This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
614138: ISBN: 0123507502 - The Microbiological Safety of Food
1276839: ISBN: 1615209174 - Free and Open Source Software for E-Learning: Issues, Successes and Challenges
1104639: ISBN: 0824768477 - Metal Forming: The Application of Limit Analysis (Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing)
1172868: ISBN: 3110548186 - Perspektiven der Edition musikdramatischer Texte (editio / Beihefte) (German Edition)
1270615: ISBN: 0521483646 - Projective Geometry: From Foundations to Applications
546395: ISBN: 0116215739 - Family Spending. A report on the 2001-2002 Expenditure and Food Survey
741707: ISBN: 0920544657 - Vivid: Stories by Five Women
620939: ISBN: 0820474266 - Evelyn Schlag: Readings of Text (Austrian Culture)
741708: ISBN: 0920544568 - Love and Hunger: An Anthology of New Fiction
1138225: ISBN: 0735406456 - Women in Physics: Third IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings)
536325: ISBN: 0787999180 - Information Technology and the Remaking of the University Library (New Directions for Higher Education, No. 90)
398527: ISBN: 3540575316 - Neutral Interfaces in Design, Simulation, and Programming for Robotics. Research Reports ESPRIT, Subseries PDT Project 5109
1284114: ISBN: 0792340507 - Von Bolzano zu Husserl: Eine Untersuchung uber den Ursprung der phanomenologischen Bedeutungslehre (Phaenomenologica, 139) (German Edition)
1312835: ISBN: 0444820493 - Catalysis by Microporous Materials: Proceedings of Zeocat '95, Szombathely, Hungary, July 9-13, 1995 (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis)
1312455: ISBN: 3031490770 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: With a Focus on Physics and Operator Theory (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)
1126540: ISBN: 8876521135 - Consecration a Dieu Dans Les Instituts Seculiers (Analecta Gregoriana 2) (French Edition)
973182: ISBN: 0275287734 - Budget innovations in developing countries: The experience of Nepal (Praeger special studies in international economics and development)
328594: ISBN: 0136394108 - Organic Trace Analysis
1127499: ISBN: 2701013283 - Au carrefour des religions: Rencontre, dialogue, annonce (Sciences theologiques et religieuses) (French Edition)
886356: ISBN: 0792385845 - Fuzzy Sets in Approximate Reasoning and Information Systems
1256014: ISBN: 0735401276 - Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations: UPoN 2002: Third International Conference on Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, ... 2002 (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 665)
654515: ISBN: 020290072X - Community, Self, and Identity (World Anthropology Series)
995017: ISBN: 8186860029 - Plantation Labours of North - East India
1260987: ISBN: 9810205635 - Path Integral Methods and Their Applications
961723: ISBN: 9221012387 - Technology and Employment in Industry. A Case Study Approach
895526: ISBN: 0791807746 - Pressure Vessel Fracture, Fatigue and Life Management (Vol 233/No G00668)
307254: ISBN: 0470213655 - Checking Experiments in Sequential Machines
1203750: ISBN: 0944904815 - Magnetic Ceramics. Ceramic Transactions Volume 47
1300240: ISBN: 3540558861 - Game Theory and Economic Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, India, ... Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 389)
762071: ISBN: 0891480196 - Organization for Change: A Systems Analysis of Family Planning in Rural India (Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia)
281127: ISBN: 043490077X - Information Technology Management. Stage 2. Second Edition
965177: ISBN: 3540042512 - A Study of the Queueing Systems M/G/1 and GI/M/1. Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Volume 2
1268367: ISBN: 3540046097 - Local Semi-Dynamical Systems (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 90)
1210614: ISBN: 3540039066 - Dynamical Systems: Stability Theory and Applications. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 35
429090: ISBN: 0195614593 - Planning for the Petroleum and Fertilizer Industries. A Programming Model for India
