This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1261915: ISBN: 8413244145 - Estudio historico y juridico sobre la titularidad de la Mezquita-Catedral de Cordoba (Spanish Edition)
970056: ISBN: 8472320502 - Antologia de poetas andaluces contemporaneos. Tercera Edicion Aumentada (Spanish Edition)
1316115: ISBN: 0943616190 - Code of Canon Law. Latin-English Edition. Translation prepared under the auspices of the Canon Law Society of America.
1195221: ISBN: 0946904820 - Poetry, Mysticism, and Feminism from the nave to th'chops: An Interview With Barbara Mor
902985: ISBN: 9024734681 - Biology of the Interferon System 1986
353849: ISBN: 0387171657 - Pyramidal Systems for Computer Vision. NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Volume 25
1310405: ISBN: 069251547X - Missing Person
1217267: ISBN: 0983050023 - Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
1092700: ISBN: 3540083898 - Polymer Chemistry (Advances in Polymer Science 25)
586989: ISBN: 0387054847 - Advances in Polymer Science. Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung. Volume 9.
1117398: ISBN: 3540064311 - Advances in Polymer Science 12: Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung (English and German Edition)
1067395: ISBN: 3540081240 - Molecular Properties (Advances in Polymer Science 24)
273992: ISBN: 0444862064 - New Systems and Services in Telecommunications
889584: ISBN: 044470292X - New Systems and Services in Telecommunications: Networks, Cables, Satellites, the What, the How, the Why? 3rd: International Conference Proceedings
889581: ISBN: 0444875506 - New Systems and Services in Telecommunications II: 2nd: International Conference Proceedings
317762: ISBN: 0080414362 - Operational Expert System Applications in Mexico
1277197: ISBN: 0792372212 - Efficient and Accurate Parallel Genetic Algorithms (Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation, 1)
1307561: ISBN: 0121588556 - Resolving Conflicts with Mathematica: Algorithms for Two-Person Games
1239879: ISBN: 0890720126 - Role of magnetic fields in physics and astrophysics (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 257)
1293428: ISBN: 3031315855 - Geodesic Beams in Eigenfunction Analysis (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)
1225420: ISBN: 7900791566 - Chinese society (including 1DVD-ROM)(Chinese Edition)
1312306: ISBN: 9819728908 - Intelligent Systems and Computing (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 207)
1232815: ISBN: 1889680141 - Philosophy of Science, Volume 10 (The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy)
916648: ISBN: 0853127654 - Incline Algebra and Applications
1316139: ISBN: 0470118725 - Managing Credit Risk: The Great Challenge for Global Financial Markets
1293745: ISBN: 2503529275 - Egidio d'Aquino. Liber Avium Viventium de Rapina (Textes Vernaculaires Du Moyen Age) (Italian and Latin Edition)
1105281: ISBN: 0824765958 - Membrane proteins and their interactions with lipids (Membrane proteins 1)
1230080: ISBN: 8493593303 - BAGARIA, LA GUERRA NO FA RIURE: Caricatures antifeixistes a La Vanguardia (1936-1938) (DUX-ARTIS) (Catalan Edition)
1276261: ISBN: 3319583093 - The Path to Post-Galilean Epistemology: Reinterpreting the Birth of Modern Science (History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 34)
1305935: ISBN: 3540652108 - Radical Polymerisation Polyelectrolytes (Advances in Polymer Science, 145)
1241228: ISBN: 8498887186 - HORACIO CAPEL: Pensar la ciudad en tiempos de crisis (ESPACIOS CRITICOS) (Spanish Edition)
958206: ISBN: 3540168591 - Metallic Magnetism
1276955: ISBN: 9810217102 - Nonstandard Methods for Stochastic Fluid Mechanics (Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences)
1316158: ISBN: 0521175755 - Credit Risk (Mastering Mathematical Finance)
1316586: ISBN: 038795063X - Probability Through Problems (Problem Books in Mathematics)
1186266: ISBN: 0871002523 - Illusions
1311657: ISBN: 0415426510 - Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany: The New Histories
