This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1241473: ISBN: 0398050430 - Tinnitus and Its Management: A Clinical Text for Audiologists
1276683: ISBN: 156072529X - Condensed Matter Theories. Volume 12
1202127: ISBN: 0909650055 - North of the harbour: A brief history of transport to and on the North Shore
1228582: ISBN: 0615407609 - Larry Clark: Kiss The Past Hello
1312176: ISBN: 0470210745 - The Field Guide to Water Wells and Boreholes (Geological Society of London Handbook Series)
588570: ISBN: 0405111665 - Consumer Behavior. Research on consumer reactions
1228589: ISBN: 8417769277 - Lygia Clark: Painting as Experimental Field 1948-1958
354212: ISBN: 0471967017 - ATM Networks. Principles and Use
289467: ISBN: 0471941883 - Managing to Communicate. Using Telecommunications for Increased Business Efficiency
1302748: ISBN: 1135541205 - Roland Clark's Etchings
1304101: ISBN: 1587670283 - Blood Crazy: Deluxe Edition
1249328: ISBN: 0975575716 - Granville, Ohio: A study in continuity and change. Volume 2: Reflections and Impressions
1315796: ISBN: 0268006970 - Explorations in Metaphysics: Being-God-Person
1196565: ISBN: 3540067639 - Mathematical Methods in Queueing Theory: Proceedings of a Conference at Western Michigan University, May 10-12, 1973. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 98
874312: ISBN: 0727727869 - Urban Ground Engineering (Institute of Civil Engineers)
1311812: ISBN: 1107028280 - Predictive Statistics: Analysis and Inference beyond Models (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, Series Number 46)
1310605: ISBN: 0470269308 - Elementary general relativity
1307122: ISBN: 0898712416 - Methods of Dynamic and Nonsmooth Optimization
1026085: ISBN: 0340645555 - Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Experiments (Hodder Arnold Publication)
1090537: ISBN: 0946821100 - Advanced Solid State Technology for Radar
954195: ISBN: 0114800383 - Standard Stereograms for Materials Science
1179227: ISBN: 044489506X - Managing Information Technology's Organisational Impact, II (IFIP Transactions A: Computer Science and Technology)
574498: ISBN: 090604832X - Progress in Optical Communication. IEE Reprint Series 3
1308444: ISBN: 0841238049 - Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials (ACS Symposium Series, No. 838)
1308440: ISBN: 0841239436 - The Science and Technology of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials (ACS Symposium 964)
1024571: ISBN: 1470014769 - Look to the Sky
1001947: ISBN: 2284022162 - L'image D'enee En France Du Moyen Age a La Fin Du Xixe Siecle
1303407: ISBN: 0471569526 - Quantum Mechanics. 2 volumes
993655: ISBN: 2862722537 - Histoire d'un Hotel de ville. La maison commune des Stephanois, 1822 - 2002. Centre de'Etudes Foreziennes
1286352: ISBN: 0444865268 - Probabilities and Potential B. Theory of Martingales. North-Holland Mathematics Studies 72
1260422: ISBN: 2901412025 - L'espace abstrait: O. Debre, H. Hartung, B. Olson, J.-P. Riopell Sonderborg: [exposition, Nice], E.N.A.C., 12 juin-30 septembre 1986
507283: ISBN: 2222022584 - Theorie de l'information: Developpements recents et applications : [actes du colloque international], Cachan, 4-8 juillet 1977 (Colloques internationaux ... de la recherche scientifique ; no 276)
1004830: ISBN: 2719100323 - La Faience Europeenne le Guide du Connaisseur
1051051: ISBN: 2890056392 - La partition du Quebec De Lord Durham a Stephane Dion (French Edition)
