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272844: ISBN: 1566070384 - High-Speed Networking. Technologies and Implementation

1313492: ISBN: 0916107841 - Headstrong: The Biography of Amy Morris Bradley 1823 - 1904

1091498: ISBN: 0872877973 - Slide Buyers' Guide. An International Directory of Slide Sources for Art and Architecture

1315694: ISBN: 3540029338 - Accuracy Improvements in Linguistic Fuzzy Modeling (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 129)

1309210: ISBN: 1563964163 - Handbook of Applied Photometry (AIP-Press)

812429: ISBN: 9586640140 - Cronicas de arte colombiano, 1946-1963 (Coleccion bibliografica Banco de la Republica) (Spanish Edition)

551687: ISBN: 040455878X - Mechanical Methods for Increasing the Speed of Reading. An Experimental Study at the Third Grade Level. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 878

672167: ISBN: 0120176165 - Advances in Genetics: V. 16

672177: ISBN: 0120176181 - Advances in Genetics: V. 18

763690: ISBN: 9062036988 - Optica in de eeuw van Euler: Opvattingen over de natuur van het licht, 1700-1795 = Optics in the age of Euler : conceptions of the nature of light, 1700-1795 ... en der natuurwetenschappen) (Dutch Edition)

1187691: ISBN: 0815506635 - Energy-saving techniques for the food industry (Energy technology review 13)

1283198: ISBN: 9971507889 - Spin Systems

1233055: ISBN: 0745653421 - Unrecognized States: The Struggle for Sovereignty in the Modern International System

1298987: ISBN: 3540127089 - Combinatorial Mathematics X: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Adelaide, Australia, August 23-27, 1982 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1036)

1305716: ISBN: 3540080538 - Combinatorial Mathematics IV: Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference, Held at the University of Adelaide, 27-29 August, 1975 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 560)

1303161: ISBN: 0894646672 - Foundations of Inference in Survey Sampling

1306658: ISBN: 0521425301 - Lectures on Elliptic Curves. London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 24

289468: ISBN: 0412489007 - Introduction to Integrated Geo-Information Management

1310434: ISBN: 1476674477 - Artistic Collaboration Today: Profiles of Creative Teams in Diverse Media

1080404: ISBN: 8485736591 - Terra prometida

1315872: ISBN: 069114334X - The Philosophy of the Enlightenment: Updated Edition

1300878: ISBN: 0521349850 - Automorphisms of Surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston (London Mathematical Society Student Texts 9)

1122965: ISBN: 1530125537 - Michele Castagnetti: some works

1254771: ISBN: 887757092X - Vittorio Messina: A Village and Its Surrounding

1232869: ISBN: 0405056710 - Mexican Americans and Educational Change

1069750: ISBN: 2227351047 - Histoire d'Israel et de Juda: Des origines au IIe siecle apres Jesus-Christ (Dossiers pour l'animation biblique) (French Edition)

1045187: ISBN: 2227351071 - Commencements: Les onze premiers chapitres de la Genese : parole de Dieu et mythes de l'Orient ancien (Dossiers Animation biblique) (French Edition)

1060024: ISBN: 8471544180 - Narraciones e Outras Prosas

1303248: ISBN: 9971500388 - Supergravity and Superstrings: A Geometric Perspective. Vol. 1: Mathematical foundations. Vol. 2: Supergravity. Vol. 3: Superstrings

906655: ISBN: 0444809082 - Fundamental and Clinical Fibrinolysis: International Conference Proceedings (International congress series 757)

1316371: ISBN: 0471276618 - Connectivity, complexity, and catastrophe in large-scale systems (International series on applied systems analysis)

1253154: ISBN: 0201009188 - Imbedding methods in applied mathematics (Applied mathematics and computation no. 2)

1296722: ISBN: 0387161805 - Complexity, Language, and Life: Mathematical Approaches (BIOMATHEMATICS)