1293505: ISBN: 1949327434 - Suzanne Caporael: Book Eight
1314242: ISBN: 8861305326 - Twentieth-century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Contemporary Design in Europe and the United States
557390: ISBN: 044488890X - Digital Signal Processing 91
274095: ISBN: 0444700684 - Advances in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: International Conference Proceedings
1016792: ISBN: 0444885595 - Time-Varying Image Processing and Moving Object Recognition, 2. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop Florence, Italy, May 29-31, 1989
1246543: ISBN: 0412715600 - Narrow-gap II-VI Compounds for Optoelectronic and Electromagnetic Applications (Electronic Materials Series, 3)
1316048: ISBN: 0521603684 - Foundations of Dynamic Economic Analysis: Optimal Control Theory and Applications
1063218: ISBN: 0792307690 - Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation: Proceedings of the Workshop on 'Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation', Held in Monteporizo Catone (Rome), Italy, June 5-11, 1989 (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 16
1227671: ISBN: 8481080268 - La civilizacion islamica (Historia de Almeria) (Spanish Edition)
1315144: ISBN: 0197625037 - Sustainability: A History, Revised and Updated Edition
1232671: ISBN: 3764386371 - Lacroix and the Calculus (Science Networks. Historical Studies, 35)
275251: ISBN: 0313288046 - Information Sources for Virtual Reality. A Research Guide
1167745: ISBN: 9688350079 - A la epopeya, un gajo: 5 obras dramaticas (Coleccion La Abeja en la colmena) (Spanish Edition)
1176208: ISBN: 0971301018 - Abstract Sculpture by American Artists, 1920-1950
1258202: ISBN: 8857512770 - Chiasmi International 14: Merleau-Ponty : Sciences, images, evenements Merleau-Ponty : Sciences, images, events Merleau-Ponty : Scienze, immagini, eventi (English, French and Italian Edition)
551676: ISBN: 192901404X - The Grasshopper Tribe Phaeopariini (Acridoidea: Romaleidae)
1230422: ISBN: 0312930364 - The Memory of Earth
1304100: ISBN: 1596061944 - Stonefather
1309852: ISBN: 0841236526 - Historic Textiles, Papers, and Polymers in Museums (ACS Symposium Series)
825835: ISBN: 9681203658 - La industrializacion mexicana durante la Gran Depresion (Estudios Economicos) (Spanish Edition)
1275973: ISBN: 331911025X - Elementary Symplectic Topology and Mechanics (Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana, 16)
1060415: ISBN: 2712202082 - Itineraire de Priere avec Saint Luc. Deuxieme Edition (French Edition)
1060276: ISBN: 2723306097 - Juifs et Chretiens devant le Racisme
1068489: ISBN: 2852446820 - Religion et Droit: Actes du IVe Colloque national des juristes catholiques, Paris, 18-20 novembre 1983 (French Edition)
653268: ISBN: 1558991220 - Materials for Optical Information Processing: Symposium Held May 1-3, 1991, Anaheim, California, U.S.A. (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings)
1310888: ISBN: 3764385073 - q-Clan Geometries in Characteristic 2 (Frontiers in Mathematics)
950558: ISBN: 0853343799 - Mechanical Characterization of Load Bearing Fibre Composite Laminates
944295: ISBN: 3540536140 - Light Scattering in Solids VI. Recent Results, Including High-Tc Superconductivity (Topics in Applied Physics, Volume 68)
286547: ISBN: 997150720X - Thin Films and Small Particles. CIF Series Volume 11
1310645: ISBN: 0813814049 - From Watt to Clausius: The Rise of Thermodynamics in the Early Industrial Age (History of Science and Technology Reprint Series)
1316134: ISBN: 1608453901 - Methods for Mining and Summarizing Text Conversations (Synthesis Lecture on Data Management, 17)
1296714: ISBN: 0805317252 - Order and Disorder in Matter
1203864: ISBN: 3718603500 - The Optics of Charged Particle Beams (Accelerators and Storage Rings, 6)
1286819: ISBN: 0521652774 - Statistical Thermodynamics and Microscale Thermophysics
958522: ISBN: 9810210078 - Integrable Systems and Quantum Groups. Pavia (Italy), 1-2 March 1990
