This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1163605: ISBN: 0909597200 - Sydney Suburban Steam Railways
1163615: ISBN: 0909597170 - Pichi Richi railway, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
1242644: ISBN: 0909597154 - Picton-Mittagong main line railway
1268906: ISBN: 0340047771 - Living Control Systems (New Science)
1298800: ISBN: 9004047638 - Action and Person: Conscience in Late Scholasticism and the Young Luther (Studies in Medieval & Reformation Thought Volume XX)
1316338: ISBN: 075461185X - Hanging in There: The G7 and G8 Summit in Maturity and Renewal (G8 and Global Governance)
489813: ISBN: 9999345964 - Applications of Parallel Processing in Fluid Mechanics. Fluids Engineering Division, Volume 47
394736: ISBN: - International Quarterly of Community Health Education. volumes 3; 10-11; 13-17; 20. (1982-2000)
394631: ISBN: - International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. volumes 9-13; 23-26. (1978-1996)
394362: ISBN: - Imagination, Cognition & Personality. volumes 3-5; 7; 11-13; 15-17. (1983-1996)
1184065: ISBN: 0419192808 - Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures. Experiment, modeling and computer analysis. Proceedings of the US-Europe Workshop on Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures, held in Prague, Czech Republic, 21 - 23 September 1994
987840: ISBN: 9810223978 - Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory. Proceedings of the Seventh Physics Summer School, The Australian National University Canberra, Australia 10 - 28 January 1994
1261930: ISBN: 285047018X - Gericault. Catalogue raisonne volume 2 : periode de formation
1261931: ISBN: 2850470163 - Gericault. Catalogue raisonne vol.1 : Biographie, (1)
1018597: ISBN: 2738470637 - Entreprise, politique, parente. Une perspective anthropologique sur la Côte-d'Ivoire dans le monde actuel
308025: ISBN: 1560247320 - New Automation Technology for Acquisitions and Collection Development
978804: ISBN: 0904655008 - "Guardian" Directory of Pressure Groups and Representative Associations
1169873: ISBN: 8861596606 - L'Italia vista dalla luna. Un paese in divenire tra letteratura e cinema
1314624: ISBN: 0874626129 - Freedom and Its Misuses: Kierkegaard on Anxiety and Dispair (Marquette Studies in Philosophy, #12)
888571: ISBN: 1399215744 - Earl Cunningham's American Fantasies
1288633: ISBN: 0836254279 - Stephen King: America's Best-Loved Boogeyman
489220: ISBN: 0813814057 - Sociological Perspectives of Domestic Development
489854: ISBN: 034005395X - Applications of Mathematical Programming Techniques. A Conference held in Cambridge, England, between 24th-28th June 1968 under the aegis of the N.A.T.O. Scientific Affairs Committee
1315764: ISBN: 1554947987 - Enhanced Precision: Fourth Edition
1305709: ISBN: 0387900667 - Advanced Mathematical Analysis. Periodic Functions and Distributions, Complex Analysis, Laplace Transform and Applications (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 12)
1302894: ISBN: 0691085005 - Calculus on Heisenberg Manifolds (Annals of Mathematics Studies 119)
1303842: ISBN: 0120839504 - Analysis of Noble Metals. Overview and Selected Methods
1286931: ISBN: 1596062746 - Bone and Jewel Creatures
1311073: ISBN: 0120839717 - A Primer of Lebesgue Integration. Second edition
1309009: ISBN: 0070041709 - Hydraulics of Groundwater (McGraw-Hill Series in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering)
489849: ISBN: 0833701991 - An Introduction to the English Historians
1175507: ISBN: 0803118848 - Lead in Paint, Soil and Dust: Health Risks, Exposure Studies, Control Measures, Measurement Methods, and Quality Assurance (Astm Special Technical Publication)
1310172: ISBN: 0151530807 - Longing for Darkness: Kamante's Tales from Out of Africa. With original photographs (January 1914-July 1931) and quotations from Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
