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1276740: ISBN: 0944125026 - What's Wrong: Poems

1068114: ISBN: 2226039457 - Si loin de Dieu (French Edition)

1073368: ISBN: 2204054666 - Reconstruire l'Eglise apres la Revolution: Le diocese de Bayeux sous l'episcopat de Mgr Charles Brault (1802-1823) (Histoire Religieuse de la France, 10) (French Edition)

1106326: ISBN: 012119650X - Coryneform Bacteria (Special publications of the Society for General Microbiology ; 1)

495777: ISBN: 0900983167 - Review and Bibliography on Aspects of Fluid Sealing

1188920: ISBN: 3540239219 - Frontiers of Numerical Analysis: Durham 2004 (Universitext)

1240240: ISBN: 1138819646 - Forest Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa: Local Control for Improved Livelihoods, Forest Management, and Carbon Sequestration (Environment for Development)

1316840: ISBN: 1108485065 - Foundations of Data Science

496267: ISBN: 0387909125 - Information Systems for Patient Care. (Computers and Medicine)

1126625: ISBN: 3907060024 - Basler Fasnacht: Menschen hinter Masken (German Edition)

1300087: ISBN: 3886110346 - Zum Begriff des Schonen in Kants und Schillers asthetischen Schriften (German Edition)

1056319: ISBN: 2040164960 - Numerical simulation and optimal control in plasma physics: With applications to Tokamaks (Wiley/Gauthier-Villars series in modern applied mathematics)

1263643: ISBN: 3642649009 - Original Scientific Papers Wissenschaftliche Originalarbeiten (Gesammelte Werke Collected Works, A / 1) (German and English Edition)

1014691: ISBN: 3423330376 - Die Grammatik der Logik. Einfuhrung in die Mathematik.

1298431: ISBN: 0934125228 - Beware the First Drink!: The Washington Temperance Movement and Alcoholics Anonymous

982213: ISBN: 9810202776 - Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems. Proceedings of the Emil-Warburg Symposium, 23-24 April 1990, Thurnau, F R Germany

1045944: ISBN: 2708948059 - Histoire de l'Etat d'Israel (French Edition)

1213621: ISBN: 9971501120 - Heat and Mass Transfer in Mhd Flows (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)

984043: ISBN: 091234802X - What the Fox Agreed to Do

1298564: ISBN: 0198533896 - Module Theory. An Approach to Linear Algebra. Second Edition

1253619: ISBN: 9187968312 - Hjartat sitter till vanster

814350: ISBN: 0444810730 - Hierarchy of Life: Molecules and Morphology in Phylogenetic Analysis (International Congress Series 824) (Nobel Symposium 70)

438381: ISBN: 9155415032 - The Soul under Stress: A Study of the Poetics of John Berryman's Dream Songs. ACTA Universitatis Upsaliensis, No. 52

848159: ISBN: 9519403167 - Dorf- und Stadtkultur: Der gegenseitige Einfluss von Dorf- und Stadtkultur im 20. Jahrhundert bei den finnisch-ugrischen Volkern und ihren Nachbarn : ... Societe finno-ougrienne) (German Edition)

788663: ISBN: 084936440X - Immobilized Cells and Organelles, Vol. 1

1128469: ISBN: 354008763X - Neo-Ricardian Theory with Applications to Some Current Economic Problems (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, No. 156)

1312395: ISBN: 962040291X - Golden Triangle: Frontier and wilderness

496265: ISBN: 0444866043 - CAD Systems Framework. Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.2 Working Conference on CAD Systems Framework, Roros, Norway, 15-17 June 1982

1307039: ISBN: 0471277290 - Optics (Physics Programs)

987829: ISBN: 0306438119 - Nonlinear Waves in Solid State Physics (NATO Science Series B: Physics)

961474: ISBN: 0792371305 - Soliton-driven Photonics (Nato Science Series II:)

1188675: ISBN: 0521332508 - Periglacial Processes and Landforms in Britain and Ireland

1306491: ISBN: 0292764987 - The Parthenon and Its Sculptures

1306236: ISBN: 0500420041 - Excavations in Chios, 1952-55: Greek Emporio (British School of Archaeology, Athens, Publications Supplementary Volume 6)

1307180: ISBN: 0521242894 - The Cambridge Ancient History, Plates to Volume III: The Middle East, the Greek World and the Balkans to the Sixth Century B.C.