1309287: ISBN: 0849356288 - Zeolite Catalysts: Principles and Applications
1289580: ISBN: 0853129940 - Programming the matrix analysis of skeletal structures (Ellis Horwood series in civil engineering)
1273832: ISBN: 9971502240 - Convection and Chaos in Fluids
1316011: ISBN: 1324003995 - The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John von Neumann
1159402: ISBN: 8120403002 - Frontiers in Exploration Geophysics
1306403: ISBN: 0852260644 - First Course in Rings Fields and Vectors Spaces
301838: ISBN: 0780344758 - ITherm '98. 1998 Proceedings 6th Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems
1301539: ISBN: 1611977304 - Business Dynamics Models: Optimization-Based One Step Ahead Optimal Control
1316242: ISBN: 090608573X - Papers presented at the International Conference on Flow Induced Vibrations in Fluid Engineering: Reading, England, September 1982
892935: ISBN: 0906085799 - Papers presented and published at the Fourth International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems held at Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-24, 1982. Volume 2
887544: ISBN: 0906085438 - Papers Presented at the Second International Symposium on Wave and Tidal Energy. Held at Cambridge, England. September 23-25, 1981
1288870: ISBN: 0824716531 - Atmospheric Effects of Waste Heat Discharges
660113: ISBN: 9355946325 - The Tribal World and Its Transformation. Xth ICAES Series, No. 1
1280568: ISBN: 3540373152 - Applied Scanning Probe Methods V: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques (NanoScience and Technology)
1238907: ISBN: 3540524088 - A Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1421)
1294516: ISBN: 354012411X - EXAFS and Near Edge Structure I: Proceedings of an International Conference, Frascati, Italy, September 13-17, 1982 (Springer Series in Chemical Physics 27)
359081: ISBN: 8472321800 - Los conquistadores andaluces
1205952: ISBN: 3540091149 - Local Theory of Nonlinear Analytic Ordinary Differential Equations (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (702))
1089890: ISBN: 2853000656 - Traduction Oeucumenique de la Bible Comprenant l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament. Traduits sur les Textes Originaux Hebreu et Grec. Seconde Edition.
1262460: ISBN: 8886802013 - Imago Tridenti: Incisioni e libri illustrati dal XV al XVIII secolo (Italian Edition)
957563: ISBN: 2701205549 - Affiches ... fumantes: Exposition, Bibliotheque Forney, fonds iconographique (French Edition)
957562: ISBN: 2701205557 - Hygiene et beaute: Affiches du fonds iconographiques : Paris ... exposition, Bibliotheque Forney, septembre-decembre 1977 (French Edition)
1050044: ISBN: 2051012008 - Catalogue Alphabetique. Textes Litteraires des XVIe et XVIIIe Siecles. Le "Fonds Goujet" de la Bibliotheque Municipale de Versailles (French Edition)
1283511: ISBN: 0824784383 - Computational Modeling of Polymers
1309552: ISBN: 0262013568 - Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax, Volume 3 (Strungmann Forum Reports, 3)
329899: ISBN: 0944904793 - Environmental and Waste Management Issues in the Ceramic Industry II. Ceramic Transactions Volume 45
1255065: ISBN: 0444400516 - Rolling Contact Phenomena
988976: ISBN: 3767807726 - Katalog der Quellen zur Geschichte Mexikos in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1521-1945 = Catalogo de las Fuentes para la Historia de Mexico en la Republica Federal de Alemania 1521 - 1945 (German Edition)
1305617: ISBN: 3110048353 - Griechische Kleidung (German Edition)
1067876: ISBN: 3540521593 - Polymer Physics (Advances in Polymer Science 95)
1000398: ISBN: 3540569375 - GTPases in Biology II (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 108) (Pt. 2)
1314987: ISBN: 3540675930 - Credit Risk
1315206: ISBN: 157660358X - Credit Risk Frontiers: Subprime Crisis, Pricing and Hedging, CVA, MBS, Ratings, and Liquidity
1290684: ISBN: 9024713366 - Phanomenologie Heute: Festschrift fur Ludwig Landgrebe (Phaenomenologica, 51)
1316286: ISBN: 9061915074 - Rock mechanics design in mining and tunneling
1276907: ISBN: 0120972506 - Electrophoresis. Theory, Methods, and Applications.