1286085: ISBN: 1840641223 - Economics, Entropy and the Environment: The Extraordinary Economics of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
1291719: ISBN: 1903350131 - The Perry Mission to Japan 1853-1854. 8 Volumes
1276848: ISBN: 311019449X - Banach Spaces and their Applications in Analysis (de Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics)
1041513: ISBN: 3909105017 - Handwerk im Leben der Purhepecha in Mexiko
1264768: ISBN: 3905597241 - Strategies: Fotografie der neunziger Jahre
416410: ISBN: 0802070078 - Curious Annals: New Documents Relating to Browning's Roman Murder Story. Scholarly Reprint Series
870477: ISBN: 2130400949 - La Critique Aujourd'hui (Corps Ecrit, 23)
979027: ISBN: 8898120222 - Beatrice Pediconi. 9' / Unlimited. Collezionemaramotti Artist Book Realized on the Occasion of the Exhibition
762110: ISBN: 0202303217 - School-Age Pregnancy & Parenthood: Biosocial Dimensions (Foundations of Human Behavior)
835010: ISBN: 9701857143 - Antropologia e historia mexicanas: Homenaje al maestro Fernando Camara Barbachano (Coleccion cientifica) (Spanish Edition)
1314224: ISBN: 3925369961 - David Watkins: Artist in Jewellery
1281052: ISBN: 9703228488 - Pintura mural prehispanica en Mexico III. Oaxaca. Tomo I. Catalogo (Spanish Edition)
1281053: ISBN: 9703228496 - Pintura mural prehispanica en Mexico III. Oaxaca. Tomo II. Catalogo (Spanish Edition)
871343: ISBN: 8469384554 - Investigacion En Torno Al Diseno
706025: ISBN: 970181200X - Juguetes de ceramica mestiza
1292537: ISBN: 9686655204 - Desarrollo militar entre los mayas (Coleccion Raices) (Spanish Edition)
1310628: ISBN: 0130304379 - Multivariable Calculus: A Geometric Approach
1298385: ISBN: 0385116594 - Distortions
1200141: ISBN: 0444418067 - Principles of Thermodynamics (Studies in Modern Thermodynamics 2)
1251098: ISBN: 0387237046 - Principles of Engineering Mechanics: Volume 2 Dynamics -- The Analysis of Motion (Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering, 33)
1128186: ISBN: 2762117100 - Lidentite chretienne en question: Faut-il resserrer les exigences de lappartenance a l'Eglise? (Collection Debats de l'Eglise)
1126557: ISBN: 2890885232 - Pour une sagesse de l'environnement: Essai sur une ethique et une spirtualite chretienne de l'environnement
1087463: ISBN: 2762123119 - La Foi a l'Heure d'Internet
1251035: ISBN: 0120840502 - Walsh Functions and Their Applications. Techniques of Physics. Volume 3
1223679: ISBN: 004621027X - Digital Methods for Signal Analysis
1234653: ISBN: 0245548564 - On the Streets
1225106: ISBN: 0820430005 - Albert Camus, Marguerite Duras, and the Legacy of Mourning (Francophone Cultures and Literatures)
1007900: ISBN: 2919923013 - Mudam 2000-2004: Almanach
1311411: ISBN: 1934435066 - Beaumont's Kitchen: Lessons on Food, Life and Photography with Beaumont Newhall
1313920: ISBN: 0944216013 - Journal of Beaver Island History
1026301: ISBN: 1900188937 - Communicating Archaeology (Bournemouth University School of Conservation Sciences Occas)
1270163: ISBN: 0415088437 - Reluctant Partners? Non-Governmental Organizations, the State and Sustainable Agricultural Development (Non-Governmental Organizations series)
1240971: ISBN: 0415088461 - Non-Governmental Organizations and the State in Latin America: Rethinking Roles in Sustainable Agricultural Development (Non-Governmental Organizations series)
1213419: ISBN: 997296941X - Arqueologia de la Sierra de Ancash. Propuestas y Perspectivas. Segunda Edicion
1239969: ISBN: 0817614761 - Essays on the History of Mechanics: In Memory of Clifford Ambrose Truesdell and Edoardo Benvenuto (Between Mechanics and Architecture)
683143: ISBN: 9802659258 - Bibliografia de Pedro Grases
1038523: ISBN: 9586700275 - Memorias: I Seminario internacional de etnohistoria del norte del Ecuador y Sur de Columbia (Coleccion Historia y sociedad) (Spanish Edition)
