This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1293823: ISBN: 0521402964 - Lordship, Knighthood and Locality: A Study in English Society, c.1180-1280 (Past and Present Publications)
1293658: ISBN: 0851153259 - Thirteenth Century England IV: Proceedings of the Newcastle upon Tyne Conference 1991 (Thirteenth Century England, 4)
1293659: ISBN: 0851155138 - Thirteenth Century England II: Proceedings of the Newcastle upon Tyne Conference 1987 (Thirteenth Century England, 2)
1314326: ISBN: 0471987239 - Advanced Credit Risk Analysis
876298: ISBN: 9688428612 - Derechos Y Cultura Indigena: Los dilemas del debate juridicio(Spanish Edition)
400880: ISBN: 0408306807 - Practical Electron Microscopy
1312439: ISBN: 3031565169 - Analytical Molecular Dynamics of Amorphous Condensed Matter: Thermal and Non-equilibrium Response Behavior (Springer Series in Materials Science, 342)
1293264: ISBN: 303140257X - An Invitation to Mathematical Biology
1021890: ISBN: 1841713171 - El Poblado Arevaco de los Castillejos de Pelegrina, Guadalajara (Espana) (British Archaeological Reports British Series 1085)
1234617: ISBN: 0830708855 - Staying dry: A workable solution to the problem of alcohol abuse
1246294: ISBN: 9872019908 - Arquitectura Para El Arte: Architecture for Art (Spanish and English Edition)
376785: ISBN: 9810208324 - Nonlinear Problems in Engineering
716607: ISBN: 3540581847 - PARLE '94 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: 6th International PARLE Conference, Athens, Greece, July 4 - 8, 1994. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 817)
989293: ISBN: 9810219156 - Lectures on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. XXIII Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics, 9 - 12 January, 1994, Cuernavaca, Mexico
1069026: ISBN: 2853130894 - Pas de pauvre chez toi: La pensee sociale de l'Eglise (Racines) (French Edition)
1053177: ISBN: 2708229001 - Il est Notre Paix (French Edition)
1084547: ISBN: 2708219952 - Le Devenir de l'Homme: Projet marxiste, Projet chretien. Collection "La vie des hommes" (French Edition)
1076083: ISBN: 2718902175 - L'Eglise et les Droits de l'Homme. Bibliotheque d'Histoire du Christianisme, No. 2 (French Edition)
1055348: ISBN: 2980069698 - Mem-O-Raison. Societe historique du Saguenay, No. 47 (French Edition)
1309045: ISBN: 1567001203 - The Integral Transform Method in Thermal and Fluids Sciences and Engineering
1170078: ISBN: 0521341795 - Computer Simulation in Brain Science
1219364: ISBN: 2853050858 - L'Atlante metastable: Epopee cosmique (Ouvrages de Claude Cotti) (French Edition)
1026330: ISBN: 3540038078 - Germinal Centers in Immune Responses. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Bern, Switzerland, June 22 - 24, 1966
46490: ISBN: 0902441000 - Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. Second edition
1306885: ISBN: 0853002010 - Fracture Toughness Testing: Methods, Interpretation and Application
1078272: ISBN: 0904287327 - Growing Together in Christ: Personal Development in the Religious Life
982681: ISBN: 0803911254 - Military forces in the Persian Gulf (The Washington papers 60)
1305072: ISBN: 1124078053 - Strengths of Chemical Bonds Second Edition
1221784: ISBN: 0815510942 - Electrically Conductive Organic Polymers for Advanced Applications
1186091: ISBN: 0205071449 - Study guide: Answers and discussion of problems to accompany Applied calculus Second Edition
1140688: ISBN: 0442217374 - Telecommunications. Equipment Fundamentals and Network Structures
1278958: ISBN: 0387942513 - Semiconductors. Part II Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. IMA. Volume 59
1294078: ISBN: 9042907444 - Suarez Et La Refondation de la Metaphysique Comme Ontologie: Etude Et Traduction de l'Index de la Metaphysique d'Aristote de F. Suarez (Philosophes Medievaux 38) (French Edition)
