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998051: ISBN: 388482015X - Carl Buchheister, 1890-1964: 22. Juni-17. September 1977, Galerie Hennemann (Taschenbuch / Galerie Hennemann) (German Edition)
1297676: ISBN: 3540063455 - Decidable Theories: Vol. 2: The Monadic Second Order Theory of All Countable Ordinals (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 328)
321184: ISBN: 3446131043 - Augen Kann Man Nicht Kaufen. Wim Wenders und seine Filme
1282297: ISBN: 0374910642 - Charles Peirce's empiricism (International library of psychology, philosophy, and scientific method)
1276639: ISBN: 3527306307 - Polymeric Materials in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis
1305091: ISBN: 364232617X - Cartography from Pole to Pole: Selected Contributions to the XXVIth International Conference of the ICA, Dresden 2013 (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
283791: ISBN: 0894353837 - Introduction to Data Security and Controls. Second Edition
1190765: ISBN: 0873392302 - Nondestructive Evaluation and Material Properties II: Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Nuclear Materials Committee Held During Materials
1314519: ISBN: 0470545720 - Executive's Guide to Solvency II
1211204: ISBN: 0080105297 - The Laws And Applications Of Thermodynamics
1255234: ISBN: 0471996734 - Organic Liquids. Structure, Dynamics, and Chemical Properties.
953812: ISBN: 2904732217 - David Buckland: Espace photo Paris (French Edition)
1234937: ISBN: 0852640455 - Statistical Assessment of the Life Characteristic (Statistical Monograph)
1288273: ISBN: 0404147615 - Harunu'L - Rashid and Charles the Great (Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America, No. 2.)
1316615: ISBN: 047161856X - Large Deviation Techniques in Decision, Simulation, and Estimation
1311691: ISBN: 0394513061 - The Hornes
1302454: ISBN: 0915348845 - Gary Railways
1242643: ISBN: 0900433965 - Tramways and light railways of Switzerland and Austria
1007147: ISBN: 0900433965 - Tramways of Switzerland and Austria
502552: ISBN: 0883058340 - Henry Handel Richardson
1310804: ISBN: 079232806X - Combustion in High-Speed Flows (ICASE LaRC Interdisciplinary Series in Science and Engineering, 1)
1312182: ISBN: 0910845220 - A Manual on Astronomic and Grid Azimuth
1188066: ISBN: 3540438408 - Nondestructive Characterization and Imaging of Wood (Springer Series in Wood Science)
1278407: ISBN: 0387941983 - Lectures on Discrete Time Filtering (Signal Processing and Digital Filtering)
1281299: ISBN: 0470116528 - Filtering for stochastic processes with applications to guidance (Interscience tracts in pure and applied mathematics)
1313006: ISBN: 9027715904 - Nonlinear Stochastic Problems (NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 104)
1279206: ISBN: 0304310581 - Operas of Verdi Volume From Oberto to Rigo
1260877: ISBN: 3540190783 - The Spinorial Chessboard (Trieste Notes in Physics)
1218138: ISBN: 9027977771 - The Masked Media: Aymara Fiestas and Social Interaction in the Bolivian Highlands (Approaches to Semiotics, 59)
1108821: ISBN: 0872901025 - Czechoslovakian Diary, 1980: 23 Glassmakers
1301344: ISBN: 082180880X - Computational Perspectives on Number Theory: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of A.O.L. Atkin, September 1995, University of Illinois at Chicago (Ams/Ip Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 7)
1003197: ISBN: 392621631X - Totenkulte der tungusischen Volker Sibiriens. Mundus Reihe Ethnologie, Band 32
1255054: ISBN: 0070088403 - Contemporary Crystallography
502575: ISBN: 0250404974 - Atmospheric Biogenic Hydrocarbons. Volume 1: Emissions
502574: ISBN: 0250404982 - Atmospheric Biogenic Hydrocarbons. Volume 2: Ambient Concentrations and Atmospheric Chemistry
976628: ISBN: 0914782169 - Gallery Studies 1: Albright-Knox Art Gallery Buffalo, New York October 1977
1280471: ISBN: 087371895X - Environmental Particles, Volume 2 (Environmental Analytical and Physical Chemistry)
1302980: ISBN: 0691112983 - Analytic Theory of Global Bifurcation: An Introduction (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics)
