This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1252300: ISBN: 0122203011 - Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena Volume 1: Exact Results
1300127: ISBN: 0122203135 - Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Volume 13
913897: ISBN: 0119101424 - Qualitative Aspects of Educational Planning
1248644: ISBN: 0268015961 - The Synoptic Vision. Essays on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars
1019545: ISBN: 0860540529 - Man - Land Relations in Prehistoric Britain: the Dove - Derwent Interfluve, Derbyshire. A Study in Human Ecology. BAR British Series 64
878128: ISBN: 1566771463 - Proceedings of the Symposium on Batteries for Portable Applications and Electrical Vehicles
891245: ISBN: 3496001607 - Melanges de culture et de linguistique africaines. publies a la memoire de Leo Stappers (French Edition)
1058201: ISBN: 3540567321 - Resolution Methods for the Decision Problem (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 679)
758186: ISBN: 0881320420 - Global Economic Imbalances: Special Reports 4
764902: ISBN: 0845126229 - Membrane receptors and cellular regulation: A UCLA symposium held in Park City, Utah, March 25-30, 1984 (UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology)
1307836: ISBN: 0871701480 - Current Solutions to Hydrogen Problems in Steels
1214089: ISBN: 1125224797 - Tafeln Complexer Primzahlen, welche aus Wurzeln der Einheit Gebildet Sind. Auf dem Grunde der Kummerschen Theorie der Complexen Zahlen
1262035: ISBN: 079230974X - Spectroscopic and Diffraction Techniques in Interfacial Electrochemistry. NATO ASI Series C Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol. 320
1312152: ISBN: 0387130993 - Structural Chemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry 123)
569786: ISBN: 0121820300 - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 130: Enzyme Structure, Part K
569476: ISBN: 0121819477 - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 47: Enzyme Structure, Part E
526426: ISBN: 0121819493 - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 49: Enzyme Structure, Part G
1109062: ISBN: 0895733730 - 8th International Congress on Catalysis Volume II: Catalysis for Reactions with Synthesis Gas
859644: ISBN: 0387055967 - The anatomical organization of the suprasylvian gyrus of the cat (Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology, Bd. 45, Heft 3)
983631: ISBN: 9810215835 - Hopping and Related Phenomena 5. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hopping and Related Phenomena. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 31 August - 3 September 1993
892555: ISBN: 008022931X - Comprehensive Organic Chemistry: Formula, Subject, Author, Reaction, and Reagent Indexes, Volume Volume 6
1275488: ISBN: 0123283507 - Mathematical Modelling of Turbulent Diffusion in the Environment
862478: ISBN: 3642002110 - Transactions on Computational Science III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Transactions on Computational Science)
657773: ISBN: 0306403404 - Genome Organization and Expression In Plants (Nato ASI Series A, Life Sciences, Volume 29)
802771: ISBN: 0854033513 - Mitochondrial Biogenesis: Proceedings of a Royal Society Discussion Meeting Held on 28 and 29 May 1987
384108: ISBN: 0891160949 - Energy Conservation in Heating, Cooling, and Ventilating Buildings. Heat and Mass Transfer Techniques and Alternatives, Volume 1
1309399: ISBN: 3540571906 - Solid-State NMR II: Inorganic Matter (NMR Basic Principles and Progress 31)
1314119: ISBN: 1574320491 - Collector's Encyclopedia of Hairwork Jewelry: Identification & Values
777409: ISBN: 0521104750 - In Vitro Methods in Toxicology
796483: ISBN: 0121745872 - Approximation Theory VI. Volume 2
602926: ISBN: 0121745805 - Approximation Theory IV
1311149: ISBN: 084120828X - Rubber-Modified Thermoset Resins: Based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering at the 186th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., August 28-September 2, 1983. (Advances in Chemistry