317222: ISBN: 0749419350 - The Future of the Organization. Achieving Excellence through Business Transformation
1111702: ISBN: 1900188120 - Athenian Potters and Painters (Oxbow Monographs)
1306292: ISBN: 0946897670 - The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy
574524: ISBN: 0121927504 - Regulatory Aspects of Carcinogenesis and Food Additives: The Delaney Clause
1305622: ISBN: 0904887111 - Lefkandi II: The Protogeometric Building at Toumba Part 2: The excavation of the building, its architecture and finds (BSA Supplementary Volume)
643003: ISBN: - Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. Formerly Learning Disabilities Forcus. A publication of the Division for Learning Disabilities. Volumes 1-18
834170: ISBN: 0792325702 - Annuaire Europeen 1992 / European Handbook 1992, Vol. XL
834173: ISBN: 9041120289 - Annuaire Europeen 2001 / European Yearbook 2001, Vol. XLIX
928797: ISBN: 9287163146 - European Pharmacopoeia, sixth edition, Supplement 6.4
834176: ISBN: 9041110658 - Annuaire European 1996 / European Yearbook 1996, Vol. XLIV
834174: ISBN: 0792333055 - Annuaire Europeen / European Handbook, Vol. XLI
834168: ISBN: 9041101934 - Annuaire European 1994 / European Yearbook 1994, Vol. XLII
1121114: ISBN: 9041112456 - Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights: Vol. 41A: Key Extracts from a Selection of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and Decisions and Reports of the European Commission of Human Rights
834171: ISBN: 9004139184 - Annuaire Europeen 2002 / European Yearbook 2002, Vol. L
1085298: ISBN: 0910074054 - Resource manual for Support of Dentists with HBV, HIV, TB and Other Infectious Diseases
1307455: ISBN: 1842173790 - KOINE: Mediterranean Studies in Honor of R. Ross Holloway (Joukowsky Institute Publication)
703149: ISBN: - Illustrated Official Handbook to the County Council of Salop
1172930: ISBN: 0911189254 - The Marine Environment and Sustainable Development: Law, Policy, and Science : Proceedings : The Law of the Sea Institute Twenty-Fifth Annual Confer (LAW OF THE SEA INSTITUTE CONFERENCE//PROCEEDINGS)
1044073: ISBN: 9171005897 - Gustave Courbet: En revoltor lanserar sitt verk (Nationalmusei utstallningskatalog) (Swedish Edition)
1309605: ISBN: 2869583486 - L'Oikos Des Naxiens (Exploration Archeologique de Delos Fascicule XXXIII)
279501: ISBN: 0521267501 - Ninth Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming
1053457: ISBN: 0379000377 - Shaping Our Times What the U. N. Is and Does
1011271: ISBN: 0713516240 - Geography of Trade and Development in Malaya (Advanced Economic Geography)
1221107: ISBN: 0842302239 - Corey's Dad Drinks Too Much (An Eager Reader)
1041539: ISBN: 2701000793 - De la Reforme au Protestantisme. Theologie Historique 45
933851: ISBN: 2724705637 - Les societes mediterraneennes face au risque: Representations
1166991: ISBN: 9681601947 - Dialogo sobre la historia de la pintura en Mexico. edicion, prologo y notas de Manuel Toussaint
1069290: ISBN: 2703110545 - Mission de L'Eglise
1141398: ISBN: 0849352479 - Ion-Selective Electrode Methodology, Volume I
1300918: ISBN: 0557035082 - Augusta Georgia, The Canal
945104: ISBN: 0807711934 - The Cost of Learning: The Politics of Primary Education in Kenya
585927: ISBN: 8200018822 - Decisions, Politics, and Change. A Study of Norwegian Urban Budgeting
1315709: ISBN: 0387987673 - Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems: Exact Computational Methods for Bayesian Networks (Information Science and Statistics)
1300631: ISBN: 0849384923 - Composition Operators on Spaces of Analytic Functions
903435: ISBN: 080311253X - Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: 12th Volume (STP 1027)
1259695: ISBN: 0670809632 - Blue Juniata: A Life
1243486: ISBN: 2711845516 - Matisse Picasso