1020656: ISBN: 9505600771 - Pillantun: Estudios de Etno-Organologia Patagonica y Pampeana (Coleccion) (Spanish Edition)
1204214: ISBN: 0306453037 - Hadron Spectroscopy and the Confinement Problem (Nato Science Series B:)
1066779: ISBN: 0792338294 - East-West Technology Transfer: New Perspectives and Human Resources (NATO ASI Partnership Subseries 4: Science and Technology Policy, Vol. 3)
1233511: ISBN: 3540168834 - Gauss: Eine biographische Studie (German Edition)
1291772: ISBN: 0387051171 - Mathematical Methods in Risk Theory
1314958: ISBN: 3540257535 - A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications (Universitext)
1316816: ISBN: 0521101336 - Radial Basis Functions: Theory and Implementations (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Series Number 12)
1108820: ISBN: 2760125734 - Correspondance: 1855-1901 (French Edition)
563289: ISBN: 1853930431 - BUILDING SOCIETIES YEARBOOK 2005-06.
222116: ISBN: 0881651028 - Reflections on the International Monetary System
1312844: ISBN: - Komarr. Introduction by Robert J. Sawyer. Artwork by Kelly Freas
1304036: ISBN: 0915368668 - Dreamweaver's Dilemma: Short Stories and Essays
988674: ISBN: 9810215398 - Modern Topics in Liquid Crystals. From Neutron Scattering to Ferroelectricity
1309007: ISBN: 0849347548 - Optical Properties and Remote Sensing of Inland and Coastal Waters
1122531: ISBN: 5990625529 - Neoavangard i kulturnaya industriya. Stati o evropeyskom i amerikanskom iskusstve
1300532: ISBN: 0876857071 - The Movie: "Barfly". An Original Screenplay
1299671: ISBN: 0876853912 - Women
1089250: ISBN: 0817650156 - Computational Optimal Control. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Volume 115
997249: ISBN: 0904097110 - Sketches and Short Stories
1240244: ISBN: 1107038650 - Accomplishing Climate Governance
271006: ISBN: 0412310104 - Systems Development Using Structured Techniques
891112: ISBN: 1558994351 - Computational and Mathematical Models of Microstructural Evolution: Volume 529 (MRS Proceedings)
1107776: ISBN: 0841204047 - Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods (ACS Symposium Series)
1196724: ISBN: 9027726299 - Means and Their Inequalities
1311009: ISBN: 1402015224 - Handbook of Means and Their Inequalities (Mathematics and Its Applications (560))
1053978: ISBN: 2130374964 - Geopolitiques de l'apartheid: Strategie ethnique de Pretoria (Politique d'aujourd'hui) (French Edition)
1124773: ISBN: 3883140686 - Reibung zwischen Hand und Griff: Der Einfluss von Material und Oberflache auf das Reibungsverhalten zwischen Hand und Arbeitsmittelhandseite ... Unfallforschung ; Nr. 213) (German Edition)
890003: ISBN: 185166419X - Research and Development of High Temperature Materials for Industry
1269215: ISBN: 0716706261 - Structure and Function in the Nervous Systems of Invertebrates. Two Volumes
1292799: ISBN: 0198223471 - The Study of Medieval Records: Essays in Honour of Kathleen Major
1068182: ISBN: 9810226764 - Electro-Rheological Fluids, Magneto-Rheological Suspensions and Associated Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Sheffield, UK, 10-14 July 1995
1316396: ISBN: 0801874033 - Francis Galton: Pioneer of Heredity and Biometry
1292410: ISBN: 0824775597 - Linear Systems over Commutative Rings (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 104)
1082609: ISBN: 044441472X - Carbon 13 in Organic Chemistry. Isotopes in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 3
954253: ISBN: 0444428690 - Comprehensive Carbanion Chemistry. Part C, Ground and Excited State Reactivity. Studies in Organic Chemistry, 5
1221763: ISBN: 0444422676 - Comprehensive Carbanion Chemistry. Part B, Selectivity in Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions. Studies in Organic Chemistry, 5
1305213: ISBN: 0444419136 - Comprehensive Carbanion Chemistry Volume 5: Part A-Structure and Reactivity (Studies in Organic Chemistry 5)
1305008: ISBN: 0444412239 - Isotopes in molecular rearrangements (Isotopes in organic chemistry, Volume 1)