1223948: ISBN: 3540116451 - Dynamical Systems on Surfaces (Universitext)
1073017: ISBN: 2760119645 - Les Coeurs Empailles
710543: ISBN: 0887504086 - The rest is silence : a novel
1042348: ISBN: 3856490604 - Les Tramways de Neuchatel II. 100 Ans de transports publics a Neuchatel. Volume 2: Les lignes du tramway, les depots, les autobus et trollybus a Neuchatel = Neuenburger Strassenbahnen II. 100 Jahre offentlicher Nahverkehr. Band 2: Strassenbahnlinien, De
716384: ISBN: 3540646752 - Automated Deduction - CADE-15: 15th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Lindau, Germany, July 5-10, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1421)
625989: ISBN: 3406310524 - Seltsame und neue Reise zu den Wilden von Nordamerika. Mit sechs zeitgenossischen Kupferstichen. (Bibliothek des 18. Jahrhunderts)
616368: ISBN: 0080234283 - Nonsmooth Optimization (IIASA proceedings series; V. 3)
802036: ISBN: 0802023207 - Myth and meaning: Five talks for radio (The 1977 Massey lectures)
1292482: ISBN: 1931041334 - Hensonville a Tale of the Blackstone Valley
1264256: ISBN: 2905075104 - l'Italie aujourd'hui / Italia oggi ; regard sur la peinture italienne de 1970 a 1985
933213: ISBN: 2865382354 - Papagayo. Un hameau precolombien du Costa Rica (French Edition)
1129612: ISBN: 2980068705 - La Litterature populaire religieuse au Quebec : sa diffusion, ses modeles et ses heros
662309: ISBN: 092029328X - Interieur Jour
1068988: ISBN: 078591112X - Toi / Qui Es Tu?
1182802: ISBN: 0692768645 - Paintings for painters by painter
968879: ISBN: 8565709027 - Sobre Sao Paulo
1281203: ISBN: 0824082648 - NIGHTMARE DREAM ANTILYNCHING IN CONGRESS 1917-1922 (American legal and constitutional history : a Garland series of outstanding dissertations)
932277: ISBN: 8890503904 - My World. The Art of Claudio Bandini
1228909: ISBN: 8806164279 - La matematica Volume Quarto
1262895: ISBN: 0817632468 - Fourier-Mukai and Nahm Transforms in Geometry and Mathematical Physics (Progress in Mathematics 276)
1269375: ISBN: 9122015132 - Crime and Punishment?
1303312: ISBN: 9971950715 - Lattice Gauge Theories and Monte Carlo Simulations
589323: ISBN: 3792901005 - Hessen-Darmstadtische privilegirte Land-Zeitung 1777. Faksimileausgabe des von Matthias Claudius redigierten Teils und Nachlese aus dem ersten Jahrgang (1777). Ausgewahlt und mit einem Nachwort herausgegeben von Jorg-Ulrich Fechner.
1003216: ISBN: 2222030986 - La Semantique au Service de l'Anthropologie. Recherche Methodologique et Application a l'Etude de la Parente chez les Touaregs de l'Ahaggar (French Edition)
672849: ISBN: 1571461531 - Analysis I (Graduate Series in Analysis)
962843: ISBN: 3540163808 - Bioproducts (Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology, 33)
1218445: ISBN: 3519000067 - Stochastische Automaten (German Edition)
344886: ISBN: 0387134352 - Dynamic Computed Tomography. Basic Principles and Clinical Applications
310236: ISBN: 0245598146 - The Spaniard
1316090: ISBN: 1575862387 - Reflection in Rewriting Logic: Metalogical Foundations and Metaprogramming Applications
1047630: ISBN: 8877600624 - Voyage d'Italie [1608-1609]. Biblioteca del Viaggio in Italia / Bibliotheque du Voyage en Italie. Testi / Textes, 62 (French Edition)
285599: ISBN: 0677027109 - Desalting Seawater. Achievements and Prospects
1209165: ISBN: 9688100889 - Las instrucciones de Henry Clay. Prologo de Leopoldo Zea
1259297: ISBN: 0582894093 - British Officer: Leading the Army from 1660 to the Present, The