1315145: ISBN: 1118217160 - Breakthroughs in Decision Science and Risk Analysis (Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science)
899204: ISBN: 0444886133 - Coordination and Transport Properties of Macrocyclic Compounds in Solution (Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 76)
1305695: ISBN: 041220570X - Renewal Theory
1307253: ISBN: 0387946802 - Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms. An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra. Second edition (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
1314322: ISBN: 0470065729 - An Introduction to Money Laundering Deterrence. Dennis Cox
1310630: ISBN: 0121942309 - Combustion Fundamentals of Fire (Combustion Treatise)
1209177: ISBN: 3540151419 - Photochemistry and Organic Synthesis (Topics in Current Chemistry 129)
860356: ISBN: 148321205X - Clinical Contraception by Gladys M. Cox, M.B., B.S. Introducution by Lord Horder of Ashford
1311800: ISBN: 012194350X - Thermochemistry of Organic and Organometallic Compounds
1310828: ISBN: 080186982X - Algebra of Probable Inference
1283826: ISBN: 9024720419 - Schutzs Theory of Relevance: A Phenomenological Critique (Phaenomenologica, 77)
1271372: ISBN: 0898761328 - Why People Drink: Parameters of Alcohol As a Reinforcer
1300813: ISBN: 0809303035 - Twelve Geometric Essays
393294: ISBN: - Communication Arts (Formerly: CA: Journal of Commercial Art). vols. 21-30, 32
756977: ISBN: 0775428515 - Cozic/surfacentres: Musee d'art contemporain, Montreal, du 27 octobre au 27 novembre 1977 (French Edition)
1291497: ISBN: 1574411756 - Saving the Big Thicket: From Exploration to Preservation, 1685-2003 (Volume 4) (Temple Big Thicket Series)
897966: ISBN: 0121947130 - Techniques in Protein Chemistry, Volume 6
477939: ISBN: 0864430442 - Three Absences in Australian Writing
1073494: ISBN: 0776630083 - Natural resource development in Canada;: Multi-disciplinary seminar (Social science studies 8)
1135387: ISBN: 0937707805 - Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 61)
1314598: ISBN: 0994103867 - Heard on the Street: Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews Revised 15th Edition
1007854: ISBN: 0905945050 - Magnetism in Solids. Some Current Topics. Proceedings of the Twenty Second Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, Dundee, August 1981. A NATO Advanced Study Institute
1302298: ISBN: 0081031904 - Applied Group Theory: The Commonwealth and International Library: Selected Readings in Physics
1190376: ISBN: 0521207592 - Matrix Isolation. A Technique for the Study of Reactive Inorganic Species
542971: ISBN: 3495473165 - Moralsprache und Moralit
1279583: ISBN: 1920744657 - The Office (Designing for Success)
1004759: ISBN: 9971508435 - Synchrotron Light: Applications and Related Instrumentation : Proceedings of the I Workshop Campinas, Sp, Brazil 25-28 July 1988
368214: ISBN: 9810201370 - Microlithography: High Integration in Microelectronics
473423: ISBN: 0877626820 - Smart Materials, Structures, and Mathematical Issues
404376: ISBN: 008020869X - Efficient Electricity Use: A Practical Handbook for an Energy Constrained World
761838: ISBN: 0127414401 - Adhesion Molecules (Handbook of Immunopharmacology)
1097066: ISBN: 1932026088 - The Illustrated Voice
1293643: ISBN: 0815323549 - Beowulf and the Demise of Germanic Legend in England
1268524: ISBN: 0819103020 - Modifying man: Implications and ethics
1261513: ISBN: 0953483924 - Michael Craig-Martin
1257690: ISBN: 030643623X - Fundamental Aspects of Corrosion Films in Corrosion Science
1307818: ISBN: 0871703610 - Handbook of Corrosion Data
1110372: ISBN: 0387552553 - The Natural Environment and the Biogeochemical Cycles (Handbook of Environmental Chemistry)
1201302: ISBN: 2856290957 - Problemes De Petits Diviseurs Dans Les Equations Aux Derivees Partielles
1296551: ISBN: 0964114917 - The Long Green Valley
