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1121146: ISBN: 2854431642 - toi, signe de piste, signe de dieu
1311541: ISBN: 0070036535 - Pyrotechnics in Industry
812400: ISBN: 0938734881 - Advances in Preservation and Access Volume 2 (Advances in Preservation & Access, 1995)
334902: ISBN: 125857943X - Anuarul National Ilustrat al ziarului America, per Anul 1935.
899542: ISBN: 086196134X - Cellular Blood Components in Haemostasis and Thrombosis: Implications from Myeloproliferative Disorders
978139: ISBN: 8400046021 - Historia del teatro en Murcia (Biblioteca murciana de bolsillo)
1012167: ISBN: 3540726403 - Fuel Oxygenates. Volume 5 Water Pollution Part R (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry)
1036040: ISBN: 0860549615 - New Techniques for Old Times - CAA98. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: Proceedings of the 26th Conference, Barcelona, March 1998 (British Archaeological Reports British Series 757)
1228006: ISBN: 846079850X - Los banu ru'ayn al-andalus: unamemoria singular y persistente
1261900: ISBN: 8472329860 - Barcelo: exposicion
1224997: ISBN: 9004117229 - The Making of Feudal Agricultures? (Transformation of the Roman World)
1306010: ISBN: 0891168214 - Handbook Of Groundwater Protection (Science Information Resource Center Series)
1048730: ISBN: 2252032979 - Euphormion (Bibliotheque Francaise Et Romane) (French Edition)
1308268: ISBN: 0521416515 - The X-ray Background
1309013: ISBN: 0824761014 - Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 7
1152526: ISBN: 0824725123 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements: Organic Section, Vol. 12- Carbonyl Compounds, Carboxylic Acids, Esters, and Anhydrides, Organic Sulfur Compounds
1152241: ISBN: 0824725093 - Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Vol. 9, Part A: Hg, Fe, H
897332: ISBN: 0824761340 - Electroanalytical Chemistry. A Series of Advances. Volume 8
1306590: ISBN: 0471055425 - Electrochemical Methods. Fundamentals and Applications
1200909: ISBN: 3110175517 - Nonlinear Integral Operators and Applications (De Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 9)
1303213: ISBN: 9971978725 - Symposium on Anomalies, Geometry and Topology
1311033: ISBN: 1860943543 - An Introduction to Differential Manifolds
1217131: ISBN: 0937707201 - Fiber Optics in Astronomy (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series)
1258034: ISBN: 3540586520 - Non-Linearity and Breakdown in Soft Condensed Matter. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Calcutta, India. 1 - 9 December 1993
1300243: ISBN: 0817640290 - Stochastic and Differential Games: Theory and Numerical Methods (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, 4)
1179233: ISBN: 9027710864 - Bifurcation Phenomena in Mathematical Physics and Related Topics. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Cargese, Corsica, France, June 24-July 7, 1979. NATO ASI Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 54
1130740: ISBN: 1566771684 - Surface Oxide Films (Proceedings 96-18 / Electrochemical Society)
1306244: ISBN: 8871662113 - Architettura greca a Caulonia: Edilizia monumentale e decorazione architettonica in una citta della Magna Grecia (Studi e materiali di archeologia / ... di studi Parini-Chirio) (Italian Edition)
1310219: ISBN: 0306109565 - Similarity, Self-Similarity and Intermediate Asymptotics
1315887: ISBN: 0521435226 - Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics. Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics 14
1262949: ISBN: 0521469201 - Scaling Phenomena in Fluid Mechanics
1312485: ISBN: 1009345664 - Quantum Turbulence
297290: ISBN: 906203988X - Dutch Studies in Russian Linguistics. Studies in Slavic General Linguistics Volume 8
487377: ISBN: 0792308387 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder. Preface by H. Hricak and R. Hohenfellner.
