This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
568777: ISBN: 0815509367 - Industrial Water Treatment. Chemicals and Processes. Developments Since 1978. Chemical Technology Review. No. 217
1314759: ISBN: 0739195646 - Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Global Migration
889798: ISBN: 1855674572 - European Monetary Policy
1284595: ISBN: 0387915087 - Plant Cell Culture (Introduction to Biotechniques)
1060262: ISBN: 2711680312 - Reflexions Sur Le Psychisme (Histoire Des Sciences - Etudes) (French Edition)
1135385: ISBN: 1583811354 - Active Galactic Nuclei: From Central Engine to Host Galaxy: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Paris-Meudon Observatory, Meudon, France, 23-27 July (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 290)
574510: ISBN: 0121812502 - Safe Use of Solvents.
1303996: ISBN: 0933692943 - The Northbay Savings Bank Collection
1308506: ISBN: 0871701812 - The Physical Metallurgy of Titanium Alloys
1308555: ISBN: 0716719932 - The Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics
400233: ISBN: 0904147738 - DNA Repair and Its Inhibition. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series No. 13
1292001: ISBN: 0847825299 - Gwathmey Siegel: Buildings and Projects 1982-1992 & 1992-2002
1309282: ISBN: 0471165840 - Experiments in Polymer Science
1100839: ISBN: 9024730848 - Applications of Genetic Engineering to Crop Improvement (Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology)
1316135: ISBN: 1509504125 - Artifictional Intelligence: Against Humanity's Surrender to Computers
1287004: ISBN: 0738825654 - Avenue X and Other Dark Streets
356334: ISBN: 155899517X - Amorphous and Heterogeneous Silicon Thin Films - 2000. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 609
1296900: ISBN: 0415025966 - Thirty-Five Oriental Philosophers
1294302: ISBN: 0913582115 - Trails Among the Columbine: A Colorado High Country Anthology 1989
1294346: ISBN: 0913582581 - R.G.S. Story: Rio Grande Southern Volume IV - Over the Bridges Ophir Loop to Rico
1094032: ISBN: 2227315784 - Les Chretiens et l'Economie: Colloque de l'Association Francaise d'Histoire Religieuse Contemporaine.
1016681: ISBN: 1607247151 - Der Nomokanon Miha'ils Von Malig (Analecta Gorgiana, 424) (German Edition)
585344: ISBN: 0816908397 - Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation: Proceedings of the first International Conference on Molecular Modeling and Simulation Keystone, Colorado, July 23-28, 2000 (Aiche Symposium Series No. 325): Volume 97
1279722: ISBN: 8831714864 - In Praise of Hands: The Art of Fine Jewelry at Van Cleef & Arpels
1193126: ISBN: 9027725667 - Reliability Modelling and Applications (Ispra Courses)
1002715: ISBN: 8815065997 - Etnografia di un'Economia Clandestina. Immigrati algerini a Milano (Ricerca) (Italian Edition)
1118132: ISBN: 8872920558 - Italia: Cento anni di fotografia (Italian Edition)
1304814: ISBN: 0918654203 - Dreams, Visions and Visionaries. Colorado Rail Annual, No. 20. A Journal of Railroad History in the Rocky Mountain West
1304998: ISBN: 0306437473 - Carbonylation: Direct Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds (Institute for Amorphous Studies)
1211948: ISBN: 0822941341 - Transforming New Orleans and Its Environs: Centuries of Change (Pittsburgh Hist Urban Environ)
1306544: ISBN: 0273001019 - Partial Differential Equations in the Complex Domain (Research notes in mathematics 4)
643007: ISBN: - Lenox Avenue. A Journal of Interartistic Inquiry. Volumes 1-3
1271004: ISBN: 0932026583 - Hair Trigger 23 A Story Workshop Anthology Columbia College Chicago
755737: ISBN: 0932026281 - Hair Trigger 14: A Story Workshop Anthology
663882: ISBN: 0918881595 - Xan Palay: As Wishing Still Helped
906985: ISBN: 3855771324 - Epistola de insulis nuper inventis. Der Kolumbusbrief: Fanal einer neuen Zeit