1128549: ISBN: 8477880050 - I Congreso de Historia de Castilla-La Mancha. Tomo 5, Musulmanes y Cristianos: La implantacion del feudalismo

1018300: ISBN: 8470392581 - Sala de recreacion (Estudios de Hispanofila 43) (Spanish Edition)

906691: ISBN: 1470199785 - Could this be your next move?: Modification Short Sale Foreclosure Reverse Mortgage Option to Buy Renting

1227204: ISBN: 8478222979 - Els gremis medievals en les fonts oficials: El fons de la Governacio del regne de Valencia en temps d'Alfons el Magnanim, 1417-1458 (Documents historics) (Catalan Edition)

318527: ISBN: 8482561871 - Comunitat i nacio.

587943: ISBN: 0901716928 - Advanced Materials in the Marketplace. Proceedings of the Symposium held at the University of Surrey on 22 September 1994 (at head of title: The Professor Anthony Kelly Symposium)

1055311: ISBN: 2890889939 - Claude Castonguay: Un artisan du Quebec moderne. Les grandes entrevues Pierre Maisonneuve (French Edition)

1032613: ISBN: 9590400590 - El Entendimiento: Historia y significacion de la musica indigena del Lago de Maracaibo (Spanish Edition)

994852: ISBN: 857199160X - Cirurgia de rejuvenescimento facial (Portuguese Edition)

932077: ISBN: 8496641309 - Razon de vida (Spanish Edition)

932082: ISBN: 8496641309 - Razon de Vida (Spanish Edition)

1316635: ISBN: 1852335947 - Artificial Immune Systems: A New Computational Intelligence Approach

1300996: ISBN: 3161446488 - The Johannine Paraclete in the Church Fathers: A Study in the History of Exegesis (Beitrage Zur Geschichte Der Biblischen Exegese 25)

1221178: ISBN: 0930815009 - Surface Mount Technology

1292023: ISBN: 949266013X - Selective Memory: Photographs of the Younghusband Mission to Tibet, 1903-1904. Rijksmuseum Studies in Photography, 21

1088883: ISBN: 8479433345 - El Parlamento en el Derecho. Cuadernos del Congreso de los Diputados, 1

1280792: ISBN: 096633065X - Art of Imperial Japan (Kagedo Japanese Art)

1224541: ISBN: 8439327730 - L'expulsio dels moriscos: consequencies en el mon islamic i el mon cristia: Sant Carles de la RaÌ?pita, 5-9 de desembre de 1990

932075: ISBN: 8484416267 - Los Libros de Umber (Spanish Edition)

1282020: ISBN: 072162460X - Lectures on Real and Complex Vector Spaces

918142: ISBN: 0988026309 - The New Alberta Contemporaries

1309956: ISBN: 0824774884 - Finite Geometries (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 103)

1298369: ISBN: 0394443713 - Sapphira and the Slave Girl

503883: ISBN: 0951493604 - Booby Birds Let Them Fly Free

1187782: ISBN: 0892800518 - Sonja Blomdahl: Incalmo/Glass

1174211: ISBN: 1472518098 - Journal of Cloth and Culture Textile Volume 11 Issue 3 November 2013

980760: ISBN: 2757701096 - la modernite suspendue. Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale et urbaine, 28

1312625: ISBN: 0198267665 - Eros Unveiled: Plato and the God of Love

869299: ISBN: 2866761634 - Le dialogue parents enfants (Collection Femmes actives) (French Edition)

567710: ISBN: 0120937204 - Hemispheric Function and Collaboration in the Child (Educational Psychology)

1109500: ISBN: 2906422010 - Rever le Verre = Glas Ertraumen

869054: ISBN: 2040186697 - Elements de psychanalyse pour le texte litteraire (French Edition)

707350: ISBN: 0863554709 - Star: Catherine Yass (English and Hindi Edition)

585632: ISBN: 0902799819 - Wastepaper

1209148: ISBN: 1584560207 - By His Own Labor: The Biography of Dard Hunter

1077052: ISBN: 1908885327 - Natural Light II

503642: ISBN: 0198539886 - New Methods for Modelling Processes within Solids and at their Surfaces

