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1310666: ISBN: 0813350182 - Introduction To Commutative Algebra, Student Economy Edition

1316352: ISBN: 0486442411 - An Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity

1291868: ISBN: 1573870994 - The Web of Knowledge : A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield (Asis Monograph Series)

1293571: ISBN: 0198555733 - Quanta. A Handbook of Concepts. Second edition

483432: ISBN: 0702214248 - The Government of the Australian Capital Territory

1272546: ISBN: 1852931787 - Principles of political ecology

1259465: ISBN: 0900433310 - Hongkong Tramways: A history of Hongkong Tramways Limited, and predecessor companies

950001: ISBN: 0891584013 - The United States and the developing countries (Atlantic Council policy series)

1297670: ISBN: 0198244541 - Philosophy without Ambiguity: A Logico-Linguistic Essay (Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy)

483404: ISBN: 1859724655 - Issues in Accounting and Finance

1252238: ISBN: 1489951563 - Calculation of the Brightness of Light: In the Case of Anisotropic Scattering. Part 1

1246443: ISBN: 4845710072 - ????/??? (??????????????) Jupiter Metamorphose Tan

1218491: ISBN: 9058230317 - New Advances in Analytical Chemistry

1036533: ISBN: 1841718890 - Papers in Italian Archaeology VI: Communities and Settlements from the Neolithic to the Early Medieval Period: Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Italian Archaeology held at the University of Groningen, Groningen Institute of Archaeology, The Netherla

1268604: ISBN: 0709905726 - The Theory of Value and Obligation

483406: ISBN: 9999593062 - Thermal Aspects in Manufacturing. PED. Vol. 30

829748: ISBN: 0444997202 - The Economics and Management of Inventories, Part A: Inventories in the National Economy (Studies in Production and Engineering Economics, No. 2)

720923: ISBN: 0444705147 - The Economics of Inventory Management (Studies in production and engineering economics 7)

809874: ISBN: 8836602827 - Le citta ritrovate: Alla ricerca dello spirito del luogo (Italian Edition)

665569: ISBN: 8877660449 - Dipinti 1960-1985 : Regione Lombardia, Comune di Bergamo, Teatro sociale, novembre-dicembre 1988, Comune di Milano, Societa per le belle arti ed Esposizione permanente, febbraio 1989 (Italian Edition)

1269294: ISBN: 0792343107 - The Tapestry of the Law: Scotland, Legal Culture and Legal Theory (Law and Philosophy Library, 26)

720036: ISBN: 3540412220 - Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances: Third International Workshop, GREC'99 Jaipur, India, September 26-27, 1999 Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

1300120: ISBN: 6000678266 - Introduction to Microwave Theory

1311126: ISBN: 0198552939 - Inclusion Compounds Volume 5: Inorganic and Physical Aspects of Inclusion

1145703: ISBN: 0120671018 - Inclusion Compounds: Structural Aspects of Inclusion Compounds Formed by Inorganic and Organometallic Host Lattices (v. 4-5: Oxford science publications)

1311689: ISBN: 0385533969 - In Other Worlds. SF and the Human Imagination

1305513: ISBN: 0395404258 - The Handmaid's Tale

963341: ISBN: 038756974X - LOGIDATA+: Deductive Databases With Complex Objects (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 701)

314323: ISBN: - Aube. Archives Ecclesiastiques. Serie G. (Clerge Seculaire): Inverntaire Sommaire des Archives Departmentales Anterieures

1094033: ISBN: 220402869X - L'Exil Feminin: Antifeminisme et Christianisme (Recherches Morales) (French Edition)

1094047: ISBN: 2718900490 - La Femme: Antifeminisme et Christianisme (French Edition)

1123522: ISBN: 2220032159 - Et apres-- vie ou neant? Essai sur l'au-dela (Collection DDB) (French Edition)

1058161: ISBN: 2227301562 - La morale (Parcours) (French Edition)