1125661: ISBN: 1886733767 - Highly redshifted radio lines: Proceedings of a conference held in Green Bank, WV, USA, October 9-11, 1997 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series 156)
1136414: ISBN: 3540519831 - Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems. With 15 Figures. Research Reports in Physics
1005852: ISBN: 3864421012 - Those Early Years: British and German Art after 1945
1032638: ISBN: 1841713686 - Problemi di urbanistica giustinianea: Le citta della Siria e della Mesopotamia (Bar International: Notebook on Medieval Topography (Documentary and Field Research)4) (BAR International Series 1255)
942783: ISBN: 3798005141 - Die Familie der Herren v. Wuthenau und der Grafen v. Wuthenau-Hohenthurm. FOUR VOLUMES
734224: ISBN: 9221137058 - Corrosive Reform: Failing Health Systems In Eastern Europe
1310494: ISBN: 0915348446 - The Lake Line: The Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon Railway
769948: ISBN: 0871696967 - Henrik Kroyer's Publications on pelagic marine Copepoda (1838-1849) (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society ; v. 69, pt. 6)
1310156: ISBN: 0070568014 - Boilers: Types, Characteristics and Functions
756391: ISBN: 0902594346 - Inflation is a social malady (Publications of the British-North American Committee)
577965: ISBN: 9519018662 - Finska kadettkaren 1887-1903: Fortsattning af arbetet under samma rubrik for aren 1812-1887, med kort ofversigt ofver denna period (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursallskapet i Finland)
1107761: ISBN: 087170241X - Advanced Composites: The Latest Developments
666606: ISBN: 9171004890 - On the other hand: Carl Fredrik Reutersward : portratt-teckningar (Nationalmuseums katalog) (Swedish Edition)
1273830: ISBN: 0845144022 - Defense and Life History (Biology of the Reptilia, Vol. 16, Ecology B)
1284438: ISBN: 9810213239 - The Fermilab Meeting DPF 92: 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields : 10-14 November 1992 Two Volumes
1311546: ISBN: 0123855500 - Detonics of High Explosives
787026: ISBN: 0820409529 - American Grammar: Sound, Form and Meaning (American University Studies Series XIII : Linguistics, Vol 13)
1084559: ISBN: 383531940X - Lessing Yearbook / Jahrbuch XLIII, 2016
1296530: ISBN: 0984644024 - We Were Estonian Soldiers: World War II exploits of classmates from the Estonian Military Technical Academy
1000203: ISBN: 1933280832 - Einfuhrungsmusiken V. The Complete Works. Series 5. Choral Music, Vol. 3,5
1093390: ISBN: 3718653400 - Neoplastic Diseases of Childhood (2 volume set)
1255732: ISBN: x - Nigger Heaven
761862: ISBN: 0313279802 - America's Future Work Force: A Health and Education Policy Issues Handbook
1271550: ISBN: 0821851675 - Mapping Class Groups and Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces: Proceedings of Workshops Held June 24-28, 1991 and August 6-10, 1991 in Gottingen, Germa (Contemporary mathematics, 150)
566735: ISBN: 0883126672 - Sentence Repetition Testing for Studies of Community Bilingualism (SIL International and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics, vol. 104)
989613: ISBN: 884259217X - Frederick Rolfe "Baron Corvo"
1310137: ISBN: 1496851390 - My Memories of John Hartford (American Made Music Series)
1128232: ISBN: 1566771595 - Molten Salts: 10th International Symposium Proceedings 96-7
1242613: ISBN: 0858490285 - Hudson power: An illustrative history of the R class 4-6-4 passenger locomotives in service on the Victorian Government Railways, Australia, 1951-1974
1236429: ISBN: 3540221417 - Enrico Fermi: His Work and Legacy
717354: ISBN: 3540602984 - Image Analysis and Processing: 8th International Conference, ICIAP '95, San Remo, Italy, September 13 - 15, 1995. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 974)
1229835: ISBN: 8849235577 - Lina Passalacqua. Cosmico dinamismo - Cosmic Dynamism. Antologia - Anthology
1195060: ISBN: 8820709899 - Dynamical systems
724911: ISBN: 3540608702 - Radiological Imaging of Sports Injuries (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)