1257732: ISBN: 3540115889 - Computer Simulation of Solids (Lecture Notes in Physics, 166)

1300130: ISBN: 9810207506 - Quantum Mechanical Cluster Calculations in Solid State Studies

1228611: ISBN: 0907738680 - Silk Purse Procedure

794406: ISBN: 0907738710 - Shimmering Substance/View Finder

1032554: ISBN: 1841717932 - Tecnologia Litica del Pleistoceno Final / Holoceno Medio. Un Estudio de los Cazadores - Recolectores de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina). BAR International Series, 1580

1264389: ISBN: 9810209932 - Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics - Proceedings of the XX International Conference (in 2 Volumes) (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ... METHODS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS)

1203704: ISBN: 999173712X - Natural Convection in Enclosures-1983

1174142: ISBN: 1782663290 - Steward of Headwaters: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, 1975-2000

1293117: ISBN: 3031094832 - Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 19th International Conference, DIMVA 2022, Cagliari, Italy, June 29 - July 1, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

1124325: ISBN: 0306403358 - Natural Sulfur Compounds: Novel Biochemical and Structural Aspects

1092644: ISBN: 1884729673 - The Priest As Spiritual Father

1092648: ISBN: 1884729487 - Blessed Elder Gabriel Dionysiatis (1886-1983)

1061295: ISBN: 1884729789 - SAINT ATHANASIOS PARIOS

1061280: ISBN: 1884729088 - Byzantine churches of Thessaloniki: An illustrated account of the architecture and iconographic decoraton of seven Byzantine churches of Thessaloniki, together with important historical data

1061278: ISBN: 1884729630 - Aristotle's Theory of the Fine Arts

1061277: ISBN: 1884729622 - Aristotle's theory of the fine arts: With special reference to their value in education and therapy

1061289: ISBN: 1884729452 - Dostoievsky's philosophy of man : a general discussion of Dostoievsky's view of man's nature and destiny, together with pertinent discussion-reviews of six of his works

1061287: ISBN: 1884729606 - Plutarch's advice on keeping well: A lecture delivered at the International Congress of Psychopathology of Expression and Art Therapy which met in ... of relevant texts from Plutarch's works


1033238: ISBN: 1841716308 - The Role of Chemical Markers and Chemometrics in the Identification of Grasses Used as Food in Pre - Agrarian South West Asia. BAR International Series 1277

984874: ISBN: 0891583653 - The Politics of Chile: A Sociogeographical Assessment (Westview Special Studies on Latin America)

1303175: ISBN: 9810208049 - Inhomogeneous Waves in Solids and Fluids

978746: ISBN: 0780333284 - Emerging Technologies: Designing Low Power Digital Systems

888326: ISBN: 0872625443 - Environmental Engineering: Proceedings of the 1986 Specialty Conference

1282192: ISBN: 1472523091 - On Resistance: A Philosophy of Defiance

960719: ISBN: 9027726957 - The Impact of Very High S/N Spectroscopy on Stellar Physics. Proceedings of the 132nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in Paris, France, June 29 - July 3, 1987. International Astronomical Union

1315360: ISBN: 3030638014 - An Environmental Life Cycle Approach to Design: LCA for Designers and the Design Market

1305936: ISBN: 0824769856 - Liquid Chromatography of Polymers and Related Materials, II (Chromatographic Science Series, Volume 13)

296268: ISBN: 8430052011 - Esta Calle Mundial de Indiferencia: Poemas, 1980-1981

1312574: ISBN: 0816907021 - Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models. Second Edition

887691: ISBN: 0955862868 - Relay - Circulating Ideas March - May 2011

1245499: ISBN: 8884912881 - Masaccio e i Pittori del Suo Tempo agli Uffizi. Guida.

674087: ISBN: 0662676157 - 100 Years at the Heart of Transportation: A Centennial Historical Perspective of the Canadian Transportation Agency and Its Predecessors. Bilingual English-French Edition.