439756: ISBN: 0121958027 - Industrial Environmental Health. The Worker and the Community. Second Edition
1314039: ISBN: 0691005478 - Mathematical Methods of Statistics (PMS-9)
1315348: ISBN: 0521188032 - Logit Models from Economics and Other Fields
1313620: ISBN: 141812317X - Ulysses S. Grant: Conversations and Unpublished Letters
1315325: ISBN: 1461390273 - The Development of Defense Mechanisms: Theory, Research, and Assessment
1231280: ISBN: 1880337118 - Beautiful Scenes: Selections from the Cranbrook Archives
1311348: ISBN: 1258582406 - Random Vibration
644101: ISBN: - Machine Mediated Learning. Volume 3 (1989)
1061854: ISBN: 3540084088 - An Introduction to the Regenerative Method for Simulation Analysis. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 4
1314711: ISBN: 1118656415 - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dao: Ancient Chinese Thought in Modern American Life
1289974: ISBN: 1881526194 - Language and Learning for Robots (Volume 41) (Lecture Notes)
1272982: ISBN: 0878141960 - Basic Reservoir Engineering Manual
1009267: ISBN: 0879052619 - Mr. Charley Cruising Telegraph Avenue: 16 Cards to Zip Off to the Folks Back Home
1292143: ISBN: 9028607706 - Ideology and Politics - Ideologie et Politique
589646: ISBN: 0333238907 - Regulating Business. Law and Consumer Agencies.
1270414: ISBN: 0262530163 - On The Foundations of Combinatorial Theory: Combinatorial Geometries
1236395: ISBN: 0121969010 - Atomic Inner-Shell Processes. Volume I, Ionization and Transition Probabilities
1229484: ISBN: 0847835820 - Matali Crasset: Works
1303849: ISBN: 0841216517 - Polymer Characterization. Physical Property, Spectroscopic, and Chromatographic Methods. Advances in Chemistry Series, 227
934314: ISBN: 8492593032 - El oratorio de las lagrimas/ The oratory of tears (Crisalida) (Spanish Edition)
239451: ISBN: 0786407204 - Confederate Courage on Other Fields: Four Lesser Known Accounts of the War Between the States
1130438: ISBN: 0306408422 - Current Developments in Anthropological Genetics: Volume 2 Ecology and Population Structure
1224989: ISBN: 8789825012 - Ethnographic Film, Aesthetics and Narrative Traditions. Proceedings from NAFA II
1128388: ISBN: 0946395454 - Textile Sports Surfaces and Artificial Grass
714095: ISBN: 0849302846 - Composite Index for CRC Handbooks. THREE VOLUME SET
1128784: ISBN: 3777603724 - Physik der Geige (German Edition)
1314568: ISBN: 3642371124 - Financial Modeling: A Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Perspective (Springer Finance)
924224: ISBN: 0408713070 - Solvent Extraction in Flame Spectroscopic Analysis (Butterworths monographs in chemistry)
1315969: ISBN: 0471002550 - Statistics for Spatial Data. Revised Edition
1297519: ISBN: 0792309677 - Entities and Indices (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 41)
916589: ISBN: 3790812994 - Soft Computing in Information Retrieval. Techniques and Applications
1316483: ISBN: 1506330207 - Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. Fourth Edition
1316276: ISBN: 9061910889 - Gondwana Five: Selected papers and abstracts of papers presented at the 5th International Gondwana Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand, 11-16 February 1980
1228560: ISBN: 0970909055 - Gregory Crewdson: Fireflies
589635: ISBN: 0702215104 - Politics in Queensland: 1977 and Beyond
1315400: ISBN: 1447149289 - Decision Forests for Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
1068662: ISBN: 0788404938 - Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 4
1068663: ISBN: 0788404644 - Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 2
1313692: ISBN: 0198752342 - How Should One Live?: Essays on the Virtues
1030880: ISBN: 9581700250 - Por los Paises de America Tropical, 1942 - 1975: Aspectos Sociales, Geograficos e Historicos (Spanish Edition)