982736: ISBN: 3515030387 - Burmese manuscripts, Part 2 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, Band 23)
1280986: ISBN: 0201004496 - The Theory of Groups
1006464: ISBN: 3406305385 - Beitrage Zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archaologie. Band 5
962260: ISBN: 3540094075 - Selecta Mathematica V: Ein Paradoxon, der Hase und die Schildkrote. Variationsrechnung a la Caratheodory und das Zermelo'sche Navigationsproblem. ... (Heidelberger Taschenbücher 201) (German Edition)
1075582: ISBN: 3540157042 - Probability in Banach Spaces V: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Medford, USA, July 16-27, 1984. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1153
926494: ISBN: 354010822X - Probability in Banach Spaces III: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Probability in Banach Spaces, Held at Tufts University, ... in Mathematics 860) (English and French Edition)
1234808: ISBN: 0367334682 - Firsting in the Early-Modern Atlantic World (Routledge Research in Early Modern History)
1315774: ISBN: 0898741726 - Applied Combinatorial Mathematics
1313353: ISBN: 3540032835 - Inequalities. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Grenzgebiete. Band 30
489904: ISBN: 085313202X - Current Concepts in Ophthalmology
1313968: ISBN: 3925369767 - Friedrich Becker: Kinetic Jewellery
1005790: ISBN: 8574310115 - O Indio Kaingang do Parana. Subsidios para uma Etno - historia (Portuguese Edition)
1298168: ISBN: 0710075243 - On Justifying Moral Judgments
489889: ISBN: 0470214023 - Electronic Data Processing in Practice: A Handbook for Users.
1227337: ISBN: 3825824624 - Trance und Geistbesessenheit im Candomble von Bahia (Brasilien) (Ethnologische Studien) (German Edition)
1314170: ISBN: 0719801710 - Antique and Twentieth Century Jewellery: A Guide for Collectors. Second edition
1312894: ISBN: 0500280789 - Art Nouveau Jewelry
1279719: ISBN: 0847844811 - Graff
1137247: ISBN: 3455092101 - Objektivitat in den Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften (Kritische Wissenschaft) (German Edition)
1138117: ISBN: 3495476512 - Wahrheit und sprachliche Handlung: Untersuchungen zur sprachphilosophischen Wahrheitstheorie (Alber-Broschur Philosophie) (German Edition)
1312733: ISBN: 039417223X - Krapp's Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces
1081277: ISBN: 0945112068 - Separations
481839: ISBN: 0080175570 - Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry. International Series of Monographs in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 42
1228993: ISBN: 0841901783 - Southern Europe: A Systematic Geographical Study
1128395: ISBN: 0816904162 - Process Operations Series G: Design of Equipment
929356: ISBN: 0849330262 - In Vivo MR Techniques in Drug Discovery and Development
1020094: ISBN: 3662406071 - Neue Gesichtspunkte zum 5. Buch Euklids (Archive for History of Exact Sciences, Volume 4, Number 1 / 2 (German Edition)
1309035: ISBN: 0387817646 - Thermal Energy Storage: Basics-Design-Applications to Power Generation and Heat Supply
964085: ISBN: 3540060529 - Mathematik fur Okonomen II. Lineare Algebra (German Edition)
1314782: ISBN: 0911762140 - Orthogonal Polynomials for Engineers and Physicists
1072733: ISBN: 0792315847 - Teleoperation: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation (Eurocourses: Computer and Information Science 4)
1206121: ISBN: 2921120127 - Groupes Lineaires Algebriques
1083316: ISBN: 1859571360 - The Polymer Lexicon: Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in the Rubber and Plastics Industry
954268: ISBN: 012003834X - Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Volume 34
1293237: ISBN: 3031328744 - Introduction to Elastic Wave Propagation Second Edition
1300114: ISBN: 0860784428 - Science and Instruments in Seventeenth-Century Italy (Collected Studies Series, Cs448)