1288736: ISBN: 0691079145 - Approximations for Digital Computers

600134: ISBN: 0819124230 - U.S.-Japan Technological Exchange Symposium

1306007: ISBN: 0877629307 - Municipal Sewage Sludge: Management, Processing and Disposal. Water Quality Management Library, Volume IV

1303800: ISBN: 0685362531 - Encyclopaedia Judaica. 16 volumes plus Year Books for 1973-78; 1983-1991; and Decennial Books for 1973-1992. 26 volumes total

892283: ISBN: 9050060447 - In relatie tot van Gogh (In relation to Van Gogh). Fotografie van tijdgenoten (Photography by contemporaries). Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 30.3.1990-29.7.1990 (Dutch Edition)

1019052: ISBN: 8846443985 - Civilta e culture. Lineamenti di antropologia

962842: ISBN: 1851664122 - Future Industrial Prospects of Membrane Processes

1037707: ISBN: 9185268046 - Ett fartyg byggt med syteknik: En studie i marinarkeologisk dokumentation (Rapport - Statens sjohistoriska museum ; 7) (Swedish Edition)

679806: ISBN: 1840148829 - Crossing Borders: Regional and Urban Perspectives on International Migration

622736: ISBN: 0946956081 - The Oslo & Paris Commissions. The First Decade

1264734: ISBN: 9066910097 - 's Nachts Veran de Boten : Kunst verbeeldt de Zee

1061231: ISBN: 9875841501 - Pensando amerindia: Ensayos. Hermeneutica de estetica sistematica. Segunda edicion

1083097: ISBN: 8877850426 - Col tram da Firenze a Fiesole (Collana Storia dei trasporti pubblici) (Italian Edition)

882170: ISBN: 187081214X - Carpets: Back to Front. A Textile Progress Special Interest Issue (Textile Progress, Volume 19, Number 3)

1120590: ISBN: 3528063351 - Capacities in Complex Analysis (Aspects of Mathematics) (German Edition)

149206: ISBN: - Papeles de Son Armadans. vols. 27-92

149199: ISBN: - Papeles de Son Armadans. volumes 4/5 (Jan.-June, 1957)

149207: ISBN: - Papeles de Son Armadans. vols. 54-92, last published,

1314986: ISBN: 3319242091 - Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

1232609: ISBN: 8535904972 - Sangue De Feiticeira (Em Portuguese do Brasil)

1134368: ISBN: 0791804909 - Benchmark Test Cases for Computational Fluid Dynamics: Presented at the 1990 Spring Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division Held in Conjunction with the 1990 Forum of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1262371: ISBN: 887970060X - Aperto al pubblico : comunicazione e servizi educativi nei musei

1226409: ISBN: 9509262153 - Newton en America: Simposio : Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia de las Ciencias y la Tecnologia, Mexico, 1992 (Spanish Edition)

546808: ISBN: 1843695618 - Building Homes, changing official approaches: The work of Urban Poor Organizations and their Federations and their contributions to meeting the Millennium Development Goals in urban areas (Poverty Reduction in Urban Areas Series Working Paper, 16)

380221: ISBN: - Cell and Tissue Kinetics. vols. 4-13

1060245: ISBN: 0920705073 - Faithful to a mission: Fifty years with the Catholic Health Association of Canada

1070708: ISBN: 0776642340 - Verlaine et la Commune. Cahier d'inedits, no. 4 (French Edition)

1238087: ISBN: 9681201116 - Peasantry and national integration: XXX International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa (30th International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa)

1207448: ISBN: 8400055497 - El Teatro en Oviedo (1498-1700): A Traves de los Documentos del Ayuntamiento y del Principado.