1316590: ISBN: 0471198269 - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences. Third edition

1305316: ISBN: 3540037802 - Integrability Theorems for Trigonometric Transforms (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. Band 38)

1302975: ISBN: 0121081508 - Entire Functions (Pure & Applied Mathematics, V)

1104394: ISBN: 0948404752 - Field Margins: Integrating Agriculture and Conservation: Proceedings of a symposium organised by the British Crop Protection Council in association with the British Ecological Society and the Association of Applied Biologists and held at the University

414290: ISBN: 0576801445 - Kuntras Ha-Teshuvot (Book of Responsa): Bibliografyah Shel Sifrut Ha-Shut Be-Tseruf Mavo Al Erkan Le-Toldot Ha-Halakhah Veha-Hitpathut Ha-Mishpat Ha-Ivri

1255708: ISBN: 0946631093 - Seismic Stratigraphy (Handbook of geophysical exploration Volume 9)

1315822: ISBN: 0471064963 - Atari BASIC (Wiley self-teaching guides)

1290049: ISBN: 1883829291 - The Streets of Toledo A Pictorial History: 1920s - 1970s

1242642: ISBN: 0909650063 - To Cessnock and Beyond

453177: ISBN: 1886293031 - Cryptographs III: Women

1310615: ISBN: 0911868356 - Colorado Memories of the Narrow Gauge Circle

1024686: ISBN: 0918914140 - KxYz

855710: ISBN: 073261158X - Developing the Mekong Subregion

979952: ISBN: 2865920771 - L'Energie nucleaire au XXIe siecle : Enjeux de securite

540549: ISBN: 0964504316 - ATM Systems Design, The Hitch-hiker's Guide, Second Edition

1213541: ISBN: 0444107878 - Magnetic Bubbles. Selected Topics in Solid State Physics Volume XIV

1215213: ISBN: 0735407533 - Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference (AIP Conference Proceedings)

1215551: ISBN: 079232272X - Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems (Nato Science Series C:)

1203159: ISBN: 2705613781 - Symetries brisees: Theorie des transitions avec parametre d'ordre (Actualites scientifiques et industrielles) (French Edition)

1315194: ISBN: 1441965610 - Modeling Complex Systems (Graduate Texts in Physics)

1274807: ISBN: 0444503803 - Wave Mechanics for Ocean Engineering (Elsevier Oceanography Series, Volume 64)

915716: ISBN: 0387185410 - Physical Organic Chemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry 146)

1300769: ISBN: 317217011X - Christus Exorcista. Damonismus und Taufe im Neuen Testament

1250816: ISBN: 0691095787 - Fourier Transforms. Annals of Mathematics Studies, Number 19

1303331: ISBN: 0691079943 - Lectures on Fourier Integrals. With an Author's Supplement on Monotonic Functions, Stieltjes Integrals, and Harmonic Analysis

282002: ISBN: 047128839X - Net Income. Cut Costs, Boost Profits, and Enhance Operations Online

1083753: ISBN: 0306459647 - Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No. 32

1082551: ISBN: 030645162X - Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry. No. 29

961466: ISBN: 0306408457 - Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No. 14

1067515: ISBN: 0553349295 - The Life and Death of Andy Warhol

357674: ISBN: 3211829008 - Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems '96

1256668: ISBN: 3319255266 - Programming Languages with Applications to Biology and Security: Essays Dedicated to Pierpaolo Degano on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9465)

1022531: ISBN: 8778510279 - Hr. Michel og alle de andre : 850 ar af Orslevkloster Sogns historie

1143469: ISBN: 007006413X - Planning, Scheduling, and Control Integration in the Process Industries

1312017: ISBN: 303147354X - Fluids Under Control (Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics)