913503: ISBN: 0881674249 - Growth Abnormalities. Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press, Volume 56
1057928: ISBN: 044450219X - Recent Progress in Functional Analysis: Proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Professor Manuel Valdivia, Valencia, Spain, July 3-7, 2000. North-Holland Mathematics Studies 189
1312332: ISBN: 9040090068 - Pieter Claesz: Master of Haarlem Still Life
1306446: ISBN: 3700129378 - Archaische Griechische Tempel und Altagypten (Denkschriften Der Gesamtakademie)
1297453: ISBN: 0198249578 - The Reality of Numbers: A Physicalist's Philosophy of Mathematics
1256796: ISBN: 0306481162 - Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, held at the University of Rochester, June 13-16, 2001
1137123: ISBN: 0854684646 - Keeper of the Keys (A Charlie Chan Mystery)
493398: ISBN: 0718113179 - The Journal of Andrew Bihaly. Edited by Anthony Tuttle.
1315203: ISBN: 038708987X - Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry : Volume 77)
542343: ISBN: 8170003164 - Information Needs, Information Seeking Behaviour and Users
1311999: ISBN: 3031486544 - Solitonic Neural Networks: An Innovative Photonic Neural Network Based on Solitonic Interconnections (Machine Intelligence for Materials Science)
1105446: ISBN: 3540403833 - Fuzzy Sets and Systems - IFSA 2003: 10th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, June 30 - July 2, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
1006186: ISBN: 605399166X - Istanbul 1910-2010 Kent, Yapili Cevre ve Mimarlik Kulturu Sergisi
393171: ISBN: - Bilingual Review. Vols. 1-5, 7, 9, 12-16, 19-22, 24-25 (1974-2000)
393170: ISBN: - Bilingual Review. Vols. 1-5
1314645: ISBN: 0801442516 - Related Lives: Confessors and Their Female Penitents, 1450â1750
1310354: ISBN: 0824706099 - Foundations of Translation Planes (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
1310501: ISBN: 091637484X - The Last of the Great Stations: 50 years of the Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal (Interurbans Special No. 72)
1311098: ISBN: 087814109X - Plant Operations Training 1: Basic Processing Knowledge
1029017: ISBN: 0692272119 - Passages
679045: ISBN: 1584500212 - 3D Creature Workshop, Second Edition (Graphics Series)
1293189: ISBN: 1891978268 - Norman Lewis: A Painter's Odyssey 1935-1979
542412: ISBN: 1875892702 - The Search for an Australian Paradise
1048786: ISBN: 1904373089 - Bill Jacklin Prints 6-29 June 2013
1306516: ISBN: 1583213287 - Desalination of Seawater and Brackish Water (Awwa Trend Series)
1066940: ISBN: 0306433745 - Multiphase Macromolecular Systems (Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science, Volume 6)
1300967: ISBN: 0978799437 - Southern Illinois Illustrated: History and Nostalgia
1105407: ISBN: 1892769026 - Cigr Handbook of Agricultural Engineering: Vol III: Plant Production Engineering
1272903: ISBN: 0620052457 - Alkoholiste Anoniem: die verhall van hoe talle duisende manne en vroue herstel het van alkoholisme
998682: ISBN: 080671512X - Research in pediatric surgery; Vols. 10-13 (Progress in pediatric surgery 12)
1159356: ISBN: 2222039320 - Analyse critique de stratotypes quaternaires (French Edition)
1136354: ISBN: 3858811203 - Lissy Funk
1187780: ISBN: 0892800461 - Billie Ruth Sudduth: Math in a Basket
678855: ISBN: 0827355904 - Refrigerant Management: The Recovery, Recycle, and Reclaim of CFCs
395411: ISBN: 9027702152 - Introduction to the scientific study of atmospheric pollution
681714: ISBN: 0759660360 - Sisters Weep No More
