This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
637632: ISBN: 0333360567 - Masks and Faces (Drama Workshop Plays)
1300667: ISBN: 0821839950 - Projective Group Structures as Absolute Galois Structures with Block Approximation (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, No. 884)
744066: ISBN: 0889624585 - I'd Die for You
656545: ISBN: 9992849576 - Dan Ramirez: Works 1972-1979
1208313: ISBN: 9707034548 - La Anatomia de Once Pueblos de Michoacan
861058: ISBN: 0899309143 - Triumph and Erosion in the American Media and Entertainment Industries
1244400: ISBN: 1878283928 - Antoni Tapies Recent Work January 14 - February 12, 2000
916378: ISBN: 0982393202 - Kin
1296710: ISBN: 0471900877 - Information Theoretic Indices for Characterization of Chemical Structures (Chemometrics Research Studies Series)
898073: ISBN: 9810224028 - Picture Interpretation. A Symbolic Approach. Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 20
1312436: ISBN: 303164333X - Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes and Photon Counting Systems: From Phototransduction to Circuit Architecture
1220686: ISBN: 1598847309 - Food and Famine in the 21st Century [2 volumes]
556256: ISBN: 0812106148 - The Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics
678733: ISBN: 904200939X - Civil Society in Southeast Europe (Value Inquiry, 151) (Value Inquiry Book)
962238: ISBN: 0470220813 - Abstract Evolution Equations, Periodic Problems and Applications (Research Notes in Mathematics Series 279)
589665: ISBN: 0845110365 - In Vitro Epithelia and Birth Defects.
918768: ISBN: 0979550130 - Julian Stanczak March 21- April 26, 2008
1054807: ISBN: 0979550130 - Julian Stanczak March 21- April 26, 2008
1001586: ISBN: 0933104251 - Robert A. Hall, Jr. and American Structuralism (Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture, and Cognition, 15)
1312420: ISBN: 3031395301 - Climate Change on Mountains: Reviving Humboldt's Approach to Science
1128362: ISBN: 0964346303 - Proceedings of the Symposium on the Science of Advanced Batteries : November 8 & 9, 1993, Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
1310572: ISBN: 0521596548 - Introduction to Geometric Probability (Lezioni Lincee)
968068: ISBN: 9177040791 - Betong: Miroslaw Balka, Antony Gormley, Anish Kapoor
1262462: ISBN: 2070150356 - Comme un oiseau
541536: ISBN: 0471563013 - Numerical Taxonomy of Birth Defects and Polygenic Disorders. Part A of Annual Review of Birth Defects, 1976. The National Foundation-March of Dimes Birth Defects: Original Artical Series, Volume 13, No. 3A
1135087: ISBN: 0804713103 - Shock Waves and Shock Tubes: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Shock Waves and Shock Tubes Berkeley, California, July 28-August 2, 1985.
1301437: ISBN: 0817631208 - Approximations Diophantiennes et Nombres Transcendants: Colloque de Luminy, 1982 (Progress in Mathematics) (French Edition)
642113: ISBN: 1886845034 - Dan Dempster: Waterworks, 1990-1997 : [exhibition] May 10, 1997-July 7, 1997, Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, VA
758335: ISBN: 0299031004 - Retail Sales Tax an Appraisal of New Issues
1273376: ISBN: 0841217297 - Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II (Acs Symposium Series)
551875: ISBN: 0890041741 - Membrane Transport Processes. Volume 2.