414308: ISBN: 0576728640 - Lycei Lateranensis Illustrium Scriptorum Sacri Apostolici Ordinis Clericorum Canonicorum Regularium Salvatoris Lateranensis Elogia. Tomus Secundus

647922: ISBN: 0576728640 - Lycei Lateranensis Illustrium Scriptorum Sacri Apostolici Ordinis Clericorum Canonicorum Regularium Salvatoris Lateranensis Elogia. TWO VOLUMES

1043503: ISBN: 013931718X - Vibroacoustic Condition Monitoring

283942: ISBN: 0803996292 - Indian Social and Economic Development 1989: An Index to the Literature

1313182: ISBN: 0816904553 - Workbook of Test Cases for Vapor Cloud Source Dispersion Models

1311141: ISBN: 081690474X - Guidelines for Evaluating the Characteristics of Vapor Cloud Explosions, Flash Fires, and BLEVEs

252078: ISBN: - Main Currents in Modern Thought. Vols. 12, 19-21, 25-26, 28-31 (1955-1974) lacks v. 31#2

642990: ISBN: - Language Problems and Language Planning. Lingvaj problemoj kaj lingvo-planado. Volumes 1-13

888485: ISBN: 9739862497 - Nation and National Ideology. Past, Present and Prospects. Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the New Europe College, Bucharest. April 6-7, 2001

1008742: ISBN: 8788467090 - Kultur og udvikling i det sydlige Afrika. Den ny verden 22 Argang nr 1

1208758: ISBN: 1654514594 - Cuban Slugger: Reynerio Tamayo (Rodriguez Collection)

966630: ISBN: 044488694X - New Developments in Selective Oxidation. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Rimini, Italy, September 18 - 22, 1989. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 55

1314483: ISBN: 0915348071 - Route of the Electroliners. CERA Bulletin 107

1243005: ISBN: 0915348020 - An Interurban Goes Modern: And Other Early C.E.R.A. Bulletins

1005230: ISBN: 0915348926 - Indiana Railroad System. CERA Bulletin 91

1259789: ISBN: 0915348039 - Modernization of Car 15 and other Early C.E.R.A. Bulletins. Bulletins 35 through 45

521711: ISBN: - Proceedings of the Central States Anthropological Society, Selected Papers. Volumes 1-3

391187: ISBN: - Communication Studies. vols. 40-49

556367: ISBN: 011620771X - Annual Abstract of Statistics, 1996 (Annual Abstract of Statistics)

1070307: ISBN: 2867810426 - Presence de Francois Mauriac: Actes du colloque organise a Bordeaux pour le centenaire de Mauriac (10-12 octobre 1985). Universite de Bordeaux III (French Edition)

1126555: ISBN: 2204012807 - Au-dela des confessions? Les Mouvements Transconfessionnels

507392: ISBN: 2859390200 - Politics in Literature in the Nineteenth Century

1140899: ISBN: 8484962326 - Colleccio de fotografia contemporania, 2004-2016

617349: ISBN: 926413025X - Information Technologies and Basic Learning. Reading, Writing, Science and Mathematics.

1121131: ISBN: 2204021490 - Familles et catechese (Dossiers libres Cerf) (French Edition)

891721: ISBN: 2902731361 - Troisieme Symposium sur les Etalons de Frequence et la Metrologie / Third Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology. 12-15 octobre 1981. Aussois (France). Journal De Physique. Tome 42. Colloque C-8, supplement au no 12. Decembre 1981 (English Editi

1302012: ISBN: 0521328608 - Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity

884558: ISBN: 8492579196 - Reinventar la Isla I : artistas canarios en la Coleccion CAAM (--dos generaciones) : San Martin Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 23 noviembre 2011-20 mayo 2012

867396: ISBN: 8492579099 - Laura Gonzalez: Gramatica del Color

1212172: ISBN: 9686191283 - Clasicismo en Mexico: Escultura grecorromana, presencia de la academia, vision contemporanea (Spanish Edition)

807473: ISBN: 9689221019 - Evalua y Decide. Evaluacion de las propuestas de los candidatos a la Precidencia 2006.

