This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
467062: ISBN: 0742626210 - Eden: An Oratorio. Set to Music by C. V. Stanford.
1291313: ISBN: 0674336720 - Collected Experimental Papers, Volume V: Papers 94-121
1125268: ISBN: 1583816607 - Frontiers of Astrophysics: A Celebration of NRAO's 50th Anniversary: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, 18-21 June 2007. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 395
309756: ISBN: 3320019325 - Zur programmatik der Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus: Ein Kommentar
1309725: ISBN: 0816904251 - Fundamental Aspects of Crystallization and Precipitation Processes. AlChE Symposium Series No. 253, Volume 83
1071015: ISBN: 2204041289 - La Protohistoire d'Israel: De l'exode a la monarchie (French Edition)
284843: ISBN: 0890064393 - Long Distance Services. A Buyer's Guide
349128: ISBN: 0131594273 - Computers as a Tool in Language Teaching
909493: ISBN: 0754615944 - Human Resource Management Issues in Accounting and Auditing Firms: A Research Perspective
1310621: ISBN: 303480492X - Plane Algebraic Curves: Translated by John Stillwell (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
1311758: ISBN: 0471920827 - Practical Surface Analysis. Volume 2: Ion and Neutral Spectroscopy. Second Edition
1275731: ISBN: 0471920819 - Practical Surface Analysis. Volume I: Auger and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Second Edition
1193285: ISBN: 0845118072 - Photosynthesis: Proceedings of the C.S. French Symposium on Photosynthesis Held in Stanford, California, July 17-23, 1988 (Plant Biology 8)
1240880: ISBN: 1472410017 - Urban Interstices: The Aesthetics and the Politics of the In-between
742843: ISBN: 0415063388 - Integration and Co-operation in Europe (The Routledge/University Association for Contemporary European Studies Series)
1035925: ISBN: 3496026316 - Differenz und Geschlecht: Neue Ansatze in der ethnologischen Forschung (Ethnologische Paperbacks) (German Edition)
1251945: ISBN: 3829570090 - Von Friedrich bis Liebermann. 100 Meisterwerke deutscher Malerei aus dem Museum fur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Stadt Dortmund.
712114: ISBN: 3885206382 - Haider und die Freiheitlichen in Osterreich (Antifa Edition) (German Edition)
1246157: ISBN: 3865882919 - Anette Weisser and Ingo Vetter: Arbeiten 1996-2006
1191416: ISBN: 3487052431 - Raum Und Zeit Im Homerischen Epos
1313582: ISBN: 047074846X - Counterparty Credit Risk, Collateral and Funding: With Pricing Cases For All Asset Classes
1314341: ISBN: 0470665661 - Credit Models and the Crisis: A Journey into CDOs, Copulas, Correlations and Dynamic Models
650976: ISBN: - Nematologica. Volumes 21 and 22 (1975-1976)
1288990: ISBN: 0898852161 - Yearbook of Substance Use and Abuse. Volume 3
1252936: ISBN: 0306404168 - Light. Its Interaction with Art and Antiquities.