1247975: ISBN: 1889680648 - Freedom, Will, and Nature. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Volume 81, 2007
952080: ISBN: 0833708058 - An Account of the Conduct and Proceedings of the Pirate Gow (The Original of Sir Walter Scott's Captain Cleveland.) (Burt Franklin: Research & Source Works Series 517. Essays in Literature & Criticism 74)
652578: ISBN: 1564969452 - Web Tricks and Techniques: Interactive Pages with Flash: Fast Solutions for Hands-On Web Design
761726: ISBN: 1897009364 - Elizabeth LeFort : Canada's artist in wool = Elizabeth LeFort : l'artiste canadianne de la la laine (isbn 1897009364)
1292118: ISBN: 0312002084 - Berkeley's Doctrine of Notions: A Reconstruction Based on His Theory of Meaning
466060: ISBN: 0824782143 - Immunomodulators in the Rheumatic Diseases (Inflammatory Disease and Therapy, No. 4)
580641: ISBN: 0841215383 - Chemical Structure Software for Personal Computers
464465: ISBN: 0841215391 - Chemical Structure Software for Personal Computers (ACS Professional Reference Book)
679171: ISBN: 0805813888 - A Symbolic and Connectionist Approach To Legal Information Retrieval
815501: ISBN: 1558996532 - Silicon Front-End Junction Formation Technologies (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings)
678867: ISBN: 0313234264 - American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals, 1826-1924 (Historical Guides to the World's Periodicals and Newspapers)
522792: ISBN: 1887334955 - The Digital Library: A Biography
666208: ISBN: 047013710X - Man-Environment Interactions: Evaluations and Applications Part One(Community development series ; 22)
667195: ISBN: 047013710X - Man-Environment Interactions: Evaluation and Applications, Part III. (Community development series ; 22)
844309: ISBN: 1558994823 - New Materials for Batteries and Fuel Cells: Symposium Held April 5-8, 1999, San Francisco, California, U.S.A (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings)
797964: ISBN: 0262072297 - Microarrays for the Neurosciences: An Essential Guide (Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience)
1301298: ISBN: 1571460306 - 11th International Congress of Mathematical Physics
1232835: ISBN: 3446162933 - Ring-Opening Polymerization: Mechanisms, Catalysis, Structure, Utility
663224: ISBN: 1558997377 - Progress in Compound Semiconductor Materials III--Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications: Symposium Held December 1-4, 2003, Boston, Massachusetts
940303: ISBN: 981022981X - Wave Motion, Intelligent Structures and Nonlinear Mechanics. A Herbert Uberall Festschrift Volume. Series on Stability, Vibration and Control of Structures, Vol. 1
1309417: ISBN: 0471025402 - Marine sediment transport and environmental management
1316678: ISBN: 0521284147 - Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
517443: ISBN: 0954505832 - Fired Up. European Terracottas, 1450-1950
874354: ISBN: 300029886X - Sammlung Kienzle. 2 Volumes in a Slipcase (Texts & Works)
772628: ISBN: 0683076655 - Neuroendocrinology (Concepts in Neurosurgery, Vol. 5)
1017251: ISBN: 1463202210 - Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies (2011)
1017252: ISBN: 1463200552 - Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies (2010)
907251: ISBN: 2876922002 - L'or des dieux, l'or des Andes. Perou, Equateur, Colombie (French Edition)
493907: ISBN: 0715813129 - Magna Britannia; Bedfordshire. (Classical county histories)
648842: ISBN: 0323020860 - Year Book of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women's Health 2004 (Year Books)
762865: ISBN: 0631176357 - The Changing Population of Europe
1067407: ISBN: 0918090164 - The Role and responsibility of the moral philosopher (Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Volume LVI)
1303902: ISBN: 0932376134 - The theory and practice of reliable system design
1109826: ISBN: 2204023310 - Paul, sa foi et la puissance de l'evangile
865119: ISBN: 0320062074 - Enrique Gaspar: Medio Siglo De Teatro Espanol (Enrique Gaspar-Half A Century Of Spanish Theater) (Spanish Edition). Two Volumes (Tomo I and II)
1205786: ISBN: 843986244X - Simposio Toledo Hispanoarabe: Colegio Universitario, 6-8 mayo 1982