1068150: ISBN: 2706700254 - Vivre en Chretien au XXe siecle Tome IIe, l'Engagement du Chretien la sexualite, l'economie, la politique

1068152: ISBN: 2706700254 - Vivre en Chretien au XXe Siecle Tome IIe, l'Engagement du Chretien la Sexualite, l'Economie, la Politique

1128484: ISBN: 354004907X - Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian Congress Oslo 1968 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)

1306469: ISBN: 0521795435 - The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade Second Edition

1206264: ISBN: 2600000291 - Histoire universelle: 1588-1593 (T. VIII) (AGRIPPA D'AUBIG)

1206263: ISBN: 2600000879 - Histoire universelle: 1594-1602 (Tome IX) (AGRIPPA D'AUBIG)

1286815: ISBN: 2040155759 - Explicit Methods of Optimization

1307111: ISBN: 0471021490 - Applied Functional Analysis (Pure & Applied Mathematics)

1137917: ISBN: 271180027X - La Route de la soie: Les arts de l'Asie centrale ancienne dans les collections publiques francaises: [exposition], Grand-Palais, 10 fevrier-29 mars 1976 (French Edition)

510897: ISBN: 0306406608 - Coping With Crisis and Handicap

1311697: ISBN: 0395302250 - The Cat and the King

484314: ISBN: 1558994769 - In Situ Process. Diagnostics and Modelling. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 569. Symposium held April 6-7, 1999, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

428646: ISBN: 1550965379 - The Whole Man

1316143: ISBN: 041587923X - Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge, 3rd Edition

1287486: ISBN: 3540434984 - Geometry

1302090: ISBN: 3764329971 - Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic Geometry (Progress in Mathematics, 117)

484303: ISBN: 2863320432 - Accretion Processes in Astrophysics. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Recontre de Moriond Astrophysics Meeting. Les Arcs-Savoie-France, March 9-16, 1986.

1112393: ISBN: 0944110576 - Recent glass sculpture: A union of ideas

562456: ISBN: 0731639456 - Kondinin -- Karlgarin -- Hyden: Community, Time and Place

394430: ISBN: - Information Systems Management. volumes 8; 11-15; 17. (1991-2000)

1246760: ISBN: 1895442451 - For the Record: Drawing Contemporary Life

1316399: ISBN: 0982887469 - Expert Hand Evaluation

1032688: ISBN: 1593336764 - Die Genesis Erklart (Gorgias Occasional Historical Commentaries 1) (German Edition)

950026: ISBN: 3927933856 - Gegenrechnung : Die Verbrechen an Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen Im Ersten Weltkrieg

847261: ISBN: 354836070X - Carl Friedrich Schinkel : Architekt, Stadtebauer, Maler

1211061: ISBN: 3865253504 - Selbstgefuhl: Ein Charaktergemalde in funf Aufzugen

1017606: ISBN: 1617193704 - Ein Martyrologium der christliche Geminde zu Rom am Anfang des V. Jahrhunderts: Quellenstudien sur Geschichte der Romischen Martyer (Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature 11)

610990: ISBN: 0773402462 - Die Blume in der Dichtung der Englischen Romantik.

999182: ISBN: 0120329387 - Advances in Pharmacology, Volume 37

328999: ISBN: 0120680505 - Biological Response Mediators and Modulators

911891: ISBN: 0120680602 - Molecular Parasitology (John Jacob Abel Symposia on Drug Development)

392658: ISBN: 0404702171 - Pieces on the "Jew Bill", (1753). Augustan Reprint Society, Publication Number 217

401330: ISBN: 080461296X - Parnassus In Pillory A Satire by Motley Manners, Esquire

1308581: ISBN: 0521796652 - Augustine: On the Trinity Books 8-15 (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)

1295147: ISBN: 0198269951 - De Bono Coniugali, De Sancta Virginitate (Oxford Early Christian Texts)

