This list is our complete catalog of items available. In some cases, we have additional copies. To purchase an item, click the item number or enter it on our Search Page.
1019361: ISBN: 3540967419 - The Hyperbolic Map and Applications to the Linear Quadratic Regulator (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol 110)
1260453: ISBN: 0731658639 - The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
1309020: ISBN: 0198599269 - Elementary thermodynamics for geologists
401775: ISBN: 1851660178 - Safety and Reliability of Programmable Electronic Systems
1187952: ISBN: 0444417060 - Formation and Properties of Clay-Polymer Complexes (Developments in Soil Science 9)
1188825: ISBN: 9993360023 - Flammability & Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres
1061505: ISBN: 0792355415 - Biotechnology and the Consumer: A Research Project sponsored by the Office of Consumer Affairs of Industry Canada; Partly reprinted from the "Journal of Consumer Policy," Volume 21, No. 4 [1998].
1301056: ISBN: 0126840504 - Fundamental Constants and Quantum Electrodynamics
467559: ISBN: 0906545013 - Inhibin, FSH and Spermatogenesis (Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, No. 26)
465670: ISBN: 0387522646 - Standards for the Socioeconomic Evaluation of Health Care Products and Services (Health Systems Research)
848275: ISBN: 0883181436 - Future Trends Superconductive Electronics Charlottesville, 1978 (AIP Conference Proceedings 44)
637711: ISBN: 9020707531 - Regional Models of Trade and Development (Studies in Development and Planning)
603725: ISBN: 0906783038 - Numerical Analysis for Semiconductor Devices. Proceedings of the NASECODE I Conference held at Trinity College, Dublin from 27th to 29th June, 1979
1307840: ISBN: 0853126496 - Tin and Its Alloys and Compounds
657868: ISBN: 9251011435 - The world supply and demand picture for canned small pelagic fish
355598: ISBN: 0849361524 - Optical Wideband Transmission Systems
486209: ISBN: 9971506718 - High Temperature Superconductivity and Other Related Topics: Proceedings of the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics
1097080: ISBN: 3805507569 - Disorders of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs in Childhood
511016: ISBN: 0700701389 - India-China Comparative Research: Technology and Science for Development. Studies in Asian Topics No. 3
1312567: ISBN: 9462087350 - Process: Design Drawings from the Rijksmuseum 1500-1900
907355: ISBN: 0824773187 - Economic Methods for Multipollutant Analysis and Evaluation (Pollution Engineering and Technology Series, Vol 25)
970030: ISBN: 9781563265 - Inside Kirikiri (Prison Memoirs of a Politician)
1267536: ISBN: 0821823264 - Deformations of Nilpotent Matrices over Rings and Reduction of Analytic Families of Meromorphic Differential Equations. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Number 325
1133425: ISBN: 0913936189 - College Relations and Recruiting: A Guide for Developing an Effective Program
1158762: ISBN: 0706506359 - Three Dimensional Flow of Ideal Gases Around Smooth Bodies
1145968: ISBN: 0821830015 - The Theory of Extremal Problems for Univalent Functions of Class S (Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 101 (1972)) (English and Russian Edition)
887658: ISBN: 0138340293 - Speech Technology in Control Room Systems: A Human Factors Perspective (Ellis Horwood Books in Information Technology)
885387: ISBN: 9500000865 - Catalogo artistico del Ministerio de Cultura y Educacion de la Nacion (Spanish Edition)
486196: ISBN: 0841202168 - Trace Elements in Fuel. A Symposium sponsored by the Division of Fuel Chemistry at the 166th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, Ill., August 30, 1973. Advances In Chemistry Series 141
1031551: ISBN: 0773405178 - "Wishes Fall Out As They're Willed": Shakespeare and the Tragicomic Archetype. Elizabethan & Renaissance Studies, 48. Salzburg Studies in English Literature Under the Direction of Professor Erwin A. Sturzl
1298433: ISBN: 0792381548 - Fuzzy Modeling for Control (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)
1016743: ISBN: 1611436605 - The Harp. A Review of Syriac and Oriental Ecumenical Studies. Volume 25