1315227: ISBN: 0821824740 - 3 Manifolds Which Are End 1 Movable (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
1314290: ISBN: 1438443145 - Music, Cosmology, and the Politics of Harmony in Early China (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
1314698: ISBN: 0824833864 - Individualism in Early China: Human Agency and the Self in Thought and Politics
1035989: ISBN: 9174022504 - Religion in Everyday Life: Papers Given at a Symposium in Stockholm, 13-15 September 1993, Arranged by the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities Along With the foundation Natur och Kultur, Publishers (Konferenser , No 31)
885101: ISBN: 0080063608 - Progress In Nuclear Physics. Volume 11
1297087: ISBN: 3540036016 - Kategorien und Funktoren. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 18
1306498: ISBN: 3777427810 - Bunte Gotter: Die Farbigkeit antiker Skulptur (German Edition)
1147465: ISBN: 0853129932 - Briscoe: Modelling Human Speech Comprehension-a Computational Approach
1169851: ISBN: 9686382348 - Valentin Gomez Farias y su lucha por el federalismo, 1822-1858 (Spanish Edition)
1219138: ISBN: 2222029139 - Le Cuzco dans sa region: Etude de l'aire d'influence d'une ville andine (Travaux de l'Institut francais d'etudes andines) (French Edition)
921875: ISBN: 0716101467 - Packaging Management
1243425: ISBN: 1785363999 - Economic Crisis and the Resilience of Regions: A European Study (New Horizons in Regional Science series)
609455: ISBN: 0444802061 - Drug Induced Heart Disease (Meyler and Peck's Drug-Induced Diseases. Volume 5)
1288079: ISBN: 1880325055 - Swamp Foetus: A Collection of Short Stories
967999: ISBN: 085665146X - British Scientific Research in Antarctica
393490: ISBN: - Journal of American Studies. vols. 1-9, 11, 13-16, 18-20, 23-24
393489: ISBN: - Journal of American Studies. vols. 1-16, 18-25
630900: ISBN: 0727720104 - Reservoir Safety and the Environment. Proceedings of the eighth conference of the British Dam Society held at the University of Exeter, 14-17 September 1994.
791027: ISBN: 0415074576 - BLPES: Economics: 1990 Vol 39 (International Bibliography of Economics (Ibss: Economics))
791019: ISBN: 0415092124 - BLPES: Economics: 1992 Vol 41 (International Bibliography of Economics (Ibss: Economics))
790530: ISBN: 0415064732 - BLPES: Political Science: 1988 Volume 37 (International Bibliography of Political Science (Ibss: Political Science))
738575: ISBN: 0415160820 - IBSS: Economics: 1996 Volume 45 (International Bibliography of Economics (Ibss: Economics))
792333: ISBN: 0415127858 - BLPES: Sociology: 1994 Vol 44 (International Bibliography of Sociology (Ibss: Sociology))
674637: ISBN: 4906536034 - Daiei Hakubutsukan shozo Itaria sobyoten: Runesansu kara Barokku e = Italian 16th and 17th century drawings from the British Museum (Japanese Edition)
1314137: ISBN: 0714105236 - Catalogue of the Waddesdon Bequest in the British Museum. I. The Jewels
868273: ISBN: 0727720872 - Radiation Dose Management in the Nuclear Industry: Proceedings of the conference organised by the British Nuclear Energy Society and held in Windermere, Cumbria, on 9-11 October 1995
643005: ISBN: - Legal and Criminological Psychology. Volumes 1 and 2
1210728: ISBN: 0444877681 - Robotic Trends: Applications, Research, Education and Saftey. Proceedings of the 8th Annual British Robot Association Conference, etc.
290438: ISBN: 0444875328 - Proceedings of the 7th Annual British Robot Association Annual Conference, etc.
389912: ISBN: - Clinical and Experimental Allergy (Formerly: Clinical Allergy). vols. 2-9
1066692: ISBN: 1870325052 - Applications of Advanced Strain Measurement Techniques
937532: ISBN: 0912053690 - Proceedings of the SEM IX International Congress on Experimental Mechanics : Orlando, Florida, June 5-8, 2000
535149: ISBN: 0950408425 - "Psychological Preparation of the Superior Sportsman." Report of Proceedings of a Symposium held at Loughborough College...