1312375: ISBN: 0807827940 - Drawing on America's Past: Folk Art, Modernism, and the Index of American Design
1262812: ISBN: 8886701535 - Quaranta domande a Christian de Portzamparc
1259937: ISBN: 0849359309 - Inorganic Ion Exchange Materials
1283364: ISBN: 9004166866 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, 2007 (Volume XXIII)
1283365: ISBN: 9004122036 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Volume XVI
1283324: ISBN: 9004117040 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Volume XV, 1999
1283310: ISBN: 9004177426 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 2008 (Volume 24)
1295490: ISBN: 0809314657 - Aristotle on the Many Senses of Priority (Journal on the History of Philosophy)
1289981: ISBN: 2350300110 - Maguerite Duras : Le ravissement de lol v. Stein, le vice-consul, india song
1114474: ISBN: 0471567248 - Molecular Evolution (UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology 122)
1308428: ISBN: 9085483735 - Travels for Tridacna: a novel based on more than thirty years of geological work for a multinational oil company
272992: ISBN: 0023228601 - Exceptionalities through the Lifespan. An Introduction
813332: ISBN: 8846487184 - La Cifra di Passo: Una loggia spagnola del Settecento
1008869: ISBN: 9057020300 - Protein Phosphorylation in Cell Growth Regulation
493462: ISBN: 0275962660 - Life After the White House: Press Coverage of Four Ex-Presidents
540738: ISBN: 0124727034 - Isozymes III: Developmental Biology
1102120: ISBN: 0845102656 - Agriculture, physiology, and medicine: The third of three volumes constituting the proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Isozymes held in ... topics in biological and medical research)
906214: ISBN: 0471010480 - Gas Chromatography: Biochemical, Biomedical, and Clinical Applications (Chemical Analysis: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and Its Applications)
349017: ISBN: 0387197427 - Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, Manchester 1991. Workshops in Computing
1193503: ISBN: 1551300435 - Swedish Social Democracy: A Model in Transition
1080819: ISBN: 0971315507 - American Landscapes
1062224: ISBN: 8822219791 - La Tradizione Umanistica Lucchese dal Fiadoni al Mansi
1029623: ISBN: 1841714526 - Analisis Funcional: Su applicacion al estudio de sociedades prehistoricas (British Archaeological Reports 1073)
260888: ISBN: 3527253882 - Selected Topics in Molecular Physics
1138925: ISBN: 9072199057 - Modern Techniques in Computational Chemistry: MOTECC-89
892254: ISBN: 1589063546 - Can Debt Relief Boost Growth in Poor Countries? Economic Issues, 34
1218728: ISBN: 3540086943 - Singular Optimal Control: The Linear-Quadratic Problem (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 5)
1276819: ISBN: 0273085026 - Boundary Value Problems Governed by Second Order Elliptic Systems
1316488: ISBN: 0195398645 - The Oxford Handbook of Economic Forecasting (Oxford Handbooks)
1130608: ISBN: 0444997482 - Structural Analysis of Organic Compounds by Combined Application of Spectroscopic Methods. Studies in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 1
626377: ISBN: - The Clevelander: A Monthly Magazine Published by the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. vols. 34, 36-42
703174: ISBN: - Cleveland Hobby Catalogue. 1937 Edition. For this who like to "Make Things".
703164: ISBN: - Cleveland Models for 1944. No. 41.