1263075: ISBN: 3540048049 - Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type. Second revised edition (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Grenzgebiete Band 2)
1047353: ISBN: 8821302601 - Domanda religiosa e educazione ai valori nella nuova Europa. Atti del Convegno di aggiornamento pedagogico (Roma, 2-4 gennaio 1993)
329908: ISBN: 1574980823 - Finishing of Advanced Ceramics and Glasses. Ceramic Transactions Volume 102
1112985: ISBN: 885160004X - I Reperti Paleontologici del Giacimento Paleolitico di Isernia La Pineta
852223: ISBN: 8843510169 - Il Campidoglio all'epoca di Raffaello (Italian Edition)
1306235: ISBN: 8876891374 - Tetti Campani: Eta Arcaica, Cuma, Pitecusa E Gli Altri Contesti
392616: ISBN: 3540672273 - Advances in Database Technology - Edbt 2000: 7th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Konstanz, Germany, March 37-31, 2000 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1777)
517488: ISBN: 0849357411 - Biochemical Basis Plant Breeding, Volume 1: Carbon Metabolism
971738: ISBN: 8493624101 - ¡Fascinados Por La Palabra! : 3, 4 Y 5 De Septiembre De 2008
992666: ISBN: 8478952519 - Ruben Darui. Las Huellas del Poeta
1231004: ISBN: 9585954826 - Plazas Fundacionales de Bogota : 200 anos de historia
1138218: ISBN: 9722901583 - Igrejas de Portugal. Fotografias de Chester E. V. Brummel
1229190: ISBN: 8575410229 - Epidemiologia E Saude DOS Povos Indigenas No Brasil
681139: ISBN: 0405131747 - Cuban Minority in the United States, Volume One (Hispanics in the United States)
681828: ISBN: 0405131895 - Cuban Minority in the United States (2 Volume Set)
1006514: ISBN: 8521300913 - Bandeira de Alaira: Outros escritos sobre a religiao dos orixas (Portuguese Edition)
1264736: ISBN: 8493180505 - Fisica estadistica del equilibrio: Fases de la materia
1311045: ISBN: 0374135592 - The Death of Artemio Cruz
554628: ISBN: 9972463044 - Memorias de JALLA 2004 Lima. Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana. Tomo I, II, III. THREE VOLUMES
1211097: ISBN: 9688053570 - Guadalupe Victoria: Documentos 1 (Spanish Edition)
1246007: ISBN: 9502009576 - El iusnaturalismo actual
477567: ISBN: 0877621594 - Handbook of Flammability Regulations
1018841: ISBN: 0877622965 - Flammability of solid plastics Part 2 (Fire and flammability series Volume 17)
1099943: ISBN: 0877621233 - Surface Flame Spread. Volume 5: Fire and Flammability Series
1106301: ISBN: 0877623198 - Glass Reinforced Epoxy Systems Part II (MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY SER: VOL 10)
1233370: ISBN: 8448217306 - Patrimonio Regio y origenes del Maestre Racional del Reino de Valencia, con la reproduccion del Acta de su Fundacion y la de creacion del Archivo del Real (despues general, hoy llamado del reino), promulgadas en 1419
918713: ISBN: 0967805686 - Pablo Picasso Ceramics Carlos Luna Paintings
871793: ISBN: 8496515842 - Global Loss of Coastal Habitats. Rates, causes and consequences
1024750: ISBN: 8473170954 - El Teatro Barroco Hispanoamericano Tomo I: El Virreinato de Nueva Espana
833681: ISBN: 9684293895 - Las Negociaciones del hambre: Los alimentos en el mundo (Serie CEESTEM-Nueva Imagen)
1306918: ISBN: 052145901X - Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields. First Paperback Edition (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
482365: ISBN: 084935742X - Biochemical Basis of Plant Breeding: Volume II: Nitrogen Metabolism
1088606: ISBN: 8479432500 - El mandato representativo de los diputados y senadores (La prohibicion de mandato imperativo frente a la disciplina de partido) (Coleccion monografias. 61)
716307: ISBN: 3540604286 - Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 7th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA '95, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, October 3 - 6, ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 990)
1003520: ISBN: 9589249728 - Estudios Afrocolombianos Y Educacion Intercultural. Libro 2. Nacion Y Region.