426103: ISBN: 0870552155 - Evaluation of Proteins for Humans

1192493: ISBN: 9401501696 - Grund und Gegenwart als Frageziel der fruh-griechischen Philosophie

888663: ISBN: 1851666885 - Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformation. Proceedings of PLASTICITY '91: The Third International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications

1208738: ISBN: 0806910747 - Venezuela in pictures (Visual geography series)

1283375: ISBN: 1402006292 - Topik (Phaenomenologica, 162)

1152977: ISBN: 0877627797 - Advances in Low-Temperature Plasma Chemistry: Technology and Applicaton Volume IV (ADVANCES IN LOW-TEMPERATURE PLASMA CHEMISTRY, TECHNOLOGY, APPLICATIONS)

1152696: ISBN: 0877625417 - Advances in Low-Temperature Plasma Chemistry: Technology and Application Volume II (ADVANCES IN LOW-TEMPERATURE PLASMA CHEMISTRY, TECHNOLOGY, APPLICATIONS)

496306: ISBN: 0866411364 - Decision Support Systems for Management Accountants

496307: ISBN: 0866411739 - Use of Expert Systems in Management Accounting

325186: ISBN: 9027718903 - Inverse Methods in Electromagnetic Imaging. NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume. 143 (Two Volume Set)

1022669: ISBN: 9060110900 - De precolumbiaanse bewoners van Aruba, Curacao en Bonaire (Dutch Edition)

496298: ISBN: 0444424725 - Engineering Databases. Survey of Existing Engineering Database Management Systems, Criteria for Selecting a Database, and some Practical Experiences in Applying a Database System. Report of the CIAD Project Group on Engineering Databases

463275: ISBN: 0471016160 - Large-Scale Networks: Theory and Design

1127918: ISBN: 3875320565 - Die jungpleistozanen Tierknochenfunde aus der Brillenhohle (Das Palaolithikum der Brillenhohle bei Blaubeuren / Gustav Riek 2) (German Edition) Teil II

496303: ISBN: 9024724171 - Prostaglandins, Prostacyclin, and Thromboxanes Measurement.

1203276: ISBN: 0444853782 - Logic Colloquium '78. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics Volume 97

883516: ISBN: 0632028289 - Distributed Computing. Associated Combinatorial Problems (Advanced Topics in Computer Science Series)

939007: ISBN: 0387576576 - Interface Effects in Elastic Wave Scattering (Lecture Notes in Physics, m19)

1186631: ISBN: 0669169757 - Introductory Programming for Discrete Mathematics

496291: ISBN: 0875530648 - Morbidity of Urban Populations and Standards of Therapeutic-Prophylactic Care

399024: ISBN: 3540633863 - Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 11th International Symposium, Fct '97, Krakow, Poland, September 1-3, 1997 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1279)

1311652: ISBN: 1594512981 - Hollywood War Machine: U.S. Militarism and Popular Culture

1050338: ISBN: 8788692213 - Degas et la Nouvelle-Orleans: Exposition Organisee par le New Orleans Museum of Art en Collaboration Avec Ordrupgaard.

1244065: ISBN: 0682481149 - Walking in the shadow: An autobiography

1022325: ISBN: 3662235765 - Halbsouveranitat: Administrative und politische Autonomie seit dem Pariser Vertrage (1856)

1020195: ISBN: 8575060031 - Mundo hungaro no Brasil : do seculo passado ate 1942.

1286058: ISBN: 0677200307 - Lectures on Quantum Statistics. Volume 1, Quantum Statistics

1299264: ISBN: 0471042234 - Introduction to the Theory of Quantized Fields. Third edition

1265370: ISBN: 2881247687 - Quantum and Classical Statistical Mechanics (Classics of Soviet Mathematics)

326725: ISBN: 0306356120 - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis in Plants. NATO ASI Series A: Life Sciences, Volume 12

1308669: ISBN: 0444420665 - Viscosity of Polymer Solutions. Polymer Science Library 2

1254212: ISBN: 0902322095 - Real Face of Russia: Essays and Articles

1013947: ISBN: 8472026868 - Sobre Manuscrits i Biblioteques. Proleg d'Amadeu-J. Soberanas i Lleo. (Textos i estudis de cultura catalana)

1306700: ISBN: 0121111555 - Pascal-SC. A Computer Language for Scientific Computation. Perspectives in Computing, Vol.17.

