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1314667: ISBN: 730009354X - Heaven and Simeng School (Paperback)

1310905: ISBN: 095328011X - Christopher Dresser: People's Designer 1834-1904

1310366: ISBN: 0898834872 - Small Engine Technology: Conference Proceedings

1310445: ISBN: 7547919006 - Pathways to modernism : American art, 1865-1945

1314197: ISBN: 3924447101 - Trauerschmuck vom Barock bis zum Art deco: "--mit schwarzem Schmucke oder mit Perlen" (German Edition)

1254772: ISBN: 0907797857 - Richard Gorman

1254713: ISBN: 8070560096 - Czech Visual Art, 1960-1990: [exhibition at the Mid-Bohemian Gallery in Prague, Museum of Modern Art ... July - September, 1992]

1253525: ISBN: 4621065610 - Daisu kikagaku kogi

1251954: ISBN: 9637402365 - Eleven textil, 1968-1978-1988: Valogatas a modern magyar textilmuveszeti alkotasokbol: a Mucsarnok es a Savaria Muzeum kiallitasa, Budapest, 1988. julius 28-szeptember 11

1235210: ISBN: 8476645988 - Los iberos: Principes de Occidente (Spanish Edition)

1235499: ISBN: 958638117X - Tierradentro (Collection Huellas) (Spanish Edition)

1231022: ISBN: 3954986299 - Dresdener Kunstblatter 3/2021 Bestandsaufnahme

1230990: ISBN: 8086970965 - Tschechische Fotografie des 20. Jahrhunderts

1235213: ISBN: 9728137192 - A idade do bronze em Portugal: Discursos de poder (Portuguese Edition)

1214612: ISBN: 8445129503 - Miscelanea en homenaje a Victoria Cabrera. Zona Arqueologica 7

1220852: ISBN: 968429235X - El falso final: La consumacion de la guerra independiencia (1821). Mexico, historia de un pueblo, tomo 7

1221047: ISBN: 0935908064 - Sober Days Golden Years: Alcoholism and the Older Person #109

1215619: ISBN: 9977610002 - Memorias del Primer Simposio Cientifico sobre Pueblos Indigenas de Costa Rica (Spanish Edition)

1221114: ISBN: 9992261129 - Critical Issues: Drunk Driving Prosecutions. Annotations from the ALR System

1217809: ISBN: 156347087X - Proceedings of 1994 Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (Conference Proceeding Series)

1220978: ISBN: 0080357172 - Advances in Biomedical Alcohol Research: Third Congress of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Helsinki, Finland

1227031: ISBN: 8470396064 - Homenaje a Alonso Zamora Vicente, vol. III-1 . (HOMENAJES) (Spanish Edition)

1228555: ISBN: 0970909071 - Christopher Wool: Pattern Paintings 1987-2000 (SKARSTEDT GALLE)

1229024: ISBN: 3882703903 - Kaiapo: Material Culture - Spiritual World

1227039: ISBN: 8488699182 - Inventario general de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional. 13 / XIII (8500 a 9500)

1227032: ISBN: 8495747553 - Memoria, mito y realidad en la historia medieval. XIII Semana de Estudios Medievales: Najera, 2002 (Actas) (Spanish Edition)

1227025: ISBN: 8400042298 - Estudios sobre la sociedad hispanica en la Edad Media (Cuadernos de historia ; v. 6) (Spanish Edition)

1227026: ISBN: 8400041054 - Estudios sobre el Reino de Valencia (Cuadernos de historia ; v. 5) (Spanish Edition)

1226762: ISBN: 8477393001 - The Deplorable History of the Catalans

1227029: ISBN: 8470397516 - Homenaje a Alonso Zamora Vicente, vol. V . (HOMENAJES) (Spanish Edition)

1229531: ISBN: 3954985500 - Dresdener Kunstblatter: 2/2020 - Kupferstich-Kabinett im Dialog

1227030: ISBN: 8470395513 - Homenaje a Alonso Zamora Vicente, vol. II . (HOMENAJES) (Spanish Edition)

1246762: ISBN: 8448244036 - Cronica del Guernica/ Chronicles of Guernica (Spanish and English Edition)

1245200: ISBN: 4861528291 - Onoda Minoru = ONODA MINORU : watashi no maru : [tenrankai, Himeji, Himeji Shiritsu Bijutsukan, 2021.04.10-06.20]

1244393: ISBN: 8290128495 - 1905-1935 ekspresjon!: Edvard Munch: Tysk og Norsk kunst i tre tiar.

