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1303833: ISBN: 0960246622 - Echoes down the Canyon: A Western Pacific Journal, 1968-1986
1203620: ISBN: 8742101077 - Remains of mosses and freshwater animals in some Holocene lake and bog sediments from Greenland With 8 Figures and 14 Tables (Meddelelser om Gronland Bd. 198 Nr. 5)
1292124: ISBN: 0485132036 - Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Volume 3: January 1781 to October 1788
1292144: ISBN: 0198226136 - The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Volume 6 January 1798 to December 1801
491377: ISBN: 0070844682 - Information, Communication, and the Paperwork Explosion
491388: ISBN: 9027722919 - Radio Continua During Solar Flares. Selected Contributions to the Workshop held at Duino, Italy, May, 1985. Reprinted from Solar Physics, Vol. 104, No. 1.
1273285: ISBN: 3423330074 - Enzyklopädie des Nationalsozialismus.
1253648: ISBN: 3540757112 - Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems held in Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon, July 17-21, 2006
988626: ISBN: 352717818X - Barocke Sammellust. Die Bibliothek und Kunstkammer des Herzogs Ferdinand Albrecht zu Braunschweig Luneburg (1636-1687)
1298997: ISBN: 902771715X - Orthomodular Lattices: Algebraic Approach (Mathematics and its Applications, 18)
1255837: ISBN: 0470068612 - Statistical continum theories (Monographs in statistical physics and thermodynamics,vol.9)
876100: ISBN: 0849383714 - Bioengineering of the Skin: Cutaneous Blood Flow and Erythema
1239233: ISBN: 075464507X - Savannas and Dry Forests: Linking People with Nature
1006474: ISBN: 8420520497 - Culturas indigenas de los Andes Meridionales (Estudios)
1203799: ISBN: 0444421890 - Advanced Theory of Deep Geomagnetic Sounding (METHODS IN GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOPHYSICS)
510994: ISBN: 0202900622 - Anthropology and Social Change in Rural Areas. World Anthropology
904603: ISBN: 0849334594 - Handbook of Anitbiotic Compounds, Volume VIII, Part 1
913924: ISBN: 0849334624 - Handbook of Antibiotic Compounds, Vol. 10, General Indexes
1016682: ISBN: 1607246945 - Zwei Antiharesianische Traktate des Melchiten Paulus er - Rahib (Analecta Gorgiana, 417) (German Edition)
948716: ISBN: 3803122325 - Kopfnuss 2. Essays uber Kultur und Politik
615611: ISBN: 1558990240 - Growth, Characterization and Properties of Ultrathin Magnetic Films and Multilayers (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings)
522042: ISBN: 9170000719 - Walter A. Berendsohn: Verzeichnis seiner 1908-1978 erschienenen Ver
917527: ISBN: 0080100090 - Some Problems of Large Plastic Deformation of Metals at High Pressures
1110624: ISBN: 0444987320 - Gas Chromatography in Air Pollution Analysis, Volume 49 (Journal of Chromatography Library)
568790: ISBN: 0887363792 - Software for Optical Storage
938827: ISBN: 0803146396 - Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Third Conference). A conference sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials, Williamsburg, Va., 21 - 22 March 1973. ASTM Special Technical Publication 546
1103183: ISBN: 3772804373 - Supplement I: Erganzungen Und Korrekturen Zur Bolzano-Bibliographie (Stand: Ende 1981) (Bernard Bolzano: Gesamtausgabe: Einleitungsbande) (German Edition)
492419: ISBN: 0030598079 - The United States and World Energy Sources
1309494: ISBN: 0872623955 - Frost Action and Its Control
985601: ISBN: 089946095X - Joint Venture Strategies and Corporate Innovation
1032639: ISBN: 0860549739 - Estudio geoarquelogico de los asentamientos prehistoricos del Pleistoceno Superior y el Holoceno inicial en Catalunya (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International 742)
1265499: ISBN: 2020374358 - Sam Levin
1245498: ISBN: 3716518247 - From Kirchner's Morphine to a Passion for Giacometti: Encounters with two dear friends of Alberto Giacometti
1304941: ISBN: 030643203X - Functional Polymers (Industry-University Cooperative Chemistry Program Symposia)
1299247: ISBN: 0444874895 - Hypergraphs: Combinatorics of Finite Sets (Volume 45) (North-Holland Mathematical Library (Volume 45))
1299246: ISBN: 0444876030 - Graphs. Second revised edition (North-Holland Mathematical Library)
1316800: ISBN: 0486696537 - Topological Spaces: Including a Treatment of Multi-Valued Functions, Vector Spaces and Convexity (Dover Books on Mathematics)
1298129: ISBN: 0416235700 - Programming, Games and Transportation Networks
1125385: ISBN: 0792396324 - High-Level System Modeling: Specification Languages (Current Issues in Electronic Modeling)
30696: ISBN: 040455881X - Some Sources of Children's Science Information. An investigation of sources of information and attitudes toward such sources as used or expressed by children.