394282: ISBN: - Human & Experimental Toxicology. volumes 12-13; 19-20. (1993-2001)
1155864: ISBN: 0802070345 - The wheat economy (Political economy series)
1290088: ISBN: 0765801809 - Control Theories of Crime and Delinquency: Advances in Criminological Theory
1311148: ISBN: 0442156456 - Handbook of Pulp and Paper Technology Second Edition Revised and Enlarged
473860: ISBN: 0881670669 - Molecular Biology of Tumor Cells (Progress in Cancer Research and Therapy, Volume 32)
926411: ISBN: 0255361440 - How to End the 'Monetarist' Controversy: A Journalist's Reflections on Output, Jobs, Prices and Money
1284539: ISBN: 0677116055 - Lectures in Theoretical Physics IX A: Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics
1301916: ISBN: 0677130503 - Boulder Lecture Notes in Theoretical Physics, 1964: Vol. 7-B, Elementary Particles
1252216: ISBN: 0677116209 - Kinetic Theory. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Volume IX C
1139420: ISBN: 0131940449 - Critical State Soil Mechanics Via Finite Elements (Ellis Horwood Series in Civil Engineering)
565928: ISBN: 081946547X - Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue VII
1313694: ISBN: 0710030800 - Five Types of Ethical Theory (International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method)
344532: ISBN: 0854962204 - Community Europe Today
1163894: ISBN: 0851983812 - A Chinese/English dictionary of China's rural economy
1112874: ISBN: 354053198X - Anthropogenic Compounds (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Volume 3 Part G)
1309006: ISBN: 0262023296 - Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Instability: Statistical Theory and Economic Evidence
1302185: ISBN: 0521206812 - Differentiable Germs and Catastrophes. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 17
1093361: ISBN: 0719050464 - A Union of Multiple Identities: The British Isles, C.1750-C. 1850
1316749: ISBN: 0387974296 - Time Series: Theory and Methods. Second edition
1187388: ISBN: 3761805136 - Die Musik Israels (German Edition)
1259879: ISBN: 148321169X - The Technical Applications of Radioactivity
1096656: ISBN: 8876520341 - The Holy See and the Irish Movement for the Repeal of the Union With England 1829-1847 (Analecta Gregoriana)
1050200: ISBN: 2204055417 - L'Enseignement religieux : questions actuelles
1312355: ISBN: 3882439998 - Drawings Of Jim Dine
1268935: ISBN: 0387908420 - On Conceptual Modelling: Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Programming Languages (Topics in Information Systems)
1242799: ISBN: 9998456797 - Tojolabal Maya: Ethnographic and Linguistic Approaches (Geoscience and Man, Vol 26)
1143339: ISBN: 0444892575 - Structures in Dynamics: Finite Dimensional Deterministic Studies (Studies in Mathematical Physics, Vol 2)
1228347: ISBN: 0750308036 - Global Analysis of Dynamical Systems: Festschrift dedicated to Floris Takens for his 60th birthday
1228437: ISBN: 0444892583 - Structures in Dynamics: Finite Dimensional Deterministic Studies (Studies in Mathematical Physics 2)
1228459: ISBN: 3540620257 - Quasi-Periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical Systems: Order amidst Chaos (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1645)
1290676: ISBN: 3319153641 - Measure and Integral (Compact Textbooks in Mathematics)
1203836: ISBN: 0306415712 - Treatise on Heavy Ion Science. Volume 1: Elastic and Quasi-Elastic Phenomena
1039667: ISBN: 9022839257 - 1833: Reuvens in Drenthe: Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse archeologie in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw. A contribution to the history of dutch archaeology in the first half of the nineteenth century (Dutch Edition)
1112966: ISBN: 9012013631 - Air Photography and Celtic field research in the Netherlands (Nederlandse oudheden 6)
1127250: ISBN: 9022837343 - De prehistorie van Nederland: Economisch, technologisch (Dutch Edition)
1226978: ISBN: 8323308098 - Three Essays on the History of Relativity in Cracow
539865: ISBN: 0824807804 - Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Man
1023630: ISBN: 9119605528 - Quo vadis, homo? (Swedish Edition)
1065088: ISBN: 3777491705 - Murillo Kinderleben in Sevilla
946139: ISBN: 1904832105 - American Paintings in the Brooklyn Museum, Volume 2: Artists Born by 1876
1308367: ISBN: 0877627967 - Principles of the Surface Treatment of Steel
318081: ISBN: 9994678973 - Computer Crime. Prevention, Detection, Prosecution
920532: ISBN: 0412332906 - Adult Aural Rehabilitation
819124: ISBN: 1276874065 - Speech of Hon. Erastus Brooks, in Senate, April 6, 1857. Upon the Trinity Church Bill.