627485: ISBN: - New York Theatre Review. (Volumes 1-3) (1977-1979)
1312299: ISBN: 303143451X - Loop Quantum Gravity for the Bewildered: The Self-Dual Approach Revisited
510998: ISBN: 0391026585 - Metal Sculptures of Eastern India
1171163: ISBN: 8887469164 - Fotografie in Una Collezione Privata (Gce/gottardo) (Italian Edition)
1314314: ISBN: 0521518563 - Risk Management for Central Banks and Other Public Investors
1315367: ISBN: 0313345406 - Due Diligence: Planning, Questions, Issues
1308694: ISBN: 0791474046 - Authority Is Relational: Rethinking Educational Empowerment
1315173: ISBN: 184882968X - Regression: Linear Models in Statistics (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
1303623: ISBN: 0521299306 - The Foundations of Topological Analysis: A Straightforward Introduction: Book 2 Topological Ideas
682682: ISBN: 0792366956 - Enzymes in Action: Green Solutions for Chemical Problems (Nato Science Partnership Sub-series: 1: Disarmament Technologies continued within Nato Science ... Earth and Environmental Sciences, Volume 33)
1314068: ISBN: 0198513933 - The Theory of Critical Phenomena: An Introduction to the Renormalization Group (Oxford Science Publications)
1302467: ISBN: 0500013462 - Great Railway Stations of Europe
1293726: ISBN: 0900349158 - The Viking Century in East Yorkshire
1293311: ISBN: 0851155219 - Dedications of Monastic Houses in England and Wales, 1066-1216 (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 1) (Volume 1)
653071: ISBN: 0886750652 - Primary Properties: Mary Judge, Joseph Dumbacher, John Dumbacher
1294499: ISBN: 3540071792 - Continuous Convergence on C(X) (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 469)
903631: ISBN: 0906545307 - Zona Pellucida Glycoproteina & Immunocontraception (Journal of reproduction & fertility 50)
897185: ISBN: 0906545293 - Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants III (Journal of reproduction & fertility 49)
372739: ISBN: - Biofeedback and Self-Regulation. vols. 1-18
741178: ISBN: 0792394917 - Genetic Learning for Adaptive Image Segmentation (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
921885: ISBN: 1412981921 - The Shape of the New American City (The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Series 626)
326741: ISBN: 0853348758 - Food and Health: Science and Technology
893795: ISBN: 3907495144 - Helvetien in Deutschland: Schweizer Kunst aus Residenzen deutscher Klassik 1770-1830 (Strauhof Zurich) (German Edition)
1315762: ISBN: 1771401745 - Famous Bridge Swings: An Honors Book from Master Point Press
378512: ISBN: 0070845271 - Design of Continuous and Digital Electronic Systems
222115: ISBN: 0881651001 - Economic Assistance to Low-Income Countries: Should the Link Be Resurrected?
1109814: ISBN: 3540604839 - Statistical Mechanics Deformation Ultrasonic Spectroscopy (Advances in Polymer Science)
801315: ISBN: 917150740X - Creating an Environment for Growth
398950: ISBN: 0444890033 - From Pixels to Features II. Parallelism in Image Processing
1303465: ISBN: 012100550X - Jets, Wakes, and Cavities (North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics)
1295558: ISBN: 0674822455 - A Source Book in Classical Analysis
457855: ISBN: 0873381270 - Academic Writer's Guide to Periodicals. II. East European and Slavic Studies.
1280060: ISBN: 1483123642 - The theory and practice of scintillation counting, (International series of monographs on electronics and instrumentation 27)
1014044: ISBN: 3899300998 - Buenos Aires - Berlin/ Berlin- Buenos Aires.
1276397: ISBN: 0306403137 - Light Scattering in Solids.