1309796: ISBN: 8836651003 - Maddalena. Il mistero e l'immagine. Ediz. Illustrata
838926: ISBN: 8882150704 - Opere d'Arte della Famiglia Medici
983227: ISBN: 3791320637 - Die Pracht Der Medici: Florenz Und Europa; [Anlasslich Der Ausstellung in Der Kunsthalle Der Hypo-kulturstiftung, Munchen (4. Dezember 1998 - 21. Februar 1999), Dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Wien (7. Marz - 6. Juni 1999) Und Im Chateau De Blois
1261936: ISBN: 886373254X - Genova palazzo Tobia Pallavicino. Camera di Commercio
1232974: ISBN: 9722411756 - Necessidades : the gardens and enclosure
1088620: ISBN: 8479432667 - La mocion de censura en Espana y Alemania (Estado, Lander y Comunidades Autonomas) (Collecion monografias. 64)
1154531: ISBN: 9508631406 - Lexico y categorizacion etnobiologica en grupos indigenas del Gran Chaco
1100912: ISBN: 8479432225 - La Designacion Parlamentaria de Cargos Publicos
1253671: ISBN: 8448240413 - Cristino De Vera (English, Catalan and Spanish Edition)
1235417: ISBN: 8870970124 - Cerveteri: Tre itinerari archeologici (Italian Edition)
901214: ISBN: 1558993509 - Amorphous and Crystalline Insulating Thin Films - 1996: Volume 446 (MRS Proceedings)
331477: ISBN: 0750606460 - Investing in People. Towards corporate capability
1221613: ISBN: 0391037536 - Learning to Be Moral: Philosophical Thoughts About Moral Development (Studies in Applied Philosophy)
1252520: ISBN: 0444417966 - Sintering--New Developments: Proceedings of the 4th International Round Table Conference on Sintering, Dubrovink, Yugoslavia, September 5-10, 1977 (Materials Science Monographs, 4)
935326: ISBN: 080391685X - South Africa's Defence Posture: Strengths and Vulnerability (A Sage policy paper)
1064741: ISBN: 0917853229 - Plasma Waves and Instabilities (Selected Reprints)
1309125: ISBN: 0415240948 - A Theology of the Sublime
574536: ISBN: 0836935721 - Love Idylls
876310: ISBN: 2222034515 - Mariage en Limousin: Evolution seculaire et identite d'une population rurale : le canton de Chateauponsac, 1870-1979 (French Edition)
394417: ISBN: - Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. volumes 2-3. (1996-1997)
1305615: ISBN: 2869581734 - Les Frontons Du Temple Du Ive Siecle (Fouilles de Delphes) (French Edition)
1123312: ISBN: 0851866271 - Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Insect Control II (Special Publication No. 79)
944136: ISBN: 0792309456 - From Clone to Clinic (Developments in Biotherapy)
1130611: ISBN: 0306445247 - Practical Polymer Analysis
1128760: ISBN: 0470273569 - Small Batteries: Volume 2 Primary Cells
1307825: ISBN: 0471904694 - Determination of Organic Substances in Water (Volume 2)
903630: ISBN: 0198557523 - The Analysis of Natural Waters (Oxford Science Publications) (Vols 1 & 2)
1138420: ISBN: 0471904686 - Determination of Organic Substances in Water (Volume 1)
973206: ISBN: 003062911X - ASEAN States: Coping with Dependence
1280475: ISBN: 0821815113 - Fixed points and topological degree in nonlinear analysis (Mathematical Surveys 11)
1291897: ISBN: 1438489595 - Resist, Organize, Build: Feminist and Queer Activism in Britain and the United States during the Long 1980s (SUNY in Queer Politics and Cultures)
1228161: ISBN: 0534154832 - A Guidebook to Calculus with Mathematica (Wadsworth New Directions in Mathematics Series)
1310286: ISBN: 0030128137 - Principles of Topology (Saunders series Instructor's Edition)
574535: ISBN: 0836933206 - A Violin Obligato and Other Stories
1276565: ISBN: 0685705471 - Index of Mosses (Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden : No 42)
1002732: ISBN: 1868401375 - Coming Clean. Creating Transparency in Development Funding in South Africa. Based on Research for the Department of Welfare
1172358: ISBN: 0306408716 - Dust Explosions
282267: ISBN: 0030026547 - Managing Workforce Reduction. An International Survey