778283: ISBN: 0897970063 - Daniel Quintero: Recent paintings and drawings : [exhibition] December 3-31, 1983, Marlborough Gallery: January 25-February 25, 1984, Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd
1017523: ISBN: 1463202407 - Melilah. Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies. Volume 9, 2012
816859: ISBN: 0262231522 - Theories of Comparative Analysis (Artificial Intelligence)
1013494: ISBN: 2880861772 - Autoportraits du Nouveau Monde. Collection Precolombienne. Photographies de Francesco Gioana. Musee d'Ethnographie de Geneve
1279566: ISBN: 0471839604 - Organic Peroxides. Volume I (v. 1)
762164: ISBN: 0803908172 - Reaching People: The Structure of Neighborhood Services (Social Service Delivery Systems)
1250058: ISBN: 0521336457 - Lectures on Stochastic Analysis: Diffusion Theory (London Mathematical Society Student Texts 6)
1268730: ISBN: 3963113189 - Stadtgeschichte auf Fotografien Halle (Saale) im 20. Jahrhundert
860118: ISBN: 1413437184 - Black Market Alley
1305437: ISBN: 0955394104 - The Red Dragon... and Other Old Friends!: A Glimpse of Post-War Steam in and Around Swansea
282494: ISBN: 0861879171 - Workplace Industrial Relations and Technical Change
1301516: ISBN: 1611977398 - The Less Is More Linear Algebra of Vector Spaces and Matrices
795644: ISBN: 3804723659 - Christian Gottfried Nees Von Esenbeck: Die Bedeutung Der Botanik Als Naturwissenschaft in Der Ersten Halfte Des 19. Jahrhunderts - Methoden Und Entwicklungswege
676685: ISBN: 3907044681 - Lilien Chrysanthemen Gerbera
640202: ISBN: 3465035240 - 95. Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Dresden 2006. Netzwerk Bibliothek. (Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie Sonderbande, 92.)
846805: ISBN: 2900055024 - Aspects de la pensee hispano-americaine, 1898-1930 (Publications de l'Universite de Haute-Bretagne) (French Edition)
1220856: ISBN: 2865381439 - Telarmacha: Chasseurs et pasteurs prehistoriques des Andes, Tome 1.
1219085: ISBN: 9972627454 - La ocupacion preceramica de la sierra peruana
907766: ISBN: 2867540364 - Un si grand age--: Une exposition presentee par l'association les petits freres des Pauvres(Photo copies) (French Edition)
711516: ISBN: 9657301165 - Daniella Sheinman. A Line of Tohu. An installation
1227702: ISBN: 880902334X - Ologenesi
1241666: ISBN: 0471945196 - The Changing Geography of Advanced Producer Services: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
282545: ISBN: 0137668082 - Realistic Leadership. How to Lead Others in Achieving Company and Personal Goals
239453: ISBN: 0786409657 - Women Stage Directors Speak. Exploring the Influence of Gender on Their Work
1236869: ISBN: 0415589789 - Envisioning Landscapes, Making Worlds: Geography and the Humanities
990904: ISBN: 1633156761 - Piedra De Alero
933532: ISBN: 3882434589 - Die Demokratische Furstenherrschaft : Fur Eine Realistische Theorie Der Politik
1296965: ISBN: 0792303202 - Reflexive Epistemology: The Philosophical Legacy of Otto Neurath (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 118)
683315: ISBN: 3775707352 - Rkw-Architects: Rhode, Kellermann, Wawrowsky
1221013: ISBN: 0252010558 - Drink and Disorder: Temperance Reform in Cincinnati from the Washingtonian Revival to the WCTU
1305620: ISBN: 3805320027 - Westgriechische Akrotere (Salzburger Studien zur Archaologie) (German Edition)
1305619: ISBN: 3805317395 - Westgriechische Firstantefixe und Reiterkalyptere (Salzburger Studien zur Archaologie) (German Edition)
580300: ISBN: 9991807594 - Endangered Species: Legal Requirements and Policy Guidance. With CD-ROM
580217: ISBN: 1574771086 - Endangered Species: Legal Requirements and Policy Guidance
1276689: ISBN: 0444863990 - Algorithms and Theory in Filtering and Control: Proceedings of the Workshop on Numerical Techniques for Systems Engineering Problems, Part L (Mathematical Programming Study, 18) (Pt. 1)
568531: ISBN: 0877781117 - The Construct Lesson Plan. Improving Group Instruction (The Instructional design library 7)
568541: ISBN: 0877781052 - The Adjunct Study Guide (The Instructional Design Library ; V. 1)
1316404: ISBN: 0982887450 - Outsmart the Bridge Experts