1246641: ISBN: 8484800237 - El coleccionismo de escultura clasica en Espana (Spanish Edition)

1246824: ISBN: 8876930434 - L'ambiente nella storia d'Italia: Studi e immagini (Italian Edition)

1245488: ISBN: 3865881041 - Catherine Sullivan: The Chittendens

1221840: ISBN: 0816908281 - Ammonia Plant Safety & Related Facilities. Volume 40,

1223977: ISBN: 3902001070 - Ungemalt : Sammlung Essl, 17. 07.-27. 10. 2002

1221438: ISBN: 1883413117 - Refrigerant Recovery Book

1225046: ISBN: 847306593X - Tiempo de monasterios. Los monasterios de Cataluna alrededor del ano 1000

1222774: ISBN: 1859575153 - Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes 2005: The 7th International Conference

1243286: ISBN: 284975014X - Histoires d'un musee. Le musee des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

1242119: ISBN: 0934088349 - Third Avenue Railway System in Manhattan

1067747: ISBN: 0889624755 - Six Ottawa poets

1014648: ISBN: 9686075615 - Reflexiones sobre la identidad de los pueblos (Coleccion COLEF) (Spanish Edition)

1015667: ISBN: 9998553466 - Creation Conventions Presents Starlog Salutes Star Wars: A 10th Anniversary Tribute to George Lucas and the Galaxy Far, Far Away Which He Created

1011737: ISBN: 2858026742 - Cote femmes: Approches ethnologiques (Connaissance des hommes) (French Edition)

1017420: ISBN: 9060017420 - Van theorie tot toepassing in de ontwikkelingssociologie: Sociologen en antropologen over ontwikkelingsproblemen (Mens en maatschappij) (Dutch Edition)

1015113: ISBN: 968120980X - Democracia en tierras indigenas: Las elecciones en los Altos de Chiapas, 1991-1998 (Spanish Edition)

1017902: ISBN: 8485786947 - La juglaresca: Actas del I Congreso Internacional sobre la Juglaresca (Historia de la literatura hispanica desde sus fuentes) (Spanish Edition)

1007516: ISBN: 2951832338 - Grands Surrealistes

1008765: ISBN: 9686954872 - El Problema de las expulsiones en las comunidades indigenas de los altos de Chiapas y los derechos humanos: Segundo informe (Spanish Edition)

1005408: ISBN: 2070251020 - Trois femmes de Race

1004000: ISBN: - The Literary Panorama, and National Register. New Series, Volume the third, January-September 1816

1050240: ISBN: 0889970823 - Sacramentary: 1983 Edition

1048691: ISBN: 3540050221 - Structure and Bonding. Volume 7

1047839: ISBN: 847202234X - Mestres de l'Escolania de Montserrat. Vol. VII: Joan Cererols, IV

393741: ISBN: - Differential Geometry and Its Applications. Volumes 10 & 11

393657: ISBN: - Punch, or The London Charivari, etc. vols. 134/135

397522: ISBN: 1560912219 - Electronic Display Technology and Information Systems (SP, No 904)

329863: ISBN: 1574980599 - Advances In Ceramics Matrix Composites IV. Ceramic Transactions Volume 96

329896: ISBN: 1574980238 - Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries II. Ceramic Transactions Volume 72

329938: ISBN: 0944904785 - Materials Processing And Design II. Ceramic Transactions Volume 44

334692: ISBN: 9264112928 - Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of the Effects of Taxation on the Supply of Labour

337770: ISBN: 1560914645 - Multiplexing and Fiberoptics, SP-1012

326887: ISBN: 0080163475 - Pharmacology of Naturally Occurring Polypeptides and Lipid-soluble Acids, Section 72, Volume 1. International Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