997005: ISBN: 0313266700 - Diverse Paths to Modernity in Southeastern Europe. Essays in National Development (Contributions to the Study of World History)

1213858: ISBN: 9586082032 - Interrogantes sobre la identidad cultural colombiana: Dialogo con Otto Morales Benitez

1003741: ISBN: 8846421191 - Pro exoneratione sua propria coscentia. Le accuse per stregoneria nella Capua del XVII-XVIII secolo

1272946: ISBN: 0444892729 - Basin Modelling: Advances and Applications (Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publications No. 3)

1017081: ISBN: 2110811102 - La Vezere des origines: Sites prehistoriques, grottes ornees et musees (Guides archeologiques de la France) (French Edition)

1055832: ISBN: 2853170462 - 1492-1992: Conquete et evangile en Amerique latine: questions pour l'Europe aujourd'hui: actes du colloque realise a Lyon du 28 au 30 janvier 1992 a l'Universite catholique de Lyon

1199140: ISBN: 0805925503 - Artist in Woodstock: George Ault, the independent years

1308038: ISBN: 0691081034 - Values of Non-Atomic Games

1307285: ISBN: 0444894284 - Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications (Volume 3)

1306926: ISBN: 0444880984 - Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications, Volume 1 (Handbooks in Economics)

1307294: ISBN: 0262011557 - Collected Papers, Vol. 2

1248589: ISBN: 0691072388 - Kant's Theory of Morals

1207115: ISBN: 376433004X - Complex Approximation. Proceedings, Quebec, Canada July 3-8, 1978. Progress in Mathematics Volume 4

1228591: ISBN: 3775726969 - Michelangelo Pistoletto: Mirror Paintings

1069214: ISBN: 2890340392 - Quand la foi Cherche a se dire

678895: ISBN: 1581410190 - The Garden of My Childhood

706091: ISBN: 8492105127 - Jose Luis Hidalgo: Biografia en imagenes (Spanish Edition)

942765: ISBN: 8885989071 - Uomini e culture: Antropologia delle Americhe (Italian Edition)

385772: ISBN: - Aurora Grata: Official Notice of Aurora Grata Bodies, Valley of Brooklyn, N. Y., Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

385773: ISBN: - Aurora Grata: Official Notice of Aurora Grata Bodies, Valley of Brooklyn, N. Y., Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. vols. 9-28

1255010: ISBN: 8836608124 - Domenico Martinelli Architetto Ad Austerlitz I Disegni Per La Residenza Di Dominik Andreas Kaunitz (1691-1705)

1061550: ISBN: 0387096795 - Fifth IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science - TCS 2008: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, TC 1, Foundations of Computer Science, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy

1255399: ISBN: 0444704531 - Minimal Flows and Their Extensions (Notas De Matematica, Vol 122)

1259450: ISBN: 0691079633 - Flows on Homogeneous Spaces (Annals of Mathematics Studies 53)

1296385: ISBN: 1521849056 - Never the Last One: A Novel of Spetznaz

1066428: ISBN: 0306357062 - Interaction Between Ions and Molecules

295969: ISBN: 9031600032 - The Scope of American Linguistics. Papers of The First Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America

427568: ISBN: 0060175257 - Prism: A Novel

1219851: ISBN: 0121043606 - Quantitative and Qualitative Games (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)

386711: ISBN: 0387168168 - Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 239)

1309479: ISBN: 019283021X - Philosophical Papers. Third edition

1141727: ISBN: 0727730398 - Design Chains: A Handbook for Integrated Collaborative Design

1038738: ISBN: 0644329106 - Australian Aboriginal Middens. Australian Heritage Commission Bibliography Series, No. 10

419162: ISBN: - Buried History: Quarterly Journal of the Australian Institute of Archaeology. vols. 14-20

253533: ISBN: - Medical Journal of Australia. vols. 44-45, 48-49, 56-64 (1986-1996)