1306451: ISBN: 3805308094 - Der Parthenon in Basel: Dokumentation zu den Metopen Tafelband Textband Two Volumes(German Edition)
1102260: ISBN: 0803101961 - Nondestructive Testing Standards. A Review. A symposium sponsored by the National Bureau of Standards... Gaithersburg, Md., 19-21 May 1976. ASTM STP 624
942474: ISBN: 0821822667 - A Method of Generalized Characteristics. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Number 266
1314174: ISBN: 3540170154 - Geometry II
1315994: ISBN: 0387909710 - Problems in Geometry (Problem Books in Mathematics)
1267831: ISBN: 0821812661 - Undecidability of the Domino Problem (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 66)
300286: ISBN: 0879442026 - Experiment in a Juvenile Court: A Study of a Program of Volunteers Working with Juvenile Probationers
942863: ISBN: 3926216557 - Die Annalen der Codices Rios und Telleriano-Remensis zur Geschichte Zentralmexikos (Mundus Reihe Alt-Amerikanistik) (German Edition)
492461: ISBN: 2863320513 - High Redshift and Primeval Galaxies
959863: ISBN: 0792319141 - Proceedings of the Twenty-First General Assembly, Buenos Aires 1991. Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Volume XXIB. International Astronomical Union
1068107: ISBN: 2921493403 - Elle Criait au Loup
1129664: ISBN: 0775507148 - Dieu, parole et silence (Collection Essais et recherches : Section religion) (French Edition)
1311220: ISBN: 8842212008 - Dizionario del Gioello Italiano: del xix e xx secolo
1083086: ISBN: 9171042970 - Immediate Loading of Implants in the Edentulous Maxilla
1311923: ISBN: 0891161988 - Two-Phase Flow Dynamics. Japan-U.S. Seminar 1979.
1274297: ISBN: 0471906913 - Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology (International Geological Correlation Programme, Project 158B)
1306211: ISBN: 3540039139 - Compact Semitopological Semigroups and Weakly Almost Periodic Functions (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 42)
492457: ISBN: 0080301657 - Environmental Hazard Assessment of Effluents
1287045: ISBN: 0967501806 - The history of Reedley's railroads, 1888-2000
1303326: ISBN: 3110139901 - Constituents of Matter: Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei and Particles
1302422: ISBN: 0306404788 - Cosmology and Gravitation: Spin, Torsion, Rotation, and Supergravity (NATO Science Series B: Physics)
1251135: ISBN: 3786718938 - Geist, der Natur befreit: Die trinitarische Kosmologie Gregors von Nazianz im Horizont einer okologischen Theologie der Befreiung (German Edition)
1096141: ISBN: 0895732424 - Methods of Enzymatic Analysis: Drugs and Pesticides
385471: ISBN: 0773401466 - The Pen and the Sword: War and Peace in the Prose and Plays of Bernard Shaw. Poetic Drama & Poetic Theory 28 . Editor: Dr. James Hogg.
492447: ISBN: 0845110047 - Cytogenetics, Environment and Malformation Syndromes.