949740: ISBN: 0120299100 - Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy, Volume 10
961829: ISBN: 0262021013 - Communications Satellite Technology (Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics 33)
961836: ISBN: 0262021005 - Communications Satellite Systems (Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics 32)
1240763: ISBN: 3540102795 - Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare, Accademia ... 1979 (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, 39)
950139: ISBN: 0080103022 - Management Sciences in the Emerging Countries. New Tools for Economic Development
1143613: ISBN: 3540092404 - Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors I: Proceedings of the International Conference, Dubrovnik, SR Croatia, SFR Yugoslavia, 1978 (Lecture Notes in Physics)
488145: ISBN: 8434483181 - Antonio Machado, teoria y practica del apocrifo. Tres ensayos de lectura.
958148: ISBN: 0853341222 - Analysis of Polymer Systems
1241424: ISBN: 0060195290 - The Essential Clive Barker: Selected Fiction
1267103: ISBN: 9766400075 - Environment & Development in the Caribbean: Geographical Perspectives
1295871: ISBN: 0080098290 - Lattice Theories of the Liquid State
1255152: ISBN: 0944599362 - Walt Disney's Comics in Color, Volume 7
1307497: ISBN: 918609811X - Ionic influence in archaic Sicily: The monumental art (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology)
1306285: ISBN: 0521792452 - The Origins of the Greek Architectural Orders
1014524: ISBN: 0444557466 - Combinatorial and Geometric Structures and Their Applications (Mathematics Studies 63)
1310338: ISBN: 0444894527 - Combinatorics '90. Recent Trends and Applications. Proceedings of the Conference on Combinatorics, Gaeta, Italy, 20 - 27 May, 1990 (Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 52)
1203475: ISBN: 8834313577 - Geometria Combinatoria e di Incidenza: Fondamenti e applicazioni.
902901: ISBN: 3137753015 - Transmitter Amino Acid Receptors: Structures, Transduction and Models for Drug Development (FIDIA Research Foundation Symposium Series, Volume 6)
1072971: ISBN: 2130373496 - Israel au XXe siecle (L'Historien) (French Edition)
1315556: ISBN: 0893916870 - Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory Vol. 1: Volume One: Analogical Connections (Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory; 1)
1280761: ISBN: 0387971319 - Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical Transformation Models. Lecture Notes in Statistics 58
1316603: ISBN: 3319941283 - Ambit Stochastics (Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling, 88)
1127841: ISBN: 0962124168 - The Demand Side of Competitive Intelligence: The Missing Link
959940: ISBN: 0444416323 - Vibrational Spectroscopy: Modern Trends
1085367: ISBN: 2845867093 - Ethiopie: le federalisme en question (Politique Africaine 99) (French Edition)
1159335: ISBN: 0660139979 - Advances in Ordovician geology (Geological Survey of Canada paper 90-9)
940906: ISBN: 0853341699 - Chemistry and Unit Operations in Water Treatment
306163: ISBN: 093321717X - Worldwide Wireless Communications. Advances in the Information Industry Series
308932: ISBN: 0521081203 - Sociology in Cambridge. An Inaugural Lecture
889819: ISBN: 0937707716 - Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems II; 2nd Annual Conference (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series)
1295380: ISBN: 0715609009 - Articles on Aristotle. 3: Metaphysics
1209230: ISBN: 0300076959 - Van Dyck 350 (Studies in the History of Art)
1302630: ISBN: 0932766099 - Physics of the Future: A Classical Unification of Physics
1272424: ISBN: 0340632089 - Reading Human Geography: The Poetics and Politics of Inquiry (Arnold Readers in Geography)
1300074: ISBN: 1555405274 - Studies in the Chronology of the Divided Monarchy of Israel (Harvard Semitic Monographs, No. 48)
1304332: ISBN: 1889186422 - Damned: An Anthology of the Lost
1315120: ISBN: 0471930946 - Outliers in Statistical Data