700015: ISBN: 0387091491 - Synchrotron Radiation: Techniques and Applications. Topics in Current Physics 10
734706: ISBN: 0415123992 - Business and Macroeconomics (Elements of Business Series)
866253: ISBN: 0444427856 - Biocatalysis in Organic Media (Studies in Organic Chemistry)
1072800: ISBN: 3540508368 - The Plant Plasma Membrane: Structure, Function and Molecular Biology
839538: ISBN: 0901150258 - After CFCs? Options For Cleaning Electronics Assemblies
652002: ISBN: 0791804984 - System Interaction With Linear and Nonlinear Characteristics/Pvp Vol. 187. Presented at the 1990 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Nashville, TN, June 17-21, 1990
1288883: ISBN: 0824780779 - Differential Equations: Proceedings of the 1987 Equadiff Conference (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
999302: ISBN: 8834311140 - Nuove ricerche sui manoscritti greci dell'Ambrosiana. Atti del Convegno (Milano, 5-6 giugno 2003)
1189264: ISBN: 9810228716 - Orientation of Single Crystals by Back Reflection Laue Pattern Simulation
504502: ISBN: 0803128703 - Synthetic Bioabsorbable Polymers for Implants (Astm Special Technical Publication 1396)
601094: ISBN: 0954694007 - Recycled Materials in Pavement Design. Proceedings
618132: ISBN: 0125802021 - Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry. Volume II
387354: ISBN: 9024735270 - Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers (NATO ASI Series E, Applied Sciences, No. 133)
600715: ISBN: 031818818X - Prenatal Drug Exposure: Kinetics and Dynamics (Nida Research Monograph No. 60)
377491: ISBN: 0120164205 - Advances in Food Research, Volume 20
1109126: ISBN: 0120164299 - Advances in Food Research, Volume 29
539948: ISBN: 0121525171 - Current Topics in Bioenergetics: Molecular Basis of Mitochondrial Pathology (Current Topics in Bioenergetics)
719915: ISBN: 3540668365 - Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 19th Conference, Chennai, India, December 13-15, 1999 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
398646: ISBN: 0444854592 - Development in High Power Lasers and Their Applications. Proceedings of International School of Physics Enrico Fermi Course 74
690843: ISBN: 0964066726 - The Handbook of Optical Memory Systems: Feasibility-Design- Implementation. Third Edition
672020: ISBN: 0444416536 - Geochemical Exploration 1976. Developments in Economic Geology 9
600167: ISBN: 0470216042 - Drug Discovery Technologies (Ellis Horwood Library of Space Science and Space Technology)
762038: ISBN: 0444003460 - Aging and Immunity: International Symposium Proceedings (Developments in immunology)
862132: ISBN: 0815509456 - Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose: Theory and Applications (Chemical Technology Review, No. 218)
1312840: ISBN: 0471951048 - Choquet-Deny Type Functional Equations with Applications to Stochastic Models
1215514: ISBN: 9027720746 - Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Inverse Problems (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
531224: ISBN: 0080264050 - Nuclear Medicine and Biology Advances, Volume 2
531236: ISBN: 0080264050 - Nuclear Medicine and Biology Advances, Volume 4
1119773: ISBN: 1565936221 - Atlas of Dynamic Laryngeal Pathology
395144: ISBN: 044470373X - Temporal Aspects in Information Systems
903104: ISBN: 0845137980 - Insulin receptors, Part A:P Methods for the Study of Structure and Function (Receptor biochemistry and methodology, Volume 12A)
845802: ISBN: 0981746004 - Whiff! The Revolution of Scent Communication in the Information Age
884420: ISBN: 0851863833 - Analytical Applications of Spectroscopy
763704: ISBN: 0122280032 - Medical Microbiology, Vol. 3: Role of the Envelope in the Survival of Bacteria in Infection
1226600: ISBN: 0898590167 - Visual Coding and Adaptability