477895: ISBN: - Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art. volumes 49, 51-55, 59-62, 64, 67, 69-72, 74-78
1316508: ISBN: 0963488414 - The Elements of Graphing Data
1031409: ISBN: 0904866521 - European Illustration the 14ED
568068: ISBN: 0864734603 - The Adulterer's Bible
1120662: ISBN: 0986596140 - Damian Moppett
1311598: ISBN: 0387043675 - Essays in the History of Mechanics. With 126 Figures
784540: ISBN: 0718510747 - Problems of urban passenger transport: With special reference to Leicester
580264: ISBN: 157477090X - The New Idea Factory: Expanding Technology Companies With University Intellectual Capital
691744: ISBN: 0813423538 - Applied Problems in Mathematics for Agriculture
1314173: ISBN: 0239000692 - Cut-steel and Berlin iron jewellery
1185271: ISBN: 0256062544 - Being and Becoming Indian: Biographical Studies of North American Frontiers
939722: ISBN: 079181551X - Advances in Failure Mechanisms in Brittle Materials. Presented at the 1996 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November ... 1996, Atlanta, Georgia. MD - Vol. 75, AMD - Vol. 219
979134: ISBN: 8436902297 - Juan Bautista Comes y Su Tiempo. Estudio Biografico (Latin Edition)
1284883: ISBN: 156396970X - Physics Potential and Development of Muon Colliders and Neutrino Factories: Fifth International Conference, San Francisco, California, 15-17 December 1999 (AIP Conference Proceedings (Numbered))
237021: ISBN: 0472067397 - The Battles of Armageddon: Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley from the Bronze Age to the Nuclear Age
1314479: ISBN: 082324508X - Confucius, Rawls, and the Sense of Justice
1298790: ISBN: 0817630139 - Elements of the Theory of Generalized Inverses of Matrices (Modules and Monographs in Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications)
1172897: ISBN: 0911189181 - The Law of the Sea: What Lies Ahead? (LAW OF THE SEA INSTITUTE CONFERENCE//PROCEEDINGS)
1243758: ISBN: 8885684106 - Il Lingotto Primario. Progetti Di Design Primario Alla Domus Academy
725643: ISBN: 1550223445 - Be Labour Reading
643101: ISBN: 0070194432 - Microbiology of Extreme Environments (Environmental Biotechnology)
390518: ISBN: 0412447703 - Executive Information Systems and Decision Support (Unicom Applied Information Technology, No 15)
1302226: ISBN: 0691041776 - Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series (Princeton Studies in Mathematical Economics)
710823: ISBN: 0856352322 - Dwelling Place
1002942: ISBN: 0627020461 - Local Government Transformation in South Africa
1272469: ISBN: 0340720123 - Envisioning Human Geographies (Arnold Publication)
1313295: ISBN: 0917458087 - Yvar, Prince of Rus
1077509: ISBN: 2701012759 - Pierre-J. de Cloriviere, Adelaide de Cice: Correspondance 1787-1804 (French Edition)
1075038: ISBN: 2701013577 - Lettres de prison, 1804-1806 (French Edition)
1084304: ISBN: 1567720382 - Update on Facial Nerve Disorders
1303982: ISBN: 0841231346 - Polymer Durability: Degradation, Stabilization, and Lifetime Prediction (ACS Advances in Chemistry 249)
1270828: ISBN: 1870074238 - Patronage and the Production of Geographical Knowledge: v. 41: The Testimony of the First Hundred Regional Monographs, 1905-1966
1300256: ISBN: 0971517118 - Chasing the Glitter: Black Hills Milling, 1874-1959 (Historical Preservation Series, 2)
282471: ISBN: 0312568428 - New Patterns of Work
1082595: ISBN: 3540189904 - Angular Momentum Theory Applied to Interactions in Solids (Lecture Notes in Chemistry, 47)
409938: ISBN: 0822307049 - The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle, Volume 15. Duke-Edinburgh Edition
1024293: ISBN: 1558993622 - Interfacial Engineering for Optimized Properties Symposium held December 2-5, 1996 Boston Massachusetts, U.S.A. (MRS Proceedings 458)
1296874: ISBN: 1570033064 - The Papers of John C. Calhoun, Volume 25, 1847-1848
1254884: ISBN: 0824767632 - Filtration: Principles and Practices Part II. Chemical Processing and Engineering Volume 10
887985: ISBN: 0120409089 - Advances in Applied Biology. Vol. VIII
887983: ISBN: 0120409054 - Applied Biology. Vol. V
1307803: ISBN: 0070114617 - Coal age second operating handbook of underground mining (Coal age library of operating handbooks ; v. 4)
1273113: ISBN: 0262030195 - High-Power Semiconductor-Magnetic Pulse Generators. MIT Research Monograph No. 39
588284: ISBN: 0824763270 - The Demand for Money by Firms
1133919: ISBN: 0932897274 - Sheet Steel: Carbon, High Strength Low Alloy, and Alloy Coils and Cut Lengths (INCLUDING COATED PRODUCTS)
1304740: ISBN: - The Woodlands: or, A Treatise on the preparing of ground for planting; on the planting; on the cultivating; on the pruning; and on the cutting down of Forest Trees and Underwoods, etc.