318198: ISBN: 0818679646 - Proceedings 11th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation

317474: ISBN: 1560320788 - Extraction '90. I. Chem. E. Symposium, No. 119

340946: ISBN: 0818674814 - 15th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

329890: ISBN: 0944904688 - Cement-Based Materials. Ceramic Transactions Volume 37

318401: ISBN: 030902644X - Principles and Procedures for Evaluating the Toxicity of Household Substances

318409: ISBN: 0387060987 - New Methods in Chemisty. Topics in Current Chemistry, Volume 36

329877: ISBN: 1574980289 - Case Studies in Ceramic Product Development, Manufacturing, and Commercialization. Ceramic Transactions Volume 75

329921: ISBN: 1574980602 - Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Advanced Ceramics and Composites II. Ceramic Transactions Volume 94

329929: ISBN: 1574980181 - Mass and Charge Transport in Ceramics. Ceramic Transactions Volume 71

329871: ISBN: 0944904696 - Advances In Ceramic-Matrix Composites. Ceramic Transactions Volume 38

335379: ISBN: 0792314573 - Subtech '91: Back to the Future. Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Volume 27

329922: ISBN: 1574980327 - Integrated Thin Films And Applications. Ceramic Transactions Volume 86+A79

329866: ISBN: 1574980890 - Advances In Ceramic Matrix Composites V. Ceramic Transactions Volume 103

341554: ISBN: 0818669608 - 1994 First Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference December 7-9, 1994 Tokyo, Japan

341562: ISBN: 0872632954 - A Program Guide for CIM Implementation. Second Edition

329941: ISBN: 1574980378 - Nondestructive Evaluation of Ceramics. Ceramic Transactions Volume 89

174365: ISBN: - American Literature. Volumes 1-62, lacks vol. 28

182585: ISBN: - The Progressive. Vols. 23-39

174510: ISBN: - Annual Review of Medicine vols. 1-33

174492: ISBN: - Animal Learning and Behavior. Volumes 1-24, 1973-1996

174473: ISBN: - American Zoologist Volumes 1-30

205596: ISBN: - East Africa vols. 2-8 (1965-1971)

244385: ISBN: - American Journal of Science. Series V: vols. 16, 19-22, 27-36 (1928-1938)

174465: ISBN: - American Studies International vols. 8-26

244398: ISBN: - Balkania. Volumes 1-7

174364: ISBN: - American Literary Scholarship vols. 1-27, lacking vol. 4 & vol. 6 (1963-1989)

173293: ISBN: - Journal of Biological Response Modifiers. Volumes 1-9.

236978: ISBN: - American Music. volumes 1-5, 7-9

251386: ISBN: - Mercure de France. vols. 309-354 (1950-1965)

150044: ISBN: - Thesaurus: Boletin del Instituto Caro y Cuervo. vols. 1-38

146995: ISBN: - Hispania Antigua. vols. 15-17, 20

238735: ISBN: - Journal of American History (Formerly: Mississippi Valley Historical Review), vols. 20, 28, 32-33, 36-37, 40-49, 55-60

252104: ISBN: - Manuscripta. vols. 1-14, 16-19, 26-38, 41-44 (1957-2000)

252447: ISBN: - Marine Behaviour & Physiology. vols. 1-9

252449: ISBN: - Marine Biology. vols. 24-31, 33-35, 37-39, 43-44, 50, 56-57, 68, 71, 73, 77, 84-89, 91-95, 97-98 (1974-1988)

145329: ISBN: - Anales de la Literatura Espanola Contemporanea. vols. 11-23

315212: ISBN: 0821343866 - African Development Indicators 2000

295861: ISBN: 9999526403 - Impacts of Applied Genetics. Micro-Organisms, Plants, and Animals

306706: ISBN: 0780321375 - Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment ISEE-1995 May 1-3, 1995 Orlando, Florida

307793: ISBN: 0275241904 - Environmental Modeling and Decision Making. The United States Experience