1310300: ISBN: 0130167509 - Introduction to Advanced Mathematics. Second edition
1125390: ISBN: 0792399471 - Embedded System Applications
333136: ISBN: 9810210469 - Ettias 1st School on European Training on Technologies and Industrial Applications of Superconductivity
1296902: ISBN: 9004039430 - Language and Meaning: Studies in Hebrew Language and Biblical Exegesis. Oudtestamentische Studien Deel XIX
1307235: ISBN: 0130889768 - Invitation to Cryptology
1122577: ISBN: 8499652344 - Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Catalunya, 5 2. Estudis Entorn Del Vitrall A Catalunya (Institut d'Estudis Catalans)
1312573: ISBN: 1588391248 - Gilbert Stuart
1032324: ISBN: 0855751142 - The Russians at Port Jackson, 1814 - 1822
1035300: ISBN: 0521223865 - Tanebar - Evav: Une Societe de Maisons Tournee vers le Large (Atelier d'Anthropologie Sociale)
1073130: ISBN: 2130435688 - Pauvrete, charite et morale a Londres au XIXe siecle: Une sainte violence (Recherches politiques) (French Edition)
334973: ISBN: 0132966174 - Expert Systems in Business. A Practical Approach
1306016: ISBN: 0841236763 - Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products: Characterization and Control in Drinking Water (ACS Symposium Series 761)
786544: ISBN: 0631214100 - Managing Quality, third edition (Blackwell Business)
432245: ISBN: 0719400791 - Nuclear deterrence: Implications and policy options for the 1980s
1284482: ISBN: 9971502941 - APPLIED QUANTUM MECHANICS (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics)
1139112: ISBN: 0387152393 - A Survey of Verification Techniques for Parallel Programs (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 191)
1307143: ISBN: 0292706227 - Periklean Athens and Its Legacy: Problems and Perspectives
973013: ISBN: 0748620915 - Africa Bibliography 2002. Works Published on Africa in 2002
971339: ISBN: 0748614923 - Africa Bibliography 1998. Works Published on Africa in 1998
971338: ISBN: 0748614494 - Africa Bibliography 1997. Works Published on Africa in 1997
973014: ISBN: 0748623981 - Africa Bibliography 2003. Works Published on Africa in 2003
973304: ISBN: 0748615806 - Africa Bibliography 1999. Works Published on Africa in 1999
357121: ISBN: - James Barron. ... the Select Committee on the Patyent Laws &c. to which was referred the bill from the Senate (No. 26) to extent (sic) two patents of James Barron made the following Report.
1307252: ISBN: 052183113X - Science and Ultimate Reality: Quantum Theory, Cosmology, and Complexity
1308671: ISBN: 0878142266 - Worldwide concession contracts and petroleum legislation
350672: ISBN: - Charities and The Commons. Volumes 16, 18-20
763592: ISBN: - Charities and The Commons. vol. 20 (April to October, 1908)
621786: ISBN: 0904406148 - Wood in Construction
449525: ISBN: 0306440067 - Advances in Perinatal Thyroidology (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 299)
822468: ISBN: 0669103667 - Strategic Perspectives on Planning Practice (Politics of Planning Series)
566092: ISBN: 0947816593 - Les Fouilles Du Yaudet En Ploulec'h: Cotes-d'armor, Le Site: Le Yaudet, Dans L'histoire Et La Legende (Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph)
758626: ISBN: 0710093195 - Parliamentary Democracy and Socialist Politics
1272943: ISBN: 0891810455 - Source Rocks in a Sequence Stratified Framework (AAPG Studies in Geology #37)
862888: ISBN: 160947001X - Coming Home: A Novel of Hope in a World of Shattered Dreams and Fractured Communities
780330: ISBN: 0781700760 - Cell Signalling: Biology and Medicine of Signal Transduction (Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research 28)
704508: ISBN: 0756745020 - Bringing the Plan to Life: Implementing the Hazard Mitigation Plan
595218: ISBN: 1850090564 - The Social and Economic Contexts of Coronary Prevention. Proceedings of a meeting held by the International Task Force for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease.