553569: ISBN: 1590330102 - Progress in Computer Research. Volume I
553570: ISBN: 1590330110 - Progress in Computer Research. Volume II
1312482: ISBN: 3031433378 - Lasers in DentistryâCurrent Concepts Second Edition (Textbooks in Contemporary Dentistry)
1153091: ISBN: 0701802871 - Adelaide: An illustrated history
1291661: ISBN: 8445127799 - Sean Scully: para GarcÃa Lorca
1209632: ISBN: 0521782244 - Molecular Hydrogen in Space (Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics)
1109900: ISBN: 213031810X - La republique a Rome (509-29 av J.-C.) (Collection SUP L'Historien 9)
691775: ISBN: 0671025996 - South Park: A Sticky Forms Adventure
1294607: ISBN: 3540156917 - Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory: Proceedings of a Conference held at Charleston, July 11-14, 1984 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1149)
1218730: ISBN: 9871037406 - Patrimonio cultural en cementerios y rituales de la muerte. Tomo II (Temas de patrimonio cultural; 13 )
1263095: ISBN: 8887478031 - Giuseppe Gori. L'insegnamento dell'architettura
1129616: ISBN: 0889972567 - De la souffrance a l'esperance : rapport du Comite ad hoc de la CECC sur les cas d'agression sexuelle
1083206: ISBN: 276212266X - Vers l'exercice de la synodalite dans nos eglises
988978: ISBN: 9589057098 - Etnohistoria e historia de las Americas (Spanish Edition)
988973: ISBN: 9589057101 - Arqueologia de las Americas (Spanish Edition)
874191: ISBN: 0727726412 - Seismic Design of reinforces concrete structures for controlled inelastic response
394545: ISBN: - International Journal of Andrology. volumes 3; 15-19. (1980-1996)
287400: ISBN: 0080219896 - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plasma Wall Interaction
400688: ISBN: 079231039X - Esprit '90: Proceedings of the Annual Esprit Conference, Brussels, November 12-15, 1990
690244: ISBN: - Bulletin de la Commission Penitentiaire Internationale. Quatrieme Series: III - 1898; I, II, V - 1899; II (2e Volume) - 1900; Cinquieme Serie: I, II, IV - 1904; I (2e Volume) - 1904.
1070115: ISBN: 2204027111 - Au service de la communaute humaine. Une approche ethique de l'endettement international. Document de la commission pontificale "Justice et Paix" (27 decembre 1986) (French Edition)
1123032: ISBN: 2204063142 - Dieu, la Bonne Nouvelle
985509: ISBN: 080315965X - Symposium on Soil Dynamics. Presented at the Sixty-Fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials. Atlantic City, N. J., June 26, 1961. ASTM Special Technical Publication, No. 305
1135625: ISBN: 0803146043 - ASTM Viscosity Tables for Kinematic Viscosity Conversions and Viscosity Index Calculations
924221: ISBN: 0803160232 - Grading of Paving Asphalts by Viscosity at 140 F Versus Penetration at 77 F
636565: ISBN: 0309091527 - NIH Extramural Center Programs: Criteria for Initiation and Evaluation
882549: ISBN: 0309090695 - Securing the Future of U.S. Air Transportation. A System in Peril
908613: ISBN: 0309047854 - Putting Biotechnology to Work: Bioprocess Engineering
771440: ISBN: 0309111188 - Mobilizing Science-Based Enterprises for Energy, Water, and Medicines in Nigeria
808770: ISBN: 0309094437 - Assessment of Department of Defense Basic Research
882544: ISBN: 0309069947 - Issues in the Integration of Research and Operational Satellite Systems for Climate Research, Part II. Implementation
681791: ISBN: 0309056357 - Bits of Power: Issues in Global Access to Scientific Data
395389: ISBN: 0309024412 - Vapor-phase organic pollutants: Volatile hydrocarbons and oxidation products (Medical and biologic effects of environmental pollutants)
652958: ISBN: 0309090946 - Improving Racial and Ethnic Data on Health: Report of a Workshop. Panel on DHHS Collection of Race and Ethnicicty Data
595661: ISBN: 0309086787 - Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications
1043293: ISBN: 0420395008 - The Effect of Independence on Treaties: A Handbook
689454: ISBN: 0309100879 - The Telecommunications Challenge: Changing Technologies and Evolving Policies - Report of a Symposium
636632: ISBN: 0954291786 - Agriculture in the Commonwealth
1030785: ISBN: 0940032058 - Photography Annual One - A Juried Selection
1223576: ISBN: 0727735012 - Manual For Streets
902809: ISBN: 0387536310 - Protein Traffic in Eukaryotic Cells: Selected Reviews (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 170)
391204: ISBN: - Comparative Education Review. vols. 8, 11-14, 18-20, 22, 24-26, 28-32, 36-37 (1964-1993)
1113418: ISBN: 3540125922 - Solar Energy-Phase Transfer Catalysis-Transport Processes (Advances in Polymer Science 55)
796667: ISBN: 0415240085 - IBSS: Anthropology: 1999 Vol.45 (Ibss: Anthropology (International Bibliography of Social Sciences))
791202: ISBN: 0415240107 - BLPES: Political Science: 1999 Vol.48 (International Bibliography of Political Science (Ibss: Political Science))
792681: ISBN: 0415240115 - BLPES: Sociology: 1999 Vol.49 (International Bibliography of Sociology (Ibss: Sociology))
791486: ISBN: 0415262380 - BLPES: Sociology: 2000 Vol.50 (International Bibliography of Sociology (Ibss: Sociology))
790523: ISBN: 0415240093 - BLPES: Economics: 1999 Vol.48 (International Bibliography of Economics (Ibss: Economics))
790482: ISBN: 0415221056 - BLPES International Bibliography of Economics (Ibss: Economics) Volume XLVII 1998
791237: ISBN: 0415221072 - BLPES: Sociology: 1998 Vol 48 (International Bibliography of Sociology (Ibss: Sociology))
754376: ISBN: 0717108910 - Northern Ireland: A Census Atlas
1305217: ISBN: 0444409572 - Ester Formation and Hydrolysis and Related Reactions (Volume 10) (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 10)
1309807: ISBN: 0198742983 - Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics
1065824: ISBN: 8810704118 - Preghiamo. Libro di preghiere per anziani
1241521: ISBN: 0471963178 - Land Degradation in Mediterranean Environments of the World: Nature and Entent, Causes and Solutions
285281: ISBN: 0121837505 - Husbandry of Laboratory Animals: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium organized by the International Committee on Laboratory Animals
553566: ISBN: 0404558615 - The Construction of a Diagnostic Reading Test
1218809: ISBN: 9067652032 - Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde)
883781: ISBN: 1602321108 - Basic Genetics for the Oncology Nurse: Complete Series (DVD)
1196294: ISBN: 1853175544 - An Atlas of Contact Dermatitis
1309668: ISBN: 0521047137 - The Theory of Atomic Spectra
1300553: ISBN: 0521092094 - The Theory of Atomic Spectra
139738: ISBN: 0614112664 - Gaels of Laughter and Tears
1140762: ISBN: 1575862840 - Logical Perspectives on Language and Information (Lecture Notes)
809522: ISBN: 0897916603 - ASPLOS-VI proceedings, Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
1125336: ISBN: 8820914247 - La Reconciliation et la Penitence dans la Mission de l'Eglise
1219151: ISBN: 0821860127 - Number Theory: Proceedings of the 1985 Montreal Conference Held June 17-29, 1985 (Canadian Mathematical Society Conference Proceedings Volume 7)
639845: ISBN: 0306404354 - Advances in X-Ray Analysis Volume 23 (Advances in X-Ray Analysis)
391110: ISBN: - College Composition and Communication. vols. 36-45
1106960: ISBN: 0940030152 - Biological and Inorganic Copper Chemistry: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Copper Coordination Chemistry Held at the State University of New York at Albany, July 23-27, 1984, Volume II
580231: ISBN: 1574770659 - Proceedings of the Environmental Security Conference on Cultural Attitudes About the Environment and Ecology, and Their Connection to Regional politic: ... 1998 University of Washington, Seattle
1271039: ISBN: 189389116X - Substance Abuse and Recovery: Empowerment of Deaf Persons