1084133: ISBN: 0444428097 - Isotopes in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences, Volume 1: Labelled Compounds (Part A)
1304933: ISBN: 0121410501 - Sparse matrix computations: Proceedings of the Symposium on Sparse Matrix Computations at Argonne National Laboratory on September 9-11, 1975
470123: ISBN: 3921352029 - Sozialgeschichte und Strukturgeschichte in der Schule: [Vortrage und Materialien der Arbeitstagung der Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung vom 13. bis ... fur politische Bildung ; Heft 102)
1312049: ISBN: 3031552679 - Group Theory in Physics: An Introduction with a Focus on Solid State Physics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
1189697: ISBN: 3883551368 - Directional Properties of Materials
1293565: ISBN: 3540039937 - Quantum Theory and Reality (Studies in the Foundations, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Volume 2)
1298417: ISBN: 3540039937 - Quantum Theory and Reality (Studies in the Foundations, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Volume 2)
946103: ISBN: 3110084198 - Computational Statistics
890184: ISBN: 354053783X - Advanced Structural and Functional Materials. Proceedings of an International Seminar. Organized by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Koln, June 1991
318851: ISBN: 981021183X - Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition. Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 5
1272542: ISBN: 0226080315 - Peasants Against the State: The Politics of Market Control in Bugisu, Uganda, 1900-1983
924058: ISBN: 0471906352 - Comparative Models for Electrical Load Forecasting
940894: ISBN: 1558993282 - Liquid Crystals for Advanced Technologies. Symposium held April 8 - 11, 1996, San Francisco, California, U. S. A. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 425
1107385: ISBN: 1851663592 - Developments in the Science and Technology of Composite Materials: ECCM3 Third European Conference on Composite Materials 20.23 March 1989 Bordeaux-France
282168: ISBN: 0899307892 - Corporate Resurgence and the New Employment Relationships. After the Reckoning
903451: ISBN: 0784401136 - Management of Water Resources in North America III. Anticipating the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference. Tucson, Arizona September 4-8, 1993
581464: ISBN: 0863411053 - Perspective on Project Management. (IEE Management of Technology, Series 7)
286380: ISBN: 091631300X - Computers: The Non Technical (Human) Factors. A recommended reading list on computer ergonomics & user friendly design
1272934: ISBN: 0934634009 - Properties of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
1077479: ISBN: 9070110725 - Kuoma Rupandi (the parts are dry): Ideas and practices concerning disability and rehabilitation in a Shona ward (Research report)
1119236: ISBN: 0953969509 - Atlas: v. 1
1310703: ISBN: 0471078603 - Molecular Shapes: Theoretical Models of Inorganic Stereochemistry
991258: ISBN: 0800216083 - Japan Statistical Yearbook 1978
1289765: ISBN: - Hand Book of Uruguay (Bulletin No. 61)
924428: ISBN: 0405077289 - Census of Population: 1950. Characteristics of the Population. United States Summary
1031590: ISBN: 0860544753 - Theoretical Approaches to Artefacts, Settlement and Society. Studies in honour of Mats P. Malmer. Parts I and II bound together. Two Volumes in One. BAR International Series 366 (i and ii)
1307496: ISBN: 0801407176 - Craftsmen in Greek and Roman Society (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life)
925579: ISBN: 0091227909 - Containerisation and Other Unit Transport
1218221: ISBN: 9972517438 - De la encomienda a la hacienda capitalista: el valle del Jequetepeque del siglo XVI al XX
1014414: ISBN: 2222033462 - Les Villages Socialistes de la Revolution Agraire Algerienne, 1972 - 1982 (Collection "Recherches sur les societes mediterraneennes") (French Edition)
581421: ISBN: 082471055X - Drugs Affecting the Peripheral Nervous System. (Medical Research: A Series of Monographs) Volume 1.