1016409: ISBN: 9589249663 - Estudios Afrocolombianos Y Educacion Intercultural Libro I
781416: ISBN: 9703219403 - Revista Arquitectura y lo Demas 1945-1950. Estudio Introductorio y Analisis del Contenido. Edicion Digital
867539: ISBN: 970321939X - Anuario 1922-1923 (Raices digital. Fuentes para la historia de la Arquitectura Mexicana, 1)
1206915: ISBN: 0871390221 - Teatro hispanoamericano : antologia critica. 2, Siglo XIX
1007242: ISBN: 9077049045 - Gentse Oude Trams Langs Middeleeuwse Glans Golden Sixties Collection
1014429: ISBN: 9589564615 - Antropologia y Derechos Humanos. Memorias del Simposio "Derechos Humanos en la Construccion de las Americas" (Spanish Edition)
1265476: ISBN: 8422657856 - Los grandes museos historicos
805421: ISBN: 3631578172 - Bildungs- und Kulturmanagement The Management of Education and Culture (Baltische Studien Zur Erziehungs- Und Sozialwissenschaft, Band 15) (German Edition)
1289348: ISBN: 3540178244 - Infinite Horizon Optimal Control. Theory and Applications. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 290
353471: ISBN: 3528035889 - Display Generation and Management Systems (DGMS) for Interactive Business Applications. Studies and Concepts
1033810: ISBN: 1483373959 - Family Complexity, Poverty, and Public Policy. THE ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 654, July 2014
1259605: ISBN: 0915348241 - Chicago South Shore & South Bend Railroad. How the Medal Was Won. Central Electric Railfans' Association Bulletin 124
967974: ISBN: 091534825X - The Colorful Streetcars We Rode. Central Electric Railfans' Association Bulletin 125
891247: ISBN: 0791809811 - Packages for Transportation and Storage of Radioactive Materials. Technology in a Global Society. PVP-Vol. 254
1252496: ISBN: 0306339013 - Photoelectron and Auger Spectroscopy
1316552: ISBN: 0521393175 - Innovation as a Social Process: Elihu Thomson and the Rise of General Electric (Studies in Economic History and Policy: USA in the Twentieth Century)
320232: ISBN: 0312747306 - South-Eastern Europe after Tito. A Powder-Keg for the 1980's?