1273045: ISBN: 0632011378 - Marine Petroleum Source Rocks (Geological Society Special Publication)
1289926: ISBN: 0345396545 - Ilse Witch (The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, Book 1)
970779: ISBN: 027523360X - The multinational businessman and foreign policy: Entrepreneurial politics in East-West trade and investment (Praeger special studies in international business, finance, and trade)
1292067: ISBN: 9029084618 - Rembrandt en tekenaars uit zijn omgeving (Oude tekeningen in het bezit van de Gemeentemusea van Amsterdam waaronder de collectie Fodor)
668381: ISBN: 0291397018 - Computers Can Read. Machine-readable codes and their applications
1284415: ISBN: 9810218184 - Scintillating Fiber Detectors (Proceedings of the Scifi 93 Workshop Notre Dame, Indiana, USA 24-28 Oct 1993)
1106799: ISBN: 0124695450 - The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Pharmacology, Vol. 45
1280110: ISBN: 1493589903 - Arthur Byne's Diplomatic Legacy: The Architect, Author and Entrepreneur In Spain
1279464: ISBN: 8496969800 - Stylish Hotel Design
1314903: ISBN: 0872860906 - Seeing the light
262022: ISBN: 0902429353 - The Association of Clinical Biochemists. The First Forty Years
1060049: ISBN: 3540577483 - Human-Machine Communication for Educational Systems Design. NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Volume 129
1213816: ISBN: 0813377056 - Fragile Lands Of Latin America: Strategies For Sustainable Development (WESTVIEW SPECIAL STUDIES IN SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
393592: ISBN: - Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. vols. 1-2, 4-7, 9-14, 16-35, 37-43, 45-46 (1943-1988)
478504: ISBN: 8716013948 - Pipotiazine, Pipotiazine Undecylenate and Pipotiazine Palmitate. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Supplementum 241
366703: ISBN: 0121367401 - Integrated Project Support Environments. The Aspect Project. The A.P.I.C. Series No 33
1263120: ISBN: 0952235358 - A Del Sarto Rediscovered
1122733: ISBN: 097778259X - Carl Schraubstadter and Japanese Prints: The Robert Louis Mueller Family Collection
1311922: ISBN: 0471381160 - The Pyrimidine. Supplement I (Volume 16)
1297139: ISBN: 0521857287 - Descartes and the Passionate Mind
1269169: ISBN: 0041500245 - Action
1011754: ISBN: 2901161227 - Nourrir les gens, nourrir les haines (Etudes et documents tchadiens 8) (French Edition)
891442: ISBN: 3805556187 - International Symposium on Continuous Cell Lines - An International Workshop on Current Issues: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Masur Auditorium N (Developments in Biologicals)
1215867: ISBN: 1138828866 - Youth Activism and Solidarity: The non-stop picket against Apartheid (Routledge Spaces of Childhood and Youth Series)
1255802: ISBN: 9810216467 - Selected Papers, with Commentary, of Tony Hilton Royle Skyrme (World Scientific 20th Century Physics)
462221: ISBN: 0120250039 - Advances in Liquid Crystals. Volume 3
977107: ISBN: 0120250047 - Advances in Liquid Crystals. Volume 4
1305006: ISBN: 3540421262 - Molecular Simulation Fracture Gel Theory (Advances in Polymer Science, 156)
1304981: ISBN: 0306309505 - The Nonclassical Ion Problem
1108304: ISBN: 0387093095 - In Memory of H. L. Meerwein (Topics in Current Chemistry 80)
1234572: ISBN: 0262533863 - Infrastructural Ecologies: Alternative Development Models for Emerging Economies (The MIT Press)
1314160: ISBN: 088740426X - Comic Character Timepieces: Seven Decades of Memories
887297: ISBN: 354058210X - Polyatomic Radicals and Ions (Landolt-Bornstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology) (Group II: Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 19: Molecular Constants, Subvolume D2) (Vol 19)
270257: ISBN: 0823703371 - Tough Challenges for R & D Management
1313943: ISBN: 1479313408 - Essex Coastal Byway Guide: History, Culture & Nature on the North Shore
577097: ISBN: 0874710391 - Labour and Unemployment. 1900-1914.