286469: ISBN: 0927695464 - SAA: IBM's Master Plan

284304: ISBN: 0309025273 - Predicting Earthquakes. A Scientific and Technical Evaluation -- with Implications for Society

284303: ISBN: 0852963718 - International Conference on Refurbishment of Power Station Electrical Plant. IEE No. 295

296814: ISBN: 0420462600 - The Year Book of World Affairs, 1982. Volume 36

283071: ISBN: 0780347927 - IEEE Conference Record--Abstracts. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

293598: ISBN: 0944029833 - Peacewatch/Policywatch Anthology 2002. America and the Middle East: Expanding Threat, Broadening Response

288422: ISBN: - Microchemical Journal. vols. 1-50

306707: ISBN: 0780308301 - Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment ISEE-1993 May 10-12, 1993 Arlington, Virginia

310651: ISBN: 9231015877 - Management of Natural Resources in Africa: Traditional Strategies and Modern Decision-Making. MAB Technical Notes No. 9

306705: ISBN: 078033809X - Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment ISEE-1997 May 5-7, 1997 San Francisco, California

390933: ISBN: 0852962614 - Electrical Installations in Buildings (I E E Conference Publication)

384871: ISBN: - Civil War History. Vols. 5-6, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 31-33, 37-40

374943: ISBN: 1931586039 - American Statistical Association 2000: Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, the Section on Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences and Section on Statistical Consulting

254491: ISBN: - Middle Eastern Studies. vols. 4-33

259855: ISBN: 0309055296 - Conflict and Cooperation in National Competition for High-Technology Industry

259668: ISBN: 0852963793 - Second International Conference on Frequency Control and Synthesis

255807: ISBN: - Modern Austrian Literature. vols. 1-3, 6-7, 11-12, 14-15, 18, 22-28, 36-39 (1968-2006)

255806: ISBN: - Modern Austrian Literature. vols. 1-3

255803: ISBN: - Modeling Identification & Contol. vols. 2-18 (1981-1997)

255744: ISBN: - Military Law Review. vols. 126, 130, 132-138, 141-152, 155, 157 (1989-1998)

255726: ISBN: - Midwest Review. vols. 13, 15 (1991-1993)

255723: ISBN: - Midwest Modern Language Association, Journal. vols. 18-27, 29-30, 35, 37 (1985-2004)

262949: ISBN: 0309042763 - Fostering Flexibility in the Engineering Work Force

254490: ISBN: - Middle Eastern Affairs. vols. 2, 4-6, 8, 14 (1951-1963)

254489: ISBN: - Middle East Studies Association Bulletin. vols. 19-20, 23, 25-37, 39 (1985-2005)

254482: ISBN: - MidAmerica. vols. 1, 4-5, 12-13, 15-24, 28 (1974-2001)

254474: ISBN: - Microvascular Research. vols. 1-56, lacks vols. 15, 18, 19

254424: ISBN: - Metabolism. vols. 1, 4-22, 24-28, 34, 34-44 (1952-1995)

253569: ISBN: - Merrill Palmer Quarterly. vols. 16-24, 26-32, 34 (1970-1988)

253544: ISBN: - Medicine. vols. 53-54, 56-72 (1974-1993)

252453: ISBN: - Marg. Volumes 17-19, 21-28, 30-31, 33-34, 44, 51 (1963-2000)

263984: ISBN: 0917617304 - Continuity and Change in Brazil and the Southern Cone: Research Trends and Library Collections for the Year 2000

264211: ISBN: 0852963866 - Second International Conference on Holographic Systems, Components and Applications

266171: ISBN: 2711838560 - Le Choix de L'Absolu Racine, Phedre

269919: ISBN: 0471844721 - An American National Standard IEEE Standard FASTBUS Modular High-Speed Data Acquisition and Control System

270916: ISBN: 0852962649 - International Conference on Man/Machine Systems. Information Technology, No 82

272847: ISBN: 0903796899 - Local Networks & Distributed Office Systems. Volume 2: System Selection and Implementation

274925: ISBN: 0198547439 - Benefits and Risks of Knowledge-Based Systems

275010: ISBN: 0131943820 - CTOS/Open Programming Practices and Standards. Application Design