948362: ISBN: 3540132880 - Modelling and Performance Evaluation Methodology: Proceedings of the International Seminar Paris, France, January 24-26, 1983 (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 60) (English and French Edition)
1268357: ISBN: 0387965149 - Palm Probabilities and Stationary Queues. Lecture Notes in Statistics 41
1315855: ISBN: 3540660887 - Elements of Queueing Theory. Second edition
891870: ISBN: 0824020596 - Discorso sopra li dei de gentili Rome 1692 & La mascherata della genealogia degl'iddei, Florence, 1565
1253818: ISBN: 9810207131 - Local Stabilizability of Nonlinear Control Systems (Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences)
1282515: ISBN: 3540585974 - Thin Films on Glass (Schott Series on Glass and Glass Ceramics)
912159: ISBN: 0729300552 - Romance Linguistics and the Romance Languages. A Bibliography of Bibliographies (Research Bibliographies and Checklists)
1315786: ISBN: 0631190635 - Foundations of Decision Theory: Issues and Advances
486283: ISBN: 3445014213 - Beitrage zur Theorie der Corner Polyeder. Mathematical Systems in Economics 29.
1307094: ISBN: 0120702681 - Introduction to p-Adic Numbers and Valuation Theory
913727: ISBN: 3540121714 - New Developments in Diagnostic Virology
899590: ISBN: 9810211244 - Atomic and Molecular Physics and Quantum Optics: Proceedings of the Fifth Physics Summer School the Australian National University Canberra, Austral
1004662: ISBN: 0306438739 - Synchrotron Radiation Research (Advances in Surface and Interface Science: Issues and Technology 2)
1032647: ISBN: 1841712787 - La Rappresentazione dell'Edificio Teatrale nella ceramica Italiota (British Archaeological Reports British Series 997)
1252170: ISBN: 0262022230 - The Georges Bank
959230: ISBN: 0470462159 - Newer Methods of Polymer Characterization (Polymer Reviews, Volume 6)
1146380: ISBN: 1374392839 - The Story of St. Paul: A Comparison of Acts and Epistles,
893671: ISBN: 2757204475 - Les Ceremonies
1228924: ISBN: 0841902585 - Levi-Strauss: Structuralism and Sociological Theory
1290773: ISBN: 1565180437 - The Emancipative Theory of Jurgen Habermas and Metaphysics (CULTURAL HERITAGE AND CONTEMPORARY CHANGE SERIES I CULTURE AND VALUES)
1315820: ISBN: 0745638791 - Number and Numbers
1315812: ISBN: 0826458319 - Being and Event
1249853: ISBN: 2913549284 - L'Ethique: Essai sur la conscience du mal
1315816: ISBN: 184467035X - Metapolitics
1293281: ISBN: 3031434439 - Inspection of Medical Devices: For Regulatory Purposes (Series in Biomedical Engineering)
547295: ISBN: - Rontgen-Praxis: Diagnostik, Rontgen-, Radium-, Lichttherapie, etc. etc. vols. 3-9
377159: ISBN: 9995538725 - Proceedings of the Symposium on The Application of Surface Analysis Methods to Environmental/Material Interactions. Proceedings Volume 91-7
1266455: ISBN: 1785336959 - Democratic Eco-Socialism as a Real Utopia: Transitioning to an Alternative World System
896869: ISBN: 084936115X - Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics. Volume II
1310039: ISBN: 0486445658 - Linear Algebra and Projective Geometry (Dover Books on Mathematics)
949726: ISBN: 354018192X - Physics in Living Matter. Proceedings of the Tenth Gwatt Workshop Held in Gwatt, Switzerland, October 16-18, 1986. Lecture Notes in Physics, 284
1315218: ISBN: 1119133122 - Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques: A Guide to Data Science for Fraud Detection (Wiley and SAS Business Series)
486249: ISBN: 0387530487 - Concur 90. Theories of Concurrency: Unification and Extension. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 458
1293255: ISBN: 3031302796 - Quantum Tools for Macroscopic Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)
1228024: ISBN: 8498440572 - Bagaria en El Sol: politica y humor en la crisis de la Restauracion (Spanish Edition)
1309146: ISBN: 0521622557 - Religious Experience, Justification, and History
1119121: ISBN: 3718602342 - Multiple Photon Infrared Laser Photophysics and Photochemistry
1127204: ISBN: 0471900214 - Batteries on Ships (Electronic & Electrical Engineering Research Studies)
449143: ISBN: 0802052703 - Fecondite d'Emile Zola: Roman a These, Evangile, Mythe.