801805: ISBN: 1930723199 - Systematics of Masdevallia, Part Five: M. subgenus Masdevallia, section Masdevallia, subsection Coccineae, section Racemosae, section Triotosiphon, M. subgenus Amanda, M. Subgenus Cucullatia, M. Sugenus Fissia, M. Subgenus Meleagris, M. Subgenus Nidific
1207620: ISBN: 1879751100 - Thomas Carlyle's The Life of Friedrich Schiller (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture)
1312742: ISBN: 0295963204 - Bellows: The Boxing Pictures
1248884: ISBN: 9810230796 - Cosmological Special Relativity: Structure of Space, Time and Velocity
1306367: ISBN: 3893540946 - Die Bucher der Maya, Mixteken und Azteken. Die Schrift und ihre Funktion in vorspanischen und kolonialen Codices. Katalog (German Edition)
1001964: ISBN: 9684962355 - Antropologia e industria. Los proyectos colectivos del CIESAS (Spanish Edition)
1235212: ISBN: 8474836883 - Prehistoria (Museo Arqueologico Nacional): Salas I-VI, XI-XII
1065170: ISBN: 9686018158 - Las Aventuras del Sol y la Luna: Un Cuento Chinanteco. Cuentos Prehispanicos
1067723: ISBN: 9686018093 - Los gemelos contra los gigantes
970921: ISBN: 8474837553 - Actas del Primer Coloquio de Sigilografia, Madrid, 2 al 4 de abril de 1987 (Spanish Edition)
1170135: ISBN: 6077678627 - Obelisco para el ocaso de un principe
981033: ISBN: 9687346973 - Family Medicine at the Dawn of the 21st Century: Themes and Arguments
871875: ISBN: 8496655911 - Construyendo Una Coleccion: Una Interpretacion De La Coleccion Fundacion Botin: Santander, Del 5 De Julio Al 18 De Septiembre De 2011
1099099: ISBN: 9977949204 - Pequeno Diccionario de Recetas
991047: ISBN: 8476092865 - Tejidos de Guatemala. Museo Etnologico, Barcelona, Abril-Diciembre 1989
675005: ISBN: 848324277X - Encrucijada de Culturas. Zaragoza, La Lonja, del 4 de junio al 15 de septiembre de 2008
811912: ISBN: 8483801833 - El esplendor del Renaciamento en Aragon
1011299: ISBN: 9729402620 - Terra Brasil 1500 : A Viagem De Pedro Alvares Cabral : Testemunhos E Comentarios
1246326: ISBN: 8496008908 - Spanish Painting from El Greco to Picasso: Time, Truth, and History (Paperback)
892403: ISBN: 0853122830 - Structural Modelling and Optimization - a General Methodology for Engineer Etc.
358047: ISBN: 0470214910 - Construction Engineering Networks: Techniques, Planning and Management
874261: ISBN: 0727728288 - Global Change?: International Ports Congress
586997: ISBN: 0836927605 - Universities: Commonwealth and American. A Comparative Study
1086098: ISBN: 8471563045 - La Gastronomia de Castilla-La Mancha
1314049: ISBN: 1461487870 - Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in R (Springer Texts in Statistics) Second Edition
374367: ISBN: 044488565X - Modelling the Innovation: Communications, Automation and Information Systems
1292380: ISBN: 0738515329 - Wheeling in Vintage Postcards (WV) (Postcard History Series)
786128: ISBN: 0415941539 - Existential Faithfulness: A Study of Reduplicative TETU, Feature Movement, and Dissimulation (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics)
1291873: ISBN: 0824051947 - Interaction of Morphology and Syntax in American Sign Language
1176751: ISBN: 0920922058 - Douglas Bentham: Getting to now, August 1 to October 31, 1980
510154: ISBN: 0880489618 - Schizophrenia in A Molecular Age. (Review of Psychiatry, Volume 18)
826230: ISBN: 3830701691 - Degas' Skizzenbuch
1203144: ISBN: 1111352186 - Instructor's Edition The History Handbook Second Edition
998136: ISBN: 0946372381 - French Collection. Photographs from the Maison Europeenne de la Photographie, Paris. 80 - 00
1282707: ISBN: 6074840482 - pompeya y una villa romana. arte y cultura alrededor de la bahiade napoles
951296: ISBN: 1939793009 - Rockne Krebs. Photographs + Interpretations
464321: ISBN: 156750020X - Technology and Information Services: Challenges for the 1990's (Contemporary Studies in Information Management, Policies, and Services)
533338: ISBN: 0815112181 - Advances in Anesthesia. Volume 20
515158: ISBN: 0323015344 - Advances in Anesthesia. Volume 21
573427: ISBN: - Crown Jewels of the Wire. vols. 19#10 through 21#12 (Oct. 1987 to Dec. 1989).