275073: ISBN: 0131946552 - CTOS/Open Application Programming Interface Specification. Networking Services

278060: ISBN: 0814452841 - Managing Advancing Technology. Volume II: Creating an Action Team in R&D

279428: ISBN: 0780344863 - 1998 IEEE 14th Annual Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium

281253: ISBN: 0935406468 - Inventory Management Reprints

281331: ISBN: 0818658053 - Proceedings of the Workshop on Visual Behaviors

282190: ISBN: 0080295460 - Productivity Through Work Innovations. A Work in America Institute Policy Study. Executive Summary

282293: ISBN: 0566020742 - Worker Directors Speak

253513: ISBN: - Mechanisms of Aging & Development. vols. 1-42, lacks v. 3

252473: ISBN: - Materials Research Bulletin. vols. 1-34, lacking vols. 6, 7, 17, 18

253502: ISBN: - MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. vols. 1-3, 5-9, 11-19 (1976-1994)

369361: ISBN: 0323015352 - Advances in Dermatology, Volume 17

353926: ISBN: 0780350499 - 20th Annual GaAsIC Symposium: IEEE Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuit Symposium: Technical Digest 1998

366329: ISBN: 0904933563 - Second International Expert Systems Conference London 30 September-2 October 1986

367964: ISBN: 9264059121 - Insurance Statistics Yearbook 1991-1998. 2000 Edition

344539: ISBN: 0774801379 - Canadian Yearbook of International Law: v. 18

344538: ISBN: 0774801271 - Canadian Yearbook of International Law: v. 17

368896: ISBN: 0309051932 - Computer-Aided Materials Selection During Structural Design

362907: ISBN: 0677062400 - Current Topics in Chinese Science, Section C: Mathematics, Volume 2

368501: ISBN: 0901223654 - Telecommunication networks (IEE telecommunications series ; 1)

367364: ISBN: 9999969208 - Asphalt Paving Technology 1998: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists from the Proceedings of Technical Sessions, Boston (Vol 67)

360681: ISBN: 078389838X - G. K. Hall Women's Studies Index 2002

367363: ISBN: 9999969186 - Asphalt Paving Technology 1997: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists from the Proceedings of Technical Sessions, Salt Lake City (Vol 66)

809025: ISBN: 3923593392 - Lope de Vega y el teatro espanol del Siglo de Oro (Spanish Edition)

812915: ISBN: 0843407298 - Personal ethics, Volume 2 (The Catholic tradition)

740064: ISBN: 1279418877 - The One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the First Congregational Parish, in Arlington, Massachusetts. An Account of the Commemorative Services, the Historical Sermon, and Address of the Pastor

690715: ISBN: 0851869122 - Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Volume 86, 1989, Section C: Physical Chemistry

690719: ISBN: 0851868827 - Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Volume 83, 1986: Section C - Physical Chemistry

690714: ISBN: 085186922X - Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Volume 87, 1990, Section C: Physical Chemistry

681806: ISBN: 9241571977 - Demeton-s-methyl (Environmental Health Criteria)

726206: ISBN: 9155406270 - Studium Upsalense: Specimens of the oldest lecture notes taken in the mediaeval University of Uppsala (Skrifter rorande Uppsala universitet : C, Organisation och historia ; 36) (Latin Edition)

725275: ISBN: 1550221515 - Ecw's Biographical Guide to Canadian Novelists

715669: ISBN: 090711119X - The Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume LXIII (58) 1989

762294: ISBN: 3805527888 - Joint WHO/IABS Symposium on the Standardization of Rabies Vaccines for Human Use Produced in Tissue Culture (Rabies III): Proceedings of the 52nd symposium (Developments in biological standardization)

759258: ISBN: - Punch, or The London Charivari, etc. vols. 139/141 (1910-1911)

765071: ISBN: 0030586283 - Health of the state (Praeger special studies in social welfare)

756636: ISBN: 3527257861 - New Synthetic Methods, Vol. 5: Vinyl Acides, 1, 3-dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions, Aliphatic Diazonium Ions, 2-oxazolines, Electro-Deprotection...