222071: ISBN: 0881650560 - From Rambouillet to Versailles: A Symposium. Essays in International Finance No. 149
997963: ISBN: 3487090198 - Das Kapitel inna wa-ahawatuha aus dem "Manhag as-salik" des Grammatikers Abu Hayyan al-Garnati (1256-1344) (Arabistische Texte und Studien) (German Edition)
101035: ISBN: 0576785318 - The Memoirs of Gregorio Panzani; Giving an account of his Agency in England, in the years 1634, 1635, 1636, etc. With an introduction by T. A. Birrell
831977: ISBN: 0936508612 - Household Viability and Economic Differentiation in Gama, Sri Lanka (Bergen Occasional Papers in Social Anthropology, No. 28)
1315682: ISBN: 0761929045 - Regression Analysis: A Constructive Critique (Advanced Quantitative Techniques in the Social Sciences)
1299000: ISBN: 9027714169 - Measurement: Its Concepts, Theories and Problems (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 72)
1181919: ISBN: 0918102006 - Max Planck: A bibliography of his non-technical writings (Berkeley papers in history of science 1)
284899: ISBN: 0138298475 - Software Development Project Management. Process and Support
1315985: ISBN: 0415919827 - The Development of Secularism in Turkey
1307423: ISBN: 038790106X - Optimal Control Theory (Applied Mathematical Sciences 12)
1213701: ISBN: 3718648121 - Thermomechanics of Magnetic Fluids (Soviet Technology Reviews Series, Section B)
1180386: ISBN: 0792367790 - Dispersion in Heterogeneous Geological Formations
975664: ISBN: 0800242556 - The Israel Yearbook, 1988 (Israel Yearbook & Almanac 43)
331872: ISBN: 0444898786 - Facing the Challenge of Risk and Vulnerability in an Information Society. IFIP Transactions A: Computer Science and Technology, A-33
519234: ISBN: 0877623074 - Foam Based on Reactive Oligomers
1300733: ISBN: 0849351731 - Earthquakes and the Urban Environment, Volume 1
1300732: ISBN: 1315892456 - Earthquakes and the Urban Environment: Volume 2
1013848: ISBN: 0120921502 - Molecular Basis of Biological Degradative Processes
1297828: ISBN: 354011159X - Model Theory and Arithmetic. Comptes rendus d'une action thematique programmee du C. N. R. S. sur la theorie des modeles et l'Arithmetique, Paris, France, 1979/80. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 890
1113145: ISBN: 0306416832 - Biological Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 6
1112797: ISBN: 0306433419 - Biological Magnetic Resonance, Volume 9
1112757: ISBN: 030642455X - Biological Magnetic Resonance: Volume 7
1195274: ISBN: 3705100068 - Estimating the Degrees of an Arma Model. Correspondence Analysis and Gaussian Ordination.
1218911: ISBN: 0960161635 - Maya Textiles of Highland Guatemala
1195421: ISBN: 0471620742 - Nonnegative Matrices in Dynamic Systems (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts)
1316365: ISBN: 9810235496 - Introduction to Quantum Computers
1316121: ISBN: 0674517768 - Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition
1316120: ISBN: 0674011953 - Law and Revolution II: The Impact of the Protestant Reformations on the Western Legal Tradition
1274907: ISBN: 0198514301 - Thermal Conduction in Solids (Oxford Physics)
1195455: ISBN: 0786404930 - Alternative Library Literature, 1996/1997 : A Biennial Anthology
1290731: ISBN: 3540504958 - Control of Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the IFIP WG 7.2 Working Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 6-9, 1987 (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 114)