1313094: ISBN: 0387968768 - Buildings
1205768: ISBN: 843132273X - El Cancionero Aureo de la Biblioteca Real de la Haya (Anejos de RILCE, 51)
1273033: ISBN: 0878141375 - The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, Vol. 3a: Pressure Gradient Curves
1144937: ISBN: 080311480X - Chevron-Notch Fracture Test Experience: Metals and Non-Metals (Astm Special Technical Publication 1172)
1315971: ISBN: 0691031002 - Tunisia of Ahmad Bey: 1837-1855
1237064: ISBN: 0829803769 - Keeping your eye on television
1120986: ISBN: 083890128X - Agricultural Education in a Technical Society: An Annotated Bibliography of Resources
1252450: ISBN: 0444418075 - Reactions in the Solid State, Volume 22 (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics)
1243336: ISBN: 1472424336 - Seascapes: Shaped by the Sea
1314743: ISBN: 0791471586 - The Politics of Mourning in Early China (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
1315940: ISBN: 0932506968 - The Romance of Reason:: An Adventure in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas.
305235: ISBN: 0718512790 - New Strategy Through Space
1307909: ISBN: 0471100722 - Writing Interactive Compilers and Interpreters (Wiley Series in Computing)
1125116: ISBN: 1859572898 - Polymers in Sport and Leisure (Rapra Review Reports 135, volume 12, number 3)
1296140: ISBN: 0202303861 - Writing the Social Text: Poetics and Politics in Social Science Discourse (Communication & Social Order)
1310629: ISBN: 0470111607 - Analytical Methods in Planetary Boundary-Layer Modelling
1285954: ISBN: 0817632581 - A Topological Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis. Second edition
974273: ISBN: 0470211342 - Handbook of Plastics Test Methods. Third Edition
1187778: ISBN: 0892800410 - Roger Brown, a Different Dimension
1254679: ISBN: 1556114869 - Miss Rhythm: The Autobiography of Ruth Brown, Rhythm and Blues Legend
1309192: ISBN: 156396273X - Basic Data of Plasma Physics. The Fundamental Data on Electrical Discharges in Gases. American Vacuum Society Classics
990635: ISBN: 0821822047 - Bounds on Transfer Principles for Algebraically Closed and Complete Discretely Valued Fields (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; Volume 15, No. 204)
501646: ISBN: 0876960174 - The Press in Ireland. A survey and a guide.
1282228: ISBN: 0807817651 - Migration and Politics: The Impact of Population Mobility on American Voting Behavior
1266287: ISBN: 0070082154 - Random Processes, Communications, and Radar
1295348: ISBN: 0470110376 - Micromagnetics
1082807: ISBN: 0471256161 - Radiological Atlas of Diseases of the Teeth and Jaws
1268576: ISBN: 0709906544 - Education and the Nature of Knowledge (New Patterns of Learning Series)
251401: ISBN: - Browning Society Notes. vols. 8-11, 16-20, 24-25, 28-29, 31 (1978-2002)
1131694: ISBN: 0470113251 - Methods of Wood Chemistry: v. 2
1273822: ISBN: 1115988735 - The ring and the book
1220619: ISBN: 1860745237 - The Little Box of Drugs: Herion, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Cannabis: Provides the hard facts, supported by interviews with experts, users and pushers
1183501: ISBN: 0070085005 - Producer and Consumer Social Choice
1315964: ISBN: 0405108486 - The Brownson Reader
1069847: ISBN: 0939027828 - The 1991 San Francisco Calendar
1269120: ISBN: 3319988204 - Russian Legal Realism (Law and Philosophy Library, 125)
1294528: ISBN: 0871085097 - Portrait of a Silver Lady: The Train They Called the California Zephyr
580341: ISBN: 1574770764 - In Situ Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Other Organic Compounds - 5(3)
580269: ISBN: 1574771442 - Proceedings Of The Conference On Sustainable Range management
580369: ISBN: 1574770780 - Bioreactor and Ex Situ Biological Treatment Technologies - 5(5)
580335: ISBN: 157477073X - 1999 Bioremediation Symposium. EIGHT VOLUME SET