1280988: ISBN: 0306420716 - Phenomena Induced by Intermolecular Interactions (Studies in the Natural Sciences 127B)
914099: ISBN: 903160142X - Studia Linguistica. Alexandro Vasilii Filio Issatschenko. A Collegis Amicisque Oblata (Latin Edition)
388243: ISBN: 0792302095 - Energy Storage Systems (NATO ASI Series, Series E: Applied Sciences, Volume 167)
494737: ISBN: 0192612565 - Aging: A Challenge to Science and Society. Volume 3: Part I: Behavioural Sciences, & Part II: Conclusions and Perspectives
1248429: ISBN: 0824512472 - Reasoned Faith (TULANE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN STUDIES EDITION)
440075: ISBN: 3540196609 - IV Higher Order Workshop, Banff 1990
276426: ISBN: 0387196609 - IV Higher Order Workshop, Banff 1990
890140: ISBN: 0387969888 - Current Trends in Hardware Verification and Automated Theorem Proving
1034642: ISBN: 0120085267 - Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 26
1302905: ISBN: 1881755002 - The Borzoi Books for Sportsmen
1261278: ISBN: 9536100134 - Zbirka kanizaj panorama hrvatskog slikarstva od 1817 do 1996
1316204: ISBN: 0939950243 - Modern Powder Diffraction (Reviews in Mineralogy, Volume 20)
1209845: ISBN: 0295958863 - Governing Puget Sound (Puget Sound Books)
1220485: ISBN: 0444863958 - Nonlinear Problems: Present and Future (North -Holland Mathematics Studies 61)
1305837: ISBN: 0121016501 - Introduction to Discrete Linear Controls. Theory and Application
1316612: ISBN: 0198538642 - Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition (Advanced Texts in Econometrics
1315690: ISBN: 0387310738 - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics)
1291286: ISBN: 9971501279 - Selected Papers
1204190: ISBN: 9971501279 - Selected Papers
1298156: ISBN: 0821818163 - Constructive Measure Theory (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 116)
1033005: ISBN: 1593335660 - The Religion of Russia: A Study of the Orthodox Church in Russia from the Point of View of the Church in England
341082: ISBN: 0813909570 - In Search of Style. Essays in French Literary Stylistics
890412: ISBN: 0791810690 - Heat Transfer in Materials Processing: Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, California, November 8-13, 1992 (HTD-Vol. 224)
1310136: ISBN: 1496845382 - Hidden Harmonies: Women and Music in Popular Entertainment (American Made Music Series)
965317: ISBN: 9996207005 - Observer's Handbook 1996
472336: ISBN: 9994696408 - Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Sixth Symposium. ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 802
1243356: ISBN: 3886607682 - Die Gauguin-Legende: Die Rezeption Paul Gauguins in der franzosischen Kunstkritik, 1880-1903 (Form & Interesse) (German Edition)
1281749: ISBN: 0821818678 - Theorie Probabiliste Du Controle Des Diffusions (American Mathematical Society Memoirs 167)
1180328: ISBN: 9080151602 - Aimms the Modeling System
1293860: ISBN: 069109201X - Assemblies and Representation in Languedoc in the Thirteenth Century
1112329: ISBN: 038757476X - Photoconducting Polymers/Metal-Containing Polymers (Advances in Polymer Science)
338703: ISBN: 0387549676 - Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 560
1023548: ISBN: 9587532023 - Este: coordenadas itinerantes 15 salones regionales artistas - zona oriente
1301291: ISBN: 9810222637 - INTEGRAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST KIND (Soviet and East European Mathematics 7)
1276979: ISBN: 2881246621 - Some Classes of Partial Differential Equations (Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics)
1315770: ISBN: 0828517797 - A Collection of Problems on the Equations of Mathematical Physics. Tr from the Russian by V.M. Volosov. Rev from the 1977 Russian Ed (334P)
1306295: ISBN: 0195004876 - Hattusha: The Capital of the Hittites
1230392: ISBN: 0262020033 - Currents, Fields, and Particles
1025920: ISBN: 8778510295 - Julen i Vederso Praestegard, 1924 - 1944. Med en mosaik af Kaj Munk - tekster
1294489: ISBN: 3540057226 - Topics in Universal Algebra (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 250)
1126598: ISBN: 8680093092 - Amfore gornjo mezijskog Podunavlja (Monographies / Archaeological Institute, Belgrade Posebna Izdanja 30) (Serbo-Croatian Edition)
494789: ISBN: 9155444490 - Fundamental Investigations and Applications of Microelectrode Based Detection in Flowing Solutions. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 449.