589843: ISBN: 0192612549 - Aging: A Challenge to Science and Society. Volume I: Biology
1283858: ISBN: 0677015305 - Lectures on the Mossbauer Effect (Documents on Modern Physics)
890850: ISBN: 8876215670 - Memorie artistiche di Tivoli: Una schedatura degli anni venti (Italian Edition)
1181541: ISBN: 2868820581 - Ursula Von Rydingsvard / Reperes 120 (French Edition)
1163112: ISBN: 3868286500a - Jean-Robert Dantou & Florence Weber: The Walls Don't Speak/Les murs ne parlent pas (French and English Edition)
1086299: ISBN: 3704500062 - Large-Scale Linear Programming. Proceedings of a IIASA Workshop, 2-6 June 1980. TWO VOLUMES
1291341: ISBN: 0821811118 - Mathematics of the Decision Sciences Part I. Lectures in Applied Mathematics Volume II
1312720: ISBN: 9004036628 - Pictology: An analytical method for attribution and evaluation of pictures
1024836: ISBN: 8371517688 - Teaching on India in Central and Eastern Europe: Contributions to the 1st Central & Eastern European Indological Conference on Regional Cooperation
589840: ISBN: 3923524269 - ESO Workshop on the SN 1987 A. ESO, Garching bei Munche, 6-8 July 1987, Proceedings
1125542: ISBN: 084050246X - L'universite dans une societe educative: de l'education des adultes a l'education permanente (French Edition)
413633: ISBN: 0943255368 - Army Science: The New Frontiers : Military and Civilian Applications
1228557: ISBN: 1894212061 - Glenn Ligon: Some Changes
1089472: ISBN: 0860542416 - Drained Field Agriculture in Central and South America. Proceedings 44 International Congress of Americanists / Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Manchester 1982. BAR International Series 189
984618: ISBN: 0890620504 - CAPStan: Poems by CAPS poetry fellows, 1970-75. Introduction by Muriel Rukeyser
1103737: ISBN: 0819190454 - The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: The Canonical Development of the Proposed Governance Model
1314304: ISBN: 0754649008 - The Counsel of Rogues?: A Defence of the Standard Conception of the Lawyer's Role
1314755: ISBN: 1138497991 - Perspectives in Role Ethics: Virtues, Reasons, and Obligation (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)
649055: ISBN: 0833707698 - The Aesthetic Doctrine of Montesquieu: Its Application in His Writings
1307256: ISBN: 0817637869 - Polynomial and Matrix Computations: Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (Progress in Theoretical Computer Science)
915254: ISBN: - Al-Qantara: Revista de Estudios Arabes. Volumes 1; 2; 3
1197132: ISBN: 8870516040 - Vertigini: Diagnosi Differenziale e Trattamento
995709: ISBN: 8822239911 - Il Processo Inquisitoriale di Lorenzo Davidico (1555 - 1560). Biblioteca della Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa. Studi IV, 2. Edizione Critica
732720: ISBN: 8323107149 - Faza Geometryczna: Teoria i Zastosowania
857779: ISBN: 9612302286 - Glasbilarstvo na Slovenskem
834828: ISBN: 0917617754 - Celebrating Culture: Space, Symbols, and Traditions in Latin America and the Caribbean: Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials XLVIII
1064184: ISBN: 188044657X - Job Descriptions for System Administrators. Short Topics in System Administration #1
276672: ISBN: 0131761730 - Information in the Enterprise. It's More Than Technology
1296869: ISBN: 9401184399 - Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion. The Wofford Symposium
1262890: ISBN: 1425900801 - The Red Lily
1314896: ISBN: 0915124041 - Scattered Brains. With 3 photographs by Tim Hildebrand
1275046: ISBN: 0821851322 - Azumaya Algebras, Actions, and Modules: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Goro Azumaya's Seventieth Birthday (Contemporary Mathematics)
1002343: ISBN: 1605666734 - Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced Education: Social Practice and the Global Classroom (Premier Reference Source)
542584: ISBN: 1565551044 - Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Simulation in Engineering Education, Iccsee 97 (Simulation Series, Volume 29, No. 2)
1264379: ISBN: 1851663843 - Geomaterials: Constitutive Equations and Modelling
1037107: ISBN: 0906780608 - Upland Archaeology: What Future for the Past?