501438: ISBN: 1422363740 - Luigi Galvani: An expanded version of a biography prepared for the forthcoming edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica : with a supplement reproducing ... (Publication No. 26 / Burndy Library)
501452: ISBN: 0882021923 - Heralds of Science: As Represented by Two Hundred Epochal Books and Pamphlets in the Dibner Library, Smithsonian Institution (Publication - Burndy Library, No. 34)
1226972: ISBN: 8460061159 - Contribucion a la Historia del arabismo espanol, 1840-1917 (Spanish Edition)
1034212: ISBN: 950853009X - Delito y pena en nuestros aborigenes (Coleccion Argentina) (Spanish Edition)
1112768: ISBN: 8877940263 - Physics and astrophysics in the space station era: First scientific meeting of the International Forum on the Scientific Uses of the Space Station Venice 4-7 October 1987 (Conference proceedings 17)
778253: ISBN: 2351250710 - Hans Haug, homme de musees. Une passion a l'ouevre
1303319: ISBN: 3764330708 - Finite Element Method of Thin Shell Theory: Applications to arch dam simulations (Progress in scientific computing)
903395: ISBN: 0824792955 - Drug Resistance in Oncology (Basic and Clinical Oncology)
1049509: ISBN: 273846906X - La solitude des Renaissants: Malheurs et sorcellerie dans les Andes (French Edition)
1313302: ISBN: 0714813044 - Olympia. The Sculptures of the Temple of Zeus
1240261: ISBN: 270565965X - Modeles etales des espaces de Banach (Travaux en cours)
629805: ISBN: 2713400538 - Quand les Normands batissaient les eglises: 15 siecles de vie des hommes, d'histoire et d'architecture religieuse dans la Manche
762092: ISBN: 0120883503 - Resources and Population
368822: ISBN: 3540611223 - Computer Vision, Eccv '96: 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, Uk, April 15-18, 1996 : Proceedings (Vol 1) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1064)
1302862: ISBN: 0201569884 - Veiled Reality: An Analysis Of Present-day Quantum Mechanical Concepts (Frontiers in Physics)
1298415: ISBN: 080532383X - Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Second edition
869031: ISBN: 2070708829 - Une vie de flic (French Edition)
1287225: ISBN: 0320075141 - Essai sur Valery Larbaud. Poetes d'aujourd'hi 100
965132: ISBN: 2854282779 - The Management of Large Software Projects in the Space Industry. Conduite des Grands Projets Logiciels Dans Le Secteur Spatial
633345: ISBN: 032302114X - Year Book of Orthopedics 2005
1262198: ISBN: 0471354589 - Spectral Analysis of Time Series (Proceedings of an advanced seminar conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army and the Statistics Department at the University of Wisconsin)
537072: ISBN: 020800873X - Standardization for Documentation
494749: ISBN: 0849352568 - Toxicity Testing Using Microorganisms. Volume 1.
494750: ISBN: 0849352576 - Toxicity Testing Using Microorganisms. Volume 2.
750376: ISBN: 0312061633 - Capital Markets
600688: ISBN: 0671785656 - Why Wear Glasses if you want Contacts? The Story of the New Soft Contact Lens
1264373: ISBN: 0521621135 - Relativistic Astrophysics (Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics)
1066369: ISBN: 2858024502 - Les Seychelles et l'Ocean Indien (isbn 285802450x)
589869: ISBN: 0890962553 - New Directions in Chemical Analysis.