1091311: ISBN: 2204065277 - L'GLISE CATHOLIQUE EN FRANCE 2000
1311664: ISBN: 9622012922 - The Analects (Lun yu). Translated by D. C. Lau
1127450: ISBN: 8820914662 - Documenta Inde a Concilio Vaticano Secundo Expleto Edita (1966-1985) (Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei)
876732: ISBN: 2735500810 - Archeologie Dauphinoise: Actes Du 108e Congres National Des Societes Savantes, Grenoble, 1983, Section d'archeologie et d'histoire de l'art (Ministere De L'Education Nationale Comite Des Travaux Historiques Et Scientifiques)
1070585: ISBN: 044410514X - Magnetic resonance and related phenomena: Proceedings of the XVIIth Congress Ampere, Turku, August 1972
979300: ISBN: 0160483298 - Gauging Control Technology and Regulatory Impacts in Occupational Safety and Health. An appraisal of OSHA's analytic approach
979826: ISBN: 0160400988 - The Caribbean Basin: Economic and Security Issues. Study Papers Submitted to the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States
1312318: ISBN: 3030391337 - Non-Intentionally Added Substances in PET-Bottled Mineral Water (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)
1312358: ISBN: 0894683128 - Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, 1783-1853
1303917: ISBN: 354055470X - Lancelot: A Fortran Package for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization (Release A) (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, 17)
529566: ISBN: 0865315213 - Energy and Material Resources. Attitudes, Values, and Public Policy
1205555: ISBN: 0691082510 - Non-Abelian Minimal Closed Ideals of Transitive Lie Algebras (Mathematical Notes 25)
897192: ISBN: 0121852628 - Neuropeptide Technology: Synthesis, Assay, Purification, and Processing (Methods in Neurosciences Vol. 6) (v. 6)
912886: ISBN: 0121852717 - Methods in Neurosciences, Volume 11: Receptors : Model Systems and Specific Receptors
913707: ISBN: 0121852636 - Methods in Neurosciences. Volume 7, Lesions and Transplantation
588816: ISBN: 0405061404 - Minutes of the testimony taken before John Q. Wilson, Joseph Eaton & Morris Woodruff,: Committee from the General Assembly, to inquire into the condition ... State Prison (Criminal justice in America)
1299999: ISBN: 0806103566 - Joseph Reddeford Walker and the Arizona Adventure. Edited by Donald J. Berthr4ong and Odessa Davenport
1076530: ISBN: 0821812203 - The Neumann's Problem for Differential Forms on Riemannian Manifolds. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Number 20
952247: ISBN: 0306425645 - Giant Resonances in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids (Nato Science Series B:151)
971071: ISBN: 0030016746 - Economic Problems of the Caribbean Basin
1315408: ISBN: 0521623553 - Judgment and Decision Making: An Interdisciplinary Reader (Cambridge Series on Judgment and Decision Making) Second edition
1163384: ISBN: 1854141570 - Going Green
883055: ISBN: 0131628194 - Computer System Development: Strategic Resource Information Planning and Execution--Stripe
589132: ISBN: 0931215307 - Betech 86. Proceedings of the 2nd Boundary Element Technology Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A., June 1986
1038643: ISBN: 0882474588 - Acculturation and the Retention of an Ethnic Identity in Three Generations of Japanese Americans
305108: ISBN: 0470211369 - Information Mechanics. Transformation of Information in Management, Command, Control and Communication
1316648: ISBN: 0471160687 - Practical Nonparametric Statistics. Third edition
1313333: ISBN: 3859511173 - Conradi Gesneri Historia Plantarum Faksimileausgabe Zweite Folge enthaltend dreiundzwanzig Aquarelle aus dem botanische Nachlass
1313339: ISBN: 3859511343 - Conradi Gesneri Historia Plantarum Faksimileausgabe Achte Folge enthaltend dreiundzwanzig Aquarelle aus dem botanische Nachlass