713294: ISBN: 9201157045 - Determination of Human Pathogen Profiles in Food by Quality Assured Microbial Assays: Iaea-tecdoc

714258: ISBN: 9211334411 - The Law of the Sea: Annual Review of Ocean Affairs

714541: ISBN: 0903450607 - Tribal and Ethnic Art (Modern art bibliographical series)

709611: ISBN: 0818607254 - 1986 IEEE Workshop on Languages for Automation: Languages for Computer System Design and Information System Design

709487: ISBN: 1559370556 - IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks : Media Access Control Bridges/STD 802. ID-1990: MAC (Mac Bridges/Std 802. Id-1990)

709125: ISBN: - Punch, or The London Charivari. Vol. 212 (January-June 1947)

713474: ISBN: 0160508967 - Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2000 (Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year Ended (Year))

1208466: ISBN: 8489483086 - Vida Cotidiana en la Espana Medieval. Actas del VI Curso de Cultura Medieval...1994

1211081: ISBN: 9685227012 - Las Aduanas de Mexico

1206994: ISBN: 8489483108 - Cristianismo marginado: Rebeldes excluidos, perseguidos. II: Del ano 1000 al ano 1500

1213442: ISBN: 9992161035 - Photographic Masterpieces: From the Dawn of Photography to the Present 1839-2006

1209315: ISBN: 3881890181 - Munchen in alten Ansichtskarten (Deutschland in alten Ansichtskarten) (German Edition)

1188228: ISBN: - Frisco [Time Table]: June 1949. Luxurious Streamlined Diesel Powered Twin Trains To Oklahoma and Texas, etc.

1185421: ISBN: 8495516888 - La epoca de Picasso: Donaciones A Los Museos Americanos

1182721: ISBN: 0935573097 - Alumni Who Collect I: Drawings from the Sixteenth Century to the Present (Alumni Who Collect I)

1186243: ISBN: 0823061094 - Stock Workbook 4

1186310: ISBN: 1882202007 - Gold Book: Photography; A Selective Resource of Talent (Volume 6)

1182158: ISBN: 4061964208 - Ukiyoe: Edo no kaiga IV, kogei II (Nihon bijutsu zenshu) (Japanese Edition)

1181365: ISBN: 2350211215 - Jim Morrison ; de l'autre cote avec les Doors

1138564: ISBN: 0815504292 - Epoxy Resin Handbook, 1972. Blue Book No. 5

1138195: ISBN: 5857593697 - Orthodox shrines of the Moscow Kremlin in the history and culture of Russia (to 200 anniversary of the Moscow Kremlin) / Pravoslavnye svyatyni Moskovskogo Kremlya v istorii i kulture Rossii (K 200-letiyu Moskovskogo Kremlya)

1136214: ISBN: 0955961343 - C International Photo Magazine no. 9

1139556: ISBN: 2852447584 - Visions d'Anne-Catherine Emerich, 3 volumes

1177642: ISBN: 2930076402 - Ik Hou Niet Van Cultuur

1166406: ISBN: 1345651007 - Pan-Anglican Papers: Being Problems for Consideration at the Pan-Anglican Congress, 1908. In two volumes

1168342: ISBN: 3503037837 - E. T. A. Hoffmann-Jahrbuch, Bd.5, 1997

1164626: ISBN: 3775721746 - Mathieu Bernard-Reymond: TV

1176535: ISBN: - Sports Illustrated - With Label November 14 1955 - Ernest Burton (Hunter) (Magazine/Publication) (Has Address Label on Front) Dean's Cards 3 - VG

1176490: ISBN: - Sports Illustrated - With Label May 14 1956 - Kaline & Kuenn (Detroit Tigers) Detroit Tigers (Magazine/Publication) (Has Address Label on Front) Dean's Cards 5 - EX Tigers

1174346: ISBN: 9570157658 - Painting and Architecture in Chen Chi-kwan

1206186: ISBN: 0999316753 - Claire Sherman: New Pangaea

1206178: ISBN: 0997976950 - Carol K. Brown: Down the Rabbit Hole March 6 - April 6, 2019