307273: ISBN: 9122004041 - What is Intelligence? Analysis of Theories Propounded by Intelligence Scientists of the Twentieth Century. Moreover the Results of the Testings of About 3000 Individuals with Two New Univocal Tests

794823: ISBN: 3631571488 - Poland on its Way to a Federal State? (Schriften Zur Internationalen Entwicklungs- Und Umweltforschung 22)

1305051: ISBN: 3527303855 - Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 40 Volume Set. Sixth edition

1308260: ISBN: 0891168311 - The Solubility of Magnetite in Water and in Aqueous Solutions of Acid and Alkali

1148687: ISBN: 8416786763 - La imagen de la mujer en la poesia amorosa de Pablo Neruda

931930: ISBN: 8086990311 - Hasis v Domove Bohu

913179: ISBN: 2225801347 - Les Marges Continentales Actuelles et Fossiles Autour de la France (French Edition)

937100: ISBN: 3596239532 - Vincent van Gogh. Die Sternennacht.

1123989: ISBN: 2130428223 - La controverse nee de la querelle des reliques a l'epoque du concile de Trente: (1500-1640) (Travaux et recherches de l'Universite de droit, ... sciences sociales de Paris) (French Edition)

1293897: ISBN: 0521254833 - Crisis of Feudalism. Economy and society in eastern Normandy, c. 1300-1550 (Past and Present Publications)

1068895: ISBN: 2259005748 - Les Nuits: Nouvelles (French Edition)

1083780: ISBN: 2204014745 - Paroles de vie. "Enracinements" (French Edition)

496310: ISBN: 0837110807 - The Monetary Question. An Essay Which Obtained the Prize Offered by Sir H. M. Meysey-Thompson, Bart. at the Paris Monetary Congress of 1889.

301751: ISBN: 9810208561 - Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems. Proceedings NEEDS '91

1043916: ISBN: 2204025208 - La peinture au coeur: Une religieuse passionnee d'art : entretiens avec Jean Marc (Pour quoi je vis) (French Edition)

1314508: ISBN: 0520249488 - Ancestors and Anxiety: Daoism and the Birth of Rebirth in China

1314811: ISBN: 0520219317 - Early Daoist Scriptures (Daoist Classics , No 1)

1307917: ISBN: 0898382408 - Assignment Problems in Parallel and Distributed Computing (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 32)

1252567: ISBN: 1489949585 - Diffusion Processes, Structure, and Properties of Metals

1266175: ISBN: 0043303293 - The Foundation of Economic Method

580972: ISBN: 0444418008 - The Control of the Reactivity of Solids.

1225125: ISBN: 8433819569 - Agronomos andaluces de la Edad Media (Monografica Humanidades /Chronica Nova) (Spanish Edition)

907068: ISBN: 0398049432 - A Sign Language Manual

887220: ISBN: 1402009119 - Hydrological Models for Environmental Management (Nato Science Partnership Subseries: 2 (closed))

832890: ISBN: 8520910130 - Rui Barbosa (Portuguese Edition)

915203: ISBN: - Memorial sobre el Tratado de Limites, &. entre Bolivia i El Brasil

1310968: ISBN: 3897904284 - Jewellery 1970-2015: Bollmann Collection. Fritz Maierhofer - Retrospective (English and German Edition)

1294913: ISBN: 3540427252 - Contemporary Combinatorics

908652: ISBN: 0849355427 - Recombinant Dna Products Insulin Interferon Growth Hormone

505122: ISBN: 8472836258 - Atlas Corologic De La Flora Vascular Dels Paisos Catalans Volum 12

703136: ISBN: - Der Termitenstaat. Schilderung eines geheimnisvollen Volkes.