1142022: ISBN: 3466320097 - Formen Sprachlicher Kommunikation: Ein Einfuhrung (Schwerpunkte der Soziologie) (German Edition)
1273061: ISBN: 0872018660 - Thermal methods of oil recovery (Institut francais du petrole publications)
1313660: ISBN: 0226080528 - Aristotle's Dialogue with Socrates: On the "Nicomachean Ethics"
1240514: ISBN: 9027704945 - The Nonlinear Diffusion Equation: Asymptotic Solutions and Statistical Problems
1309407: ISBN: 0444428801 - Advances in Standards and Methodology in Spectrophotometry (Analytical Spectroscopy Library, Vol 2)
1185636: ISBN: 0230507751 - Refuge in the Land of Liberty: France and its Refugees, from the Revolution to the End of Asylum, 1787-1939
1313652: ISBN: 0521189675 - Mathematics, Models, and Modality: Selected Philosophical Essays
811848: ISBN: 3906654001 - Sam Samore
874263: ISBN: 0727730290 - Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures. TWO VOLUMES
1309715: ISBN: 0960045236 - Pressure Vessel Analysis
397872: ISBN: 0824780590 - Flow Injection Atomic Spectroscopy. Practical Spectroscopy Series Volume 7
1061431: ISBN: 0121443043 - High Energy Physics Volume IV (Pure & Applies Physics 25-IV
1284870: ISBN: 0121443051 - High energy physics Volume II (Pure and applied physics)
1284869: ISBN: 0121443051 - High energy physics Volume I (Pure and applied physics)
1158982: ISBN: 906191499X - Magmatism and Transformation of Active Areas of the Earth's Crust (Russian Translations Series)
1209204: ISBN: 376433021X - Nonparametric Sequential Selection Procedures
1272072: ISBN: 0803213425 - Genealogies of Orientalism: History, Theory, Politics
281200: ISBN: 0155930257 - UNIX System Administration
1295735: ISBN: 1598742574 - Archaeology to Delight and Instruct: Active Learning in the University Classroom (One World Archaeology)
1304357: ISBN: 1596060700 - Night Visions 12
1311621: ISBN: 0521269296 - Applied Differential Geometry
932928: ISBN: 0735410186 - The 8th International Workshop of the Physics of Excited Nucleons. NSTAR 2011. Newport News, Virginia, USA 17 - 20 May 2011
1302257: ISBN: 0521405653 - Lectures on Block Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
536007: ISBN: 0404699529 - Zur Energieabhangigkeit von Photoelektronensatelliten (Studies of vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray processes)
1305972: ISBN: 3792700026 - Kapitelle und Basen. Beobachtungen zur Entstehung der griechischen Saulenformen. (Beihefte der Bonner Jahrbucher Bd. 32)
1309810: ISBN: 0387776516 - Foundations of Quantum Physics
374506: ISBN: 3540646132 - Computer Vision - ECCV'98
1250210: ISBN: 3540538410 - Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XIX - 1989 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1464) (English and French Edition)
1127560: ISBN: 9024702917 - Epistemology I (Tulane Studies in Philosophy) (Volume 17)
1096900: ISBN: 3761608020 - Kongress Das Europaische Erbe und Seine Christliche Zukunft: Referate und Diskussionsbeitrage u.a (Veroffentlichungen der Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung) (German Edition)
1291889: ISBN: 0998456403 - Diane Burko: Bearing Witness to Climate Change
1107908: ISBN: 0896032299 - Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis: PROTOCOLS, METHODS & THEORIES (Methods in Molecular Biology (Cloth))
1311034: ISBN: 0521205654 - Deductive Transformation Geometry
1188804: ISBN: 1855732602 - Surface Engineering Casebook: Solutions to Corrosion and Wear-Related Failures (Woodhead Publishing Series in Metals and Surface Engineering)
1245628: ISBN: 0312176287 - Shakespeare and Ireland: History, Politics, Culture