309750: ISBN: - Indice Historico/Espanol: Bibliografia Historica de Espana e Hispanoamerica. vols. 1-11

314507: ISBN: 8485349377 - Altamira. Revista del Centro de Estudios Montaneses. TOMO XLIII. Diputacion Regional de Cantabria. Institucion Cultural de Cantabria

991446: ISBN: 9682903440 - La Palabra de Los Antiguos (Historia Mochos)

1008756: ISBN: 0001293605 - La Ricerca Etno-Antropologica in Sicilia (1950-1980) Supplemento bibliografico e Mappe, Volume 2

1008755: ISBN: 8877581077 - La Ricerca Etno-Antropologica in Sicilia (1950-1980) Volume 1

612397: ISBN: - Studi Piemontesi. Vols. 1#1; 2#1; 4#2; 8#1 (1972-1979)

308248: ISBN: 8885147550 - Convegno Internazionale Vita Cittadina nel Teatro fra Cinque e Seicento

1002718: ISBN: 9729006180 - Adornos Africanos como Entidade Cultural (Publicacoes do Centro de Estudos Africanos) (Portuguese Edition)

877533: ISBN: 8481030988 - Pintura flamenca Del Siglo XVI (Gran Canaria-Tenerife): Casa de Colon, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Junio-Julio, 1995 (Spanish Edition)

1135970: ISBN: 0387820906 - Kinetic Theory and Gas Dynamics. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures, No. 293

1170080: ISBN: 3540965572 - Knowledge Frontier: Essays in the Representation of Knowledge

1230103: ISBN: 9971966336 - Introductory Biophysics

1286440: ISBN: 8472024652 - Mestres de l'Escolania de Montserrat, Volum IX. Joan Cererols, V (Catalan Edition)

972924: ISBN: 847140284X - La Proyeccion Maritima de Espana en la Epoca de los Reyes Catolicos. Historia de la Marina Espanola (Spanish Edition)

843698: ISBN: 2868831370 - 36th International Field Emission Symposium: July 31, August 4, 1989, Oxford, Great-Britain

1119982: ISBN: 0792324234 - Numerical Grid Methods and Their Application to Schrodinger's Equation (Nato Science Series C: Vol. 412)

977350: ISBN: 0792332024 - Wind Climate in Cities

1311253: ISBN: 2903370982 - Dictionnaire International Du Bijou

1215240: ISBN: 9684323131 - Entremeses / Short Farces (Spanish Edition)

1268815: ISBN: 159213954X - Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the United States: Essays on Incorporation, Identity, and Citizenship

1048242: ISBN: 8471402106 - La Estrategia Naval del Imperio: Auge, Declive y Ocaso de la Marina de los Austrias. Primo de libros "Virgen del Carmen" 1981 (Spanish Edition)

585672: ISBN: 8438102417 - Pelegrina (Guadalajara) : su castillo, el caser

1065191: ISBN: 3515018565 - Catalogue of the Rock Art Collection of the Frobenius Institute (Studien zur Kulturkunde, Einundvierzigster Band)

1276634: ISBN: 0132762390 - Evantioselective Reactions in Organic Chemistry

1164193: ISBN: 8838489939 - La legione invincibile. Il legato romano

1209703: ISBN: 1605660701 - Connectivity and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and Developing Interactive Communications (Premier Reference Source)

1289256: ISBN: 1470449285 - Invitation to Real Analysis (Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts)

424929: ISBN: 8483731568 - Marginacion y Exclusion Social en el Pais Vasco

581193: ISBN: 9685442320 - Cruz del Norte

1043418: ISBN: 9562382273 - Diccionario de Geografia Fisica y Ciencias Afines (ecologia-hidrografia-climatologia-geomorfologia)

835065: ISBN: 091761769X - Andean Studies: New Trends and Library Resources (Seminar on the Aquisition of Latin American Library Materials XLV)

1219227: ISBN: 9500511509 - Arquitectura Precolombina-Catalogo De Tipos De Urbanismos, de Obras y Constructivos

1080467: ISBN: 0921688326 - Telluric & Magnetic. A sift of thirteen poems from the complete poetry of Cesar Vallejo