1232621: ISBN: 9004081569 - Arab World Dynamics of Development
1106394: ISBN: 3540513167 - Controlled Release, Biochemical Effects of Pesticides, Inhibition of Plant Pathogenic Fungi (Chemistry of Plant Protection 6)
979067: ISBN: 0815329229 - The Effects of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Sectoral Investment: Empirical Evidence from Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate Systems (Financial Sector of the American Economy)
486822: ISBN: 0677127502 - Reaction Rate Compilation for the H-O-N System
398459: ISBN: 0677100302 - Kinetics, Equilbria and Performance of High Temperature Systems
486821: ISBN: 0803104375 - Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment.: Eighth Symposium. A symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate Fort Mitchell, KY, 15-17 1984. ASTM Special Technical Publication 891.
486818: ISBN: 0669036234 - Economics and the Family
1312137: ISBN: 354010402X - Analytical Problems (Topics in Current Chemistry 95)
392110: ISBN: 0819422576 - Optoelectronic Devices and Systems for Processing: Proceedings of a Conference Held 8-9 August 1996 Denver, Colorado (Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology, Vol Cr65)
1313978: ISBN: 1933855290 - Silver & Stone: Profiles of American Indian Jewelers
1293228: ISBN: 3540657150 - Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Its Application (Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 32)
1273064: ISBN: 0444873724 - Thermal Methods of Petroleum Production
486815: ISBN: 0706503074 - A New Method of Increasing Livestock Productivity (Castration with Hormonal Ingegrity). Translated from Russian.
1290563: ISBN: 9810200234 - A Chaotic Hierarchy
1313748: ISBN: 0080169899 - Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Volume 4: Lanthanides, Transition Metal Compounds
1245221: ISBN: 0778010848 - Always Hungry
1304793: ISBN: 091347309X - A Life With the Union Pacific: The Autobiography of Edd Bailey
1277559: ISBN: 0521108411 - The Archaeology of Prehistoric Coastlines (New Directions in Archaeology)
1316069: ISBN: 1591140293 - Field Artillery and Firepower
1311290: ISBN: 0855012234 - Analysis With Ion-Selective Electrodes
282758: ISBN: 0444864237 - Computing in the Humanities
531488: ISBN: 0960419608 - Man, Religion, and Science: A Functional View
1271115: ISBN: 0808773720 - Drug Use in American Society: An Epidemiologic Analysis of Risks (3rd Edition)
244395: ISBN: - Bailliere's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. vols. 1-8 (1987-1994)
392999: ISBN: - Balliere's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vols. 1-7, lacks vol. 5
392998: ISBN: - Balliere's Clinical Gastroenterology. Vols. 1-7
1311603: ISBN: 0883187973 - A Survey of Thermodynamics
1310165: ISBN: 0080157785 - The Hydraulic Transport of Solids by Pipeline (International series of monographs in mechanical engineering, v. 5)
46473: ISBN: 057629215X - Education as a Science
1030790: ISBN: 1841712604 - Archaeoentomological and Archaeoparasitological Reconstructions at Ilot Hunt (CeEt-110) (Bar International Series 973)
899792: ISBN: 3805573073 - Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders: Cytogenetic and Molecular Genetic Abnormalities
1253282: ISBN: 9810218230 - Impulsive Differential Equations. Asymptotic Properties of the Solutions. Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, Vol. 28
971377: ISBN: 0521238498 - Comedias sueltas in Cambridge University Library: A Descriptive Catalogue