943565: ISBN: 380941848X - Leonardo. Kunstler, Forscher, Magier
1278897: ISBN: 0120847205 - Dynamical Systems II
1220570: ISBN: 0120837501 - Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of a University of Florida international symposium
996136: ISBN: 0398001235 - The Surgical and Nonsurgical Management of Strabismus
1304533: ISBN: 0831070110 - Mansions on Rails. The Folklore of The Private Railway Car
1259795: ISBN: 0831070587 - The Trains We Rode, Volume II: Northern Pacific-Wabash
1286542: ISBN: 0831030038 - Steamcars to the Comstock: The Virginia & Truckee Railroad and the Carson & Colorado Railroad
1289779: ISBN: 0199283567 - Truthmakers: The Contemporary Debate (Mind Association Occasional Series)
1281130: ISBN: 0824793242 - Global Lorentzian Geometry. Second edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
1168484: ISBN: 3319247964 - Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Geometry (Springer Briefs in Mathematical Physics 9)
979377: ISBN: 0520037014 - Constitutionalism in Asia. Asian Views of the American Influence
490419: ISBN: 0745802516 - Expert Systems. Strategic Implications and Applications. Ellis Horwood Series in Expert Systems
1311076: ISBN: 0387121730 - Foundations of Constructive Mathematics. Metamathematical Studies
1309589: ISBN: 0724326154 - Cornelis Bega etchings, the Art Gallery of South Australia, 23 September-23 October 1977
1130752: ISBN: 9027711666 - Energy Storage and Transportation: Prospects for New Technologies: Lectures of a course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, October 22-26, 1979 (Commission of the European Communities)
1123011: ISBN: 289007806X - Ethique chretienne du divorce: Une analyse sociale critique (Recherces Nouvelle Serie 30)
1033133: ISBN: 2890889173 - Le Neoliberalisme: Un Defi Pour le Christianisme
1315190: ISBN: 1119953243 - Correspondence Analysis: Theory, Practice and New Strategies (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
368865: ISBN: 0444701265 - Protocol Specification, Testing, And Verification, VI
740599: ISBN: 1402070977 - Geographic Location in the Internet (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
1304574: ISBN: 083711070X - Selected Writings of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
982749: ISBN: 3882264160 - Die Agyptisch-Arabischen dialekte: II. Niltaldialekte. III. Oasendialekte (Tubinger Atlas Des Vorderen Orients) (German Edition)
1242374: ISBN: 0901845019 - Yatakli Vagon: Turkish Steam Travel
1315967: ISBN: 3528069864 - Introduction to Markov Chains: With Special Emphasis on Rapid Mixing (Advanced Lectures in Mathematics)
1071204: ISBN: 9054108843 - Powders & Grains 97. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Powders & Grains, Durham/North Carolina/18-23 May 1997
1314292: ISBN: 1438470991 - Appreciating the Chinese Difference: Engaging Roger T. Ames on Methods, Issues, and Roles (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
1225161: ISBN: 7900791000 - ?????9???????????????? /??????? The Chinese Economy (Chinese Edition)
490423: ISBN: 0920231241 - Cyberspace and outer space: Transitional challenges for multilateral verification in the 21st century : proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Ottawa NACD Verification Symposium
1264308: ISBN: 3540092382 - Group Theoretical Methods in Physics: Seventh International Colloquium and Integrative Conference on Group Theory and Mathematical Physics, Held in ... 11â??16, 1978 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 94)
1050181: ISBN: 9401186464 - Some Aspects of Migration Problems in the Netherlands / Some Quantitative Aspects of the Future Population Development in the Netherlands (Publications of the Research Group for European Migration Problems 3)
286504: ISBN: 0835981487 - Using the Horizon Spreadsheet. with the UNIX Operating System