1230341: ISBN: 3925974016 - Classe terminale du Lyceee Chases en 1931, Castelgasse, Vienne (German Edition)

431330: ISBN: 1258574616 - Spanish Resistance to the Carolina Traders in Western Georgia, 1680-1704

1309896: ISBN: 3540613412 - Excursions into Combinatorial Geometry (Universitext)

1301853: ISBN: 082841145X - Lectures on the Calculus of Variations, third edition

425719: ISBN: 888215775X - Bolzano 1700-1800, la citta e le arti.

1204547: ISBN: 3718602997 - An Introduction to Minimal Currents and Parametric Variational Problems (Mathematical Reports)

874244: ISBN: 0727727494 - The Future of International Construction

496672: ISBN: 0121129500 - Idiotypes and Lymphocytes. Immunology. An International Series of Monographs and Treatises

46481: ISBN: 0576997951 - Rerum Liturgicarum Libri Duo. THREE VOLUMES

1311020: ISBN: 007312561X - Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics (Walter Rudin Student Series in Advanced Mathematics)

875912: ISBN: 0578069474 - The Lady in Blue: A Maria Chavez Mystery

1295858: ISBN: 8427302665 - Flora de Mallorca Volum III (Catalan Edition)

1295857: ISBN: 8427302541 - Flora de Mallorca, vol. 2 (Catalan Edition)

1295856: ISBN: 8427302401 - Flora de Mallorca, vol. 1 (Catalan Edition)

1045723: ISBN: 2130407838 - Psychanalyse et Biologie. Bibliotheque de Psychanalyse et de Psychologie Clinique

1058590: ISBN: 8822239806 - Carteggio scientifico. Lorgna, Canterzani, Frisi, Saladini, Calandrelli, Venturi (Archivio della Corrispondenza degli Scienziati Italiani 7)

496668: ISBN: 0444704051 - Traffic Engineering for ISDN Design and Planning. North-Holland Studies in Telecommunication, Volume 9

452952: ISBN: 0444895450 - Integrated Broadband Communications: Views from RACE. North Holland Studies in Telecommunication, Volume 16: Network and Engineering Aspects, & Volume 18: Usage Aspects (2 Volumes)

1002703: ISBN: 0912284358 - Toward Winter. Poems for the Last Decade. Drawings by Lucas Johnson. Enlarged second edition

1221376: ISBN: 008022377X - Critical Survey of Stability Constants and Related Thermodynamic Data of Fluoride Complexes in Aqueous Solution: Part A (I U P A C CHEMICAL DATA SERIES)

1309390: ISBN: 0824768493 - Modern Polarographic Methods in Analytical Chemistry.

1205120: ISBN: 8742100232 - The stratigraphy and deformation of the Precambrian rocks of the Graenseland area, South-West Greenland With 69 Figures and 18 Tables in the Text, and 14 Plates (Meddelelser om Gronland bd. 185, nr. 1)

1293420: ISBN: 3031424506 - Semiotic Perception and Dynamic Forms of Meaning (Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis)

1314046: ISBN: 1846289696 - Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 244)

1057868: ISBN: 2204024090 - Engendres par la Science: Enjeux ethiques des manipulations de la procreation (Recherches morales) (French Edition)

964443: ISBN: 0444893784 - Progress in Functional Analysis. Proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the Occasion of the 60th Birthday of Professor M. Valdivia, Peniscola, Spain, 22-27 October, 1990

1027737: ISBN: 2901151035 - Paris Bonheur (Collection Villes de France) (French Edition)

1061856: ISBN: 3540110623 - Dissipative Systems in Quantum Optics: Resonance Florescence, Optical Bistability, Superflourescence (Topics in Current Physics)

1112910: ISBN: 273550235X - Les premiers europeens (Actes du 114e Congres national des societes savantes. Section de prehistoire et de protohistoire) (French Edition)

1243244: ISBN: 8884916879 - Belvedere Dell'arte Orizzonti

1111402: ISBN: 2204065838 - La societe dans les encycliques de Jean-Paul II

1109209: ISBN: 9027716072 - Surface Properties and Catalysis by Non-Metals (Nato Science Series C:)