1092956: ISBN: 0792303024 - Vigilance and Performance in Automatized Systems / Vigilance et Performance de l'Homme dans les Systemes Automatises. NATO ASI Series D: Behavioural and Social Sciences, Volume 49
1288337: ISBN: 0847676064 - The Strangeness of the Ordinary
1314763: ISBN: 1409434966 - Music and Ethics
1030273: ISBN: 0859760960 - Scottish Trade with Ireland in the Eighteenth Century
1314073: ISBN: 047116240X - Sampling Techniques. Third edition
259665: ISBN: 085296322X - International Conference on Measurements for Telecommunication Transmission Systems--MTTS 85
588298: ISBN: - Mapa de las agrupaciones de suelos del Tropico Central de Bolivia. A Land Systems Map of Central Tropical Bolivia with some suggestions for the development of the region.
551732: ISBN: 0718511077 - Fluid Dynamic Measurements in the Industrial and Medical Environments. Vol. 1, Conference Papers
305715: ISBN: 1851663541 - Mechanics of Creep Brittle Materials, Volume I
312207: ISBN: 2070164330 - Bacchus. Piece en Trois Actes
587714: ISBN: 3540045708 - International Compendium of Numerical Data Projects. A Survey and Analysis
912622: ISBN: 9810205023 - Parallel Complexity of Linear System Solution
1228602: ISBN: 388375935X - Rachel Whiteread
1032631: ISBN: 1841713678 - Moral e Imperio (siglos II-I c.C.): La tradicion romana sobre el estado (British Archaeological Reports 1254)
1203090: ISBN: 3034802269 - Mathematicians in Bologna 1861-1960
893322: ISBN: 9024730805 - The European Monetary System - Past, Present and Future
1273430: ISBN: 0444414479 - Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. 2nd Edition, Volume I, Part G: Aliphatic Compounds
1106807: ISBN: 0444410937 - Heterocyclic Compounds: Three-, Four- and Five-Membered Heterocyclic Compounds with a Single Hetero-Atom in the Ring, second edition (Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Vol. 4 Part A) (v. 4A)
1106808: ISBN: 0444415734 - Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds: Aromatic Compounds-Monocarboxylic Acids of the Benzene series C7-C13 carbocyclic compounds with fused-ring systems and their derivatives, second edition (Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds vol. iii part G)
1085830: ISBN: 0929306139 - Parallel Programming: A New Approach
1037720: ISBN: 274751515X - le partage du pouvoir dans les hebrides ecossaises ; pasteurs elus et managers
1225642: ISBN: 0471893633 - Design Manual for High Temperature Hot Water and Steam Systems
1312354: ISBN: 0300097379 - Edouard Vuillard
1312363: ISBN: 0894682970 - Edouard Vuillard
1314266: ISBN: 0824825063 - The Tiger and the Pangolin: Nature, Culture, and Conservation in China
892068: ISBN: 0306461080 - Perspectives on Biologically Based Cancer Risk Assessment (Nato Challenges of Modern Society 23 (closed))
1169989: ISBN: 0415651069 - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
1297707: ISBN: 0805804366 - The 10th Annual Conference Cognitive Science Society Pod: 17-19 August 1988 (COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY (US) CONFERENCE//PROCEEDINGS)
1305580: ISBN: 0711456089 - Polymer melt rheology: A guide for industrial practice
1306533: ISBN: 0521775434 - The Alexander Mosaic: Stories of Victory and Defeat (Cambridge Studies in Classical Art and Iconography)
1258523: ISBN: 0275964817 - Russian Imperialism: Development and Crisis
921321: ISBN: 0873340388 - The Unknown Steinhardt. Prints by Jakob Steinhardt produced between 1907 and 1934. The Jewish Museum, New York, January 20-April 19, 1987
222095: ISBN: 0881650803 - Developing-Country Debt: A Middle Way
1077499: ISBN: 2246347718 - Portes de Jerusalem (Figures) (French Edition)
1290440: ISBN: 0919441726 - Stories and Images of What the Horse has Done for Us