358186: ISBN: 0521395224 - Ada: Experiences and Prospects : Proceedings of the Ada-Europe International Conference, Dublin, 1990
584675: ISBN: 0080252680 - Organic synthesis, today and tomorrow: Proceedings of the 3rd IUPAC Symposium on Organic Synthesis, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 15-20 June 1980 (Symposiu ... national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
520233: ISBN: 0199273405 - Blackstone's Statutes on Criminal Justice & Sentencing. 2004/2005 (Blackstone's Statute Book Series). Second Edition
624219: ISBN: 0199273405 - Blackstone's Statutes on Criminal Justice & Sentencing, 2004/2005 Second Edition (Blackstone's Statutes)
1195920: ISBN: 1931948321 - Bali Burning. A Novel
386432: ISBN: 0841468222 - The Short Story. The Art and Craft of Letters
1316430: ISBN: 0415087562 - Reflexivity And The Crisis of Western Reason: Logological Investigations: Volume One (Logological Investigations, Vol 1)
1302684: ISBN: 0125850034 - Scattering Theory (Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. 3)
1315621: ISBN: 0812693078 - Austrian Philosophy: The Legacy of Franz Brentano
1271418: ISBN: 0866563326 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Affluent
1001456: ISBN: 0124653014 - Negative Strand Viruses. Papers based on a symposium held in Cambridge, England, 22 - 27 July 1973. Volume 1
916488: ISBN: 0407134506 - Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis
692971: ISBN: 0772786127 - Governing in Post-Deficit Times: Alberta in the Klein Years
1113448: ISBN: 0387539409 - Polymer Compositions Stabilizers/Curing (Advances in Polymer Science 101)
368828: ISBN: 3540631674 - Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision: First International Conference, Scale-Space '97, Utrecht, the Netherlands, July 2-4, 1997 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1252)
1118092: ISBN: 949124518X - Antony Gormley - Living Room
383723: ISBN: 0817625704 - Topics in Matrix and Operator Theory. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Volume 50
278673: ISBN: 0444893253 - Training: From Computer Aided Design to Computer Integrated Enterprise
1225497: ISBN: 3540045074 - Mathematical Statistics. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen Band 156
488204: ISBN: 0444424997 - Progress in Advanced Materials and Processes. Durability, Reliability and Quality Control. Materials Science Monographs, 29
799991: ISBN: 3631570295 - Only Connect: Texts - Places - Politics (Transpekte: Transdisziplinare Perspektiven Der Sozial- Und Kulturwissenschaften. Transpects: Transdisciplinary Perspectives of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Volume 6)
1139108: ISBN: 3540020462 - Geophysik I . Band XLVII. Handbuch der Physik / Geophysics I. Volume XLVII. Encyclopedia of Physics (English, German and French Edition)
1109104: ISBN: 0706514858 - Relaxation Phenomena in Polymers
1107531: ISBN: 0914337165 - Porkopolis: Sue Coe's jungle
488200: ISBN: 1851661727 - Reversibility of Acidification. Commission of the European Communities.
877671: ISBN: 8843522817 - Da Durer a Bocklin. Disegni tedeschi, svizzeri olandesi, fiamminghi dalle collezioni di Weimar (XVI-XX secolo).