1033281: ISBN: 1841719927 - Font - Rase a Barbezieux et Font - Belle a Segonzac (Charente). Deux sites du Neolithique recent saintongeais Matignons / Peu - Richard. BAR International Series 1562
1305767: ISBN: 1299386830 - The Best Plays of 1937-1938 and The Year Book of the Drama in America
1305776: ISBN: 1299117090 - The Best Plays 1945-1946
1303845: ISBN: 0470272376 - Inorganic Reaction Chemistry: Systematic Chemical Separation
873570: ISBN: 0121460703 - Solid State Physics
1079279: ISBN: 091319803X - Letters to Obscure Men. A Lucky Heart Book
1315419: ISBN: 0841202850 - Protective Coatings for Metals (Acs Monograph No 163). Third edition
282559: ISBN: 0669000841 - Innovation: The Management Connection
1284443: ISBN: 1563967456 - Twenty Beautiful Years of Bottom Physics: Proceedings of the b20 Symposium (AIP Conference Proceedings)
1313673: ISBN: 0521750733 - Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy (Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy 2 Volume Hardback Set) (Volume 2)
316798: ISBN: 0910674094 - Reading Tests and Reviews. Including a Classified Index to The Mental Measurements Yearbooks
1272782: ISBN: 0894192531 - Exploration Geology
1279907: ISBN: 0871697432 - Eucharistic Presence and Conversion in Late Thirteenth-Century Franciscan Thought (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, V. 74, Pt. 3)
1308328: ISBN: 0268009872 - Freedom and Creation in Three Traditions
1157153: ISBN: 3540128271 - Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasting (Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)
1234450: ISBN: 1593978529 - Sellevision: A Novel
1312731: ISBN: 1559702117 - The Last Words of Dutch Schultz: A Fiction in the Form of a Film Script
1242607: ISBN: 090635403X - The Southerden tramway scene
914525: ISBN: 0471125377 - Economic Theory. Equilibrium and Change
874497: ISBN: 0892360461 - Benvenuto di Giovanni, Girolamo de Benvenuto: Their Altarpieces in the J. Paul Getty Museum and a Summary Catalogue of their Paintings in America (J. Paul Getty Museum Publications Series)
888320: ISBN: 0306381133 - Advances in X-Ray Analysis, Volume 13
863989: ISBN: 0030014778 - Social Engineering in Family Matters
739088: ISBN: 0802014666 - Godwin Criticism: A Synoptic Bibliography
297972: ISBN: 0884109909 - The Jobs Challenge. Pressures and Possibilities
452814: ISBN: - Biblical Review. Volumes 36-54 (1910-20)
1314366: ISBN: 1402076851 - Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: The Dynamics of Fit (Information and Organization Design Series, 4) Third Edition
906493: ISBN: 0306417146 - Biomembranes : Dynamics and Biology (NATO Asi Series) 76
946089: ISBN: 3540558055 - The Galactic Interstellar Medium. Saas-Fee Advanced Course 21. Lecture Notes 1991. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy
1313847: ISBN: 0823218279 - Melting Pot Soldiers: The Union Ethnic Regiments (The North's Civil War)
1292051: ISBN: 0284391883 - Francis Towne: Lone star of water-colour painting
989427: ISBN: 3540546278 - Perovskites I (Part a) (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series / Group III: Condensed Matter Volume 27, Magnetic Properties of Non-Metallic Inorganic Compounds Based on Transition elements,
989424: ISBN: 354060877X - Perovskites I (Part b) (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series / Group III: Condensed Matter Volume 27. Magnetic Properties of Non-Metallic Inorganic Compounds Based on Transition Elements,
1247769: ISBN: 9061961955 - Numerical Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Equations. Mathematical Centre Tracts 122