587705: ISBN: 0835712028 - Knowledge Based Theorem Proving and Learning. Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, No. 4
1255833: ISBN: 0444869328 - Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics VI
326086: ISBN: 0471088935 - Noninvasive Probes of Tissue Metabolism
1266723: ISBN: 3540076271 - On Regenerative Processes in Queueing Theory (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 121)
1307261: ISBN: 1568811586 - Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Elementary Algorithms
1316369: ISBN: 1568811594 - Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation. Mathematical Methods
1191419: ISBN: 0252025490 - Visual Color and Color Mixture: THE FUNDAMENTAL COLOR SPACE
1299375: ISBN: 0198750781 - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Induction and Probability
355878: ISBN: 013498093X - Creating and Planning the Corporate Data Base System Project
1308618: ISBN: 0521801583 - Ethics, Exegesis and Philosophy: Interpretation after Levinas
1296673: ISBN: 9027706549 - Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 39)
1297448: ISBN: 9027719713 - A Portrait of Twenty - Five Years. Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1960 - 1985 (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science)
1296681: ISBN: 9027703930 - For Dirk Struik: Scientific, Historical and Political Essays in Honor of Dirk J. Struik (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 15)
1269187: ISBN: 902770015X - Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, 1966-1968. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume V
1315819: ISBN: 0415938554 - Alan Lomax, Selected Writings 1934-1997
1193485: ISBN: 0306462974 - Atomic Force Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 3
1316786: ISBN: 149392866X - Stochastic Calculus and Applications (Probability and Its Applications) second edition
578350: ISBN: 906203912X - Norman Mailer's Novels. Essays in English and American Language and Literature, Costerus New Series, Volume 20
1118105: ISBN: 2551066522 - Sorel Cohen: 14 septembre-2 novembre 1986 (French Edition)
1315224: ISBN: 0195779487 - The Pakistan Army (1998 Edition)
899574: ISBN: 0444809104 - Osteoporosis
918872: ISBN: 0275280489 - Turkish Economic, Social, and Political Change. The Development of a More Prosperous and Open Society. Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development
1206578: ISBN: 0387903453 - A Classical Invitation to Algebraic Numbers and Class Fields (Universitext)
890428: ISBN: 0872629155 - Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference (V-ICCCBE) Two Volume Set
1288316: ISBN: 0080227368 - Engineering Plasticity by Mathematical Programming
1316284: ISBN: 0063561158 - Universal Algebra (Modern Mathematics)
1302347: ISBN: 0521092981 - Lie Groups
1301357: ISBN: 0710063431 - Solid Geometry
1059990: ISBN: 2227321067 - Le mouvement catechetique de Jules Ferry a Vatican II (Chretiens dans l'histoire) (French Edition)
1278921: ISBN: 0415452821 - Ethics and War in the 21st Century (LSE International Studies Series)
301679: ISBN: 9053490787 - Belgium
1018592: ISBN: 2855397820 - Visnu, ses images et ses feux: Les metamorphoses du dieu chez les vaikhanasa (Monographies) (French Edition)
587653: ISBN: 0815505019 - Prostaglandins Isolations and Synthesis. Chemical Technology Review No. 17
1309988: ISBN: 1584885068 - Handbook of Combinatorial Designs (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications). Second edition
903027: ISBN: 0845126571 - Growth Factors, Tumor Promoters, & Cancer Genes (UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology)
643001: ISBN: - Learning and Memory. Volumes 1-5
1307184: ISBN: 0312323654 - Geometric Greece
1309183: ISBN: 0883189410 - The Theory and Operation of Spectral Analysis: Using ROBFIT (Instrument & Measurement Science Series)