1277286: ISBN: 3540658939 - High-Order Methods for Computational Physics (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering)
511012: ISBN: 3803900328 - Fodder Plants in the Sahel zone of Africa. IFO-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung Munchen, Afrika-Studien 48
329030: ISBN: 3926959398 - Electrolyte Data Collection. Part 1a: Conductivities Transference Numbers Limiting Ionic Conductivities of Ethanol Solutions. Dechema Chemistry Data Series Volume 12, Part 1a
329021: ISBN: 3926959339 - Electrolyte Data Collection. Part 1: Conductivities Transference Numbers Limiting Ionic Conductivities. Dechema Chemistry Data Series Volume 12, Part 1
1114094: ISBN: 3897460130 - Electrolyte Data Collection: Conductivities, Transference Numbers, & Limiting Ionic Conductivities of Solutions of Aprotic, Protophobic Solvents III & IV (Dechema Chemistry Data Series)
1115976: ISBN: 392695969X - Electrolyte Data Collection: Conductivities, Transference Numbers, and Limiting Lonic Conductivities of Solutions of Aprotic, Protophobic Solvents (Chemistry Data Series, Volume XII, Part 1c)
1113195: ISBN: 392695941X - Electrolyte Data Collection: 1 B Conductivities, Transference Numbers, and Limiting Lonic Conductivities of Solutions of Propanol, Butanol, and Higher Alcohols (Chemistry Data Series Volume XII)
1007724: ISBN: 2723605531 - Les morts qui ne veulent pas mourir (French Edition)
1299028: ISBN: 9004222014 - Devanciers D'aquila: Premiere Publication Integrale Du Texte Des Fragments Du Dodecapropheton (Vetus Testamentum, Supplements, 10) (French Edition)
1311834: ISBN: 0700716815 - In Defense of Dharma: Just-War Ideology in Buddhist Sri Lanka (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism)
1291978: ISBN: 0692991859 - Dark and Stormy Night: Gothic Influence in Contemporary Art
1208311: ISBN: 0692991859 - Dark and Stormy Night: Gothic Influence in Contemporary Art
1292194: ISBN: 1734309563 - Eco-Urgency: Now or Never
1277510: ISBN: 3443620132 - A morphogenetic re-evaluation of Haplomitrium Nees (Hepatophyta) (Bryophytorum bibliotheca)
514062: ISBN: 0890069042 - Successful Business Strategies Using Telecommunications Services
1305110: ISBN: 0883851210 - Studies in Functional Analysis, Volume 21. Studies in Mathematics
1306687: ISBN: 0821850571 - Geometry of Normed Linear Spaces (Contemporary Mathematics)
547031: ISBN: 0962419907 - Strategies for the future
1306679: ISBN: 0412141507 - Probability, Statistics and Time. A Collection of Essays
1243404: ISBN: 1138184098 - Cities on a Finite Planet: Towards transformative responses to climate change
1277139: ISBN: 0444890920 - Reflexivity: A Source-Book in Self-Reference
1255027: ISBN: 0471905534 - Stereochemistry of Heterogeneous Metal Catalysis
1309818: ISBN: 0471847798 - Fossil Fuel Combustion: A Source Book
1217251: ISBN: 9685804184 - Doctrina. Biblioteca del estudiante universitario, 22. cuarta edicion
1088038: ISBN: 8475332145 - Quevedo (El Autor y su Obra, 27) (Spanish Edition)
1245746: ISBN: 8478124942 - Bartolome Sureda: (1769-1851); arte e industria en la ilustracion tardia
1303944: ISBN: 0849335442 - Handbook of Poylmer-Liquid Interaction Parameters and Solubility Parameters
833853: ISBN: 0275286924 - Opinion-Making Elites in Yugoslavia. (Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government)
1272980: ISBN: 0306448688 - Fractals in Petroleum Geology and Earth Processes (Language of Science)
1230183: ISBN: 0470054972 - Introduction to Advanced Field Theory (Interscience Tracts on Physics and Astronomy)
945195: ISBN: 013752353X - Radical Polymerization in Disperse Systems (Ellis Horwood Series in Polymer Chemistry)
1110073: ISBN: 3540112871 - New Trends in Chemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry)
1220071: ISBN: 8185218730 - Leaders in American Geography Volume One: Geographic Education
939033: ISBN: 0878497080 - Nondestructive Characterization of Materials VII. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials held in Prague, Czech Republic, June 1995. Part I and II. Two Volumes