1309851: ISBN: 0124467504 - Combustion, Flames and Explosions of Gases. Second edition
869387: ISBN: 2869840195 - Une affaire de sentiments: L'argent (French Edition)
928922: ISBN: 2914927061 - Andy Warhol. Telerama. Hors Serie. Grand format
1309497: ISBN: 0879079258 - Sermons on Conversion (Volume 25) (Cistercian Fathers Series)
1314824: ISBN: 0127784551 - Theory of Modeling and Simulation. Integrating Discrete Event and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems. Second Edition
857809: ISBN: 082182287X - R-Linear Endomorphisms of (R)n Preserving Invariants
749891: ISBN: 0275923045 - The Powers in the Middle East: The Ultimate Strategic Arena
643803: ISBN: 0313273499 - Israeli Politics in the 1990s: Key Domestic and Foreign Policy Factors (Contributions in Political Science)
1060411: ISBN: 2204030414 - Nous prechons un Messie crucifie
1126192: ISBN: 2227301376 - Jesus le Christ
1051374: ISBN: 2718904410 - Jesus Vivant au Coeur du Renouveau Charismatique. Collection "Jesus et Jesus-Christ" dirigee par Joseph Dore, No. 43 (French Edition)
594170: ISBN: 0202302989 - The Industrial Connection: Achievement & the Family in Developing Societies
1010592: ISBN: 0803909764 - International News and the American Media (The Washington Papers 49)
1299021: ISBN: 9004057277 - The Jewish Law Annual: Volume 1
1298829: ISBN: 1199904244 - The Holy Bible; the Authorized, or King James version of 1611 now reprinted with the Apocrypha. In Three Volumes with Reproductions of 105 Sixteenth-Century Woodcuts of Bernard Salomon
652906: ISBN: 0196370833 - Insects in Southern Africa: How to Control Them; A handbook for students, health officers, gardeners, farmers
1255305: ISBN: 0824767586 - Principles of organic stereochemistry (Studies in organic chemistry 6)
1227831: ISBN: 0387944001 - Classification and Dissimilarity Analysis (Lecture Notes in Statistics 93)
957292: ISBN: 2709600978 - Le Nouveau Pouvoir: Les 1100 qui Conduisent la France Aujourd' hui
1182361: ISBN: 9400751214 - Scientific Sources and Teaching Contexts Throughout History: Problems and Perspectives (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 301)
1253257: ISBN: 0672207788 - ABC's of Infrared
1024926: ISBN: 3540084452 - Turbulence Seminar. Berkeley 1976 / 77. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 615
995233: ISBN: 0750694386 - Surgical Restoration of the Aging Face
1279827: ISBN: 0300003072 - The Franco-Moroccan Conflict, 1943-1956. (Case Study of International Conflicts)
1312388: ISBN: 2330189125 - Robert Ryman: Le regard en acte
1309241: ISBN: 3030114481 - Understanding Gaia: A Mission to Map the Galaxy (Popular Astronomy)
1234899: ISBN: 9561101262 - En torno a los origenes del hombre americano
904500: ISBN: 1624484484 - O Ermitao de Muquem. O Garimpeiro (Portuguese Edition)
695020: ISBN: 8570412657 - Francis Bacon e a Fundmentacao da Ciencia Como Technologia
1122659: ISBN: 8569298536 - 19_ Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporanea Sesc Videobrasil: Panoramas do Sul - Obras Selecionadas e Projetos Co
1314058: ISBN: 047149464X - Bayesian Theory
1285606: ISBN: 9715505201 - A Living Constitution: The Troubled Arroyo Presidency
1285605: ISBN: 9715504337 - A Living Constitution: The Abbreviated Estrada Presidency
580185: ISBN: 3110076322 - Farming, Development and Space: A World Agricultural Geography
682670: ISBN: 9057023709 - Molecular Chaperones and Folding Catalysts: Regulation, Cellular Functions and Mechanisms
1236396: ISBN: 0121969029 - Atomic Inner-shell Processes Volume II: Experimental Approaches and Applications
953647: ISBN: 3486564765 - Fur Gott Und Konig. Die Mission der Jesuiten im kolonialen Mexiko
1276926: ISBN: 3412015881 - Kolner Universitatsgeschichte. Band II, Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
752209: ISBN: 3804726046 - Elements - continents approaches to determinants of environmental history and their reifications ; Leopoldina workshop, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina in collaboration with DFG Research Training Group...