1163598: ISBN: 0958741123 - Railways of Queensland Volume 4

1037518: ISBN: 0975767011 - Labour and the Great War : The Australian Working Class and the Making of ANZAC

285641: ISBN: - OTF: Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Telegraphen--Telephon-Funk- und Fernsehtechnik etc. vols. 3 nos. 1/2-11/12; 4 nos. 1/2-11/12; 5 nos. 1/2-11/12 (1949-1951)

867349: ISBN: 920010388X - Modern Insect Control: Nuclear Techniques and Biotechnology (International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series)

847824: ISBN: 0120146452 - ADVANCES ELECTRONC and ELECTRON PHYSICS V45, Volume 45

715227: ISBN: 0120371057 - Advances in Software Science and Technology, Volume 5

787433: ISBN: 0121531279 - CURRENT TOPICS DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, Volume 27 (Current Topics in Developmental Biology)

601099: ISBN: 0107806606 - Parliamentary Debates, House Of Lords - Bound Volumes: 5th Series. Volume DCLX. 2003-04, 19 April - 6 May 2004

1231163: ISBN: 0916365336 - No Laughing Matter

1235524: ISBN: 8491527621 - Territorial Heritage Spatial Planning. A Geographical Perspective (Papel + e-book)

1048195: ISBN: 2851995286 - Francois Truffaut: Les mille et une nuits americaines (Collection Cinema) (French Edition)

1271282: ISBN: 1604340371 - Irish Pubs 2009 Calendar

1271286: ISBN: 1604340134 - Butterflies 2009 Calendar

282740: ISBN: 0850120748 - Computers and the Year 2000

781806: ISBN: 9068310615 - Deuxieme Journee d'Etudes Coptes, Strasbourg, 25 mai 1984. (Cahiers a deala a Bibliotheque a Copte)

578518: ISBN: 0833742701 - Les Conceptions Pedagogiques de Diderot

939035: ISBN: 0791815412 - Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS): Microscale Thermal Phenomena in Electronic Systems, Applications of Miocrofabrication to Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Micromechanical Systems. DSC-Vol. 59

1315387: ISBN: 0470683880 - Misconceptions of Risk

1315389: ISBN: 1118489586 - Uncertainty in Risk Assessment: The Representation and Treatment of Uncertainties by Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Methods

1008322: ISBN: 3540171746 - Modelling and Analysis in Arms Control. NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Volume 26

1218611: ISBN: 0871691833 - The Lines of Nazca

892883: ISBN: 1558993037 - Metastable Phases and Microstructures. Symposium held November 27-30, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Volume 400

1283391: ISBN: 030643931X - Semimagnetic Semiconductors and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors. Ettore Majorana International Science Series Volume 55

1285571: ISBN: 0915651556 - Commentarium medium in Porphyrii "Isagogen" et Aristotelis "Categorias": Versionum Hebraicarum Volumen 1/a [Medium]

1285379: ISBN: 0910956456 - Averroes: Epitome of Parva Naturalia

238714: ISBN: 0786407336 - Correspondence Chess in America

1298430: ISBN: 0070025045 - Creation and Annihilation Operators

1137019: ISBN: 9027724199 - Understanding Molecular Properties: A Symposium in Honour of Professor Carl Johan Ballhausen, held at The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, April 4 and 5, 1986

1309751: ISBN: 0677308302 - Developments In Operations Research. Volume 1

485764: ISBN: 0849351995 - Non-Fluorinated Propellants and Solvents for Aerosols

1293911: ISBN: 0813507634 - Beth She'Arim Catacombs 12-23 (Volume III)

1269128: ISBN: 3319334069 - Certainty in Law (Law and Philosophy Library, 114)

1051193: ISBN: 9688958166 - El occidente de Mexico: arqueologia, historia y medio ambiente. Perspectivas regionales. Actas del IV Coloquio Internacional de Occidentalistas

915966: ISBN: 0120687003 - Metabolic Bone Disease and Clinically Related Disorders, Third Edition

1134013: ISBN: 9087909772 - Navigating Through the Storm: Reinventing Education for Postmodern Democracies (Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice)

1308952: ISBN: 041521503X - God and the Creative Imagination: Metaphor, Symbol and Myth in Religion and Theology

485762: ISBN: 0306437058 - Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories. Volume 2.