1073196: ISBN: 2227310510 - Celebrer en verite: Pratique religieuse et taches humaines (French Edition)

1058591: ISBN: 2227310316 - Au nom de l'Eglise, quelle morale? (French Edition)

1210192: ISBN: 0792324498 - Eddy Structure Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows: Selected Papers from the IUTAM Symposium entitled: Eddy Structures Identification in ... (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 21)

1276498: ISBN: 1584880066 - Mathematical Aspects of Boundary Element Methods (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series)

1106451: ISBN: 9028600957 - Sorption and Filtration Methods for Gas and Water Purification (Nato Science Series E:)

1009962: ISBN: 3540154841 - Robot Safety.

680113: ISBN: 1928973957 - The Book: A Primer for Seekers of Higher Consciousness

1293999: ISBN: 0980060397 - History and Restoration of RGS Galloping Goose No. 4

1068894: ISBN: 2268029042 - Le Christ Ressuscite a Patmos: Roman (French Edition)

681627: ISBN: 1572493860 - Kiss Me Good-Bye: Finding Love Among the Ashes of the Civil War

1314678: ISBN: 2011450209 - La Religion dans la France moderne XVIe - XVIIIe siecle

1312453: ISBN: 303145104X - Multiplicity of Time Scales in Complex Systems: Challenges for Sciences and Communication II (Mathematics Online First Collections)

496708: ISBN: 0850662826 - Microsomes and Drug Oxidations

1013821: ISBN: 3525824726 - Die verlorenen Teile des 'Welfenschatzes'. Eine Ubersicht anhand des Reliquienverzeichnisses von 1482 der Stiftskirche St. Blasius in Braunschweig (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen, Philologisch - Historische Klasse, Dritte Folg

1252098: ISBN: 0792453182 - Beatles (Classic Poster Book)

1306489: ISBN: 0876611854 - The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Terracotta Sculpture (Corinth)

1307772: ISBN: 0876611838 - The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Topography and Architecture (Corinth Volume XVIII Part III)

517966: ISBN: 9062249043 - Dams (The Second International Water Tribunal)

1182792: ISBN: 1590051599 - Stargazing at Sokcho

1243094: ISBN: 1138933120 - Disasters and Social Resilience: A bioecological approach (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

1191529: ISBN: 2870279612 - Menuet. Preface de Claire Etcherelli.

1308442: ISBN: 0121155501 - Ziegler-Natta catalysts and polymerizations

1126225: ISBN: 3926216964 - Mathematics and information science in archaeology: A flexible framework (Studies in modern archaeology 3)

1312536: ISBN: 3031280482 - Multiplicity of Time Scales in Complex Systems: Challenges for Sciences and Communication I (Mathematics Online First Collections)

1314851: ISBN: 1461448174 - Essential Statistical Inference: Theory and Methods (Springer Texts in Statistics 120)

1313814: ISBN: 3110572214 - Metamathematics and the Philosophical Tradition

1044081: ISBN: 0080362052 - Comprehensive Polymer Science: The Synthesis, Characterization, Reactions and Applications of Polymers. Volume 1: Polymer Characterization

1044080: ISBN: 0080362060 - Comprehensive Polymer Science: The Synthesis, Characterization, Reactions and Applications of Polymers : Volume 2: Polymer Properties

312849: ISBN: 0841903344 - Political Participation in Latin America. Volume I: Citizen and State

1271461: ISBN: 012116053X - An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry. Second edition

1302659: ISBN: 0412096609 - Flowing gas-solids suspensions

1185441: ISBN: 3540503625 - Categorical Algebra and its Applications: Proceedings of a Conference, Held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 26 - August 1, 1987 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1348))

1115309: ISBN: 0387914072 - Progress in Analytical Ultracentrifugation (PROGRESS IN COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE), Volume 86 (1991)

374507: ISBN: 0080312802 - How to Find Out in Psychology. A Guide to the Literature and Methods of Research

1297839: ISBN: 1447140958 - Arithmetic Tales (Universitext)