1292957: ISBN: 303139030X - Decision Trees for Fault Diagnosis in Circuits and Switching Networks (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 493)
1075019: ISBN: 1434892050 - In The Woodpile
1075043: ISBN: 1434849643 - Bad Moon Rising
1122702: ISBN: 0941548295 - Turn of the Century Home: The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, January 16-February 27, 1994
885373: ISBN: 3496007338 - Migration und psychische Belastung: Eine Studie am Beispiel von Sizilianerinnen in Koln (Kolner ethnologische Studien) (German Edition)
356573: ISBN: 0121476103 - The Cell Nucleus. Volume 10: rDNA, Part A
581460: ISBN: 0121476073 - Chromatin, Part D. (The Cell Nucleus, Volume 7)
1303931: ISBN: 0841236003 - Cavity-Ringdown Spectroscopy. An Ultratrace-Absorption Measurement Technique (ACS Symposium Series, Volume 720)
1006277: ISBN: 3775702407 - Wilhelm Busch. Lebenszeugnisse. Aus der Sammlung des Wilhelm - Busch - Museums Hannover (German Edition)
1003221: ISBN: 3631346719 - Maya-K'iche' und Spanisch - Sprachkontakt und Sprachkonflikt in Guatemala. Eine soziolinguistische Beschreibung der Comunidad de Zunil (German Edition)
1252591: ISBN: 3775712011 - Edouard Manet und die Impressionisten
956160: ISBN: 1560811277 - Materials Science and Technology. A Comprehensive Treatment. Volume 3B, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Metals and Ceramics, Part II
901008: ISBN: 1573317888 - Antimicrobial Therapeutics Reviews. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1213
1274036: ISBN: 0691014558 - The Genesis of Ezra Pound's CANTOS (Princeton Legacy Library, 528)
1206624: ISBN: 3540122907 - Gauss Sums and p-adic Division Algebras (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (987))
1219787: ISBN: 0521043999 - The Archaeology of the Santa Elena Peninsula in Southwest Ecuador
397761: ISBN: 0121484009 - Design Automation. Automated Full-Custom VLSI Layout Using the ULYSSES Design Environment
882280: ISBN: 0706501101 - Engineering Developments at the Leningrad Metal Plant Imeni " Stalin "
1286695: ISBN: 159307980X - Conan Volume 0: Born on the Battlefield
1286693: ISBN: 1593074409 - Conan Volume 2: The God in the Bowl and Other Stories
1288100: ISBN: 1593077963 - Conan Vol. 4: The Hall of the Dead and Other Stories
354745: ISBN: 0387189602 - PORTAL Language Description. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 198. Second, Extended Edition
953568: ISBN: 0813801397 - Elephant Life. Fifteen Years of High Population Density
1188034: ISBN: 0306426102 - Nondestructive Characterization of Materials II
1193790: ISBN: 9688375063 - Libro de las descripciones: Sobre la vision geografica de la Peninsula de Yucatan en textos espanoles del siglo XVI (Spanish Edition)
992726: ISBN: 968365603X - Los Mayas: Su tiempo antiguo (Spanish Edition)
961927: ISBN: 9971504472 - Cometary and Solar Plasma Physics. Invited Reviews of the 1987 Plasma Physics College International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
1307300: ISBN: 0201007274 - Mathematical Physics
1277474: ISBN: 0792310578 - Phase Portraits of Control Dynamical Systems (Mathematics and its Applications, 63)
294776: ISBN: 0859890511 - A Reader on Language Variety. Exeter Linguistic Studies, Volume 1
1121058: ISBN: 0300041926 - Children's Literature: v. 16: Annual of the Modern Language Association Group on Children's Literature
468920: ISBN: - The Currency Question. Some Strictures on the Pamphlet of James Gallatin, Esq.' a series of articles originally published in the Evening Post and Journal of Commerce.