1036559: ISBN: 0860547884 - Animals in the Urban Landscape in the Wake of the Middle Ages: A case study from Vac, Hungary (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International 609)
1304631: ISBN: 1588111806 - Consciousness Emerging: The dynamics of perception, imagination, action, memory, thought, and language (Advances in Consciousness Research)
906208: ISBN: 0845151568 - Genetics of neuromuscular disorders: Proceedings of the Fifth International Clinical Genetics Seminar, held in Rethymno, Crete, October 25-30, 1988 (Progress in clinical and biological research 306)
1278320: ISBN: 082182290X - Irreducible Triangular Algebras (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
1310030: ISBN: 0387763643 - Unitals in Projective Planes (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
1297539: ISBN: 9810248725 - Discovery of Cosmic Fractals
1226325: ISBN: 8478952926 - El correo de la Ilustracion: Libros y lecturas en la correspondencia entre Cavanilles y el librero parisino Fournier (1790-1802) (Spanish Edition)
1081995: ISBN: 9060135652 - Trams 97
1307246: ISBN: 012080221X - Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory. Second Edition
1313424: ISBN: 0920862160 - Pereiaslav 1654: A Historiographical Study
329927: ISBN: 0944904874 - Manufacture of Ceramic Components. Ceramic Transactions Volume 49
1291970: ISBN: 8447228533 - Francesco Venezia, John Hejduk y el arte de la memoria (Arquitectura. Textos de Doctorado del IUACC) (Spanish Edition)
1315615: ISBN: 3540427392 - Quantum Mechanics. Including a CD-Rom by Manuel Joffre. With 84 Figures and 92 Exercises with Solutions
1203816: ISBN: 0306411164 - Fundamental Interactions: Cargese 1981 (Nato Science Series B: (85))
1272563: ISBN: 0802096638 - Griffith Taylor: Visionary, Environmentalist, Explorer
959362: ISBN: 0444860061 - Atomic Energy Level and Grotrian Diagrams III Vanadium I - Chromium XXIV (Atomic Energy Levels & Grotrian Diagrams 3)
961887: ISBN: 0444864636 - Atomic Energy-Level and Grotrian Diagrams: Volume IV. Manganese I-XXV (Atomic Energy Levels & Grotrian Diagrams)
1064672: ISBN: 3540182101 - Introduction to Thermomechanics of Magnetic Fluids
393228: ISBN: - Bioethics. Vols. 9-10, 15-16
1009837: ISBN: 2852581493 - L'Afrique au XXe Siecle l'Eveil et les Combats du Nationalisme Africain
517428: ISBN: 0306375052 - Hormonal Correlates of Behavior. Volume 2: An Organismic View
1041435: ISBN: 2890393194 - Etre pelerin
1298825: ISBN: 0674992989 - Basil: Letters, Volume IV, Letters 249-368. Address to Young Men on Greek Literature. (Loeb Classical Library No. 270)
1262868: ISBN: 8882100537 - Basile
1244939: ISBN: 0962823430 - John Henry Twachtman. American Impressionist Painter As Printmaker. A Catalogue Raisonne of His Prints. With a list of prints by Martha Scudder Twachtman
872538: ISBN: 8496655822 - Itinerarios 09/10 : XVII Becas De Artes Plasticas : Basma Alsharif, Erick Beltran, Felipe Cortes, Javier Penafiel, Xabier Salaberria, Eduardo Soriano, Marc Vives, Begona Zubero : 28 De Enero /10 De Marzo De 2011.
1049992: ISBN: 1874422176 - Double Century: The Story of Two Unique Manx Tramways
1310604: ISBN: 047105545X - Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions. Second edition
1298432: ISBN: 0817650687 - Toeplitz Operators and Related Topics. The Harold Widom Anniversary Volume. Workshop on Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf Operators, Santa Cruz, California, September 20 - 22, 1992 (Operator Theory Advances and Applications, Vol. 71)
1276356: ISBN: 1475714076 - Stimulated Raman Scattering (The Lebedev Physics Institute Series, 99)
1120199: ISBN: 0306109425 - Temporal Characteristics of Laser Pulses and Interaction of Laser Radiation with Matter (Studies in Soviet Science: Physical Sciences 84)
1203706: ISBN: 030610945X - Coherent Cooperative Phenomena (The Lebedev Physics Institute Series)
1136323: ISBN: 0306109484 - Kinetics of Simple Models in the Theory of Oscillations (Trudy Fizicheskogo Instituta. V. 90.)