826015: ISBN: 9688130605 - Estructura dual y piramidal del sindicalismo mexicano (Serie Estudios 10) (Spanish Edition)

930281: ISBN: 8884927560 - Studi Classici e Orientali. A cura dei Dipartimenti di Filologia Classica, Linguistica, Scienze Archeologiche e Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico dell'Universita de Pisa, LIII (2007)

1051506: ISBN: 0888400454 - En Atelier de vie Chretienne

1219415: ISBN: 0824764528 - Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Differential Equations (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)

1311485: ISBN: 3540054359 - Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations. Third edition (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge Band 16)

1281335: ISBN: 0387906762 - Optimization - Theory and Applications: Problems with Ordinary Differential Equations

1209018: ISBN: 0121655504 - Nonlinear Analysis: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Erich H. Rothe

393422: ISBN: - Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Section B: vols. 1-33

1312052: ISBN: 9402422447 - Group Theory Applied to Chemistry (Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling)

1312991: ISBN: 0384080952 - Paul Cezanne Sketchbook, 1875-1885

1314939: ISBN: 1953337414 - Certificate in ESG Investing Curriculum: ESG Investing Official Training Manual

534287: ISBN: 044481812X - Molecular Electronics (European Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Volume 45)

1232917: ISBN: 9602147695 - A Greek Temple

1293916: ISBN: 0253340225 - The Grand Scribe's Records, Vol. 2: The Basic Annals of Han China

1302686: ISBN: 0444418334 - Elsevier's Oil and Gas Field Dictionary: In English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German and Arabic

1226669: ISBN: 8472832163 - L'astronomia de Jacob ben David Bonjorn (Arxius de les seccions de ciencies) (Catalan Edition)

1227119: ISBN: 8423202402 - EL LUNARI DE BERNAT DE GRANOLLACHS (Publicacions de la Fundacio Salvador Vives Casajuana) (Catalan Edition)

1278168: ISBN: 0521182743 - Structure Formation in Astrophysics (Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics)

1300762: ISBN: 146847507X - Exploding Wires: Volume 2 Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Exploding Wire Phenomenon, Held at Boston, November 13-15, 1961, under the ... Technological Institute Research Foundation

1316538: ISBN: 0821827596 - Homotopy Theory of Diagrams Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 736

1295351: ISBN: 0444002685 - Applications of graph theory algorithms

583201: ISBN: 0894332287 - Robotics/ Artificial Intelligence/ Productivity. U.S. Japan Concomitant Coalitions

316838: ISBN: 0444107290 - Technological Forecontrol: Prospects, Problems, and Policy. Studies in Management Science and Systems, Volume 1

1028999: ISBN: 184171724X - Etudes palynologique et paleoenvironnementale de sondages holocenes dans les Gunung Sewu: Reconstitution de l'environnement, impacts climatiques et anthropiques. Mise en evidence de la neolithisation (Java, Indonesie) (British Archaeological Reports 144

964998: ISBN: 0582087686 - Emerging Applications in Free Boundary Problems. Proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications'

1310892: ISBN: 1851777555 - Pearls

312266: ISBN: 2232118193 - Blaise Cendrars poete du Cosmos

1203616: ISBN: 8742101042 - The structure of South Renland, Scoresby Sund: With special reference to the tectono-metamorphic evolution of a southern internal part of the Caledonides of East Greenland With 27 Figures and 1 Table in the Text, and 2 Plates (Meddelelser om Grønland B

985694: ISBN: 8470754769 - Tradiciones Judias : 15 de Enero, 11 de Abril 1999 [SOFTCOVER]

404495: ISBN: 0841226873 - Laser Chemistry of Organometallics. A.C.S. Symposium Series 530

1279711: ISBN: 2080201948 - Cartier Royal: High Jewelry and Precious Objects

1303483: ISBN: 087677043X - The Medieval Jewish Mind: The Religious Philosophy of Isaac Arama

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