1287698: ISBN: 0070032408 - Introduction To Chemical Instrumentation. Electronic signals and operation
1002958: ISBN: 3540574476 - Plant Protoplasts and Genetic Engineering V (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 29)
1001330: ISBN: 354050785X - Somaclonal Variation in Crop Improvement I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 11) (v. 1)
1001338: ISBN: 3540507868 - Legumes and Oilseed Crops I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 10) (Pt. 1)
1180163: ISBN: 0387179666 - Potato (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry)
1142744: ISBN: 038757445X - Somatic Hybridization in Crop Improvement I. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, 27
1002959: ISBN: 3540574514 - Cryopreservation of Plant Germplasm I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 32) (v. 1)
1001339: ISBN: 3540507981 - Haploids in Crop Improvement I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 12)
1063514: ISBN: 0387525769 - Trees III (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 16)
1000581: ISBN: 3540191585 - Trees II (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 5) (Pt. 2)
1001322: ISBN: 3540158421 - Crops I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 2) (v. 1)
1001320: ISBN: 3540525769 - Trees III (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 16)
1119120: ISBN: 0387155813 - Trees I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 1)
1078143: ISBN: 0387190643 - Crops II (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 6)
876294: ISBN: 0391024752 - Kinnaur in the Himalayas: Mythology to Modernity
923619: ISBN: 1884445098 - The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, 1301-1457 (The Laws of Hungary Series, Vol 2)
1316560: ISBN: 0387947566 - Complex Analysis. Second edition. Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
1288135: ISBN: 0964156857 - Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered (Drug Policy Classics Reprints Series Number 1)
961918: ISBN: 0824788974 - Geometric Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 144)
1222940: ISBN: 0120743507 - Transcendence Theory: Advances and Applications. Proceedings of a conference held in Cambridge in 1976
1249939: ISBN: 0521335450 - New Advances in Transcendence Theory
1000896: ISBN: 081690247X - Advances in Production of Forest Products. AIchE Symposium Series, Number 223, Volume 79
1125666: ISBN: 158381311X - From Z-Machines to Alma: Sub Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 375)
1290922: ISBN: 0198535945 - p-Adic Methods and Their Applications (Oxford Science Publications)
1293976: ISBN: 0962386812 - The Montana Railroad: Alias the Jawbone
1075585: ISBN: 0835919714 - Fibre Optic Design and Applications
835499: ISBN: - The Last Loaf. A Drama. (Plays for Amateur Theatricals, series)
435733: ISBN: 0120317311 - Advances in Parasitology, Volume 31
432855: ISBN: 0120317397 - Advances in Parasitology, Volume 39
435741: ISBN: 0120317494 - Advances in Parasitology. Opportunistic Protozoa in Humans. Volume 49
1264017: ISBN: 0387083561 - Banach spaces of analytic functions: Proceedings of the Pelczynski Conference, held at Kent State University, July 12-16, 1976 (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 604)
1304676: ISBN: 0449909042 - The Night Inside
1296395: ISBN: 0979050502 - Fort Loudoun: Washington's Fort in Virginia
1314968: ISBN: 0471729809 - Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value
1217933: ISBN: 0822304503 - Research Guide to Andean History. Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru
1096156: ISBN: 9638383534 - A Vasarnapi Ujsag as a fotografia : 1854-1921
238715: ISBN: 0899509681 - Jimmy Durante: His Show Business Career, with an Annotated Filmography and Discography
898798: ISBN: 3540545921 - A Second Generation PACS Concept: Hospital Integrated Picture Archiving and Communication Systems
1312316: ISBN: 3030465853 - Systematic Industrial Maintenance to Boost the Quality Management Programs (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 130)
1198156: ISBN: 0045190070 - Fundamentals of biometry, (The Science of biology series)
1278312: ISBN: 0821818120 - On the Mixed Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 112)
1282263: ISBN: 0898745810 - Electrical Network Theory
1184409: ISBN: 9810203497 - Hubbard Model and Anyon Superconductivity (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics)
281998: ISBN: 0897742656 - A Guide to Statistical Sources in Money, Banking, and Finance
997635: ISBN: 0120109018 - Advances in Communication Systems. Theory and Applications. Volume 1
1305308: ISBN: 354006303X - Stochastic Differential Systems I: Filtering and Control A Function Space Approach. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 84
1279130: ISBN: 3540049215 - Symposium on Optimization: Held in Nice, June 29th-July 5th, 1969 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 132)
997629: ISBN: 0120109026 - Advances in Communication Systems. Theory and Applications, Volume 2
997639: ISBN: 0120109034 - Advances in Communication Systems. Theory and Applications. Volume 3
1316099: ISBN: 185984359X - The Enemy: An Intellectual Portrait of Carl Schmitt
1316760: ISBN: 0387096132 - Continuous Bivariate Distributions Second Edition
1316609: ISBN: 1118123344 - Introduction to Probability: Models and Applications (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
981025: ISBN: 070650531X - Skin-Freeze Casting
981002: ISBN: 080180051X - Studies in Trade Liberalization: Problems and Prospects for the Industrial Countries
1005789: ISBN: 9502524322 - Gran obra e impacto social en Pilquiniyeu (Biblioteca Politica argentina) (Spanish Edition)
382366: ISBN: 0889623430 - A Long Night of Death
906647: ISBN: 3805550359 - Erythropoietin: From Molecular Structure to Clinical Application (Contributions to Nephrology, Volume 76)
373467: ISBN: 0444870873 - Shallow Impurity Centers in Semiconductors
1302047: ISBN: 019859187X - Geometry of Electromagnetic Systems (Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 39)
1187363: ISBN: 3642204198 - Collaborative Financial Infrastructure Protection: Tools, Abstractions, and Middleware
1012964: ISBN: 3805332548 - Pyramiden und Palaste in Mittelamerika. Ein Vergleich mit Bauten der Agypter und Griechen
1096825: ISBN: 0863801595 - Fril: Fuzzy and Evidential Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence (Uncertainty Theory in Artificial Intelligence, No 1)
1293222: ISBN: 1425936172 - The Science Was Fun: Selected Recollections of a Life in Science
1312362: ISBN: 1588391299 - All The Mighty World: The Photographs Of Roger Fenton, 1852-1860
1289968: ISBN: 0197262910 - Studies in the Philosophy of Logic and Knowledge (British Academy Lectures on History of Philosophy)
486873: ISBN: 0669001406 - The Role of Foreign Financial Assistance to Thailand in the 1980s
1267022: ISBN: 0415172322 - Body Cultures: Essays on Sport, Space & Identity by Henning Eichberg
486856: ISBN: 0821307541 - Horticultural Trade of the Expanded European Community. Implications for Mediterranean Countries.