1315016: ISBN: 1632404168 - Principal Component Analysis Handbook
1102484: ISBN: 033357818X - Facing Up to AIDS: The Socio-economic Impact in Southern Africa
1304929: ISBN: 0137447493 - Quantitative Dynamic Stratigraphy
1310787: ISBN: 1852337826 - Essential Topology (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
1289573: ISBN: 0268001812 - Modelling of Mind: Computers and Intelligence
991097: ISBN: 997190280X - Domestic Political Structures and Regional Economic Co-Operation (ASEAN political studies)
1294677: ISBN: 0961358114 - Rough-riding scout: The story of John W. Mobberly, Loudoun's own Civil War guerrilla hero
1028697: ISBN: 0731518535 - Aboriginal people in the economy of the Kimberley Region
1308686: ISBN: 0268023115 - Ten Philosophical Essays in the Christian Tradition
1303036: ISBN: 0195112458 - Tectonic Boundary Conditions for Climate Reconstructions (Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics)
903394: ISBN: 0387543023 - Interferons: Mechanisms of Action and Role in Cancer Therapy (Eso Monographs (European School of Oncology))
1299885: ISBN: 047190757X - Fluid Interfacial Phenomena
1049713: ISBN: 9073221137 - Crumb Een Bundel Verhalen Van Robert Crumb Verschijnt Ter Gelegenheid Van De Tentoonstelling De Wereld Volgens Crumb in Het Teylers Museum Te Haarlem (Text Is in Dutch)
1303208: ISBN: 0273085751 - Symplectic Geometry (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series)
1304130: ISBN: 0870460064 - Henry Huntington and the Pacific Electric: A Pictorial Album
1286837: ISBN: 087046048X - Henry Huntington and the Pacific Electric: A Pictorial Album
906636: ISBN: 3805548958 - The Year in Immunology 1988 (The Year in Immunology, Vol 5)
341352: ISBN: 0792309987 - Industrial Application of Electromagnetic Computer Codes. Computer and Information Science, Volume 1
1307014: ISBN: 0879330201 - System Sensitivity Analysis (Benchmark papers in electrical engineering and computer science)
1316468: ISBN: 1118118391 - Fundamental Aspects of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics: A Handbook of Operational Risk (Wiley Handbooks in Financial Engineering and Econometrics)
892967: ISBN: 0895739690 - Immunotherapy and Vaccines
581402: ISBN: 0841218196 - Analytical Biotechnology: Capillary Electrophoresis and Chromatography (Acs Symposium Series 434)
589630: ISBN: 044487982X - Computer Network Usage: Recent Experiences
903387: ISBN: 0387131000 - Pharmacology of Intestinal Permeation, Part 1 (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology)
1225677: ISBN: 3211813373 - Stochastic Processes with Learning Properties (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 84)
1204204: ISBN: 981022088X - Electroweak Symmetry Breaking - Proceedings of the Budapest Workshop
356852: ISBN: 9630518511 - Towards a New Price Revolution
950565: ISBN: 3211810897 - Channel Coding Theory. Course held at the Department for Automation and Information, July 1970. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures, No. 29
921930: ISBN: 9027712700 - Computational Theoretical Organic Chemistry. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Menton, France, June 29 - July 13, 1980
589706: ISBN: 0444420894 - Molecular Structure and Conformation. Recent Advances. Progress in Theoretical Organic Chemistry Volume 3
836400: ISBN: 9688421952 - Lecturas chiapanecas II / Readings on Chiapas (Spanish Edition)
1087145: ISBN: 8449928885 - Spanish and Hispanic Presence in Florida from the Discovery to the Bicentennial: The Oliveros House (Two Essays on Florida's Hispanic History)
977330: ISBN: 0521542537 - Foundations of Computational Mathematics: Minneapolis 2002. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 312
1302828: ISBN: 0828904804 - Destination: Loop. The Story of Rapid Transit Railroading In and Around Chicago