855163: ISBN: 0573122229 - The Voice of the Phoenix (French's Acting Editions)
1287912: ISBN: 0976287595 - Cleveland Sketchbook
376274: ISBN: 0899505368 - Library Puzzles and Word Games for Grades 7-12
376273: ISBN: 0899506232 - Reference Puzzles and Word Games for Grades 7-12
376277: ISBN: 0899508855 - Helpful Hints for the School Library. Ideas for Organization, Time Management and Bulletin Boards, with a Resource Guide
580242: ISBN: 1574770144 - Bioremediation Series Cumulative Indices: 1991-1995
791238: ISBN: 0415084547 - Managing Poverty: The Limits of Social Assistance (The State of Welfare)
1220787: ISBN: 089486730X - Alcoholics in Recovery: Spiritual and Cultural Revitalization
1315303: ISBN: 0914927701 - Ambitious Failure: Chain Bridge, the First Bridge Across the Potomac River
682684: ISBN: 0793316669 - Louisiana Silly Football Sportsmysteries, Volume Two
1271444: ISBN: 0896037037 - Chemokines in Disease: Biology and Clinical Research. Foreword by Peter A. Ward (Contemporary Immunology)
750284: ISBN: 0774804084 - Life Spaces: Gender, Household, Employment
507377: ISBN: 0888781032 - Out-posts: Earle Birney, Bill Bissett, George Bowering, Nicole Brossard, Paul Chamberland, Raoul Duguay, BP Nichol, Claude P. Lokin (Peloquin) : interviews, ... contemporary literary criticism in Canada)
506663: ISBN: 0833744984 - The Short Story in Spain in the Seventeenth Century, With a Bibliography of the Novela from 1576-1700.: With a Bibliography of the Novela from 1576-1700 ... Fiftieth Anniversary Publications, V. 8.)
678916: ISBN: 0964513005 - Quaker Strongholds
411561: ISBN: 0833744046 - Chaucer Devant la Critique en Angelerre et en France Depuis Son Temps Jusqu'a nos Jours. Burt Franklin: Bibliography and Reference Series No. 448. Selected Essays and Texts in Literature and Criticism No. 173
855326: ISBN: 274330331X - Places & parvis de France
475652: ISBN: 0855985313 - Gender, Development And Diversity (Oxfam Focus on Gender)
678907: ISBN: 080582054X - Children's Language: Volume 9
823760: ISBN: 089391309X - Advances in Infancy Research, Volume 4: (Advances in Infancy Research)
823759: ISBN: 0893912085 - Advances in Infancy Research, Volume 3: (Advances in Infancy Research 3)
722539: ISBN: 091962605X - Oh, it's hard not to be immortal
46483: ISBN: 0576785423 - Remonstrantia Hibernorum Contra Lovanienses
1287302: ISBN: 0997059958 - John Carpenter's Tales for a HalloweeNight: Volume 4
642298: ISBN: 0405044399 - The Ten hours movement in 1831 and 1832: Six pamphlets and one broadside, 1831-1832 (British labour struggles: contemporary pamphlets)
1306296: ISBN: 0843401265 - The Sculpture of the Nike Temple Parapet. With photographs by Bernard Ashmole
887647: ISBN: 1851663347 - X-Ray Analysers in Process Control
1232408: ISBN: 3319504681 - River Basin Development and Human Rights in Eastern Africa A Policy Crossroads
972433: ISBN: 003042271X - Foreign Investment and Development in the Southwest Pacific. With Special Reference to Australia and Indonesia
1308573: ISBN: 1138008656 - Spirituality, Philosophy and Education
1161565: ISBN: 0682470864 - Learning Is Living: How To Help Yourself Through Awareness
1315552: ISBN: 075064947X - Antenna Toolkit. Second Edition
551692: ISBN: 0841207194 - Biological Activities of Polymers
1105113: ISBN: 0824716108 - Advances in Organometallic and Inorganic Polymer Science
1064025: ISBN: 1402055749 - Solar, Stellar and Galactic Connections between Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings)
1305329: ISBN: 0870043218 - Steam in the Redwoods
1207447: ISBN: 8474960495 - Estudio del lexico institucional de la Partida V
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