656396: ISBN: 0889365431 - Marine Ecosystems Enclosed Experiments
891120: ISBN: 0803111827 - Selection and Use of Wear Tests for Ceramics (Astm Special Technical Publication// STP 1010
1257224: ISBN: 2710802775 - Formation des gisements de petrole - etude des phenomenes geologiques fondamentaux
1202263: ISBN: 0817642137 - Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
807680: ISBN: 0900739029 - Manual of Cotton Spinning: Opening and Cleaning Vol 2
759607: ISBN: 3805547935 - Macrophage-Derived Cell Regulatory Factors (Cytokines, Volume 1)
500718: ISBN: 0849364515 - Helicobacter pylori Biology and Clinical Practice
522968: ISBN: 0408001062 - Packaging of chemicals and other industrial liquids and solids (Applied packaging)
499086: ISBN: 0333214781 - Economic Policy. Second edition (Case Studies in Economics)
1207222: ISBN: 0126938504 - Physics of Solids At High Pressures
540043: ISBN: 044489909X - Synthetic Metals for Non-Linear Optics and Electronics (European Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Volume 35)
1312578: ISBN: 0906674158 - Numerical methods in laminar and turbulent flow: Proceedings of the second international conference held at Venice, 13th-16th July, 1981
1313150: ISBN: 0470264624 - Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow. Proceedings of the First International Conference held at University College Swansea, Swansea S A2 8PP, U.K. on 17th-21st July 1978
1290073: ISBN: 9027700885 - Sense and Reference in Frege's Logic
675362: ISBN: 9051835906 - Breaking Barries: Stereotypes and the Changing of Values in Afrikaans Writings 1874-1990
1233754: ISBN: 3540112944 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Chemical Dynamics: Proceedings of an International Conference, Bordeaux, France, September 7-11, 1981 (Springer Series in Synergetics, Volume 12)
590944: ISBN: 0851867774 - Electrothermal Atomization for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (Analytical Sciences Monographs)
1283329: ISBN: 0080118720 - Men of Physics: Sir Arthur Eddington
842691: ISBN: 0853240019 - Vascular Histochemistry in Relation to the Chemical and Structural Pathology of Cardiovascular Disease
920068: ISBN: 0722323468 - Language Culture & Society in West Africa
1299417: ISBN: 0805807268 - Philosophical and Foundational Issues in Measurement Theory
637061: ISBN: 0852951965 - Process Engineering Aspects of Immobilised Cell Systems.
612239: ISBN: 352730133X - Polymers in Display Applications. Macromolecular Symposia 154
1086900: ISBN: 0412715902 - Managing Health at Work: A Guide for Managers and Workplace Health Specialists
797512: ISBN: 041924820X - Fundamentals of Health at Work: The Social Dimensions
1017548: ISBN: 1617196630 - L'Hellenisme et l'Apotre Paul (Gorgias Theological Library, 65
1202355: ISBN: 0959362401 - The Tramway Museum St. Kilda S.A.
1316225: ISBN: 0444415009 - Applied salt-rock mechanics: The in-situ behavior of salt rocks (Developments in geotechnical engineering 16a) (Volume 1)
651714: ISBN: 3540527141 - Localized Damage: Computer Aided Assessment and Control, VOLUME TWO: Non-linear Behaviour, Dynamics, Composite Materials and Industrial Applications; Proceedings of the first International Conference on Computer-Aided Assessment and Control of Localized
421302: ISBN: 0931215617 - Reliability and Robustness of Engineering Software
402802: ISBN: 1562521128 - Industrial Applications of the Boundary Element Method
653283: ISBN: 0387181407 - Boundary Elements IX. VOLUME ONE: Mathematical and Computational Aspects (Mathematical and Computational Aspects)
1313549: ISBN: 3540067051 - Symmetry and Chirality (Topics in Current Chemistry 49)
1303874: ISBN: 3540024115 - Stromungsmechanik I / Fluid Dynamics I (English and German Edition)
390606: ISBN: 0444886192 - Defects in Silicon. European Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Volume 9)