479613: ISBN: 088165230X - Capital Flight: Estimates, issues, and explanations
347689: ISBN: 0444815414 - Knowledge Oriented Software Design. IFIP Transactions A: Computer Science and Technology A-27
1021904: ISBN: 1841718319 - Los Primeros Grupos Neoliticos de la cuenca extremena del Tajo BAR 1393 (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
972695: ISBN: 8432116106 - Estudios Sobre la Iglesia Espanola del XIX (Spanish Edition)
1280143: ISBN: 8389289245 - Talks of Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan
1270616: ISBN: 0387232346 - Difference Equations: From Rabbits to Chaos (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
1295202: ISBN: 0312366744 - Hegel's social and political thought: An introduction
1111282: ISBN: 0845126660 - Mechanisms of control of gene expression: Proceedings of a Roche-UCLA Symposium, held at Steamboat Springs, Colorado, March 29-April 4, 1987 (UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology 67)
574550: ISBN: 0669048364 - World Congress on Land Policy 1980. Proceedings
589495: ISBN: 0899461956 - Second World Congress on Land Policy, 1983
589493: ISBN: 0855641770 - A History of Dairying in Western Australia
1290572: ISBN: 0815304846 - Female Criminality. The State of the Art (Garland Reference Library of Social Science)
353156: ISBN: 128677411X - Ticket Brokerage. Hearings had on December 16, 1897, January 6 and 7, 1898, and January 15, 1898, before the Committee on Interstate Commerce of the United States Senate on the Bill (S. 1575) to Amend an Act Entitled "An Act to Regulate Commerce."
1047009: ISBN: 0444556834 - Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems. North-Holland Mathematics Studies 127
1253102: ISBN: 0817632948 - Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Computations Vol. II Programs (Progress in Scientific Computing)
906451: ISBN: 0815510020 - Trihalomethane Reduction in Drinking Water: Technologies, Costs, Effectiveness, Monitoring, Compliance (Pollution Technology Review)
309157: ISBN: 0906048990 - Optical Fibre Sensing and Signal Processing
1244890: ISBN: 3884740539 - Farbe Bekennen: Wandmalerei Lateinamerika - Europa. Dokumentation eines europaweiten Wandmalprojektes
642976: ISBN: - Kurdish Times. Volumes 1-2
1303133: ISBN: 0521011736 - Mathematical Modeling. Case Studies from Industry
1316664: ISBN: 0871401525 - Complete Poems 1904-1962. Edited by George J. Firmage. Revised, Corrected, and Expanded Edition Containing all the Published Poetry
971243: ISBN: 0900411813 - El Habla de Coria y sus Cercanias
1316540: ISBN: 0631212604 - Minds, Brains, Computers: An Historical Introduction to the Foundations of Cognitive Science
1306332: ISBN: 0804412103 - Negro: An Anthology
1153813: ISBN: 386288905X - Formacion de palabras y clasificacion nominal en el lexico etnobiologico en toba (guaycuru) (LINCOM Studies in Native American Linguistics 68)
1032608: ISBN: 0860540286 - Lowland Iron Age Communities in Europe. Papers presented to a conference of the Department for External Studies held at Oxford, October 1977. BAR International Series (Supplementary ) 48
327690: ISBN: 0121998509 - The Generation of Antibody Diversity: A New Look
1244631: ISBN: 1418426946 - MY BROTHER, MY ENEMY!
1228029: ISBN: 0552400106 - Towards Quantum Mechanics (Student Library)
1221411: ISBN: 0816904960 - Results from the Design Institute for Physical Property Data: Experimental Results and Data Compilation Procedures. AIChE Symposium Series, Number 279, Volume 86
1311470: ISBN: 0816905630 - Experimental Results for Phase Equilibria and Pure Component Properties (Data Series, No 1) (Vol 1)
885271: ISBN: 0312169426 - Conversations With a Dancer (A Dance Horizons Book)
1173207: ISBN: 0894670301 - Spirit of Place: Japanese Paintings of the 16th Through 19th Centuries
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