1127828: ISBN: 0306109301 - Radio, Submillimeter, and X-Ray Telescopes (Proceedings (Trudy) of the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute 77)
953790: ISBN: 0306109522 - Microwave Studies of Exciton Condensation in Germanium (Proceedings (Trudy) of the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute 100)
489149: ISBN: 0306109646 - Materials and Apparatus in Quantum Radiophysics. The Lebedev Physics Institute Series. Vol. 98
489144: ISBN: 0444869344 - Laser Handbook. Vol. 5
1311607: ISBN: 0387943870 - Probabilistic Techniques in Analysis (Probability and Its Applications)
1316585: ISBN: 110700800X - Stochastic Processes (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, Series Number 33)
1211234: ISBN: 9812709479 - The Spin Structure Of The Proton
1307884: ISBN: 9027727244 - Surface Organometallic Chemistry: Molecular Approaches to Surface Catalysis (Nato Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume 231)
1273595: ISBN: 0521298865 - Principles of Polymer Morphology (Cambridge Solid State Science Series)
1195960: ISBN: 0821827340 - On the Connection between Weighted Norm Inequalities, Commutators and Real Interpolation
877771: ISBN: 9012060427 - De verzameling van mr. Carel Vosmaer (1826 - 1888),
1227420: ISBN: 283090687X - Le Protestantisme en Amerique latine (LF.HISTOIRE) (French Edition)
1211453: ISBN: 1886125082 - Hugo Bastidas: Lines and lies : April 12-May 13, 2000
1078550: ISBN: 077600624X - Chili, le coup divin (C-148) (French Edition)
1299107: ISBN: 9810222122 - COMBINATORIAL PHYSICS (Series on Knots and Everything)
1315276: ISBN: 0486797295 - The Penrose Transform: Its Interaction with Representation Theory (Dover Books on Mathematics)
967482: ISBN: 9401183562 - Economic Impacts of Immigration. The Brazilian Immigration Problem
1029476: ISBN: 8504002101 - A pantofagia ou As estranhas praticas alimentares na selva (Estudo na regiao amazonica) (Brasiliana) (Portuguese Edition)
1316162: ISBN: 1842651056 - Introduction to Stochastic Process
889847: ISBN: 0444879250 - Reliability and Quality Control
1300622: ISBN: 0195667611 - Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics: Volume I: Development, Markets, and Institutions
1310145: ISBN: 0080254101 - Fluidized Bed Boilers: Design and Application (Energy Conversion & Management)
1307243: ISBN: 3540330984 - Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Vol. 10) Second edition
1312433: ISBN: 9811365725 - Reliable Post Disaster Services over Smartphone Based DTN: An End-to-End Framework (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 137)
1228587: ISBN: 0300166168 - Michelangelo Pistoletto: From One to Many, 1956-1974
892439: ISBN: 0444989803 - Analysis of Dynamic Effects on Engineering Structures. Developments in Civil Engineering, 16
1316110: ISBN: 0942299205 - The Accursed Share, Vols. 2 and 3: The History of Eroticism and Sovereignty
1316118: ISBN: 0942299108 - The Accursed Share: An Essay on General Economy : Consumption: 001
1315857: ISBN: 1878923021 - The Trial of Gilles De Rais
892310: ISBN: 0387198148 - Interactive Image Processing for Machine Vision
489217: ISBN: 0470055707 - Design of Prestressed Concrete
1173152: ISBN: 9041114998 - Navigational Rights and Freedoms and the New Law of the Sea (Publications on Ocean Development)
1258965: ISBN: 1863738932 - Australia's Maritime Bridge into Asia
955562: ISBN: 0120038161 - Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics. Volume 16
1031513: ISBN: 1593336292 - The Five Post - Kleisthenean Tribes (Analecta Gorgiana, 34)
1109539: ISBN: 9657034280 - Creative Modalities: Gershon Knispel, Works on Paper
1136151: ISBN: 8876524444 - Saggi Storici Intorno Al Papato: Dei Professori Della Facolta Di Storia Ecclesiastica (Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae XXI) (Italian Edition)
1227192: ISBN: 8477272948 - Records de quasi un segle
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