14)
1296579: ISBN: 0080379079 - Physiology of the Eye. Fifth Edition
1284110: ISBN: 2711601692 - Theologie Et Mystique Chez Guillaume de Saint-Thierry: La Connaissance de Dieu (Etudes de Theologie Et D'Histoire de la Spiritualite) (French Edition)
349610: ISBN: 0521404983 - Selecting an Ada Compilation System. The Ada Companion Series
704240: ISBN: 0853347891 - Developments in Polymer Characterisation 1.
1305000: ISBN: 0853341192 - Developments in Polymer Characterization - 3
536201: ISBN: 1558992588 - Structure and Properties of Interfaces in Ceramics: Symposium Held November 28-December 2, 1994, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A (Materials Research Society)
676381: ISBN: 158851966X - Heart First
1316336: ISBN: 0813210836 - The Making of Europe: An Introduction to the History of European Unity (Works of Christopher Dawson)
1250209: ISBN: 3540566228 - Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXI - 1991 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1541) (English and French Edition)
1118924: ISBN: 0722500068 - About Fluoridation: Case Against Mass Medication
942031: ISBN: 9027713170 - Emission and Scattering Techniques: Studies of Inorganic Molecules, Solids and Surfaces (NATO Science Series C: 73)
1267009: ISBN: 0415958385 - New Perspectives in Caribbean Tourism (Routledge Advances in Tourism)
1259768: ISBN: 0849353718 - Experimental and Clinical Photoimmunology Volume II
1259767: ISBN: 084935370X - Experimental and Clinical Photoimmunology Volume 1
773060: ISBN: 0871696509 - Supplement to a Guide to Manuscripts Relating to the American Indian in the Library of the American Philosophical Society (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society)
263336: ISBN: 0070161887 - Guide to Integrating Digital Services: T1, DDS, and Voice Integrated Network Architecture
586010: ISBN: 9586650073 - Maquinaciones Sutiles de La Violencia
1297781: ISBN: 0824773306 - Mathematical Logic and Formal Systems: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Professor Newton C. A. da Costa (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 94)
330615: ISBN: 0861871308 - Science Policy Research. Implications and Applications. With an Introductory Chapter by Sir Hermann Bondi
1296044: ISBN: 9024713188 - Sinn und Inhalt in der Genetischen Phanomenologie E. Husserls (Phaenomenologica, 47) (German Edition)
1044286: ISBN: 8477822492 - Cristobal Colon y la Exploracion Espanola de las Indias
1307522: ISBN: 0947816569 - Megara Hyblaia and Selinous: Two Greek City-States in Archaic Sicily (Oxford University School of Archaeology Monographs)
1228866: ISBN: 9502314913 - Imagenes de Einstein (Spanish Edition)
1314208: ISBN: 0471921777 - Languages for Parallel Architectures: Design, Semantics, Implementation Models
385858: ISBN: 3540565965 - Semantics. Foundations and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 666
1314741: ISBN: 023111270X - Sources of Chinese Tradition. Volume 2, Second edition
588718: ISBN: 0853124078 - Presynaptic Receptors. Mechanism and Function
1283382: ISBN: 083715684X - The Social Thought of Saint Bonaventure: A Study in Social Philosophy (Philosophical Studies (Catholic University of America), V. 93.)
1296889: ISBN: 9024720397 - The Development of Husser's Thought (Phaenomenologica, 76)
1300875: ISBN: 0486789993 - Square Summable Power Series (Dover Books on Mathematics)
847364: ISBN: 044441455X - Biochemical Toxicology of Environmental Agents
1314386: ISBN: 1584886439 - Fundamentals of Natural Computing: Basic Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series)
1140255: ISBN: 1857592301 - CATEDRAL SANTIAGO COMPOSTELA Scala
1031534: ISBN: 8489309507 - Cronica del Peru Cuarta Parte II
1083510: ISBN: 093864825X - Polymers in Injection Molding
1313553: ISBN: 3540257934 - Molecular Wires: From Design to Properties (Topics in Current Chemistry, 257)
982153: ISBN: 0387963219 - Advances in Soil Science 5
1227651: ISBN: 8433825070 - Jesus entre judios, cristianos y musulmanes hispanos (siglos VI-XVII) (Monografica Humanidades /Chronica Nova) (Spanish Edition)
1125052: ISBN: 2700733851 - L'eglise, esclave ou espoir du monde?