889577: ISBN: 0444873651 - Industrial Load Management: Theory, Practice, and Simulations (Energy Research, Vol 7)
1211076: ISBN: 8299210089 - Galleri Nordland II
687432: ISBN: 3446148450 - Large Scale Cell Culture Technology
1311223: ISBN: 0944904238 - Phase Diagrams for Ceramists Volume VIII
369441: ISBN: 3631390874 - Die Zukunft des lebenslangen Lernens. The Future of Lifelong-Learning
1010081: ISBN: 3860820877 - Die Geographisierung der Nation der Beitrag der Geographie zum nationalen Selbstverstandnis in Deutschland und Frankreich 1789 - 1914
1303925: ISBN: 0824718453 - Handbook of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Volume 1
1303929: ISBN: 0824774426 - Handbook of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Emission Sources and Recent Progress in Analytical Chemistry--Volume 2:
1195010: ISBN: 950210465X - Estructura del Miedo (Spanish Edition)
1301805: ISBN: 0898742560 - Noise and Its Effect on Communication Second Edition
1301972: ISBN: 0070055572 - Urban Mass Transportation Planning (McGraw-Hill Series in Transportation)
1259316: ISBN: 0962386820 - Tiny Town from Tragedy to Triumph
222082: ISBN: 0881650676 - Learning From Adversity: Policy Responses to Two Oil Shocks. Essays in International Finance No. 160
1255783: ISBN: 9810209800 - Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Santa Fe, New Mexico 27 - 31 May 1991. Santa Fe Workshop
1018170: ISBN: 3540093303 - Metal Vapour Synthesis in Organometallic Chemistry. Reactivity and Structure Concepts in Organic Chemistry 9
1288314: ISBN: 0471914045 - Nitrogen Cycling in Coastal Marine Environments (SCOPE Series)
1309065: ISBN: 0807735922 - Dying to Teach: The Educator's Search for Immortality (ADVANCES IN CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT)
1291529: ISBN: 0916620158 - Blacks in Blue and Gray
1266965: ISBN: 0898715040 - LAPACK95 Users' Guide (Software, Environments and Tools, Series Number 13)
991122: ISBN: 0719018234 - Africa Bibliography/1984
991121: ISBN: 0719028833 - Africa Bibliography 1988
1300201: ISBN: 019853938X - Disorder in Condensed Matter Physics: A Volume in Honor of Roger Elliott
393115: ISBN: - Contact Dermatitis. vols. 7-9
392969: ISBN: - Constellations. vols. 1-2
262831: ISBN: - Molecular Marine Biology & Biotechnology. vols. 3-7
1227692: ISBN: 0989288234 - Ditchbank Diaries: Haibunera from the Land of Enchantment
1316751: ISBN: 149397047X - Matrix-Exponential Distributions in Applied Probability (Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling, 81)
1118531: ISBN: 9067643440 - Inverse Problems of Wave Processes (Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series)
878148: ISBN: 0803102224 - Purity Determinations by Thermal Methods. ASTM STP 838
1267605: ISBN: 9978040897 - Correrias Casuales en el Ecuador
1105037: ISBN: 0841201811 - Chlorodioxins: Origin and Fate (Advances in Chemistry Series : No 120)
1133494: ISBN: 0931690048 - The Profitable Way: Carbon Sheet Steel Specifying & Purchasing Handbook
1052929: ISBN: 0775506362 - Reinventer la morale (Education et religion) (French Edition)
494766: ISBN: 0892523689 - Submicron Lithography. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 333
1312413: ISBN: 1009283375 - Essays on Coding Theory
1305103: ISBN: 0121035506 - The Mathematical Theory of Coding
1221936: ISBN: 0028414705 - Geographical Guide to Floras of World: Pt. 1
1268871: ISBN: 0121038017 - Surface Physics of Materials Volume 1