816474: ISBN: 4431700080 - Ocean Space Utilization '85: Proceedings of the International Symposium Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, June 1985, two volumes
1287072: ISBN: 0913235938 - Impacts on Warmwater Streams: Guidelines for Evaluation
863912: ISBN: 0824717252 - Interfacial Synthesis: Volume 3: Recent Advances
595644: ISBN: 0470309547 - Treatise on Powder Metallurgy. Volume 3
846630: ISBN: 0444803203 - Liposomes: From Physical Structure to Therapeutic Applications (Research monographs in cell and tissue physiology 7)
776769: ISBN: 0313273014 - The Last Choice: Preemptive Suicide in Advanced Age (Contributions in Philosophy, No 41)
1101264: ISBN: 0444412522 - Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 15: Non-Radical Polymerisation
1305593: ISBN: 044441486X - Free-Radical Polymerisation, Volume 14A (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics)
750196: ISBN: 0856353817 - Selected Poems
941741: ISBN: 0854981497 - Physics of dielectric solids, 1980: Invited papers (Conference series 58)
370275: ISBN: 186094003X - Theory and Formal Methods of Computing 94. Proceedings of the Second Imperial College Workshop
394113: ISBN: - German Journal of Psychology. volumes 1-9. (1977-1985)
678180: ISBN: 0792374932 - Pathways to Institutional Improvement with Information Technology in Education Management (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing)
645031: ISBN: 0444800743 - Chemical Toxicology of Food: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Chemical Toxicology of Food, Milan, June 8-10, 1978. (Developments in toxicology and environmental science)
877448: ISBN: 0306425661 - Optical Properties of Narrow-Gap Low-Dimensional Structures (NATO Science Series B: Physics vol. 152)
1102257: ISBN: 0306416751 - Nondestructive Methods for Material Property Determination
1293638: ISBN: 0851158315 - The Haskins Society Journal 9: 1997. Studies in Medieval History
1293634: ISBN: 0851156967 - The Haskins Society Journal 7: 1995. Studies in Medieval History (v. 7)
861028: ISBN: 352726471X - Steroid Hormone Receptors: Their Intracellular Localization (Ellis Horwood series in biomedicine)
822732: ISBN: 0632002816 - Metabolic Disorders of Bone
828699: ISBN: 0853347719 - Developments in Soil Mechanics: v. 1 (Development series)
1234775: ISBN: 0443015252 - The Principles and practice of clinical trials: Based on a symposium organised by the Association of Medical Advisers in the Pharmaceutical Industry
1306345: ISBN: 0471341401 - Bioceramics: Engineering in Medicine (Biomedical materials symposium)
868734: ISBN: 0791808092 - DOE facilities programs and systems interaction with linear and non-linear techniques: Presented at the 1991 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Diego, California, June 23-27, 1991 (PVP-Vol. 214)
940767: ISBN: 6074044090 - Mi primer ano / My First Year (Spanish Edition)
1033751: ISBN: 9978041222 - La Etnobotanica en las Comunidades Negras Indigenas del Delta del Rio Patia. Coleccion "Biblioteca Abya - Yala", 26 (Spanish Edition)
1286442: ISBN: 8400063600 - Versos para organo. Tomo I (Monumentos de la Musica Espanola) (Spanish Edition)
1286441: ISBN: 8400057201 - Cuatro tientos para organo (Musica Hispana) (Spanish Edition)
1303935: ISBN: 354007614X - Pade Approximants Method and Its Applications to Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Physics, 47)
1173882: ISBN: 0851988547 - Fashionable Resort Regions: Their Evolution and Tranformation (Cabi)
420145: ISBN: 9707123311 - La Suprema Corte de Justicia durante el gobierno del presidente Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, 1965-1970.
1315710: ISBN: 0387988637 - Statistical Consulting
1263472: ISBN: 0792356713 - New Approaches to Problems in Liquid State Theory: Inhomogeneities and Phase Separation in Simple, Complex and Quantum Fluids (Nato Science Series C:, 529)
515112: ISBN: 2890185257 - La Chasse Spirituelle
1316098: ISBN: 0415903602 - Who Comes After the Subject?