1313338: ISBN: 3859511335 - Conradi Gesneri Historia Plantarum Faksimileausgabe Siebente Folge enthaltend dreiundzwanzig Aquarelle aus dem botanische Nachlass
1313336: ISBN: 3859511238 - Conradi Gesneri Historia Plantarum Faksimileausgabe Funfte Folge enthaltend dreiundzwanzig Aquarelle aus dem botanische Nachlass
1313334: ISBN: 3859511181 - Conradi Gesneri Historia Plantarum Faksimileausgabe Dritte Folge enthaltend dreiundzwanzig Aquarelle aus dem botanische Nachlass
783749: ISBN: 902720991X - Adverbs and comparatives: An analytical bibliography (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science : Series V, Library and information sources in linguistics ; v. 2)
1290700: ISBN: 1469623013 - The Papers of General Nathanael Greene: Vol. XII: 1 October 1782 - 21 May 1783 (Published for the Rhode Island Historical Society)
1265423: ISBN: 1793635072 - Secular Discourse on Sin in the Anthropocene: What's Wrong with the World? (Environment and Society)
1285342: ISBN: 3883456314 - Platon Los dialogos tardios: Actas del Symposium Platonicum 1986. Gesamttitel: International Plato Studies, Vol. 3
1304564: ISBN: 0395353009 - The Prince of Tides
1042183: ISBN: 2853192393 - Dictionnaire de spatiologie. Tome 1: Termes et definitions. 3e edition
877201: ISBN: 8445334506 - A Comunidade Xitana En Galicia, 1990-2000.
605947: ISBN: 8481560871 - Lugar, memoria e Proyecto. Galicia 1974-1994. Maio - Xullo 1995
606550: ISBN: 0836931114 - Short Stories
1300417: ISBN: 0910037280 - Cavalry Yellow and Infantry Blue
702516: ISBN: - Contributions to the History of Romanian Science and Technique from the 15th to the Early 19th Century. Economic History Section Studies 50(6)
790249: ISBN: 2952944105 - Voyages a Travers l'Amerique (1802-1840) La Nature et les Hommes
1061291: ISBN: 1884729878 - Saint Mark of Ephesos
680070: ISBN: 3540659692 - High Performance Computing: Second International Symposium, ISHPC '99, Kyoto, Japan, May 26-28, 1999, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
717181: ISBN: 3540637664 - High Performance Computing: International Symposium, ISHPC'97, Fukuoka, Japan, November 4-6, 1997, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science v. 1336)
1033204: ISBN: 3540029699 - Ideale Rander Riemannscher Flachen. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Neue Folge, Band 32
874170: ISBN: 0727725416 - Construction Success: The Construction Strategy Code of Practice for Clients (CIB reports)
874303: ISBN: 0727728792 - The Role of Cost Saving and Innovation in PFI Projects
874299: ISBN: 0727731289 - How Buildings Add Value for Clients
874279: ISBN: 0727731270 - Integrated Transport and Land use Planning
1254970: ISBN: 8478903054 - Gerardo Rueda's Poetics and Tradition in Modern Art / Gerardo Rueda's Sculptural Poetics / La poetica de Gerardo Rueda y la tradicion en el arte moderno / La poetica escultorica Gerardo Rueda
1235584: ISBN: 8460536351 - El Museo de Huelva: seccion de arqueologia
1034555: ISBN: 9978828699 - La educacion indigena en el Ecuador
585945: ISBN: 0262030845 - Conserving Energy in Space Conditioning. Industrial Energy-Conservation Manual 7
1231641: ISBN: 3540115870 - Algebraic Threefolds: Proceedings of the 2nd 1981 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), Held at Varenna, Italy, June ... 947) Lecture Notes in Mathematics 947
1310932: ISBN: 0935681000 - Glyptic arts-- ancient jewelry: An annotated bibliography
1311434: ISBN: 0856673331 - Islamic Rings and Gems. The Benjamin Zucker Collection
941759: ISBN: 3540170839 - Recent Advances in System Modelling and Optimization: Proceedings of the IFIP-WG 7/1 Working Conference, Santiago, Chile, August 27-31, 1984 (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 87)
1261976: ISBN: 8871802829 - Spazi dell'anima