1050609: ISBN: 3805520972 - Images of the Seminal Tracts: Radiological and Clinical Comparisons / Les Images des Voies Seminales: Confrontation Radio-Clinique

1306213: ISBN: 3540031790 - Cohomologie des espaces localement compacts d'apres J. Leray: Exposes faits au Seminaire de topologie algebrique de l'Ecole polytechnique federale au ... Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2

1303196: ISBN: 0691090947 - Seminar on Transformation Groups (Annals of Mathematics Studies, 46)

1298736: ISBN: 0691082480 - Continuous Cohomology, Discrete Subgroups, and Representations of Reductive Groups. (AM-94), Volume 94 (Annals of Mathematics Studies)

1315784: ISBN: 1771401818 - The Mathematical Theory of Bridge: 134 Probability Tables, Their Uses, Simple Formulas, Applications and about 4000 Probabilities

1206653: ISBN: 326105073X - Essai de logique naturelle (Sciences pour la communication)

936062: ISBN: 9810201656 - Fundamentals of Engineering Elasticity. Second edition

459382: ISBN: 8716082230 - Homeless Men. A Clinical and Social Study with Special Reference to Alcohol Abuse. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Supplementum 276

1032374: ISBN: 8585725583 - Yma, Ano Mil e Quinhentos: Relatos e Memorias Indigenas Sobre a Conquista (Portuguese Edition)

1312319: ISBN: 3030005682 - Road Tunnels: An Analytical Model for Risk Analysis (PoliMI SpringerBriefs)

1312127: ISBN: 0387968873 - Turbulent Reactive Flows (Lecture Notes in Engineering, 40)

1268402: ISBN: 3540164030 - Analytical Problems (Topics in Current Chemistry, 134)

1243867: ISBN: 3540170960 - The Simplex Method: A Probabilistic Analysis (Algorithms and Combinatorics, 1)

498163: ISBN: 0879330368 - Chemical Sterilization. (Benchmark Papers in Microbiology)

716535: ISBN: 0333294203 - Beyond the State: Dominant Theories and Socialist Strategies (Contemporary Social Theory)

1165417: ISBN: 0521426081 - Manifolds with Singularities and the Adams-Novikov Spectral Sequence (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 170)

370318: ISBN: 0133505391 - Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems Tools 13

1308037: ISBN: 3764334231 - Introduction to Queuing Theory. Second edition

423806: ISBN: 0824762045 - Chemistry and Biochemistry of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. A Survey of Recent Developments, Volume 3

998016: ISBN: 593972485X - Dinamika tverdogo tela. Gamiltonovy metody, integriruemost, haos

1052696: ISBN: 9172660325 - Sparvagen i Malmo

270915: ISBN: 0897911490 - Human Factors in Computing Systems

938450: ISBN: 0080131751 - Drugs in Relation to Blood Coagulation, Haeomostasis and Thrombosis

871830: ISBN: 3515090878 - Die Dynamik der Eigentumsverhaltnisse in Ostdeutschland seit 1945: Ein Beitrag zum rechtsgeographischen Ansatz (Erdkundliches Wissen)

1305691: ISBN: 038790008X - Physics in My Generation (Heidelberg Science Library)

1315459: ISBN: 0080139876 - Principles of Optics. Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light. Fourth edition

975690: ISBN: 3596267110 - Die Urszene: Das pragende Kinderheitserlebnis und seine Folgen (German Edition)

1305368: ISBN: 0937080004 - Marshall Pass: Denver & Rio Grande, gateway to the Gunnison country : featuring the Dow Helmers collection

1314980: ISBN: 0898628865 - Perception Without Awareness: Cognitive, Clinical, and Social Perspectives

1316743: ISBN: 3764367059 - Handbook of Brownian Motion - Facts and Formulae. Second Edition (Probability and its Applications)

1020137: ISBN: 1841719935 - Terra and Silva in the Pannonian Plain: Opovo agro-gathering in the Late Neolithic (British Archaeological Reports British Series 1563)

809788: ISBN: 9637441891 - Verrocchio Krisztusa/Verrocchio's Christ

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