1044916: ISBN: 3775711929 - Zeitmaschine. Oder: Das Museum in Bewegung
1130322: ISBN: 0841203326 - Modern Classics in Analytical Chemistry: v. 2
310051: ISBN: 0720405548 - Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems
1068327: ISBN: 0841224609 - Supramolecular Architecture. Synthetic Control in Thin Films and Solids. ACS Symposium Series No. 499
305020: ISBN: 0702107727 - Acta Juridica, 1975
1301101: ISBN: 0910254036 - Baltimore, a picture history
1290687: ISBN: 1855214180 - The Origins and Growth of Criminology: Essays on Intellectual History, 1760-1945 (The International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Pen)
1315622: ISBN: 067429503X - The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte
299746: ISBN: 9026508948 - The Use of the Microcomputer in Teaching and Learning
458378: ISBN: 3900358028 - Gegenwartige Probleme der Hausforschung in Osterreich. Referate der Osterreichischen Volkskundetagung 1980 in Feldkirch (Vorarlberg). Im Auftrag des Vereins fur Volkskunde und des Osterreichischen Fachverbandes fur Volkskunde.
1189610: ISBN: 0856263303 - Euclidean Tensor Calculus With Applications
1303364: ISBN: 0856263346 - Spinor and Non-Euclidean Tensor Calculus with Applications
1079848: ISBN: 2130368921 - Vocabulaire du Marxisme: Francais-Allemand: Vocabulaire de la Terminologie des Oeuvres Completes de Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels (French Edition)
330839: ISBN: 9041101837 - Emerging Electronic Highways. New Challenges for Politics and Law. Law and Electronics Commerce, Volume I
657234: ISBN: 2877910032 - Geochimie et metallogenie des mineralisations a plomb et zinc du Nord de l'Algerie
1007732: ISBN: 2716901279 - L'espace dans la societe urbaine japonaise (POF-etudes) (French Edition)
1275082: ISBN: 0821807129 - Extremal Graph Theory with Emphasis on Probabilistic Methods (Cbms Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 62)
1301074: ISBN: 9027706867 - Selected Papers on Epistemology and Physics (Vienna Circle Collection, Volume 7)
1249933: ISBN: 3540037810 - Spektraldarstellung linearer Transformationen des Hilbertschen Raumes (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge) (German Edition)
1282381: ISBN: 1563963701 - Dynamical Disease: Mathematical Analysis of Human Illness
282474: ISBN: 0875463282 - Workplace Industrial Relations and the Global Challenge. Cornell International Industrial and Labor Relations Report Number 25
1051201: ISBN: 0775506702 - L'Engagement politique (Cahiers de recherche ethique 6) (French Edition)
1021855: ISBN: 1841718289 - Paisajes arqueologicos: Un estudio comparativo de diferentes ambientes patagonicos (British Archaeological Reports 1390)
1262221: ISBN: 981432406X - Quantum Field Theories in Two Dimensions: Collected Works of Alexei Zamolodchikov (in 2 Volumes)
1272172: ISBN: 0706504593 - Motion of an Artificial Satellite About Its Centre of Mass
1274010: ISBN: 0691068992 - Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plot and Emotion (Princeton Legacy Library, 182)
833419: ISBN: 9684293844 - Alimentos: Dependencia o desarrollo nacional (Serie CEESTEM-Nueva Imagen) (Spanish Edition)
1301896: ISBN: 1947447246 - Rhetorical Agency: Mind, Meshwork, Materiality, Mobility
1300197: ISBN: 0080170323 - A Survey of Hidden Variable Theories
315211: ISBN: 8386088508 - The Polish Transformation for the Perspective of European Integration. EU-monitoring
1314625: ISBN: 0691130051 - Confucian Political Ethics (Ethikon Series in Comparative Ethics)
1288399: ISBN: 9054100338 - Landslides / Glissements Volume 1
1244390: ISBN: 093351901X - Definitive Statements: American Art, 1964-66
1214581: ISBN: 0868614726 - Daughters of the dreaming
1075448: ISBN: 1461108462 - Twisted Velvet Chains: Poems
1075449: ISBN: 1500431117 - She: A short story in verse