1307389: ISBN: 0122086309 - Nonlinear Feedback Control Systems. An Operator Theory Approach
1309686: ISBN: 0471926116 - Theory of Probability Volume 1: A Critical Introductory Treatment
1251781: ISBN: 0471926124 - Theory of Probability. A critical introductory treatment, Volume 2
1248927: ISBN: 8881147300 - Storia dell'idea di storia (Italian Edition)
975542: ISBN: 222003402X - Sociologies cliniques
1214071: ISBN: 9812560114 - Petit Point: A Candid Portrait on the Aberrations of Science
1029656: ISBN: 1607240106 - Memoire Sur La Conquete de La Syrie (Analecta Gorgiana 91) (French Edition)
1096447: ISBN: 906988058X - L'Aigle Et Le Soleil: 3000 Ans d'Art Mexicain (French Edition)
222168: ISBN: 0881652288 - Real-Exchange-Rate Variability from 1920 to 1926 and 1973 to 1982
1016690: ISBN: 1607247712 - Un chapiteau et une imposte provenants d'une ville morte. Etude sur l'origine et l'epoque des chapiteaux - corbeille (Analecta Gorgiana, 434) (French Edition)
1292673: ISBN: 0854230025 - Early registers of writs; (Selden Society, London. Publications)
1293965: ISBN: 9004104461 - John Philoponus' New Definition of Prime Matter: Aspects of Its Background in Neoplatonism and the Ancient Commentary Tradition (Philosophia Antiqua)
987684: ISBN: 9810212216 - Lectures on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. XXI Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics. 8 - 11 January 1992, Oaxtepec, Mexico
1311455: ISBN: 0677040407 - Physical Properties Of Liquid Crystalline Materials (Liquid Crystal Monographs 1)
1314539: ISBN: 0521879140 - Generalized Linear Models for Insurance Data (International Series on Actuarial Science)
1303049: ISBN: 9067652652 - Foundations of Pragmatics and Lexical Semantics (Groningen-Amsterdam Studies in Semantics, 7)
815873: ISBN: 2868200591 - Goethe et l'esprit francais. Actes Du Colloques, International De Strasbourg
1285881: ISBN: 9706662413 - Poesias completas / Complete Poems (Spanish Edition)
1048468: ISBN: 091164654X - Ineffective Suffrage: The denial of political rights in Mexico (A North America Project special report)
903625: ISBN: 0898598095 - Medical Virology V (International Symposium of Medical Virology//Medical Virology)
1029650: ISBN: 1593339631 - Beitraege Zur Baktrischen Lexikographie (Analecta Gorgiana 71) (German Edition)
1029653: ISBN: 159333964X - Hieronymi Quaestiones Hebraicae in Libro Geneseos (Analecta Gorgiana 72) (Latin Edition)
1016906: ISBN: 1593339887 - Reliquary of Ancient Ecclesiastical Laws
1300022: ISBN: 0781241928 - Archeology of the Yakutat Bay Area, Alaska. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 192
1133768: ISBN: 0130173517 - Innovation in Maths Education by Modelling and Applications
885351: ISBN: 2907751131 - L'economie, construction humaine (French Edition)
341566: ISBN: 9024733154 - Chemical Reactor Design and Technology. Overview of the New Developments of Energy and Petrochemical Reactor Technologies. Projections for the 90's. NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences, Volume 110
590331: ISBN: 9718610243 - Waging Agrarian Reform. NGO Initiative for a Tripartite Program in the Province of Antique
1258206: ISBN: 888636671X - Attraversamenti. Pittura, filosofia, poesia.
1314587: ISBN: 0455215553 - Commercial bank management Fourth Edition
1123615: ISBN: 2740308418 - Divorces remaries face a l'eucharitie
46493: ISBN: 0576996904 - Iuris pontificii de propaganda fide : pars prima complectens bullas brevia acta s.s. a congregationis institutione ad praesens iuxta temporis seriem disposita. EIGHT VOLUMES
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