1036051: ISBN: 1841712728 - One Land, Many Landscapes: Papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fifth Annual Meeting in Bournemouth 1999 (British Archaeological Reports British Series 987)
1227665: ISBN: 8437076102 - On the Origin of Species: Illustrated Edition (Fora de Colleccio)
960718: ISBN: 0470202246 - Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
512815: ISBN: 0391026410 - Microevolution
1034952: ISBN: 0836414942 - The Untouchable Story
350965: ISBN: 0897668820 - Cellular, Biochemical, and Molecular Aspects of Reperfusion Injury. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 723
988956: ISBN: 9810215606 - Modern Perspectives in Many-Body Physics. Proceeding of the Summer School. The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 11 - 29 January 1993
1314518: ISBN: 1557385424 - Swap & Derivative Financing: The Global Reference to Products, Pricing, Applications and Markets Revised Edition
1316168: ISBN: 0470821590 - Credit Derivatives: CDOs and Structured Credit Products Third Edition
1314376: ISBN: 0070153787 - Risk Management and Financial Derivatives: A Guide to the Mathematics
1141492: ISBN: 9810224117 - Modern Quantum Field Theory II - Proceedings of the International Colloquium (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India, 5-11 January 1994)
1293432: ISBN: 9819904935 - Quantum Mechanics: Axiomatic Approach and Understanding Through Mathematics Volume 1 (UNITEXT for Physics)
1314856: ISBN: 1441996338 - Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Advanced Topics (Springer Texts in Statistics)
956921: ISBN: 0940600617 - A Festschrift for Herman Rubin (Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Lecture Notes-Monograph Series 45)
1314385: ISBN: 3642641741 - Artificial Immune Systems and Their Applications
1003734: ISBN: 8186791108 - The dawn of technology in Indian protohistory
1002545: ISBN: 8122401260 - Diffusion of agricultural innovations in village India
1314250: ISBN: 9054102675 - A Revised Handbook of the Flora of Ceylon - Volume 9 (IX)
1252911: ISBN: 9061910676 - A Revised Handbook of the Flora of Ceylon - Volume 4 (Perceptions)
1252913: ISBN: 906191065X - A Revised Handbook of the Flora of Ceylon - Volume 2
873009: ISBN: 9061936195 - Air Pollution and its Influence on Vegetation: Causes/ Effects /Prophylaxis and Therapy (Tasks for Vegetation Science 18)
1033425: ISBN: 9875071528 - La Mascara Cultural (Spanish Edition)
1222082: ISBN: 9810226829 - Developments in Language Theory II. At the Crossroads of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology
1006510: ISBN: 3496009187 - Geistervorstellungen im javanischen Uberzeugungssystem (Kolner ethnologische Studien) (German Edition)
1304497: ISBN: 185798014X - Little Deaths: 24 Tales of Sex and Horror
1315766: ISBN: 0817639543 - Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and Circuits: Volume 1
1275071: ISBN: 0821850415 - Linear Algebra and Its Role in Systems Theory. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held on July 29 - August 4, 1984, with support from the National Science Foundation (Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 47)
1187365: ISBN: 0444874852 - Elastic Waves and Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation
1021741: ISBN: 0444863230 - Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Invited Papers of the XII International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 15 - 21 July,1981
1290889: ISBN: 0691037450 - Abraham Robinson. The creation of nonstandard analysis. A personal and mathematical odyssey
1315603: ISBN: 0691024472 - Georg Cantor. His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite
896201: ISBN: 0471096571 - Organic Reactions (Volume 27)
1293201: ISBN: 9819949610 - Carbon Nanotubes: Fabrication Using the Arc Discharge Process (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
901201: ISBN: 9027711828 - Quantum Theory of Chemical Reactions: Vol. II: Solvent Effect, Reaction Mechanisms, Photochemical Processes (Quantum Theory Chemical Reactions)
1083018: ISBN: 9027714673 - Quantum Theory of Chemical Reactions: III. Chemisorption, Catalysis, Biochemical Reactions (Quantum Theory Chemical Reactions)
1299017: ISBN: 082041221X - Textual Fidelity and Textual Disregard (American University Studies)
896410: ISBN: 0444004343 - Endocrine Control Growth (Current endocrinology)
1261304: ISBN: 0945936508 - James Daugherty, 1887-1974 : late abstractions : June 6-July 6, 2002
518038: ISBN: 124652354X - Handbook of Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D.C.