1285636: ISBN: 0766171949 - Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature
347034: ISBN: 0792392221 - Assessing Fault Model and Test Quality
1067374: ISBN: 0948323450 - International Coference: Polymers in defence: The Dragonara Hotel, Bristol: Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 March 1987 (Plastics and Rubber Institute)
1313109: ISBN: 0894682539 - European Sculpture of the Nineteenth Century (National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogues)
359529: ISBN: 044441360X - Mouse Hepatic Neoplasia
1098011: ISBN: 0792323696 - Triangular Norm-Based Measures and Games with Fuzzy Coalitions
1311171: ISBN: 0137533357 - Reaction kinetics and reactor design (Prentice-Hall international series in the physical and chemical engineering sciences)
1253805: ISBN: 9810217838 - Calculus of Variations, Homogenization and Continuum Mechanics: June 21-25, Cirm-Luminy, Marseille, France (SERIES ON ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS FOR APPLIED SCIENCES)
1253682: ISBN: 1588211150 - Bernini: The modello for the Fountain of the Moor
587078: ISBN: 084935661X - Strategies for Short-Term Testing for Mutagens/Carcinogens
1303843: ISBN: 0198517157 - Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer (Harwell series)
1112923: ISBN: 3111241890 - Der Donaulandische Und Der Westische Kulturkreis Der J Ngeren Steinzeit: Aus: Handbuch Der Urgeschichte Deutschlands, Bd. 2 (German Edition)
1315873: ISBN: 0745615716 - Computers, Minds and Conduct
1305967: ISBN: 0121477053 - Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 5: Coherent Sources and Applications, Part 1
1305968: ISBN: 0121477061 - Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 6: Systems and Components
896369: ISBN: 0121476995 - Topics in Millimeter Wave Technology, Vol. 1 (v. 1)
1307869: ISBN: 0121477029 - Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Volume 2: Instrumentation
1273587: ISBN: 0882759159 - Metallurgical Problems. Second edition
1251333: ISBN: 0891780467 - Men, Women, & God: German Renaissance Prints from St. Louis Collections
1297503: ISBN: 9027708290 - Basic Problems in Methodology and Linguistics: Part Three of the Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy ... Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, 11)
1297462: ISBN: 9027708312 - Historical and Philosophical Dimensions of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Part Four of the Proceedings of the Fifth International ... Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, 12)
1295030: ISBN: 5030002170 - Mathematical Analysis in Questions and Problems
1135526: ISBN: 0792317793 - Nuclear Spectroscopy on Charge Density Wave Systems (Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Low-Dimensional Structures)
1126891: ISBN: 0299970019 - Desert and River in Nubia: Geomorphology and Prehistoric Environments at the Aswan Reservoir-Map
1099311: ISBN: 3663063445 - Hilberttransformation, gebrochene Integration und Differentiation (Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen) (German Edition)
551645: ISBN: 0444868836 - Performance of Computer-Communication Systems
1277170: ISBN: 1880902060 - The Great Rappahannock River Race: A Battle of the Sexes
859556: ISBN: 0678001642 - Finance and Politics; An Historical Study. 1783-1885. 2 volumes.
1234655: ISBN: 1416286993 - Salut! 2012 Wall (calendar)
1128161: ISBN: 8821302474 - I giovani e la lettura della Bibbia: Orientamenti e proposte (Biblioteca di scienze religiose 104) (Italian Edition)
1296945: ISBN: 9067650978 - Syntax and Pragmatics in Functional Grammar Series 1
1109543: ISBN: 2070290212 - Discours de Reception de M. Georges Dumezil a l'Academie francaise et reponse de M. Claude Levi-Strauss
598227: ISBN: 0252003357 - Quantitative Social Science Research on Latin America
1005350: ISBN: 3205984412 - Die grosse Insel Suedpazifische Lebensgeschichten; autobiographische Berichte aus dem suedoestlichen Salomon-Archipel seit 1914
1164792: ISBN: 3540161686 - Tunable Solid State Lasers for Remote Sensing (Springer Series in Optical Sciences)
397790: ISBN: 044489974X - Computers, Communication and Usability: Design Issues, Research and Methods for Integrated Services. North-Holland Studies in Communication, Volume 19
1315729: ISBN: 0486495469 - An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics with Applications to Problems in Mathematical Physics
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