1003745: ISBN: 9688220825 - Los chontales ante una nueva expectativa de cambio--el petroleo (Serie de antropologia social 79) (Spanish Edition)
942916: ISBN: 0125718101 - Progress In Surface and Membrane Science Volume 10 (v. 10)
1218763: ISBN: 8497610938 - Arte de hacer el vino (Spanish Edition)
1305309: ISBN: 0132160366 - Discrete Time and Computer Control Systems
1305822: ISBN: 0824701534 - Rings, Hopf Algebras, and Brauer Groups (Volume 197) (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
1037106: ISBN: 9505210809 - America: Prehistoria y Geopolitica (Spanish Edition)
1271181: ISBN: 0911290370 - American Drinking Practices: A Natural Study of Drinking Behavior and Attitudes
1297679: ISBN: 0819146226 - Causal Realism (Sources in Semiotics)
1129163: ISBN: 1566772133 - Quantum Confinement V: Nanostructures (Proceedings)
1302039: ISBN: 9027707456 - Differential Geometry and Relativity: A Volume in Honour of Andre Lichnerowicz on His 60th Birthday (Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics)
1149664: ISBN: 9027728038 - Quantum Theories and Geometry (Mathematical Physics Studies 10)
1015959: ISBN: 0821822292 - Pseudo-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Number 229)
702296: ISBN: 2952117519 - 20e-21e siecles /No. 2: Automne 2005. Fluxus en France
625385: ISBN: 2600041680 - Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto. Revue europeenne d'histoire des sciences socials. 4. 1964
282806: ISBN: 0275903370 - Women in the U.S. Labor Force
1245298: ISBN: 2070535355 - Manet, natures mortes: NATURES MORTES (HORS SERIE DECOUVERTES GALLIMARD)
1309757: ISBN: 0306446790 - A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 1: Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics
1308601: ISBN: 0415994403 - Philosophy of Education
262790: ISBN: - Modern Materials Handling. vols. 45, 47, 50-51 (1990-1996)
1013902: ISBN: 0875980562 - America from Amerigo Vespucci to the Louisiana Purchase
1279168: ISBN: 0271025255 - Cultural Revolutions: Reason Versus Culture in Philosophy, Politics, and Jihad
334289: ISBN: 9810213026 - Neural Nets Wirn Vietri-92. Fifth Italian Workshop
334290: ISBN: 9810217005 - Neural Nets Wirn Vietri-93. Sixth Italian Workshop
318047: ISBN: 0471902195 - Cybernetic Systems. Recognition, Learning, Self Organisation. Electronic & Electrical Engineering Research Studies. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Series, Volume 5
1314111: ISBN: 0615888429 - Soldering Demystified
919296: ISBN: 085369446X - Medicines in the Elderly
1312346: ISBN: 0801800986 - Legal Philosophy from Plato to Hegel
1265462: ISBN: 0691097801 - LECTURES IN CRITICISM. The Johns Hopkins University. The Bollingen Series XVI.