1301619: ISBN: 1584886609 - Classes of Modules (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
1243443: ISBN: 1785482254 - Geographical Models with Mathematica
1305614: ISBN: 2869580096 - Le tresor de Siphnos (Fouilles de Delphes) (French Edition)
1312410: ISBN: 989644174X - A Filha de Galileu
1312534: ISBN: 9896441812 - Um Ceu Mais Perfeito Como Copernico revolucionou o cosmos (Portuguese Edition)
1312547: ISBN: 8373017860 - Corka Galileusza: Rzecz o nauce, wierze i milosci.
1303692: ISBN: 0916160017 - New England Diesels
1304429: ISBN: 188041838X - The Dark Tower, Vol. 4: Wizard and Glass
784483: ISBN: 095854591X - Back in the Beginning of Things
1288853: ISBN: 9024732794 - Contribution of Clusters Physics to Materials Science and Technology. NATO ASI Series. Series E: Applied Sciences 104
1205450: ISBN: 0895203510 - Formable Hsla and Dual-Phase Steels. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the TMS-AIME Ferrous Metallurgy Committee at the Fall Meeting held in Chicago, Illinois, October 26, 1977
1314274: ISBN: 0812694384 - Kierkegaard After MacIntyre: Essays on Freedom, Narrative, and Virture
1292388: ISBN: 0934794057 - Berkshire-Bennington Locater
1049081: ISBN: 2762116813 - Passion et Desenchantement: Une etude semiotique de l'amour et des couples dans l'oeuvre de Gabrielle Roy (French Edition)
1051645: ISBN: 0845102109 - Biobehavioral aspects of aggression
1244271: ISBN: 0122669800 - Cozumel. Late Maya Settlement Patterns
1062273: ISBN: 3540201076 - Mad Cow Disease and Related Spongiform Encephalopathies. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 284
1233261: ISBN: 0716704331 - Ordinary Differential Equations and Stability Theory: An Introduction
1301617: ISBN: 0387983066 - Geometry: Plane and Fancy (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
681395: ISBN: 1884829899 - Urban Planning/My Way
1296855: ISBN: 0814203965 - Logic and Ontology in Heidegger
857690: ISBN: 0123637074 - International Review of Connective Tissue Research. Volume 7.