1091149: ISBN: 0987593110 - Bitter Like Orange Peel
1091148: ISBN: 1481179306 - The Book
1273078: ISBN: 0966255364 - Modeling the stripping and volatilization of VOC in wastewater: Collection and treatment systems, project 91-TFT-1, 1998
1315139: ISBN: 0199794146 - Hard Feelings: The Moral Psychology of Contempt
1306438: ISBN: 0472109162 - Memoirs Of The American Academy In Rome: Volume Xli
1273341: ISBN: 0029022703 - Algebraic and Arithmetic Structures: A Concrete Approach for Elementary School Teachers
490464: ISBN: 1855213028 - Issues in Agricultural Development. Sustainability and Cooperation. IAAE Occasional Paper No. 6
1240019: ISBN: 0415664861 - Citizenship (Critical Concepts in Political Science)
1314962: ISBN: 3030901149 - Climate Change Adaptation, Governance and New Issues of Value: Measuring the Impact of ESG Scores on CoE and Firm Performance (Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance)
1240567: ISBN: 3443370160 - From Economic Zone to Eco-city?: Urban Governance and Urban Development Trends in Tianjin' s Coastal Area
1182134: ISBN: 0521280400 - Coding the Universe (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 47)
1129759: ISBN: 2220020096 - Naissance de Dieu: Proposition du possible (French Edition)
354724: ISBN: 0138262721 - Software Maintenance. The Small Systems Management Guide
1237533: ISBN: 9027725349 - The Physics and Chemistry of Aqueous Ionic Solutions (NATO Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume 205)
1189821: ISBN: 9027717664 - Wave Propagation. An Invariant Imbedding Approach
1309402: ISBN: 0080264778 - Mathematical Aspects of Scheduling and Applications (International Series in Modern Applied Mathematics and Computer Science , Volume 4)
946007: ISBN: 0792320425 - Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Problems in Applied Sciences (Mathematics and Its Applications)
1047758: ISBN: 091478241X - George Bellows, works from the permanent collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, August 7-September 7, 1981
465845: ISBN: 1429751096 - The New Man for the New Times. A Sermon preached in All Souls' Church. on New-Year's day, 1865.
1314923: ISBN: 0367588242 - Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability Reporting (Finance, Governance and Sustainability)
1309034: ISBN: 0120853507 - Organometallic and coordination chemistry of platinum (Organometallic chemistry)
908059: ISBN: 0120853604 - Molecular Mechanisms in Cellular Growth and Differentiation
1154925: ISBN: 8598964077 - Bolsa Pampulha 2010
891198: ISBN: 849238400X - Las Pinturas Rupestres de la Cabecera del Barranco del Mortero, Alacon (Teruel) (Spanish Edition)
930427: ISBN: 849257920X - Karina Beltran. Escenarios, Constelaciones, Polaroids
982555: ISBN: 8484158225 - Poesia, Escriptura i Societat: El Camins de March (Collecio Germa Colon d'estudis filogics, 3)
1286816: ISBN: 0387188886 - Acoustics of Solids
1149301: ISBN: 0387185879 - Lectures on the Theory of Few-Body Systems (Springer Series in Nuclear and Particle Physics)
1191584: ISBN: 3718649500 - Optics of Chiral Liquid Crystals (Soviet Scientific Reviews Series, Section A)
341581: ISBN: 0792396316 - A Paradigm for Decentralized Process Modeling
907659: ISBN: 0320050203 - Essai sur l'orientation des litteratures de langue francaise au XXe siecle
1293652: ISBN: 0837176255 - Simon de Montfort: Earl of Leicester, 1208-1265
351245: ISBN: 0677119003 - Selected Topics in Solid State and Theoretical Physics. Proceedings of the Latin American School of Physics held in Caracas, 1966
404631: ISBN: 0444814884 - Computer Mediated Education of Information Technology Professionals and Advanced End-Users: Proceedings of the Ifip Wg3.4 Working Conference on Comp (Ifip Transactions, A-35)