1312007: ISBN: 3031442253 - Quantum Machine Learning: Thinking and Exploration in Neural Network Models for Quantum Science and Quantum Computing (Quantum Science and Technology)
1282944: ISBN: 9027709882 - Mass Loss and Evolution of O-Type Stars (International Astronomical Union Symposia 83)
1216239: ISBN: 8485781759 - Identidad etnica y movimientos indios (TALASA) (Spanish Edition)
1152695: ISBN: 0306421496 - Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry: Volume 17
1284074: ISBN: 0125753047 - Magnetism. Volume IV, Exchange Interactions among Itinerant Electrons
1146584: ISBN: 0306304872 - Magnetic Resonance: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electron and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, held in Melbourne, August 1969, sponsored by the Australian Academy of Science
478252: ISBN: 085183194X - Pilgrim for Unity
1270860: ISBN: 0521213444 - Celestial Masers (Cambridge Monographs on Physics)
1275854: ISBN: 0198512554 - Interference of electromagnetic waves, (The International series of monographs on physics)
1218772: ISBN: 8489309914 - Wari y Tiwanaku : entre el estilo y la imagen (Spanish Edition)
1255007: ISBN: 0976345706 - Midwestern Unlike You and Me: New Zealand's Julian Dashper.
1263315: ISBN: 9812381910 - Probability and Schrodinger's Mechanics
946077: ISBN: 0824796500 - Continua. With the Houston Problem Book (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 170)
1310087: ISBN: 0904095401 - Handbook of Textile Fibres Vol. 2: Man-Made Fibres (Patterns of progress) (Volume 2)
1309032: ISBN: 0904095398 - Handbook of Textile Fibres Vol. 1: Natural Fibres (Merrow technical library) (v. 1)
1141241: ISBN: 0080246834 - Stability and Flexibility. An Analysis of Natural Systems
894630: ISBN: 0745004148 - Privatization in Lesser Developed Countries
1302473: ISBN: 0870950975 - The Beauty of Railroad Bridges in North America: Then and Now
1314764: ISBN: 1933947640 - The Bamboo Texts of Guodian: A Study and Complete Translation 1 (Cornell East Asia Series) (Cornell East Asia Series, 164)
1268811: ISBN: 0520017641 - Essays in Population History, Volume 1: Mexico and the Caribbean
1222158: ISBN: 0240506995 - Electrostatics in reprography, (The reprographic library)
1307726: ISBN: 0935470220 - Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Mechanisms, Methods and Metabolism
1307727: ISBN: 0935470255 - Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Chemistry, Characterization, and Carcinogenesis
1309379: ISBN: 0444411194 - Metastable ions
1314990: ISBN: 012187575X - Judgement Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications (Economic Theory, Econometric, and)
925635: ISBN: 0486602583 - Introduction to Mathematical Probability
1016607: ISBN: 9070924056 - Er Werd een Lijkje Geborgen. Over Paul Joostens (Dutch Edition)
1153521: ISBN: 0471176982 - Differential Equations with Maple Second Edition
904822: ISBN: 9990274916 - Developments in Industrial Microbiology: Volume 31: Symposia of the Forty-Sixth General Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology, Seattle, Washington (Journal of Industrial Microbiology Supplement No. 5)
1313453: ISBN: 0720108225 - Igor Tale: Annotated Bibliography of Twentieth-century Non-Soviet Scholarship on the Slovo O Polku Igoreve
673119: ISBN: 1872748945 - Venous Thrombosis : From Genes to Clinical Medicine; the molecular genetics of an archetypal multigene disorder (Human Molecular Genetics)
1305203: ISBN: 0908573332 - Preserved NZR Locomotives and Railcars
1296112: ISBN: 0792300777 - The Totalizing Act: Key to Husserl's Early Philosophy (Phaenomenologica, 112)
398982: ISBN: 030640902X - Polymeric Separation Media. Polymer Science and Technology. Vol. 16
934069: ISBN: 0444001077 - Economic Development and Population Growth in the Middle East (The Middle East economic and political problems and prospects)
284328: ISBN: 0471280437 - After Forty. The Time for Achievement?