716623: ISBN: 3540552537 - ESOP '92: 4th European Symposium on Programming, Rennes, France, February 26-28, 1992. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 582)
767723: ISBN: 3465014790 - Der Nachlass von Julius Elster und Hans Geitel (Kataloge der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbuttel) (German Edition)
933545: ISBN: 3882213191 - Die Augen Offnen Sich Im Unklaren Und Schliessen Sich Im Verdunkelten: Notizen
1232997: ISBN: 3860973215 - Estudios sobre el sincretismo en America Central y en los Andes. Bonner Amerikanistische Studien, 26
1244963: ISBN: 2911961234 - Etudes photographiques 23 mai 2009
1243790: ISBN: 3796519423 - Fin de siecle in Basel, Hans Sandreuter 1850-1901
887268: ISBN: 3540081526 - Organic C-Centered Radicals / Organische Radikale mit C als Zentralatom (Landolt-B�örnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and ... (Volume 9) (English and German Edition)
1114075: ISBN: 0871704439 - Thermal Spray: International Advances in Coatings Technology
1297624: ISBN: 3834803197 - Representations of Linear Groups: An Introduction Based on Examples from Physics and Number Theory (Vieweg Monographs)
1278945: ISBN: 0306335050 - Statistical Mechanics. Part A: Equilibrium Techniques. Modern Theoretical Chemistry 5
1306223: ISBN: 0306335069 - Statistical Mechanics. Part B: Time-Dependent Processes. Modern Theoretical Chemistry 6
1104019: ISBN: 8488906943 - 1898: su significado para Centroamerica y el Caribe. (Spanish Edition)
938497: ISBN: 0841901880 - The Soviet Union, 1973: Domestic Policy, Economics, Foreign Policy
1308991: ISBN: 3540571892 - Solid-State NMR I Methods (NMR Basic Principles and Progress 30)
1309400: ISBN: 3540582126 - Solid-State NMR IV Methods and Applications of Solid-State NMR (NMR Basic Principles and Progress 33)
959934: ISBN: 0842400117 - Nuclear prolifereration [i.e. proliferation]: Prospects for control (University Press of Cambridge series in the social sciences)
988008: ISBN: 0444402632 - Singularities of Linear System Functions
1313703: ISBN: 0865164983 - The Unknown Socrates: Translations, With Introductions and Notes, of Four Important Documents in the Late Antique Reception of Socrates the Athenian (English, Ancient Greek, Latin and Latin Edition)
528960: ISBN: 9185252166 - A Vocabulary of Hudailian Poems. Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis, Humaniora #13
717400: ISBN: 0387574999 - Formal Program Development: Ifip Tc2/Wg 2.1 State-Of-The-Art Report (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 755)
712235: ISBN: 3540524436 - Reasoning and Revision in Hybrid Representation Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No 422)
728064: ISBN: 3885206420 - Die Rechten in Frankreich: Von der Franzosischen Revolution zum Front National (Antifa Edition) (German Edition)
508282: ISBN: 0444400400 - Developmental Neurology. Progress in Brain Research Volume 26
1128251: ISBN: 3540153624 - The Importance of Chemical Speciation in Environmental Processes: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on the Importance of Chemical Speciation in ... Report / Life Sciences Research Report)
1002594: ISBN: 3437306561 - Ethnische Anthropologie von Afghanistan, Pakistan und Kashmir (German Edition)
1246816: ISBN: 3980347761 - The Pfeiffer Collection of Old Master Drawings
1271691: ISBN: 0124608094 - Methods in Computational Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 9: Plasma Physics
840525: ISBN: 1566770564 - Proceedings of the Symposium on New Sealed Rechargeable Batteries and Supercapacitors (Proceedings Vol 93-23)
1292510: ISBN: 9654062046 - Excavations at Kadesh Barnea: (Tell El-Qudeirat) 1976-1982 Parts 1 and 2 (IAA REPORTS)
1300959: ISBN: 0984063609 - Park County Colorado, A Photographic History
492490: ISBN: 0444877193 - Artificial Intelligence: Towards Practical Application. GDI. Technology Assessment and Management. No. 1
286378: ISBN: 0444703837 - Computer Assisted Approaches to Training. Foundations of industry's future
270066: ISBN: 0444704248 - User Interfaces. Gateway or Bottleneck? Technology Assessment and Management, Volume 6
272898: ISBN: 0444701540 - Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing. Key to Integration? Technology Assessment and Management, Volume 3