580260: ISBN: 1574770748 - Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, and Other Organic Compounds - 5(1)
1223087: ISBN: 3527279199 - Analytical Applications of Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
999009: ISBN: 0983505918 - Bartolo di Fredi: The Adoration of the Magi, a masterpiece reconstructed
580275: ISBN: 1574771523 - Eighth International in Situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium
580209: ISBN: 1574770284 - In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation: Papers from the Fourth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, April 28-May 1, 1997 ... the Fourth International in Situ and On-Sit)
580284: ISBN: 1574770306 - In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation: Papers from the Fourth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, April 28-May 1, 1997 ... the Fourth International in Situ and On-Sit)
580298: ISBN: 1574770292 - In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation: Papers from the Fourth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, April 28-May 1, 1997 ... the Fourth International in Situ and On-Sit)
580291: ISBN: 1574770268 - In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation : Papers from the Fourth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, April 28-May 1, 1997 (Vol 1) (Bioremediation)
1192349: ISBN: 0821827464 - Q-Series With Applications to Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Physics: A Conference on Q-Series With Applications to Combinatorics, Number Theory, and ... of Illinois. Contemporary Mathematics 291
980430: ISBN: 0080168663 - Progress in Materials Science: High Angle Grain Boundaries v. 16
678986: ISBN: 014095130X - Songlines & In Patagonia: Boxed Set
717160: ISBN: 3540656634 - Security Protocols: 6th International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, April 15-17, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (v. 1550)
1010020: ISBN: 0991311132 - Bruce Dorow: An American Original
580249: ISBN: 093547045X - Proceedings of the Conference on Geostatistical, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Methods for Ground-Water Flow and Radionuclide Transport Modeling: San
1288684: ISBN: 0306307960 - Practical Approach to Pattern Classification
1310413: ISBN: 0971718768 - Bruce Goff: A Creative Mind
843206: ISBN: 1416028188 - Psychocutaneous Disease, An Issue of Dermatologic Clinics, 1e (The Clinics: Dermatology)
840087: ISBN: 141602817X - Advanced Cosmetic Surgery, An Issue of Dermatologic Clinics, 1e (The Clinics: Dermatology volume 23, number 3)
1227756: ISBN: 0692969098 - River Town Portraits
1302883: ISBN: 0120886359 - Observer Mechanics: A Formal Theory of Perception
1304237: ISBN: 0804735506 - The Birth of California Narrow Gauge
394969: ISBN: 019858315X - Engineering in medicine (Science and engineering policy series)
793178: ISBN: 0412090813 - Atlas of Heart & Vessel Pathology 1.0 (Pathology Atlas Series)
507004: ISBN: 0750690542 - Neurologic Aspects of Pediatrics
716665: ISBN: 0920953344 - Daniel
699114: ISBN: 0820416959 - Religions and Languages: A Colloquium (Toronto Studies in Religion, Vol. 13)
578796: ISBN: 0819106828 - Essays in Humanistic Anthropology: Festchrift in Honor of Davis Bidney
677019: ISBN: 0802083684 - Unforeseen Legacies: Reuben Wells Leonard and the Leonard Foundation Trust (Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History)
1311001: ISBN: 0521429994 - Curves and Singularities. A Geometrical Introduction to Singularity Theory. Second edition
1311589: ISBN: 0521419859 - Curves and Singularities: A Geometrical Introduction to Singularity Theory. Second edition
1105444: ISBN: 0809121891 - Parish celebrations
1281410: ISBN: 0821827537 - The Submanifold Geometries Associated to Grassmannian Systems