1178871: ISBN: 388270022X - Japonica: Aus der Kunstsammlung des Herrn, Wilhelm Peter Metzler (1818-1904) (German Edition)

1311168: ISBN: 007002510X - Metal Forming: Processes and Analysis

702492: ISBN: - Second Chance: (a comedy in two acts)

1311117: ISBN: 0824776704 - Injection and Compression Molding Fundamentals

485756: ISBN: 0312747411 - South-South Financial Co-Operation. Approaches to the Current Crisis--The Jamaica Papers.

806222: ISBN: 0323046584 - Year Book of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine 2007 (Year Books)

636551: ISBN: 0323020518 - Year Book of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine 2003 (Year Books)

1128389: ISBN: 0845132024 - Advances in Biotechnological Processes Volume 3

1316157: ISBN: 3642405967 - Advances in Security of Information and Communication Networks: First International Conference, SecNet 2013, Cairo, Egypt, September 3-5, 2013. ... in Computer and Information Science, 381)

275424: ISBN: 9040710295 - Broadband Communication. Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of an ATM Switching Element

1241377: ISBN: 9810205791 - Bifurcation and Chaos in Coupled Oscillators

1273077: ISBN: 0898679788 - Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration (American Water Works Association Manual)

571935: ISBN: 3515044825 - Insolvenzen und wirtschaftlicher Wandel. Eine wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Analyse der Konkurse und Vergleiche im Siegerland 1951-1980. Zeitschrift fur Unternehmensgeschichte beiheft 40

678795: ISBN: 3805572603 - Animal Testing in Infectiology (Contributions to Microbiology, Vol. 9)

945582: ISBN: 3927884456 - De Orbis Hispani Linguis Litteris Historia Moribus: Festschrift Fur Dietrich Briesemeister Zum 60. Geburtstag. 2 Volumes

353286: ISBN: 0387533621 - Recent Developments in Micromechanics

1146028: ISBN: 0919868258 - Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Fossil Fuels: An Experimental Approach

486236: ISBN: 9155447457 - Studies of Collective Excitations in Rare Earth Nuclei. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 551

1316389: ISBN: 0521555698 - Iterative Solution Methods

954973: ISBN: 0677312709 - Cell Tissue Culture Techniques for Cereal Crop Improvement

1071205: ISBN: 2070702936 - Paysage de Papiers. Roman

1309802: ISBN: 1555950779 - Beyond the Plane: The Relief Paintings of Judith Rothschild

1313807: ISBN: 1498550177 - Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement

1316175: ISBN: 9290795913 - The New Basel Capital Accord and SME Financing: SMEs and the New Rating Culture

1311165: ISBN: 0824771869 - Electrical Phenomena at Interfaces: Fundamentals, Measurements, and Applications (Surfactant Science 15)

836119: ISBN: 3540578781 - Correlation Effects in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems: Proceedings of the 16th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 25 - 29, 1993 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 118)

1195482: ISBN: 0940337029 - Sculpture at Laumeier

1089669: ISBN: 2706700343 - Chretiens a la Recherche de Leur Identite: Avenir de la vie religieuse. Collection "Transmettre l'Esperance" (French Edition)

1269112: ISBN: 052173259X - Lengthening the Arm of the Law: Enhancing Police Resources in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge Studies in Criminology)

1236374: ISBN: 0394415760 - Atlas Shrugged

1300555: ISBN: 0672506696 - The Fountainhead

1309204: ISBN: 3319305441 - Energy, Complexity and Wealth Maximization (The Frontiers Collection)