305727: ISBN: 9026501498 - Displays and Controls
1015778: ISBN: 0931386144 - The Story of Impacted Wisdom Teeth Kit
1314127: ISBN: 1851498079 - If These Jewels Could Talk: The Legends Behind Celebrity Gems
1304869: ISBN: 0691095809 - Existence Theorems in Partial Differential Equations (Annals of Mathematics Study 23)
1296435: ISBN: 0716703246 - Elementary Particles and Their Currents
1315042: ISBN: 0387260056 - Secrets of the Old One: Einstein, 1905
1315040: ISBN: 0521607469 - Kinetic Theory in the Expanding Universe (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
1288807: ISBN: 0838632831 - Nietzsche's Moral Philosophy
1251415: ISBN: 0306401215 - Atom - Molecule Collision Theory: A Guide for the Experimentalist (International Studies in Economic Modelling)
657304: ISBN: 0387814361 - Microbodies/Peroxisomen pflanzlicher Zellen: Morphologie, Biochemie, Funktion und Entwicklung eines Zellorganells : with an English assessment (Cell biology monographs) (German Edition)
1138415: ISBN: 0080212832 - Point mapping stability
318918: ISBN: 0792381785 - Operational Risk Management. The Integration of Decision, Communications, and Multimedia Technologies
1019809: ISBN: 0841203083 - Pest Management With Insect Sex Attractants (ACS Symposium Series)
978310: ISBN: 0881678589 - Fidia Research Foundation Neuroscience Award Lectures. Volume 6, 1990-1991
1267080: ISBN: 0415951917 - Urban Geography in America, 1950-2000: Paradigms and Personalities
1272772: ISBN: 0875800637 - The Nature of Change in Geographical Ideas (Perspectives in Geography)
1300052: ISBN: 0412248107 - Bandit Problems: Sequential Allocation of Experiments (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability) (Population and Community Biology (Chapman & Hall))
1273096: ISBN: 0120933500 - Diffraction of Light by Ultrasound
1291179: ISBN: 0854033335 - Dynamical Chaos (Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A, Vol 413)
1310611: ISBN: 9810206798 - Understanding Energy: Energy, Entropy and Thermodynamics for Every Man
983453: ISBN: 0889151156 - A Boundless Horizon: Visual Records of Exploration and Settlement in the Manitoba Region, 1624-1874
1268585: ISBN: 3030189287 - The Normative Force of the Factual: Legal Philosophy Between Is and Ought (Law and Philosophy Library, 130)
366328: ISBN: 3540199926 - Neural Networks: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Applications
1260997: ISBN: 044488016X - Superstring Construction (Current Physics Sources and Comments, Volume 4)
495055: ISBN: 012181937X - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 37: Hormone Action, Part B: Peptide Hormones
569800: ISBN: 012181940X - Methods in Enzymology, Volyme 40: Hormone Action, Part E: Nuclear Structure and Function
1201326: ISBN: 376430944X - Methoden der Potentialtheorie fur Elliptische Differentialgleichungen Beliebiger Ordnung (Lehrbucher und Monographien aus dem Gebiete der exakten Wissenschaften) (German Edition)
1135338: ISBN: 9810220197 - Electronic Surface and Interface States on Metallic Systems: Proceedings of the 134th We-Heraeus Seminar Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany October 17-20, 1994
910915: ISBN: 3886604756 - Die Gotterwelt von El Tajin, Mexiko (Ethnologische Studien, Bd. 10) (German Edition)
975712: ISBN: 1895432219 - Da Capo : 'Start Once from the Front' : A History of the Mennonite Community Orchestra
366911: ISBN: 3540678395 - Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1864)
1085655: ISBN: 0775300845 - La Decouverte Ambigue: Essai sur les recits de voyage de Jacques Cartier et leur fortune litteraire (French Edition)
937786: ISBN: 3944675177 - Indianische Handschriften und Berliner Forscher. Handbuch zur Ausstellung.
910743: ISBN: 3496027649 - Register Der Bande 100-125 (1975-2000)
1013667: ISBN: 3932089774 - Die Berliner und Brandenburger Lateinamerikaforschung in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Personen und Institutionen
1313875: ISBN: 0818700238 - Including Two Captains: A Later Look
922942: ISBN: 0824796365 - Handbook of Metal-Ligand Interactions in Biological Fluids: Bioinorganic Chemistry Volume 2
1313552: ISBN: 0306308096 - Principles and Practice of X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis. Second Edition
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