1127513: ISBN: 140200575X - Progress in SOI Structures and Devices Operating at Extreme Conditions (NATO Science Series II:58)
1127235: ISBN: 0444426035 - The Si-Sio2 System (Materials Science Monographs)
1196295: ISBN: 9810227353 - Atomic Diffusion in Disordered Materials: Theory and Applications
896515: ISBN: 0300135866 - After Many Springs: Regionalism, Modernism & the Midwest
676081: ISBN: 1413401147 - Legends of the Emperor's Ring
1307765: ISBN: 0521822513 - The Domus Aurea and the Roman Architectural Revolution
1289717: ISBN: 0941037274 - The Four Centuries Between the Testaments: A Survey of Israel and the Diaspora from 336 BC to 94 AD
1307883: ISBN: 0841235422 - Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment (ACS Symposium Series 683)
1305996: ISBN: 0723608393 - Clinical and Experimental Toxicology of Cyanides
1269911: ISBN: 0521324599 - The Periglaciation of Great Britain
963154: ISBN: 0387184848 - Polymer Physics (Advances in Polymer Science 85)
965086: ISBN: 8495273160 - Quaderns No. 223
487313: ISBN: 0631182942 - Financial Management in the New Europe
1253669: ISBN: 3528080981 - Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations Theory, Computation Methods, and Applications: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Nonlinear ... Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 24)
1169736: ISBN: 0444867457 - Approaching Vagueness. North-Holland Linguistic Series, No. 50
1168998: ISBN: 3540097937 - Holography in Medicine and Biology: Proceedings of the International Workshop, Munster, Fed. Rep. of Germany, March 14-15, 1979 (Springer Series in Optical Sciences 18)
1316610: ISBN: 331927127X - Stochastic Integration by Parts and Functional Ito Calculus (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona)
898019: ISBN: 9630584743 - Perspectives of Diaspora Existence. Hungarian Diasporas in the Carpathian Basin - Historical and Current Contexts of a Specific Diaspora Interpretation and Its Aspects of Ethnic Minority Protection
948581: ISBN: 9630560143 - Gesellschaftliche Information (Philosophische Analyse) (German Edition)
1113498: ISBN: 0792330447 - Pulsation, Rotation and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars. Proceedings of the 162nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins, France, October 5-8, 1993 (International Astronomical Union Symposia 162)
1132642: ISBN: 3764330406 - Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians: 18th (Progress in Mathematics)
1316437: ISBN: 1118672321 - Econometric Analysis of Panel Data Fifth Edition
1316145: ISBN: 140510676X - A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics
1258006: ISBN: 3540101047 - Inverse Scattering Problems in Optics (Topics in Current Physics, 20)
598344: ISBN: - Niles' Weekly Register. From September, 1817, to March, 1818 - Vol. XIII. Or, Volume I. - New Series
1203043: ISBN: 9058092526 - Automatic Extraction Man Made Objects (v. 3)
1109815: ISBN: 3540240160 - Polymeric and Inorganic Fibers (Advances in Polymer Science)
835732: ISBN: 1881044254 - Burma's Democratic Decade, 1952-1962: Prelude to Dictatorship (Program for Southeast Asian Studies monograph series)
1313550: ISBN: 3540733469 - Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds I (Topics in Current Chemistry, 280)
371635: ISBN: 9971509598 - Highlights on Spectroscopies of Semiconductors and Insulators
1208798: ISBN: 0938437348 - Not So Simple Pleasures: Mit List Visual Arts Center December 8, 1990-February 3, 1991
915798: ISBN: 0444412948 - Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 18: Selected Elementary Reactions
1306502: ISBN: 0444411550 - Degradation of Polymers: Free Radical Polymerization (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics Volume 14)
1103012: ISBN: 0444425500 - Electrode Kinetics: Principles and Methodology (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics) (v. 26)
923512: ISBN: 0444418601 - Liquid-Phase Oxidation, Volume 16 (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics)
1311286: ISBN: 0444406743 - Theory of Kinetics, Volume 2: Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics
923473: ISBN: 0444409130 - Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics. Volume 7, Reactions of Metallic Salts and Complexes, and Organometallic Compounds
920948: ISBN: 0444422889 - Reactions of Solids with Gases. Chemical Kinetics 21
923511: ISBN: 044441052X - Electrophilic Substitution at a Saturated Carbon Atom, Volume 12 (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics)
1125676: ISBN: 0792399463 - Leaf Cell and Hierarchical Compaction Techniques (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science 407)
1017100: ISBN: 888319795X - Popoli indigeni e Nazioni Unite
1255403: ISBN: 3540108483 - Continuous Lattices: Proceedings of the Conference on Topological and Categorical Aspects of Continuous Lattices (Workshop IV) Held at the University ... 871)
339973: ISBN: 0387551603 - Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages . Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 574
487371: ISBN: 2864100037 - Sillons ... Les cartes postales anciennes racontent les Alpes du Sud.