1133446: ISBN: 0306422239 - Ecoaccidents (Nato Conference Series)
1083128: ISBN: 185233763X - Tools for Constructing Chronologies: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries (Lecture Notes in Statistics 177)
1286672: ISBN: 1931081271 - From Weird and Distant Shores
906641: ISBN: 0306420058 - Advances in Hemostasis and Thrombosis (Ettore Majorana International Sciences, Volume 20)
892182: ISBN: 0444989552 - Structures and Stochastic Methods (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering) (No 45)
1311077: ISBN: 1788993357 - Mastering Numerical Computing with NumPy: Master scientific computing and perform complex operations with ease
1037430: ISBN: 8526803832 - Fantasmas Falados: Mitos e mortos no campo religioso brasileiro (Portuguese Edition)
304956: ISBN: 858565001X - Baixo Sao Francisco - The Lower Sao Francisco River
1296093: ISBN: 1878283553 - Alexander Calder: The 50's : November 9-December 29, 1995, January 19-February 17, 1996
1092431: ISBN: 0391034723 - T.S. Eliot (Harvester new readings)
913683: ISBN: 8474139880 - No siempre lo peor es cierto (Coleccion Tirant lo Blanch ; 4) (Spanish Edition)
1285853: ISBN: 1589770277 - Alcalde De Zalamea (Spanish Edition)
812603: ISBN: 8400047966 - Teatro musical de Calderon. Estudio, transcipcion y realizacion del acompanamiento por Miguel Querol Gavalda. (Musica Barroca Espanola, Volumen 6; Monumentos de la Musica Espanola, 39)
1077223: ISBN: 0821814109 - Singular Integrals. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics Volume X
1290999: ISBN: 0123688485 - Physics of High Energy Density. Proceedings of the International School of Physics. Enrico Fermico. Volume XLVIII. Italian Physical Society
239516: ISBN: 0786401087 - Erskine Caldwell. Selected Letters, 1929-1955
1293499: ISBN: 0691037957 - American Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Vol. 1
1296389: ISBN: 0841910499 - The Administrative Theories of Hamilton and Jefferson: Their Contribution to Thought on Public Administration. Second edition
1240595: ISBN: 0887558208 - Farmland Preservation: Land for Future Generations
1240242: ISBN: 0822367882 - Infrastructures of the Urban (Public Culture, Spring 2013)
1313906: ISBN: 096015681X - Fort Scott: A Pictorial History
1252302: ISBN: 0080100317 - Trace Analysis of Semiconductor Materials
580366: ISBN: 1574770950 - Risk, Regulatory, and Monitoring Considerations: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Remedi)
580214: ISBN: 1574771124 - Natural Attenuation of Environmental Contaminants: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium : San Diego, California, June 4-7, ... in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Sympo)
580259: ISBN: 1574771108 - The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium: San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001. TEN VOLUME SET
580229: ISBN: 1574771116 - Bioremediation of Mtbe, Alcohols, and Ethers: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium : San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 ... / United States Catholic Conference)
580352: ISBN: 1574771191 - Bioremediation of Inorganic Compounds: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium : San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 (Sixth ... in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Sympo)
580357: ISBN: 1574771175 - Anaerobic Degradation of Chlorinated Solvents: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 ... in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Sympo)
580356: ISBN: 1574771167 - Ex Situ Biological Treatment Technologies: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium : San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 ... in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Sympo)
580354: ISBN: 1574771140 - Innovative Methods in Support of Bioremediation: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, California, June 4-7, ... in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Sympo)
580353: ISBN: 1574771183 - Bioaugmentation, Biobarriers, and Biogeochemistry: The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium : San Diego, California, June 4-7, ... in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Sympo)
580221: ISBN: 157477008X - Bioremediation of Recalcitrant Organics (Bioremediation, 3(7).)
580237: ISBN: 157477011X - Bioremediation of Inorganics (Bioremediation, 3(10))
351548: ISBN: - Journal of Juvenile Research. vols. 16-17
393363: ISBN: - Cry California: Journal of California Tomorrow. vols. 1, 8, 10, 13
1292421: ISBN: 0974482404 - Auto Tour of Civil War Petersburg : 1861-1865
393425: ISBN: - Current Municipal Problems. vols. 21-27