1201861: ISBN: 0852963882 - Artificial Neural Networks (I E E CONFERENCE PUBLICATION)

1203621: ISBN: 8742100429 - The colour and luminescence of tugtupite (beryllosodalite) from Ilimaussaq, South Greenland Contribution to the Mineralogy of Ilimaussaq, No. 20, With 2 Figures and 3 Tables in the Text (Meddelelser om Gronland Bd. 181 Nr. 14)


1157626: ISBN: 9685829985 - Homenaje a Alberto Ruz Lhuillier (1906-1979)

1163602: ISBN: 2290301043 - LE METRO A CENT ANS. Agenda 2000

1195034: ISBN: 1932706178 - World Ceramics: Transforming Women's Traditions

1197783: ISBN: - Sports Illustrated Magazine, November 5, 1979

1197967: ISBN: 6188259142 - Jeff Wall. The George Economou Collection. June 18, 2019 - April 2020

668248: ISBN: 0900955309 - Raymond Mason

676713: ISBN: 8885074405 - Ville e giardini fra Ottocento e Novecento: Studi e proposte (Italian Edition)

625538: ISBN: 1595420274 - Grants for Environmental Protection and Animal Welfare, 2004-2005: Covers Grants to the U.S. and Abroad, Including Environmental in Protectionand Legal ... Environmental Protection & Animal Welfare)

625137: ISBN: - Enciclopedia Italiana de Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Pubblicata sotto l'Alto Patronato di S. M. Il Re d'Italia. 39 vols.

628984: ISBN: 1425585701 - Statistics of the State of Michigan, compiled from the census of 1860, taken by authority of the United States

631904: ISBN: 0405044372 - The Spread of Machinery. Five pamphlets, 1793-1806.

577306: ISBN: 0727700588 - Transport of Hazardous Materials: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in London on 15 April [I.E. December] 1977

579477: ISBN: 9241542888 - Polychlorinated Dibenzo-Para-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans (Environmental Health Criteria 88)

584253: ISBN: 0895201623 - Mixed Gas Blowing (Proceedings of the 4th Process Technology Conference, Vol 4)

581375: ISBN: 0877622345 - Urethanes in elastomers and coatings: Volume 2( Major Papers from the Journal od Elastomers and Plastics)

579431: ISBN: 9211614465 - National Accounts Statistics: Analysis of Main Aggregates, 1998-1999

579430: ISBN: 9211614651 - National Account Statistics Analysis of Main Aggregates 2001

579104: ISBN: 9283211391 - Host factors in human carcinogenesis: Proceedings of a Symposium organized by the IARC and co-sponsored by the Greek Ministry of Social Services ... [et ... June 1981 (IARC scientific publications)

577285: ISBN: 9991043209 - Hazardous Waste Incineration: A Resource Document

614997: ISBN: 0471277924 - Laser Advances and Applications. Proceedings of the Fourth National Quantum Electronics Conference

605746: ISBN: 2825407569 - Churches and the transnational corporations: An ecumenical programme (Oikoumene)

601847: ISBN: 0818621400 - 13th International Conference on Software Engineering

601312: ISBN: 0160480191 - U.S.-Russian Cooperation in Space

614998: ISBN: 0801805066 - Latin America: Problems and Perspectives of Economic Development, 1963-1964

618797: ISBN: 8809603788 - Una scena emergente: Artisti italiani contemporanei : Stefano Arienti, Antonio Catelani, Marco Cingolani (Cataloghi 9/ Museo d'arte contemporanea Prato)

604363: ISBN: 0904357228 - Rapidly quenched metals III: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Metals, organised jointly by the Materials Science Group ... July, 1978 (Book - Metals Society ; no. 198)

665573: ISBN: 1874817065 - Friends' choice, 1975-1991: An exhibition of works collected by the Friends of the SA National Gallery, 9 April 1992-2 May 1992 = Vriende se keuse, 1975-1991 ... Kunsmuseum, 9 April 1992-2 Mei 1992

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