1189494: ISBN: 0198536224 - Mathematical Modelling in Non-Destructive Testing. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference Series 16
962965: ISBN: 0841207526 - Foundations of Biochemical Engineering. Kinetics and Thermodynamics in Biological Systems. Based on the 1982 Winter Symposium of the ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ... January 17 - 20, 1982. ACS Syposium Series 207
1308041: ISBN: 3540668993 - Decoherence: Theoretical, Experimental, and Conceptual Problems. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Bielefeld, Germany, 10-14 November 1998
1243543: ISBN: 904813014X - Mass and Motion in General Relativity (Fundamental Theories of Physics, 162)
1024607: ISBN: 8449922100 - Pantomima
1136538: ISBN: 0387576878 - Ultrathin Magnetic Structures II: Measurement Techniques and Novel Magnetic Properties
1293457: ISBN: 0578416824 - Castles in the Sky: Fantasy Architecture in Contemporary Art
1136443: ISBN: 0387574077 - Ultrathin Magnetic Structures I. An Introduction to the Electronic, Magnetic and Structural Properties
495733: ISBN: 084511042X - Morphogenesis and Malformation of the Skin. Birth Defects: Original Article Series, Volume XVII Number 2, 1981.
1309883: ISBN: 0471079502 - Problems in Calculus and Analysis
983459: ISBN: 3525859341 - Gelehrte Kontakte zwischen Finnland und Gottingen zur Zeit der Aufklarung: Ausstellung aus Anlass des 500jahrigen Jubilaums des finnischen Buches (German Edition)
316929: ISBN: 0818628073 - Current Research in Decision Support Technology
1128224: ISBN: 2204064440 - Quel serviteur? (French Edition)
1125026: ISBN: 2204058696 - Dieu bouleverse (French Edition)
1061719: ISBN: 2204069736 - Le Mal injuste
1267909: ISBN: 3540507906 - Modeling and Control of Systems in Engineering, Quantum Mechanics, Economics and Biosciences: Proceedings of the Bellman Continuum Workshop 1988, June ... Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 121)
1276367: ISBN: 0121043657 - Dynamical systems and microphysics: Control theory and mechanics
495776: ISBN: 8477951411 - Vicente Blasco Ibanez: Y el Periodismo se hizo Combativo.
918011: ISBN: 0444823905 - Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals IV. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals, Basel, Switzerland, September 8-12, 1996. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 108
1301492: ISBN: 0820405817 - Early Christianity as a Social Movement (Toronto Studies in Religion)
1311683: ISBN: 1587319012 - Virtue's End: God in the Moral Philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas
270855: ISBN: 0201549816 - Multimedia Interface Design
1311687: ISBN: 0060103655 - The Exorcist
1306150: ISBN: 0130479543 - Foundations of Plane Geometry
198241: ISBN: 0576801453 - Das Altjudische Zauberwesen
1226372: ISBN: 8473802764 - Cuarenta anos sin sexo (Spanish Edition)
1235483: ISBN: 8470902903 - Castulo: Ciudad ibero-romana (Coleccion Fundamentos) (Spanish Edition)
898499: ISBN: 8470902164 - Aportaciones al estudio de la Espana romana en el Bajo Imperio Coleccion Fundamentos, 105 (Spanish Edition)
889553: ISBN: 1851666095 - Dynamically Consolidated Composites: Manufacture and Properties
1281482: ISBN: 082181916X - Categories of Operator Modules: Morita Equivalence and Projective Modules (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 681)
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