1300299: ISBN: 0883189119 - Information, Entropy, and Progress. A New Evolutionary Paradigm

1314532: ISBN: 0470030690 - Understanding Islamic Finance

1311884: ISBN: 3031486862 - Black Silicon: Formation, Properties, and Application (Synthesis Lectures on Materials and Optics)

1316435: ISBN: 0849310873 - Elicitation of Expert Opinions for Uncertainty and Risks

1101836: ISBN: 0818671262 - Proceedings of ISUMA-NAFIPS '95: The Third International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis and Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society September 17-20, 1995, College Park, Maryland

1279797: ISBN: 9612453985 - Azad Karim

331342: ISBN: 3110148072 - Software Reliability Determination for Conventional and Logic Programming. Programming Complex Systems, Volume 7

990108: ISBN: 3540511911 - Seminaire de Probabilites XXIII. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1372 (French and English Edition)

990107: ISBN: 3540526943 - Seminaire de Probabilites XXIV 1988/89. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1426 (French and English Edition)

999501: ISBN: 3540133321 - Seminaire de Probabilites XVIII 1982 / 83. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1059 (French and English Edition)

990105: ISBN: 354016779X - Seminaire de Probabilites XX 1984/85. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1204 (English and French Edition)

1281149: ISBN: 3540114866 - Seminaire de Probabilites XVI 1980/81: Supplement: Geometrie Differentielle Stochastique (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 921)

1238545: ISBN: 3540097414 - Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour VIII - 1978. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 774

1224625: ISBN: 8486547210 - Urbanismo medieval del Pais Valenciano (Biblioteca de Arqueologia Medieval Hispanica) (Spanish Edition)

1313923: ISBN: 162619761X - Lackawanna County Chronicles (American Chronicles)

1058397: ISBN: 3761105371 - Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka

780578: ISBN: 9027934053 - Strukturelemente der deutschen Gegenwartshochsprache: Phone und Phonaden (Janua linguarum) (German Edition)

1076602: ISBN: 8860101611 - Jackson Pollock : energia resa visibile

1307999: ISBN: 0706505549 - Generalized Translation Operators and Some of Their Applications

650360: ISBN: 0950271217 - Psychological Aspects of Transmeridian Flying. Institute of Psychology Paper No. 2, 1971

1285360: ISBN: 9971978555 - QUANTUM THEORY OF MANY VARIABLE SYSTEMS AND FIELDS (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume 1)

1315417: ISBN: 0070673985 - Structural Mechanics with Introductions to Elasticity and Plasticity

843734: ISBN: 3805557760 - From Molecular Biology to Therapeutics (Pharmacology and the Skin 5)

1081999: ISBN: 9060135547 - Trams 96

1081998: ISBN: 9060135962 - Trams 2000

1081997: ISBN: 9060135857 - Trams 99

1111336: ISBN: 088318415X - Thermophysical properties of fluids. I. Argon, ethylene, parahydrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen trifluoride, and oxygen (Jpcrd - Volume 11, Supplement 1)

612561: ISBN: 3540612882 - Polymer Synthesis/Polymer Catalysis (Advances in Polymer Science 127)

1158726: ISBN: 8120402774 - Advances in geophysics

788986: ISBN: 0853240264 - Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation

1248613: ISBN: 3540112111 - Categorical Aspects of Topology and Analysis: Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Carleton University, Ottawa, August 11-15, 1981. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 915

1255320: ISBN: 1114349178 - Atomic Physics. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Atomic Physics, New York City, 1968

1262990: ISBN: 0444850759 - Advances in Graph Theory. Annals of Discrete Mathematics 3

586471: ISBN: 0387194029 - Uncertainty and Intelligent Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 313

368174: ISBN: 3540543465 - Uncertainty in knowledge bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU '90, Paris, France, July 2-6, 1990, proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science 521)

779146: ISBN: 0444989854 - Air Pollution Control Technology (Fundamental Aspects of Pollution Control and Environmental Science, volume 8)