1017295: ISBN: 1607243261 - Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures V: Comprising the Contents of Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, volume 8 (Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and Its Contexts 6)
1017296: ISBN: 1463202202 - Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures VIII: Comprising the Contents of Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Vol. 11 (Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts 19)
222165: ISBN: 0881652253 - Reserve-Currency Diversification and the Substitution Account
1148850: ISBN: 1885881525 - MORESHET JOURNAL (Volume 14/2017): Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism
1311145: ISBN: 030640222X - Hydrophobic Interactions
1294475: ISBN: 354003918X - 1: Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar I (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 47)
1256457: ISBN: 3540570179 - Deterministic Chaos in Infinite Quantum Systems. Trieste Notes in Physics
1266436: ISBN: 0292713363 - The Politics of Sentiment: Imagining and Remembering Guayaquil
1238257: ISBN: 0906919002 - Billon Trachea of Michael VIII Palaeologos, 1258-1282
1133485: ISBN: 1856284905 - Optional Options: Work Design and Manufacturing Automation
1188101: ISBN: 1947447955 - The Wind: An Unruly Living
909511: ISBN: 1615684689 - Spongebob Squarepants Learning Activity fun case
1305600: ISBN: 8772895861 - Sketches and Measurings: Danish Architects in Greece 1818-1862
1012305: ISBN: 0387128417 - Statics and Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems: Proceedings (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences)
385848: ISBN: 0444997652 - Steady-State Flow-Sheeting of Chemical Plants. Chemical Engineering Monographs 12.
1035881: ISBN: 9507642455 - La Tierra de los Caciques: Descripcion de Loncopue y Algunas Paginas Sobre la Cultura Mapuche (Spanish Edition)
702777: ISBN: - Monaco et Monte-Carlo. Deuxieme edition
1136711: ISBN: 1402011547 - Foundation of the Formal Sciences II: Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics (Trends in Logic, Volume 17)
1239909: ISBN: 1409401863 - Conversations With Landscape (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception)
1211928: ISBN: 0932325327 - Fifteen profiles: Distinguished California modernists
1196793: ISBN: 0792345738 - Distributions with given Marginals and Moment Problems
518592: ISBN: 0120881500 - Sulfur in Proteins
937338: ISBN: 9171000984 - Halla: Telefonen 100 ar Design och kommunikation Nationalmuseum Stockholm 5 maj - 27 juni 1976
1316600: ISBN: 1611975972 - Complex Variables and Analytic Functions: An Illustrated Introduction
391999: ISBN: 0444892109 - Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification XI
717177: ISBN: 3540616489 - Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems: 4th International Symposium, Uppsala, Sweden, September 9 - 13, 1996, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science v. 1135)
467529: ISBN: 0881672807 - Prostaglandins and Related Compounds (Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, and Leukotriene Research, Volume 17A)
1033345: ISBN: 184171187X - Investigations at Pichao: Introduction to Studies in the Santa Maria Valley, North-western Argentina (BAR International Series 978)
1293467: ISBN: 3031356276 - Structure and Dynamics of Compact Stars (Lecture Notes in Physics)
1279126: ISBN: 354005085X - Some Properties of Differentiable Varieties and Transformations: With Special Reference to the Analytic and Algebraic Cases. Second edition. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 13
1227258: ISBN: 8437073685 - Entre tierra y fe: Los musulmanes en el reino cristiano de Valencia (1238-1609) (Catalegs d'exposicions) (Spanish Edition)
1226376: ISBN: 8437073693 - Entre terra i fe: Els musulmans al regne cristia de Valencia (1238-1609) (Catalegs d'exposicions) (Catalan Edition)
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