354846: ISBN: 0471276243 - Current Concerns in Occupational Stress
1311394: ISBN: 0684192349 - The Deerslayer: Or the First War Path (Illustrated Classics)
589354: ISBN: 0435821881 - The Creation of the British Personal Social Services 1962-1974. Studies in Social Policy and Welfare XVIII
574505: ISBN: 0899508464 - Hungarians in Transition. Interviews with Citizens of the Nineties
897334: ISBN: 0139317678 - Visual Occlusion and the Interpretation of Ambiguous Pictures
1305963: ISBN: 0853122628 - Biological Fluidised Bed Treatment of Water and wastewater
1297042: ISBN: 902771892X - Quantification and Syntactic Theory (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Volume 21)
574507: ISBN: 081550702X - The Textile Industry. Environmental Control & Energy Conservation.
1111292: ISBN: 0841206317 - Biomaterials. Interfacial Phenomena and Applications. Advances in Chemistry Series. 199
1291941: ISBN: 1904621953 - Thomas Joshua Cooper: In the Near Field
355159: ISBN: 1852336420 - Workshop on Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 249
1310617: ISBN: 1439829667 - Advanced Linear Algebra (Textbooks in Mathematics)
1292210: ISBN: 235744133X - gradhiva 33-wampum: les perles de la diplomatie
1307502: ISBN: 0947643354 - Key to Egyptian Grasses
1193289: ISBN: 0323046460 - Year Book of Surgery 2007 (Year Books) (Volume 2007)
1216131: ISBN: 0862541212 - Press Baron and the Kiwi
1306875: ISBN: 0521639700 - Foundations of Convex Geometry (Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, Series Number 12)
297178: ISBN: 0391016008 - Functional Studies in Language and Literature
1115565: ISBN: 0854044140 - Crop Protection Agents from Nature: Natural Products and Analogues (Critical Reports on Applied Chemistry (CRAC))
1032586: ISBN: 1841711217 - Le crane d'Homo Sapiens en Eurasie: croissance et variation depuis 100 000 ans. BAR International Series 822
965623: ISBN: 0988449269 - Robert Donley: Personal Universe
338965: ISBN: 0387196137 - Crossing the Border. The Social and Engineering Design of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
1269876: ISBN: 0631181385 - Debt and Development (The Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers Studies in Geography)
1284628: ISBN: 0415205441 - The Great Transformation (Part Two). Development: Critical concepts in the social sciences Volume III
1284629: ISBN: 0415207967 - Challenges for Development. Development: Critical concepts in the social sciences Volume VI
1284627: ISBN: 0415205433 - The Great Transformation (Part One). Development: Critical concepts in the social sciences Volume II
1284624: ISBN: 0415207959 - Identities, Representations, Alternatives. Development: Critical concepts in the social sciences Volume V
1284625: ISBN: 0415205425 - Doctrines of Development. Development: Critical concepts in the social sciences Volume I
1284626: ISBN: 041520545X - States, Politics and Civil Society. Development: Critical concepts in the social sciences Volume IV
1271824: ISBN: 0854521178 - Looking At Lonergan's Method
574516: ISBN: 0405064233 - La societa italiana di fronte alle prime migrazioni di massa
1005801: ISBN: 9722014102 - Um Lugar na Cidade. Quotidiano, Memoria e Representacao no Bairro da Bica (Portugal de perto) (Portuguese Edition)
1107357: ISBN: 0124695477 - The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Pharmacology, Vol. 47
970774: ISBN: 9812300430 - The Asian Crisis: Is There a Way out?
897363: ISBN: 0853436428 - A Midsummer Night's Travesty. A Romantic Comedy Without the Slushy Bits
574515: ISBN: 0306307227 - Reaction Kinetics in Micelles. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Symposium on Reaction Kinetics in Micelles, New York, New York, August 1972.
1291160: ISBN: 0521378648 - The Technique of Pseudodifferential Operators (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 202)
1037791: ISBN: 9875071080 - Los relatos de Wolko (Spanish Edition)
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