1260788: ISBN: 3550063091 - Die Stunde des Rebhuhns: Aufzeichnungen (German Edition)
947489: ISBN: 3803135028 - Psychologie und Geschichte. Vorlesungen im "Club Voltaire" 1980/81 (German Edition)
1013752: ISBN: 0444988122 - Applications of Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy. Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 66
990223: ISBN: 0130726877 - Beginning Reading in English As a Second Language (Language in education : theory & practice)
1309218: ISBN: 0883189259 - Inertial Confinement Fusion (Research Trends in Physics)
1276360: ISBN: 0120385023 - Advances in Theoretical Physics Vol 2
1316233: ISBN: 8787355426 - Noise Control: Principles and Practice
1092618: ISBN: 9706260064 - Tajin (Veracruz en la cultura) (Spanish Edition)
895844: ISBN: 0913134821 - Cihuatan, an early postclassic town of El Salvador: The 1977-1978 excavations (University of Missouri monographs in anthropology ; no. 5)
1252733: ISBN: 0278915175 - Plasticizer Technology Volume I
1252434: ISBN: 0470113936 - Plastics for Electrical Insulation (Polymer Engineering & Technology)
483649: ISBN: 0677122004 - Packaging with Plastics
1264328: ISBN: 2701013755 - Le verbe et la voix: La manifestation vocale dans le culte en France au XVIIe siecle (Theologie historique 106) (French Edition)
272838: ISBN: 0444863095 - Continuum Models of Discrete Systems 4
1298434: ISBN: 0873957997 - Unreality and Time (Suny Series in Philosophy)
1313121: ISBN: 0521413109 - Christianity and the Arts in Russia (Cambridge New Art History and Criticism)
1295843: ISBN: 5946072439 - Pyti k Belomy moru: Arhitektyra Rysskogo Severa
1294476: ISBN: 0792365194 - Papers in Honour of Bernhard Banaschewski: Proceedings of the BB Fest 96, a Conference Held at the University of Cape Town, 15-20 July 1996, on ... Applications to Topology, Order and Algebra
1262401: ISBN: 9113003968 - Prins Eugen: Minnet av ett landskap (Utstallningskatalog / Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde) (Swedish Edition)
1011738: ISBN: 2738402925 - Les Dieux catholiques au Bresil: Anthropologie religieuse de la societe rurale du Nordeste (Collection Connaissance des hommes) (French Edition)
1032661: ISBN: 2735106209 - La residence aristocratique de Montmartin (Oise) du IIIe au IIe s. av. J.-C (Archeologie preventive) (French Edition)
888678: ISBN: 0965206580 - Michiko Itatani
682595: ISBN: 3456820895 - Highlights in Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the EAACI, Zurich, May 25-29, 1991
1257033: ISBN: 0821833669 - The Connective K-Theory of Finite Groups (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 785)
1070085: ISBN: 2921463024 - Almanda Walker-Marchand (1868-1949): Une feministe franco-ontarienne de la premiere heure (French Edition)
1134298: ISBN: 3540097287 - Systems Theory in Immunology: Proceedings of the Working Conference, Held in Rome, May 1978 (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics) (Volume 32)
1314221: ISBN: 0764329820 - American Costume Jewelry: Art & Industry, 1935-1950, A-M
1314003: ISBN: 0764329839 - American Costume Jewelry: Art & Industry, 1935-1950, N-Z
1115963: ISBN: 9537237303 - Crno Vrilo
1290933: ISBN: 3540138307 - Geodetic Refraction: Effects of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through the Atmosphere
1200634: ISBN: 3527290680 - Handbook of enantioselective catalysis: With transition metal compounds
1316141: ISBN: 022607773X - Risk Topography: Systemic Risk and Macro Modeling (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
695787: ISBN: 3540159835 - EUROCAL '85. European Conference on Computer Algebra. Linz, Austria, April 1-3, 1985. Proceedings, Volume One: Invited Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
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