793152: ISBN: 0415051940 - Multinationals and Europe 1992 : Strategies for the Future (International Business Series)

1128345: ISBN: 1851665587 - Electronic Ceramics

1305560: ISBN: 3540005307 - Filler-Reinforced Elastomers / Scanning Force Microscopy (Advances in Polymer Science)

692158: ISBN: 0387169040 - Organic Synthesis, Reactions and Mechanisms (Topics in Current Chemistry 137)

1256399: ISBN: 8323506027 - 3rd Warsaw School of Statistical Physics. Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 27 June - 4 July 2009

1313181: ISBN: 0471278572 - Coordination Compounds of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanine

1303782: ISBN: 0300006330 - The Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah) : Book 6: The Book of Asservations (Yale Judaica Series, Volume 15)

1303267: ISBN: 9971501449 - Supersymmetry Supergravity Superstrings '86 Proceedings of the Trieste Spring School Iltp, Trieste, Italy 7-15 April 1986

1081103: ISBN: 0444428550 - Catalyst Deactivation, 1987. (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Volume 34)

808683: ISBN: 0124380018 - Studies in Convection. Theory, Measurement and Applications. Volume 1

597897: ISBN: 044486251X - System Dynamics and the Analysis of Change: Proceedings. Ed by E. Paulre. Conf Held Nov 1980

1312188: ISBN: 0080133460 - Experimental Mechanics: Congress Proceedings: 1st

358342: ISBN: 038718404X - Towards Third Generation Robotics: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Icar '87: 13-15 October 1987, Versailles, France

534198: ISBN: 0873392043 - Diffusion in Ordered Alloys (Electronic, Magnetic, and Photonic Materials Division Monograph Series)

795076: ISBN: 9810213484 - Solitons in Multidimensions: Inverse Spectral Transform Method

564150: ISBN: 0387153160 - HLA Class II Antigens: A Comprehensive Review of Structure and Function

805072: ISBN: 0387082999 - Die Frakturenbehandlung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

678688: ISBN: 0595290574 - Dreamin' Dreams: A Collection of Short Irish Stories

738028: ISBN: 0821800825 - Computer Communications (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics)

571211: ISBN: 0080209548 - Industrial waste water and wastes, 2: Main lectures presented at the second International Congress on Industrial Waste Water and Wastes, Stockholm Sweden, 4-7, February 1975

734205: ISBN: 8184870159 - Web Intelligent Systems

1260295: ISBN: 2710803755 - Sedimentation et diagenese des carbonates neritiques recents. Two Volumes

390444: ISBN: 0792319575 - Optimization and Artificial Intelligence in Civil and Structural Engineering (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Science). TWO VOLUMES

1054783: ISBN: 2250005133 - UNE MORALE POUR LA PERSONNE

628889: ISBN: 9027706743 - Abundance Effects in Classification: Dedicated to W.W. Morgan (International Astronomical Union Symposia)

603677: ISBN: 0444802932 - Mechanisms of Toxicity and Hazard Evaluation (Developments in toxicology and environmental science)

733369: ISBN: 0444820639 - Bridge Assessment Management and Design (Developments in Civil Engineering, Volume 45)

414294: ISBN: 0576031100 - Mongolo-Oiratskii Geroicheskii Epos: The Mongolo-Oirat Roihec [I.E. Heroic] Epos,

972145: ISBN: 5020166154 - Sravnitel'naia grammatika mongol'skogo pis'mennogo Iazyka i Khalkhaskogo Narechiia (Comparative Grammar of the Mongolian Written Language and the Khalkhasian Dialect)

537831: ISBN: 094025476X - Microsensors

428547: ISBN: 0853341761 - Developments in Food Proteins-2 (Developments Series)

428540: ISBN: 1851661999 - Developments in Food Proteins, 6. Developments Series

428549: ISBN: 0853349878 - Developments in Food Proteins, 1 (Developments Series)

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