1185867: ISBN: 0886191076 - The Way the Angel Spread Her Wings (International Fiction List)
1314260: ISBN: 0878405720 - Setting Limits: Medical Goals in an Aging Society with "A Response to My Critics" (Not In A Series)
1316055: ISBN: 1441973311 - Advanced Calculus: A Geometric View (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
1004704: ISBN: 8884670128 - Archeologia e astronomia. Esperienze e confronti. Atti del Convegno nazionale (Laconi 24 ottobre 1998) (University Press-Archeoastronomia)
1291869: ISBN: 1557537267 - Making Institutional Repositories Work (Charleston Insights in Library, Archival, and Information Sciences)
1283345: ISBN: 2204039047 - Sources Chretiennes 177 Vie d'Hypatios
1118812: ISBN: 1125640251 - A Christmas Letter: Jacques Callot Master Graver of Lorraine, Years of Apprenticeship
275501: ISBN: 0120059118 - Advances in Botanical Research. Volume 11
275516: ISBN: 0120059134 - Advances in Botanical Research Volume 13
1110336: ISBN: 0816901775 - Multicomponent Distillation
1111215: ISBN: 0816902097 - Extraction and Leaching (Stagewise and mass Transfer Operations, Series B, Volume 3)
1316170: ISBN: 0865427321 - Handbook of Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
1212571: ISBN: 3642213405 - Unconventional Computation: 10th International Conference, UC 2011, Turku, Finland, June 6-10, 2011. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6714)
1212570: ISBN: 3540443118 - Unconventional Models of Computation: Third International Conference, UMC 2002, Kobe, Japan, October 15-19, 2002, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2509)
1212164: ISBN: 3540443118 - Unconventional Models of Computation: Third International Conference, UMC 2002, Kobe, Japan, October 15-19, 2002, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2509)
1307064: ISBN: 0471130702 - Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations: A Programmed Course for Students of Science and Technology
392371: ISBN: - Commonweal. vols. 1-98, lacking vols. 36 & 39 and 86 (1924-76)
1110535: ISBN: 2220030814 - L'economie, l'homme, la societe: L'enseignement social de l'Eglise (Theologie) (French Edition)
823835: ISBN: 086531974X - Urban Migrants In Developing Nations: Patterns And Problems Of Adjustment (Westview Replica Edition)
704868: ISBN: 0471943851 - Asymptotic Solutions of Differential Equations and Their Applications
704880: ISBN: 0471943908 - Perturbation Theory and Its Application in Quantum Mechanics: Proceedings of an advanced seminar conducted by the mathematics research center, united states army, and the theoretical chemistry institute at the university of Wisconsin, Madison, October 4
1003371: ISBN: 8478264965 - Tomas Carreras i Artau, o, El tremp de l'etnologia catalana (Biblioteca de cultura popular Valeri Serra i Boldu) (Catalan Edition)
1274313: ISBN: 8495452081 - Goya, La Imagen De La Mujer (Cat. Exposicion) (R)
1146839: ISBN: 1574446983 - Optical Waveguides: From Theory to Applied Technologies (Optical Science and Engineering 120)
1316378: ISBN: 0691116245 - Self-Organization in Biological Systems (Princeton Studies in Complexity)
1313562: ISBN: 3319553925 - A Practical Guide to Sentiment Analysis (Socio-Affective Computing, 5)
1315219: ISBN: 9400750692 - Sentic Computing: Techniques, Tools, and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Cognitive Computation, 2)
244409: ISBN: - Behavior and Philosophy. vols. 18-22, 24-26 (1990-1998)
393516: ISBN: - Journal of Agricultural Science. vols. 8-30
393517: ISBN: - Journal of Agricultural Science. vols. 40-44, 66, 70, 94-100
642993: ISBN: - Laser and particle beams. Volumes 1 - 15
1128765: ISBN: 0905927516 - Allergy to Chemicals and Organic Substances in the Workplace (Occupational hygiene monograph 12)
330509: ISBN: - The Camden Miscellany, Volume 8. Camden Society Publications New Series XXXI
903553: ISBN: 8847000092 - Advances in Cardiomyopathies: Proceedings of the II Florence Meeting on Advances on Cardiomyopathies April 24-26, 1997
757282: ISBN: 0379110393 - Arbitration Precepts and Principles
1267041: ISBN: 1850006830 - Race & Curriculum: Social Inequality and the Theories and Politics of Difference in Contemporary Research on Schooling
923841: ISBN: 0896830144 - Concept: An Anthology of Contemporary Writings
1228567: ISBN: 1873331118 - Janine Antoni: Slip of the Tongue
317037: ISBN: 0713100745 - Europe since 1945
1189563: ISBN: 9971503026 - Selected Topics in Electroweak Interactions. Chateau Lake Louise, Canada, 15 - 21 February 1987. Proceedings of the Second Lake Louise Winter Institute on New Frontiers in Particle Physics
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