716592: ISBN: 0387568697 - Advances in Spatial Databases: Third International Symposium, Ssd '93 Singapore, June 23-25, 1993 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
1268474: ISBN: 0646488155 - Snapshots of Hale School
649554: ISBN: 1841843423 - Primary Angioplasty: Mechanical Interventions for Acute Myocardial Infarction
1226799: ISBN: 0050007009 - The Birds of the British Isles (10 Volumes Set). Illustrated by George E. Lodge
1311147: ISBN: 0471917230 - Fractal Approach to Heterogeneous Chemistry: Surfaces Colloids and Polymers
765021: ISBN: 0791422275 - The New Modern Times: Factors Reshaping the World of Work (Sociology of Work)
1286823: ISBN: 0536579431 - System Identification Through Simulated Evolution: A Machine Learning Approach to Modeling
717422: ISBN: 0387573011 - Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms: 4th International Conference, Fodo '93 Chicago, Illinois, Usa, October 13-15, 1993 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 730)
529825: ISBN: 1558992995 - Ion-Solid Interactions for Materials Modification and Processing (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Volume 396)
1304861: ISBN: 1881475026 - The Definitive Best of the Horror Show
419418: ISBN: 0802053696 - Bibliographie de la Critique sur Emile Zola 1864-1970
569456: ISBN: 0121820467 - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 146: Peptide Growth Factors, Part A
569445: ISBN: 0121820475 - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 147: Peptide Growth Factors, Part B
868257: ISBN: 0120038293 - Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 29
954248: ISBN: 0120038242 - Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 24
954334: ISBN: 0120038188 - Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 18
434471: ISBN: 9333696954 - Plays Produced under the Stage Direction of David Belasco
1260272: ISBN: 1735435708 - Novanetics : how to use advanced wealth techniques & your subconscious mind to get rich
368804: ISBN: 3540199640 - Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering (Applied Computing)
1315546: ISBN: 026202120X - On Systems Analysis: An Essay Concerning the Limitations of Some Mathematical Methods in the Social, Political and Biological Sciences
864257: ISBN: 0333100727 - The Sociology of Grass Roots Politics.
753020: ISBN: 0884104923 - The Functioning of floating exchange rates: Theory, evidence, and policy implications
395183: ISBN: 0415053250 - Organizations in the Network Age
1309903: ISBN: 0137478739 - Quantum Theory
371654: ISBN: 089843288X - Ecologies of Innovation: The Role of Information and Communication Technologies. A Report of the Eighth Annual Aspen Institute Roundtable on Information Technology
815943: ISBN: 0821849360 - Fonction Zeta Des Hauteurs Des Varietes Toriques Non Deployees (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 994) (French Edition)
763476: ISBN: 0899300936 - YOUTHJOBS: Toward a Private/Public Partnership
1192960: ISBN: 0792303350 - Fluid Movements - Element Transport and the Composition of the Deep Crust (NATO Science Series C: (closed))
538779: ISBN: 0471911607 - Sia: Surface and Interface Analysis Ecasia 85
825246: ISBN: 188897916X - Double monster
481902: ISBN: 9994980858 - The U.S. Payments System: Costs, Pricing, Competition and Risk (Monograph Series in Finance and Economics, Monograph 1984-1/2)
705559: ISBN: - Electoral Studies: An International Journal. volumes 1-5. (1982-1986)
800236: ISBN: 0444867279 - Order in Chaos. Proceedings of the International Conference on Order in Chaos held at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 24-28, 1982
711502: ISBN: 096111049X - Julie Langsam
582788: ISBN: 0582295319 - The Welfare State: Concept and Development (Aspects of Modern Sociology)
1313653: ISBN: 0198751311 - Reduction, Explanation, and Realism (Clarendon Paperbacks)
965402: ISBN: 0961975202 - Sheet Metal Craftsmanship: Progress in Building
1255256: ISBN: 0875906818 - Volcanism and Plutonism of Western North America. Volume 1
1290998: ISBN: 0821850970 - Commutative Harmonic Analysis: Proceedings of a SLU-GTE Conference held July 27-29, 1987, with Support from St. Lawrence University and General Telephone and Electronics Corporation.Contemporary Mathematics, 91.
720085: ISBN: 3540634762 - Evolutionary Computing: AISB International Workshop, Manchester, UK, April 7-8, 1997. Selected Papers. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
1293497: ISBN: 0391039881 - Poetics and Politics in the Art of Rudolf Baranik
686636: ISBN: 0937707368 - Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, No 17)
699179: ISBN: 0801407672 - A Concordance to the Plays of William Congreve (The Cornell Concordances)
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