1282355: ISBN: 0883189291 - The Theory and Operation of Spectral Analysis: Using ROBFIT (Instrument & Measurement Science Series)
286470: ISBN: 0470164832 - Petroleum and the Continental Shelf of North-West Europe. Volume 2: Environmental Protection
976438: ISBN: 1881526542 - Perspectives in Phonology. CSLI Lecture Notes No. 51
1307045: ISBN: 0262530864 - Algorithmic Skeletons: Structured Management of Parallel Computation. Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing
874256: ISBN: 072772746X - Electronic Communication in Construction
1303090: ISBN: 3540036725 - Viscometric Flows of Non-Newtonian Fluids: Theory and Experiment (Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy)
1306923: ISBN: 0521108209 - Individual Interests and Collective Action: Studies in Rationality and Social Change
650982: ISBN: - Neurobiology of Aging. Volume 10-24 lacks volumes 12 and 17 (1989-2003)
1229425: ISBN: 9810203462 - Quantum Cosmology and Baby Universes: Proceedings of 7th Jerusalem Winter School (Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics)
1301507: ISBN: 1611974356 - Automatic Differentiation in MATLAB using ADMAT with Applications (Software, Environments and Tools, Series Number 27)
1306324: ISBN: 0876855095 - Imagoes
1308968: ISBN: 0814700985 - Essays on Creativity in the Sciences
1185156: ISBN: 0692816852 - Lenten Meditations
786197: ISBN: 0415198542 - Women's Employment in Europe: Trends and Prospects
622496: ISBN: 0820471232 - Celebration of the Everyday (Belgian Francophone Library)
1153228: ISBN: 286538022X - Prehistoire africaine: Melanges offerts au doyen Lionel Balout (Recherche sur les grandes civilisations) (French Edition)
1309353: ISBN: 0521397278 - A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages
1072969: ISBN: 2895076170 - Un Temps pour se Souvenir
1312349: ISBN: 088884767X - The Age of Watteau, Chardin, and Fragonard : Masterpieces of French Genre Painting
542165: ISBN: 1863204954 - Building economic decision-making capabilities of Chinese wool textile mills (ACIAR Technical Reports, 60)
643823: ISBN: 1856288749 - Perspectives Towards Sustainable Environmental Development (Avebury Studies in Green Research)
793979: ISBN: 0415200814 - European Cities and Technology Reader: Industrial to Post-Industrial City
863420: ISBN: 0669069183 - Controlling the Cost of Social Security
527564: ISBN: 0711449066 - Steel-concrete composite beams for buildings
854310: ISBN: 0127628703 - Hetero-Structures for High Performance Devices. Volume 1 (Handbook of thin film devices)
1273877: ISBN: 0615399878 - Irving Penn Archaeology
1309495: ISBN: 0889550387 - Solid State NMR for Chemists.
751084: ISBN: 9264140891 - Redefining the State in Latin America
1302816: ISBN: 091913033X - Edmonton's Electric Transit. The Story of Edmonton's Streetcars and Trolley Buses
804009: ISBN: 0715149091 - Anglican Cycle of Prayer: 1999-2000, second edition
913533: ISBN: 0125823029 - The Biology of Mycobacteria. Volume 2, Immunological and Environmental Aspects
674192: ISBN: 082043812X - The Extra-Ordinary School: Parergonality & Pedagogy
517493: ISBN: 0387198946 - Expert Aided Control System Design (Advances in Industrial Control)
815753: ISBN: 0853341737 - Developments in Rubber and Rubber Composites: v. 2
761729: ISBN: 0865590818 - Chuck Close
780645: ISBN: 0865591148 - What's new, Prague: Contemporary photography from Czechoslovakia
895025: ISBN: 1851666834 - Recent Developments in Sewage Sludge Processing: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Lappeenranta, Finland, on 18 June 1990 and Jointly Organized by th (EUR)
1110795: ISBN: 8857236471 - Picasso: Capolavori dal Museo Picasso, Parigi
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