1314346: ISBN: 1461441501 - Text Mining with MATLAB®
487364: ISBN: 0841206368 - The Pesticide Chemist and Modern Toxicology. ACS Symposium Series. #160. Based on a symposium sponsored by the ACS Division of Pesticede Chemistry at a Special Conference at Downing, PA, June 26, 1980.
1006511: ISBN: 8511130802 - Territorio negro em espaco branco: Estudo antropologico de Vila Bela (Portuguese Edition)
1243761: ISBN: 8831780204 - Giovanni Carlo Bevilacqua 1775-1849: I disegni dell'Accademia di belle arti di Venezia
1309128: ISBN: 997150846X - 1988 International Workshop on New Trends in Strong Coupling Gauge Theories, Nagoya, Japan 24-27 August 1988
988964: ISBN: 0306428261 - Atomic and Molecular Processes with Short Intense Laser Pulses (Nato ASI Series B: Physics)
1316450: ISBN: 110714647X - Managing Portfolio Credit Risk in Banks
1287307: ISBN: 1563980029 - Cat Claw: Cat Scratch Fever
1291084: ISBN: 0853343764 - Developments in Boundary Element Methods 4
1210755: ISBN: 1567001351 - Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena--1: First International Symposium, September 12-15, 1999, Santa Barbara, California
1312011: ISBN: 3031481011 - Fractal Patterns with MATLAB (SpringerBriefs in Complexity)
1080728: ISBN: 0727727788 - Prototype Bridge Structures: Analysis and Design
1279698: ISBN: 8430008470 - Arquitectura romanica en Pontevedra (Spanish Edition)
970839: ISBN: 9839586009 - Central Banking in an Era of Change. Landmark Speeches: 1959-1988
1211469: ISBN: 3764324392 - Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Circuits and Semiconductor Devices: Proceedings of a Conference held at the Mathematisches ... Series of Numerical Mathematics)
1228212: ISBN: 069721494X - A Primer for Modern Mathematics
1316436: ISBN: 113737439X - Liquidity Risk: Managing Funding and Asset Risk (Global Financial Markets)
1315177: ISBN: 0333972252 - Weather Risk Management: Market, Products and Applications
1306858: ISBN: 3540073957 - Modeling and Control in the Biomedical Sciences. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, 6
1284050: ISBN: 0761828575 - The Unintended Consequences: Family and Community, the Victims of Isolated Poverty
1311710: ISBN: 1858811996 - The Indian in the Cupboard
1302216: ISBN: 3540555072 - Growth and Diffusion Phenomena. Mathematical Frameworks and Applications (Texts in Applied Mathematics, 14)
1314633: ISBN: 0521625548 - Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems
339942: ISBN: 0387913114 - Fundamentals of Modern Digital Systems. Second edition
263658: ISBN: 9973922646 - Actes de Colloque "Mario Scalesi, poete mediterraneen" (13, 14 et 15 mars 1997)
1268727: ISBN: 8417804749 - El mon d'ahir #18
1144358: ISBN: 1574982451 - Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites XI: Proceedings of the 107th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 2005 (Ceramic Transactions Series)
1032559: ISBN: 1841715123 - Comunidades Neoliticas del Noreste de la Peninsula Iberica. Una aproximacion socio - economica a partir del estudio de la funcion de los utiles liticos. BAR International Series 1140
1119198: ISBN: 9810202725 - Nonlinear World, Volume 2
1316036: ISBN: 0691113572 - The Structure and Dynamics of Networks (Princeton Studies in Complexity, 19)
1308693: ISBN: 082460475X - A History of the Sabbath
1221452: ISBN: 0906048265 - Electrochemical Power Sources: Primary and secondary batteries (Energy Engineering)
983382: ISBN: 9810208030 - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Critical Current Limitations in High Temperature Superconductors: Zaborow Near Warsaw, Poland, 10-13 Se (Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity 30)
1034010: ISBN: 8423505014 - Prehistoria de Navarra. Trabajos de Arqueologia Navarra / 2.a edicion (Spanish Edition)
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